Dive Into Me. [xiaother]

By meiibo_sai

1K 16 3

"You know... This act will make us have a bond for all eternity..." Aether gets closer to his face, feeling... More


1K 16 3
By meiibo_sai

He could feel the moist soil between his toes. The night was pleasant. The breeze lightly blew the leaves from the golden trees, some fell on the water with a light touch on the surface, making gracefull and small waves. Crystalflies floating over there, usually an indicator of peace. The sound of tiny raindrops falling echoed through the woods.

He could hear the soft and calming sounds of the waterfall in the distance, a comfortable sound to his ears and peace for his troubled mind. He took slow steps deeper and deeper into the water until it covered his body.

A man, rather short. His skin a light tone of brown, a little tan, due to the fact that he was always under the sunlight. The well-built body, painted with healed scars from previous battles. One of his arms had a huge tattoo that resembled the form of a green bird, covering from the tips of his fingers to his neck. Thick lips, somewhat pointy ears, the curly hair in a beautiful shade of teal... A scar on his cheek, a small purple mark on his forehead and almond eyes in a beautiful shade of gold like the purest Mora, piercing like the gaze of a hungry predator. Some mortals used to say he was a wanderer. Others, some ghost. But the great truth is that he, Xiao, was something much greater. An adeptus, a being of a mystical and powerful nature, one of the five Yaksha Guardians, chosen by Rex Lapis himself to watch over the lands of Liyue. Few were left of that slaughter centuries ago. Xiao, with his mind troubled by the karmic debt of so many deaths of vengeful gods at his hands, was the only remaining Yaksha. Some would say it was luck, but for him it meant boundless pain. He had lost the few friends he had, the only ones able to understand him, to that cruel fate.

He got all the way to the bottom, to where his feet barely reached the ground anymore. He sank into the water, letting his thoughts be taken with the gentle current. He reached the surface again for air, feeling the water running from his hair down his face and torso.

He sighed.

So many voices, supplications, screams, cries. All echoing through his mind over and over again. There was not even a moment of peace for Xiao.

Except when he was immersed in the waters of that lake.

He had discovered it by chance. Since then, he always used his free time to try to uncover the secret behind that lake. People who used to know the Yaksha's ways would usually say that this was quite unusual behavior coming from him. Xiao always showed minimal curiosity towards most of the things, just contenting himself with doing his duty and not caring about his own desires. Seeing him motivated for something was new. However, it was understandable.

After all, what was this power of the lake, capable of suppressing even his so extensive karmic debt?

He sighed again. Submerged himself in the water. He returned to the surface.

He gazed up, looking for an answer. The screams and cries that echoed through his mind were now nothing more than mere whispers. He tried to see the moonlight through the rain clouds.

He sighed. Again.

Xiao crossed his arms thoughtfully. He felt the gentle cold water wash away his tiredness, at least for a while.

He looked away. There was a small Crystalfly, somewhat different from the others. This one carried a golden glow like the sun and seemed to have more delicate wings. He looked up and saw hundreds of them floating gently through the air, forming an epicenter in the middle of the lake. He could see something among so many luminous butterflies.

Or rather... Someone.

It was as if he hypnotized him. Xiao watched that being's delicate dance amidst the waters.

Of course it was him.

Xiao never believed in love. He thought it was a stupid thing, just an allegory for mortals to make up for what little time they had in the world. Just a way to perpetuate their species, or whatever it was.

When it happened to him, he couldn't believe it.

An adeptus, just like him. Long and beautiful blond hair, skin as white as snow... A sweet smile capable of illuminating the darkest darkness. The golden eyes like sunlight, the body blessed by the gods...

Legends said that Aether had the power of an Archon. It was amazing the way the light and waters bent between his fingers. It was graceful the way he danced every night of the full moon, to the sound of the little birds around. Many said they had been saved from certain death after seeing a blonde silhouette and always with a mischievous little smile on its lips.

Aether's mischievous and carefree manner was what intrigued Xiao the most. Since the Archon War, he has fought alongside Rex Lapis in pursuit of the peace. However, he was never interested in the Archon's crown, as he thought that being a god would be too boring. Xiao, being a warrior, has always been face to face with the conflicts in Liyue and the consequentement, close to him.

He always wondered why Aether liked to spend time with him so much. He wondered how he managed in a simple snap of his fingers to heal all his wounds as he had healed many times. Always wondered why he insisted so much on being beside someone so troubled as a Yaksha like him.

He found it irritating the way he smiled at the smallest of the things, the way he walked smiling through the trees of the Aocang Mountains... A few conversations with Verr Goldet – after, of course, much insistence from the woman – he realized that he was actually in love.

