CODE 10 (Very Slow Updates)

Autorstwa tinsope

2.7K 91 325

INSPIRED BY PROJECT FOUR. The world had always been in a state of war and destruction, well, there was a time... Więcej



243 15 4
Autorstwa tinsope

After the fight, Loser and Donut were both taken to Ten, the "main" teacher who was in charge. They never really saw Ten around, as he was off doing work rather than interacting with the students, so to be called to their office wasn't exactly a very good thing. Eight was the one who escorted the two out, while the other teachers were left to fix the mess in the cafeteria. Well, try to at least. Gelatin had to be directed to the medical room to get his leg sorted, which Donut felt continuous guilt about.

The two were waiting inside Tens office, not talking to each other as tension filled the air. Loser was frowning, leaning on his arm with a permanent annoyed look plastered on his face, his eyes looking anywhere and everywhere but Donuts direction. This was all Donuts fault, if only he had stayed to himself and minded his own business. Plus, Donut was the one who started the whole thing by pushing Loser anyway. He was frustrated that he let Donut get to him, wishing he had known better.

Donut was looking at the floor in stress, but it wasn't because of the damage he had done to the cafeteria. It was because of what he had done to Gelatin. He had his elbow propped up on the chairs arm, his leg bouncing up and down silently against the floorboards while his his fingers were curled and his knuckles were pressed his mouth. He dared not look Losers way either, the other not being his current priorities now, regardless.

Loser sneered, muttering something.

Donut always did this. Even when they were back in highschool. Donut would always be the start of fights, until he finally left that damned place. That was around half a year ago, Loser thought he'd never have to see his face again. He muttered something to himself.. this was not how he wanted to make a new impression amongst the other students. Trust Donut to come and ruin what was supposed to be a brand new start. His thoughts were cut off as he heard someone come in, sitting up straight.

"We can always ask about funding. There's no reason why they wouldn't lend us some money to fix the damages." The two heard Ten suggest from behind, the door clicking shut gently afterwards. Another teacher sneered, it being clear it was Four.

"Funding? They fund us for EDUCATION. Not because we can't keep the subjects under control. The repairs are going to be INCREDIBLY costly, where the hell do you think we will get that money from, Ten?" Four snarled lowly, his teeth sounding gritted. Loser felt tense hearing the two behind them, unable to say or do much in response to their argument. He figured it wasn't the best time. He didn't turn his head, keeping his straight posture to avoid seeming nervous.

"What the fuck we you two thinking?" Four then spat, it clear who he was talking to now as they made their way around the desk, slamming his hands onto it threateningly and causing the pen pot to rattle. Donuts eyes were drawn to the glass of water that trembled from Fours harshness, letting Loser speak as he could already hear him taking a breath of air to begin his statement.

"I was-" "I don't give a FUCK what your reasons are. You are almost adults, and you should know better than to pull shit like this. You are NOT in fucking highschool anymore and we told you in the contract that if you did anything like this, we would KICK you out. Or did you forget about that part??" They seethed, a low growling tone present in the teachers voice. It intimated them both. Though, both of them were surprisingly good at not letting their intimidation show.

Loser winced, his hands calmly placed at his lap but his fingers digging into his legs. Donut noticed.

"It's not going to happen again." Donut mindlessly muttered while avoiding eyeccontact, knowing there was no point in reasoning or explaining. Best just to take the blame for these kinds of situations. That's how he thought, anyway.

"You two should be lucky that you're one of the main reasons that we get funded." Four spat hard, digging his finger into the desk harshly, his fingernail denting the wood. "Mostly you, Donut. You know that your strong powers are what HALF of the subjects depend on in this place for it to keep going."

Donut perked up as he was spoken to, peaking up and moving his hair caught in his glasses. He knew that very well. "I don't like to flaunt my powers."

"Do I look like I fucking care? As long as you don't risk our company, then do what you fucking like. But you've broken that rule, BOTH of you.." Four seemed to trail off as Ten made his way over, the teacher calmer and presenting himself with a weak smile.

Loser was admittedly relieved that Ten seemed to be the calmer of the two, from what he had heard. He gave a glance Donuts way, wondering if he knew how Ten would usually act. But Donut didn't, keeping his frown and not looking Losers way depite feeling his eyes on him. Ten was hardly ever around.. he knew that seeing him now wasn't a good thing. Donut wondered if he really would be let go from this place.. no. Four said they had too much on an impact. Luckily..

Ten simply walked around Four, calmly sitting himself down with a placid look on his face, seeming rather content. Loser felt less pressure now that he was here, hoping he'd be more light on the two. Loser liked to be perfect.. so having his reputation already stained was something he found less than admirable. Maybe Ten would see his side of the story.

