Yours Forever (LawLu)

By EroQueen01

21.4K 980 511

Trafalgar Law is a 26 year old medical student. His first day working on the emergency room changed his life... More

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Day Out
Your book
Basketball Match
Sleeping together
First date
❗️Announcement ❗️
The invitation
Karaoke Night
Love confession
Tell me everything
Camping trip
Camping trip pt 2
Family Dinner
At the hospital
Be honest
❗️Announcement ❗️
Suprise party
Birthday sex
Pub Crawl
Back home
Before we go

Double date

567 23 22
By EroQueen01

Luffy POV

I woke up with my phone buzzing loudly on the bedside table. Struggling to open my eyes, I managed to reach out for the phone and picked up the call.

-Hello? -I spoke in a low whisper, I didn't want wake up Torao.- Who's this?
-It's your brother, idiot.- Ace spoke loudly on the other side of the line.
-Shh... don't shout. I just woke up.- I sat up and rubbed my eyes, slowly opening them.

Torao was sleeping quietly next to me, with the cutest expression, I just wanted to fill his face with kisses.

-Oi, Luffy, you there? I'm talking to you.- Ace's voice made me snap out of my trance.

Damn, I was just looking at him and I completely blanked out.

-What do you want, Ace? -I spoke lowly.
-Me and Marco are going out for dinner tonight and I thought it would be fun if you and Law joined us.
-Like a double date?
-Yeah, what do you say?
-Maybe. I have to check with him.
-Ohhh c'mon Luffy, I need to change the reservation to four people and I need to do that now. Just say yes.
-That's not a yes.
-Ace, you—
-Can't you just accept the freaking invitation?!
-Argh! Fine, alright!
-Cool, I'll text you the address. See you guys at 7pm.

He hung up.
What the fuck was that all about?

-Morning. - Torao looked up at me with sleepy eyes and a tender smile.
-O-Oh Torao, I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up?
-That's okay.- he crawled up to my chest and hugged me, closing his eyes.

I hugged him back and stroke his hair softly, enjoying the warmth of his body against mine. It is the most therapeutic feeling.

-So, who called?- Torao asked, his face still buried on my chest.
-My brother.
-Which one?
-Ace. He invited us out for dinner with him and Marco.
-Oh, okay.
-Is that alright? -I grabbed his face gently, pulling his chin upwards so our eyes could meet.
-Of course. -He smiled and kissed me smoothly.

I didn't hesitate to kiss back and held him close in my arms. Law slowly hovered me as we kissed and I instinctively spread my legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling his body closer to mine. As I did this, Law's tongue caressed my lips and I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to slide in.
As our tongues met and swirled around one another, I began running my hands on Torao's back, starting from his neck, down to his coccyx.
As my hands went lower, he arched his back and let out a soft pant against my lips. He then pulled back and looked at me lustfully.

-I know a great way to start the day, if you're interested.- he smirked and I chuckled.
-I'm all yours, baby~. - Oh my God, I did it. I called him baby too! .- Ah...

Law mouthed my neck violently and proceeded to pull my boxers out. I shivered under his touch but held closely onto him. He drives me crazy, I want him to touch me more~


-Luffy! C'mon we're gonna be late. - Torao called out from the other side of the bathroom door.
-It's okay. Ace knows his brother well. He probably told you guys an earlier time already cause he knows Luffy's always late.- Zoro said.
-Hey!- I shouted. -That's bullshit!

We ended up going to the student halls so I could change into some better clothes before dinner. Turns out the place we are going is quite posh.
Torao came with me so that we could take an Uber to the restaurant together. But now I feel so bad for making him wait. I just need to finishing fixing my hair. Arghhh why is my hair so freaking messy!?

-Luffy, Ace is calling you.- Zoro said.
-Can you pick up?- I finally left the bathroom.- Tell him we're on our way.
-I can't tell him that, if I speak to him he'll know you're still at home.
-Fuck, you're right. Give me that!

I took the phone from his hand and picked up.

-Ace, we're on our way stop calling!
-Luffy it's 7:17pm, you're almost 30 minutes late! We're gonna loose the table if you don't get here soon.
-Alright alright! We're on the Uber, what do you want me to do? Traffic is really bad!

Zoro chuckled lowly and Torao rolled his eyes.

-Okay, just hurry up!.- Ace replied.
-Cool, alright, okay, bye.- I hung up. -We gotta go. Torao you ready?

He chuckled and opened the door for me.

