How to train your Dragon Rider

By AbigailRubiano

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Hiccup has been an outsider his whole life. Never being one of those big and strong boys you'd normally see a... More

~Chapter one: dragon raid~ (Jenny)
~Chapter two: the Night Fury~ (Hiccup)
~Chapter three: Dragon Training~ (Jenny)
~Chapter four: Book of Dragons~ (Hiccup)
~Chapter six: the flight of the Toothless~ (Hiccup)
~Chapter seven: Meeting the Night Rider~ (Hiccup)
~Chapter eight: A new kind of training~ (Jenny)
~Chapter nine: Test drive~ (Hiccup)
~Chapter ten: the dragons nest~ (Jenny)
~Chapter eleven: the final test~ (Hiccup)
~Chapter twelve: trust in your dragon~ (Jenny)
~Chapter thirteen: the red death~ (Jenny)
~Chapter fourteen: the red death's defeat~ (3rd person pov)
~Epilogue~ (Jenny)

~Chapter five: A different kind of Bond~ (Jenny)

432 8 2
By AbigailRubiano

"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?"


A blast takes the ax head off of Hiccup's hilt, leaving a smoking hole behind him. Hiccup yelped and ran, while I grimaced slightly at this. I wasn't exactly sure why I came back. I tried to convince myself that it was because I needed to know just how much of a threat this boy was, rather than actually being interested in who he was.

"Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying!"

I had learned that the teacher's name was Gobber, and he didn't look too pleased with Hiccup at the moment. But to be fair, I hadn't seen this much chaos in a good while. One of the captured Deadly Nadders was loose in a maze-like arrangement of moveable walls. Gobber called orders from above, directly across from where I sat unnoticed.

"Today... is all about attack." Gobber explained as the Nadder hops from wall to wall, sending the recruits scurrying. "Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter."

The teens move in, stumbling over Hiccup and his unwieldy shield. I shook my head at him as he stumbled along the pathway near to where I was sitting. It didn't take long for the Nadder to spot one of the recruits (Fishlegs as I remembered) ample rear hiding behind a wall. It whips its tail of spikes, causing Fishlegs to scream loudly, and lift an entire wall to shield himself from the spray of knife-like spines.

"I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods." he said as he dodged another spike, and I had to agree with him.

Gobber chose to ignore him as he picked at his teeth with his hook. "Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike."

The two twins rushed in, diving and rolling up to the Nadder's nose. The Nadder sniffs the air- unable to see them. Jackpot I thought, suddenly worried for the dragon. Right in the blind spot. They were close. Too close for comfort.

"Do you ever bathe?" she asked her twin, scrunching up her nose.

"If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot." The boy said, rolling his eyes.

"How about I give you one!" They both shove and push each other, till their movement and noise gave them away. The Nadder attacked, snapping and biting at both of them.

"Blind spot? Yes. Deaf spot?" Gobber shrugged "Not so much."

That's when once again, my eyes fell on the boy I was supposed to be watching in the first place. Hiccup wandered up to Gobber, while the others darted past, sneakily avoiding the dragon. "Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?"

Now we're getting somewhere, I thought as I leaned forward to hear better.

Annoyed, Gobber rested his head on his hand and rolled his eyes. "No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. Now get in there!" he weakly explained.

"I know, I know, but hypothetically..."

A moment later, the Nadder leaps over the walls, surprising the recruits by landing in front of them. Astrid somersaults into its blind spot, confusing it. She rears back to strike -- just as Snotlout leaps in, protectively sweeping Astrid behind him. Something told me that she didn't need protection.

"Watch out babe. I'll take care of this." Snotlout said cockily.

"Hey!" Astrid clenched her fists around her ax, glaring at him. Snotlout missed the dragon completely causing Astrid's glare to intensify.

"The sun was in my eyes, Astrid. What do you want me to do, block out the sun?" Snotlut defended as he and Astrid ran down another pathway. "I could do that, but I don't have time right now!"

The Nadder tears off after her, knocking down walls in pursuit. She leaps and dives like a highly trained gymnast, though her form was slightly off, though I thought it was much better than the night of the raid. My attention was cut off when I saw a flash of purple off to the left. Spark was waiting for me by the ledge of the cliff. But my eyes were pulled back to the ring when I heard Hiccup's voice.

"They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?" I rolled my eyes. Not the time.

"Hiccup!" Gobber yelled, repeating my thoughts immediately.

"--Hiccup!" Astrid yelled. My eyes followed her movements as Hiccup spined around to see the maze walls collapsing like dominos toward him. Astrid comes flying through the dust and crash-lands on top of him, laying him out in a limb-tangled mess.

"Oooh! Love on the battlefield!" I felt my stomach clinch at that comment, though I didn't know why.

"She could do better." I shook my head and focused on the situation. The Nadder began closing in, emerging through the cloud of dust.

Struggling, Hiccup grunted. "Just... let me... why don't you..."

