𝐟𝐚π₯π₯𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐝...

By MorbidBacon

376K 12.3K 2.3K

Gabriel Sinner is no myth - he is every wolf's worst nightmare. Some say he is only a myth told to scare chi... More

β€’. fallen for the dark .β€’
1. "Don't get too close, it's dark inside"
2. "It's where my demons hide."
3. "If I fear for the devil, then I fear for myself."
4. "We're all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours."
5. "I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim."
6. "But without the dark we'd never see the stars."
7. "For every dark night there's always a brighter day."
8. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane."
9."I lost myself somewhere in the darkness."
10. "Don't forget, I'm your worst nightmare."
11. "I'm nothing when darkness follows me."
12. "Even the moon has a dark side."
13. "So darkness I became."
14. "Deep into that darkness peering, wondering, fearing, doubting..."
15. "The nightmare never ends."
16. "The world is cruel, ugly and pitiful."
17. "So dark, so deep the secrets that you keep."
18. "I am your worst nightmare, and your wildest dream."
19. "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires."
20. "What makes night within us may leave stars."
21. "Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. "
22. "Surrounded by darkness yet enfolded in light."
23. "Years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute."
24. "There's a light where the darkness ends touch me now and let me see again"
25. "You can't study the darkness by flooding it with light"
26. "I have long since closed my eyes, my only goal is the darkness."
27. "I have long since closed my eyes, my only goal is the darkness."
28. "Even though it's dark and cold there is always a shade of light."
29. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that."
30. "In the midst of darkness, light persists."
31. 'The sun does not abandon the moon to darkness'

32.''Darkness lets the stars shine bright.''

1.2K 56 31
By MorbidBacon

32. "Darkness lets the stars shine bright."


Suddenly, a quiet rumbling noise ruptured the stillness of the night.

Startled, Gabriel mirrored my reaction, gently withdrawing his lips to peer into the encompassing darkness. The noise grew louder, coming from my right. My attempt to discern any shapes was futile; the impenetrable darkness concealed even the most menacing of silhouettes.

And then a light blinded us.

I gasped, as I remained motionless on Gabriel's lap, clutching onto him instinctively. His arm encircled my waist and pulled me deeper into the haven of his protective embrace.

It was a police car pulling up behind us, casting an intense spotlight that thrust us into sudden visibility.

Red and blue flashes erupted around us, engulfing us in a disorienting whirlwind of light. The blaring headlights thrust themselves into our startled faces. Panic surged - What was going on? Were we about to be caught?

"What do we do?" I gasped, frantically scrambling off his lap. In my haste, I bumped my head against the hood of the car, but I could barely register the physical pain amidst the overwhelming turmoil churning in my mind. Venomous worry consumed me. Fear raced through my thoughts - I was worried we would be thrown in human jail or worse, the chilling possibility that the Seven could discover us. The ominous threat of the unknown hovering over us was like an impending storm.

"Just relax, I've got you," Gabriel crooned, his voice a serpent's whisper, smooth yet carrying a hint of venom.

At the sound of the car door slamming shut, I shrunk back into the seat, nerves pricking at my skin.

A uniformed officer emerged, his flashlight dancing across our stranded vehicle.

"Follow my lead," Gabriel instructed, with brisk authority, and he certainly didn't wait for an answer as he seamlessly exited the car.

In a hasty attempt to compose myself before following him out, I discreetly checked my clothes, ensuring nothing had shifted from its intended place and that I wasn't about to be arrested for flashing a police officer.

"Is there a problem here?" A calm and authoritative voice called out. The bright light and the peaked visor cap masked the officer's face.

"No, Officer," Gabriel replied tersely, his jaw rigid.

"Well, it seems to me that there is a problem." The officer stepped forward, his hand resting on his holster. "You're driving a stolen vehicle."