In love. Like a young and foolish mortal. In love with Aether. In love with his smile, his blond hair, the way he had to be Aether.

Amid so many luminous butterflies, there he was, with that mischievous, yet sweet, smile. He had noticed the presence of the Yaksha there. He chuckled. He couldn't hear it, but it echoed perfecty in his mind.

Blinked. He was no longer there.

Was it all an illusion...?

He stared at his reflection in the water, sighing.

"Despite the rain, it's a beautiful night, isn't it...?"

Xiao got scared. Few things were capable of frightening him. One of them was the fact that Aether always managed to surprise him by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So annoyingly lovely.

"Centuries go by and you still do it." Xiao says, crossing his arms.

"Forgive me, my Guardian." The blonde lets out a mischievous and amused chuckle.

"My Guardian". Aether has always called him that. They had known each other for so many ages, but they still had the custom. My Guardian. His heart beat faster every time he heard him say that.

"What brings you here..?" He asks.

"I'm just here. Nothing else." He responds, shortly.

"Don't lie. I know you have a reason. Or do you think I haven't seen you come here almost every night since winter...?"

Xiao looked him in the eyes. The blonde kept a small grin on his lips. That little grin.

"You know you can trust me... Don't you...?" He says, in a gentle way.

Xiao sighed.

"I still hear them. Crying. Screaming. Yearning for my end." He says in a low tone, visibly haggard and tired. "I don't know what this lake has... But it seems to make me a little saner."

"So it's your karma, hm..." Aether ponders, approaching him a little concerned. "This lake is the natural habitat of these luminous butterflies... I enchanted them with the power of Light so that it would be a safe place against the evil spirits of the Wuwang Hills... It seems to have worked for you."

"I didn't know that light could be manipulated as one of the seven elements."

"The Light is something unknown to many. Its control is a mystery even to Celestia's beings. Fortunately... I know the secret." He smiles again, a gentle, sweet smile. "I'm glad I could help you in some way."

Xiao nodded his head. Deep down he wanted to say something else, but the words failed him. He saw the adorable little smile on Aether's lips and wondered inwardly how soft they looked.

Their eyes met. Again.

Xiao wasn't one to make much eye contact. In fact, the only ones who truly experienced the Yaksha's fearsome gaze were those who dared to be his enemies.

But at that moment... Aether felt like Xiao was just a helpless, scared kitten. His golden eyes, capable of seeing even his deepest sin... They looked sad.

Aether took a step forward. Another step, and another step. Few inches of distance between their faces. Xiao felt his heart beat faster when he felt one of the blonde's delicate hands on his cheek, gently running his thumb over his scar.

"You're suffering. I can feel it in you." He says, gently stroking his skin. His fingers were cold.

"More than you know..." He admits, the tired look on his face said a thousand more words he couldn't bring himself to say.

It wasn't common to see Xiao open up to others. Such sensitive moments in the Adeptus' life were extremely rare.

He really trusted Aether.

"I remember when Bosascius, Menogias and Miss Ping put on that paper puppet show for the children of Qingce Village..." The blonde gave a slight sad smile.

"Bosascius had four arms, so it was easier for him to hold more puppets..." Xiao smiled slightly at the memory.

"You thought it was all stupid and pointless." Aether laughed.

"I did. I still do." He brought the blonde closer. "I miss them."

"So do I. But they're resting now." He sighs, resigned.

Aether grabbed Xiao's face with both hands and came a little closer. Their noses were almost touching. He left a kiss on the boy's forehead, right on top of that small and delicate diamond shaped mark. He let the power of the Light take over his body, the locks of his long blonde hair shining like the most beautiful moonlight. Xiao felt as if all that weight, thosezes, that pain... Just gone.

"Do you feel better..?" He smiles, slowly caressing his chin.

"I still don't know how you do it." He nod his head, looking into the blonde's bright eyes. "Thank you."

"I know it's not the same, but... At least... we still have each other." He smiled warmly and kindly, bringing his face closer to him. "I will always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere, my Guardian." He holds his face with both hands.

"I protect you... And you protect me."


The blonde ended with the little space between their faces. Aether put his lips on his, a passionate kiss, the blonde felt the man's hands going to his waist, holding him firmly. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to remind him that it was Xiao who was taking his lips. Skin against skin, a warm and a little needy kiss.

Xiao's strong hands held his waist, caressing his skin tenderly. Butterflies landed on his hair, they could perfectly hear the symphony of the forest. Only the cold waters and raindrops were there to witness such a moment.

