Red Licorice (Scream x Black...

By Vspear

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(Scream x Black Reader) The two killers stared back at the afro haired girl as she shook against the bed, sh... More

Prologue: Dumb Blonde
Chapter One: Red and Blue Lights
Chapter Three: A Dead Girls Diary
Chapter Four: Apparition
Chapter Five: Black Sheep
Chapter Six: Behind The Mask
Chapter Seven : Buttered Popcorn
Chapter Eight: Storm Incoming
Chapter Nine: Bloody Press
Chapter Ten : Old Tapes And Melted Ice Cream

Chapter Two: Death Calling

1.5K 59 27
By Vspear

"You look so pretty in that dress (Y/n). Please do a little twirl for me," - Ghost Face


    "Are you sure you don't need more time to yourself at home?" Aunt Gia stood at the doorframe of the teens room , watching the girl pack a duffel bag for the sleepover over at Sidny's, "I understand your mourning in a different way, but I'm concerned with how fast you are going out and rushing the process. The funeral is being pushed back to Saturday and I think getting your emotions in order is a good idea."

    (Y/n) paused at the mention of the funeral, "Why is the funeral being pushed back? I thought they already approved the body to be transported to the funeral home?"

    Gia sighed, "Mrs. Becker said something about them needing to examine her body some more. The officers are also searching and finding somethings in Casey and Steves rooms to see if there is any chance they may have crossed someone in order to be murdered." Her aunt watched her face grow distraught for a moment letting a few tears slip loose before turning back to the duffel bag.

    "She would want me to forget for a little bit," The afro haired girl's voice was barely above a whisper, "Casey never wanted me to dwell on the negative for two long-" She cut off her shoulders shaking slightly.

Yes it's true that's what her best friend would have wanted, but was it how she wanted to mourn her? The sleepover with Sidney and Tatum seemed to soon. They would never be replacements for Casey but she did really enjoy her time with her other friends. (Y/n) needed support and laughs right now, not to lose herself in her room on what could've been.

Her aunt let out a soft sigh, her eyes downcast as she looked at her niece. She was just worried-to much was going on in such a short amount of time-not to mention she still hasn't told her the news. That would have to wait a little while longer.

"Your right I'm sorry, just pack what you need for the night and I'll drop you off," Gia kneels before her niece placing a soft kiss on her forehead for good measure, "Just please be safe and make good decisions. There's a killer out there and you girls being at the house by yourselves puts my nerves on edge."

(Y/n) gives her a reassuring smile, "Safety in numbers is what you taught me, I haven't forgotten."

Her aunt smiled back before leaving out of the room to what sounded like the kitchen. Getting back to the duffle bag (Y/n) wanted to make sure she had a good option of movies packed along with her movie journal. She's watched the movies enough times to recite them simply by listening to the eerie background music. She only hoped Tatum wouldn't find it bothersome-knowing she'd want to gossip.
The phone started to ring in the other room causing the girl to halt her task, "(Y/n)! One of your friends are on the phone!"

The girl frowned slightly, wondering why Sidney would call when they agreed on four o'clock being the meeting time. Hopefully something didn't come up, she'd hate to go over Tatums with Dewey breathing down her neck.

The living room was spacious and comfortable, one of the girl's favorite shows was on, with mellow colors filling the screen. The warm aroma of leftover rice and chicken seeped from the kitchen causing the girls shoulders to relax.

Walking past the deep brown couch she made her way towards her aunt standing with the phone, "Is it Sidney? Can I not come over?"

Gia shook her head with a teasing look on her face, "I wish. When you said you have a 'guy friend' I was expecting that Randy boy-not Stuart little-"

(Y/n) quickly took the phone, covering the speaker, "Auntie!" Her cheeks were warm, heart thumping in fear. She didn't want Stu to get any wrong idea about her, especially with how she felt for him in the past, "I got it from here."

The older woman simply waved her hands in the air walking away, "I'm goin I'm goin."

A chuckle emerged from the phone, causing the girl to smile, "whatcha need Mr Matcher?"

"Hey! You know it's just Stu, (N/n)," Stu's hoarse voice through (Y/n) for a loop, her heart racing and grip on the phone tightening. The boy sounded tired and strained like he just got done running a marathon. The girl won't lie-it was attractive. "After all these years you gotta remember."

"Yeah yeah, you know I'm just messin with ya," She went back to her room with the phone and started planning out her outfit for school tomorrow. "But-uh-not to be rude or anything but is there a reason why you called?"

