Malicious Romance

By Ekphrastic

39.6K 993 261

Sometimes, not every love story can be as idyllic as it should be. Dean Winchester, bred and raised in the ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109 END

Chapter 106

100 3 3
By Ekphrastic

Dean stood still next to Giselle as he stared at the picture of Richard Chu on a piece of stone deeply. Regardless of the hatred he held against the old man, the satisfaction that he once thought would surface inside him was never risen. It did not bring him any bright emotion even though the debt of life was paid. He couldn't find joy even though he stood in front of Richard's grave. He wondered if it was because of the woman standing next to him who had changed him. She was his true joy and happiness. Dean tightened his grip on her shoulder when he felt her body shake uncontrollably while crying out loud as if the world was ending.

He did not utter a word as he remained in his stance, listening to Giselle talking to the gravestone. Dean stole a glance at her teary eyes now and then, not knowing what to say to console her. Losing family members for her was a big deal compared to him. And it was something that he did not expect her to move on for a while. Dean glanced at Richard's picture, then silently talked to the dead man's soul inside his head.

I've kept your daughter safe as you have asked. Now, it's time for you to let her go. I asked for her hand, but she refused. It's all about you now. And, I hope you would help direct her back into my arms.

For some reason, the whimpering sound of Giselle brought back the memory of his father's funeral. Unlike the woman next to him, who was never given a chance to see the face of her family members for the last few seconds, Dean was given all the time in the world to watch his father lay in the coffin. Instead, he chose to not stay long that day. He did not feel sadness either longing. He remembered that day so clearly of how he only resented his father. He never even bothered to visit his father's grave ever since. Dean wondered if it was still necessary to do so. His eyes shifted to stare at a grave with a large gravestone far away from everyone else in the green field.

He must've thought I came here to see him.

He thought to himself before sighing out loud in distress.

Giselle's coughing sound suddenly drew his attention back to her. Dean slid his hands off of her body when she began to bend down to place flowers onto her dad's gravestone and then walked to the next two graves to place them down for her mother and sister. He watched as she hesitated to stand back up.

People had so many lingering emotions for the deceased ones. But when they were breathing, nobody seemed to be loving and giving them enough attention. It was similar to that of Bowen Winchester, and all of the victims that Dean had once taken their life. Only after they disappeared, that was when people around them started to think and feel longed for.

Even though his father was gone, the inherited criminal blood that ran inside Dean's veins, ran coldly that it made him believe that his action was right. It was not irrational. He killed the strong who had gone wild to protect the weak. It was not just for Giselle but his men and everyone else who worked under the Cobra corporation.

After several minutes of watching her sitting on the grass in silence, Dean decided to bend down and wrapped his arm around her shoulder while holding her hand with another. "Are you able to stand up?" He asked softly. "I can carry you if you're too exhausted." The image of her wet cheek triggered Dean's fingers to wipe them off. But, Dean did not want to console her at the wrong moment. He knew that if only he showed her any sign of empathy, it would immediately bring more tears to her eyes. And that was the last thing he ever wanted if it was meant to drain out even more of her energy until she passed out.

She did not respond verbally as she added weight to Dean's arm and pushed herself up to her feet.

Dean straightened his back carefully as he held Giselle closely to make sure she was balancing on her own. "Let's go back for today. We can come back tomorrow. It's hot out. I don't want you to get sick again." He said with a concerned look.

She nodded and then wiped her tears with one hand.

Dean walked her back to the black van as his two men stood in a guarding manner on both sides of the door. He helped Giselle step in and settled down onto her seat before he pressed the button for the door to slide close.

Just when he was about to circle the van to the other side, the sight of a familiar-looking woman standing in front of Ivan's gravestone caught his attention. Dean paused in his step as he glared at the young woman.

"Who's that at Ivan's grave? This place is for our people only." He furrowed his brows while studying his target.

"Oh, that girl... I think she was Ivan's girlfriend. Ever since he died, she came here a lot of times. Some of the guys thought she was a ghost here until we interrogated her one day. She never really spoke much. We're not sure if she has lost her mind or something. Her belly is bigger now compared to the last time I've seen her. I'm assuming the kid in there belongs to Ivan."

Dean took a deep breath and then exhaled loudly in mixed feelings. Without saying anything, he started to make his way toward the young woman. When he grew closer, he noticed her head turning to glance at his shadow before up to meet his gaze.

"Mr. Winchester?" She murmured. Her hands moved quickly to cover her belly protectively. Slowly, she started to back up from Dean. "I am sorry I came here without your permission. Your men did warn me..." Her voice trembled slightly as if something about Dean has terrified her. "I... I just miss him."

