Lost Legacy- Naruto Fanfic

By Brtully18

31.9K 762 117

Previously known as "Secrets In The Leaf-Naruto Fanfic" Have been lied to her whole life Kaiya tries to find... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Character Profile
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not A Update
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Choose-Not an update
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Character Profile
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Character Profile
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60- Final Chapter
Update- Please Read
Sequel Is Out!

Chapter 33

321 8 2
By Brtully18

The two six-year-old left the Uchiha compound and walked into Konoha center town. "Hmph!" Sasuke grunted as he laid back his weight on purpose so the girl could have more trouble pulling him. "I don't why we we're here, we could've been practicing."

"I wanted something sweet to eat, so you had to come along," Kaiya responded not paying attention to his attitude since she was used to it.

I don't even like sweets!" Sasuke complained. "But you like tomatoes, so we'll get some on our way back," Kaiya spoke.

"Hn," Sasuke had a satisfied look on his face as he quickly shut up.

"Stop!" She said suddenly. "Someone is following us." She lets go of Sasuke's hand leaving him there look confused and walked to the alley. "Listen you perv-" she stopped herself once her eyes made contact of the person who was following them. "Hokage?!"

"Ah, Kaiya you look lively as always," The Hokage greeted. "And it's nice to see you too," He smile when Sasuke walked up to both of them.

"Hokage-sama," Sasuke bowed.

"Didn't I tell you last time to not follow kids around like that," Kiaya shook her head in disappointment. The Hokage couldn't help but chuckle as he watched a six-year-old scold him.

"They're going to think you're a... a pedophile," Kaiya whispered the last part. "Kaiya! You can't call the Hokage a pedophile," Sasuke said shocked, he blames this on Shisui for teaching her that word last week.

"I didn't call him a pedophile," Kaiya defended herself. "I said people might mistaken him as a pedophile if he keeps doing that." Kaiya crosses her arms.

"That's still rude!" Sasuke argued. "No, it's not, I was just helping!" Kaiya replied.

"Calm down children," the Hokage sweat dropped watching the two children argue. "I heard you guys were going to buy some snacks. Why don't I tag along?" The Hokage spoke.

"Okay!" Kaiya responds as her tone doing a completely 360. Sasuke nods his heads before saying, "Since you decided to come, I guess you're paying."

"What?!" The Hokage voiced out and heard the two children snickering next to him.

I almost smiled at the memory until I saw the picture of the Third Hokage in front of me. Today was the Hokage's funeral, we were all dressed in the traditional black clothing as we stood on top of the Hokage's tower. It was not only the Hokage's funeral, but also the ninjas who died in the invasion.

I stood between Naruto and Shino in one of the front rows looking at all the pictures. The tears were threatening to fall, but I kept blinking them away. However, I couldn't anymore, and one by one tears ran down my face and at the same time it started raining.

"Guess, you're in a better place now," I murmured as I wiped my tears. "We will now begin the memorial service," Homura-san announced. "For the Sandaime Hokage, who lost his life in the battle of-."

I lost focus of the service when another memory came into mind, a not so good one.

Kaiya cried on the hospital bed as she kept reminiscing on what happened two days ago. Her body shook as images kept flashing in her mind. 'Why, why did this happen' She bit her lip and gripped on the white sheets.

She snapped her head to the door once she heard it opening. "Hokage-sama," She muttered as she looked at him with teary eyes. "T-there all dead." She cried.

The Third Hokage looked at the girl with pity and sighed. "I know... it's going to be okay." He wasn't sure how to comfort her, but how can you comfort a child that the family she loved so much saw their bodies dead on the floor?

"How they're all dead?" Kaiya cried even harder. She still couldn't believe what happened. It was just a normal day when she left in the morning with Sasuke to go train, but she came back to the worst nightmare she didn't know that could even come true. Oh Kami, Sasuke! I feel so bad, they were his family actually family.

They might've not been her actual family, but they were her everything. They were the first people who treated like she was worth something.

