Reign Soma

By seren_dipityyy

22.9K 472 11

Reign: The fox spirit, known to be sly, cunning, and short-tempered. The one who baited the god into having t... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22

Ch. 5

1.3K 25 3
By seren_dipityyy

Reign put her stethoscope into her doctors bag and took her gloves off. "He's perfectly healthy. I believe he just has a sore throat so make sure he drinks warm water and take some medicine if his throat continues to hurt." she said to his mom.

His mom brightened. "Thank you. He just kept saying that his throat was hurting so I thought it may develop into something more serious."

Reign smiled. "That can happen if it's not treated early. Some warm water and medicine soothing to the throat will help a lot."

She rose and nodded her head at Reign before beckoning for her son to follow.

"Have a nice day." Reign called to them.

She turned around. "You too doctor!"

Reign turned and began to put her materials back into her doctors bag before closing it shut. She left Hatori's office and joined him and Shigure in the living room. Reign sat across from Shigure who was sitting beside Hatori.

"Done?" Shigure asked as she sat down.

She nodded. "It was minor. Nothing serious."

He smiled. "Good."

"Anyways, what are you two talking about?" she asked, pouring herself a cup of tea.

"I'm thinking about taking an impromptu trip." Shigure answered. "Thinking about taking Yuki, Tohru, and Kyo as well. How does it sound?"

Reign lifted the tea cup and furrowed her brows. "Why so suddenly?"

"That's what I want to know." Hatori commented, warming his hands.

"Ahh it's just a thought you two." he defended, making the two of them more suspicious. "Shall we change the subject?" Shigure laughed awkwardly. "I know! Should we go out drinking again? Let's see who'll get drunk the fastest!"

"Count me out." Reign disagreed, raising her hand. "I hate taking care of you when you get drunk. Besides, I'll only sip something in order to feel a little buzz but I don't like getting drunk."

"Aww come on Reign!" he whined. "We've got to see you get drunk at least once! You too doc!"

Hatori sighed. "What's the fun in getting drunk? You just wake up with a hangover the next day."

"You two are no fun." Shigure pouted.

Reign giggled. "It's not like you get drunk anyway. Ayame doesn't either since he knows when to stop. We're not exactly the best people to get drunk with."

Shigure continued on multiple other topics that he wanted to discuss with them and Reign listened as she usually did and commented here and there.

She debated speaking as Hatori began the next conversation. It was nearly impossible for her to do what she wanted to do but she still thought she should tell them all the same. Reign had already somewhat knew what the outcome of the situation would be but felt the need to get it off her chest.

She bit her lip before speaking. "I'm thinking about going to South Korea."

The suddenness of the news made the two of them freeze.

Hatori put his cup down and crossed his arms. "Why? I know that's your home country but you don't have any memory of being there. An indirect attachment?"

She glared at him and Shigure mediated. "Now now doc, there's no need to get feisty. But why so suddenly?"

Reign put her cup down as well and sighed. "My parents go there so often as if they miss being there and it makes me want to go as well. I also don't get to embrace that part of myself often either. It's all about Japanese customs and culture here so no one tries to tailor to me and my mom. I wouldn't be gone long; just about three months?"

"You're crazy." Hatori responded instantly. "Three months is a long time. The hell do you mean you wouldn't be gone long?"

Shigure nodded in agreement. "Even I can agree to that. Have you even talked to Akito about this?"

She shook her head. "I'm thinking about just leaving without telling Akito. It would be better that way. I can face the repercussions later."

Hatori sighed. "You're unbelievable you know that right? You do know that you're a member of the zodiac right? You'd transform unbelievably fast."

"Try to understand where I'm coming from." Reign pleaded with him. "Please just-"

He stood up and cleared his throat, heading towards his room. "I think I'll go have a nap now. You two cleanup behind me and lock the door when you leave."

"Hatori!" Reign shouted, her face full with a sadness that made him want to listen to her explanation, but he opened his bedroom door and shut it behind him.

