when the stars finally aline

By jade_millsx0

1.3K 40 5

What happens when James and regulus finally get together at a Slytherin party after regulus refusing his feel... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 11
part 12
part 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Part 17


74 3 0
By jade_millsx0

Once Evan and Barty started dating, they became the worse for the level of PDA they showed was terribly cute but terribly disgusting to everyone that happened to see the lovesick couple or that is at least what regulus thinks

"Oi cut that out" Regulus threatened walking into the shared area of their dorm whilst setting eyes on the couple all tied up in a little pile of limbs and cuddles.

"As if you and Mr sunshine are any better" Barty fired back trying to defend himself.

"At Least I Keep that to the safety of my room away from prying eyes not out in the open so my eyes can see and create nausea all over my body. Plus I would rather not be teased thank you very much" Regulus fought back

"A little bit too late for that thunderbird, We literally saw you naked the day after-" Evan tried to argue before getting brutally cut off

"And did you knock?" Regulus argued you back knowing full well they brought that amongst themselves

"Well no but-"Barty argued

"Exactly now what's your excuse now move up loverboy" He commanded shuffling next to Evan and bringing his hands around the smaller boy's waist

"Ah I see what this is really about, You are just jealous that you cannot join in anymore now you practically have Pinky pie" Evan teased looking over to Barty and smirking his way.

This filled Reg's head with far too many dirty thoughts and led him to gag and swat his head. This was enough for them to get the hint and they all just sat and spoke about everything under the sun including Reggies very own sun. He was the sun and Regulus was the star and he honestly hoped that would never change.

However things do change, he knows this far too well from his experiences. He never assumed a year ago he would be sitting next to his best friends who finally bit the bullet and finally got the balls to create such a beautiful relationship. He never knew he would sit fawning over the talk of the Gryffindor Tower.

But as he very well knew the end of the year was looming and only god knew what was heading for him in the brand new year.


"OI Gryffindors party in the common room tonight. Let's bring the new year in with a bang. Fireworks lit off the tower, tell all your friends and yes before you ask everyone is invited unless you are friends with Snivillus. Thank you and goodnight" James briefed everyone coming into the common room

James had not spoken to Regulus since their argument about a week ago and he missed him so much. It was not that he did not want to talk to Regulus of course he did. He just got nervous every time he thought about talking to him and talking about his feelings and to be honest he was entirely sure what they had was. Yes he was aware he enjoyed kissing him, he was aware he never wanted to stop kissing him, he wanted, well he wanted him, that much was obvious but everything was so confusing and complicated. This is not some random Slytherin he was talking about, this was Regulus Black, Sirius' brother. Not only will Sirius kill him for even touching his brother. Regulus himself was always hard to figure out. He was stubborn, and barely let his guard down even in the safety of his room he still had some walls up and honestly James had broken down most of those walls but he would give anything to see the real Regulus Black, the soft Regulus Black, The regulus black only Barty and Evan get to see but he was nervous and this is why James Potter had spent the entire week throwing himself into quidditch, pranks and even studying.

This, of course, made everyone extremely suspicious including professor McGonagall who saw a rise in James' grade and less chatter between James and Sirius, However, James knew that this could not last forever and tonight he was going to make a move. He was going to talk to Regulus Black and there was no better place to do this than the Gryfindor New year's eve party.

The New year's Eve party was held in the Gryffindor tower and the party was always phenomenal. It was the party of the year and everyone wanted an invite however the only way to get into this party was to know someone from Gryfindor that was willing to come to the party. The most honourable invite was from the Marauders themselves, this is because it was their party and despite their major popularity they did not have many friends outside the Gryffindors, therefore, it became an exclusive party however this year it was a little different, this was because James if everything went to plan wanted to sneak away with Regulus, he also did not want to be caught however that is extremely difficult when you become one of four hosts so the more people in attendance the better.