"I never thought I'd see you take such a big step." Aether teases, nibbling his neck. He rested his head on his chest with a happy little smile on the lips.

"It took me ages to understand..." He holds the blonde's chin, making him look into his eyes. "Understanding why you always makes me feel like this..."

"Humans often say that they feel like butterflies dancing in your stomach…" He smiles, letting a light seal on his lips.

He could feel his heart beat. He could feel Xiao alive for the first time. Living, not just surviving. He looked into his eyes, seeing for the first time in ages, a small spark. A hope, a curiosity, something new. He kissed him one more time. Xiao's callused fingers caressed his skin, their bodies naked in the moonlight. He watched Xiao's tattoos glowing in the dark, his sharp facial features, the deadly gaze, worthy of a true conqueror... For him it was only Xiao, the man who he fell in love with.

They separated for a brief moment, heavy and panting breaths. A small grin formed on Xiao's thick lips. He held the blonde's cheek gently, holding him into a tight hug. An embrace full of longing, as if moments like that hadn't happened between the two in a long time. Because in fact, they didn't. Aether gave a small kiss on the tip of the Yaksha's nose, sliding a finger over his torso.

"Do you have a place to spend the night...?" The blonde asks, voice soft as the breeze.

"I don't need this." He answers.

"The rain is increasing. I'm afraid maybe a storm will come." He says, somewhat worried. "There's a cabin nearby. I've been staying there for the last few months. It's a little cramped, but... I'm sure you can stay with me."

"I can be fine alone." He tucks a strand of the Adeptus's long blond hair behind his ear. "I don't want to get you in trouble."

"You would never cause me problems." He leaves a small kiss on his lips, caressing his cheeks. "You know it."

Xiao sighs.

The blonde had that smile. In a flash of light he disappeared, leaving a confused Xiao alone in the lake.

"Let's go." He appears among the trees.

Aether had a graceful paper lantern lit in one hand. He wore a delicate white silk robe with a few blue flowers on the edges. The usual mischievous smile, as if he was always planning to play a trick on him. Xiao was mesmerized by that angelic vision, entranced for a few seconds.

He sighed. Again.

He disappeared into that black mist and soon reappeared from the trees, wearing only his lilac pants. He carried the rest of his clothes on his right arm and the Jade-winged spear in his left hand.

"My Guardian... Doesn't take off his uniform even for a minute..." Aether laughs.

"You'll never know when the time might come. Demons don't stop, not even for the rain..." He ponders, looking at the sky.

"We better go before the rain gets stronger." The blonde smiles.

They passed a small stream, a huge tree and went up the hill. Aether felt Xiao's gaze on his back the entire time, like a true guardian.

They looked at each other, the blonde could perfectly feel the tension in Xiao's eyes.

"What is it, dear...?" The blonde says, his voice was soft and reassuring.


Xiao felt his heart beat faster.

"Y-you're always oblivious to everything... What would happen if a predator sneaked up on you...?" He answers, somewhat disconcerted.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere. I know you were looking at me the entire time, by the way." Aether smiles seeing the Yaksha looking away, embarrassed. "And also..." He leans closer. "I feel safe when you're around."

He caresses the guardian's cheek, running a thumb over his lower lip. He left a little kiss on the corner of his lips, letting out a giggle when he noticed the motionless Yaksha.

"Did I leave you speechless, dear Alatus...?" He teases.

"You said you were afraid of a storm coming." He sighs, somewhat disconcerted.

"Well... We're already here." He turns to the side.

There was a small dark cabin under a huge cuihua tree laden with sunsettia fruits. A small pond with some fish and a very well-kept garden, the roof was full of beautiful flowers and well-ornamented leaves, something beautiful to behold that could only be the blondie's work. Aether left the luminous lamp on the threshold of the house and opened the door to let the man inside. The interior was equally beautiful and delicate, just like him. A bed that looked like it was little used but with the sheets neatly folded, a closet full of candles and lamps and a table on the floor with a basket full of flowers that seemed to be full of vigor.

"Welcome to my little house. We have a comfortable bed, shelter and... We don't have food, as I don't need it, but..." He trailed off.

"Aether." He calls him by name for the first time.

Their eyes met. Xiao seemed to be less tense. He was staring at his face with a tender and calm expression, his gaze had lightened a bit.

"It's perfect." He says, a slight smile forming on his lips. "Thank you."

Aether gave a sincere smile in response. Xiao watched him taking light steps to the cupboard, picking up another lamp, this one a little smaller. He left it on the small table, next to the basket of flowers.