The Nadder spined around and races back toward them like a Raptor. In desperation, Astrid untangles herself and tries to pull her ax from Hiccup's shield... which is attached to his limp, gangly arm. She planted her foot on his torso and yanked the ax free, still burrowed into the shield. She spinned and swung the ax and shield, scoring a direct hit on the oncoming Nadder's nose. It yelps and scurries off.

"Well done, Astrid." Gobber hobbles off to wrestle the Nadder back into his cave. Hiccup gets to his feet -- all eyes are upon him. He turns to find Astrid glaring at him, winded.

"Oh gods..." I whispered to myself.

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?" Astrid asked harshly. "Our parents' war is about to become ours. The Night Rider has to be stopped, and we're going to be the ones to do it!" she threw her hands up, her glare deepening. "Figure out which side you're on." She took her ax and stomped off. Hiccup watched, obviously stung by her words.


The flight back was deathly quiet, the only thing keeping Spark and I company being the wind around us. My thoughts were all caught up, keeping me from speaking or paying much attention. 'The Night Rider has to be stopped, and we're going to be the ones to do it'. Astrid's words felt like a slap to the face. I clenched my fists, feeling silly and stupid for wanting to cry. This was just my harsh reminder that I and those other teens were on different sides of the archipelago. I had been stupid to think any different. Stupid to think that maybe I could trust someone. Stupid to think that maybe, just maybe I could help them to understand my world. Stupid to even suspect that that Night Fury was in good hands. Stupid-

I suddenly pulled Spark to a halt, and he did as I asked with a surprised yelp. We hovered over the forest for a good while before I finally grasped my dragon's left shoulder lightly, indicating for him to go South.

"Come on bud." I said as he began flying again, this time at a quicker pace due to my instruction. "We're getting that Dragon out of that cove."


I flew back to my hut in a hurry, knowing that Hiccup would go to the cove as soon as he could, and wanting to beat him to it. I gathered together vines and rope, and with the help of Spark, melted together a few pieces of metal to create a pulley system.

After loading everything onto my dragon, I set off to the cove where the Night Fury was trapped. My plan was to hopefully gain the dragon's trust. This wouldn't seem to be too hard, except for the fact that I had never trained a dragon to not eat or attack me. Spark and I were practically born together. It took a few weeks of training, but eventually I learned to ride him, which he had no issues with. The only thing he did have a problem with was any sort of saddle. So I simply chose to ride him bareback. Ever since then, we had an unbreakable bond, and I couldn't imagine my life without him. This Night Fury on the other hand, was a whole different story...

"Land there, bud." I pointed downward, to the very top of the cove. If I could attach the pulley system, then all I had to do was convince the dragon not to kill me...easy...

I jumped off of Spark after he touched down, and unloaded the pulley system. Spark let out a low, dangerous growl, and I glanced behind me to see what he was looking at in the cove. Then, a snap of a twig. Suddenly on high alert, I settled my hand on the handle of my sword, and narrowed my eyes.

Then, out of nowhere...A fish... being thrown into the cove. My ginger brows furrowed in confusion. The fish hit the ground and slid forward against the grass. A moment later, Hiccup peeked through a gap in the rock, looking around cautiously. I groaned. I was too late. Hiccup squeezed through and entered the cove. I dropped the pulley system, and gestured to Spark to stay put, then walked over to a tree leaning into the cove. I reached for the branch and let myself dangle down, until I pulled myself up to sit. Then, I leaned in to get a better look. My eyes followed Hiccup's movements as he turned to see the Night Fury, crouched on a rock like a stealthy panther. It descends, approaching him... ready to pounce. A sudden need to protect the boy consumed me and I lifted my hand to signal Spark, then stopped myself.

No, I thought to myself. No this is stupid. If he gets hurt, it's not my problem. He is not my friend. He is just like the rest.

Hiccup seemed to swallow his fear and offered out the fish. Doing so revealed the dagger at his waist. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Way to get your arm bitten off. The dragon seemed to see the dagger, and as expected, hissed with narrowed and suspicious eyes. Hiccup reaches for it, eliciting a growl. I reached for the handle of my belt, ready to defend this dragon, ready to face the consequences. He pauses, carefully lifts it by the handle, and tosses it away. I let my hand fall from my sword handle, confusion taking over my features again. Just as surprised, the dragon calmed, his eyes dilating as he sat back, almost human-like. I cocked my head, becoming curious. it slowly approached the fish in a stealthy manner, and opened its mouth. I peered further to the side, noticing that it's missing teeth. It's missing all its teeth.

"Huh. Toothless." Hiccup noticed as well. "I could've sworn you had-" A set of razor sharp teeth emerge from its gums to grab the fish. The dragon snatches and gnashes it up, swallowing it. "...teeth." The teeth retract again.