However, the invites would be completely useless if he couldn't get the one person he desperately wanted there. This in itself could prove an impossible task due to Regulus' nature of hating parties and the new year in general as it just serves as another reminder that he has to live another year as a Black, One of the darkest families in magical history.

James however had made a plan with himself to work with Regulus just as he did Sirius to show him that he is nothing like his family. That he is not his mother. That he is so much more. James plans to give Regulus all his love. That is if Regulus allows him.

Because James desperately loves Regulus, much like how a Labrador loves their owner and much like the dog breed, his love is unconditional.

And that is the thing with James once he starts to love someone. He does not stop. He cannot stop loving them. It was very similar when he met Sirius and Remus and even peter. This is why James is truly devoted to each and every one of them, except the love he feels for Regulus, is so different and so much stronger that he does not know what to do except love him and show him he is loved.

This is why James must find Regulus tonight.

This is why he set out to write a letter to owl to Barty, this is because if he wrote to Regulus, he would simply decline and refuse to write back however he has a weak spot and that is Barty and Evan.

So this is what he did, he wrote a simple but effective letter he described his relationship with regulus as simply as possible and then formally invited all three of them along to the party alongside anyone else they deemed acceptable to invite. James thought they would be comfortable being able to invite more Slytherins or either Pandora or Dorcas. If James was honest, he also had a soft spot for pandora but once more had not had the confidence to talk to her and become friends with her. He was just too nervous to adventure outside of the safety to him that was the Gryffindors.


"REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK GET YOUR ARSE TO MY BED RIGHT NOW" Barty screamed entering the common room

Everyone including Regulus looked up in one quick movement. It was not very common for the trio of friends to be angry with each other and even when they were they forgave each other immediately and there was never any shouting. Barty and Regulus were essentially Sirius and James except they were Slytherins, not Gryffindors. Everyone never knew if they were together or not but they were never mad at each other, it was in their capability so to see Barty yelling at Regulus that was something

"What the heck do you want Bart?" Regulus asked with an eye roll

"No, you do not get to give me attitude after what you have done. my room now" He shouted standing right next to him at this stage.

yet once again he does as he is told because Barty is Regulus' only weakness. That was until James Potter entered his life

"Do you care to explain why the bloody heck you screamed at me in the middle of the dungeons, embarrassing my reputation and dragging me all the way back here to you is about? not to mention the fact you interrupted my important study time. We have exams in January you know!" Regulus huffed in annoyance

"You are aware that it is winter break right" Evan piped in from afar rolling his eyes

"Enough of that. Do you care to explain why the actual fuck I received a nicely worded owl from Pinky pie stating that he was not sure if he was able to invite you to the party tonight as he wasn't sure if you even liked him or even if he was welcome to the dungeons anymore? after everything you were gushing about in our room not even twenty-four hours ago. Why the actual fuck will you not just tell him?" Barty complained

"Wait you and James aren't?" Evan asked in confusion

"But you two-" Evan continued before getting cut off by Regulus

"It is not that simple it is not as simple as you and Evan okay? It is not even as simple as Sirius and Remus alright? fuck I like him, I have not felt this way for anyone before. He makes me feel things that I never thought I was capable of. I never thought I would get happiness let alone a person that literally radiates the sun. Fuck I might even love him who the hell knows. But it is not that bloody simple okay? for one our houses are literally rivals, secondly his best friend is my brother and he would literally kill James which is a massive risk but fuck he makes me feel happy. His happiness just radiates off him and onto him. I just want to kiss him all the time, I just want to be with him all the time but it is just way too much of a risk" Regulus explains

"Oh my gosh. you are actually in love. Never thought I would see the day little Reggie is in love" Barty teases

"But on a serious note-" Barty starts but gets cut off by Evan blasting' best friend brother' over the speakers

All three just burst out laughing and started to sing along completely forgetting the complications of the whole situation Regulus Black found himself in.

It was then decided afterwards that enough was enough and he needed to talk to James because James made Regulus a better person which can only be good for everyone


"Hurry up Sirius, everyone will be here and you are not even dressed yet" Remus complained looking around the room and noticing once again everyone was ready apart from one Sirius Black.