My heartbeat spiked at his words, fear tightening its grip. We encountered an unexpected situation that was not in the scheme of things. All this time I was worried about the wolves that were chasing us, that I hadn't anticipated a threat from the human world.

"I know," Gabriel said calmly, his hand gripping my shaking hands in silent comfort. "And you're a wolf."

The man stepped closer and took off his hat. He was a clean-cut dirty blond and appeared to be in his mid-thirties. "You've got good senses, you guys rogues?" The man chuckled at Gabriel's intense glare by shifting his focus and then back to Gabriel.

I didn't realise he was a werewolf at first. My nose was not at its best when surrounded by all the bombarding scents in the human world, and it was not like I expected to encounter another werewolf as it was very rare.


The cop sniffed the breeze that blew our scents in his direction. "I figured, never saw an Alpha rogue before." He smiled pleasantly, he was accustomed to the chaotic scents around us, given that he was able to quickly pick up our status through the scents of our blood. "It still doesn't change the fact you were driving a stolen vehicle." He went back to using his professional, police voice but remained in a slightly submissive stance before Gabriel, an instinct which no wolf can stop.

"A vehicle owned by a wanted drug lord, might I add." He strolled toward us, his expression bemused. He stopped about ten paces away, cocking his head to the side.

"He's dead so he's not wanted anymore." Not a single reaction flickered over Gabriel's face as the cop approached us with a hand to his gun belt. "I'll be nice and won't kill you, and I'll even tell you where I hid the body if you drop us off in New York." Gabriel's lips hitched up slightly in a taunting smirk.

I gave an involuntary gasp at his proposition, staring up at him in shock.

The police officer was stunned but then a mischievous grin rearranged his features, and he stepped forward to shake Gabriel's hand. He quickly dropped his hand when Gabriel just stared down at him in confusion. It wasn't custom to shake the hands of a higher-ranked wolf, or any wolf for that matter. I assumed the officer had lived in the human world for many years.

"Deal." He nodded with a grin. "But whereabouts in New York?"

"New York," Gabriel said blankly.

"Well, I know." A laugh burst out in a snort. "But where exactly?" he said, hesitating on that step towards his police car. I looked up at him with artless confusion.

"Just New York."

The Officer turned to me for help, his eyes wide and pleading.

"The Big Apple," I responded with a smile, knowing my expert knowledge of New York was bound to help.

The Officer sighed shaking his head before muttering 'tourists' and headed towards his cop car.

"Are you ready?" Gabriel asked me softly, his arms unconsciously tightening around my waist.

I nodded against his shoulder, attempting to smile but was unsuccessful, I felt like I was grimacing. I knew this was going to be hard but there was no way we could stop now.

It took me some time to realize that we were heading towards a shabbier neighbourhood. Being my first time in New York City, I had no clue about the streets or blocks, but I tried my best to memorize them. Blue flashing lights and the sound of sirens accompanied us, with Gabriel and I seated in the back like criminals.

I looked up at the rearview mirror to see the officer's eyes on me. His grey eyes stared right into mine, slightly amused. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for him to say something. After a brief pause, he asked casually, "Who the hell are you people?"

"We're just your ordinary average tourists," I stuttered out, my hands clammy as I realised my answer was not very convincing.

"Yeah, right," the cop deadpanned with a scoff.

Gabriel shot me a withering look.

I sat stiffly, looking out the windshield at the approaching dawn, wishing there was a sock in my mouth.

Thankfully, I hadn't revealed much as the cop talked incessantly without stopping for more than five minutes at a time. Words flowed in a steady stream from his lips, making it hard to keep up with what he was saying.

As we drove deeper into the neighbourhood, I couldn't help but notice the dilapidated buildings and the graffiti-ridden walls. The streets were almost deserted, with only a few people walking around. I wondered where we were headed and what would happen to us next. The uncertainty and the fear of the unknown made me anxious, and I could feel my palms sweating. I hoped that we would make it out of there unscathed.

This was not the New York that I saw in all those movies.