Dean came to a stop about six feet from her before allowing his eyes to travel downward to her pregnant belly. "I will provide you the child support since Ivan couldn't fulfill his role."

She gulped nervously. "I appreciated your kind offer, sir. But, I think I am good. I don't want my child... to have any debt to the Cobra group. I appreciated it."

"It wouldn't hurt my financial pocket to just give out a helping hand to my people's family. Ivan was my closest man. And, I don't see anything wrong with me helping his family out after he sacrificed his life to fulfill his duty for me and the group."

"Sir, I just think it's unnecessary. He did not know about the kid's existence when he was alive... And, I just want my kid and me to be safe and happy. I hope you forgot about the conversation that we once had. I don't want to be involved with anything related to Ivan's work. I don't want to know either why he passed. Please understand my situation, sir." The girl avoided Dean's gaze as she talked. "My kid is due soon. I don't want to bring any unnecessary consequences to his life."

Dean exhaled loudly before he nodded his head giving in. "Alright, if that is what you are asking for. If you run into any difficulties, you know where to find me. My men always patrolled around this area. So just tell them and they'll pass it on to me." He watched her nodding her head slightly before he decided to turn around and walk off.

Halfway to the van, Dean noticed the shadow running up behind him. He slowed down his steps, wondering what Ivan's girlfriend needed. Suddenly, he realized that the girl dared to try and steal the pistol from his back, which he had tucked in for just temporary protection when he walked Giselle out. With the knowledge of the girl being pregnant, Dean chose to not react violently or pushed her with full force. Instead, he spun around after she took the gun. The sight across his eyes was unexpected. Dean froze in one spot as he said, "Put the gun down. You're pregnant. You're putting both your kid and yourself in danger."

"Seeing you walking and breathing fine is threatening to my kid's life. Who knows what you will do after knowing I am pregnant with Ivan's kid? You're going to kill my kid and me just like how you did to Ivan, aren't you?" She raised her voice while pointing the gun at Dean. Her trembling feet started to back up farther from him as if she was afraid that he would fight for the gun.

The two Cobra's men didn't hesitate as they rushed in the girl's direction. "Don't hurt her. She's pregnant!" Dean yelled. The two men who were prepared to tackle the girl down suddenly had to force themselves to seize her wrists and body instead. Dean noticed the panic alert in the girl's eyes. The next thing he knew was how her index finger pulled the trigger without further thinking, causing the bullet to fly out and grazed his bicep as he spun abruptly on his heels to dodge. The sound of the gun was muted with the suppressor. But that did not prevent Dean from being seen by Giselle. "Fuck!" He cursed when he noticed Giselle was getting out of the van. Fear circulated his nerves. If another shot was to be fired, and if it ever grazed Giselle's skin the slightest bit, Dean swore he would not fucking hesitate to send Ivan's girlfriend and the kid after him. He went through too much to just get Giselle to stand here in front of him, safe and sound. And if anyone dared to try and take her away from him again, that person would be as good as dead to Dean. And he was careless about who the fuck that person may be. He clenched his teeth as he watched her striding and then running towards him.

Using the time he had left before Giselle arrived at his side, Dean turned his head to double-check that everything was under control. One of his men held the pregnant woman roughly while another one forced the gun out of her hand aggressively. She yelped in pain before dropping the gun onto the ground. Dean hurried to make his way to pick up the pistol and then quickly tucked it behind his back again.

As he inched closer to the girl, he lowered his voice while speaking clearly in a serious threatening tone. "I'm letting you off today considering you are the mother of Ivan's kid. As much as I love my damn wife, I will have to fucking ban you from stepping into this fucking boundary again. Leave the country if you have to. Make sure I don't see your face or existence in Las Vegas for the second time. I'm running out of patience with people like you." Dean took a few steps back while holding a sharp piercing glare at the young woman. "One of you will be sending her off." He said while pointing his finger at one of his men. "Don't mention anything to my wife." He warned the three of them. His eyes darkened dangerously as he stared down at the woman.

"Dean, what happened?" Giselle asked loudly in panic.

Dean's attitude suddenly switched like that of another new person. He turned to face her slowly before he flashed her a smile. "I'm fine." He said as she slowed down her pace across from him. He watched when she reached for his arm. Her red eyes inspected the cut on his long sleeve. Blood was soaking the black fabric though it was quite hard to notice the stain.

"You got shot! We need to go to the hospital." She said before turning her gaze to fix on the pregnant woman. "Who's she? Why did she shoot you?" She whispered to him. Her puffy eyes displayed terror. She had never imagined that there would be a day that she would witness an innocent-looking girl dare to shoot a man like Dean Winchester. Giselle wondered quietly to herself what would he do to that woman now that she hurts him. Would he hurt her as how he did to every guy? Fear swelled inside her chest, leaving her speechless for a good minute. Curiosity stirred within her, making her unsettled at the thought of Dean's undiscovered side.