Reign sat back in her chair and looked up at Shigure. "Do you think I said anything wrong?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't think there's anything wrong with what you said exactly, maybe how abrupt you brought it up? The lack of the ability to understand where him and I are both coming from is also what's getting you."

She threw her hands in the air. "I understand where you two are coming from! Three months isn't that long though!"

Shigure let out a dry laugh that made Reign stiffen for a moment. "Reign, you two are making progress in your relationship, otherwise he wouldn't have been so upset about something like this. He'd be at my level of annoyance but he's far past that. You're going to be away from him for a long time when you two see each other just about, if not everyday. How would you feel if he just suddenly left you for three months?"

Reign got angry. "I'm just trying to connect with my other half in person. Is there anything so wrong with that? Give me a damn break." she screamed. "I've been in Japan my whole life because of this curse!"

Shigure waited until she calmed down before saying anything else. "I get that you want to connect with your other half but why so suddenly? You'd never ever brought this up before when we were younger."

"It just," she started, rubbing her temple. "It just seems like it's time. I'm so disconnected from my mother country that I hate it."

"You could learn about it from here in Japan. Traveling isn't easy for us so it's best we refrain from doing so."

Reign was irritated by how he was trying to convince her to stay here and learn about her culture in a different country. She grabbed her doctors bag and stormed out, quickly walking home. How could they jump to conclusions so fast when she never told them when she'd be leaving? Of course she didn't tell them when. They wouldn't even let her get it out. Reign opened the door to her house and slammed it shut, making the maid jump.

Reign looked in her direction and bowed. "I'm sorry. Don't come upstairs for the time being. I don't feel too well." she said, trying to keep her cool.

The maid bowed in acknowledgment and Reign quickly walked upstairs, tears already welling in her eyes. The moment she got into her room she locked the door behind her and sat her bag down before curling into her bed and crying.

It was irritating. She understood why Hatori would feel like that but the reaction he gave was ridiculous to her. She wanted a little bit of encouragement to go ahead with her plans but didn't think that they'd react the way that they did. Shigure's taunting didn't help her in the slightest. It made her feel like crap after listening to what he said.

After a while she stopped crying and finally dried her eyes. After she did so, her phone started ringing. It was her mom. Reign picked up the phone and tried to clear the sadness out of her voice which failed a bit but her mom didn't seem to notice due to the urgency of what she had to tell Reign.

"Reign where are you right now?" her mom asked, her voice sounded off.

Reign sniffled before answering. "I'm at home. Why?"

Her mom took a deep breath before speaking. "We're going to be staying in Korea for a little bit while longer than planned. Your father collapsed and it sounds pretty serious."

She let out a sound of disbelief. "Mom please stop joking. Tell me you aren't serious right now."

Reign's mom voice broke. "I'm not. They think he had a heart attack but he hasn't woken up yet."

Tears pooled into Reign's eyes. "Where in Korea are you? I want to see if he's ok with my own eyes and check him out myself." she urgently demanded.

Her mom sniffled. "I didn't tell you this for you to make a irrational decision. Stay level-headed and help me through this. I know you want to see him right now but it's best you don't."

"I know I'm a member of the zodiac but he's my father!" she screamed, not caring that the maid downstairs could hear her. "I'll try to get Akito's permission so please let me see him." Reign pleaded.

"No." her mom said. "All you have to do is wish for his well-being. I need your support and I will be yours. I'll tell your father you love him and wish him the best. I love Reign and I'll update you on his condition."

Reign grasped at her hair and let out a final cry before her mom hung up the phone. She let the phone drop as she let out a silent cry. Her body melted in her bed and she cried, completely breaking down. She couldn't go see her father after he collapsed and her closest friends were upset with her.

Reign felt stuck. She felt like she did when she first got here. It's one thing to argue with her friends but it's another when neither of her parents are around her for her to vent to, but one of them is unconscious and the other is grasping at straws to stay upright. Would tomorrow be better? Would it be the same? How would her father be? Would his condition be better? Could she talk to him on the phone? So many questions rang through her head as exhaustion overcame her and she slowly cried herself to sleep.