"I'll drop you guys off at this gas station." The cop's voice was gruff as he slowly pulled in front of a deserted, run-down gas station. I glanced over at Gabriel, and his eyes shone with emotion, reflecting the dim light of the street lamps outside.

As we sat there in the car, darkness seemed to seep in through the windows, enveloping us in its cruel embrace. It was a stark reminder of the bleakness of our lives and the harsh reality of the situation we found ourselves in. I could see the frustration etched on Gabriel's face, but there was something else there too - something I had never seen before. It was worry, raw and palpable, that made my heart skip a beat.

The asphalt was so old and cracked that blades of grass had managed to force their way through and sprout up in the gaps. The air was thick with the smell of decay and trash, which littered the ground around us. I was able to detect humans in the near distance; I heard their voices.

The police officer rolled down his window and looked at us with a concerned expression. "I don't know why you came here of all places, but my advice is to stay low," he said. "There should be a few motels down that way." He gestured towards a dingy street to the east. "And-"

Gabriel cut him off with a growl. "We don't need your help."

"Well, okay." The cop took one last look at us before he drove away.

We ended up taking the cop's advice and walked for a short while until we arrived at the motel in less than ten minutes. As soon as we entered, a bell rang, and everyone in the cramped lobby stared at us. I noticed a line of scantily clad women waiting outside the motel, a few seemed to be much younger than me and barely spoke a word of English.

"Don't look at them," Gabriel warned and tightened his grip on my hand as he led towards the counter.

The receptionist, who looked like she had seen better days, motioned us closer. "What can I do for you, Sugar?" she asked, her eyes fixed on Gabriel.

"We need a room," Gabriel replied firmly, his tone brooking no nonsense. I could sense his frustration with the woman's attitude.

"Haven't seen you around here before," the receptionist remarked with a sly grin.

"You got a room for us or not?" Gabriel demanded in a rough voice, as he slammed a wad of cash on the table.

"Relax, baby," she said in a sultry tone as she lifted a set of keys and jiggled them in front of us. "Room 69," she said with a wink.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Gabriel snatched the keys from her and headed towards the stairs, dragging me behind him. As we ascended, the lighting became dimmer, and the flickering bulbs reminded me of a horror movie. Suddenly, I felt guilty for complaining about the tent.

Gabriel eased open the door. The first thing I saw was the wallpaper, which wasn't that bad. It was a tad bit old and was peeling with a serious mould problem. But it wasn't the worst thing ever.

My gaze then shifted to the centre of the room where a round table and four mismatched chairs stood. The round table and four chairs looked as though they'd been stolen from the 80s - with neon-green tablecloth, a full set of old and grass-green china, crystal glasses, fading faux bouquets of bright red-coloured roses.

In the dimly lit room, the bed stood as the focal point, its presence dominating the space. The mattress was an odd yellow marred by unsightly blotches that tell tales of the room's sordid history. The sheets were discolored and threadbare, and the pillows were lumpy and misshapen.

The headboard, if it ever existed, was long gone, leaving behind only the ghostly outline of its former presence on the peeling wallpaper. A single bare bulb hung overhead, casting harsh shadows which accentuated the room's decrepit state.

Once inside the room, Gabriel closed the door behind him. The sudden hush that enveloped the space was a welcome change from the dissonance outside. He secured the door with a decisive lock of the deadbolt, followed by the metallic clatter of chains echoing down the hallway. In the dimly lit room, he moved around to each window and drew the curtains shut, the dusty fabric rattling in protest.

Arms crossed, Gabriel was leaning against the door. He frowned in concern and pushed off the frame, taking a step toward me. "You okay?" he murmured, his voice laced with worry.

I nodded but he wasn't convinced.

"You don't look okay," he told me as his gaze washed over my face. "You should shower first."

"Shower?" I whispered, taken aback by his suggestion, wondering if my anxious thoughts had gotten the best of me.