Ten sat on the seat, his hands rested on his lap. He gave a calm look to both of them, who were waiting for what he was going to say, anticipating it.

"Well.. I can't ignore the facts.. can I? You two have put other students in danger with your wrecklessness. I'm not sure why you were fighting.. I expected better. Luckily.. I'm sure with a simple explanation, we will get the funding we need to repair the damages. "

Donut glanced at Four slightly, able to see his glaring face and gritted teeth, tense. He was taking this a lot harsher than Ten.. Donut was kind of surprised Ten seemed to be so calm about it. His gaze drifted back to the other teacher, who had been quiet for a moment to gather his thoughts.

"And Four here is right. We rely on you two heavily, as biased as it sounds. Afterall, you should know how it works around here by now. Those with the strongest powers are prioritised. While that isn't the case for us.. its the case for the higher ups. And they will only fund us if we have people like you here. You could say that the safety of most of the students and the reassurance that they will remain with us rests on your shoulders."

Donut raised an eyebrow slightly as that comment was made. He felt a tension in his chest.. something didn't feel right. He didn't know if Loser felt it too, but something in Tens smile didn't sit right in his stomach.

"Are you really going to be the reason that these subjects lose the only place they feel safe from the outside?"

Donut didn't respond. He was baffled by Tens tone.. it was calm but threatening at the same time. There was something sinister underlying it in.. underlying in his smile. Donut said nothing, his eyes drawn across to Loser. He could see how harshly he was digging his fingers into his leg.

Loser was the one to speak up. He uttered an awkward and uneasy laugh. "E-Excuse me? I don't quite understand what-"

"Don't be the reason they die." Ten lowly warned, his voice leaving a heavy weight of silence after it. Four said nothing, Donut tried to look at him but he wasn't looking back. He could feel his heart beating in his chest.. was this a threat? He made a face of confusion.. were they being threatened? He knew the teachers could sometimes get angry but he had never heard of them threatening any students. This was startling.. he was at a loss for words.

"Just get out of here." Four finished up, pointing towards the door with an unhappy growl. "So we can work on getting the repairs sorted." He sounded less angered than he was before.. Donut felt tense over this atmosphere shift... over this role shift. Suddenly, Four didn't seem like the biggest threat in the room anymore.

Though, his attention was snatched away by Loser, who stood up and caused the chair to screech against the floor. He seemed in a rush to get out of there, Donut deciding he definitely didn't want to stay with the two so left swiftly also. He closed the door as he tagged behind the other, trying to keep up with him. He tried to put his hand on him.

"Loser, did you hear that back there? Ten-"

"Stay AWAY from me." Loser seethed and turned, smacking his hand away. He seemed uneasy, it present in his wavering tone. "I don't want ANYTHING to do with you. You're exactly the same as you were before.. trouble just follows you everywhere, doesn't it?!" He spat at him, letting that sink in. He didn't let the other respond, turning and storming off.

Donut stood there alone, left to process what had happened on his own. He didn't even know if he could tell anyone this.. grimacing at the thought of Gelatin. No.. he wouldn't want to hear it right now. He weakly frowned, walking off once he had given Loser enough time to do so.


"There.. did that help?" Eraser took a few steps back and held his hands out, waiting for a visual reaction from Gelatin to signal that his powers had worked on him. Gelatin grimaced and attempted to move his leg around, relaxing as he didn't feel any pain like he did before. He went to try and stand, exhaling a heavy breath of relief.

"I thought it was broken! Thanks, dude. Those powers are really useful, huh?" He grinned gratefully, looking down at his previously injured leg in admiration. His gaze softened though, his gaze drifting across to the side. Donut had made the light fall and hurt him. He wished Donut had just listened to him, knowing he was now going to be in deep trouble.

"It looked broken!" Coiny commented, a hand on his waist while he leaned against the wall. "I'm surprised it's not worse. You're okay, right?.." His words trailed off as he picked up on Gelatins distant expression, who perked up as he was asked.

"I'm fineee.." He laughed and rolled his wrist, trying to convince them. He did feel hurt, but.. didn't want to verbally express that, knowing that everyone already were angered by Donuts actions and blamed him more than they blamed Loser. Loser hadn't got anyone hurt except Donut.. and Gelatin knew that was going to look really bad on Donuts behalf.

"You sure, man? I'd be terrified if MY fucking friend almost crushed me because of their recklessness." Firey added on, sliding his hand around Gelatins shoulder and leaning on the other in a friendly way. Coiny sneered. "What friends?"