There was movement on the other end, a shout then his voice emerged once more, "Well precious, me and Billy boy got a couple of horror movies to try out this afternoon-and we were wondering if you would like to join us?"

The request caused the girl to pause for a moment, the request didn't feel foreign just off. The last time she had a good horror movie night with just the two boys was over three years ago, before the status quo absorbed them causing them to slowly be on the back burner. (Y/n) missed those days when she'd go over Stu's house with Billy, the three would laugh and shout at the tv with the horrible scenes the directors could have easily fixed or made more interesting. It was one night where she told them her dream of being a horror film director, their reactions were a lot different from the girls-they gave her full support from the get go. Stu even asked if she wanted his dads old camera to practice shots, she turned it down even though he insisted.

"Earth to (Y/n)! You shouldn't leave a man hanging here in suspense!"

"A-ah sorry Stu! It's just...we haven't done one of those nights for god knows how long," she paused looking at a cute cropped juicy couture t-shirt before grabbing one of her dad's flannels to match, "Forgive me for feeling a bit nostalgic."

Stu lost his teasing tone, a softer one emerging, "I'm sorry precious, it has been a long time since." The girl was too focused on how calming the voice was to acknowledge the nickname, "If you come over I promise we'll make it worth your while! We'll even get your favorite popcorn!"

A sad frown set on the girl's face, she didn't want to turn her friends down but she already made plans tonight. She remembered what Sidney said about no boys so a quick lie wouldn't hurt. She would just reschedule, "My aunt unfortunately wants me to stay home tonight due to what happened in order to process-y-you know-"

"You don't have to explain I understand-"

"No! I still want to do the movie night with you guys! I-is there anyway we could do it tomorrow?" (Y/n) heard whispers on the other end making her stomach do flips, "or if your busy tomorrow that's fine we can find another day-"

"Tomorrow is fine. We'll see you then." It was Billy this time. His tone was abnormally short with her, almost if he was angry with her. And just like that the line went dead, causing the girl's stomach to drop.

'How rude.'

    The two women pull up to the two story country home, the one where (Y/n) constantly dreamed of having in the future after stardom. It was a good acre of land, not to mention it seemed more private away from civilization-one thing she desired the most.
She thought about it often around tenth grade-maybe it was the teenage hormones catching up to her but she constantly thought about having a husband entrepreneur at the house with the kids; She would come home find her husband head laid on the back of the couch, her two sons laid on either side a horror movie playing on the screen in the background, the killers victims screaming bloody murder.

    To whom might say it was a weird scene she desired to see one day-she found it euphoric. Sometimes she'd randomly talk about with Casey, she told her how she would envision her as the rich aunt soiling her nephews with gifts before they went shopping for their homes. Their husbands would play with the kids in the yard as they cooked dinner, talking about all they've achieved the past few months, maybe even some of their sexcapades. If there's one thing she's looking forward to the crazy amounts of sex she would be getting from her husband-a very far thought from the wholesome ones she had before.

    Sidney came out of the house in time to see the two women roll to a stop in front of the residence. The brunette smiled at the sight of her best friend getting out of the car with her bag, heading to the front door waving good-bye to her aunt. The girl felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, after all the stress at school with the murmurs about the murder of her classmates she got to hang out with the girl she enjoyed hanging out with the most. Of course she wouldn't admit that to Tatum though.

    "Hey! You brought the movies?" Even though the two of them hadn't mentioned movies through Sid's invitation, (Y/n) always had horror movies on deck when sleeping over someone's house, "Let me guess The Exorcist? Halloween-,"

    The girl shook her head, curls bouncing, "Nope Friday the 13th! I felt like ogling Jason as he murders the camp counselors," The two made their way inside the house (Y/n) sitting the bag down in the living room as she took off her shoes , "I also brought some candy if you want some!"

    Sidney made a face, "Don't tell me it's some of that nasty red licorice you be eating,"

(Y/n) slowly put the bag of candies away a pout moved on her lips, "Well if you want to be rude you don't have to have any," this caused the brunet to laugh, laying out on the couch flipping on the news channel.

"The entire nation was shocked today by the teen murders in North Carolina-"


"The state Bureau of Investigation has joined forces with the local authorities to help catch what the Governor has called the most heinous-"

Switch again.