I leaned further to get a closer look, almost falling from my perch on the branch, but thankfully, Spark was quicker, and caught me by his teeth, pulling me securely back onto the branch with a small snort of disapproval. The Night Fury pressed closer with an expectant look, causing Hiccup to retreat nervously.

"Uh, no. No, I don't have any more." Hiccup backed up against the rock, almost as if he were trying to disappear. The dragon closes in over him, staring blankly. A tense moment passes as I watched closely... then the dragon regurgitates a chunk of fish onto Hiccup's lap. They exchange stares. I gagged as I realized the dragon's motive. Hiccup seemed to realize as well what he wanted him to do.

"Oh Thor, please don't." I begged in a whisper.

Hiccup crouches slowly and squeamishly picks it up. The dragon waits expectantly. Hiccup gagged and gnawed off a bite of the slimy fish.

"Ew..." I whispered.

Hiccup seemed to force a smile. I chuckled as the dragon mimicked him, his gummy mouth showing off. Amazed, I watched as Hiccup sat up and tried to touch him, and gripped the bark of the branch as I bit my lip. The night fury, not keen on allowing any further access, hissed and flapped off to a crash on the other side of the cove. He blasts the mossy ground to a red-hot temperature and curls up on it like a giant dog. I smiled at his puppy like nature. My attention was returned to Hiccup when I saw him seated beside the dragon, who seemed unimpressed. He tolerates his persistent presence... until Hiccup tries to touch his damaged tail. I jumped a bit as the dragon snapped at him, and thankfully, Hiccup took the hint and left.


I found myself watching the pair up until the sun slowly began to sink and the moon took its place. Spark had gladly made himself comfortable, while I chose to stay perched on the branch.

The once sleeping Fury woke, hanging upside down from a tree. I wrote this down in my notepad, wanting to get the characteristics on paper for my dragon book. My eyes followed his and I spotted Hiccup sitting on the other side of the cove, sketching in the sand. I turned my head to see, and leaned just a bit farther up the branch to see that it was quite a good drawing of the night fury. Hiccup effortlessly drew with a stick, unaware of his audience. The dragon appears behind him, watching carefully. I did the same. Aware of his presence, but not my own, Hiccup continues, seeming to try and not to scare him off. Too engrossed with the effortless strokes from his stick, I didn't see the Fury walk off. A moment later, however, he reappeared with an entire sapling, drawing lines in the sand, standing on his two feet. He rushed here and there, making haphazard lines in every direction. Finally, Toothless drops the tree and inspects his work, seeming pleased with himself.

Hiccup stood and took in the sprawling scribble, amazed by it. I chuckled at the wonky drawing he did of Hiccup, smiling at the wonderful personality the Fury held.

Hiccup accidentally stepped onto one of the lines, eliciting an instant growl from the dragon. He steps on it again. He growled again. Realizing how sensitive he is, Hiccup steps carefully between each line, turning round and round. I watched him, unable to stop the smile on my face.

Unwittingly Hiccup bumped into the dragon, and my stomach lurched, feeling on high alert. The dragon snorts. Once again, they're face to face. my breath hitched as Hiccup slowly extended his hand. The dragon hesitated. Seeming to realize something, Hiccup turned his head away and closed his eyes. To both his and my amazement, the dragon bridges the gap and presses his muzzle against Hiccup's hand.

In a flash, the dragon is gone, leaving Hiccup astounded. A noise sounded in the distance, causing him to snap his head to the right. But nothing was there. I had aready gone.


I had been back at my hut for well over an hour. The sun had set long ago, but I wasn't tired. I was outside of my treehouse, stirring a fire as Spark lay beside me. My mind was far off in the distance, however. Nothing but images and thoughts of Hiccup filled my mind, endlessly annoying me. I hated the fact that my guard was once again let down, yet this time, I couldn't find it in me to bring it back up. He seemed so different. He had turned down the chance to kill that dragon twice.

I jumped, when I heard a small growl erupt from Spark's throat as he tossed a stick into my lap. I looked at him in confusion, and he rested his large head in my lap. I chuckled a bit and settled my hand on his head.

"I haven't been giving you much attention lately, have I?" I asked, and Spark grumbled in response, obviously in agreement. I laughed. "You poor, poor baby. How ever do you cope?" with a teasing growl, Spark lifted his head and picked me up by my armor, lifting me far from the ground. I rolled my eyes at his antics. "I'm way too used to this, bud, maybe try something different next time." Spark grumbled and set me down. "See? Now that's what I'm saying. You have to start-"

Out of nowhere, Spark pounced on top of me, pinning me to the ground with a satisfied rumble. I glared playfully up at him. "Hardy har har." I rolled my eyes. "Alright fine, Viking down, I'm impaled." Spark, seeming proud of himself, allowed for me to get up and brush myself off. "You're getting soft, buddy."

I chuckled and Spark grumbled his annoyance as he waddled his way back to the treehouse. I threw dirt on the fire and made sure the fire really went out, before following my dragon, finally ready to settle into the night.

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