
Oleh LinoInnie

34.5K 419 638

A bunch of random Stray Kids stories in one book, given one shot, or two. #993 in Leeknow 😭 #146 in random Lebih Banyak

Requests? open
Nycrophobia (3Racha mostly ChanSung) || LittleSpace
Normal (MinLix) || LittleSpace
Anxious (MinSung ft. Seungmin) || LittleSpace
Stressed (Seung???) || LittleSpace
Bunny (MinChan) || LittleSpace
Cutie (Felix X ???) || LittleSpace
Stylish (MinSung) || LittleSpace
초콜릿 (MinChanJiLix) || LittleSpace
Struggles (ChangLix) || LittleSpace
I wanna be a baby (2Min) || LittleSpace
Not a oneshot but
A day (MinChan) || LittleSpace
Darth Vader (ChanLix) || Angst?
Kids (MinChan) || Angst/Heated
Kitty (MinChan, again) || Smut
Coffee Beans (SeungLix) || Fluff, Angst
Enough (HyunLix) || Angst
Braces (HyunMin/SeungJin) || fluff
Seven (2Min) || Angst
Fairy lost (Jeongin centered) || Angst
Birthday (MinSung) || Fluff, angst
Turns (MinSung) || Mix
Insecure (MinSung) || Fluff
Cute Angel (JiLix) || Fluff
Stay (2Min+all) || Fluff
Mine (HyunChan) || Smut
Insane (Hyunho) || Mixture
Hidden Card (reviews) || Mix
Joyful Winter (JiLix) || Fluff~
Mute (HyunMinSung) || Mix
Quokka looks like???
Who? (HyunHo) || Mix
Mental Health based oneshots
My drawing
Megaverse (Minho centered) || Mixture
Mixed up (HyunChanLix) || Smut/Littlespace-ish
Don't worry! (SeungIn) || Littlespace/Angst

Little? (Minsung) || LittleSpace

1.5K 18 46
Oleh LinoInnie

Caregiver — Jisung
Little — Minho
Warning(s): panic attack and a frustrated Minnie

Summary: Minho has a small panic attack because Jisung found out his secret and becomes frustrated)


"Jisung, can you get me the salt?" Felix yelled from the kitchen.

The aforementioned stubbornly put his phone down, walked to the dining room table, grabbed the salt, then walked to the kitchen.

"Why didn't you ask, I don't know, Chan or something? He's right there!" He pointed to the leader who was on his computer.

"Because he's busy. You were just on your phone doing god knows what." Felix put the wooden spoon over the pot. He then walked over to Jisung and gave him a hug. "An' I wanted a Sungie huggie from my Sungie,"

The blonde fell into the hug, tightly hugging the younger. "I needed this. Thank you Lixie,"

Felix hummed as he pulled away but still had his hands draped around Jisung's neck. He stared at the shorter's face, meeting the boy's eyes. Both males slowly leaned in–

"If you're gonna kiss, do it not in the kitchen with all the food," Chan warned. "So either get someone else to watch the food or finish cooking then go makeout in one of y'all's rooms,"

"Hey, Chan–"


Felix pouted. "Is Minho in your room?"

"Beats me–"

"Let's go check!" He pulled Jisung around the house to the latter's room.

Felix knocked on the door to Jisung and Minho's shared room.

"Go away!"

Felix turned to his boyfriend. "He's in there!" He turned back to the door. "Me and Sungie are coming in!" Slowly, the door creaked open. The couple entered the room, the strong smell of apple cinnamon filled both their noses. "Minho? Where are you?"

Jisung walked over to the elder's bed. He crouched down to look under the bed. On the other side, feet and a butt stuck out. The blonde stood back up to walk to the other side.

The elder was crouched in a small ball, trembling. "Min? What's wrong?" He put a hand on Minho's back. This was unusual. Minho never cries.

"I said to go away!" Minho shrugged Jisung's hand off. "I wanna be alone."

"Min, please tell me what's wrong. Would you like Felix to leave the room?" He sat down in front of the elder.

"Go away, Hannie," Minho mumbled against his arms, the sleeves soaked with tears and snot.


"Min said go 'way!" He shouted, pushing Jisung. The younger fell backward, hitting his head on the wood ground. Minho gasped, tears falling from guilt. He hurt his Sungie! His best friend was hurt! And it was his fault!

Felix rushed over to the two, immediately picking Jisung's head up. "Are you okay Sungie?"

"Yeah, I'm good," He rubbed the back of his head. He looked back at the, shaking a tremendous amount, elder. "Minnie..."

Chan, Changbin, and Seungmin ran into the room. "What was that noise?" Chan asked, walking over to the trio, the other two following the leader.