"Ho-how come no one came?" She stopped crying for a second and looked at the Hokage in the eyes. "What?" He was taken by the question, not even Sasuke had asked when he went to check on Sasuke.

"I'm sure they were screaming and noise, how come to one came to help?" She asked again. "Aren't there people who go around the village to make sure it's safe? Where were they?"

"Kaiya that's there..." For the first time Hiruzen didn't know what to say. "How can you be Hokage if you can't do your job." He was taken back the look in her eyes.

"I thought a Hokage was to protect its people, but you let a whole clan get killed." She sneered and looked away.

"You should know that there's things out of my control." He responded and now he said that he didn't think that was the best response.

"O-out of your control?" Her body started to tremble. "So, you knew this was going to happen? Their lives didn't matter enough so you just let it be!" She yelled.

"I didn't mean it like that," He tried to touch to her, but she pushed his hands out the way. "You're the worst Hokage ever!"

I should've never blamed him for the Uchiha clan massacre. I did so much and never apologize for it. I quickly moved out of my spot when I noticed I was the only one of the genins still standing there, everyone was in the line with their white flower in their hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I know it's too late now, but I'm so sorry," I whispered as I laid the flower down. I made my way back to my original spot and looked at Naruto when I heard him call Iruka-sensei name.

"Why do people risk their own lives?" Naruto questioned.

"When a person dies their past, their present life, and their future disappear along with them." He responded. "Many people die doing their duty and fighting in battle... and shock easily. Hayate was one of them. Those who pass away also dreams and ambitions, but everyone has something else, just as important."

"Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, Those who dear to them.... They trust each other and help each other and help each other, the people whom they've cherished since the day were born. And that string which connects those people, becomes stronger and thicker as times goes by; it can't be explained by logic. Those who hold these strings just do it, because it's important to them."

"Yeah, I kind of understand that," Naruto said.

"The Sandiame didn't die for nothing," I quickly turned around when I heard the voice who said that. When did Kakashi come here?

"He left something important in all of us, you'll understand when you're older."

"I think we can understand that now," I replied as I looked up and noticed the rain stopped. "There will be better days after this," I muttered.


All of my teammates where gathered my a training ground because Kakashi wanted to check up on us. I wasn't mad at him anymore, the third Hokage's death taught me not to hold petty grudges. And after all it could've been order not to say anything.

"Glad to know everyone is doing good," Kakashi did his usual eye smile. "But Kaiya why are you still wearing your funeral clothes?"

I blushed in embarrassment when everyone turned their head at me and looked at my clothes. "The clothes I was wearing during the chunin exam got ripped and the shop where I usually get my clothes was closed today." I answered.

"Why didn't you just go back to your house and get different clothes?" Naruto asked confused.

"Well, you see..." I dragged on. "The apartment where I was staying got destroyed by one of those big snakes."

"Ohh," Naruto nodded his head before he actually comprehends what I just said. "What? Where did you sleep last night then!"

"The hospital," I replied. "But after this I'm going to stay in a motel or something similar until I can find another apartment."

"I can't let my student live like that," Kakashi looked up, it was what he did when he was thinking. "Why not?" I didn't find it much of a big deal.

"O, you can stay with me!" Sakura cheered but she gloomed right after. "'Oh never mind, my mom's cousin is also staying with us right now, the house is already overcrowded."

"It's okay, thank you for offering." I smiled at her.

"Why don't you stay with me then," Naruto spoke up. "I've slept at your house before, it's only fair. We can sleep together in my bed!" He grinned. "Mhmm... it might be too small for the both of us, but we can make it work. We'll just need to find a position." He nodded his head at his idea.

"What?!" Sakura shrieked, she almost looked like she was about to pass out. I looked at Sasuke who was glaring at Naruto and Kakashi had a horrified look on his face. What was he even thinking.

"No!" Sakura screamed. "Absolutely not! I will not let Kaiya sleep over at your house for who knows how long. Who knows what you might do to her!" She looked between us and did an X with her arms. "Kakashi-sensei can't she stay with you?"

