Heaven Official's Blessing On...

By JewelzLibrary

36.4K 856 329

A one shot book featuring our lovely duo and their companions. Characters belong to mxtx! More

Shape Shifting Ghost King
Vloggers one shot San Lang face reveal
A Ghost King and his nightmares
The Crown Prince's secrets
Parents of Wei Wuxian AU (Part 1)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (part 2)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (part 3)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (part 4)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (part 5)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 6)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 7)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 8)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 9)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 10)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 11)
Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 12)


2K 27 7
By JewelzLibrary


Summary: Feng Xin is a play boy. Not as much as Pei Ming, an older friend of theirs, but has been beginning to reach that point. And Mu Qing hates it. Maybe it's his own fault for being so quiet about his own feelings over the years. But when you sleep together, live together, and use each other as stress relievers, who wouldn't be jealous? MODERN AU

Another day comes as Mu Qing wakes up once more to an empty bed. The previous night was a blur, but he remembers specifically the person who resided in bed with him. The same guy who not only gave him his first kiss, but also took his virginity. The same guy that he always fights with everyday for the most dumbest of reasons. The same guy that he hates so much with every fiber of his being. The same guy who he also loves with every fiber of his being.

He never chooses to say it out loud. His feelings were not as important as other believed they were. There was never a time when Mu Qing felt that others cared for his emotions, instead he always has been told to just hold it all in. It's not attractive if a man speaks so much from his heart and not his head.

That's how society appears to work. And for someone like him he was of no exception. The only one who would dare to really care was an life long friend, but now that he has his own partner to be with; he didn't want to burden him. Now he just bottles up everything inside until he can't no more.

But it's hard for him to keep his mouth closed, when he sees his roommate Feng Xin, bring girls to the house over and over again. Albeit, they were never truly special, or good looking, just plain. But Mu Qing would get irritated everything. If they were to go to a party, he would catch Feng Xin with his girlfriends just talking and laughing with others while he's left on the side line to just be on his own. It's always been that way ever since he helped him to get rid of his fear of women. Now he is regretting ever doing so.

"Mu Qing?"

Mu Qing breaks out of his thoughts as his gaze lifts from his coffee cup to a familiar couple standing before him. He had decided to go to the park on his own, before Feng Xin could realize that he's gone in order to just clear his head for a bit. He didn't think that he would run into people that he knew, especially his friend Xie Lian and his partner San Lang.

"Xie Lian...? What brings you around here?" He asks.

San Lang tilts his head a bit, "We were just having a morning walk, I'm surprised you're out here. Escaping the bedroom? I can see the marks on your neck," He says with a smirk.

Mu Qing pulls up his scarf to cover the marks a bit more as his ears flash in a red color.

"Are you...still doing those things with him?" Xie Lian asks as he chooses to sit with his friend. San Lang was a bit reluctant, but he couldn't say no or disagree in anyway. He decides to quietly sit beside his partner as the two begin to talk.

Mu Qing doesn't reply with words, and frankly he didn't need to.

"Mu Qing....why are you doing this to yourself...? You need to speak up. I've always seen you be so feisty and loud when you need to get a point across. Why can't you do it with him? You're only hurting yourself like this..."

Mu Qing turns his head.

"What would you know...? It's different for you..."

Xie Lian frowns and sighs. This time San Lang decides to interject.

"It may be different, but that doesn't mean anything. I never told him my feelings. He figured it out instead. Feng Xin is an idiot with a bit of a small ego now that he found his own play boy personality. He's not going to notice your feelings so easily, that'd why you need to stop closing your lips and open your damn mouth to speak."

"Out of all people to say things to me..."

Xie Lian chuckles lightly.

"He is right though Mu Qing. You haven't even dated yourself, and it's because you can't bring yourself to do so. I don't want to see you tear yourself apart like this."

"After all these years, why should it matter now?"

He throws his drink away and stands up from the park bench with his hands being shoved into his pockets.

"Mu Qing..!"

"Stop it!"

He turns to them both.

"It's no use. And at this point I don't care what he does! He can fuck around and find out! He's not my problem! It doesn't matter what I feel! If he's fine with sleeping with other people all the time, then fine! What does it matter to me, when we aren't even together?! We aren't dating! Sleeping together is just that! An addicting high! So just forget about it!"

He turns away and storms off away from the two with his head low as he lifts his scarf a bit to cover over his lips that were quivering as tears begin to swell up in his eyes.

