✤Stardew Valley Oneshots✤

By MicrowavableEm

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This is my first time doing anything like this so sorry if it's shocking xxx I accept requests! This is all j... More

♥Stay Still♥ 《Leah x Reader》
♡Forgive Me♡ 《Shane x Reader》
❃For you❃ 《Gus x Fem.Reader》
❀So, this is love?❀《Penny x Reader》
✸Valiant ✸《Abigail x Reader》
❈Confession❈《Elliott x Reader》
✸Time To Think✸《Sebastian x Sam》
♡I truly do♡ 《Elliott x Reader》
❆City Life❆《Sebastian x GN.Reader》
❅Ice-Skating❅ 《Haley x Reader》
❀Hiking Out❀ 《Emily x Reader》
★Stargazing★ 《Alex x F.Reader》
❁Beach Days❁ 《Haley x F.Reader》

✳Complete✳ 《Sam x NB.Reader》

1.3K 20 17
By MicrowavableEm

Requested by:  YourExra

《Y/N's POV》

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Sam screams whilst glaring daggers at Sebastian - who is just sitting there, smirking menacingly.

"Not my fault you're shit at this game." Sebastian sighs, "Now it's just you Y/N."

Seb, Sam, and I were all chilling outside of Sam's house playing shit-quality video games to pass the time. Sam wasn't the greatest at it and kept getting killed by either Me, Seb or even just by himself. Seb was really good - no surprise there, and I was frantically sweating whilst trying to get a hit on Sebastian. My health was significantly lower than his and I knew I was done for. Except, I wasn't! 

"Hah! Yeahh!!" I smile in sweet victory. By some miracle, I actually managed to win! I thanked the heavens above as I placed my hands around the back of my neck. Sebastian's face was priceless as he put down his arms in defeat.

"Serves you RIGHT!" Sam laughs - still pissed at how many times Seb had managed to kill him. "Karma at its finest."

"Shut it," Sebastian growled as Sam and I were wheezing at how moody he had become. I walked over and patted the sore loser on his back. He shoved me off gently and stretched his arms out, "Well, I'm off. I'll see you guys at the Saloon tonight."

"What?! You're leaving? It's not because you got beat by Y/N right? Are you really that much of a sore loser??" Sam exclaimed as Sebastian punched him in the arm.

"Nah, I ain't pissed. I gotta go work." (he is really on that grind) He states as he lights a cigarette and walks by the both of us.

"Yeah, bullshit," I say which got Sebastian to whip his head around and stick up his middle finger. I smile as I wave him off. 

"You're staying, right?" Sam asks in a desperate tone.

"I'll stay." I smile, which he returns, "What do you wanna do now?"

"Hmm..." Sam sighs, humming to himself and putting his fingers up to his chin. A sudden light bulb appears in his head, "HEY! I wanna show you this new trick I learned on my skateboard!"

Sam then bolts inside his house and shortly returns, skateboard in hand. 

"Let me guess... it's... a kick-flip?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Yeah! I finally mastered it. Check this out!" Sam beams as he hops onto his board. He started showing me cool tricks he had learned over the past years - honestly, I was impressed. My skills weren't as good (they were shit, to say the least).

Sam started showing off his skills as I prayed he would fall just to shut him up (lovingly). And well... apparently it's my lucky day - because that's exactly what happened... shocker! Sam flipped off the flower pots and the wheel got stuck which resulted in him tumbling off and slamming himself into me. I was hit with sudden wind and my initial reaction was to shove him off. And that's what I did... by accident of course.

Sam was laying on the ground, clutching his leg in pain, "Ahhh shit... it kills..." He whined as I made my way over to him. I stabled him up against a tree and took a look at his leg, it was bleeding quite a lot from its nasty cut. 

"Ok, just stay there. I'll go get a bandage." I say and quickly make my way into Sam's house. Luckily, this isn't the first time Sam has gotten injured by doing something stupid and so I knew where the bandages and first-aid kits were located. As I retrieved the bandages and sanitary wipes, I bumped into Jodi.

"Oh, hello dear. I didn't know you were here." She smiles at me as I do the same, "Oh, why do you have bandages?"

"Oh... well, Sam fell off his skateboard again and hurt himself - it isn't anything too serious though. No need to worry!" I smile.