The next day Reign didn't her house at all. She was anxious for a call from her mom so much so she kept her phone within her eyesight all day which was unusual for her. Reign tried to ease her mind with a nice hot shower but he simply gave her more time to think about all the possible things that could go wrong with her father and how her mom would react. Reign got out the shower and tied her black robe around her, heading to her room to dry and brush her hair.

She sat down and looked into the mirror as she took the towel off her head. Reign took a look at herself and realized how pale she looked and how bloodshot her eyes were. She'd been crying a lot since yesterday and even just the thought of her father made her eyes well up with tears. The situation with Hatori and Shigure had to be on a back burner for now. Her father was of importance.

Reign dried her hair and brushed it out, leaving it down and went downstairs to fix a cup of coffee, trying to stay alert for the possible call from her mom. She tried to stay busy enough to not have that be the only thing on her mind but not too busy that she would miss the call. Reign didn't want to review charts and accidentally miss something since her mind was such a mess so she decided on watching tv for once.

She enjoyed what was on tv for a while as she finished off her coffee, even relaxing a bit after being so tense for nearly a day. There was someone at her door but she knew it wouldn't be anyone important so she had the maid open it. Reign didn't pay any mind to who it was since it could've been just someone coming to deliver a package or something of the sort. Though, what she thought was completely wrong. It was Hatori.

When she realized it was him she instantly sat up and placed her hands on her legs. Her body tensed up and she clenched her jaw. He was dressed up like usual and she found it upsetting.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her tone implying she didn't want to see him.

He walked closer to her and sat next to her, keeping a gap big enough for another person to sit in between them. "Shouldn't we talk after the bomb you dropped yesterday? Let's not drag something this trivial out."

She scoffed. "Trivial? This is trivial?" she said in disbelief.

"I think it is. I won't apologize for how I reacted yesterday but I will apologize for not trying to hear you out." he admitted. "Your turn."

Reign laughed. "I don't have anything to apologize for. I refuse to do so. Too much has happened since then for me to apologize. If anything, it's given more of a reason to leave."

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

She waved her hand. "Nothing for you to worry about and nothing I can't handle on my own. If you're done you can go." she said standing up and walking away.

He grabbed her hand. "Don't walk away from me. Tell me now, what else happened yesterday?" he demandingly asked.

Reign looked him in the eyes and saw how they had an icy glare in them. "Don't make me laugh again. You came here to talk about one thing so let's not talk about something else. I'll take my leave now."

"Talk to me." he pleaded. "Why won't you do that?"

She didn't look at him. "Why didn't you try to communicate with me yesterday? I said I was thinking about moving to Korea. I never said I was set on it."

"That was me being inconsiderate which I have apologized for. Just tell me what else happened."

Reign debated on if she actually want to tell him. She didn't want to tell anyone and just deal with the situation herself since she's always dealt with such things by herself. It was a fight within herself but in the end she decided not to tell him.

"I'll tell you when I think it's the right time." she told him, still not looking at Hatori.

His grip on her loosened and she saw this as an opportunity to leave. As she walked away he said something that made it feel like a piece of her heart chipped off.

"I've taken a step forward and you're trying to leave me in the dust." he projected, making sure Reign heard him. " I'll leave you alone. I'm open for a talk whenever you need it. I'll take my leave as well."

Hatori nearly walked past Reign but stopped as he was leaving. He patted her head softly and left without another word. Tears welled in her eyes and she squatted onto the floor, a desperate attempt to comfort herself. Why didn't she accept his open arms? Why didn't she tell him what's been weighing on her mind all day? Why is she allowing herself to carry the burden herself instead of sharing it with the person she cares about the most? Why did she let him leave when he's the only one who could comfort her?

Reign didn't have the answers to her own questions. The only thing she could do was come to terms with the situation that she had in front of her and walk forward, regardless if that meant leaving Hatori behind. As the day dragged on, the phone call she was anticipating never came which meant that her fathers condition hadn't changed which she found to look in a different light; meaning it was a good thing he didn't get worse. She was content with that for the time being.