Xie Lian was going to chase after him, but San Lang stops him.

"Gege, it's no use. He doesn't want to listen, then he has to learn the hard way."

"But he'll end up breaking his own heart by just bottling up everything inside....he needs to tell him..."

"I'm sorry gege, but his heart looks like it's already been shattered. There's no point trying to fix what doesn't want to be fixed."

Xie Lian frowns and leans against his shoulder.

"I never thought that things would have led to this....they always appeared to hate one another, and yet they would be closer than anyone."

San Lang plants a small kiss to his head.

"It'll be okay Gege....you'll see..."

Meanwhile, Feng Xin had awoken before Mu Qing and had showered, but the moment he walks back out he notices that his roommate had already vanished. He sighs and sits on his own bed with his phone in hand as his mind wanders to the previous night.

They've done it several times now over the years, and when they do it's usually when one is drunk, angry, or upset. It was like a stress relieving high that the two of them had gotten addicted to. He wasn't when nor how it happened, but it just did. Now he can't get rid of it no matter what happens.

When he dates a woman, and sleeps with her it doesn't feel the same. But he can't bring himself to just sleep with his roommate like that all the time, it would be like having a personal fuck buddy. Technically, that is what he is seeing him to be now, but they made an agreement. Should one of them choose to move out then they would no longer sleep together. They could remain as friends, but the passionate nights of ecstasy would forever cease. And Mu Qing has brought up the subject several times, as he has been looking to live alone for a while. But lady luck doesn't seem to favor his roommate too much. Every single tike he prepares to use his savings to move, something happens. An accident, a sudden illness, some form of deadline for a debt payment, and it always drove him crazy.

In reality though, Feng Xin didn't want his friend to leave. It wasn't because he didn't want to be alone, but rather he was beginning to feel some concern for him. Over the years his habits have begun to change, and whenever they sleep together his friend would cling to him for dear life, as if he would just vanish the moment he lets go. Was it because of the fact  that they've spent far too much time together growing up or was it because he himself didn't want to really be alone?

He wasn't sure. And it's been bothering him for a while. He's tried to ask him about it, but Mu Qing brushes it all off with no type of concern whatsoever. Some nights he would even go ahead and find Mu Qing passed out drunk in his room with tears in his eyes. And yet, Mu Qing doesn't seem to care. And it pisses him off.

The previous night was of no exception either. Mu Qing had gotten drunk and had begged for Feng Xin to take care of him, to spoil him, to taint him, to just do whatever with him. But Feng Xin knew better than to do that. He did make out with him, and had even marked him in several places, but he made sure to not go all the way with him. Not with him so heavily hammered.

Within moments Mu Qing had passed out and Feng Xin never felt more relieved. He had stayed awake through the night in order to watch over him, until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. When he had woken up he found himself entangled in Mu Qing's arms. So he quietly moves him aside and leaves the bed on his own to clean up.

He was hoping to speak with him as soon as he had woken up, but he had vanished before he could get the chance.

He sighs and goes through his phone only to see a few missed calls. One from his childhood friend, Xie Lian. Another from Shi Qingxuan. And another call from a girl he had recently broken up with due to her clinging nature. He sighs and checks his messages.

Xie Lian only left words for him to call him back, Shi Qingxuan had invited him and Mu Qing to a celebration party for his older brother who had gotten a promotion, and the girl had left a message saying she wanted to talk to him about their break up.

He really didn't want to deal with any of this right now. He just wanted to talk to Mu Qing. He dials his number and waits for him to answer.

"Morning, sunshine. You woke up pretty early."

"So did you from what I can see. Are you not hung over from your wild drinking last night?"

"I feel like shit, but I had some coffee and have been getting fresh air like I'm supposed to. So I'm fine. It's no big deal."

"It is a big deal when you're drinking yourself into an early grave dumbass. You've been drinking more so lately, what the hells your problem?"

Mu Qing bites his lip before answering.

"Am I not permitted to drink? I don't need your permission to do so, and it's not like I drink every single day. I also have a much healthier diet and work out schedule, so what's the fucking matter with drinking into a stupor over the fucking weekend?!"

Feng Xin slams the palm of his hand to his forehead.

"You're not fucking listening!"

"Says the one who is bringing different girls to the house all the time. Aren't you worried about catching something hm? God forbid you pass something to me dipshit."

Feng xin groans and sighs.