"Come in, make yourself comfortable!" He smiles happily.

Xiao entered the small cabin somewhat reluctantly. Not in the bad way of being in a bad environment, quite the opposite. He was afraid that his mere presence would make such a beautiful place fade into darkness.

"Don't worry about karma. I'm here for you, remember?" Aether says softly, approaching.

He takes one of his earrings. A small pearl that emitted a faint and peculiar light, strung on a swallow's feather. He gently placed it on the guardian's ear, looking into his eyes. Aether's eyes were calm and gentle, as if with just one look he could completely calm the storm in the Yaksha's heart. And deep down, he could.

"As long as I live, I won't let you suffer." He gently slides his finger over the man's jaw.

"I'll never have enough words to describe how kind you've been to me..." He said, holding the smiling blonde's hand. "I also don't think I'll ever be able to repay you..."

"Shh…" He shuts his lips with a short seal. "I don't do this expecting anything in return... I do this because I love you." He brings their noses together, gently caressing his skin.

Xiao got caught by surprise.


"This world is too cruel for you..." He tucked a strand of the adeptus' golden hair behind his ear.

"Do you think I'm innocent...?" He chuckles, leaving one last peck on the lips of his lover to pull away.

The blonde sat beside the small table, lighting the lamp with his Luminescence. Soon the entire room lit up with a faint golden light.

"Do you know how many beasts I slayed during the Archon War?" He smiles mischievously. "I'm nothing compared to you, but there certainly weren't a few."

"I still have the memories." Xiao sits down next to the blonde, his legs crossed. "You saved me... You saved me from dying..." He sighs, head down. "That's why I say this world is too cruel for you. I'm a mere demon, and yet you insist on taking care of me... I don't deserve your love..."

"Xiao." He calls him by his name.

The Yaksha looks up at the blonde. That same gentle face gaze, slowly approaching him. He pulled him into an sloppy hug which he gladly accepted.

"I love you, not just because of your battle deeds..." He said in a low tone, but still enough for the man to hear. "I love you because you are Xiao. Always grumpy, but with a big heart. Who knows how to be tough, but who would sacrifice himself for others if necessary... The Xiao who loves to play the dizi flute under the trees on top of the Aocang Mountains , the Xiao who loves cat jokes and who always hides his smile when he hears one..." He slowly climbs onto the boy's lap, resting his head on his chest. "I love your voice, your eyes and the way they look at me... I love braiding your hair and... I can't deny that I also think you're kind of... How do humans call it..? Um, hot." He smiles mischievously. "I can hear your heart beating... That means you did a good job staying alive."

"Aether..." He runs his thumb over the blonde's cheek.

"Please don't ever say such cruel things about yourself again…" He nuzzles the Yaksha's shoulder, gently sliding his index finger over his Adam's apple.

"Do you really mean it..?" He says. His voice comes out weak, almost like he doesn't believe it.

"Of course I do. You're the love of my life, silly." He looks up at the taller one, with a sulky face.

"Of all the punishments I've had..."

Xiao caressed his cheek gently, as if he was afraid of breaking it.

He gave a deep breath.

"Losing the one I love would perhaps be the worst of all."

Aether felt his heart beat faster at those words. He smiled. A sincere smile, bright as the moonlight. Xiao wrapped his strong arms around him in a tight hug. He leaned his face against his head, smelling his hair. He felt the scent of him, the essence of his lover. Aether smelled like an innocent and fragile sunflower. Scent of sun, light, scent of Aether. They didn't even have time to think. A kiss, a simple kiss. The simplicity of their lips pressed together in a certain desperation still fit perfectly. Xiao was firmly holding Aether's waist while the blonde's delicate fingers caressed his cheeks and the little strands of hair on the back of his neck. A slow, tender kiss that, for the first time in ages, was brimming with passion. He swung one leg across the Yaksha's waist, sitting on his lap in a rather indecent manner, he would say.

Aether could feel the man's heart pounding. He looked into his eyes. Pupils thin as a cat's, irises as golden as the purest Mora, a piercing gaze could see through even his most terrible sin.

Another kiss. Somewhat more needy, warm. He could feel the Yaksha's tongue fighting for a little bit of space inside his mouth. Aether felt his lips slowly lowering to his neck, kissing and giving him weak bites that left small, almost invisible marks. The blonde let out a sigh when he felt the boy's warm tongue on his skin. He put his hands to his greenish hair, internally begging him to continue. Xiao's breathing was heavy. The blonde felt a chill run down his spine.

"I missed that." The blonde rambles. "To feel your scent... To feel you."