"Oh dear. I've told him millions of times to be careful on that thing. As long as it isn't anything too serious - if it is then don't worry, he has seen doctor Harvey about this thing plenty of times before." Jodi sighs, "Well anyways, I'm sorry I'm really busy today and have no time to even think! But thank you, I don't know what I or Sam would do without you!" She laughs.

"I'll go take care of Sam, don't worry this isn't the first time! Take care, Jodi." I smile and begin leaving as she waves me off.

I make my way over to the man-child who was still clutching his leg and shaking in pain.

"FINALLY YOU'RE HERE!! I'M IN PAIN RIGHT NOW." He screams - I swear I saw tears fall from his eyes as I just laugh at him (LOVINGLY). 

I began to disinfect the wound which Sam constantly complained about, wincing every time I would try to wipe away the dirt. I applied the bandages and he begins to relax a little.

"It doesn't look too serious, do you think you need to visit Harvey?" I ask.

"Nah, I will be alright. I've had worse. And it's past three so he ain't even open." Sam replies.

Sam and I just sit there and start talking - well, I say 'we', Sam was mainly taking hold of the conversation whilst I just sat there, laughing and nodding. It came to a period of time when the sun had begun setting and so I stood up and exchanged my hand with Sam's. I stabled his movements and began tugging him upwards - he winced but managed to stand up whilst using my shoulders as support. He then pulled me into a hug and started laughing, I obviously hugged him back as we stayed in the warm embrace for a while.

《Sam's POV》

I used Y/N as support whilst I tried standing up. The pain was unreal but I got used to it. 'Damn, I must have a low pain tolerance.' I felt bad as pretty much all my weight was onto Y/N. They tried stabilizing me more and as they did, I saw an opportunity to embrace them.

We stayed like that for a while as the previous pain was pretty much gone. Y/N had such a peaceful aura around them. I laugh to myself, not realizing I was actually laughing out loud. I must've looked like such an idiot. Or a psychopath. A psychopathic idiot. That fits.

We release each other from the hug as I wrap one of my arms around Y/N as support. They paused for a moment and then we began slowly walking to the saloon. I saw 'slowly walking', what I mean is that Y/N was practically dragging me over to the building with the occasional grunt or sigh. We finally arrived in one piece and walked in. It wasn't too busy yet as we began stumbling over to the game room. As we passed Shane, I smiled at him but of course, he just grunted and went back to drinking. 'What a grumpy fella.'

We make it to the game room and see Seb and Abi already there. I smiled at them as Y/N sets me down on one of the stools near the pool table. I was ready to beat Seb's ass at the game but then realized my leg was gonna drag me down. I really thought I could win it tonight as well! Seb and I chatted, well... more like Seb was laughing at me for hurting myself. Abi and Y/N were speaking to each other on the couch - just a typical Friday night.

《Y/N's POV》

"So, since Sam is too much of a baby to play pool because of his 'poor leg', what are we gonna do?" Sebastian asks, smirking at Sam as he glares at him.

We all think for a moment. What were we gonna do? Just talk..? Nah.

"I got it!" Abigail exclaims, "Let's all just get pissed."

"HELL YEAH!" Sam screams and raises one arm in the air.

"Sure, why not." Sebastian shrugs, not giving a shit.

I nod in agreement as we all make our way over to the bar. Well, I say 'we'. Sam whined at the thought of having to walk over there and insisted on me staying behind with him so he wouldn't get 'lonely'.  The bar was literally 4 meters away...

After a couple of minutes, Abigail and Sebastian came back with a tray of alcoholic beverages which we were pleased to see. 

One drink.

Two drinks.

Three... Four... Five.

"YO WAIT!" Sam screams, pausing everyone, "THIS IS MY JAM!" Sam then quickly runs over to a microphone that was unplugged from the stand and fumbles around to switch it on. When he achieves this, everything just got a whole lot worse.

Sam began screaming at the top of his lungs, singing the lyrics in an off-putting tune. It earned a roar of laughter from us whilst heads would occasionally pop into the room - to see what we were doing. Was it embarrassing? Yes very. Was it hilarious? Yes very.

Sam started the karaoke, and Abi soon joined in, "YEAH!!! LET'S DO THIS!" She slurred. Seb and I stood there pissing our sides at how horrendous they sounded. It was a good laugh! A song suddenly came on which I recognized to be my all-time favorite! And so, being a responsible adult who was partially drunk, partially sober... I decided to join in this mess.