"Look forget the insults and attitude, I'm trying to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fucking fine so leave me the hell alone. And Shi Qingxuan called. He invited us to a party. It's a small get together with some friends and Co workers, so he said to not feel so alarmed about it possibly being anything massive."

"He said that the last time."

"Well? You can go if you want, but I'm not. I have things to do, so there's no way I'm going. You can do as you please, and take one of your dates. I'm gonna be handling my own errands today anyway, so you may want to take your keys if you plan on heading out."

"Errands? Since when do you have any errands to do starting at the beginning of the day?"

"None of your business. So piss off!"

Feng Xin winces as his friend hangs up on him with such harsh words. He hangs his head and sighs heavily. He really had no idea what was going on with his friend, but if there was one thing he knew—it was the fact that Mu Qing had his habits. Whenever he was really stressed out about something, he would often leave the house for an entire day and not return til it was at least midnight. And he's noticed him doing that more so than ever before. He would either be doing that or downing large amounts of alcohol. Dangerous amounts.

With nothing else to do he decides to phone his other best friend. Xie Lian.

Xie Lian and San Lang had never left the bench as they were merely just enjoying each other's presence while watching the everyday lives of human beings. Neither one was saying a word, until Xie Lian's cellphone decides to interrupt them with a very intense dubstep like ring tone.

"Uh..! Uh!" Xie Lian rummages through his bag before finally pulling his cellphone out and answering the call.


"Good morning Xie Lian,"

"Oh! Feng Xin....good morning. How are you?"

"I'm alright. Still a bit tired, but fine."

"That's good. Um, have you heard about the get together at Shi Qingxuan's place?"

"I have. I'm not sure whether I'll go or not. I haven't decides yet."

"I see. What about Mu Qing?"

"He's told me that he's got things to do, but I highly doubt that."

"Really? Why is that?"

"I've literally known this guy for my entire life. I know all of his habits, his patterns, his routines, his favorite things, etcetera etcetera. I just know when something is wrong. And something is dangerously wrong with him right now and he's not fesing up. He won't tell me anything."

Xie Lian turns to San Lang with a small frown. His partner just offers a reassuring smile with a slight nod. Xie Lian sighs lightly and speaks.

"Feng Xin...ever considered that Mu Qing doesn't want to bother you with such things? That perhaps he feels like it would be too much of a burden?"


"You know how he is. We both do. We've known each other for far too long. He never likes to discuss his feeling with anyone. You'd have to drag it out of him. Nowadays I'd have to really dig in to him to get anything. Even then he won't share everything."

Feng Xin doesn't respond as he knows he's right.

"But Feng Xin if I am being honest I'll have to say that I do know why he's upset, but I don't want to disclose that information. I'd like for you to really think about it yourself okay? It's not so hard to see once you really piece everything together."

"What are you talking about?"

"The answer is right infront of you Feng Xin. That's all I can say. Well if things are still bad later, then feel free to call me. Or to reach out during the party if you choose to go."

Feng Xin sighs and rubs his forehead.

"Sure....I'll see you later."

He hangs up and groans before looking to the other number that was waiting for him to call. He dials the number and waits until a female's voice comes up on the other end of the phone.

"Ah, good morning I'm so glad you called—"

"Stop calling me."


"We're over. I told you already that we are over. I don't want you to call me or message me. Delete my number, contacts, everything. I don't want any type of contact with you anymore."

"But why?! Were we not doing okay?! We were doing so well! We were even on our way to discussing moving in together! We were planning a whole actual commitment!"

"We were. But then you went and chose your words. You chose to say what you said. And then acted as though it was not an issue!"

"Don't yell at me! You have no right to say anything! You got upset over a small comment that was plainly correct! And you're still choosing to just take the side of someone who is utterly foolish and such a prude?! What is he to you?! Who is he to you?! You act like you never want to leave him! So what's the point in dating so many people huh?!"

"First of all don't bring him into this. Second of all, we're just friends!"

"Sure! Friends! Friends don't sleep with each other like you two do! Don't think I don't know what goes on with you guys after you dump a girl!"

"None of that is connected!"

"Of course it is! You're just stupidly blind to see it! But poor guy is pitiful. Like a puppy waiting for the bone or rather begging for it. And you don't even know it! No wonder you reacted the way you did when I slapped him before."

"You had no right to place your hands on anyone. Especially him...."

"Even now you still choose to defend him, even when he insulted me?"

"You started the altercation, and I already warned you that that man has no filter. You didn't listen and now look where we are. But forget that. Just stop calling me!"

