Peach Pies & Plum Cakes

By Unknown_Deer_89

8.6K 355 80

When the life and bloodline of one egyptian girl is in peril, her parents with a heavy heart, send their only... More

The Beginning
An Early Morning Start
Monkey Kings Staff?
Escape The Demon Bull Family
Whooped by a MILF
Meeting The Monkey King
Going Home

Monkey Kid

463 23 2
By Unknown_Deer_89

3rd POV:

In the city of Megapolis, the Demon Bull King was wreaking havoc upon the city. Thankfully, most of the city was already evacuated because of the voiceless clan. However, amongst all of the chaos in the city, there were those who were fighting back in order to protect what they loved.

Tang, Mei, Pigsy, Sandy, and Mo were all in Pigsys food truck running over all the bull robots that were in their way. All five were crushed inside the food truck screaming. Sandy even had a tea set to help him distress.

In the short distance, a demon bull clone targeted the food truck and fired their weapons.

"Oh no! Their secret weapon! BARRLES!

The food truck landed on its side and blew up, leaving all five to jump out and land looking badass. Red Son, in a ball of flames landing in front of them, smiling as though his family have already won.

"So you want to be heroes, huh? Let me show you what happens to heroes."

Pigsy was pissed off because these damn demons took away two people that were important to them all. Ready to attack and beat Red Son to a pulp.

"I've had it up to here with these demon punk -"

Mei stopped Pigsy mid sentence, holding her hand to stop him, and looked ready to kill anyone in her way.

"I'll handle this one."

Mei was ready to annihilate Red Son, but just before she could, Mk came flying *cough* crashing from the cloud jet, yelling.



MK proceeds to crush and ram into Red Son mercilessly, but it looked more accidental. After finally landing, Mk pops out from the machine, all bruised. Everyone was shocked but relieved to see Mk was alright.


"MK! Oh my goodness! We saw you blast into the fire. I thought you were all like, "Phew, ahhh," but you're not.
Where'd you get a jet? Way to trash it already."

Mk hugged Mk tightly, rubbing her face on him. I'm glad that her best friend was ok. Except for one thing, it still hurt. Y/n. Pigsy went up to Mk, glad to see he's alright, but with a solemn expression, he looked at Mk.

"Kid. Your's..."

Pigsy was close to tears, but before he said anything else, Mk cut him off.

"Is ok. She's back at the mountain. Though she doesn't  exactly look too good."

"She's alive!?"

Pigsy yelled, shocked but relieved his daughter was alive, though worried of the condition she may be in when she returns. Sandy was also relieved to hear his niece was alright and that he didn't have to deliver any news of her death to her clan.

"Wait! Monkey King, did you find him?"

"Yeah. I did."

"So? Where is he?"

"He said it was up to me. To us."

Mei kinda deflated.

"Well, that's anticlimactic."

A massive roar broke through the air as DBK laid waste to the city. Tang pointed at DBK.

"And how are we meant to fight that?!"

"We believe in ourselves. You clean the streets. I'll stop the Demon Bull King. Somehow."

Mei went up to the broken jet, looking at it.

"Yeah, this jet probably would have been really useful, hey?"

She kicked the broken jet and out came a motorcycle. Mk rejoiced and said.

"That'll work."

"Go get'em, buddy!"

And off Mk went to save the city from total destruction.

Your POV:

Monkey King, Jiayi, and I managed to get to the city in 10 minutes or less, I could tell since I was only focused on my injuries and how shitty I felt. Jiayi was holding onto me as Monkey King carried me. We came to an abrupt stop that made me tighten my hold on the orange simian.

"Whoah there? I ain't going to drop ya." He chuckled, laughing at me.

"With that abrupt stop, you just did. I felt as though you were going to accidentally let go."

"I would never do such a thing."

I glared at him suspiciously and looked out at the damage DBK did. I was mortified at the damage.

"DBK did this?"

"Yeah, and with my staff, he's practically unstoppable.....but Mk will get it back and save everyone."

I looked put to see where Mk could possibly be. My face was an obvious indicator that I was beyond worried. I could feel his grip tighten on me, but I thought nothing of it.

"He'll be fine, ok? You shouldn't worry so much. You're just scared now."

My face instantly changed to that of annoyance, so in retaliation, I pulled his ear.

"Don't tell me not to worry. That's my baby brother you put out there!"

"Owww, ahhh! Ouch!"

I released my hold as he rubbed his ear on his shoulder.

"What was that for!?"

"Because you're annoying."