Sidney froze along with (Y/n) as Gale weathers appeared on the screen. Her teeth were shiny as ever, ready to twist her words for her fans, "This is not the first time the small town of Bayboro has endured such tragedy. Only a year ago, Mauren Prescott, wife and mother, was found raped and murdered..." The screen was soon filled with a black and white snapshot of a beautiful woman-Sid completely switched off the TV, her mouth growing dry from the familiar image of her mother engrained in her mind.

(Y/n) saw the girl discomfort before walking over and bringing her into a long hug on the sofa. She knew it had been over a year since Mrs. Prescott's death, she had heard the rumors although Sidney testified and she couldn't help but believe the accused rather than Sidney's view. The killer easily could have been a jealous wife or possibly another lover that got tired of her cheating, it was more logical to think that way.
"Do you wanna watch something else other than horror movies? I have some rom-com movies that Tatum likes-"

"No," Sidney shook her head turning to her friend, "I invited you over so you could have a nice day from everything going on. Let's get comfortable and pop the movie in."

(Y/n) creased her brows in concern, "What about Tatum?"

Sidney got up and headed to the stairs gesturing for her to follow, "She has practice this afternoon, she'll join us in an hour. Enough time to get the first movie out the way before she starts complaining."

"Mind if I take a shower first?"

"Yeah sure, it's next to my room , I have some towels in the closet next to it," Sidney directed her to the bathroom, making sure the girl had everything she needed before going to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn.

In the shower (Y/n) made sure to take a long shower, using her scrubs, oils and even her favorite perfume before putting on the silk nightie that her friends adored. Today she was wearing black with white lace straps and trim. She thought it'd be a good idea to cheer up her friends and feel a bit normal with their routine as seniors. It was time to branch out and have fun. Strutting down the stairs (Y/n) got to the bottom to see Sidney on the couch popcorn on the table as she looked through the stack of movies she brought over.

"Oh your back I was thinking we could watch-," The brunette's words cut off as she stared at the girl grabbing the pack of red licorice out of the bag placed on the table. Now Sidney knew (Y/n) was attractive underneath her baggy clothes she's seen her like this before, but without Casey or Tatum around she started to grow nervous. "I-I was thinking we could watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street' after 'Friday the 13th' since it's only six right now."

(Y/n) sat down close to Sidney, a smile on her lips, "Nightmare on Elm Street is the movie I usually fall asleep to, are you trying to tell me to rest while the night is young?"

Sidney laughed, "A little nap wouldn't hurt before Tatum arrives. You wanna watch the movie first?" The girl's voice hitch as the brown skinned girl snuggled up next to her, a smile of content on her face.

"Sure, I could go for a nap."

The two girls placed the movie on and sure enough (Y/n) fell asleep within minutes, surprisingly Sidney didn't. She was so focused on the girl laying on her chest and the peaceful feeling that came with it. 'I wonder if Casey had moments like this with her.' Sidney wouldn't be surprised if she did, just envious. Billy never gave her this feeling nor Tatum-but she oddly wasn't complaining. Looking down at the girl on her chest she was able to take in more of her features, from her plump soft lips to her thick supple thighs barely covered with the dress.

The brunette smiled before the phone rang next to her, breaking through the movie being played on the screen. Sidney answered it with a huf, "Hello?"

"Practice ran late. I'm on my way," Tatum's voice rang through the phone.

Sidney looked at the clock on the nightstand, "Its past seven, (Y/n) took a nap waiting," She turned back to the screen watching as another victim was killed, "You need to be careful, remember-"

"Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite the dust till way after ten."

The brunette scrunched her face as she felt (Y/n) stir, "I'm not worried."

"Good 'cause I wanted to swing by BlockBuster and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in 'All The Right Moves'. You know if you pause it just right you can see his penis." Sidney rolled her eyes at her best friend's antics, moving slightly to adjust (Y/n) in her original position. This only caused the girl to stir once more, her eyes opening slowly.

"Whatever, just hurry."

"Bye ~" The phone line went dead with a simple click from Sidney.

"Was that Tatum?" (Y/n) yawned rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "I thought practice ended at six?"
Sidney huffed giggling slightly at the girls cute display, "Practice ran late she's coming tho-"

The brunette was cut off with another ring of the phone, the two girl looked at each other for a moment before Sidney answered it once more, "Tatum whatever it is it's fine just hurry up-"

"Hello, Sidney." A husky voice spoke over the phone. (Y/n) overheard the man's voice and sat up straight, pulling from her friend's warmth.

"Hi, who is this?" Sidney greeted back slowly.

