forever & always

Door angelhm4

580K 22.7K 7.5K

"I would strip her off her wings and make her fall from grace." - He was the temptation with an angel's face... Meer

Part 1
booktiktoc ;>
Part 2
character aesthetics
Part 3
Part 4
hiatus :(


3.7K 140 57
Door angelhm4

S I X T Y - F O U R

  • • •



For some reason, I was feeling very nervous about the dinner I was going to have with Eliseo and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was because an evening out with him alone was something I'd never imagined I would be able to have and yet it was happening. Something about going out to dinner with him sounded ridiculously mature; like he finally seeing me as a grown-up.

I'd even asked Eliseo for a dress code but he'd just been essentially useless and told me to 'dress nice'.

Like what did 'dress nice' even mean?

Did it mean look fancy or simple? Casual or extravagant? Sexy or formal?

I was conflicted.

My guess was that Eliseo would be taking us to somewhere expensive since he had such refined taste in restaurants.

It would probably be best if I dressed at least decently so in the end I decided to go with a simple figure hugging dress, hoping that it would be at least dinner worthy or even a little impressive.

The lush red dress was something that fell between simple and nice, something I believed suited me perfectly. I was determined not to overdress either, pairing the dress with some black sneakers and the silver deer necklace that Eliseo gifted me over two years ago.

I looked nice.

That had to be enough.

To finish off everything I doused myself in some of my vanilla and cinnamon scented body spray, taking in a deep breath before I decided that I was ready.

It was just another night out with Eliseo.

I picked up my shoulder strap bag hastily and rushed downstairs to the kitchen for a drink of water, noticing that my time was ticking away. Eliseo had said that he'd pick me up at 7:30 which meant that he could be here any minute now.

I'd specifically asked him not to knock on the front door because I didn't want to be asked questions about our little random night out since I hadn't really told anybody about it.

"So where did you say that you were going again?" Mom's eyes trailed after me watchfully as I poured myself a glass of water, her lips pursing disapprovingly at my dress, "And what for?"

"Out to dinner with the Matthious," I replied casually, ignoring her displeasured expression, "I should be back home before twelve."

I didn't specify which Matthiou.

"Twelve is too late," Mom immediately shook her head, disapproving of the curfew I was trying to push, "Eleven."

I would take it.

I flashed her a sweet smile. "Eleven it is."

Mom pulled her gaze back to her task. "Enjoy your night out and be safe, sweetheart," Mom sounded a little less displeased and a little more satisfied, "Eleven and no later."

I placed the glass in the sink. "Will do, Mommy."

As if on cue my phone buzzed in my hand, lighting up with a text from Eliseo. He was right on time and not even a second late.

Eliseo: I'm outside gattina.

I took in a deep breath at the sight of the text, gripping onto the handle of my clutch as I tried to put myself at ease before I started for the front door.

Don't overthink this, Ada. It's just another day out with Eliseo.

Then I moved for the front door.

Oh crap.

Even though I'd done a lot of breathing exercises to prepare me to see and meet Eliseo, nothing could prepare for the way my breath knocked out of my lungs when I saw Eliseo standing tall and ready for me in front of his dashing white car.

I flattered immediately in my steps at the sight of him, slowing down to get a good look at him.

Holy crap.

Eliseo looked dangerously sexy in his crisp white button up shirt, the snug shirt lavishly hugging his firm torso and bulging arms while teasing the honey of his tanned chest. He had paired the fitting shirt with some tailored black slacks and an expensive looking glistening watch, looking every bit like the man I always felt like was out of my league.

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe I wouldn't to be able to get through the evening without a heart-attack.

"Gattina," The stern and dark voice broke into my thoughts, startling me out of my daydream, "We haven't got all night."

I swore to God that my heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

"I–" My voice cracked pathetically as I attempted to speak, eyes dropping to the floor when it suddenly became too overwhelming to gaze at him any longer, "S-sorry."

Why couldn't I just keep my cool around him?

I tensed up when I heard steady determined footsteps begin towards me, my back straightening up abruptly.