"I missed hearing your voice. To hear your voice calling me." Xiao answers, a little out of breath. "I want you more than anything, Aether..."

"I'm already yours. Always have been, always will be."

Xiao grabbed the blonde's chin. A long kiss as if it were the last. His tongues tangled and seemed to fight for some space. The man hands caressed the blonde's hips while controlling his irregular and panting breaths. Aether held the Xiao's face gently, running hiz thumb over his lower lip. Xiao could see right down to his soul with his amber eyes. He let a short kiss on his thick lips, internally begging for more of it.

They stopped. Something was wrong.

"Shit." He curses, closing his eyes tightly. He rested his head in the blonde's neck.

"What's it..?" The blonde asks, a bit out of breath.

"I-I... Forgive me..." Xiao sighs.

Aether took a while to understand what it was about. Xiao's face was completely flushed, extremely disconcerted. That's when he lowered his gaze a little more and noticed a certain bulge in his pants.

He chuckled.

"It's fine." The blonde responds, whispering in his ear. "You know, I can take care of this for you..."

"Aether..." He said, trying to listen to his common sense.

"Let's make this night special, dear." He lifts the man's chin so that their gazes meet again.

"But I don't want you to feel like an object…" He says, reluctantly.

Aether let out a giggle. That giggle. He leaves a short kiss on the corner of his lips, bringing his hands to the knot of his robe.

"Xiao, you know I'm not a saint."

He starts pulling the silk sash. The knot came undone, the thin fabric sliding elegantly over the blonde's body.

Heavens... The water and the dark didn't let him have that divine vision. The pale skin, like untouched porcelain. As he removed his garments, he showed more of his body to the Yaksha. He was mesmerized. Perfectly shaped curves, thick thighs, a waist blessed by the gods. A tattoo of small, delicate gold stars over his stomach and tiny, small rosy breasts that would probably fit perfectly in his hands...

Xiao felt the blonde guide one of his hands to his waist. Soft skin like he'd never touched before. Probably his so callused fingers were not worthy of touching him. But there was Aether, that little smile on the lips, practically begging for his touch.

"You're such an angel... Perfect and immaculate." He brings his face closer, leaving him a short kiss. "I can't spoil you like that..."

"Gosh, you're so dramatic…" He sighs, a little impatiently.

Aether did the unexpected. He wrapped his legs around his waist, yearning for more of that wonderful contact of her skin against his. Kissing him a little wildly, it took Xiao a while to realize what was happening but soon he started to accompany him at that crazy and desperate pace. Their lips in perfect synchrony, heavy breaths as the temperature in the room seemed to rise higher and higher. Xiao felt the blonde's delicate and cold hands exploring his skin, he felt a shiver down his spine when his lips lowered to his neck, leaving small marks. He gripped the blonde's thighs tightly, bringing him closer.

"You can touch my body however you want, you can do whatever you want... I want to feel you... And I want to make you feel good..." He says, between kisses.

That was a free pass, wasn't it?

Panting, they stopped kissing for a moment.

"Do you still think otherwise...?" The blonde asks, taking a deep breath.

"I do." Xiao says, giving his neck a light bite. "But it made me more curious."

His heart was beating fast. Yes, he wanted every bit of the Aether just for himself, wanted to throw him in the floor of that cabin and not leave there any time soon. He wanted to hear his sighs, his voice calling his name... To see his so angelic face filled with the purest expressions of lust and satisfaction...

"Then it's decided." He grabs Aether's chin, bringing him closer.

The blonde smirked before diving into a hot, passionate kiss. He felt the strong hands of the Yaksha walking through his body, helping him to get rid of that fabric. Their skins skins touching, the heat in the environment seemed to increase more and more. Xiao let out a groan between kisses when he felt Aether right on top of his arousal, moving his hips from top to bottom in a provocative way. He bit his bottom lip, still keeping that mischievous look in his eyes. He pushed the Yaksha until he fell lying on the carpet, swallowed hard when he felt the bulge between his pants increasing more and more.

He felt his body on fire like never before. Xiao wasn't that delicate and that excited him even more. He felt his heart beat faster as he gripped his waist tightly and reversed their positions, getting on top. Dominant, as he always was. He liked to be in control of things. Aether felt his body shaking from head to toe, trying to rub his thighs together to ease the arousal running through his body.

One more kiss. Racing hearts and heavy breathing. The rain was pouring down outside, but those two didn't care. Aether let out a moan as one of the man's strong hands found one of his breasts. Kissing him incessantly as the purest dopamine pumped through his body. Aether let out another moan feeling his tongue down his neck, up to his torso. World spinning when the heat of his tongue found his other breast, Aether heard an amused little giggle escape his lips. Bold of him.