"You tell me." Was all the man responded with. This left the two girls puzzled for a moment, they simply couldn't place the voice of the male-it was too distorted.

The brunette shrugged, slowly sitting up before snatching some popcorn from (Y/n)'s hands. The girl playfully glared in response, "I have no idea."

"Scary night, isn't it? With the murders and all, its light right out of the horror movies or something," At this (Y/n) practically laughed into the phone, her smile infectious.

"Come on D, I know it's you!" (Y/n) felt her heart hammer in her chest in thought of Randy trying to mess with Sidney instead of her, "Are you calling from at work or something? I'm sleeping over at Sids and Tatums on her way over."

It was silent for a moment before the voice returned, "(Y/n), I hadn't expected you to be there," It caused the girl to snicker a bit along with Sidney shaking her head, at this point the brunette turned on the lights of her house illuminating the space. The horror movie rolled its credits in the background with a slasher theme. "What's your favorite movie, precious?"

The brown skinned girl faulted a bit, her skin growing warm with the nickname her alleged friend called her by, "Geeze Ran your voice is sexy when you talk like that. All you need to do is invite me to watch a Japanese horror film and I'm all yours."

Sidney turned to the girl, her jaw dropping in surprise, never had she seen (Y/n) so bold with flirting-especially not to Randy. Sure the two were inseparable at times but flirting and speaking intimate wasn't what she was expecting. Sid swore Tatum wasn't going to believe it, not their two nerds finally making a move.

The male's voice quickened over the phone, making the girls neither regions pulsed slightly, she didn't want to think that way of Randy to think he was doing something perverted-perhaps he was simply shocked with her flirtation. So instead he decided to repeat the question , "What's your favorite scary movie?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully, "Randy we've been over this several times and you've heard me rant about my favorite," The girl walked over towards the window, the yard at Sidny's house looks beautiful from the angel brightened by the night sky. "Besides you know who is my favorite killer, the one that gets me goin'"

The voice hummed, "Oh really? Who is it?"

"It's Micheal, remember? Because of his rough upbringing?" Her lips pouted out to Sidney showing her disappointment that Randy didn't remember, "I can't believe you forgot-we had an hour conversation about it." Her stomach hurt and twisted in turn she decided to hand the phone over to Sidney, the girl sending her a sympathetic look.

"Really Randy? What do want-"

"Are you two in the house alone?" Sidney rolled her eyes as she watched (Y/n) come back over towards the phone with a bag of licorice.

"That is so unoriginal. You disappoint me Randy."

"Maybe that's because I'm not Randy." The two girls paused looking at each other for a moment, one confused and the others eyes laced with fear. (Y/n) shook her head and Sidney tried to reach for the phone but the brunette simply walked away with it leaving the brown skinned girl to grab the remote and turn off the TV.

"So who are you?" Sidnety questioned.

"Sid! What are you doing?" (Y/n) hissed at the brunette, "Stop talking to the stranger!" The girl has watched too many scary movies to know how this goes, Sidney needs to hang up the phone and lock down the house and call the police.

"The question isn't who am i? But, where am I?" The voice responded.

It kicked the girl's survival instincts into overdrive, (Y/n) rushed to the kitchen grabbing a chef's knife and started locking down the windows. Sidney follows her, completely baffled with the girl's reaction, "So where are you-?"

"Sid stop-"

"Your front porch," The voice informed, if she didn't know any better there was a smirk in his tone.

'This is some white people shit.'

Sidney moves to the window pulling back the drapes, "Why would you be calling me from my front porch?"

"To see where your mind is of course!" (Y/n) moved to grab the drapes from Sidney, her frustration rising, "Sidney were literally in the middle of a killer possibly wanting to kill us-"

"You look so pretty in that dress (Y/n)," The voice basically purred into the phone, sending chills down the girl's spine, "Please do a little twirl for me."

The brown skinned girl let out a frightful scream in response, Sidney standing still as the words sunk in as to what the voice over the phone had said. Either they were truly outside or Randy was taking this prank too far.

Fed up with the antics with the voice over the phone, Sidney took it upon herself to open the door heading out on the front porch, "Sidney, what the fuck are you doing?!" The brunette ignored her friend's desperation, looking around across the yard in the dead of night with so little light she had.

"Where are you-you fucking creep?!"

"Right here."

Sidney looked around the yard again concentrating on the shrubs, "Can you see me-?"

"Sidney, for all that is holy get the fuck back in the house!"