My hands immediately tightened around the strap of my bag when Eliseo's dizzying scent finally surrounded me, cocooning me in a haze of lemon and mint.

"Look at me," I gasped lightly as firm fingers gently tugged at my chin, pulling my gaze upwards, "What's wrong, gattina?"

My whole body flushed as I lost myself in the depth of Eliseo's molten eyes, his gaze smothering me until I felt like melting into a pile of goo at his feet. "I-I," I stammered over my words, lips trembling, "I don't know."

A flash of frustration passed through Eliseo's searching hazel eyes, his head tilting probingly. "Talk to me, Addie," He pressed a hand against my back, rubbing a smooth tingling circle there, "How are you feeling?"

I bit down on my bottom lip, suddenly engulfed by the goosebumps and shudders that danced up my spine as Eliseo's attempted to smooth me with slow intimate strokes on my bare skin.

"N-nervous I think," I didn't think of what was coming out of my mouth as I spoke, completely entranced by the man before me, "I-I think I am really nervous but I don't know why."

Eliseo's cocked a brow in the slightest like my confession pleasantly surprised him, the worry on his face easing the slightest.

"You're nervous?" His voice lowered alluringly, his hand reaching out to gently cup the apple of my warm cheeks, "Don't be, angel. It's just you and me. Like always. Just relax."

I wish I could.

"Okay..." I nodded, trying to do just that with immense difficulty even as his voice was as soothing as a lullaby.

And failing.

Eliseo's lips tugged upwards into a devastating beautiful grin seeing my struggle to catch my breath, his fingers slowly dusting over my cheeks once more. "You look beautiful, gattina," He rasped adoringly, his eyes eagerly dancing all over my face like he couldn't get enough, "I've something for you. It's in the car."

Ah, my heart.

"T-thanks," Was the only lame answer I could conjure in response to his words, "W-what is it?"

I tried to act like I wasn't freaking out as Eliseo pulled back just to reach for my hand, smoothly intertwining his fingers with mine as he begun to lead me towards his car.

Thank God he had me or else I would've probably tripped and fallen on my face.

"I hope you like them," Eliseo said as he brushed his thumb over my knuckles, throwing me a hopeful look, "I saw them and thought of you."

I couldn't help but gawk at the sight as Eliseo reached into his car and retrieved a stunning bouquet of beautifully wrapped white roses, my heart dropping at the sight.

I gasped loudly when he pushed the bouquet towards me, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Oh my God!" I cried out in shock, covering my mouth with my hands, "They are so beautiful!"

Eliseo's face lit up with a proud sexy smirk, his brows arching. "Yeah?" He handed the roses to me, his eyes glinting pridefully, "I'm glad you think so, bambina. They are for you."

My nerves were momentarily eased as I closed my eyes, taking a satisfying whiff of of the roses. "Thank you, Eli," I sighed aloud, feeling my heart sing at his gesture, "I really love these."

Eliseo let me sniff and admire the roses for a while, his alluring smirk seemingly glued onto his lips.

Apparently, I'd just discovered that I was a flowers girl.

"That's enough, bambina," Eliseo teased me, reaching for the roses when I couldn't seem to get enough of them, "I will put them in the backseat to keep them safe," He pressed a hand to my lower back, luring me to the passenger seat, "Now it's time for you to park your little cute ass in the car. We have a reservation to make."

Oh yeah!

I made a quick move to release my hold on the bouquet, a flush catching my neck.

"Whoops," I smiled sheepishly, carefully ducking my head into the car as Eliseo held a hand over head, "Almost forgot about that."

I really did forget about everything else for a moment there.

Eliseo shook his head amusedly at me, closing the door quietly after me. I did my seatbelt and then folded my hands on my lap shyly, waiting for Eliseo to take his place next to me with my legs shaking in anticipation. As soon as he sat in the driver's seat I turned my head towards him, ignoring how my breath caught for a moment as I caught his arms flex deliciously just from the action of one mere singular movement.