Gabriel seemed to sense my unease and let out a deep sigh. "We've been on the run for days," he breathed, stretching his arms up to the ceilings. "I know you're tired. Go shower."

As he gracefully stretched his lean and powerful body, the sight of his rippling muscles and toffee abs sent a jolt through me. My physical response was immediate, but my heart had already begun racing with anticipation.

At that moment, my tongue felt heavy and my mind went blank. So, instead of speaking, I silently nodded my head in agreement. As I looked around the dimly lit motel room, I noticed a stack of towels in the corner. After examining each one, I reluctantly picked up one of the dingy-looking towels, which seemed like it hadn't been washed in ages.

Gabriel raked both hands through his hair as he stalked across the room and collapsed on the foot of the bed. The mattress creaked under his weight, its springs protesting with each movement, while the frame emitted a low groan as if lamenting its existence.

Huffing a breath from my heated cheeks, I turned to the bathroom, shutting the door and it creaked louder than I thought it would.

I hesitantly approached the mirror and peered into it, half-expecting a stranger to stare back at me. The reflection vividly showed up the deep sorrow lurking behind my eyes, despite my best efforts to conceal it. My face was wan and worn out with chapped lips, surrounded by dull and limp hair.

Shaking my head at myself, and with a final glance at the mirror, I pulled open the mouldy grey shower curtain and ducked into the shower.

The shower unit appeared to have been designed to cater to individuals with a height of roughly three feet. As a result, the lukewarm water jet was hitting my stomach with such a minimal force that it felt like a mere trickle from a dripping faucet. To watch my sweat-soaked face I had to assume an awkward position by crouching low.

As the water grew colder, I hastily stepped out of the shower, wrapping the short towel around my breasts. I smeared away the condensation on the mirror to brush out the tangles in my wet hair, as I continued to think things through. I knew I needed to confront him and get him to tell me everything today. I would not let him leave or avoid the truth anymore. I wanted to listen to him, and for the first time in my life, everything I believed was wavering and shaking for this man in front of me, and I didn't know how to comprehend it all.

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension creeping in. I wondered if I possessed the necessary strength and courage to face the challenges that lay ahead, to listen to his story and slay the monster that loomed over us. The weight of my fears bore down on me, threatening to overwhelm and crush my spirit. But, even in the face of uncertainty and doubt, I knew deep down that I had to try my best and give it my all.

I took a deep breath and turned the bathroom doorknob, pushing the door open to step into the room, my eyes locking onto Gabriel's instantly. It was as if he had been waiting for me, his gaze meeting mine in an instant. We were both frozen like deer caught in headlights, staring at each other in silence.

Gabriel was the first to break the spell, his eyes darting down to the floor as a blush spread across his cheeks. His chin was tucked in slightly, and his eyes peeked up at me from under his long lashes before they seemed to travel down my body of their own accord. He quickly jerked them away, his hands curling into fists at his sides as he stood up abruptly.

It was suddenly raining outside. The pitter-patter sound of raindrops hitting the windows echoed throughout the room. Gabriel, drew in a deep breath as he closed his eyes and held it for a moment. He appeared stoic and unreadable, making it difficult to gauge his thoughts or emotions. It took a considerable amount of time before Gabriel's intense, pitch-black eyes fixed back on me again. I could see my own reflection in his eyes as if I was staring into a deep, dark abyss.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, taking a hesitant step closer to Gabriel, my embarrassment of being wrapped in a tiny towel momentarily forgotten.

Gabriel's jaw bulged for a moment as he looked into my eyes. "How are you?" He whispered, ignoring my question and directing it at me.

I stared back, not sure how to answer, but then decided to just be honest. I was tired of hiding my feelings. "I think I'm doing better."

The corner of his mouth hitched up with a flash of bitterness and there was an emotion in his eyes that I had never seen before. He was unlike himself, as he stayed still and quiet, observing me.