Minho tensed at the leader's voice. Oh no.

"I hit my head–"

"I didn' do it! Min did not'ing!" Minho yelled, voice cracking. He looked up at Chan with teary eyes. "I didn' do i'! I didn' mean to push Sungie dat 'ard! I' was an accident!" Chan crouched beside Minho. "I'm sowwy, Channie! Pwease don' hwurt me!"

"Calm down, Minnie," The leader looked at the other members, all of who were confused. Why was Minho talking like that? "Jisung, go ice your head. Felix, follow him. Changbin and Seungmin, do whatever just not in here,"

Every member left the room. As Jisung exited, "I said my head is fine," he said

"That's not up for discussion," Felix said, pushing the boy out the door and closing it.

As soon as the door closed, Minho hugged Chan. " 'm sowwy Channie! Day wouwdn' go 'way when I said to! Sungie keep ask wha' wash wong an' I keep sayin' to go 'way bu' Sungie an' Wixie keep buggin' me an' not movin'! 'm sowwy! I hwurt Sungie! Is my fwaut! Pwease don' gif Minmin a punnyshment! Day hwurt wewwy bwad! I say dat I did it–"

"Minnie, calm down." He shushed the younger. "I'm not gonna punish you but you do need to apologize to Jisung soon. But why were you alone in here in the first place? I thought we agreed you would come to me if–"

"I didn' wan' to boder chu. Chu wash busy an' Minnie didn' wan' to wuin your wowk becash you wouwd ge' mwad a' Minnie den chu wouwd punnyshment Minnie an' Minnie wouwdn' haf fun anymwore tonigh' an' Minnie no wan' dat!" He whined, stuffing his face against Chan's chest.

"Are you sure your head is fine? If Chan heard it from in here–"

"Chan's like a vampire. And I've said many times," he hissed as he set his head down on the ice pack, "my head is fine."

"Yeah okay," Felix lay down next to Jisung. "Do you think Minho is okay?"

"I dunno. He never cried when we're home so–" Minho's giggles filled the room as he ran into the room, Chan not far behind. "Why am I always getting interrupted?" Felix giggled, pecking the elder's lips.

Minho ran up to the couple, sitting down in front of Jisung on the floor. Jisung faced the elder, a small smile on his face. "Hello,"

"Hi..." Minho bit his lip. "I'm... I'm sorry for pushing you earlier. I was... I was not in a good mood... sorry..." He looked down.

"It's fine, Min. I'm sorry for bugging you,"

Minho smiled. "Is okay! Can we have cuddle movie time now?"

"Sure," Jisung turned towards Felix. "Can you turn on a movie?"

"Why can't you?"

Jisung pouted. "Please~ You'll get free kisses~"

The Aussie sighed, getting up from his spot. Minho gasped at the free spot. Slowly, he lay next to Jisung, hugging the boy tightly. "What are we gonna watch?" Felix asked, sitting on the edge of the couch, almost sitting on Jisung's legs.

"Can we watch Sleeping Beauty?" Minho asked, climbing onto Jisung's chest. The blonde groaned at the weight. Immediately, Minho laid back down. "Sorry..."

"Hey, Chan." Jisung knocked on the doorway to the leader's room.

Chan looked up from his computer. "What's up, Sung?"

Jisung walked up to the elder's bed, sitting on the edge so Chan didn't have to move far. "Is Minho acting... Weird around you?"

The leader leaned back in his chair. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno..." He fell onto the bed. "Like... Like last week," he sat back up, too quickly, "shit... when... When he came to apologize to me! He... after he apologized, I suggested we have– I– I mean he suggested we have a cuddle movie night. There's nothing wrong with it!" He shook his hands frantically. "It's just that Min isn't one to... Y'know..."

"Isn't one to ask that with others around?" Chan finished the sentence.

"Yeah... And yesterday, I accidentally dropped my food. Normally he would scold me or something. But he didn't even acknowledge it! He was too focused on whatever he was watching on his phone! He's been more... I dunno... bubbly but also secluded at the same time, y'know? I dunno... he's just not been his normal self, I guess. And he's been more clingy,"

Chan nodded along. "Maybe something happened and he's trying to cope with it? Talk to him if it bothers you," Jisung nodded. Chan looked at his computer and then back at Jisung. "Wanna help me finish this? I think it's missing some Sungie touch,"

Minho stood at the doorway of the room. He held his favorite blanket tightly. All he wanted was to cuddle with Chan while the elder worked but Jisung beat him to it. He was so close to slipping too! A small whimper left his throat. He threw his blanket down and then stormed off to his and Jisung's room, slamming and locking the door. For the rest of the day, he wasn't seen again.