There I was, like a star. I was singing (terribly) into the microphone - more like screaming at the top of my lungs whilst Abi and Sam sang with me - also screaming at the top of their lungs. Song after song, we progressively got worse. It went from 'High way to Hell' to 'Rock Lobster' in a matter of minutes - but we didn't care. Both songs were equally good! Taking a glance at Sebastian, I saw the absolute horror and disappointment plastered onto his face, him realizing that these were his friends and who he associated with - poor guy.

《Sebastian's POV》

I am so disappointed in myself. THESE are the people I choose to hang around with. I know they're pissed out of their little minds - BUT I'M EQUALLY AS PISSED AND YET I DON'T GO OUT AND START SCREAMING BON JOVI LYRICS INTO THE MICROPHONE, slurring every word..

Sam was making a total fool out of himself - like he already does. Constantly screaming into the microphone, no longer phased by his 'poor leg'.

Abi was equally as embarrassing - thank god Pierre left early is all I can say. 

And Y/N. I thought better of them.

As multiple songs play, and a bunch of lunatics sang along to the songs, I found myself slightly swaying to the music - which physically hurts me.

It got to a point where we were so... ape-shit, that we started accidentally breaking shit...

"AH SHIT NAH. THE STOOL IS BROKEN!!" Sam screams out, and then is followed by Abigail who proceeds to break a stool saying, "YOU AINT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN BREAK A STOOL!" 

What has it come to?

《Y/N's POV》

After singing my heart out to multiple songs - which I will mentally punch myself for afterward when I'm sober and the embarrassment finally hits, accidentally breaking things and witnessing Sam jumping off the pool table into a 'crowd'... the 'crowd' being Sebastian who just watched as he flopped to the ground - finally taking notice in his recently injured leg. Gus told us that we had had enough to drink and it was time to go home. 

When Abigail protested to leaving the Saloon, Gus said he would call Pierre to come to pick her up - Abigail was the fastest one who left. Sam, Sebastian, and I stumbled out of the Saloon and were hit by the cold wind.

"I should probably.. get going." Abigail slurred as she waved us off and left, walking to her house - Sebastian did the same, and then it was only me and Sam left.

"Y/NNNN" Sam cheers, gleefully.

Finally, trying the hardest as I could to at least act sober, I grabbed Sam's hand and we began walking back to his house. His leg no longer phased him so much - except the occasional grunt or 'ouch' - which I chose to ignore. We finally made it to his house and I dropped him off at his door. Sam hugged me in his drunken state and started swaying and laughing. I hugged back - slightly awkwardly but still smiling. When we pulled apart, Sam grabbed my face gently and pulled me in for a kiss. A sudden shock hit me. The kiss was slightly awkward as we were both drunk and lasted maybe a little too long until we finally pulled away. 

Sam refused to go into his house and stated, "I wanna stay with you..."

After much protesting from Sam, I managed to convince him to go inside and go to bed - meaning I pushed him through the front door and quickly shut it and locked it from the outside before posting the keys through the letterbox located on the door.

My mind was everywhere at that moment. I stood outside Sam's house and looked towards the lake. The gentle movements it made... It was so peaceful.

After harmonizing with the atmosphere of this beautiful valley, I heard something in the bushes. At first, my instinct was that it was a murderer - of course. But my curiosity got the best of me as I approached the bush.

"Hello..." I whispered into the eerie cold night - directed at the certain bush.

Moments after, I heard the rustling again which made me step back as I tried to steady my breathing. Except it got worse when I saw what was sprinting out of the bush. The 'What', was actually a 'Who', in fact, it was two 'who's'. I was in total shock as I saw Marnie sprinting past my right and Lewis sprinting past my left.

I stood there.

Frightened out of my little mind.

《Abigail's POV》

As I laid my head on my comfy pillow, I heard a ping which scared the shit out of me. I look over to my bed-side table and pick up my phone. The phone screen blasted a painful and bright light into my eyes as I read the text. It was from Y/N.

"YO, GUESS WHAT." - Y/N <3.

"WHAT???" - Sammmm.


"No fucking way. I knew it!" - Sebby.

I quickly sit up and proceed to start typing,


《Y/N's POV》

After that... 'weird experience', I finally made it back to my house. I plonked myself onto my bed and was ready to go to sleep. That was until the memory of Sam and I kissing came back into my mind. It made me blush a very dark red.

I knew I loved Sam since the day we met! 

And maybe, he loved me too...

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