Dean turned his head slightly to follow Giselle's eyes. He shot a deadly glare at the young woman before he wrapped one arm around Giselle's tiny frame protectively and forced her to walk back to the van along his side. Dean noticed her staring up at him with a questioning expression but he displayed a smile again when casting a glance at her. "I am the one getting shot here. Why are you looking at me like that?" He murmured as he tightened his arm around her waist with no intention of letting go.

"The girl... She's pregnant. But why was she mad at you?" Giselle persisted with curiosity. "She shot you... That has to be very serious. What did you do to her?" Her voice came out hoarsely after crying for too long.

Dean gulped as he shifted his gaze to the van. "What do you think it is?"

Giselle fell in silence until they reached the van.

"What are you thinking?" He asked as he helped her get into the van by holding her hand. "Watch your step." He murmured.

Quickly he hopped into the van after her. Then he pressed the button for the door to automatically slide close before he turned to face her again.

"Is she coming after you for child support?" Her voice suddenly lowered with no confidence left.

Dean nodded in a puzzle. "Yeah? But, how did you find out?"

She shifted her gaze to stare at her hands that were resting on her lap. "Every girl would know... I am okay if you are providing child support for the kid... since you know everyone has history and ex..." She wiped her runny nose quickly with the back of her hand as she spoke under her breath lowly.

Dean's voice softened in disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't have any ex or history with anyone."

Giselle chewed her lower lip in hesitant and then added, "But, you were good at it... People don't just get better at something without having a lot of experience with it."

Dean cocked one of his brows in confusion as he sat still in silence for several seconds. "Hold on... Are you trying to imply that I am good at sex because I dated a lot of women? And, what you're thinking now is that the kid in that woman's belly is mine?" When she didn't respond, Dean chuckled abruptly. "I'm sorry... but that was kind of out of the blue and cute, okay? I didn't have to date to sleep with them. I think you should stop reading or watching all of those weird kinds of stuff. Even the last time we were together at Dr. Aldo's house, you asked me weird things about those fairy tale stories. It's impressive how you could come up with this connection and plot."

Giselle looked up and then cast a deadly glare at him. "How is any of these funny? Are you saying I was so easy to be fucked by you?"

"Giselle, you know that was not what I am trying to say."

"Oh, don't change your words, Dean. You just said it yourself."

"You were different. I never spent my time with any woman longer than just one night. You were everything to me throughout the entire time ever since we met."

She didn't respond.

Dean inhaled slowly and then touched her hand. "I've never dated anyone, truthfully. Do you think someone like me is capable of love back then? My father controlled me. He wanted to arrange my partner for me. I couldn't date anyone. I didn't want you to have the status of my girlfriend. Because I was scared that he would do what he did to you. You know how far he was willing to go if he could eliminate one person for his own benefit... As for sex life...," He hesitated for a few seconds, "Every person has their own needs... And I believed that you too have dated someone in the past."

Giselle shook his hand off of hers and then glared at him. "That was you, not me. How could you just assume everyone has that kind of mindset? Are you expecting every woman to be like one of your side chicks or something?"

"Fuck... No. What can I do to make you understand me?"

"You don't have to do anything."

"Giselle... Look, I made a mistake with that kind of assumption. I didn't mean it that way. I thought you have dated in the past just like how you thought of me."

Suddenly she cuts him off while changing the subject, "You're having a kid with another girl... that you'd probably just fucked around or had one nightstand with. And now, you're proceeding to say, I made stuff up with what might be true?"

"Are you jealous right now?" Dean asked, softening his tone.

"No. I don't get jealous." She said seriously.

"Then what would you do if I decided to go back to that girl?"

In a blink of an eye, Giselle's hand raised to smack Dean in the bicep.

"Ouch!" Dean yelped when she accidentally hits his bullet wound.

"Shoot! I didn't mean to do that." She said as she took her hand back to herself. Her eyes moved to stare at the bleeding wound before she murmured guiltily. "Does it hurt? I forgot about it."

"I deserved it." He said with one hand covering his wound.

Giselle looked down at her hand with his blood on the tip of her fingers. "You do deserve it." She agreed lowly. "Stop playing around with my feeling... You know that I am not going to hold you back even if you choose to go back to that woman. You shouldn't have done that to your own kid in the first place. Even if you don't like her or whatever... at least the kid is still yours. I would've done the same to you if I was her and suddenly seeing you show up with another girl... I remembered meeting her at the hospital one time when she visited you too... You should've been better to her... You shouldn't come to me and leave your kid behind like that..." Tears swelled in her eyes as the feeling of isolation engulfed her. She stayed silent for several seconds, trying to wrap her mind around it. "Just because my family has passed... it doesn't mean you have the right to pity me and provide me with everything when I have nothing related to you." She gulped as she tried to gather her leftover courage. "Your family should always come first. Even if the kid was just a one night's incident, you shouldn't have just leave it like that. The kid did nothing wrong."