He hangs up immediately and blocks her number completely. He runs his hands through his hair and sighs.

'What did she mean by that? A puppy begging for a bone? Him pitiful? I don't get it. And what did Xie Lian mean by those words?'

By nightfall, all the guests have arrived to Shi Qingxuan's home. His home consisted of two stories with a patio, a large backyard, a balcony for the master bedroom, and two other guest rooms. The colors matched his colors and the colors he shared with his own partner He Xuan. To split it fairly, the two agreed on the aqua green like colors with golden textures. And it managed to fit well into their main home decor.

Shi Qingxuan for this one night had dressed in attire that was perfect for the occasion. His brother Shi Wudu was a bit put off by him and his cross dressing habits. He was still attempting to get used to it and accept it, but Shi Qingxuan was respectful toward him, so for the night he had dressed in casual clothes that were standard for someone like. Clothing that was casual but still cute enough for his standards.

Everyone else was dressed in their own casual attires as well as the party mainly consisted of their friends and co-workers. Therefore everyone was familiar with everyone. No need for any formalities. The only person who was missing from the festivities was Mu Qing. This surprised no one as he was never one for parties in the first place. He was often a loner and never felt the need to join any parties, but there were a few exceptions such as the holidays or birthdays.

"Xie Lian have you spoken to Mu Qing?" Shi Qingxuan asks.

Xie Lian shakes his head as San Lang gives his shoulder a small pat.

"No. Not since this morning. He's been very upset lately....and I'm concerned."

"Really? Oh my god don't tell me...."


"For real? There's just no way one person can be so fucking dumb." He Xuan says from behind him all while stuffing snacks down his throat.

San Lang rolls his eye and sighs.

"Unfortunately yes it is true. That is exactly what is going on and we have sworn to not get involved anymore than we already have. It's not really our business."

Xie Lian nods in agreement.

"I can't really give anymore advice that I haven't already said over the passed few years. It's just all up to them now."

And on cue, the man of the hour walks through the front doors. Feng Xin steps in and greets the few people that he knew, before wandering over to his friends. The moment he is in sight all lips wind up being sealed except for San Lang and He Xuan's that is.

"So....have you gained some of a brain yet?" Both manage to say at the same time. The two turn to the other and merely acknowledge the strange sequence all while giving their own fist bumps to the other while turning their heads back to him.

"The fuck is your problem? What did I do to you two?"

San Lang folds his arms and smirks.

"Do you really want us to answer that question?"

"If we do you're just going to sit here deep within your own stupidity. And it won't even be our faults. It'll all be yours."

"Pretty much." San Lang says all while maintaining secrecy.

Feng Xin isn't sure what they are getting at, but before he could ask an older friend makes his way over to them and pats his shoulder with a grin.

"Feng Xin! Good to see you! How are things? And how's your pal? Oh look at those marks, you really got all freaky with him ey?"

Feng Xin's brow twitches as he turns to Pei Ming. The older man was grinning from ear to ear with his shoulder length hair tied up into a ponytail with it hanging over his shoulder.

"What the fuck Pei Ming?"

Ow, now is that anyway to greet your elders?"

"Fuck off. What do you want?"

"Yeesh, someone is a grouch. I was just saying hello. I see your boy toy isn't here. Normally he would come to smaller occasions like this."

"He said he was busy, even though I'm sure he's bullshitting."

Pei Ming shakes his head.

"You really are so naive."


Xie Lian rests his forehead into his hand.

"That he is." San Lang says with a sigh.

"What the fuck are you all talking about?! What is it that everyone knows, that I don't know?!"

Now they were all silent. He really didn't know what the problem was.

Xie Lian groans and excuses himself as he pulls Feng Xin away from all of the gazes that were following from their friends. He pulls him out to the patio and closes the door behind him. He turns to Feng Xin and places his hands to his shoulders.

"Feng Xin. You and I have known each other for years now. You, I, and Mu Qing have known each other for years. Most if not our entire lives. So please do not be so angered with anything that I am going to tell you. I've kept this to myself, because I was hoping that you would realize it. But I'm realizing that it's just nor gonna happen the way I was hoping it would. And it's because of your conflicting personalities, that are so different but also so similar that it's gotten to thus point."

"Can you please just be straight with me?"

"Very well....Feng Xin....Mu Qing has feelings for you...."


For a moment he doesn't say anything.