"Well, you know Mr lupin. There is no limit of time on perfection" He replies with a slight smirk on his face

"We will leave without you and you know we will" Peter warns sternly

"Oh please James hasn't even tamed his hair" Sirius bites back

"Please we all Jmaes' hair will never be tamed now hurry up, we will leave without you" Lupin warns once more

"Don't act like you do not like the outcome" Sirius comments before sending a cheeky wink towards Remus causing Remus to flush out into a sea of red


Hours later and Sirius had finally finished what he called absolute perfection and was on his way down to the party that had started long ago. James, Peter and Remus all got too bored of waiting and instead decided it was time to get the alcohol flowing and the truth to start spilling.

James of course was far too nervous for the normal child's game. He still had no idea whether Regulus would turn up to the party or not. He really hoped Barty had managed to convince him but even if it had worked he was still nervous because well REgulus was perfect and Regulus just had that effect on James

"Then it is sorted. We all have till 11.01 exactly to find someone to share our midnight kiss with" Lily announced from one side of Remus

"Okay bet. What are these rules exactly?" pandora said appearing from behind and dragging Dorcas slowly behind her

"There aren't really many rules really. The only rule is that it cannot be a close friend so marauders, no kissing each other because let's be real we all know you have kissed each other at one time or another. Especially James and Sirius. Honestly, you two could pass as an old married couple" Lily pointed out

At that point, Remus spat his drink out and James took a massive deep breath in both for very different reasons. James had suddenly realised that Pandora and Dorcas were now stood smiling brightly on one side of his already big circle, this meant a Slytherin had to have invited them because he certainly hadn't, which also meant there was a very high chance of Regulus turning up that night and that made his heart skip a beat.

Remus however was in a full panic mood. His head was spinning in circles and he could not control that aspect on the outside he remained calm but he did not know how people knew about his and Sirius' kiss and if they knew that maybe that meant they knew how much he wanted to do again and next time he had hoped to go further, Remus knew his brain was fucked but he also could not help it. His brain was permanently on Sirius and he was all he wanted however if that kiss was anything to go by. Him and Sirius were nothing but a dream.

"Boys, are you okay there?" Marlene asked waving her hand in front of both James and Remus' faces

"Y-yeah everything's fine" James responded before sending a quick nod in Remus' direction. They both were very good at silent communication and they both had a strong idea of what was playing on the other's mind. That is just how strong their friendship was

"You guys are weird you know that?" Marlene commented looking between the two of them

"HELLOOOOOO your king has arrived" Sirius screams entering the circle


"Okay, what the heck have I missed?" Sirius questioned looking between each of his friends

"Oh not an awful lot really Panda asked me to be her midnight kiss and I accepted. oh and we are finding midnight kisses. If you do not find one you have to spend an entire week with the Maraduards. Pranks and all" Lily said

Everyone around them groaned

"Hold up you did not mention punishment" Dorcas groaned

"And how is that exactly a punishment to us?" James questioned looking up at the ginger

"Oh, you just wait to hear the punishment you get if you do not find a midnight kiss and no you cannot kiss me I'm kissing Panda" She spoke proudly

" For the last time, I am over you lily. I moved on. I do not like you anymore okay?" He says exhausted

"Wait what?"Lily asks holding a hand up to her mouth

It was stood there in that exact second James realised for the first time he had actually admitted he was over Lily and now no longer had feelings for her. It was also in that moment he knew if he did not tell Regulus it was going to eat away at him until the truth came bubbling out

"It's not utterly surprising Lils. He has sneaking around with some sneaky Slytherin for months now. No identity has been revealed but I found their tie under his bed the other day. Talking off slimy Slytherins Pandora you Trio of Slytherins just came in. I have no idea how they got an invite but here they are anyways" Sirius complained

"well I assumed you invited them, Sirius, because they invited me, said a marauder invited them. We just assumed it was you" Pandora claimed

