The Warlock, the Witch, and t...

De NecroWarrior868

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Jedi are being hunted across the galaxy after the Sith tricked them with the Clone Wars. Now the few remainin... Mai multe

Authors Note
Reader Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (+18)
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (+18)
Chapter 18 (+18)

Chapter 10

607 25 15
De NecroWarrior868

Author's note: I'm gonna skip ahead to the Fall this chapter. Reason because the character is supposed to be missing and would therefore be absent from everything else, and what happens between the docks brawl and the beginning of the Fall seems irrelevant to the Warlock and his schemes. With all that said, Enjoy!


Ever since his apparent capture, the Warlock had been catching up on his own personal work in his private life.

Since he was technically supposed to be missing in action, he couldn't afford to show his face at Vale at all, and that left him with plenty of free time to do whatever he wished. Luckily, he had contingencies in place should he be absent, and Captain Maldice was left in charge of the Imperial forces overseeing Vale, who was able to converse with the natives normally after practice with his master for the plan.

The Headmaster Ozpin obviously asked Maldice to keep an eye out should either the Warlock or Knight show themselves (even though they were the same person secretly) and Maldice told him he would have probe droids searching all of Vale.

Ironwood was also placated by Maldice when he contacted the captain with concerns over the deal the Empire had made with his kingdom in terms of resources, telling the General from one military man to another that they would not abandon them at this crucial time.

With the natives placated a bit, that left him to do what he had to get caught up on.

Mostly keeping up the appearance of being a loyal subject of Palpatine, as the deadline for the first update approached for his experiment on immortality. Though he didn't expect the Emperor to personally contact him for a report, meaning he had to force himself to appear submissive again in front of the Sith Lord to keep his plans continuing smoothly. Though he believed Palpatine suspected something was up, due to the paranoia he used to create his own empire, he was able to please Palpatine enough to have the all clear to continue his work with the condition of monthly reports such as this. That could be a problem in the future, as he might call in at an inconvenient time, but he will deal with that when the time comes.

After getting the Emperor off his back for more time, he was able to continue his own experiments with the Chrysalisk Grimm, transitioning his test to new types, which were Deathstalkers and Nevermores that they were able to provide from the LoD to moon base. The results were touch and go for the first few times, but he was able to get desirable results: The Deathstalkers now had the same cosmetic changes, as well as having two poisonous tails now instead of one, and their claws were more jagged to allow extra pain for any prey they got within their grasp. Meanwhile the Nevermores were the same in appearances, but now their wings were secreting the poison normally found in Beowolf and Ursa Chrysalisk's mouths, tainting their wings a bit to look more rugged than usual as well as keeping them from flying to high due to the new structure of their wings, but this in turn gave them a new type of attack, in the form of swiping their wings at their foes to splash the poison which apparently ate aura up on to them.

With these new breakthroughs done, he also took time to check in on the others involved with his plan. The first he contacted was Salem, checking up to make sure she was okay with everything going on back home, which she eased him of his worries and told him the usual things that were happen with coordinating their combined forces, with the additional comment of missing him back in her embrace and couldn't wait for when he got back to the LoD in victory. Hazel was at her side and gave some updates to him from his point of view, as well as asked the Warlock for a personal favor: the chance to use his probe droids to record Ozpin's personal downfall. Sensing vengeful ambition in the man's soul, the Warlock promised to keep eyes on Ozma at all times till the end of the fall out of curiosity for the desire sensed in the man, which Hazel thanked him for and promised to keep protecting Salem back home.

Tyrian and his new Terror Troopers were getting twitchy and antsy from not having that many action to go on, so he decided to placate their bloodlust by sicking them on some nearby villages close to Vale, causing more grief and chaos for the kingdom and forcing the few veteran Huntsmen groups they had left to leave Vale, leaving only the students and teachers of Beacon Academy to protect the city with Atlas and the Empire.

Watts had decided to remain on the moon base when he first visited, deciding to work with the scientists they had to develop the weapons and gear they were prototyping for their arsenal. So far, he had been able to be professional with his fellows and learn more about the new space elements there were and come up with new theories to create the gadgets he was tasked to make, if his last report was anything to go by.

Cinder would frequently visit him from time to time, coming up with the excuse that she had gotten close to the knight and was wanting to help locate him and free him from the evil warlock's grip.

Emerald and Mercury were able to keep up with their schedules as well, and even took some advice from him to improve a plan they had to derail Beacon even more. During the semi-finals, Mercury went up against an improving Yang Xiao Long, and while the initial plan was to frame her for rampancy, (Y/n) advised Emerald to only trick Yang with her semblance. The result was that after Mercury threw the match, he went to seem like he was genuinely offer his hand to shake while Emerald made it seem like he was going to attack, which made Yang attack him in brute force and injury his leg, and ending up with Atlesian forces arresting a shocked Yang who had her illusions shattered at the right time so show her confusion and shock at what was happening before she was taken away in shame and in cuffs.

With Beacon now even more on edge and teetering on the brink of collapse due to the massive amounts of negative emotions arousing the Grimm numbers by the thousands, the final stages of Operation Broken Beacon were finally coming into play. All that was left was to seal the deal in the finals match of the Festival and Beacon and Vale of old would be destroyed, replaced with a new city that would be his starting capital.

The final phase was simple: They would cause the death of one of the combatants who for some reason was a synthetic, and Cinder would deliver a speech to criticize the kingdoms and their leaderships. Once the Grimm were driven into a frenzy, the Empire would defend their side of Vale they were given and evacuate anyone they could, while leaving the ones on Beacon's side to fend for themselves. This would seal the deal that the Huntsmen Academies were producing failing relics of the past and believe it was time for a more modern means of defense, specifically a military that had the power and numbers to protect them.

As he was imagining the screams of death his enemies would let out, his thoughts were interrupted by the incoming call he was receiving on his personal console. Answering it, he saw that it was Cinder herself.

Cinder: "My lord. We are about to initiate the final phase of Broken Beacon. The finals match is about to begin." She said.

(Y/n): "Excellent. Time for my true self to make its official debut." He said as he turned off the call and made for the hangar bay. Donning his dark robes and mask, he then to a stealth oriented TIE Phantom meant for scouting and reconnaissance missions, and made way for the outskirts of Vale, where a certain leader was waiting.

Upon reaching the area with dozens of Bullheads awaited lift off and filled to the bring with the new Chrysalisk Grimm he had created for this event, the TIE ship landed near the main building of the makeshift airfield, where a squad of White Fang were awaiting him to see who it really was. Once the cockpit opened and showed the Warlock, the leader of the team, who the dark sorcerer was looking for, motioned for his men to stand down as he went forward to meet him.

Adam: "I hope this was all worth it. Being forced to work with these mercenaries and bandits, even Faunus ones that are a disgrace to our kind, has been hell for us." He commented.

(Y/n): "Your agitation is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things, but will soon see you rewarded for your patience. The time to strike is upon us." He said through his voice-modulating mask, gazing upon the city that would fall to him.

No sooner had he said that, the alarms were going off in the city, meaning that the Grimm were suddenly amassing in large numbers to attack, all the while Cinder was monologuing her speech to have the kingdoms at each other's throats.

(Y/n): "That's our que. Adam, get your people in the air. Dump the Chrysalisk Grimm in the courtyards of Beacon while the normal Grimm attack the city. I'll move up to the school itself on my own and make sure to keep the hardest Huntsmen on my tail. Go!" He ordered.

Adam: "Just so long as I get Blake Belladonna. I have a personal score to settle with her." He added as he prepared to move out.

(Y/n): "Do your job right, and your revenge against her will be made sweeter. And if I catch her first, I'll be sure to keep her alive for you to do whatever you wish." He spoke venomously, making Adam smirk in anticipation of his vendetta being fulfilled.

As the White Fang took off in their Bullheads and made for the courtyard, the Warlock gathered up all his strength in the force and used it to increase his speed and stamina, something he had learned in battle during the Clone Wars.

Now was the time.

Now was the moment for the old order to burn...

... so that a new one would rise to take its place.


Male Huntsmen: "What the hell are these things?!" He shouted as he struggled to hold off a Chrysalisk Beowolf with his staff rifle.

After seeing the shocking murder of Penny Polendina in the final round, the Grimm were suddenly driven to Vale by the thousands from the shock and horror the crowd generated. And since all the veteran Huntsmen were sent out by the headmaster to secure the villages that were being attacked, it was up to them to defend their city. But just before they could rally up to muster a defense, dozens of Bullheads shined their lights all over the school. Whatever hope and relief they felt at the potential of reinforcements turned into shock and fear as they suddenly started deploying Grimm from their holding areas. And not just any Grimm, but the new green skinned, crystal armored Grimm the Headmaster and teachers had started to warn them about.

And these things were now joke at all. A few brave students had tried to charge forward and treat them like any other Grimm, only to receive a nasty surprise in the form of the Grimm spitting a poisonous green substance that burned right through their aura and melted their flesh, resulting in gruesome, grizzly deaths that horrified the smart ones of the kids. It was only the timely arrival of Miss Goodwitch and a few other teachers that they got themselves together and started fighting back. But it was a small hope for them, as upright walking Beowolves, hulking gorilla-like Ursas, twin-tailed Deathstalkers, and low flying Nevermores that were shaking their wings at them to throw more of that green liquid were reducing their numbers fast. Mixing actual fighting techniques such as parrying and dodging with the Beos combined with the animalistic ferocity of the others amped up to level fifteen left only a around seven or eight out of fifty students left, and a devastated Glynda Goodwitch herself, as her fellow teachers had perished either underestimating these new Grimm or sacrificing themselves to safe what few children were left.

Glynda: "Students! Hard as it is to admit, Beacon is lost! Evacuate to the docks and leave on the remaining Bullheads with everyone else going there!" She ordered as she used her semblance to block another torrent of flesh-eating venom from the Nevermore.

Random Student: "But what about you Miss Goodwitch?"

Glynda: "I will hold them off as long as I can before meeting you there! Now go!" She ordered as she sent another telekinetic blast the Grimms' way, which only stumbled them due to their tougher armor.

Seeing no other choice, the remaining students turned to flee, only for the Nevermore to drop in front of them and fling venom at their unprotected bodies, which got Goodwitch's attention as they screamed and melted.

Horrified at failing to protect the students that tried to defend the school, Glynda now furiously gathered all her remaining power to blast the Grimm around her, in a scream of defiance while shooting debris and anything at all at the Grimm in front of her, causing the surviving Beowolves to retreat while the Ursas and Deathstalkers were mostly crushed by the intense storm, and the Nevermore was caught off balance and buried alive.

Exhausted from overusing her powers and seeing that she had a moment to herself, Glynda regretfully looked back at what remains and bodies were left of her students, the children she was supposed to protect. Nearly brought to tears at seeing her home overrun and all these people dying, Glynda strengthened her resolve to protect Vale and turned to march into battle.


And then looked down to see a blade had stabbed her in the abdomen area. Unable to register any pain in her exhaustion and confusion, Glynda looked up to see a black armored man that Qrow had described in his report from his run-in with the Warlock, wielding a staff and had impaled one of the bladed ends into her.

Now grasping the situation at hand, Glynda choked on some blood as Slash removed his weapon from her and merely looked down at her wounded form. When she tried to lift up her weapon to defend herself, a big black boot suddenly landed on her wrist and crushed it, causing a cry of pain from Crusher grinding her limb.

Slash: "Funny how all we have to do is send expandable units after you, and suddenly you're not so tough now, are you Goodbitch." He spoke in a derogatory manner at her name. Despite the immense pain she was going through, Glynda still refused to back down as she glared up at the Purge Troopers mocking her, as another voice spoke from behind them.

??: "Do not underestimate the others though, boys. They are strong indeed, which is why we use smart tactics like these to take them down." All present turned to see the Warlock himself strolling towards them as if he were walking through the park with fire and death all around him. Leaning down, the dark sorcerer gazed upon Glynda's defiant and furious face. "I hope you gain some comfort in knowing, that you never stood a chance of resisting the change that is coming." He spoke as he got his true weapon, his orange cross guard lightsaber out, and aimed it at her face.

Glynda: "Grrrkk! Gloat all you want monster! We will-urk!- still defeat you! There are still three kingdoms left, and they will take back Vale, even with the Empire's help." She spoke in spite of her impending doom.

Warlock: "Oh, there is no doubt of that. But they will be taken back in my image, after I reshape Remnant to MY design with Atlas' help." He responded, causing more confusion in the Huntress.

Glynda: "W-what? What are you talking about? James would never-."

Warlock: "Ironwood will see things my way soon enough. He will be another high-ranking member in my new empire. As well as many other characters of influence and useful skill. Because we are no longer trying to destroy Remnant. We're corrupting it. Showing the true face of humanity over idiotic fairy tales and ignorant beliefs."

Glynda: "They will-Nrg-never side with you! And even if they did, the remaining academies will still stop you, along with your brother!" She spoke vengefully at him.

Only to receive a great laugh in return from the dark being.

Warlock: "Ah yes, about that. I feel like it's time I told you a little secret..." He said as he carefully removed his mask with his hood still on, showing only his face to Glynda, who was now shocked at what she saw.

(Y/n): "I never had a brother in the first place." He mocked as he took in Glynda's horrified look.

Glynda: "Wha... you?? But- all your stories, they-!"

(Y/n): "All the easier to trick you and gain your trust. Every. Single. Time." He said as he allowed her to process everything for just a few more seconds, letting her realize that they had been tricked into giving the enemy power over them all this time, and that now Remnant was probably doomed because of it.

A few seconds was all he allowed, as he then ignited his saber, the orange blade entering her mouth and cutting through flesh to exit out where her neck connected her head with her body.

Removing his weapon and letting Glynda's corpse fall to the ground, swinging it a bit before turning to his troops. "Continue killing any Huntsmen and Huntresses you see. I will deal with the interior of the academy." He ordered as he put his mask back on and left for the school, his troops leaving to follow their orders.

Upon entering, he saw that he was in the cafeteria, and two people were fighting in there. Adam and Blake. Adam clearly had the advantage in combat, while Blake was using her semblance to try and trick Adam into making mistakes. Just before she could land a clear hit on him from the side, she was suddenly choked by the throat and dangled from the air, gaining Adam's attention before she was slammed into the floor a few times, letting Warlock make his appearance.

(Y/n): "It seems you will finally have what you desire, Taurus." He said as he looked down at Blake, who was now terrified at seeing the monster that scarred their team during the Breach.

Adam: "Appreciate the help, but remain out of this now. This is personal." He said as he stalked towards the wounded Blake, who was now trying to crawl away from them until they heard a voice calling her name. Recognizing it as Yang's, the Warlock smirked behind his mask and used the Force to pave the flames away, creating a clear path between them and the now present Yang, who visibly flinched at seeing the Warlock again with Adam at his side and Blake at their mercy.

(Y/n): "Yang Xiao Long. It has been too long. How are your sister and gut holding up?" He said in mock politeness, memories of what happened during the Breach filling her mind as her fists were trembling at them, but she still clenched her hands and took a stance.

Yang: "So you're the one full behind this, aren't you?!" She shouted at him in fear and anger, clearly letting her negative emotions control her.

(Y/n): "Indeed. And this would not be possible, if I didn't fulfill some promises I made. Such as..." He said as he turned to Adam and nodded.

Nodding back, the bull Faunus leader of the White Fang in Vale drove his weapon into Blake's stomach, eliciting a scream of pain from the cat Faunus as Yang widened her eyes before they turned blood red and she ignited herself on fire.

Yang: "Enough!! I won't let you hurt anymore of my friends and family anymore you monster!! RRAAAAUUGGGGHHH!!!" She screamed as she shot forward to the Warlock, despite Blake's pleas for her to stop.

Just before she could land a punch, (Y/n) used an incredible amount of Force energy to stop her hand, causing her enraged frustration to spike higher as she tried to use her other hand, only for him to stop it as well with more effort. As she struggled to get free of whatever telekinetic grip he had on her, the demon approached the snarling dragon with great amusement on his face.

(Y/n): "You know, there is an old saying, 'pride comes before a fall'. Let's see how hard your pride hits the ground before you do." He said in excitement before he twisted his grip on her arms.

Yang felt her arms turn beyond their flexibility as they were being pulled outwards to her sides. Her snarls of rage turned into screams of pain as her arms were being pulled harder and harder, until finally, all Blake could do was watch in absolute horror...

... As Yang's arms were pulled out right from their sockets, a spray of blood gushed from each stump with some bone and cartilage sticking out as Yang went into shock from what she was trying to process.

Falling to her knees, the dragon looked up at the demon who was mocking her with his smug tone alone, as she realized she was quite possibly going to actually die here. Tears starting to form around her eyes, Yang couldn't take the mind-numbing pain anymore and fell unconscious from her wounds and blood loss.

Hell, even Adam had a look of disturbed surprise from such a brutal display. So much, that he didn't notice the now horrified Blake make a last-ditch attempt at the Warlock to save her friend.

Sensing danger from behind, (Y/n) turned to slash at his attacker, only to see her disappear in a shadow. Turning around, both men saw Blake weakly but desperately carry the unconscious, armless Yang in her arms as she ran away like she did in past fights that mattered.

(Y/n): "Hmph. Seems we both are denied the killing blow today." He said as he went off to do his own thing again.

Adam: "Indeed." Was all he said as he decapitated a stray normal Grimm that tried to attack him before walking out.

As the Warlock strolled through the halls of the burning academy, a roar drew his attention to the top of the building. Looking up, he saw a Wyvern Grimm circling the top of Beacon Tower, where he saw some lights going on.

Believing it to be important, (Y/n) then walked up to the elevator, which had somehow survived the battle, albeit in a rugged fashion, and rode it to the top. When it stopped, he saw Cinder battle Pyrrha Nikos in a one-sided duel, her fully restored Maiden powers more than enough to toss her around like a ragdoll as she slammed the champion into the ground.

(Y/n): "Bravo, Cinder. Bravo indeed." He clapped as both women turned to him, the new Fall Maiden smiling at his appearance, while Pyrrha grunted in anger and fear towards such a powerful and dark man.

Cinder: "It really wasn't all that hard. I didn't even have to use my other powers to defeat her. So much for the undefeated champion of Mistral." She mocked Miss Nikos as the Warlock joined her.

Glaring up defiantly at the two, all Pyrrha could do was glace up and say "Do you believe in destiny?" She asked in bravado.

Upon hearing that sentence, all (Y/n) did was stare at her for a moment, before snickering to himself, which then turned into chuckling, before giving way to full on laughter as the two women around looked at him in confusion of what he was doing before he answered.

(Y/n): "Destiny? DESTINY?? Destiny... is a lazy concept created by half-blind idols, and self-righteous fools attempting to hide their own weakness." He said as Cinder raised her brow in curiosity at what that meant exactly, while Pyrrha widened her eyes in surprise at what he was saying. "Just like you are right now: using destiny as a scapegoat to hide from the fact that your best wasn't good enough to beat us. And it never will. Because a little something I should let you know..." He said as he pulled the same trick on Glynda, causing Pyrrha to stare in shock and confusion at his face. "I never had a brother at all. And for what it's worth, you have fulfilled your destiny, of giving me Remnant on a silver platter." He mocked as he put his mask back on.

Leaving the shocked and stunned Mistralian at his back, (Y/n) motioned for Cinder to end it, which she gladly accepted. Instead of using her Maiden powers, Cinder used some of her dark side powers to Force Drain her. Reaching into her pain and anger from all that she saw Vale and Beacon represent, Cinder started to drain Pyrrha's essence, basking in the self-righteous champion's screams of pain which were practically pleas for the pain to stop. Upon seeing her feebly reach out vainly as her body dried up and started to turn to dust particles, his attention was drawn to the side as he saw Ruby Rose stand there with a look of horror on her face just as Cinder was done.

Seeing Pyrrha die, as well as so many people dead and wounded broke something in her, and she just had to scream it out.


And a bright light exploded from her one eye.

Cinder: "Huh?!" She shouted as she was suddenly blasted by the light, having it burn up her left arm greatly as well as scar her left eye.

Meanwhile the Warlock felt a burning sensation in his left side, but the stronger amount of dark side energy he had shielded him from most of the damage.

Once the light died down, (Y/n) shook his hand while grunting in mild pain a bit before looking around at the setting he was in.

