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By Bookaholic_Blurbs

692K 18.2K 900

๐”น๐• ๐• ๐•œ ๐• ๐•š๐•Ÿ โ„‚๐•–๐•๐•–๐•“๐•ฃ๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ช ๐•Š๐•–๐•ฃ๐•š๐•–๐•ค "What do you think Am I?..A puppet or A doll? Who you will... More

โ€ขD E S C R I P T I O Nโ€ข
Chapter 1(Marriage)
Chapter 2{Home}
CH-3 {Weak}
Ch-5{First day in in-law's}
Ch-6 {He Cares?}
Ch-7 {His anger}
Ch-8 {I slapped him}
Ch-9{Alone at home *part 1*}
Ch-10{Alone at home*part 2
Ch-11{She looked so lifeless}
Ch-12{I called her my wife}
Ch-13{Her eyes are emotionless}
Ch-14{He has a past that haunts him}
Ch-15{His behavior}
Ch-16{Hiring a detective}
Ch-17{Shouted at her}
Ch-18{Her bleeding hand}
Ch-19{Peeking into her phone}
A/n not an update
Ch-21{Got wet in rain}
Ch-22{Cute Eye lock}
Ch-23{In a Forest?}
Ch-24 {In hospital}
Ch-25{Truth got out}
Ch-26 {His bitter past}
Ch-27 {I'm in love}
Ch-28{A gift from him}
Ch-29 {Nisha is Back!}
Ch-30{When heart bleeds nothing seems good}
Ch-32 {Why always me?}
Ch-33 {Shared a kiss?}
Ch-34 {Fever}
Ch-35 {Sorting out matters}
Ch-36 {The best night ever!}
Ch-38{First day of college}
Ch-39 {Life seems to be perfect}
Ch-40{Welcome to the world little one}
New storyyy!

Ch-37 {She is leaving}

12.1K 304 24
By Bookaholic_Blurbs

•| Sid's pov |•

I woke up by feeling someone moving beside me..As I opened my eyes I was welcome by the bright light of sun and it took me time to adjust with its intensity..

I turned around only to be memorized by the view..There was my beautiful wife sleeping while snuggling into me..She looked so breathtaking in my shirt that hung around her shoulders and reached just above her mid thighs giving me a nice view of her silky legs..

She again wriggled and snuggled her face in the crook of my neck trying to get away from the bright shine of sun..I chuckled at her and pulled the rope beside me which drew the curtains around the bed not letting the direct sunlight to disturb our sleep.

Now her hairs were all over her face again disturbing her sleep..I tucked them behind her ears and kissed her forehead by which she woke up..
She opened her dark brown eyes and looked up at me while smiling..

"Good morning beautiful" I said softly..

"Good morning" She said and then looked down realizing that she was naked with just my shirt on her..She instantly buttoned the top two buttons of the shirt which were wide open exposing her neck and chest that ws all covered with hickeys that I gave her..

"Well no need to hide anything I already saw everything last night" I said smirking making her blush..

She tried to sit up ignoring my comment yaht made her blush but a hiss left her mouth as she tried to sit..

I took her hiss as a clue to sit up and help her to sit..I knew she would be sore because it was her first time even mine was first time too..

"Is it paining much?" I asked worriedly by looking the painful expression on her face..

"No its fine..I am okay" She spoke but I wasn't convinced..

"It's my fault..I am sorry..I should have been more gentle" I said but she hushed me..

"You were gentle sid and it's normal for everyone..I am okay really okay" She spoke and I nodded..

"By the way I am so much hungry..I ate last evening that too some snacks..Please bring something to eat" She said pouting like a kid making me chuckle..

"Let's go down and get freshed till the breakfast come..And before you ask let me tell you that I also booked the top floor suite of the hotel so that we could change and get fresh and no one would be there also" I said to her receiving a smile from her..

"Where is my dress?" She asked looking around..

"You don't need to wear it as you already have my shirt on..I have arranged some comfortable clothes for you in the room..You can wear them after taking a bath" I said making her nod in response..

She stood up on the floor while pulling the shirt down trying to cover her legs..

"It won't stretch so it's a waste of time doing that" I laughed looking at her blushing face..

She didn't said anything but walked slowly towards the lift..I also stood up and walked towards her only in my pants on because she was wearing my shirt..

•| Ashi's pov |•

I slowly walked to the lift and tried to walk straight but the pain in my lower region wasn't helping..

I heard footsteps coming near me and I knew it was sid..After a second I was swinging in air in his arms..He picked me up taking me by surprise..

"Sid what are you doing?" I asked him..

"Just helping my wife because I can't see her in pain..So you keep quite and let me pamper you" His words made me look at him in adoration

Is he the same man who once used to hate me?..Is he the same arrogant Siddharth who he was when we were married..