"Actually it was me. I just thought you should bring the new year in with your brother given everything that has happened between you two. It would be good." James admitted half lying and half trying to convince Sirius to mend things with his brother

"Talking off I need to talk to Bart so I Will see you guys in a minute okay?" James told them before practically jogging over to three Slytherins

"Wait hold did he just call Barty Bart? When did they become so close?"Marlene asked looking in the direction of the three Slytherins

"He never lets people call him Bar=t only close friends and James last time I checked was their worst enemy given he took Sirius from Regulus" Pandora commented

The entire circle had at the moment turned dead silent and watched the four boys' interactions. One thing was very clear though this was not their first interaction and no one hated each other not one bit


"Bartttyyyy" James singsonged joining the three Slytherins

"James" Barty replied

"Evan, Regulus," James said nodding his head to both of them

"So you got my owl. Glad you could make it. That goes for all of you three." James commented

"Well it wasn't really a choice you little stupid deer" Regulus grumbled

"Now come on you. You love it here and you love me so that's why you came" James teased.

This caused Regulus' breath to catch in his throat

" Now you know I'm just kidding it is all for your brother. Talking off he was asking for you earlier so off you pop " James laughs pushing Regulus in the direction of Sirius

once Regulus was out of view it was time for James put his plan in place

"Right okay, ignore every word I just literally said. I pan to get Regulus back. Fuck I love him and being without him is driving me crazy and this was the only way so thank fuck you pulled through for me Barty" James thanked

"Anything for Regulus honestly. Plus if we have to hear any more moping we might just have to kill you for making him fall for you" Evan threatened

"So what is the plan?" Barty questioned

"Okay essentially all I need you two to do is find a way to get Regulus into that closest at around 11 pm and hopefully after I finish he will come back let's say less neat than he is right now" James whispered

"Okay Mr loverboy we really do not need to know the details" Evan spoke in a disgusted voice

"Great thanks you guys are incredible," James said whilst jumping into their arms giving a kiss to each of their cheeks before jogging back to join his friends with a massive smile on his face


"Hey, pads?" Remus asked looking up at his best friend

"Yes, moons?" Sirius simply replied

Remus just slowly leaned in and whispered in his ear "I really do not want to enter this new year without talking about that kiss"

Sirius just took one massive gulp and in his fully drunken state at this point pulled Remus over his shoulder and took them both into the cupboard before locking the door

"Siri?" Remus asked

"W-we could not have that conversation in front of them and you know that" Sirius whispered and shouted

"I- I know I just- Well I just-ugh fuck it. I kissed you back and you ran off" Remus told him before hanging his head low

"Yes because I can't- we can't-Remus I thought you knew this" Sirius responded with a sense of urgency

"But Sirius- we were kissing, practically kissing I thought we-"Remus tried

"No-No Rem you do not get to do this to me. You do not let me feel guilty about this decision. Remus, even if I liked the kiss I can't. You are my best friend and my Mother-" Sirius asked back before Remus could even finish his sentence

"Do not give me that bullshit Sirius. For all, I care your mother is the devil incarnated and for all I care can burn in hell. Let her see you kissing men. Let her see what an amazing person you are. Fuck Regulus does not care about kissing men so why do you?" Remus responded starting to raise his voice.

"Do not bring my fucking brother into this!" Sirius shouted

"Then tell me. Fucking tell me why you are in denial. Why you won't just fucking kiss me and enjoy it" Remus shouted back

"Because I do not want to ruin everything that is fucking good in my life" Sirius shouted with a tear falling down his face

"Why are you so scared of losing something when taking that fucking leap could be the best thing that is bloody possible?" Remus shouted back

"But kissing men. Is that not wrong? is that not a massive sin that will lead you to hell? You do not see men just kissing in public because I am pretty sure it is illegal!" Sirius yells