"So are we just going out to eat?" I asked him to clarify, eyes drawn to his long thick fingers as they took ahold of the steering wheel when he begun to back us out onto the main road, "That's it?"

Eliseo's eyes flickered to me instantly, his pupils wide and engaged. "No," He answered inconspicuously, jaw clenching as his eyes momentarily lowered onto my bare clammy thighs, "We'll do something else as well."

My eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "Oh really? What?" I pressed.

Eliseo threw me a quick charming smile, seeming to sense my curiosity. "Something you like, bambina," He brushed a hand over his jaw, never taking his eyes off me for too long, "Movies."

My lips lifted into a delighted smile as he said that. "We're going to the cinema as well? That's great!"

I really did love watching movies, especially with Eliseo. It had definitely become our thing over time to watch movies together over time and it was something we did that was familiar and comfortable.

Eliseo was right.

There was nothing to be nervous about.

I had to remind myself that Eliseo and I were actually friends and that there was a chance that he really enjoyed my company and wasn't forcing himself to hang out with me.

It was no big deal.

"Just sit back and relax," Eliseo's rich baritone caressed my insides, soothing me to calmness, "It's going to a bit of a drive."

• • •


She had the beauty of an angel but the allure of a devil.


I believed that Ada Nsiah was simply perfection and nothing less.

There were two things that I realised I was obsessed with on Ada as she sat in front me; those pretty small charming beads in her hair that made her look like a little ethereal goddess and that little red dress she had on that was clinging to her body like sin and made her look every bit like the femme fatale women she was.

Red on Adeline Nsiah was simply mesmerising, bringing out the rich chocolate silk of her skin and the curves of her enchanting petite physique. The dress also made the swell of her breast look ravishing and the plumpness of ass appear even more enticing, making the blood in my body rush to cock and have me as hard as steel in my trousers

I dug my fingers in my palm to strain myself from touching her in anyway, adjusting my trousers to ease the tightness I felt from my cock straining against my boxers. It was too early on in the night to make any such physical advances but fuck me, she was a goddess.

Eliseo, stop thinking about your cock because there are more important matters at hand tonight, I mentally scolded myself about my lustful thoughts.

"Wow, Eliseo," Ada remained oblivious to my heated eyes grazing all over her skin as her head spun around frantically, trying to take in everything around her, "This is really too much."

Ada appeared overwhelmed by her luxurious surroundings, not able to keep herself from gawking at the scenery around us since we entered this highly deluxe restaurant.

Unknowing to her while she was distracted I was thinking about all the ways I could mark her perfect skin, make her squirm, and make her scream my name.

"Yeah?" My voice husked over as I admired the beautiful planes and angles of Ada's awestruck face, leaning back in my seat, "You don't like it?"

Ada's glittering eyes snapped back to me, her lips trembling in shock. "I didn't say that," She hurriedly assured me, her brows furrowing downwards, "It's just–everything here is looking really expensive."

Of course she was thinking about that.

It was no secret that I enjoyed eating good food at upscale restaurants like any man who could afford to do so but most importantly, I enjoyed watching Ada eat good food which was why I had gone all out for our night out for obvious reasons.

I had reserved us a quiet table on an exclusive rooftop, taking us to the finest seafood restaurant in town because Ada was yet to enjoy such a delicacy and I wanted to be the first man to introduce her to that.

So much for not trying to overwhelm her.

I really didn't think too hard about money when it came to trying to impress the girl before me. In fact, I had come to realise that I had all the money in the world to spare if it meant that I could just make Ada smile.

"Try not to worry about how expensive everything is," I dismissed Ada's worries, pushing the menu closer to her, "Order whatever you want and as much as you want."

Ada bit down on her bottom lip anxiously, a habit of hers that had my mind reeling in a sensual haze. "You sure, Eli?" Ada timidly reached for the menu, looking up at me guilty from under long curling lashes, "I-It wouldn't be much but I can chip in. I-I can't let you just..."

I chuckled amusedly at her endearing courteousness, the sound deep and throaty. "You are not spending a dollar here, bab–angel," I made sure to let her know, pinning her down with a firm stare, "Order."