Monkey King just kept flying in the sky as we surveyed the streets. I didn't see any civilians, and I was grateful and proud that my clan got everyone out in time.

(I'll be sure to treat them.)

[A/n: Paranthesis are for inner thoughts]

"Over there!"

Monkey King placed me standing on the ground as he held onto my waist to hold me still as he pointed towards a motorcycle racing through. It was Mk, and he zoomed through the streets.

"The little thief returns."

DBK fired lasers at Mk, but that didn't stop him as he dove into his chest. At first, my body froze in fear until Monkey King woke me up, saying to just watch. So I did, and for a few seconds, nothing happened, making think of the worst scenario as DBK just kept walking.

"Hahaha! Now, this world is truly mine!"

Monkey King landed by a roof top high enough to where we can both see, sat me down by the ledge, and turned into the bird I first saw this morning.

"Of course you're the bird that pecked me and Mk back at the building grounds. Why am I not surprised?"

I said as Monkey King looked at me, chuckling nervously.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but you were kinda getting in the way."

I groaned as he sat on my lap, laying himself down. I raised my hands to grab him and get him off my lap, but I just let him as I wrapped my hands around his body, petting his feathers to relax my anxiety. I felt him flinch, but I just kept petting him, which, to my surprise, he was ok with it so much, so he started cooing. Jiayi was on my shoulder just hugging me and covering her face from the scene.

In the small distance to my left, I could see a big blue man covering up three others. I gasped as I saw a debris fall on them.

"Uncle! Dad!"

I tried moving, only to feel pain, making me stop and hold my wounds again. I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes, but I didn't cry. Jiayi was petting my head, trying to comfort me as I stood up. Monkey King also had a look of worry as he stared at me in his bird form.

"Agh! I'm fine! I'm ok...."

Looking back up, I saw Uncle Sandy push off the debris, and they were all alright, though a little worse for wear. I reminded myself to heal them once my magic was back to some strength.

I turned back to DBK as I saw him stop in his tracks as he doubled over in pain and held onto his chest tightly.

"What is this?!"

I heard DBK yell as a small rock fell from his chest with a small swirl. It cracked open only for a streak of yellow light to burst out into the sky, revealing to be MK. Unscathed. I had tears running down my face, that he was safe as light surrounded him. I heard DBK say as he lookedook up at MK.

"Monkey King?!"

I stared at Mk as he summoned the staff and punched DBK so hard he went flying backward. DBK tried firing at him with his lasers, but Mk kept dodging all of them, making me grab onto Monkey King's bird form a bit tight. My heart was racing with fear and worry, but I also felt proud and amazed about what MK was doing.

Mk was about to bury DBK under a piece of a building, but just before he could, that damn demon bull disintegrated the building and punched MK into a wall. Mt. My heart dropped when I heard the loud crash.

I wanted to rush to Mk, but Monkey King transformed back and held onto me so I wouldn't get involved.

"Hey! Let him handle it. He'll be fine. Besides, you'd get in the way with all your injuries stopping you."


I hated that he was right. I had to trust MK to win, but it tore my heart seeing him so hurt. DBK started ranting once more.

"You thought you could stand against me? I am the Demon Bull King! I will not let a little thief take victory out of my grasp!

I looked at MK, hoping to know everything that he had a plan.

"You may have that old fools staff, but you are not the Monkey King!"

MK finally stood up, and even from a far away, I knew he had a plan and the determination to beat this guy.

"You're right. I'm the Monkey Kid."

And with that said, my little brother used his weird Monkey powers and somehow built a Monkey Mech like the one from his game. Making the staff grow bigger so the machine could hold it, he used it to hit DBK as a massive explosion happened. A piece of debris was ready to hit me, so I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the impact, but it never came.
I opened my eyes to see Monkey King stopping the blow with one hand. However, I didn't realize he pulled me closer to his chest as Jiayi was holding on to me.

"Phew, that was close."

I took a loud sigh of relief and laid my head on his chest. This whole day has just been one physical and emotional roller coaster. I felt Monkey King flinch.

"Um, are you ok?"

I nodded, not having the energy to say yes. I could feel his eyes on my being as I looked up at him. I pushed my body off of him at arms length.

"Sorry, today has just been a lot to deal with."

"I can understand that. But hey, it looks like our boy won this fight."

I turned towards the fight, and I didn't hear the exchange between Mk and the Demon Bull Family. All I saw was RedSon all beat up and brusied as DBK was just crouching in pain. Just after PIF finally showed up in a weird air tornado looking angry.