Xiao slid a finger over the blonde's belly, slowly down his stomach. He felt his fingertips tingle as he touched the starry markings over his womb, noticing a faint glow, a little dimly in the dark.

Aether tried to rescue some air. Lips parted, he let out another moan when he felt the his fingers slowly rubbing his intimacy. He heard another giggle from him as he realized how wet it was. As if he was just waiting for him.

"For someone who's always talking, you're very quiet..." He whispers in his ear. His voice was husky, seductive. A shiver went down his spine.

"You're enjoying seeing me like this... Aren't you...?" Aether says, heavy breathing. "Heavens, I didn't know you were so good at this..." He sighs.

"Just responding to your provocations..." He lets out an amused chuckle.

"You really are a... A-ah...!" He moans softly.

Xiao silenced his moans with a kiss as he did wonders. Aether arched his back feeling that stimulus running through his entire body. The Yaksha held his thighs possessively. One finger, then another, digging inside him, hitting right on his weakest spot. He squirmed trying to grab the plumes of the rug, eyes rolling, lungs desperate for air. Aether felt completely wrapped up in that feeling, his rought fingers inside him moving in a way that left him on cloud nine. He couldn't even remember his name. Visual contact. His glowing feline eyes stared into his deepest desires.

"Do you like it slowly, like this...?" Xiao asks, softly. "Or like..."

Xiao didn't even need an answer. Aether let out a loud, whiny moan as he pressed deeper, harder. Another chill running down his spine. An amused grin on Xiao's lips with every moan he heard. It was like melody to his ears.

Long ago, he would have condemned himself for indulging his desires of the flesh. But for someone as sinful as he was... Maybe it didn't matter that much, he thought.

Xiao placed a kiss on Aether's forehead before moving his lips down his divine body. Wet kisses, small bites that probably wouldn't leave such huge marks, but that would still be there to remind him that Xiao had taken over his body.

Kisses on his neck, breasts, abdomen… Aether let out a sigh as the heat of his lips reached his thighs. Xiao held his legs possessively, his face bearing a gaze completely immersed in the purest form of lust, pupils thinner than ever, piercing like a predator's, staring at him like mere prey ready to be devoured. He spread the blonde's legs a little wider, amused by seeing the state of the his face. His cheeks were as flushed as they'd never been, an expression that was both longing and surprised at the same time, as if he was anxiously awaiting what would happen next.

He felt his thumbs opening his folds. His eyes rolled back as he felt the delicious sensation of his hot tongue on his intimacy. Aether grabbed the plumes of the rug between his fingers as his chest went up and down, his breathing heavy as his body warmed into ecstasy. That man sucking him, eating him out in a deliciously obscene way, fingers pressing on his clit as if he knew exactly what he was doing. The sounds of that act infested the room, only accompanied by the sound of the howling wind and the rain that fell outside the windows.

"A-ah, yes, d-dear..." He says between moans, enjoying every second of that delicious sensation invading each one of his nerves.

Aether tried to control himself, hands on his chest trying to regulate his breathing.

It was impossible.

His body squirming from head to toe, little toes curling, walls clenching in his warm tongue. Aether was desperately trying to get some air but everything that came out of his mouth were moans and gasps. Ecstasy taking over his body like a spirit trying to possess it. Xiao's tongue doing wonders and with each moan, he seemed to get more excited. His legs embraced his head, craving more and more for some of that sensation. His eyes rolled more and more, his body twitching, groans, sighs...

"A-ah, y-yes! Right t-there, my G-Guardian..." He whimpers. "H-heavens, I-I'm going to... H-hm..."

He arched his back, feeling an overwhelming sensation running through his nerves, he grabbed the rug once again, his body squirming in pleasure, loud moans coming out form his mouth. That's when he realized he had completely poured into his mouth. Xiao had a grin on his face as he ran his tongue over his intimacy in a lascivious way and filled with the purest sin, drowning into his taste. He bit his skin, running lips and his sharp teeth over his thighs. He looked… Savage.

And honestly, that just made Aether more aroused.

Xiao goes back to face him. Truly amused at the sight of his completely flushed face, a thin layer of sweat covering his body as he tried to breathe desperately.

"Won't… Won't you give me even a single second to think…?" The blonde teases.

"I like to hear your voice..." He whispers in his ear. His husky voice made him shiver. "Want me to stop...?"

"Of course not." Aether says, stroking the man's hand.

