So the Mouse became the Viper

Por XJessCarrotX

1.1K 25 2

Street Urchins. Rats. Scum. Children surviving in a world built against a world that they didn't m... Mais

Ch 1- Playground
Part 2 - Run
We Meet Again
Ch 3 - Sink into the Wasteland
Ch 4 - Nightmares and Fantasies
Ch 5 - Bad Bunch
Ch 6 - Spare the Sympathy
Ch 8 - All Choices...
Ch 9 - ...Have Consequences

Ch 7 - Children of War

64 2 0
Por XJessCarrotX

2 weeks later

      "..and then when you press this button that pops open and all the little babies come tumbling out and they scatter everywhere! And THIS button caused them all to explode!" Jinx talked excitedly as she showed off her creations. Amara smiled softly "Very creative, darling." she brushed a stray hair from the younger girl's face and Jinx looked at her with a soft smile. Amara was one of the few that made her feel safe...she was the only person in the world that never once called her Jinx.

They both laid stomachs down on Jinx's bed, an array of chaos and metal pieces all over the place along with neon graffiti and random objects that had eerily familiar faces on them "Yes, very good indeed." Silco entered Jinx's room but his eyes were locked on Amara. "I'm so glad I didn't kill you when I had the chance." Amara bristled and sat up. "Who would have known you'd see reason." Amara kept her mouth shut but she couldn't keep the glare off her face. "Sevika gets her plaything back, Jinx gets her little friend, and I get a spy. How lovely." JInx threw her arms around Amara "Yay!" 

"Jinx, why don't you go work on that special project of ours, hm? Now that Amara has shared her new knowledge you must be close to a breakthrough." Silco said and Jinx went to protest but he shot her a look and she slinked off. Amara stood and brushed herself off. "What can I do for you?" she asked, he never wanted to speak to her on her own unless he was pushing her for information. He thought she was a spy...leading the top side to them below.

"Come with me."

His training was torturous, he filled your head with misleading messages and corrupted memories. He made himself to be your hero....and one specific person was always the villain.



   Amara looked up at Sevika, her hair was down and loose, her face peacefully asleep. Amara laid on her chest and drew soft circles on her skin. She traced the jagged scar from where her skin met metal. She couldn't sleep, endless thoughts raced through her mind. Silco got word there was going to be a raid. Vi stayed top side, Vi stayed to help them...again she chose something other than her family. Silco wanted to use Amara and everything she learned from being with the pink-haired girl to take her down. 

    "Time to go!" Jinx hung from the window. Amara sat up and used the blanket to cover her chest "Shh!" she hushed "I don't want her waking." she looked to Sevika softly and slipped from the covers. Jinx sat on the windowsill and turned her face away politely. "You guys are like rabbits up here." Amara rolled her eyes as she lit one of her special cigarettes. "I needed her to sleep so I could slip away...she never would have let me go."

 Amara dressed in some high-waisted pants that resembled cargo pants with lots of pockets. A halter top that wrapped around her neck but had a keyhole cutout showing off her ample chest. Boots on her feet and a long black jacket that resembled Silco's. She puffed the cigarette, the low dose of shimmer making her feel tingly all over. She glanced to Sevika and images from just moments ago flooded her mind. She smiled "Let's go." she climbed out the window after Jinx.


They got there early, watching the workers below load up the shipments. Silco spoke to some people and debriefed them on what Amara had told them. Vi was a fighter and she was trusting enforcers to help. Plus they had hextech technology and who knows what that's like.

"Silco! They've been spotted." a man yelled racing up to them panting. Silco regarded him then turned to Amara "It is time I take my leave, I trust you can handle operations from here." Amara steeled herself and nodded. "I can handle Vi..." she said softly, they stood above, below them a catwalk, and below that the main room of operations. Even from this height, she could tell a few of them were children...


Chaos broke out, the workers did what Amara told them perfectly. The only downside is they brought more enforcers than they thought. Luckily one of the kids slipped away and activated the alarm system shutting everything down and releasing the shimmer bots. 

    Vi fought hard, her new little friend was even more fearsome. The weapons they possessed could change the way of the world drastically. Amara stalked along the railing watching them, this was not a mission to save the shimmer or take them down...this was an intel mission. It looks like they played every hand at their disposal and now the next time they come...they'll be ready.

The room was silent, the workers apprehended and the bots taken down. Vi and Jayce stood back to back waiting for something else to pop out. They jumped when they heard slow clapping. 

   "Bravo, young counselor," Amara called down to them "You've taken down one of our bases and killed my workers." Jayce furrowed his brows "I thought you said you didn't work for him?" he asked, anger taking over. He let her into one of the most secure places in she was more than likely giving the entire layout to the enemy. 

"Amara?" Vi whispered, her brows pinched with hurt. "What? Did you think I was going to run home with my tail between my legs and wait for you to show up? You chose your side, Vi. And I chose mine." she sneered at the red-haired girl. "Thank you, by the way, counselor. A very informative demonstration of what your wonderful hextech technology can do. I'm sure my darling engineer will be ecstatic to hear all about it." Jayce looked around at the metal bodies "Robots?" he questioned "No, people who sacrificed themselves for the cause." Amara told him. "They all have." he turned and suddenly every person captive clenched their jaws and purple foamed at the corners of their mouths. 