"We know when we've been bested, but this won't be the last you see of us, Noodle Boy."

The wind suddenly changed as laughter was echoing after it cleared they were gone.

"What?! No,... no fair! C'mon! You can't just run away when I'm right about to win!

I saw Mei go up to the giant Mech and called out to MK.

"MK! You totally kick DBK's butt. Without us, the city'd be toast!

I was surprisingly able to hear their interaction since Mei isn't always the most quietest person. I looked at the city and saw how bad the damages were. I hissed in annoyances since it was going to be along while until it could be fixed again.

"Yeah. But you know, I couldn't have done it on my own."

Monkey King then picked me up, and we went down to an alleyway where he released me and had a smirk on his face.

"I told you he'd be fine."

"You just got lucky ok, don't boost your ego over this Wukong. I'm happy he won, and he's safe, but that was gut-wrenching to watch. And now, since he's your successor, I have to ready myself for the shit storm emotions I'm going to have to go through every time he goes out, defeating a new enemy."

Jiayi was still on my shoulder as I walked a bit further out to see them from the corner. I sighed and looked at the Monkey King.

"Just promise me you'll look out for him. He's a good boy but he's reckless at time, heh kinda like you."

I heard him scoff alittle as if he was offended but I felt as though he wasn't. Monkey King then actually petted my head like some kid. 

"Don't worry with me as his mentor he'll be better than fine."

I sighed as I looked at the happy group ahead of me.  He walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile.

"I promise I'll look after the kid. You have my word."

I sighed and nodded. I turned to him and grabbed Jiayi and put her in my arms, giving her a smile and then looked at Monkey King.

"I'm counting on you Monkey King. It was... interesting to meet you."

I then started walking to the group waving goodbye to the orange simian as he waved back. As I got closer I could hear them talk.

"But, er... what now?

"Isn't it obvious?

"Yeah! Bust up more bad guys!

I chuckled at both of their behaviors and called out loudly.

"Or we could go eat some noodles?

I said and saw all heads turn to me. Dad looked like his soul left his body when he saw my sorry state and everyone ran too me.


Everyone decided to dog pile me and knocked me to the ground luckily Jiayi was able to dodge that and land next to us. Mei and Pigsy were practically strangling me with their hugs and I couldn't breath.


They quickly got off me and Jiayi jumped back in my arms looking at me checking if I was ok. I gave her a reassuring smile and told her I was ok.

"We thought you were dead after you're fight with Princess Iron Fan!"

Mei yelled with tears in her eyes as she came back in for a softer hug. I placed Jiayi on my shoulder and hugged Mei as hard as I could.

"I'm ok. I here."

Pigsy then came up to me worried look on his face.

"Are you sure you're alright kid? Do you remember anything about fighting PIF?"

I looked at him confused

"My fight? I mean I remember seeing Mk being tossed and then my rage crashing onto me but everything else is a blur."

"You turned...kid."


I then felt very faint and almost lost my balance, luckily Mei was able to hold me up and then place me on my knees.

"Y/n! Don't move so much you look terrible."

"You should've seen her when I saw her."

Mk said with a shiver going down his spine probably from the image  of myself.

"Let's get you home kid. And ill make some noodles for us. Also who's that?"

Pigsy said and pointed at Jiayi who she'd away from  the others as she climbed back into my arms.

"This is Jiayi. She'll be staying with me from now on actually. Let's just say I am her mother now. Somewhat. That's a story for another time. For now I'd like some noodles you mentioned and some rest."

I nervously chuckled.

"Yeah! Noodles, noodles, noodles!

Mei and Mk both proclaimed happily. They all started to walk away with Sandy picking me up agaisnt my wishes so I wouldn't strain my injuries. As everyone moved forward Sandy looked me happily.

"I'm glad you're still alive. I don't know how I would explain your death to your clan. I can't imagine how distraught they would be. You have to be more careful kid."

I sighed not wanting to think of leaving behind my clan. They relied on me to lead them and protect them. I can't, especially imagine how Hau-yo, Unagi, and Bó-Wén would take it. I built such a strong bind with those three I can't imagine how they would take it.

"I'll try Uncle. But for now, I really just want to go home."

I said as I relaxed in his arms as Jiayi also fell asleep in me when I cradled her. From the corner of my eyes I saw figure on tip of the Mech and then a bright light appeared before dissappearing and flying away. Something told me it was Monkey King but I was too tired to really look. I just hope the rest of this week stays peaceful.

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