Ada sighed loudly, reluctantly pulling her gaze down to focus on the menu at my command.

I didn't like that she looked so nervous and guilty about choosing something.

"I could order for you if you want," I spoke assertively after a few minutes of watching Ada struggle to make a choice, reaching for her small hand across the table, "If it makes you feel better bambina, I can take care of everything."

Like my words seemed to immediately relieve Ada she looked up from the menu, unclamping her lips from her teeth. "Y-yes please," Ada's voice was soft and shy as she giggled nervously, my fingers stroking her knuckles, "I don't really know what to choose."

I squeezed Ada's hand reassuringly, reluctantly drawing my eyes away from her to focus on the menu myself.

I had come to realise that Ada was usually like this when it came to ordering food with me because she didn't like spending my money. She was going to have to get used to it very soon though because this was about to become the norm more than not.

I took care of everything, ordering us the finest lobster and salmon dish from the menu along with a bottle of red wine (apparently there was nothing you couldn't buy with money without questions) that we were informed was almost 15 years old.

In truth, I cared less about all that crap to do with age and quality and wine because I didn't even buy the wine for the taste or the name.

I'd bought the alcohol hoping that it would help ease the atmosphere and to get Ada to relax a little bit more seeing as she was really tense and anxious.

Relax, baby. I've got you.

"How do you like it?"

We were onto our main course and Ada wasn't speaking as much as I would've liked. Her glass of wine remained untouched and her brows dancing every so now and then like she was trying to figure out the key to a puzzle.

Perhaps she was catching on.

Tonight was special. Tonight was the night I was going to ask you to be mine.

"It's..." Ada's eyes fluttered up to me for a mere second, making my heart dance before she stole those doe eyes away from me again, "Delicious. Everything is delicious."

A light smile touched my lips, my mood lifting as I was satisfied to see that she was enjoying her food.

"Good," I resisted the urge to reach for her hand again, subtly grazing my knee over her leg, "I'm glad you like it, gattina. Eat more. We have a long night ahead."

I could barely take my eyes off Ada as we mostly ate in sound silence, fascinated by the way her lips wrapped around the damned fork like a tight snug hug and how her tongue flickered over her lips to savour the taste of the food like it was a taste of heaven. She was devouring her food with a gusto that stroked my pride, making me see she did indeed like the food

I'd made the right call.

I could watch her eat all day long but then again, I also wanted to hear her voice.

"Fawn," Ada's head snapped up to me straight away as I spoke, her attention brought back to me, "Tell me. Do have any plans for after senior year yet? I know it might be too early but perhaps you've got a College in mind? Internship maybe?"

Ada's lips parted hollowly like she wasn't sure how to respond, her eyes widening slightly at my question. "Not really..." Her reply lacked confidence and enthusiasm, "I am still thinking..."

In truth, I was glad that she wasn't too sure about where she wanted to go or what she wanted do yet.

It was still too early to be sure and I didn't want to be too worried about her being taken away from me just yet.

"It's not a big deal, Addie," I tried to reassure her, wetting my bottom lip as I noticed how she begun to pout those ripe lips of hers, "You've still got lots of time to figure out what you want to do. Don't be too hard on yourself."

My response seem to relax Ada a bit more, her quiet mask falling as she begun to ramble about the conflicted she felt about her future.

I reclined back in my seat, listening attentively to what she had to say and loving the vivid way in which she expressed her feelings herself to me. Whether she noticed it or not she was confiding in me, something she never used to do and showed that she was far more comfortable and open around me than ever.

The plate in front of me was forgotten as I leaned forward, reaching for Ada's idle hand across the table and satisfying my inmate need to touch her.

"You've still got a whole year till you graduate, bambina," I intertwined our fingers, gluing our hands together firmly, "Don't worry too much about the future now. Just follow your heart on what you want to do and don't listen to anybody else—"

"Do my eyes deceive me?"

I immediately tensed at the rude interruption, ice seeping into my veins as the announcement of a familiar grating voice.