" Oh for fuck sake. That is just your shitty ass mother talking and we know how I feel about her. Put it this way. She is not your fucking mother anymore because she is a literal piece of shit. The only person you should about you kissing guys is your friends, James, Effie and Monty and know for one James would not give a single shit as he is one too, he does not think twice before kissing a male so why should you, you absolute idiot. I just- for fuck sake Sirius Black I like you so fucking much and I think you may too so why are holding back?" Remus screamed

"H-he is WhAT? Sirius responded in a bare whisper

"Oh shit no I did not mean to say that I was just angry and I-" Remus tried to reason

" No, forget it. You had no right. you just outed him and I am fairly certain he trusted you and you just betrayed him and that- even If I wanted to kiss you because I really do want to. I can't kiss someone who betrayed my best friend let alone it being his best friend. I am sorry Remus but that is just messed up" Sirius explained before slipping out of the door without another word.


" hey Reggie, can we have a massive favour?" Evan asked whilst looking up at his friend waiting for a response

"Anything for you Ev!" Regulus replied without question

The time was currently rearing close to 11 pm and Evan and Barty would not and could not forget about the deal they made with James they just had to make up an excuse to get him in there without raising suspicion, that will be the hardest part but they knew they had to do this and not because of James but because they have never seen Reggie this happy and the only way to keep him that happy is with James in his life and if anyone deserved that happiness it is Regulus and therefore he would get Reggie his little golden retriever even if it killed Barty on the inside.

"We were thinking since it is so close it would be lovely just have the last hour of this year together the two of us since this is all kind of new and we just wanna go into the new year with a clear idea of what rosekiller really is and we just-to be honest we are nervous with you around. so we set you up a lovely little cupboard with all your favourite things so you can sit in peace. we shouldn't be long we just thought you wouldn't want to socialise with the Gryfindorks and Panda is busy kissing Lily and Dorcas is probably off kissing some guy given that she disappeared about two hours ago" Evan explained

"Alright, alright point taken beside I do not want to listen to all the lovely dovey stuff anyways It'll make me want to puke" Regulus joked walking in the direction the boys sent him in

The minute he stepped in, he instantly regretted his decision massively and it was not because he did not want to see Potter but because everything within his bones was craving to see him. It was the fact that he did not know if he had the self-control to not pounce on him that second and this was a public party if they were both messy someone would question and then there whole entire cover would be blown but never the less he was stood there and he was more handsome than ever. He really went through the effort of looking absolutely flawless.

"J-James" He whispered out

"Please don't get mad at Bart and Ev, I asked them to because fuck I missed you so much and I just had to see you because it has been killing me not seeing you and I knew if I did not my friends would get more suspicious and I just-" James rambled

But Regulus had other plans because Regulus has zero self-control when it comes to a certain messy-haired Gryffindor.

Regulus had kissed him and had no plans of letting him go this time so easy

"Sorry-" Regulus whispered pulling away but still holding him close and looking into his hazel

"Fuck I missed you" James whispered looking back at him

"I am sorry. For everything, I never meant to push you away but I got so scared but I never wanted to lose that was never the plan" Regulus informed him

James just chuckles

"Life never works in the way you expected but sometimes it just gives you something even better for example your best friends brother" James responds

"That was not in the plan either " Regulus whispers whilst letting out a little chuckle

"What wasn't in the plan?" James asks battering his eyelashes clearly knowing the answer but wanting to hear it anyway

"Falling for Pinkie pie" Regulus responds

"That's a bit strange for a falling for a pony you should really get that checked out" James jokes

"Oh shut you absolute idiot" Regulus laughs before connecting their hands and going in for the kiss

inches away from kissing him he stops and whispers

"I want to make you mine"

And that is where the two boys spent the rest of the evening just content in each other's company because for the first time since they had started this little relationship, there was no fear and they knew where they stood even if those three words had not been spoken they both had a good idea where this was going and for the first time they were both excited with the prospect of that rather than scared so there they sat in each other arms looking up at the fake stars on the ceiling and at that moment no one had to know if they snuck in a kiss or two here and there


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