"You're misunderstanding-" Dean said and grabbed her hand.

But she decided to cut him off by speaking with a more stable tone. "I understand everything very clearly." She nodded slightly. "It's okay you know... if you ever want to make a family with her... I didn't say yes to you anyway, so that should be fine. I feel appreciated enough that you have buried my family here altogether. I am more than happy to just realize that you've forgiven my father... and even helped me."

"Can you stop talking and listen to me for a second? Why are you suddenly making it sound like we are strangers? You know how much I love you. There's no fucking way I will look at other woman besides you. This is not even the case at all." Dean said as he grabbed Giselle's shoulders with both hands and turned her body a bit to face him directly. "Look at me, Giselle." He demanded softly when she was only staring down at her bloody fingers. "That woman was a girlfriend of my right hand man. You've met him before... He died in the hospital during my stay there. I don't remember if I told you about it. That woman came here to see his grave. She came here a lot of time for him. If you don't believe me, you can ask my men. They will all tell you."

"They are your men. Of course, they will have to listen to you."

"How about I drag that girl here and make her speak in front of you?"

"You wouldn't do that."

Dean inhaled deeply before he said, "Oh, I will. If only you were the one to get shot at, you can imagine where you can find her body in the next hour. The kid has nothing to do with me. I don't care about its existence either."

Giselle darted a sharp gaze at him. "You can stop describing things in detail, okay? I already felt wrong. And, don't do any of that. I don't want to see you doing that." Her brows tightened.

"Why should you feel wrong? The person who shot me probably did not even realize that what she did today was stupid. I doubted she would even feel the slightest guilty about any of these. And, you should never feel wrong either. If you want to live with me, Giselle, you are going to have to learn that in my world, there is nothing that we should feel wrong about if it is meant to make us live another day. Didn't you see it already? I was hesitating earlier because I did not want to hurt her. I could have wrestled her down before she could've even had a chance to even tried and reach for my pistol. Now, my hesitation has blessed me with this wound. If only I did not dodge fast enough, you can already guess what happened already. Or do you prefer to see that bullet pieced through me in the chest instead?"

She stayed in silence for a while.

"Sorry, if what I spoke to you was a bit rough. I was just trying to come clean with what I am thinking and why I am doing things this way. You didn't have to understand all of that. I am not like other people that you've known. My mindset is different. The way I am is strange. I realized that myself too but I can't help it. I've tried to change in a good way... but nothing was going the way it should have. If I was to be the good little boy again... I will fucking lose you. And, I can't fucking lose you again. Therefore the only option and choice I have left are to become stronger. If I have power, then nobody will dare to touch you. I don't care if that would put me in grave danger. I was a criminal when you first met me. I have no other choice left but to become a real one if I want to protect you." Dean exhaled loudly before dropping his face into the palm of his hands in frustration. He turned away slightly to face forward before inhaling deeply. "Sorry. My mood is just not well since yesterday. I seriously don't know how to explain myself."

Giselle nodded her head. "No. You're right. I understand."

"You don't have to say things to just make me feel better, Giselle. With me, you don't have to keep on the pretense." He murmured lowly. "Others are scared of me... they found me dangerous. So, please... don't act like others when you're around me."

"I'm not pretending." She said. "And, I'm sorry to make that assumption towards you too." She looked at him when he ran one hand through his hair. She watched as he straightened his back again. "I didn't mean to hit you earlier."

He shrugged and then lifted his bicep to check. "This is nothing."

"You've told me, you got rid of the guy who murdered my father."

He nodded slowly while keeping his eyes forward.

Giselle stared at his sharp jawline who was seen to be clenching slightly with tension. Without further thinking, she raised one hand to place it on his back. Dean suddenly turned his flaming gaze to meet hers as she began to pat his back lightly. His brows were tightened together, displaying a serious expression, to which Giselle seemed unable to figure out what was on his mind.

"Are you scared?" He asked in a deep tone.

She shook her head briefly while motioning her mouth, "No."

Dean swallowed hard, trying to keep himself composed. But before he knew it, he already found himself leaning towards her, kissing her lips like his last meal. He sucked her lower lip while pushing her head gently against the headrest. "Fuck, why are you doing this to me?" He murmured under his breath between the kiss before deepening the kiss with his tongue.

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