Once again she ignored her, "Can you see what I'm doing?" Sidney stuck her finger up her nose, obviously trying to prove a point. A moment went by with no response from the voice over the phone sending the girls nerves on edge. She turned back to (Y/n) a reassuring smile on her face, "Nice try, Randy. Tell Tatum to hurry. Bye now-"

"You hang up, you'll die just like your mother!" The two girls froze in place, (Y/n) grabbing onto Sidney to pull her back into the house but the girl wouldn't move. The brunette was complet;ly speechless, "Do you want to die, Sidney? Your mother didn't."

Having enough of the bullshit (Y/n) snatched the phone away, "Screw you mother fucker!" hanging up the phone (Y/n) dashes back into the house with Sidney, bolting down the door when she hears a sudden creak behind her-then a full on thud.

A scream rippled through the back of her throat as a masked ghost of man came barreling out of the halfway closet. A quick swipe of the knife was avoided as Sidney kicked the killer in the side, (Y/n) desperately trying to unlock the door. It was all for not as the brunette pushed her away with the man getting up for another round. Their only option at this point was to get the best of him or die, it was a horrible way to die when she thought about it.

Gripping the knife tightly (Y/n) rushed towards the attacker full storm and jabs the knife down leading the male to let out a guttural scream. Sidney took this opportunity to knock him back again, turning back towards the door and unlocking the bottom pulling open-only for the chain lock to get in the way.

"Shit!" The brunette cursed.

The killer got back up with an angry yell, launching himself at Sidney once more only for her to doge and grab her best friend-running up the stairs. (Y/n) took the initiative to split up, knife still in hand she hid in the bathroom as she watched her best friend board herself up in the bedroom. If her hunch was correct, Sidney would contact the authorities on her computer. She could hear the loud thumping of footsteps up the stairs causing her to hold her breath moving backwards.

A sharp sound echoed in the bathroom to cause the thumping to stop on the stairs, (Y/n) cursed quickly turning behind her to find the dropped item, before quickly making her way into the tub, drawing the curtain back quickly just as she heard the creaking of the door. Placing a hand over her mouth she tried to control her breathing to match the steps of her killer. With each thump she couldn't help but think of her best friend; 'Did she hide like she did?' 'Did she live up to the cliche of hiding in a closet only to be pulled out and gutted open as she held onto the phone?'. The steps stopped in front of the tub, leading her to hold her breath in a big gulp, closing her eyes as she felt the curtains draw back a bit, the bathroom was dark, the curtain doing her justice against the far corner away from the door.

However luck wasn't on her side, the curtain was drawn back abruptly causing her eyes to widen considerably before she felt the cool feel of the knife against her neck. The white ghost masked man stared back at her, simply cocking his head to the side without uttering a word. A simple command; get out. So as any hostage would do with a weapon aimed at them, she obeyed, slowly holding her hands up and stepping out of the tub as he slowly backed up. The knife had been left in the tub as well. But what happened next is what ran her blood cold, he closed the door.

(Y/n) felt her breathing become uneven as she couldn't see the killer at all in the bathroom, only a tall dark silhouette of a shadow looming over her, daring her to make the wrong move. Asking her to make a mistake so she could be skinned alive. But she wasn't dumb, she knew not to anger the killer further, especially after she got done stabbing him. Sure, she was positive the cut was deep into his shoulder, but it wasn't guaranteed that she couldn't take him down by herself.

A hand gripped the side of her hip, shoving her against the sink with a gasp. The killer closed in on her-his breaths were heavy and deep; it possibly could have been from his wounds or frustration. At the moment it didn't matter as the girl shook in fear, a faint outline of white filled her vision before closing her eyes with a whimper as she felt the killer's body against hers.

(Y/n) froze when she felt the hand travel from her hip to her thighs-playing with the silk fabric along the way before slipping underneath. The hands were bare, the leather gloves gone; soft and smooth with calluses on what seemed to be his fourth finger and lower palm. He played with the hem of her lace panties taking a deep breath before removing his hands underneath her nightie, placing his hand on her face instead stroking the tears of fear away.

Alarm bells rang in her head as she came to the conclusion as to what he possibly wanted, "N-No please don't..." the hand seemed to pause for a moment before she felt a quick slow grind of the hips against hers, what drew her attention was the large protruding length against her thighs. He was excited, and was happy to show her how riled up he was. Never had she been so close to a male like this before, and most definitely has she ever felt them up close and personal.

"Please let us go," She tried to reason with him once more, "I won't tell anyone what happened here! Please just don't hurt me...," it was pathetic begging like this-trying to stroke the male's ego enough to possibly let her walk away.