Xie Lian chooses to continue.

"Mu Qing has had feelings for you for quite a while. But as I said before, he's never willing to express himself so easily. He doesn't like to talk about his feelings or rather its hard for him to do so. It's just something he's used to cause of how he was raised. He was never going to tell you because he believed that you wouldn't accept those feelings. When he sees you bring girls to the house....it's not just cause you just bring them there...."

That's when it finally clicks.

"He's jealous....?"

"More than jealous Feng Xin. With each person...a part of him just breaks. And I think your recent girl...was what hurt him the most because you were so close to moving in together. And you had that agreement....you don't realize just...how much it hurt him."

Feng Xin is listening, but at the same time he isn't. His own thoughts were piling up over and over in his head.

'He's been jealous this whole time. And I never noticed....! No wonder...! Everything he does! Everything he says....! Just why the fuck haven't I realized it sooner?!'

"Feng Xin..?"

Feng Xin snaps out of his thoughts and realizes that Xie Lian's hand was now resting to his cheek.

"You're crying Feng Xin."

Feng Xin staggers back a bit and holds his own fist over his lips to hide them as they were quivering heavily.

"Feng Xin..."

Feng Xin crouches to the ground with his fingers sinking into the strands of his hair that was combed back into a bun. Xie Lian frowns and crouches down to him.

"Be honest....do you have feeling for him? Did you ever have feelings for him? You've mentioned once before that....sleeping with a woman just was not the same as it is sleeping with him. Why is that...?"

Feng Xin bites his lip as his chest tightens. He never fully could accept it. Has he ever thought of him in such a way? Yes. Has he ever wanted to try to be like that with him? Yes. Why hasn't he done so? Fear. He was afraid of Mu Qing rejecting him because of the fact that they were friends, and because of the fact that he didn't want to deal with him for the remainder of their lives.

"I have seen it so many times between you two....and I'm sick of seeing you both turn from each other like it's wrong for you both to be together. You know each other from top to bottom. You know each other's habits. You know each other's routines. You know each other's anatomy for God's sake....just go for it already..!"

Feng Xin sniffles lightly and stands up with a glare in his eyes.

Xie Lian hands him a handkerchief and smiles.

"Go and find him. Now."

He turns away and leaves him alone on the patio. He returns to his own partner, but in a rush as his arms swiftly wrap around his waist. His face buries into his chest as he didn't want San Lang to see his own tears. San Lang leans over to his ear to speak so that he could hear.

"Gege? Is everything okay...?"

Xie Lian nods slightly.

"He just....he seemed so torn when I told him...."

San Lang sighs and places a hand to his head.

"Don't worry....it'll all work out. You'll see."

Back at their home, Mu Qing was sitting in his room with several pamphlets laying around the floor. Pamphlets that were all centered around finding a new place to move to. A house or an apartment. Maybe even a town house. He had been looking around all day, and while doing so fighting all of his urges to burst into tears. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to leave his only love behind. The only love he ever had in his life that never, not once looked at him. He lays his forehead over his knee and throws a pamphlet across the room with very little force. Now that he was home alone he could allow himself to feel. Allow himself to cry for the fifth time since coming home. His tears just won't seem to stop, and he's pissed off by that. Pissed off that he has feelings. Pissed off that he had to have feelings for his closest friend. Pissed off that he had to fall in love. Pissed off that he had to sleep with him. Kiss him. Do all of his first with him. Why did it have to be him?

He curls even more and wraps his arms around his knees tightly as his face buries in between them. He lets out a sob and just allows himself to curl up more within himself.

He isn't sure what to do anymore.

Little did he know that the answer to all of his problems was going to barge in through the front door.

The door unlocks as Feng Xin swings it open with tears running down his face. He was out of breath and completely just focused on finding his roommate. He rushes up the stairs and to his room leaving Mu Qing no time to pull himself together. He quickly moves to lock the door just as Feng Xin reaches for the know.

He bangs on the door and shouts.

"Mu Qing! Mu Qing open the damn door!"

"The fuck do you want?!"

'His voice is off....? Why is he...?!'

"Open the door! I need to talk to you. Just us. No one else!"

Mu Qing glares and clenches his teeth.

"Talk?! What talk?! Since when have we ever spoke?! We just fight and argue! Is that what you want?!"

"If it means that you'll fucking hear me out then yes!" He grabs the know tightly, and shoves the door open with all his might breaking it. Mu Qing is pressed far back against his desk ready to throw a fist, but stops himself from swinging when he sees the tears falling from his eyes. Feng Xin steps closer to him without looking away.

