"Love is Blind" (A Minecraft...

By PerilSpore

7K 221 98

I haven't seen very many of these, so I decided to take a shot at writing my own. (DON'T JUDGE ME DX) In case... More



1K 41 20
By PerilSpore

A/N: Sorry for taking so long. If I start taking too long again, maybe threaten to turn me into a horse in the comments or something. Horses don't have digits, so I can't play video games and slack off if I'm a horse.

(POV: Y/N)

I had been almost certain that I'd die last night... or was it this morning? Trapped so far underground, I had no sense of time... Yet I still woke up, despite my certainty of my death. Stretching, I opened my eyes wearily and was met with the shape of the warden. I was a bit taken aback upon seeing him sitting so near, his back facing me. He must've heard me wake up, for he turned his head towards me, his ears clicking. I froze, not daring to move a muscle. Why he didn't decide to kill me, I had no idea. Although, I must admit; the beating of his heart is actually rather soothing... No, what am I thinking? I should be alerted by his heartbeats, not calmed by them. Yet... the steady rhythm of beats just made me calm down and become less tense. But a growling in my stomach reminded me that I haven't ate or drank anything for... over a day or two at least. The warden seemed to notice my situation because he stood up and took a few steps away from me before turning his head around, as if he wanted me to follow him. I tried to stand without being wobbly, but with the condition my legs were in, achieving that wasn't exactly a clear target. I felt a bit like a baby horse getting used to its legs as I maintained my balance. I was able to stay upright on both feet at least as I wobbled over to the warden. I felt his arm slightly extend towards me, wrapping around my torso so that I could lean against him while I walked. To be honest, I haven't really had a chance to notice how strangely warm he was. It was a nice break from the chilling air that filled the caverns. I could feel myself, somewhat subconsciously, leaning my head against him as we both walked through the cave.

Eventually, a lush, mossy portion of the cave came into view, filled with strange glowing plants and pools of water. I was in awe staring at the strange, beautiful scene ahead of me. I've heard about the "lush caves-" as they were called- but had never experienced them before first-hand. With flowering trees and leafy aquatic plants, it was indeed a beautiful sight to behold. The soft moss was a welcome change, rather than the cold hard deepslate that I still have yet to grow used to. Reaching a nearby pool of clear water, I gently kneeled down and cupped my hands, scooping up the water and drinking it. The cool liquid felt soothing on my parched throat.

After a few sips of water, I felt a little bit stronger, and a bit more awake. Although simply water wouldn't get me through the day or night. Food was also a concern, and thankfully, a strange species of berry was known to grow the lush caves. Glancing around, I noticed some vines hanging nearby, rich with berries. Hobbling over; I tried to grab a bunch, but they were out of my reach, even when I stretched my arm as far as it could reach and jumping up (on one foot of course, due to one being injured), my fingers barely touched the leaves.I heard shuffling behind me and turned my head. The warden got up and started walking over. He seemed to notice how I was struggling to reach the berries. How, I'm not sure. I watched him grasp the vine and yank off a berry-rich piece. He then lowered his paw and offered me the berries, softly grunting. I slowly grasped the berry bunch, my insides feeling as if they had been turned into fluttering bats for some unknown reason. Well,I guess it's natural of me to still feel nervous around a creature that could very easily hurt me. Even though, despite everything I've heard about the warden describing him as a merciless and murderous creature that should be avoided at all costs, he's done nothing but help me. Maybe he actually felt sorry for me when I was dying and wounded.

"Thanks for... helping me..." I said, taking a berry off the vine bunch. It tasted faintly sweet and slightly bitter, with some similarities to sweet berries in terms of texture. The warden seemed to perk up when I said that, like he was glad to hear that. He proceeded to sit down near me, and I followed suit. I felt myself, once again, leaning my head on the warden. I could hear the gentle, calming beating of his heart and felt quite at peace, until I heard a sort of rumbling sound coming from the warden.

For a second, I thought he was growling at me and didn't like me just leaning my head on him like that. But this rumbling sound didn't exactly sound like a growl... it sounded similar to... a purr? I was surprised, the warden could PURR? Combined with his beating heart, his purring was incredibly soothing. It's actually quite crazy to think that I went from fearing this monster when I first heard about him and his aggression to cuddling with him!? I even felt his arm curl around me, somewhat protectively. Right now I'm kinda glad the warden is blind.

Because he won't be able to see the somewhat faint blush spreading across my face as I rested my eyes and cherished the moment.

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