'All killers love to hear this pity party before swiping the blade down. We know better.'

But she couldn't help but beg for her life.

All she received was a cock of the head, before she heard another scream in the other room. It was Sidney, she seemed to be talking to someone else, hopefully an officer or police. The only issue was that she was in her with the killer-the door closed-the man would decide whether she lived or died.

The male seemed to look over towards the door before putting his attention back to her. She felt something cool against her thigh before a sharp sting erupted through her entire being. She opened her mouth in an anguished scream only for her mouth to be covered abruptly, with her struggling against him. She bucked and shifted her body against his only causing him groan before shoving her against the door face first.

Wet tears graced her face In terror;was this man really going to have his way with her before he got arrested. It seemed plausible until the killer strolled forward bending down in the tub and retrieving the other knife. He gave her ass an abrupt smack before guiding her back over towards the tub, pointed down; a command sit. She did as told in pain, she could feel the blood dripping down her leg as she looked up at her attacker who seemed to be sparing her.

She simply cocked her head to the side, confusion and frustration filling her features, "Why?" Her voice was small and scared, "Why didn't you kill me?" He had every right to, she was going to tell the police everything that transpired, and there was even a possible chance he would be caught due to her description of him.

But the killer said nothing, simply opened the door and exited. There were sirens within a few minutes that could be heard along with loud footsteps heading up the stairs. But (Y/n) was too scared to tell them we're she was, scared of the fact the killer hadn't murdered her, only proceeded to feel her up and hint his true motivations towards her.

The way he spoke over the phone to the way he gently brushed her thighs-.

(Y/n) sobbed, wanting to rip the silk nightie off of her. She felt so dirty, she should've been ashamed of what had transpired but she couldn't stop thinking of his bare hands.

A few footsteps came to a halt in front of the bathroom door before a faint knock could be heard, "(Y/n) is that you?" It was a female officer, one that she had never heard of before. She tried to answer back but only a soft wimped emerged from her lips causing this female to enter.

"Oh god," the officer was brown skinned with straight hair, eyes almond and crows feet on the ends most likely from stress, "She's in here! Get a med kit immediately!"

It seemed like a blur, the paramedics tried everything to get the girl to speak even as they treated the deep cut on her leg. It didn't even process the pain inflicted as she was stitched up. All she could do was stare at the sink she was pushed towards to be touched against.

Eventually she was guided to the ambulance quietly, only coming to a gilt when she heard the desperate voice of her friend. Sidney ran over, tears welled in her eyes before embracing the Afro haired girl in a tight hug, "Oh my god....oh my god I'm so sorry."

The girl didn't respond, only holding her back in response, desperate for another's touch other than the masked ghost of a killer.

    Dewy sat back in his chair looking at the pink leather bound diary in shock. This information was either a huge lead or a very damaging revelation on who Casey Becker truly was-as well as her true feelings towards her classmates and friends. From what they learned in the dairy many of the ex boyfriends, cheerleaders, and close friends were high suspects.

Especially (Y/n) (L/n).

The cop knew there was a high chance the girl was innocent, he was there watching her reaction as she was hung over the trash can mourning her friend. The frustrated expression on her face with the lack of suspects as well as her questioning in concerns of what she could do to help or simply aid in the funeral.

However, Casey didn't see (Y/n) as a friend. She saw her as a potential lover. Lesbians weren't uncommon in Woodsburror, but the Becker girl came from Christian parents. It was bad enough there were several instances of talking about the times she slept with boys in her school, but to top off the dreams she had of (L/n)? They were dreams any teenage girl would have of their future and to acknowledge that she was no longer here hit hard.

The man wished he didn't read those entries, they were really personal. Around august the girl really got deep with her feelings in concerns of her friend, almost a revelation. It seemed like she was finally accepting her feelings, planning on how she was going to reveal and live with it, knowing she didn't like men no matter how much she tried to. He was more surprised with the entries on his little sister  Tatum, the things the two both did weren't right, but hey he never would've guessed a frenemy relationship with the two. 

Oh God. He was going to need a bulletproof vest.

If or when this reaches the news, a bomb was going to drop, and whether they were ready for it didn't matter.

Officer Willy stormed into the room in a panic, "Riley! We got another situation on our hands!"

Dewey sat up in his chair alarmed, "What happened?!"

"We just received a message from Sidney Prescott's computer, the killer has struck again!"

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