Stuck With You

By Alicia_007

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"sir..." I say looking down. "yes? Any problem?" "no, i-i.. I'm quitting." He laughs before looking back at... More

Author's note !!!
Before I became the queen
The handsome devil
We meet again
Salty Coffee
Pay Back
Business Dinner
She can't cook
The flowers
The twins
His wife
His sister
Something nice
Crush me
Rock and Roll
I won't
Do it
Please Stay
Rainy night
You're not my girlfriend
I don't like your friend
She's your sister
Been the lucky one
Scared to be lonely
It's not her
New Job
Gold Digger
You can't hide from me
I'm sorry
Friends again
Joshua's Girlfriend
The Gift
It's Over
What you wanted
Definitely Blind
Messed up
The Wedding Day
Burn for you
Scared to lose you part 1
Scared to lose you part 2
Like I do
Her Home part 1
Her Home part 2

The interview

138 40 49
By Alicia_007

Melissa's pov:

I feel as if there's something important I need to wake up for...

The interview!

I quickly open my eyes widely as I rush to the kitchen.

"why do you act like a mad person?" my mom says.

She always wakes up early and I fail to understand why I can't be like her.

I'm her daughter after all.

"mom! The interview!" I blurt out.

"young lady it's 7:43am! Calm down." my dad says after walking out of his bedroom.

"oh thank goodness!"

"come help me with the chores, I'll make some tea for your father and you'll clean the house." my mom says after getting the sugar from the cupboard.


It only took me about ten minutes to clean the house.

Not because it's very small, okay yes it is small but I'm used to cleaning and cooking.

My dear friend, if you ever get the chance to taste my food...

OMG you can't even remember where you came from.

I'm a great cook, I'm not bragging.


As I pace back and forth in my room, I can't help but wonder what I could put on for the interview.

I at least I need to impress them.

I unpacked my well packed clothes to look for something to put on.

After spending a lot of time, I finally choose a white long sleeved shirt and a black skirt.

I now look like a choir master.

I walk to stare at my reflection in the mirror.

"nice one Isa, you look professional." I try to motivate myself.

I walk to the living room where mom and dad are seated.

"wish me luck!"

"all the best beautiful lady." my dad smiles after seeing me.

"good luck! Be safe, make sure to call immediately after the interview, I'll cook your fav--"

"I better go mom thank you, bye dad!"


I reach the address that was sent to me.

In front of me is a tall, silver building. It must have at least thirty floors.

The words 'AD Corporation Limited' are in bold just above the entrance.

I head to the counter, as a lady wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a navy blue skirt is sitting there.

"hey excuse me, I'm Melissa and I received a call yesterday informing---" she interrupts me.

I'm so awkward!

"the boss is already waiting for you, go the third floor room number 12." she says with no emotions and focuses back on her computer.

I think she's one of those people who hate their jobs.


I knock on the door after finding the advanced office room.

"come in." I hear a voice coming from inside.

I slowly open the door and enter.

A man seated in a king sized, rolling his chair, his backside facing me.

Before I could even introduce myself he starts speaking.

"welcome miss Becker, what capabilities do you have to be my secretary?" he asks, his backside still facing me.

"I think I can handle your work efficiently." I reply nervously.

"you think? You're not even sure if you have any capabilities."

"I'm very much sure sir."

I don't know what's happening to me, a part of me is telling me to not even put any effort.

"you mean you can efficiently handle my every business, every business?" he stood up from his chair as he finally faced me.




I feel my feet starting to melt as I look at the same face I looked at the three days ago.

He is the same arrogant man who hit me with his car.

"I didn't get your answer miss Becker." he smirks as I just look down.

There's nothing you can do Isa, just RUN! before you embarrass yourself.

I slowly turn around, I intend to open the door when I feel a hand grabbing my wrist.

"I know how badly you need this job." he says in a mocking tone.

"I think sometimes you need to let go of your ego, you can start working tomorrow morning."

"you want revenge huh?" I ask, trying not to let go of my ego.


"yes, because you finally met someone to put you in your right place." I throw a fake closed smile at him.

"you're just a little girl and you think you have the guts to offend me." he smirks again still holding my wrist.

"I don't need your job mister, now let go of me." I say removing his hand.

"if you come late, be prepared to suffer the consequences..."

"what if I don't come?"

"there's no room for choices, I'm not requesting you, I am commanding you." he smirks.

"oh really? In your dreams then."

"if you don't come tomorrow miss, I'll make sure you won't get any job at any company." he walks back to his chair and sit down while staring at me.


Lisa's pov:

I get in the car as my driver starts off.

I'm now going home from work.

7:00pm exactly.

It really sucks.

I love my job, that's for sure but the fact that I have to spend most of my precious time in the office...

Isn't a good idea.

I start going through my phone until the car suddenly stops moving...

"hey why did you stop?" I ask Ben my driver who's as confused as I am.

"ma'am, I think the car broke down." Ben answers before walking out of the car.

"what?" I walk out as well.


"ma'am, I'll look for a mechanic. You can wait for me here." Ben said after checking the car.

"are you crazy Ben? You want to leave me here alone?"

"but ma'am---"

"I'm going to fire you if you continue arguing with me okay? I'm the boss here."

"yes, what are you going to do now?"

"I'll give my father a call."

I get my phone from my purse then give dad a call.


I'm now calling for the fifth time but he's not picking up.

He's probably having a meeting now.

Why having a meeting at this time when there's a sweet daughter needing help.

Stupid meetings.

"come on pick up!" I say as I pace back and forth.


Who wouldn't panic? It's very dark here and you expect me to just relax.

"ma'am, I think you can sit in the car while I look for a mechanic."

"okay but don't take long okay?" I point at him.

He leaves. I look around to only see trees in the sides and no one is even passing by.

Now all the trees are probably wondering why I keep staring at them.

They think I'm admiring them.


"need any help?" a voice says from behind.

Don't look back! It must be a murderer or a robber who wants to kill me and steal my car which just broke down.

I continue ignoring him until I hear the voice again.

"miss? Are you okay?" I slowly turn around to see a tall guy walking to my direction.

"isn't obvious?" I say while looking back at my car.

"maybe I can help?" he moves closer as he stands beside me.

"really?" I respond excitedly.

"I mean I can keep you company while you figure something out." he smirks.

Is this stranger really serious? I need to get home and he wants to keep me company instead of helping me.

"I don't need your company." I cross my arms.

"as a gentleman, I can't just leave a lady in the middle of the road alone."

"did I invite you to come here?" I roll my eyes.

"alright then, I'll take my leave." he puts his hands in the pockets then start walking away.

He can't just leave me here!

"wait!" I scream trying to stop him.

He turns around. "yes?"

"y-you can't leave me here alone."

"see? I told you, you need me." he smiles.

"you didn't say that!"

"yes I did, okay now let me now check your car."


"done." he says as he give me a smirk.

I sit in the car and glance back at the stranger who is like...

Waiting for me to say thank you?

Really? I have to put so much effort in that.


I look back at him again then smile.

It's really hard.

I start driving, making my way to hell.

Hey guys!

The arrogant man is now Melissa's boss!

Do you think he'll do everything to get revenge?

And who's this guy Lisa met?

Thank you!


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