The next day Reign got a text from her mom updating her on her fathers condition. He was still unconscious but his stats were getting better. She wanted to desperately hear her moms voice but she knew she was tired. Knowing her mom, she hadn't been sleep since he first collapsed. Reign sent her message that was pretty long but she wanted to get her feelings across well for both of her parents. She felt her shoulders become lighter and heart begin to beat louder after she sent the text to her mom.

Reign texted Ayame to invite him out to her something to eat with since she wanted to leave the house for a bit and once he responded, she got dressed. Reign wore a simple outfit with a pair of black jeans, a white long sleeve crop top that was tightly fitting, and a pair of white shoes to pair. She put half of her hair up and left the other half down, leaving it straightened and only brushing it a few times. The only accessories she wore was a necklace her dad got her, a ring her mom got her, and a bracelet Hatori gave her a while ago.

She grabbed her car keys and wallet before leaving and meeting Ayame at a sushi restaurant. She wasn't fond of raw sushi but did enjoy shrimp sushi and Ayame was aware of that which is why he picked the place. It wasn't far from where the both of them lived so they did get there around the same time. Or so she thought. Ayame apparently had learned of Hatori and Reign's argument from Shigure and set the whole thing up so they would have lunch together and talk everything out.

The two of them stared at each other as food was being served and drinks since everything was prepared before hand. Hatori took a sip of water and Reign took a sip of the wine. It was to her liking but she didn't intend on staying to drink much more of it.

"Don't glare at me." Hatori said, crossing his arms and sighing. "I didn't even tell Ayame or Shigure anything else that happened and I'm sure you didn't either."

Reign huffed. "I was planning to have a meal with Ayame but he crossed me over. What good friends we have." Reign sarcastically commented.

"Do you want to tell me now what was wrong with you yesterday?" he asked, looking at her in the eyes. "I've been waiting."

Her fingers twitched and the moment they did she grabbed the wine glass and took another sip from it, slightly bigger than the last. "I think I'll wait a bit longer. Maybe I'll tell you after ten years or so."

He chuckled dryly. "Let's not play games. You obviously weren't okay yesterday. Tell me and I'll try to be as sincere as I can."

She looked at him and tapped her wine glass. "Why are you attracted to me?" she asked, a smile appearing on her face. "Answer me that and I'll answer your question. Fair trade to me."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "This is childish. Just tell me what's wrong with you. Is something troubling you?"

"Answer me first. Just humor me and if I'm satisfied with your answer I'll tell you."

He put his left hand to his temple and rubbed it before speaking. "Your gentleness and bluntness. You're very gentle with those around you regardless if you are close to them or just meet them but you're also very blunt. You're ability to also make any serious situation into a light-hearted one. You're just you. You're just Reign Soma and never pretended be anyone else."

Reign didn't expect that as his answer. Her eyes widened and she watched him remove his hand from his face. There was a faint blush on his face as he looked at her. When he noticed she was looking at him back he grabbed his wine glass and took a sip from it, a large one. Reign found his embarrassment cute but it was her turn since she was beyond satisfied with his answer.

"The reason why I was acting like that yesterday was because the day I told you and Shigure my plans my mom called and told me my father had a heart attack."

He was alert as he heard that and was about to say something but Reign cut him off and continued talking.

"I wanted to fly out immediately but mom told me not to. She updated me after two days and said he was still unconscious but his stats were a lot better than before. I cried myself to sleep the first day and cried all day long yesterday. That's why I didn't want to see you and I cried the moment you left as well."

She said the last bit with a sad smile. Hatori reached his hand out and put it on top of hers, grabbing it and caressing the back of hand. She felt comforted by that.

"I'm not hungry." Reign admitted. "Can we leave?"

Hatori checked the time on his watch. "You'll be hungry later since it's only 2pm right now. Let's have them pack this up and where do you want to go?"

"Your house." she answered instantly. "No patients today. Just hold me. I needed that yesterday but I made it seem like I didn't. I'm sorry, for everything."

He smiled and nodded. "Let's enjoy each others company today. We haven't had a day where it was just us and I think that's what we need."

Reign smiled. "I'll get my car and meet you there."

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