In one swift movement, the blonde switched positions. Xiao was surprised, his eyes a little wide when he saw the blonde on his lap pulling back his long hair, with a little more serious expression than the usual, but the slight smile was still present.

"Just let me play a little bit too..." He whispered.

Aether was fast. He quickly got rid of Xiao's only remaining clothing. He tried not to pay attention to just that but he couldn't take his eyes off his body. Well-muscled arms and rough, scarred torso, sharply defined abdomen and a few rune tattoos scattered across his right arm, a happy trail running below his belly button... He could perfectly feel arousal. Their intimacies rubbing against each other. His heart beating faster and faster imagining the following scenes, the euphoria and the purest dopamine running in his blood...

Xiao was mesmerized by that sight. Aether distributed small kisses over his torso while his hands roamed over his skin shamelessly. He gave him a sweet but mischievous gaze, lowering his hands just below his abdomen.

"I promised you I'd take care of this for you..." He whispered in his ear, biting his neck.

Xiao felt a shiver run down his spine. He let out a sigh through his teeth when the blonde's cold and delicate fingers began to touch him in a somewhat timid, yet daring way. Aether gently started to place kisses on his jaw as his hands were working a little bit lower. Xiao tilted his head back feeling a wave of heat invading his body, his voice trembling and his lips parted showing how much he was enjoying it, he bit his lips trying to suppress his voice. The blonde chuckled as he tilted his head back, panting. He just increased his speed, enjoying the scene as he could feel it hardening even more in his hands.

Xiao felt him distribute small wet kisses and bites all over his torso, some would probably leave stains the next day, but when it comes to the Aether's delicacy, they would be nothing more than small red marks. He felt kisses on his abdomen. Xiao felt that things were really getting serious as he knelt on the ground, looking directly into his face with a small grin. It was arousing to see him slide his tongue along his length, soft lips kissing him. It was cute to see him trying to fit his cock inside his mouth. His tongue did wonders, like a deliciously good torture. The Yaksha dug his sharp nails into the feathers of the carpet trying to discount all those waves of pleasure running through his body as he watched that obscene act. He prayed to whatever god existed that no one would listen to them. Aether gave small moans as he let him go deep into his throat as he held one of his hands and placing it on his hair, in order to make him guide him.

Oh, Aether...

With all those waves of pleasure clouding his mind, he had no other reaction. Xiao gripped the blonde's neck tightly, controlling his movements. His warm tongue doing wonders, Aether delighted in the scene of Xiao in total state of ecstasy while his hair was pulled by him. He increased the speed even more, listening to him letting out a loud and hoarse moan that made him delirious. Xiao was biting his lips and covering his eyes with his other arm, feeling his peak getting closer, his heavy breaths as he spoke disconnected words that seemed to make sense in his brain immersed in the purest dopamine. The blonde's lips, his completely flushed delicate face, his expression of pleasure...

Aether felt that warm liquid invading his mouth, feeling the hands loosening as Xiao took deep breaths, leaning against the wall trying to get some air. He slid his tongue one last time over him, leaving a few kisses before returning to his lap, while wiping his lips teasingly, leaving an affectionate kiss on the Yaksha's neck.

"Aether..." He says, panting.

"You taste so good..." He says sensually, nibbling on his neck.

"And I thought you were an angel..." He grabs the blonde's chin, giving him a small, short kiss on the lips.

"Sometimes even angels commit sins…" He says, his mesmerizing golden eyes trapping the Yaksha in an eternal trance of lust. "Tell me..."

Aether lowered his gaze, staring at his lap rather wistfully. It wasn't that big, but it was quite thick... Simply perfect. He wondered internally if it would fit inside him and every second he pondered over the question made him more anxious to find out the answer.

"You know... This act will make us have a bond for all eternity..."

Aether gets closer to his face, feeling the warm touch of one of the Yaksha's hands on his waist.

"Sex between adepti..? This will seal us as mates for the rest of our lives..." He runs a finger down his torso with a seductive gaze, like a sly fox.

"There's nothing that's more intense than what we just did..." He pulls him closer. "Whether it's sex or not, I don't care, but I want you all to myself for the rest of my life..." He admits, squeezing his skin between his fingers. "Now... What about you?"

Aether gave a small chuckle. Correct answer.

"Me..?" He whispers, in a low, sweet tone. "I want to feel you inside me..."

Xiao felt a shiver run through his body upon hearing that sentence. He let out a sigh when one of the blond's hands firmly gripped his cock, perfectly placing its tip in his wet warm entrance.

"I wonder if it fits..." The blonde says, pure lust in his eyes.