I felt all humour drain from me as my grip loosened on Ada's hand, reluctantly drawing back to face the presence of the last person I'd wanted to see.

Damn it.

Iris Thomas.

She stood tall and proud before us like she'd been called upon, ears studded in glittering diamonds and body wrapped in only what I assumed would be the finest white silk.

Like her sister, her beauty was always frigid and cold.


"Thomas," I spared her the pleasantries, casting her with a glare of clear disdain, "You'd better have those eyes checked."

Iris had been everywhere recently. In New York at every function, every banquet, and every event. I couldn't seem to evade her presence no matter where I went. Now she had appeared coincidentally at this restaurant too in our home town, taunting me and reminding of her sister who I was doing my best to forget all about.

This meant that both sisters were unfortunately back in town.

"Matthiou," She crooned, her voice surgery sweet but with an underlying tone of bitterness, "Have I interrupted something that I shouldn't have? Apologies."

The bitch had done this intentionally.

Iris' eyes slithered over to Ada who remained clueless and tense, my immediate instinct to want to shield Ada away from Iris' stripping gaze.

It was well known that the sear behind the eyes of Iris Thomas could cut through steel and I didn't want them tearing through the girl innocent girl before me.

"And who is this little cutie?" Iris wasted no time at all, fixing her curious gaze upon Ada who had stopped eating to gape at the heiress, "Looking at you actually, I think I may have a pretty good idea. What is your name, sweetie?"

My face hardened, my hand immediately reaching out to grip Ada's idle hand again. "Iris..." I lowered my tone in warning.

Of course Madeline had told Iris about Ada. In fact, their whole family probably knew about Ada at this point.

Fucking hell.

Ada looked to me anxiously, eyes seeking mine first as if to ask for permission to speak before she opened her mouth to speak. "I'm Ada," She addressed the eldest Thomas politely, her voice meek, "You said you know who I am? H-how?"

Iris' eyes narrowed distastefully at Ada, her lips pursing dismissively. "Hm," She completely evaded Ada's question, manoeuvring her cold glare back to me, "She wasn't what I was expecting at all. You never fail to surprise me, Matthiou. I would have thought you would at least upgra–"

Sly bitch.

"I think your date is getting impatient," I snapped harshly, putting an end to Iris' useless babbling, "You'd better focus on him. It was a pleasure seeing you, Iris."

The man in the clean suit lingering behind her didn't look too happy with his date wasting time at our table, his foot ticking impatiently.

Iris Thomas was an infamous serial dater, running through men like a crash of dominoes. She was the kind of woman who would find hooked on one crooked rich man's arm one day and then another, on an eligible bachelor's arm the next.

"Same to you," We both knew we didn't really mean the pleasantries towards each other as Iris beckoned her date forward, wrapping a thin elegant arm around his bicep, "I will be seeing you again, Matthiou. You can count on that."

The cunning smirk Iris threw my way caused my jaw clench in vexation, my eyes trailing her in contempt as her date led her away to the opposite space of the exclusive roof top.

Exclusive but not exclusive enough apparently.

I wouldn't be able to relax with Iris Thomas in the same space as I was and that was a fact.

Ada and I needed to finish this dinner in as quickly as possible and get the fuck out of this restaurant before Iris could see too much.

The more she saw, the more she could tell.

I refocused back on Ada as soon as Iris sat with her back facing us, my gaze softening when I found Ada looking solemn and withdrawn.

I frowned at the sight, her forlorn expression tugging at my heart strings. "Are you okay, bambina?" I secretly cursed at Iris for ruining the mood, soothingly brushing my leg against Ada's, "She's nobody. Forget about her. Do you want to have dessert now?"

Ada's teeth had latched tightly onto her bottom lip, her brows arched downwards like she was doing her best to suppress her feelings. "Yeah," Her voice came out in a faint whisper, her eyes casted down on her plate, "Yeah, we can have dessert now."


The sooner we got out of here, the better.

• • •

She wasn't talking to me.

Ada had fallen oddly silent since we left the restaurant, seemingly lost in her thoughts and acting distracted.