Pin, Firey, Coiny, Eraser and Blocky had taken Gelatin together. He had been taken to the medical room but Eraser could much easier and much quicker fix him with his powers. The group were just checking up on him, wanting to be there for a shared friend.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Pin wondered aloud, leaning on the wall next to Coiny and looking across, folding her arms with a disappointed look as she attempted to come up with her own idea. Gelatin wasn't sure.. he really hoped this wouldn't have really bad repercussions. Blocky spoke for him, though.

"Oh, they'll definitely get punished. There's no way Four would allow that." Blocky sneered, crossing his arms. Pin glared his way, irritation in her expression. "Why do you seem so happy about that?"

"I'm not! That's just how it is. The dudes wrecked the place, man. And it could've been much worse...especially if we didn't have my bro Eraser here to save the day." He grinned widely, giving Erasers back a rough pat before leaning on him. Eraser smirked back at his friend.

Gelatin felt mildly uncomforted by the conversation. He didn't want them to dislike Donut .. even though he knew it had been him to provoke the fight. He looked down at his leg, the one that was originally damaged and moved it a bit. Donut had done that to him. He knew it wasn't on purpose.. but it wasn't an accident, either. It wasn't like he accidentally got in a fight with Loser.

It could've been anyone who got hurt.. and maybe they wouldn't have been so lucky. Blocky was right WAS a good thing they had Eraser.

He had to hold Donut accountable.. more accountable than Loser, even if it was hard to admit your friend was in the wrong. "Thanks for all your help, guys. I might get going though.. you can probably guess I've gotta have a convo with Donut." He awkwardly said, forcing a smile and rubbing the back of his head. He flinched as Firey hit his back though.

"No problemo, dude! Get rested up nice and easy." He stuck his tongue out playfully. Coiny just sneered, rolling his eyes. "Break his back too while you at it."

"Hey! I fucking heard that, dumb stupid Coiny!!! No wonder your mom left you." He spat lowly, grumbling and clearly getting irritated by his continuous comments. Coiny glared his way. "Oh, we're playing that game?"

"Take it easy, Gelatin. I'm sure someone will come check up on ya if we don't. Better get out of here before you get wrapped up in one of their arguments." Blocky advised with a sneer, Pin too occupied with trying to sort out Firey and Coiny to say goodbye.

Gelatin made himself laugh. "I get it. I think I need some rest anyway. Kinda wipes it out of you, doesn't it?" He murmured. Eraser shoved his hands in his pockets, sneering.

"Yeah, sorry man. My powers absorb a lot of energy.. especially for bigger injuries like that. Wouldn't have been an issue if it was just a cut or something.' He muttered. "Anyway, I'm kinda sick of these two arguing. Lemme escort you back." He offered.

Blocky blinked in realisation. "Hey! You're leaving me here?? Wow dude.. I'm heartbroken." He dramatically complained, resting the back of his hnx on his head, swooning. Eraser just laughed, following Gelatin out.

"Just leave, then!'

"And do what!?" Blocky shouted back after, but Eraser had already left. He grumbled to himself, his gaze drawing towards the action in the room, which was just Coiny and Firey arguing about petty things.

"My parents were great! Better than your deadbeat ones. They were so awesome, no wonder you turned out the way you did." Firey teased the other, a permanent smirk on his face as he taunted Coiny. Coiny was glaring.

"Firey, it's not a fucking competition! Maybe you think that because it's the only thing you think you could ever win, apart from who the ugliest in this school is." Coiny shot lowly, his arms crossed as he was irritated from Fireys blows. Even if it wasn't that bothersome as Firey was making it sound worse than it was.. it still annoyed him to have Firey speak badly about people he cared about.

"Gh- UGLY?! You're the ugly one, Coiny!!!" The other barled, uncrossing his arms now and jabbing his finger into the smaller males chest aggressively. "An ugly lil' BITCH who can't keep his words to HIMSELF!"

"Actually, ugliness is more of a personality trait." Pin muttered, unimpressed by the two going at each other again, Firey glancing her way with a glare. "You can see the bad parts in someone physically when they're mean and cruel. But if someone was the nicest person ever, those traits wouldn't appear ugly to someone. It genuinely is the inside what counts. It's how you present yourself." She spoke, squinting.

"And right now, you're presenting yourself in an ugly way, Firey." She smirked a bit afterwards. Firey growled.

"Oh, shut up, Pin! Who the fuck even are you?! Coinys god damn shadow, that's WHAT! Just leave me the fuck alone!" Firey yelled at the both of them, before shoving them out of the way and storming off, stamping his way out of the door. He slammed it shut behind him, causing the room to rattle.

"I don't get it. He started the whole thing in the first place." Coiny murmured, sighing and going to pinch the bridge between his nose. Pin grumbled. "Tell me about it.. wanna come to my room? I think it's nearly evening time, anyway."

Coiny sighed, looking up. "Sure.. we can do that."


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