Their hearts were beating fast, almost matching each other's beat. Aether moved his hips from side to side trying to make him fit. He moans in a loud, lovely way... His eyes rolled back when he finally got it, Xiao perfectly inside himself, the blonde reached for the Yaksha's hands and placed them on his waist. Slowly it made him go deeper, making the Guardian go crazy.

An invasion of sensations in his body. Aether was so tight it made him delirious. The blonde could take him perfectly inside his wet and dripping cunt.

"You... You are fully in..." He whispers, his speech a bit breathy. "Our fates are sealed... Isn't it exciting..?"

Aether shows him his belly markings. The small starry tattoos emitted a faint bluish light.

"We are connected..." He whispers. "I feel you, Aether..." Xiao touched it, feeling that light tingle running through his fingertips again.

They kissed. A tender kiss, filled with love. They could feel each other's pulsations, desires, feelings... A bond created by their deepest wishes.

"I'm not hurting you, am I…?" Xiao asks reluctantly, as he slides his hand across the blonde's skin.

"A little bit, but... Don't worry." He gives a little giggle. "I love the sensation..."

"You really are stranger than I thought." He says. "I like that."

"Better get used to it." Aether retorts, with a little grin on the lips.

The blonde rested his arms on the Yaksha's shoulders. Their eyes met. Passion and lust were in the air. Xiao let out a rought whimper as Aether began to move. Slowly going from top to bottom, deeper and deeper, moaning softly in that man's ear who each time felt his soul leaving his body a little more. Panting, as if they were stealing each other's oxygen. Xiao holds his hips firmly, starting to take control of the situation. Aether could feel his strong hands, could feel all his length inside him hitting all his weak spots at once, he let out a loud moan as he began to increase the speed of his thrusts. An expression of complete ecstasy on the blonde's delicate face. Xiao didn't think twice before switching positions again, putting one of the blonde's legs over his shoulder while holding the other firmly and possessively. Aether felt him going deeper, faster, stronger...  The pleasure invading him, a shiver from head to toe as every nerve present in his body responded solely to Xiao alone, stretching his insides.

He rolled his eyes, whimpering. That savage gaze formed on Xiao's face again. He thrust fast, hard... Aether wondered how much stamina a Yaksha could have. Honestly, with every second of that delicious sensation, he felt even more curious. His head hitting against the wall from time to time. He wasn't that much delicate, and Aether had understood the message perfectly.

Xiao held the blonde's arms above his head, not letting him protest. The Yaksha felt his insides tightening, as if he was desperate for just a few more seconds to reach his peak. Aether felt his fingers trailing across his skin, stopped when his hand reached on his abdomen. Xiao seemed to channel some kind of strange energy. His world started to spin, shivers and chills down his spine as he felt that energy flow running through his body. He arched his back with that feeling he had never felt before. Xiao was amused by the scene as he saw a small anemo sigil forming over Aether's womb.

"W-what... What did you..." Breathless, Aether could barely speak. Xiao could feel him getting even tighter than before, especially when he started to bite his neck.

"Elemental resonance..." He answers, Aether could feel a smile against his skin, his voice muffled by his skin. "You know... You're not the only one who manipulate elements."

Xiao gripped his hips only to thurst even harder. Aether screamed with pleasure from all those sensations at once. Uncontrollable giggles escaping his lips, tears forming in the corners of his eyes, he was even drooling. He was screaming Xiao's name without caring if anyone passing by heard it or not. The rain would be enough to drown out the sound of that lewd act. His little toes curling, his legs shaking, his back arching... His eyes rolling. He listened to Xiao's hoarse moans over his body, each time more breathless, more and more needy. He felt the sensation of the climax getting closer, a heat coursing through his entire body...

Aether let out a whimper, a scream of pleasure, feeling something warm filling his insides. Xiao had reached his climax together with him. His walls were twitching violently as more and more he felt more filled with all that warm come. The Yaksha buried his head in his neck as he gripped his thighs, thrusting a little slower. The anemo seal still glowing in the dark of that room.

A kiss. Calm, like shallow water after a gale. Their breaths were deep, deep as they had never felt before. The blonde sighed, bringing the Yaksha's face closer after feeling his hands loosening around his wrists.

"I was too rough, wasn't I...?" He whispers, a little bit of regret in his voice.

"Yes, you were..." Aether says, still catching his breath.

"Forgive me, I…" Xiao starts stumbling over his lines, disconcerted.

"Shh..." Aether shuts his lips with a kiss. "Be even rougher." He grabs his neck, bringing him closer.

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