I wanted to ask her questions, I wanted to hold her hand, fuck me, I even wanted to wrap my arms around her if she'd let me.

But she was making all of that very hard for me since she wouldn't even look me in the eyes and was almost avoiding all physical contact with me.

Something was wrong and I wasn't sure what.

"You want the sweet and salted popcorn, right?" I asked attentively, wanting desperately to turn that frown upside down, "That's what you always get."

Ada shrugged indifferently to my question, eyes drawn downwards. "I guess." Was her disinterested reply.

I clenched my jaw irritably at her dismissal, trying to bite down my frustration.

I hated it when she got like this because it only meant that she was trying to shut me out. Everything had almost ran so smoothly until now.

In silence I paid for all of our snacks and drinks opted to carry them all, letting Ada lead us to cinema room when I realised that I was just going to have to wait for her bad mood to pass.

If seeing all of the sweet treats overloaded in my arms didn't cheer her up, I didn't know what else could.

As soon as we sat down Ada reached for the box of popcorn and started to shove her mouth, a gesture that suggested she didn't want to talk.

I sighed dejectedly as she refused to meet my eyes, training her gaze ahead and effectively shutting me out. No were words were still exchanged between us as the movie started, my eyes drawn on Ada's flawless profile.

When I couldn't stand the distant between us anymore I attempted to shuffle closer to her so our knees were touching, throwing an arm over her chair and taking a whiff of the sweet musk wafting off her skin.

When she didn't trying to move away or dismiss me a small victorious smile curved my lips, my fingers lightly brushing the curve of her delicate bare shoulders.

I started to notice the tension easing off Ada's body as time wore on, her posture relaxing as she allowed herself to lean into me more.

By the end of the movie however Ada's head was completely lodged on my shoulders, my nose was buried in her hair as she allowed herself to ask me to pass her snacks here and there.

By the time we were leaving the cinema however she was almost completely back to herself, chatting away about all the things she hated about the movie.

"Why didn't the girl just tell him how she felt from the beginning?" Ada complained passionately, seeming genuinely invested, "Why did she wait until he was sick and dying to tell him?"

Ada was so busy ranting that she didn't notice our hands were clasped firmly together, her eyes bright and engaged.

"Sometimes it's a lot harder than you think to confess your feelings," I responded even though I don't remember focusing on the sappy romance movie much (I spent all my time gazing at Ada instead), "Maybe she was just scared of the rejection."

"Scared?" Ada echoed incredulously, shaking her head, "No, she wasn't scared. She was just a coward and she wasted all the time they could've spent together!"

I continued to attentively listen to Ada's 'enraged' rambles about sad endings as we reached the car, opening the door for her and tucking her into her seat before taking mine.

"Where to now?" I asked her even though I already figured the answer.

Ada lightly grimaced, tapping the screen of her phone. "Home now, I think," She replied quietly, looking slightly disappointed, "Mom said she wanted me home by 11 and it's almost 11:30. We better get going."

It was almost time.

"We can go home," I said coolly, sparking the car, "That's okay. I don't want to get you in trouble with your parents."

I tried not to think about how terribly nervous I was as I backed us out the parking lot, the radio filling the comfortable silence when Ada turned it up.

I had been slightly frustrated all evening because no single moment had felt right. No moment had felt right for me to confess to her yet.

Despite this, I felt like I couldn't suppress these feelings for much longer and needed to tell her before the night ended.

I had to tell her how I felt about her tonight.

As soon as we parked in front of the Nsiah home Ada didn't rush to get out of the car like usual, helping me to relax a little as I turned off the ignition.

"So gattina," I started off calmly, leaning back in my seat and directing my full undivided attention on the girl beside me, "Did you enjoy yourself today?"

Ada flashed me a shy smile, crossing her hands on her lap. "Yeah I did," Her voice was soft and sweet, "I always have fun with you, Eli."

I was really trying to focus here but I was finding that to be difficult since all I could think about was stealing a tempting kiss from those plumb lips of hers.

Focus, Eliseo, focus.