"No!" Jayce yelled, but it was too late. "Capture her!" two enforcers had made their way up to her while they were busy talking. They stood no chance. She drew her blade and cut them both down "Look around you, little counselor, you think you are doing the right thing, you think you are in control but you are not." she shook her head.

 "Look at these people, look at these men..." she opened her arms wide referring to the dead who sacrificed themselves and the enforcers who tried to stop her. "Look at what your war has done to them." Jayce hesitated "This is Silco's fault! He killed Vander, he killed Powder, and he is corrupting you too!" Vi yelled. Amara chuckled "And why would you care, Violet?" she tilted her head "You left Jinx alone and left me not once but twice and you want to know who was there each time?" Amara asked "Silco."

She held up her blade that glinted in the moonlight coming in from the collapsing ceiling of the old building, blood dripped down it and she looked back to them. "You must be ready for what is to come. Our darling engineer is so very close to a breakthrough....and when that happens he's coming for you." She met Vi's eyes and suddenly she was gone.


Vi found Jayce kneeling next to a kid, no older than she was when she was put in prison. "You didn't have a choice." Vi told him, seeing a child shook her core but what was done was done. "He knew what he was signing up for, you heard Amara." Jayce tsk'd and stood "Your little friend? How do I know you're not going to run off with her too?" He asked getting in Vi's face, she narrowed her eyes. "I chose to help you guys even after being kicked out. I hate Silco more than anything and I want to bring him down. Do not turn on me."

 "We're done here." Jayce shoved past her "We haven't even scratched the surface. Silco's still out there." she pointed vaguely in the direction of the city "Yeah, and he has your little friend on his side. They set us up. This was all a plot to get us out here and see what our resources are. She killed two of my men!" Vi clenched her jaw "Yes...but what are a few lives in a war." Vi said softly, she shook her head to get the image of Amara out of her mind. 

   "Listen, she's not fully on his side, she's only playing her part to survive." He turned on her "How do you know?! How do you know your not too caught up in what you feel for her to see the truth!" everything was so messed up, so twisted and grey...nothing was black and white anymore. "She came to warn us. War is coming." Vi continued, ignoring him, Jayce threw up his hands "We already knew that." Vi shook her head "No, think about what she said specifically. Ji-their engineer is almost done creating their hextech mega bomb...and then they are taking the fight to us. Above ground, to Piltover." 

   Jayce sighed and shook his head, running his hands through his hair "Do you not understand? I am part of this now! The next parents who get a message their kid isn't coming home...I don't even know where to take it. Do we just leave him here?" he asked, voice catching as he looked at the dead boy in front of him. 

   "You've always been a part of this. You just never had to look it in the eye. One dead kid? There are hundreds more where he came from, thanks to Silco, and thanks to people like you who stuck their heads in the dirt." Vi yelled back "This is over." he picked up the hammer and powered it down. "Not for me." Vi clenched her fists, the technology booting up for another powerful punch. "Take those off." he demanded "Make me." she hissed "I can't let you leave with them." he powered the hammer back up "Then, I guess you're gonna need to kill another trencher." Vi raised her fists. 

Jayce stared at her for a long while before he hung his head and walked away.


"Been a while since topside's gotten this bold." Sevika looked at the aftermath of the invasion. "Say what you want about the late Sheriff. He had his uses." Silco muttered, he glanced at Amara she discretely nodded. "Too bad Jinx didn't think so." Sevika chuckled "We'll buy another." Silco rolled his eyes. "You gonna do anything about that piece of shit that murdered my boy? Let me guess, Jinx will take care of it. Just like she's been taking care of everything else." Renni yelled at them, she cradled her son in her arms. 

  Amara swallowed thickly, sure she can put up a front...but seeing the destruction up close... "We all mourn the loss of your son, Renni. At least, we have the solace of knowing he died fighting for our cause, instead of some petty personal dispute, as so often occurs here." Silco turned to face her "You're one to talk about sacrificing for the cause. Where is Jinx anyhow?" Renni asked, no one had seen her for days. Silco looked to Amara and held her gaze, she was the only one who knew what Jinx was working on, if others knew they'd want to use it for themselves and then there would be a greater power struggle than there already was. "Help her with the body." he left.

Sevika caught the looks between Silco and Amara and crossed her arms "What's going on between you two?" she asked "Probably fucking behind your back." Amara and Sevika both fixed Finn with deadly glares. "What, she works at the brothel, right? Don't you, like, pay to keep her around? Silco's got bigger pockets, all I'm saying." he lit his cigarette "Are you going to fight, or are you going to help me with my boy!" Renni yelled at them. Amara's brows pinched and she sighed "Finn, Sevika, get digging. Renni, let's get him cleaned up." Finn glared "Who gave you the right to order me around?" Sevika growled and grabbed the boy by his neck "Let's go."


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