Somehow, Minho always just misses cuddles with Chan. And somehow, Jisung is always with Chan! Always! Minho hated how Jisung, or any other member, took Chan away. It wasn't fair!

"Has anyone seen Minho? We were gonna go out to see a movie," Jisung asked during lunch.

Everyone shook their heads. "Last I saw he was in your room," Felix said, looking up from his game of Mario Kart for a split second.


Jisung knocked on the locked door. "Min! Are you ready?" On the other side of the door, a soft voice was heard. "Min?"

"Ji, have you seen–"

"He locked the door,"

Chan furrowed his eyebrows. He played with the door knob. "Hey Minnie, can you open the door for Channie?"

Soft shuffling feet noises were heard from the other side. "Is i' onwy Channie? Sungie isn' dare too, wight?"

"You hear that," Chan looked at Jisung, who was dramatically draped against the wall. "It's the sound of my heart breaking..."

The leader rolled his eyes before looking back at the door. "It's just me, Min,"

Slowly, the door opened. Minho latched onto Chan. "Why do chu no see MinMin anymwore?"

"What do you mean, Minnie?"

"Chu are awwaysh wif Sungie an' no' Minmin anymwore! Never even ask if Minmin ish okay!"

"Minnie," Chan pulled away so he and Minho could look at each other, "you're the one who's not seeing me. I said you could bother me no matter what,"

Minho adjusted his glasses. "Sowwy... Is jus' you spen' mwore time wif Sungie den Minmin an' Minmin misses Channie's cuddles..." Minho's eyes caught Jisung. "What do chu– you want, Su– Jisung!" He yelled, stepping into the room. "I thought you said dat– that Sungie– Jisung wasn't here! You lied, Channie!"

"Min, I was looking for you–"

"Shut up, Han Jisung! I don't want to see the movie anymore! Don't talk to me!" He slammed the door.

The two stood in shock. Chan turned towards the younger. "I'm sorry, Ji. I'll talk to you later,"

Jisung nodded, still in shock. What the hell just happened? He watched Chan walk away from the hall. The blonde looked at the door and walked towards it, sliding down it to sit up against it. Minho was also sitting against the door, knees close to his chest. He really just yelled at his best friend for a stupid thing such as a small lie?

"Y'know what's funny," Jisung started. Minho's head popped up at the voice. He was still there? "I know you're there in the same position as me. It's like that scene from Frozen when– after Anna sings Do you want to build a snowman. I'm Anna and you're Elsa," Jisung chuckled like he was high. Minho also giggled, slipping slightly. "I'm sorry Chan had to lie to you. I'm sorry you haven't seen him much lately." A tear slipped from Minho's eyes. "I wanna know if everything is alright. You've been... Crap, what's the word..."


Jisung smiled. "That. You've been isolated more than usual. You're not, quote-unquote, mean to us anymore. It's like your personality had a one-eighty-degree turn. Did something happen? Did someone say something?"

Minho opened the door, making Jisung slide backward and hit his head on the ground. The elder looked down. "Give me a warning next time, please," Jisung chuckled, getting up.

"Sorry... take a seat an' I'll explain..." He closed the door as Jisung sat down on his respective bed. Minho sat on his own bed too.

Jisung got up to sit next to Minho, who gave him a look. "Wanted to sit next to you. Something wrong with sitting next to my best friend?"

"No..." He shook his head, smiling. "Is fine... Okay...."

"So you're a little?" Minho nodded, nervously playing with his fingers. "Min, you should've told me this ages ago! You've known me for years! I'm an understanding person!"

"Sorry... It was me... me that didn't want to tell you, not little me...." Subconsciously, he started nibbling at his fingers.

Jisung pulled his hands down. "No. We don't do that,"


"Stop apologizing, Min. Who else have you told? Besides me and Chan,"

The little shrugged. "Jus' chu an' Channie.... Big Minnie ish too scare to tree da o'er's. Scare dat day wiww judge Minmin...." He grabbed his blanket.

"They won't, Min. Wanna know a secret?"

Minho tilted his head. "A secwet?"


"Den yesh!" He sat up excitedly.

The rapper cooed. "Lixie is a little too! More specifically a switch!"

"Wha' ish a swish?"

"He can be a caretaker and a little!"

The little's eyes sparkled. He had a friend? "Wixie ish a wittle wike Minmin?"

"Yep!" He looked at his phone. "Soon–" He stammered on his words. "Lixie– crap I can't find the words..." Minho giggled. "At– in three minutes, Lixie is gonna come in here to either play or sleep. Would you like to join him?"



Lol I'm revising my works right now and how dare I not add an ending note!

~ Quokka wuvs you

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