"What are you thinking?" He asked as he entered in the lift..

"Nothing..Just how the time passes so quickly..You aren't the same Siddharth I encountered at the time of our marriage" I said receiving a smile from him..

"That's true..I changed a lot for the good after you came in my life..You changed me..Whatever I am today is because of you..So Thanks to you for making me realize that even I have something good in me" He said and looked at me but diverted his attention towards the lift door as it dinged and then walked out towards the only room that was on this floor..

As his hands were occupied with me so I helped us by opening the door with a key..I have to say the room is beautiful..

He dropped me just infront of the washroom door..

"Till the time you will bath..I will order some food and keep your clothes here on the bed" He spoke and I nodded my head in yes..

Walking inside slowly I firstly turned on the warm water tap in the bathtub and discarded my clothes actually sid's clothes which were on me..

I sat in the bathtub and my body relaxed itself..God its such a pleasure..I don't want to go out of it now..Scrubbing my body with the scrubber I heard sid saying something from the other side of the door..

"I am going to take bath in other washroom and your clothes are on bed" He said..

"Okay" I said in a loud voice so he could hear it..

After what seemed like hours which I know was only 20-30 minutes..I came out of the bathtub and dried myself with a towel, Wrapping it around my body I walked in the room not before peeking out of the bathroom door to know if someone was there or not..

I picked up the clothes from the bed which was a loose-warm hoodie and a lower..As I took a step towards the washroom to wear the clothes the door of the room opened revealing sid looking all fresh and handsome in that white t shirt hugging his body and denim jeans..

For a moment I forgot that I was still in a towel that could fall anytime!

He looked at me with an open mouth but then his expressions changed to his famous smirk that could make anyone fall for him..

His smirk was the one that made realize that I am not wearing clothes but just a towel..

He walked a step towards me and I knew what was coming and I tried to run in the washroom..Keyword-tried..But he was fast enough to block my way..

"Someone's in a hurry" He said as his hand traveled to my waist..

"Sid let me atleast change" I spoke but it didn't seem to fade his gaze..

"I am not stopping you to change..Go on and change" He said still smirking and a glint of mischievousness in his eyes..

I knew what he was trying to say..No way I am going to change infront of him!

"Sid please let me go and change..I am already feeling low" I spoke with a pout..

"Ohh is it?..then let me help you change" He spoke with his never ending smirk..

"Oh God...Go to hell" I mumbled under my breathe..

"Ok okay..Don't stress yourself I am going..Just came to tell you breakfast is ready" He said and moved out of the room..

Quivkly changing into the clothes I was going to move to the living room where sid was waiting but initially stopped when I heard my phone ringing..It was an unknown number..I picked it up only to get happy yet sad..

"Am I speaking to Mrs. Ashi Nigam?" A voice on the other side spoke professionally..

"Yes..May I know who am I talking to?" I asked..

"Mam I am one of the staff working in the Imperial university of London..We want to know if you are still interested in coming to the college or we should give you admission to someone..If you are still interested then please sent the admission letter till tomorrow Mam" He said..

Shit! How could I forgot that my college is starting from next week..

"Ok sir..I will send it till tomorrow" I said and he muttered a thankyou and cut the call..

"Ashi what's taking so long?" Sid asked coming inside..

"Sid I got a call from imperial university for my admission issues..My semester starts from next week..I don't know how did I forgot it..What should I do now?" I asked with a glint of sadness..

"Then why are you sad?It's your dream ashi..You have to go" He spoke..

"I know I know..But I don't want to go, not when now everything is good between us..I don't want to leave you nor I want to leave my dream" I said not knowing what to do..

"Hey listen to me..I know it's hard for you and for me too..I don't want you to go either but I also don't want to be an obstacle in your dream..So it's final that you are going" He said with finality in his voice but somewhere I could see that sadness in his eyes..

"Okay now leave this all..Let's eat breakfast together" He said and guided me to the breakfast table where we ate together..


"So means you are going next week?" Abhi asked with upset voice..

So we all means me,sid,abhi,mom and dad were sitting in sid's penthouse and I disclosed the news of my going after a week..

"Yeah I have to" I said..

"Ashu it's your dream to be a doctor..Why are you sad?" Ma asked..

"I don't want to be away from you all" I said as I felt tears gather in my eyes..Why am I even crying? Maybe because it hurts to know I'll only meet them once or twice a year and that too only for few days..

"Hey don't cry ashu..My daughter is a strong girl she doesn't cry on small things..And about you being away from us than keep that in your mind that we will always come to meet you every month" Dad said as he stood up from the couch and walked where I was standing and hugged me..

And that was when I broke the dam of my tears and sobbed loudly in his fatherly embrace..

