Coming Soon! Warm Bodies 3


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Warm Bodies 3
Chapter 1 PT:1
Chapter 1 PT:2 UNMISSABLE!!!!!!!
UPDATE! (Sorry its not another part :(!!!)
Chapter 1 PT:3
Chapter 2 PT:1
Chapter 2 PT:2
Chapter 3 PT:4
Chapter 4 PT:1
Chapter 4 PT:2
Chapter 5 PT:1
Chapter 5 PT: 2
Chapter 5 PT:3
Chapter 5 PT:4
Chapter 6 PT: 1
Chapter 6 PT:2
Chapter 6: PT 1
Chapter 6 PT:2

Chapter 2 PT:3

230 1 0

"wheres R" R says laughing

"now weird" he says as Nora passes him R. 

"okay so whos going to get survivors" Nora says as we stare at eachother

"only one person has to stay behind to look after the babies" Jack says staring around

"Im up to going" I say as they stare at me unsurely 

"Ill stay behind Im the doctor Nora your a nurse so you can treat anyone injured" Caroline says taking R of R and placing him in his crib and taking willow and placing her in hers. as I smile I walk over to the plane and everyone follows closely as we jump in and I take a seat as R stumbles and jumps into the seat next to me

"ready" Darcy says pulling on the levers of the plane as it slowly rises and I grab R's hand tightly

"flying a bit scary" he asks me and I nod resting my head on his shoulder

"Keep.." I start as R smiles

"you..." he follows on

"SAFE!...we get it!" Nora finshes as we turn behind us and laugh

"you creeper" I giggle

"want to play truth or truth!" Nora laughs and I laugh back

"truth...or truth?" R asks and I laugh

"its when someone asks you a question you have to answer the complete truth" I say nodding at Nora's challenge 

"okay Julie...was sex with R good" Nora laughs and I stare at her wide eyed as I burst out laughing

"I just knew you ask that Nora thats the whole reason you want to play" I laugh as she nudges me

"fine...Mabye..." I say laughing at R sitting there awkwardly 

"fine Nora...did you secretly want to ride M" I giggle 

"wow...." Nora says laughing

"I regret nothing!" Nora says sitting back as I laugh

"Ju...lie..who is the most...honest..person...on..this..plane" R asks me as I smile 

"No doubt Nora is" I laugh 

" your like perfect" Nora laughs as I smirk at her

"did you try to eat anything weird while you where a corpse or alive" I ask him as he nods and laughs

"I tried to eat...a button...when..I was dead" he laughs

"a button" Nora says holding back a laugh

"well..tried...well..did" he whispers and I laugh 

"it tasted...okay" he says as the plane jerks and we hit the landing

"time flys when your asking sex questions" Nora says jumping up holding her gun as we walk out the plane second my feet hit the ground where stright away greeted by corpses.

"um..hi" I say to the corpses as R walks backwards and takes my hand and the corpses stare at us then continue to stumble off...there must be some sort of rule where you cant eat another corpses girlfriend or something because they can never seem to eat me when I hold R's hand...strange we begin walking around

"okay where do we look first for survivors" Nora says smiling Nora's always been bubbley and well down right funny stupid and fun we walk towards the airport doors as we barge in guns at the ready I walk into a room as everyone follows behind.

"I know!" I say walking to the back room as I pull out a radio 

"lets broadcast" I say as I press the buzzer "if anyone can hear this come to the airport we have a plane ready to take survivors to a zombie and Bonie free island" I say into the speakers

"we will wait 5 hours if your not here than we will be back in 3 days god speed." I say releasing the buzzer

"okay now we play the waiting game" Nora says sitting down

"okay now we play the get supplies and food game we dont know who is alive" I interrupt pulling her of the floor as we dump any food, water, ammo, or medicine into our backpacks around 2 hours later about 10 survivors barge threw the doors.

"did you broadcast" a young boy asks hopefully

"yes" I say turnin around as they smile

"if you have any bags dump anything you can find in them we will be leaving 3 hours" I say dumping more bandages into my bag 

"heres a suggestion we could take the plane" the boy starts

"yeah I bet you can drive it to plus I have my kids to get back to" I say keeping my face forward

"kids?" a girl asks

"yeah twins a day old" I whisper 

"whos the dad" the boy buts in as I point at R

"this lucky guy" I laugh as he fills his bag with nick nacks

"oh R your so predictable" I laugh

"well...this is awkward" a boy says staring at R

"what" I say turning around watching him with a gun pointed at R's head

"oh wow like I have'nt seen that before" I sigh stepping infront of R pushing the gun of his head

"how is he a dad if hes a corpse" the boy shutters as I laugh

"I aint no netrophilac he was dead then alive and now hes dead again" I say attempting to try not to confuse myself

"okay...Ill take your word for it because you have a plane" he says putting his gun away as R shrugs after the 3 hours no one else has arrived so we walk towards the plane as the group sqirekeds with joy as they run into it and sit down Darcy runs up behind us and sprints towards it as she sits in her chair and me and R casually walk into it once everyones seated me and R take a seat and I put my head on his shoulder. "hey...hey..guys" Nora whispers as I hold back a laugh

"hey...hey...zomb..bro" Nora whispers

"hey...hey...zombie lover.." Nora whisper as I laugh and turn around

"Yah Nurse, Nora" I laugh as she smirks

"wanna play truth or truth" she asks again and I nod and R nods 

"okay Julie...have you ever considered in becoming a netrophiliac" Nora laughs and I hit her in the arm and laugh

"mabye" I laugh staring at R who's darting his eyes and I laugh 

"okay Nurse, Nora. you ever wanted to kiss one of your patients" I ask and she laughs

"yeah alot!" she says as I wave my hand

"details!" I say as she laughs

"okay R was one of my patients I wanted to kiss" Nora laughs and I laugh with her as R sinks into his seat while hiding a laugh

" ever wanted anything embarrising to any other corpse" I ask him as he smurks

"one..time..I did want to...dress M in drag" he laughs as we burst out laughing 

"oh yeah I can Imagion that" Nora laughs as I stare at her

"getting a little hot Nora" I laugh as we laugh until the plane lands

"wow time does really fly when your asking weird questions" I say jumping out with R as I run towards our children and I pick up R 

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