"Why....? Why didn't you just tell me....?"

"Why didn't I tell you what...?!" He hisses.

Feng Xin growls.

"Why didn't you just tell me that you fucking had feelings for me?!"

Mu Qing stops and glares down at the floor.

"Answer me Mu Qing..."

His voice trembled as he spoke and Mu Qing was just desperate to end it all, but he couldn't bring himself to lie this time. Not after seeing his expression.

"What made you think I could say it....?"


Mu Qing this time grabs a hold of his collar and yanks him forward.

"The fuck did you expect?! You were busy working on your own fears! How the hell did you expect me to say anything when you were constantly bringing girls around! Then you just fuck me on the side when they don't work out with you! What we do is nothing but an addiction rush that gets us high when we're angry! Fist fights turned into sex! Arguments turn into make outs! But then you come waltzing in with all these other girls every other month! And it doesn't bother you!"

He shoves him back and turns away from him.

"What did you want me to do? Say out right that I was jealous? That I liked you?...don't make me laugh...." His voice drops as his tears shed like rain drops pouring from the clouded gaze in his eyes.

Feng Xin is stumped on what to do and what to say. No apology would be able to work.

"I'm sorry....."

Mu Qing turns his head slowly to him.


Feng Xin lifts his head with his shaky fists as he says it out loud once more.

"I'm sorry. I never noticed. I never realized....just how much I was hurting you. I should have seen it....but I didn't....."

Mu Qing turns around fully to him. There was never a time in his life where Feng Xin would apologize willingly. They would both be forced to apologize due to the convincing of their friend. But never would he apologize willingly, not since they were younger.

Feng Xin was waiting for him to say something. To respond. To do anything. But then his eyes catch onto the pamphlets.

"You're....actually moving....?"

His voice is broken and the sound shatters Mu Qing into pieces.

"I...was...preparing to pick one...."

Feng Xin closes his eyes tightly.

"I see..."

He doesn't say anything, and in reality he didn't need to. He didn't want to either. He turns away again, but when he doesn't a pair of broad arms wrap around him from behind.

"Don't leave....."

Mu Qing's eyes widen.

"Don't leave me...."

Mu Qing bites his lip.

"Why....what does it matter....? We aren't—"

"Because...I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with me...."

"Why—?! So I can continue to be your toy...?!"

"Because I have feelings for you....and I'm sorry that it took so long.....to realize it..."

Mu Qing's breath is caught in his throat as his mind rolls back over the words that were just said into his ear. He closes his eyes tightly and lets go of his fists as his back leans back into his chest.

"No more girls. It'll be just us....."



Mu Qing turns his head to face him, but when he does Feng Xin leans in closer to him connecting their lips together with their tears finally beginning to stop.

He turns his body around fully as Feng Xin's hand reaches up to tilt his head up a bit more to deepen the kiss. Mu Qing's arms glide up around to wrap around his neck as their kisses change from a deep longing kiss to something more passionate. Their tongues slipping by and connecting as their bodies begin to heat up with ecstasy spreading from the tips of their toes to the top of their heads. Their hands slowly grip on to the other's body, roaming over every inch. There was nothing new about their bodies, but this time their touches were slow and yearnful. Their hands fully taking in every muscle that could be felt. Feng Xin's hands roam down to his waist with his fingers managing to almost wrap  around his waist entirely and the idea of such a thing was driving him crazy. For a moment his hands give a small squeeze to his waist which draws a small whine from Mu Qing's throat. Feng Xin pulls back from his lips with a slight smirk as his teeth pull along his bottom lip. Mu Qing glares at him for his tease, but then flinched when his hands squeeze at his waist again.

"S-stop that....!"

Feng Xin leans to his ear and whispers.


His teeth lightly graze against his ear as his hand pushes up from underneath his shirt. Mu Qing purrs slightly as his hand roams over his entire abdomen and up to his chest. His breaths coke out as sighs as Feng Xin's lips move along his jaw line and down to his neck.

Mu Qing was yearning for more and was getting impatient. He shoves him back to his bed and pushes him down to the bed with a hiss.

"Teasing is over...."

Feng Xin huffs and pulls him down to him again, locking their lips together into a rougher kiss.