"That's good, bambina," I lightly smiled, trying to mask my unease, "I'm glad that you always have fun with me."

My skin felt hot and clammy and I noticed with a startling realisation that my hands were starting to sweat. No matter how much I was trying to hide it, I was as nervous as hell.

Come on Eliseo, just spit out.

"I-I know I was kind of moody today and I am s-sorry about that," Ada was speaking again but this time I could barely even hear her over the loud thoughts swirling in my head, "I-I promise that I will make it up to you and I—"

"I like you."

My voice was so low that for a second there that I was sure that Ada almost hadn't heard me, my breath stilling as I awaited her response.

Ada froze mid sentence, a clear sign that she had indeed heard and her eyes bulged out of her skull in shock.

"W-what?" She appeared stupefied, gaping at me bewilderment, "O-okay..."

I swallowed harshly, clenching my hand around my steering wheel and drilling my intentional gaze into Ada's so she could see the feral intensity burning in them. "I said I like you, Ada," I spoke slowly and clearly, "I really fucking like you."

I am obsessed with you. I need you. You're the woman of my dreams.

This was it. I had finally told her how I felt.

Ada gulped loudly, bunching her dress timidly into her hands. "I-uh," She stammered anxiously, tumbling all over her words, "I-I really like you too, Eli. I-I mean, I really enjoy spending time with you as well a-and I—"

I threw my head back, letting out a deep strangled groan of frustration.

Fuck, she didn't get it!

She didn't get that this was me finally confessing to her.

"No, Ada," I leaned in towards her, reaching for her hand as she continued to gape at me confusedly, "Do you feel that?" I pressed her small hand to my strongly pounding chest, "That's my heart. That's my heart beating madly for you."

She was gaping at me wordlessly, frozen in my shock.

I tugged her even closer, bringing my forehead to hers and holding her gaze captive. "I don't mean I like you as a friend, baby," I went on earnestly, feeling my heart continue to thump erratically in my chest, "I mean I like you as a man likes a woman. I mean I like you as a man who wants to ask you to be my woman," I paused as I felt Ada trembling, nudging my nose assuringly against hers, "I want to take care of you, Addie. I want to be able to touch you whenever I want, wherever I want," I exhaled sharply, finding myself to be a little breathless, "I have been hiding these feelings for so long, trying to deny them, and it's been driving me insane. But I know what I want now and all I want is you. I want you to give me a chance, Addie. Will you give me a chance to show you that I am the perfect man for you?"

I swore you could hear a pin drop as a tense silence filled the car, the only thing to be heard my breathless panting and Ada's heavy breathing.

If it wasn't obvious that I was crazy about her before, it certainly was now.

I had laid it all out for her and all she had to do was say yes. All she had to do was give me a chance.

"Ada?" My eyes fluttered open when the silence stretched on a little too long, my heart dropping as she started to pull away from me and her breathing continued to spiral, "Bambina, are you okay?"

A worried frown marred my face as I watched her dig her fingers into her palms harshly, her gaze becoming unfocused and eyes flickering about wildly. She appeared to be getting frantic and feverish and the sight made my heart drop.

I had fucked up, didn't I?

"Hey, hey," I reached out to cup one of her scorching hot cheeks, my tongue flickering anxiously over my parched lips, "It's okay if you're not ready, Addie. I can wait. I can wait for as long as you need–"

"I-I've gotta go. I-I'm so sorry."

Ada barely manage to choke out her words in a sob before she wrenched herself away from me, throwing herself out of my car and rejecting me with a staggering force.

I could only watch with a bruised ego and aching heart as she hurried up her front porch, keying her front door before shutting the door firmly behind her and never looking back.

"Cazzo! Fuck!"

I threw my head back and let out a tortured groan, furiously kicking back into my seat.

I had fucked up big time.

• • •


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❝𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆. 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕-𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇...
4.3K 86 37
My boyfriend is a mafia king die or be mine It's up to you ?? When you meet a person that will tourn your life upside down what would you do will y...
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"𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐬𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝." "𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐭." ...