Have I fallen for the Enemy (...

By Autumnsday

11.5K 176 20

~Moved here from Qoutev~ More

Family Troubles Part 2
Brother Hates Him Part 3
Lilac Hearts Part 4
Spitefulness Part 5
Making up Part 6
Anemsia Part 7
Vincent Part 8
Yule Ball Part 9
End Part 10

The Beginning Part 1

4.5K 41 7
By Autumnsday


Waking Up at 4 a.m. "What the hell?" I groan rolling over only to have my little sister come and jump on me.

"Get up silly! We have school!" Eliza says.

"No Skylar wants to sleep!" I say mumbling.

"But mommy said so! I'll go tell her!" She jumps off the bed.

"Okay okay I'm up!" I get out of bed. Chasing my little sister out of my room. I brush my hair and put some light natural make up on wearing black skinnies and All Time Low shirt I walk down the steps and go into thekitcheneating. I could tell my brother was hear because there was a huge mess. Just as me and my sister finish eating my father walks in ready?

"Yes father." I say standing up. We walk out I slept in the car on the way to the train station. When I got there I said my goodbyes and got on the train. I found my friends Oliver wood and the Twins. If you don't know who I mean its Fred and George Weasley.

"Hey sis," My shirt got pulled on as i hugged my friends.

"Who is this?" Oliver asks.

"My little sister Eliza" I answer. "how can I help you sissy?"

"Well I have no friends can I sit with you?" Eliza says.

"Guys?" I ask.

The twins look at each other. "Fine with us. Oliver?"

"I don't care." Oliver says."Oh um.. Skylar before I forget can I ask you something private."

"Sure Oliver." I say "Lets go in the room right there." We cross the hall and he closes the door and the shades. "Umm...."

"Well you see I liked you since well the end of our 1st year and umm... do you think you could go out with me?Well if you don't want to I understandcompletely..." Hecontinuesto talk.

"Oliver shut up. Or I won't go out with you." I say smiling.

"So you want to date me?" Oliver he face brightens up and he smiles.

"Yes." I say. Leaning across the seat and I gently peck him on the lips. Before standing and walking out of the room to were my sister was. I sit down to be followed by Oliver.

"Byyourface I say she said yes?" Fred says.

"I did." I say.

"Say yes to what?" Eliza asks.

"Nothing I'll tell you later okay." I say.

"Yea okay.'' She says.


At Hogwarts I walk to thecarriage only to be helped up by Oliver.

"Thank you Oliver." I say as he climbs in a well. I kiss him lightly on the cheek.

"Your welcome." He says sitting next to me and taking my hand. "So how was your summer?"

"We went over this on the train." I say confused.

"Ohyeah." He smiles.


We arrive at the school going into the main hall. I sit down were we usually sit. Oliver was on one side the twins on the other. Oliver turned to look at me. He gently pulled me into a soft kiss. I felt something hit my shoulder. I look up at the Slytherintable.To see Marcus Flint and his friends glaring at me. But Marcus's face wasdifferentit seemed more ofjealousyorupsetas if I was his girlfriend caught cheating. I just ignored it when Dumble Dore stood up.

"Lets all welcome are first years." He said as they walked in he didn't explain anything about the sorting hat becauseProfessor McGonagall already did. I saw my sister who looked really happy. I smile and wave as she walks by. She does the same after a couple names I don't payattentionanymore. Until I heard "Eliza Harris." McGonagall says. I look up to see the hat getting put on my sisters head. I sat there waiting when the hat begins talking.

"Ahh... a Harris daring and brave like a Gryffindor. Yet you haveintelligence, cleverness, knowledge, and wit like a Ravenclaw." The hat said. "Ravenclaw!"

"Damn it!" I say in a whisper. "I really wanted my sister in my house.'

"It's okay'' Oliver says.


As I ate I kinda had the need to use the restroom.

"Excuse me I'll need to use the little girls room." I say standing.

"Okay" Oliver says. Walking out into the hall I go to the bathroom and do what I had to do. Before leaving I primp up. As I walk out. I felt a hand cup my mouth and pull me into a room.Beingspun aroundto see no other then Flint. He removes his hand.

"What the hell Flint get off of me." I say pushing on him since he had me pinned on the wall.

"Not until you explain why your dating wood out of all people. I.." He faces gets redder." I don't like him."

"So and I should care why? Your lucky if I don't tell Oliver about thi-" I was cut off when Marcus's lips where pressed into mine making me gasp. He used that moment to push histongue past my lips. He was kissing me. The guy I hated was kissing me but yet. I wanted to kiss back. But I didn't I just pushed on him until he stopped.I slapped him across the face and ran out of the room and got to the door. Slowing down as I gently push the door open and walk in sitting next to Oliver. Marcus walks in and sits down he kinda just starred at me. I didn't kiss Oliver at all I barely ate. Because I was thinking about the kiss. Oliver went to kiss me but I turned it into a cheek kiss. Marcus smiled at that. After that I went to bed not wanting to talk to anyone. I felt my owl cookie poke me as I just lied there. I look at her to see a letter. I take it reading it.

Dear Skylar Harris,

Did you enjoy that kiss as much as I did. If so we could be asecretand you can still date wood. I mean I will still keep this going even if I have to force you to kiss me. Because I could tell your body told me that youenjoyedthe kiss.

Marcus Flint

Dear Flint,

No I did not enjoy the kiss! If you keep it up i will make sure you never havechildrenif you life. Even if I have to rip it off myself!Your mean and cruel and rude why would I like you.Your only good Quality is your kissing and your eyes.(crossed out) And my body is stupid.

Skylar Harris

I handed cookie my letter and went to sleep.

The next day>

I push past Marcus and walk upstairs. Sitting on my bed I mumble

You're my obsession

My fetish

My religion...

You're my obsession

The question and conclusion

You are, you are, you are

My fetish, you are

You're my obsession

The question and conclusion

You are, you are, you are

My fetish, you are

You are...

The lyrics to the song MyObsessionfinally made sense. What do I do I love them both. But there enemies. I put my head in my hands. Tears fell from my eyes like small diamonds they twinkled in the light. Some had black from my eyeliner. I stood and walked to the mirror and fixed my make-up. My eyes were red but not horrible since I stopped myself. I walked down stairs I had missedtransfiguration. "Shit!McGonagall is going to kill me!" I say.

"Skylar!" I felt a hand on my shoulder as I walked down the stairs. I turned to see Oliver. "I'm sorry about-"

"Save it," I kiss him. But it wasn't the same as Marcus. I mean Oliver was a great kisser even better then Marcus but there was nothing at least for me. I have fallen and I can't catch myself. The only one who could is the one I fallen for...

Fast forward~~

Sitting inDefenseAgainst The Dark Arts I was across from Marcus who was staring at me. I looked at him every once in a while but I didn't stare at him. Oliver was waiting outside the class while I was talking toQuirinus Quirrell. The Quirrel walked out of the room. I was walking with Oliver we got to the clock tower courtyard.I smile "I be right back."

"Hey." I get pulled around the corner. To see Marcus.

"Marcus you have to stop this I don't want to hurt Oliver." I say only to be pulled into a kiss. I pull away. "Stop!" I say. I turn around to see Oliver he pushes me to the side. Grabs Marcus and pushes him against the wall.

"You bastard. Don't touch my girlfriend!" Oliver says.

"I done more then that to your girlfriend." Marcus says.

"What!?!" Oliver says. "you didn't." He tightens his grip lucky we weren't in a area you could see without moving a curtain.

"Marcus what are you talking about?" I ask.

"Early today when I pulled you in the closet and yesterday when I grabbed you." Marcus says.

"What!?! You kissed him." Oliver says.

"No......" I say "wellactually early I did. But.... we were fighting. After I realized what I was doing I stopped. I'm sorry Oliver."

"She likes me face it." Marcus says.

"No shes dating me if she liked you more she'd be dating you." Oliver says. "Right Sky?"

"Yea Sky? Who do you like better?" Marcus asks.

"I......I...." I say about to cry. "I..........don't..know!" I yell and run off tears falling down my face. I ran until I was at the edge of the forbidden forest.


As Skylar ran off. Wood relaxed his grip. I pushed past him and ran after her. I followed her all the way to the forbidden forest.


I released Flint and he ran off after her. MY thoughts raced through my head. I was losing grip on her. So I chased after Flint. I followed him he lead me right to Skylar. She was crying.


I look up to see Marcus and Oliver standing next to me.

"What?" I say through tears. Marcus bent down and wiped the tears away.

"I'm sorry" Oliver says.

"Me too." Marcus says.

"I love both of you. I don't want to choose not yet." I say still muffled by tears.

"It's okay we don't have to chose now." Oliver says.

"Yea," Marcus agrees.

"Thank you but I think we need to stop dating Oliver. Just for the time being." I say.

"Okay." Oliver says.

"You know what this is the longest you guys ever been nice to each other.

The next couple days i walked around. Everyone avoided me expect for the twins. I didnt wear makeup or do my hair nicely. I know they wanted me to pick Oliver but they also wanted me to pick who I liked more. I know who I like more but I don't want to hurt Olivers feelings.I was sitting in the common room when I decide i was going to tell him.

"Oliver?" I saw him about to leave for quidditch.

"Yes?" He said softly not evening turning to look a me.

"I... Know who I want." I say "I-"

"Marcus Flint I know...." He says " I can tell by the way you look at him."

"Really?" I ask. "can we still be friends?"

"I would like that" he turns around smiling. I get up and hug him.

"Oliver I hope you kick raven claws ass today." I say like I always have. "Just don't hurt my brother to much okay?"

"I won't bloody him up to bad Sky." His face bright and gleaming.

"I be there just a little late." I smile "I'm going to find my sis."

"Okay," He says as he walked out the door the twins yelling at him for taking to long.As I was walking down the hall I saw Marcus. I jumped back behind a corner peeking around my hair hanging down. I smiled when he looked at me. He walked over with a guy following him.

"Are you spying on me??" He asked. "So your hair is straight and your wearing make-up who did you pick?" His voice sounded worried.

"Don't worry he'll be happy with me....." his face dropped."As a friend," he smiled kissing me gently. "Yes I picked you Marcus."

"So you finally got a girlfriend?" The boy says. Marcus chases him away.

"Marcus we can kiss later I'm looking for my sister." I say.

"Eliza just ran by here a couple minutes ago talking about the dark forest and unicorns." Marcus says.


"I think..." he sees the panic on my face. "Calm down we can catch up with them if we fly."

"Okay," I say "One problem my broom is shot."

"We can ride together," He says." Accio broom." Grabbing his broom. He has me get on before whizzing out of the castle.

As we flew through the air my arms were wrapped around his waste and my face in his back taking in his smell. Cinnamon, chocolate, and cologne. I sigh closing my eyes. Before I knew it I felt my feet touch the ground. I look around seeing my sister a little bit back.

"Thank you baby," I kiss him on the cheek. I run back grabbing my sister by the arm.

"Owww... stop it Skylar!" Eliza says trying to pull out of my grip.

"Eliza Lynn Harris! You know how dangerous it is in there. The end of the year during summer the unicorns come out and play in the meadow I'll show you guys then. But only if you don't put yourself's in danger and go back there now. You wanna know what is back there!?!" I say the 3 girls just staring at me." Gaint spiders, monsters and huge snakes that could barely fit in the quidittch entrance. The unicorns live on the other side of this forest and with the centuars because there safe!"

"Shes right," Marcus says arm around me. "Its way to dangerous. There not even the worse the thing out there." The 3 girls toke off. even if we had to stretch the truth its better then having 3 dead girls.

"Skylar? Is all that true?" She asks brusing her red hair out of her face.

"Yes" Me and Marcus say at the same time.

"I thought you were dating Oliver?" She says.

"Not anymore but don't tell justin just yet okay?"

"Okay" She says. "Lets go watch him kick your teams but!"

"Ha you wish." I say as she races off to thestadium. Marcus my hand as I start after her. Pulling me around into a kiss. My arms snake around his neck he gently pulls away. He smiles and usesApparition we appear in a dark room. "Lumos," I say.

"Nox," Marcus say putting my wand out. I heard his wand drop hitting the ground. His hands grab my face. Pushing me on the wall. Wemade-out for a little bit. Then his arm lifted my leg which pushed my skirt up. I felt his hand pull my skirt up higher. I wanted this but how was I going to tell him I was a virgin. He slid me to floor pulling my panties off. I started fiddling with his pants.

"Marcus," I moan as he kisses my neck. He begins to suck. "I'm....I'm...." I couldn't get it out as he gave me hickey.

"You what beautiful?" Marcus said barely pulling away from my neck.

"Stop," I push on him.

"Yes?" He looks." If your not ready its ok well stop."

"No..No..Its not that. I'm...........a..................virgin." I say looking at him. "But i wanna do this."

"okay baby I begentle," he said '' but once we do this you can't change it. Its going to hurt."

Fast forward~~

Waking up still in the same dark room. With a naked Marcus curled up next to me. I gently woke him up and used magic to get dressed he toke use back. I just in time for dinner.

The next day I walked around glee full and happy. Marcus by my side. "You seem happy," Justin says glaring at Marcus.

"I am Marcus is the best boyfriend ever! Look!" I say holding the rose i hand in my hand out. Marcus just roll his eyes smiling.

"It's more then that." He looks at Marcus again. "If I ever find out you had sex with my sister I will.."

"Justin," I snap at him. "What I do is mybusiness! Not yours!"

"Just be warned Marcus you wont be a man anymore if I find out that you did. " Justin says.

"Even if I did it would be on your sisters will I wait as long as she wants me to."Marcussays calmly.

"Bye sis," Justin says walking away.

"Over protective much?" MArcus says kissing my cheek.

"At least he didn't see the hickey." I say giggling. "I can hear him now. You got a HICKEY!"

"Good impression," He laughs.

"So MarcusChristmasbreak is coming up," I say" And my parents want to meet you. Do you wanna come stay at my house for a little bit?"

"How bout the whole break?" He says."My parents are never home duringChristmasbreak anyhow."

"Oh ok," I say. "I write them tonight."


Dear mom and dad,

He said yes! But can he stay the whole break? PLEASE??? His parents are not going to being there. He would be all alone on Christmas!


Dear Skylar,

Yeah me and your father would be happy. And there going to leave him alone onChristmas! Of course I can't let a child be alone onChristmas.

Love Your mom

Dear Marcus,

She said yes of course. She is a sucker for sob stories. So baby what do want forChristmas? Oh and last night was amazing. I'm so happy your were my first! I love you. Think the hickey will be gone by then???

Love Skylar

P.s. After I get your response I'm going to bed. I'm really tired.

Dear Skylar,

I want you baby thats all. And I was happy to be your first. I love you as well. And it should be I just sucked it for alittlebit. It should be gone in a couple of days.

Love Marcus

As I was walking for breakfast. I tried to think aboutwhat to do at my place. We had a couple weeks at home starting tomorrow. I felt a rough had twirl me around. And kiss me I push back on this black hair green eyed person. They pullled me closer which hurt me. I felt a tear run down my face.


Well today was the day we were all leaving to go home. "Marcus?" I say.

"Yea?" He asks pulling his stuff up to the train were I was.

"My parents don't know your a flint okay." I say."I forgot to tell them that. We have to tell them first before Justin or Eliza does because I'll get into trouble."

"Okay beautiful," He smiles leaning down and kissing my cheek.

~on the train~

I got sperated from Marcus as Ihuggedmy friends. "Can.. I tell you something Marcus..........." I saw the boy that had kissed me yesterday. He smiled as i walked up to Marcus. Were they friends???

"Hey Baby," Marcus kissed my cheek as I sat.

"Hello," The boy said. "I'm Marcus's friend Tyler." He outstretched his hand.

"I'm Skylar," I fake smile shaking his hand. Turning to Marcus. "Marcus...."

"Yes?" He says.

"Nevermind I'll tell you later." I say smiling.

"Baby?" Marcus says.

"I SAID NEVERMIND," I snap at him. Grabbing my bag and finding a empty cabin.I can'tbelieve I just flipped out on him.I open the door sitting down putting my bag up. I put my head in my handsbeginningto cry. I heard the door open.Looking up to see Fred.

"Are you okay? What did he do?" Fred says hugging me. He wiped my tears away.

"I'm the reason it wasn't Marcus. I flipped out on him for talking to a guy who randomly a couple weeks back. He was talking to him." I say quickly Fred could understand me though since he has know me since first year.

Marcus's pov:

Seeing her embraced inWeasley's arms hurt but why was she mad at me. More importantly why was she crying.

"Skylar-" I began.

"Look she has a new love toy now that she tried of you." Tyler whispered. I turned and glared at him.

"Do you know his name the guy who forced you to kiss him?" Fred asked. I turn my head About to say something when Skylar pulled her head out of Weasley's shoulder. I wanted to hold her to embrace her as her face shined where the black tears had rolled down her face.

"Tyler he is Marcus fri-" Her eyes located me when Tyler truned in a rush. Not evenquestioningI turned grabbed him by his shirt spinning him around and punching him in the face.

"Don't come near her again or I will cut it off understand me?" I said holding Tyler up.

"Okay," He choked out. I dropped him and he ran off into the hall. I ran to Sky hugging Weasley let her go willingly.

"Don't worry baby," I kiss her cheek. "I'll never leave your side unless you want me to or I have to. Okay?"

"Thank you." She whispered.

Sky's pov:

"Can fred and oliver and George sit in hear with us?" I ask looking at Marcus who was wiping the black marks off my face.

"Sure I see no reason why not." Marcus said.

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