-What do you think?
-Right, sorry. Bye Zoro!!
-Bye guys, have a nice dinner.
-Thanks, see ya Roronoa.

We left the halls and got on an Uber to the restaurant. I sighed heavily as I sat down and looked at my handsome date.

-Sorry about that Torao, I couldn't find the right thing to wear and then I couldn't get my hair to—
-You look perfect, Luffy.- he interrupted with a smile.
-Thanks, you too.- I smiled back.- Also, I should warn you... you'll probably see my brother scolding me for being late when we get there...
-It's okay.- he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.- It's not completely your fault that we're late. We could have gone to your apartment earlier if it weren't for.. You know, that lazy morning.- he blushed lightly and I giggled.
-Right, you tell Ace that.


We finally arrived and... we were indeed 30 minutes late. We got inside and found Ace and Marco sitting at the bar, so we joined them.

-Hey guys!
(Torao) -Hello.
(Marco) -Hi, how's it going?
(Ace) -Do you have any idea what time it is?!
(Marco) -Ace, love, calm d—
(Ace) -No Marco. Luffy needs to hear it. We lost our table because of you. Can't you ever be on time? Not even for once? You never change Luffy.
-Ace don't be so dramatic. We'll get a table soon, what matters is that we're here now.
(Ace) -Tsk, I knew I shouldn't have told you the right time of the reservation. If I'd said 6:30 would've been here on time.
-That's funny, Zoro said you'd do that. Then why didn't you?
-Luffy... -Ace stared at me with anger in his eyes.- Are you fuck—
-Ace. -Marco took Ace's hand and so my brother turned his gaze to him.- Should we order some drinks?
-Sure... Let's order some drinks. -Ace sighed.
-Waaaiiter!- I called out.



Not long after Luffy order the drinks, a waiter came to tell us our table was ready.

-See, Ace? We barely had to wait for a new table.- Luffy said and I gave him a small nudge.
-Maybe you shouldn't tease your brother like that.- I whispered.
-You know what Luffy, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that, but after dinner, you're a dead man. C'mon Marco, let's go sit down. -Ace said.
-Actually, why don't you go ahead and sit with Luffy? I'll wait to for the drinks we ordered.
-You're gonna wait alone?- Ace asked.
-Law could wait with me.

Eh? Me? I barely know him.

(Marco) -We'll go as soon as they bring us the drinks.
(Ace) - Alright, let's go crybaby.
(Luffy) - Hey, don't call me that!

Luffy and Ace followed the waiter to our table and I was left with Marco. I didn't know what to say, so I stood in silence while Marco watched them leave.

-Law, I need to tell to you something, but you can't tell Luffy.- Marco turned to me seriously.


-Ah... You sure..? -I replied awkwardly.
-Yes, look, this is really important.- Marco sighed heavily.- You guys weren't suppose to come tonight. But when Ace asked me if he could invite you, I couldn't find a reason to say no.

I frowned confused, what is he talking about?

-I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand...
-Law.- Marco looked me in the eyes.- I was gonna propose to Ace tonight.

Marco pulled out a small ring box from his jacket pocket and my chin almost dropped to the floor.

-You can't tell Luffy because he'll spoil this. He doesn't know how to keep a secret.
-M-Marco... that's.. That's great news.- I said.-Congradulati—
-No, no no! Not yet, because I can't do it in front of you two. I was already way too nervous about this and now—
-Here are your drinks sir.- the waiter interrupted us.

Marco downed his drink in one sip and ordered another one straight away.
I observed him a bit dumbfounded, I never thought I would find myself in this situation. At the same time, I felt bad for Marco, he'd planned the perfect evening to propose, and then me and Luffy appeared and ruined his plans. Although, if he was planning on doing this in a restaurant it shouldn't be that different to do it in front of two more people, right?

-Marco, I'm really sorry, if I had known this before, we would have never came. But you can still do it, this doesn't mean you can't propose tonight. Why don't you do it later?
-Because I had it all planned out. I was gonna order a bottle of Ace's favourite champagne alongside the desert and instead of proposing a toast, I was just gonna propose. I could picture him saying yes in this romantic scenario after a perfect meal. I can't do it at home, or in the middle of the street, that sucks, he'll never say yes to a proposal like that. Ace is so special he deserves the most special proposal.

Ahhh shit. I feel really bad for me. What do I do? What can I do? I need to say something. I need to help somehow.