Within moments their clothes are being torn away as Feng Xin's hands roam over Mu Qing's entire body. Not once did he flip over to dominate him, instead he wanted Mu Qing to take control and to move at his own pace. But now he was beginning to feel that it may have been a bad idea. Mu Qing was all for it however to make him suffer.

But if there was one thing Feng Xin couldn't get enough of, it was the waist that his new lover owned. Mu Qing however hated the obsession he was now beginning to build with his waist. Feng Xin however was loving it. Before they would just do it without really looking at what they were pursuing, but now they were paying attention. Mu Qing would notice the broad shape of his shoulders, to his arms, to his abs; he would even notice just how big his hands were and how good they felt when feeling up against his body. His hands glide down to his butt giving both cheeks a squeeze. A squeeze that sends a shiver up his spine. Feng Xin watches his body as it moves up against him, grinding all up against him, allowing his shaft to just brush lightly against his entrance. No prep was fully needed for him, but Feng Xin didn't want to hurt him as he was not going to let him have it easy. He finally switches positions and climbs over him as his lips latch onto the skin of his neck and chest leaving marks over the recent ones that were left behind from before as well. His hand glides down toward his entrance as two fingers enter into him. Mu Qing arches his back with a gasp as his head tilts back in pleasure at the care that he was receiving. Feng Xin purrs into his neck and bites down into his flesh. If they were characters in a standard fictional romantic tale, then they would definitely be in the middle of a full on mating heat. Feng Xin pulls back and licks at the bite mark as it bleeds just a bit. Mu Qing's hands grip tightly to the back of his hair just as he inserts another finger into him. Three whole fingers moving, curling, and twitching as they search and search for his main area of pleasure. And when he finds it Mu Qing let's out a yelp that manages to surprise himself. They've done it several times before. More than he could count. So why did this time feel so different?

Feng Xin chuckles lightly and presses his lips to his to distract him as he aligns himself to him and starts inserting himself into him slowly and carefully. The sensations were driving him crazy as he was feeling him move deeper and deeper into him. The one thing that they never have done was have intercourse without protection. Feeling him being swallowed by Mu Qing's walls felt so different and so enticing that he couldn't hold himself back any longer.

"Mu Qing....hold on...."

Mu Qing was out of it, by this point but manages to hear him just as he pulls out a bit before fully ramming into him.

"Agh...! N-Not so hard....!"

Feng Xin at this point isn't able to hear him as he continues to pound into him senselessly. Mu Qing's arms are wrapped tightly around him as his legs wrap tightly around his waist pulling him closer as his nails dig into the skin of his back leaving marks.

"Feng Xin....! S-Slow...d-down..! Ah..! Y-You're too—!"

"Y-You're just...so tight...! Shut up....! And relax...." he says with a growl into his ear.

Mu Qing groans, but then is caught off guard when Feng Xin lifts his legs over his shoulders.

"All the way....think you can handle all of it...?" He says in between breaths.

Mu Qing hisses with a smirk.

"Who do you think I am...?"

Feng Xin takes that as confirmation and filly pushes all of him into him. Mu Qing laughs and releases a cry of pleasure as the adrenaline rush just took over him. Feng Xin buries his face into his chest as he continues to rail into him roughly as Mu Qing's hands just pull at the strands of his hair.

"Mu Qing...!"


His head lifts up to his ear as he purrs lightly.

"I love you..."

Mu Qing's cheeks are burning, and now he was sure he was feverish as his grip tightens and his body shakes as he ends up climaxing before Feng Xin who chuckles lightly as he was not ready just yet to stop.

Mu Qing whines in frustration, but pulls himself up lightly to his ear as he also whispers.

"I love you....I always have....."

Feng Xin drops his head and sighs heavily into his shoulder with a groan as he ends up releasing into him. Mu Qing snickers lightly at his reaction to his words as he speaks out loud.

"Not done yet are you...?"

Feng Xin lifts his head slowly and huffs.

"Of course not."

By morning there was nothing else left to say. Words were hard foe them to use. Actions were easier. But in this rare instance, both men were just over it. Actions weren't always better than words. And jealousy was just not something you could always see on the surface, and that was something that needed to be learned the hard way.

When the two finally manage to awaken, they are entangled in each other's arms once again. No anger. No bitterness. No depression. And no jealousy. The misunderstandings are gone, and the hate that brewed happened to mellow out.

Mu Qing is the first to awaken to the sight of his long life friend, who was now his lover.

'It's about time you idiot. No one else can you. You're mine.'


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