Cinder was to his right with burns on her left sided arm and face, while Ruby Rose fell from exhaustion from the amount of power she unleashed, while the Wyvern Grimm with them was reeling in from the light that pained it, some parts of it even turned to stone as it tried to shake its petrified body parts free before taking off. Even though her attack didn't do anything but give him what would be considered a sunburn, (Y/n) didn't like taking any chances, and so proceeded to walk over to the little rose, using his lightning to shock her awake a bit.

Seeing the Warlock in front of her, Ruby was now terrified as memories of her burns filled her mind as she tried crawling away from him.

(Y/n): "You know, even though that only gave me a bit of red skin, I'm not one to take risks, so I think I'm going to enjoy this one this time." He said, not noticing the movement behind him.

Ruby: "W-w-why??" She managed to stutter from her trembling. "Why are you doing all of this? My sister is disabled! My home is burning to the ground! My friend is dead! All for what?! Why are you doing all of this to us??!!" She managed to scream in confusion, which annoyed the Warlock greatly.

(Y/n): "Simple: because I can." He answered, still not noticing the figure standing up behind him. "I think the next one to go, will be-"

Cinder: YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He heard her scream as Ruby was suddenly choking while being dangled in the air. Turning around, he saw Cinder, despite her grievous wounds, was using her right arm to Force Choke the reaper girl with rage burning in her one good eye left on her right side, blazing brightly with a mixture of the Maiden powers and dark side energies. "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DO THIS TO ME?? AT OUR MOMENT OF TRIUMPH??!! SPIT IN OUR VICTORY CUPS THAT WE FINALLY GET TO ENJOY??!!" She screamed as she was practically snarling like a rabid dog at Ruby, which (Y/n) split-second decided not to interfere with, as normal women are scary for men lower than him when angry. But a dark side powered woman? That was where he drew the line. "WELL, GUESS WHAT?? YOU DON'T GET TO SCRAPE OUT ANY LAST-DITCH ATTEMPT AT US!! REMNANT IS OURS FOR THE TAKING!! AND YOU WON'T STOP ANY OF US!! NOT ME, NOT THE GRIMM QUEEN, AND ESPECIALLY NOT THE WARLOCK!! FEEL THIS AND SEE IF IT COMPARES TO YOUR EYE!!" She said as she sent her own Force Lightning from her right hand's fingertips, shocking Ruby greatly as the girl screamed in pain from the shock. As some parts of her face started to burn from the shocks, Cinder then gathered a great amount of Force energy and sent a Force blast that sent Ruby flying off the tower. Chances are she would die from the fall, but he would make contingencies in case she survived.

As Cinder came down from her anger high, the exhaustion started to take hold of her, causing her to collapse to the ground and gain (Y/n)'s attention. Thinking fast that she needed help, he then carried her in his arms and brought out his communicator, signaling the Hunters to bring their personal shuttle to his location and to the Blackheart.

Once they arrive and the Warlock carries the Fall Maiden to the ship, the camera then pans out to view the entire city of Vale burning, with the Imperial fleet fighting back against the normal Grimm as they help the people evacuate on their side while the ones on the Huntsmen side all perish along with their protectors.

Light and darkness. Two opposing factions that have been around, since time immemorial. Both fighting for supremacy over the other, having their victories and defeats against each other, like games of chess. Using their own pawns, elites, bastions, support systems, and leaders to spread their influence amongst mortal men, the promise of their respective power tempting them with becoming something greater than they already are.

Scene then transitions to the few remaining former students of the now fallen Beacon Academy, a now recovered Blake Belladonna tearfully looking at a comatose but no longer dying Yang as she was placed on a cot and lifted up for medical treatment. Unable to face the music of what happened, Blake then turned her back on everything around her and left in a hurry. To where, no one knew.

Not caring who lives and who dies to achieve their goals, both the forces of light and darkness constantly clashing against each other in a never-ending cycle. The light seems bright enough to light the sky, before giving way to the forces of darkness that overwhelms them, leaving only a single spark to be lit.

Scene then changes to Weiss and her friends searching for any more survivors, before she turns a corner and gasps in shock at seeing Ruby's near lifeless body struggling by a thread to stay alive.