"It's okay..We will always be there to support you" He said..

"You promise?" I asked wiping my tears and he nodded..


A week later~

As much as I wanted this week to pass by slowly..the time just moved got fast and the week ended in a blink..

We were sitting in sid's car, heading towards the airport..Today I am going to fly to london and mom dad are also going back to India today only..I forgot to mention that abhi had already left a day ago beacuse he had an important trip for his business..

And let me tell you..He cried!..Yes Abhi cried so much while hugging me and saying he won't be able to meet me for a few months or a year because of his busy schedule..I consoled him for half an hour along with sid..

He is surely a nice guy with a sweet heart..

Sid stopped the car at the parking and we all got out to take our luggage..

Dad helped mom with her luggage and sid helped me..My flight was in half an hour but we came early because mom dad have their flight in 10 minutes..

As We entered the airport we all put on masks so that no one could recognize us or everyone would encircle us asking for autograph for photo with sid..After sometime we heard the announcement of mom dad's flight and the passengers were asked to check in..

"Okay we will leave now..Ashu you will study hard to achieve your goal okay?..And don't cry from now own..Tears don't suit you" Ma said as she took both of us in a hug one by one..

The dad hugged me first and then sid..

"Take care you both and all the best for your studies ashu" He said and we both smiled..

The went to check in and soon were out of our sight now just sid and I were left along with the crowd in the airport..

We sat on the waiting chairs waiting for my flight..

"Sid?" I spoke and he hummed..

"Will you miss me?" I asked keeping my head on his shoulder..

"A very much..More than you can imagine" He said making my heart cry..

"Then stop me please" I said and looked at him with my lower lip trembling already..

He looked at me with the same sad eyes which also wanted me to stop but he controlled himself..

"No ashi..You need to go..I can't be a destroyer to your dream" He said..

"But what will I do there without you?" I spoke with tears gathering in my eyes..

"Sweetheart don't cry..We will be in contact on phone..And I promise I'll come to meet you every weekend" He said and hugged me..

"But I won't be able to touch you on phone or anything" I whined loudly..

"Can't you come with me?" I asked with a pout and tears glistening in my eyes..

"Things doesn't work like this sweetheart..I can't stay there without a valid reason..I am an actor ashi and I have to go to other places for shoots so I can't stay at one place" He said trying to make me understand but that only brought more tears in my eyes..

"Then stop acting and come with me" I said stubbornly..

He chuckled at that and shook his head..

"I'll come to meet you every month and stay with you for a few days every time I come" He said..

"But still.." We were cut by the announcement made on the speaker for the london flight passengers..

"Why can't they delay it" I whined glaring at the girl who sat in the glass cabin making announcements..

"Delay what?" Sid asked..

"Delay the flight..I want to spend some more time with you" I said as tears flowed down my eyes..

"Don't make it difficult for both of us..You need to go..I would have came with you to settle you there but I have an important function to attend regarding my new movie" He spoke softly..

He stood up and took my luggage in one hand and held my hand with the other forcing me to the check-in counter..

He did all the formalities not that I couldn't do..But he knew that my mood was messed up and I could literally pour my anger on anyone so he asked me to stand and wait for my luggage to come after checking..

I took my bags out of the checking machine and waited for sid to come..He came after a few minutes and we both headed to security check-in..From where I would go in my flight and sid would not be allowed to enter inside..

Before we could reach there I pulled sid along with me in a corner as he looked at me in surprise..

"Can I kiss you one last time before I go?" I asked him like a small kid asking for candy after removing my mask..

•| Sid's pov |•

She pulled me in a corner and asked me to kiss her before removing her mask..

And then I took less than a second to remove my mask and place my lips on her..God I am gonna miss her so fucking much..If that important party function of the movie didn't came then I would have gone along with her to check that she will be living good..

But it's okay I would go to meet her at the end of the month..

I was still kissing her pouring all my love,sadness,happiness and everything I am feeling in that kiss..

We both parted while panting heavily and we both again put on our masks before anyone could notice us..

"Now let's go" I said and we both went to security check-in where I stopped and motioned her to go..

She walked forward but was stopped by a lady guard who checked my passport and tickets and then let her in..She Turned around to look at me and I smiled at her showing thumbs up..I know my smile won't be visible to her because of the mask..

She removed her mask and smiled at me before silently lipsing 'I love you' and turned around to go inside the tunnel that will lead to the airplane door..

I sighed and turned around..

"Get ready to live alone again for next few years Siddharth" I said to myself and walked out of the airport..


Heyaaaa guys!
Wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR💫❣
I know it's late to wish a new year now but didn't got time before to wish y'all..
This is the first chapter of this story in 2023!
So please tell me in comments how it was?

Ignore my grammar mistakes❤


Lot's of love to you guys,

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