-Well, but maybe it's more romantic if it's spontaneous. What if you take him somewhere nice after dinner? Me and Luffy can leave straight away and you guys could walk along the river side or go to a nice quiet pub. And you can do it then. You can still give him a perfect evening, and a special proposal.
-What if he says no? Luffy's ruined his mood, maybe I shouldn't do it anymore. Maybe it's a sign.
-Oh c'mon, that's not a sign. You're just nervous but, you love him, right?
-Yes, more than anything in the world... But what if-
-Okay, no "but ifs". Look, I really don't know you or Ace that well but I heard a lot about you from Luffy. He truly looks up to you two as a relationship role model.
-Really? Luffy does..?
-Yes. And he's told me several times that he's never seen two people more perfect for each other.

Marco stunned me with a tight hug.

-Thanks Law. - he smiled and got up. -Alright let's go, they've been waiting for the drinks for a while now.
-Yeah.- I got up, grabbed two cocktails and followed him to the table.

(Luffy)- Hey! You're finally here. Those drinks certainly took a lot of time.
(Marco) -Well there was only one bartender.

We took our seats and both Ace and Luffy rushed us through the menu so we could order "asap" to quote my boyfriend.


After a long pleasant meal, we left the restaurant and that's when Marco suggested:

-Do you wanna have a drink? There's a really nice pub nearby.
-We could, what do you guys think? -Ace turned to me and Luffy.
-Sure, sounds go—
-Actually, maybe it's better for us to go home.- I interrupted.- I mean, tomorrow is Monday and I have to work. Also, you have classes Luffy, so you shouldn't be drinking tonight.
-Ohh c'mon, just one drink. -Luffy pouted
-I'm sorry, I'm just really tired.- I replied.

Ohhh please Luffy! Stop insisting.

-Luffy, can I speak to you in private?- I pulled him to the side. -Look, let's just go home.
-Why?- he frowned.- Aren't you having fun?
-Yes, I am but...

I can't tell him. I promised Marco I wouldn't.

-But... I am also really horny.

WHAT?! Is that seriously the first thing I could think of?!

-Yeah, I'm really... really horny.

Well... now you've said it, gotta roll with it.

-You know... I just want to get home and rip those clothes off.- I took a step closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.- What do you say?

Luffy blushed lightly and I smirked.

-You know you want it too~. -I whispered in his ear.
-Alright, let's do it. -he gave in and quickly turned back to Marco and Ace. - Yeaaah, sorry guys, I think we're going home. Torao is right, tomorrow is workday so we should get some rest.
-Alright then. We had a great time guys, we should do it again sometime. -Ace said.
-Yeah, for sure.- Luffy smiled.

We said our goodbyes and took a bus back to my flat. We had just arrived when Luffy got a call from his brother. I walked in the bedroom while Luffy talked to Ace in the living room and about 10 minutes later he walked in my room with the biggest smile I'd seen.

-You're not gonna believe what just happened.- he said.
-But by the look on your face, I can certainly tell it's good news.- I replied.
-ACE AND MARCO ARE ENGAGED!!- he shouted happily and I chuckled.- Isn't it crazy?! They went to this beautiful pub after the meal and Marco proposed!! Can you believe that?!
-Yeah.- I smiled and hugged him. -I kinda already knew about it. Marco told me.
-Eh?!?!- Luffy pushed me away and looked me in the eyes.- You already knew?! And you didn't tell me?! How did you know?! Why didn't you tell me?!
-Marco asked me not to tell.
-When we waiting at the bar, Marco told me he wanted to propose that night, but that he couldn't do it in front of us, and that I couldn't tell you because... You wouldn't be able to keep that secret.
-Anyway, I told him to do it after dinner, and apparently, I give out really good advice.
-Wait, so when Marco asked us to go for drinks and you said no...
-It's because I knew he wanted to propose.
-EH?! So we could have watched Marco propose to Ace and you said no?!
-Luffy, Marco wasn't gonna do it if we were there.
-Wait! So, when you said you were really horny... Was that just to convince me to go home?!

Ahh, shit.

-It was... a bit of both actually.- I replied and placed my hand on the back of his neck. - But now that we are here, and now that you know you're brother is engaged, I think we should most definitely celebrate.

Luffy giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck.
I leaned forward and we instinctively kiss. Slowly at first, but as our lips began striving for more contact, our tongues met and caressed each other. My hands gradually moved down to his waist and as I did so, Luffy closed the distance between our bodies, slowly pulling back from the kiss.

-Let's start celebrating then.- he smirked and I couldn't help but to kiss him again.

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