But even a single spark of hope can ignite change. But what you forget in your nativity, is that hope has many different forms when it comes to change. And this type of change is far more powerful than your desirable hopes of change. The changes one man that has stared into the darkness, and bended it to his will, will snuff out any hope you have of a change you hope to install, and will turn everything against you.

Scene then gives way to see the Empire evacuating the people before firing on Vale as it is to wipe out the Grimm forces that have overrun it.

How does it feel? Knowing that all your time and efforts were for nothing? That your guardians failed you? That everything you built has been torn down before your very eyes? Not only that, but by the very people you depended on in the thought they appeared as friends. That you in actuality gave us power over you, and basically did our job for us?

Scene now changes to show the entire dragon continent of Dradevows, the Imperial ships unloading Vale survivors into refugee camps they made on short notice as they plan on what to do.

Your faith in humanity was not misplaced. When banded together, united by a common enemy, they are a noticeable threat indeed. Which is why we will turn them into a threat to you. Turning your precious humanity against you, and directing their hate at you for failing them, lying to them, playing with their lives like gods with your fairy tales and false heroes.

Camera now zooms into the Land of Darkness, where the Grimm queen herself is staring at the shattered moon on a cliff edge.

They won't realize it at first, of course. They will still grasp out in the dark for answers, clinging on to their fleeting hope like the delusional children they are. But that is only the Warlock's first move to give me what I want: the death of Remnant as it is. You made your choice Ozma. You chose humanity over me, and now my new beloved is going to enjoy what we could've had in the past. So send all you now scarred and crippled guardians, your Huntsmen and Huntress. They will fall before the might of the very thing they swore to protect. And when they fail and turn to you for answers, only to find none, they will realize that you sent them to their deaths in the vain attempt to prolong the inevitable... and it will be especially tasteful to see the little one's heart and soul break, when she realizes you sent her to her death... like her mother...

... This is the beginning of the end, Ozma...

Salem now fully turns around to show her form to the camera, with only one difference: her stomach area is large and swollen, her hands gently caressing it as movement causes her belly to jolt a bit before she calms the movements down with her touch.

... And I, my Warlock, and our coming children, cannot wait to watch you burn..."

The camera then fades into blackness, Salem's eyes and belly glowing red in the darkness before fading, foretelling the dark legacy that awaits to rule Remnant...


Wow! I did not expect myself to get this updated so quickly. But I guess there is a reason for it: I'm going to give this story a nice break at the end of V3. The reason being that this story may be fun, but I need some time off to work out the details of some plot ideas continuing forward right up until the ending. Also, college semester is starting back up again, and it's my senior year, so I don't really know if I will have much time to work on it in the coming months. And even if I do, I might actually work on my Jedi book to flesh it out as well, especially since I left it on a cliffhanger that will reveal some important components to the plot of that story.

So yeah, like I said in the author's note, I kinda decided to skip ahead to the Fall, only because I feel like the conversations and talks made between the brawl and the beginning of the fall would be redundant to add, as they would just be the Warlock hearing some pointless-to-him nonsense he wouldn't care about in the end, not to mention that he is supposed to be missing in action as his knight persona, so I decided to make it like that. Sorry if this seems a bit rushed in some of you all opinion, but hey, I'm trying my best to make it about the parts that are relevant. The Fall has happened, with some characters dying that would've been problematic, and others severely wounded than they were in other universes because, come on, what's a dark sider without a bit of sadistic maiming? And also we see a bit of Cinder's growing power, as well as her still getting scarred, but not as bad as in the TV show, which will be explained in time. And finally, Salem's speech with some altered dialogue I believe would be appropriate for the setting of the stages, as well as what you guys have now doubt confirmed already in previous chapters: she's pregnant with (Y/n)'s offspring. Yup. You knocked up the queen, and now are going to be an actual king with a prince/princess running around Evernight castle. I have an idea of what she will be having, but feel free to give your own suggestions as to what gender and number of kids you want, and I'll take it into consideration to make things more interesting for you all.

And with all that said and done, just before you go guys, make sure to leave your opinions in the comments section down below. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it lacking, or do you think it's solid? Thank you so much for taking your time to read this, and I hope to hear from you all in the next update in the future.


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