"Hey! What you tryna say?" Naruto shouted. There go them arguing again. "It's not like it would be the first time sleeping with her!"

I look to see Kakashi fall back and drop on the floor with his eyes white, no pupil could be seen. How is that even possible? Sakura's head look liked it was ready to explode from anger and Sasuke had the same glare, but it was more intense.

I stared at everyone wondering why where they are acting like that until I replayed Naruto's words in my head again. 'We can sleep together in my bed', 'We'll just need to find a position', 'It's not like it would be the first time sleeping with her,' 'We'll just need to find a position.' Oh, my Kami!

Is that what they were thinking of? Naruto didn't mean it like that. "I don't like visitors or guest at my house," Kakashi got up from the ground and patted the dirt off himself. "But I'll make an exception for you, you can stay-"

"She can stay with me." I turned my head and looked at Sasuke like he had grown two heads. "What?" I said to make sure I heard right.

"I said you can stay with me," He stared at the tree beside me. "You're not sick, are you okay?" I questioned.

"I mean it isn't a bad idea," Sakura spoke. "But it's still weird, he's a boy and you're a girl."

"How come you okay with Sasuke but not me?" Naruto questioned with a loud voice. "Because you're Naruto!"

"I bet your house dirty right now," Sasuke looked at Naruto.

"That's not tru-" Naruto stopped himself like he remembered something. "It's not that dirty I just left a few things on the floor!"

"Tch, dobe."




"Shut up both of you!" I shouted annoyed. They're so childish sometimes.

We all looked at Kakashi who cleared his throat. "I don't want you staying in a motel by yourself right now. So I guess I somewhat approve of you staying at Sasuke's house for now." Why does he sound like my dad' I sweat dropped. Well I wouldn't know what my dad sounds like since I never met him.

"That is so unfair!" Naruto complained.

Kakashi ignored him and continued, "But remember I'll be watching you all the time, even when you're sleeping." His glowed at Sasuke and I, but mostly Sasuke. "I want you at least 7 feet away from her in your house, I don't want to you both in the same room at once unless you eating and set a schedule for when each of you have to use the bath because I don't want accidents happening."

I rolled my eyes as I listened to those ridiculous rules he was saying and it's not like he'll be watching us 24/7. Besides I'm only 12 and mostly importantly I don't like him yeah sure he's cute. Wait he's not even cute.

"Kaiya why is your face red?" Sakura came up to my face. "W-what?" As I backed away since her face was so close to mine. "My face is not red."

"Yes, it is. I can clearly see it red," she replied. "Maybe you are color blind," I responded and turned around only to see Kakashi inspecting me. Now what?

"Mhmm like I said before I'm watching whether it's 4 a.m or 8 p.m. If anything, I mean Anything you'll be staying with me." Kakashi did the same glare before he quickly smiled. "That's it then, we all will meet up soon."

"I still find this unfair," Naruto mumbled. "How about we go out for ramen later?" I asked Naruto trying to cheer him up.

"Okay!" He smiled; you can always cheer him up with some ramen.

"Tch, let's go," Sasuke sounded annoyed, grumpy pants or should I say onesie. "See you guys later," I waved as I began to walk with Sasuke to his house.

"That's too close, seven feet apart!" Kakashi shouted. "Whatever!" I responded and rolled my eyes. It's funny how everyone just agreed with this when didn't even ask me. I guess it's better since I don't have to pay, maybe my friendship with Sasuke can get better.

We both walked in silence until we both got to his house. May Kami be with us during these times, I silently prayed as I took off my shoes and stepped inside. Wish me luck.

Chapter 33 completed it should've been finished like two weeks ago, but it was the end of the semester and school was killing. I got a C in one of my dual enrollment classes so I practically failed. But I should be releasing once a week again, at least I hope so. 

I wanted this to end funny since it started off sad, what did you guys think? I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and comment! -Brtully

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