"You deserve better," he hissed out, his voice barely audible as if the words alone caused him immense pain.

My heart jumped in my chest at his words. Wrenching his gaze from mine, he collapsed back on the bed with his head in his hands.

"This was never supposed to happen." Gabriel ground the words out through clenched teeth, eyes instantly feral and crazed as his voice climbed with agitation. "You were never part of the fucking plan!"

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to cage my racing heart. "Gabriel, look at me." I forced out the words in nothing but a breathy whisper.

Gabriel tore his eyes from my feet, his gaze raked up my body, raising chill bumps over my exposed skin until his eyes met mine.

"I've got nothing!" He yelled as his eyes locked only mine with heat. "And you're fucking stuck with me for life." His voice splintered, as his hands clawed down his face. "I can't give you the life you deserve."

"Gabriel," my voice was barely audible, trembling with fear. I found myself stopping a foot away from him as my eyes surveyed his slinking muscles and taut body, admiring the chiselled lines of his jaw and the way his dark hair fell across his forehead. Instinctively, I sat down on the floor beside him, trying to ignore the electric charge that seemed to pass between us.

His eyes snapped down to mine, revealing a whirlwind of emotions swirling in his eyes.

For several seconds we just stared at each other.

"Gabriel," I tried again, reaching out my hand to his arm.

He flinched and jerked back in response, causing me to freeze.

My eyes darted between his, trying to read him. I could sense that he was feeling worried and afraid. His muscles were trembling, his body leaning away.

I wondered what was going through his mind, what secrets he was keeping, and whether he could ever truly understand the depths of my confusion and fear. But for now, all I could do was sit there, waiting for him to speak, trying to find the courage to face whatever came next.

He seemed to be struggling to keep his emotions in check, and I knew that I had to stay calm and steady to help him get through this.

Pulling my legs under me, I shifted to lean against the bed frame, "talk to me," I whispered as I got comfortable on the cold hardwood floor.

The muscles in his jaw jumped as he silently stared death rays at the floor.

"I'm here," I leaned my head against the bed, "You can talk to me, or not, but I am here."

His eyebrows twitched and twisted at my words. My body shuddered at the incomprehensible gaze aimed at me.

I looked up at him, "Of you?" I asked, my voice firm.

He dipped his chin, his eyes still locked on mine.

"Maybe I was at times." I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Memories of past hurts and disappointments flitted through my mind, but I pushed them aside. I huddled closer to the bed, feeling the dampness of my hair against my shoulders. "But I think now the only thing that scares me the most is the thought of losing you." I drew in a breath and released it slowly through pursed lips. "I don't want to be alone anymore," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Gabriel just stared at me, desperate. I was held by those black eyes that seemed to freeze whoever glanced at them. The darkness of his pupils was intense, almost as if they held an unfathomable depth.

"Tell me everything you promised to tell me when we got to New York."

For a long moment, he didn't say anything.

"Tell me," I whispered again, shifting so I was facing him a little more.

Pulling the blanket off the bed, I wrapped it around me and sat next to him on the bed. "Maybe you can start from the beginning?" I offered him a place to begin.

"Lycans," he murmured.


Gabriel's eyes darted nervously towards me as he revealed a shocking truth, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm half Lycan," he said, his words dripping with vulnerability. I could sense that he was struggling to find the right words to express what he needed to say.

As I waited for him to continue, I noticed his hands shaking slightly, a sign of the turmoil that was roiling within him. "My father was a Lycan who stole my mother from her mate," he continued, the bitterness in his voice was palpable. "Lycans can't have mates," he added, his eyes downcast. "That's why I never expected to find one."

I couldn't help the reflexive shudder that went through my body. Lycans were something I learnt about in school and was kept highly confidential due to the limited knowledge about them. All I knew was that Lycans were like werewolves but could transform into feral wolves during the fullest phase of the moon. In their feral wolf form, they possessed immense strength that enabled them to kill with ease. Their shift into wolf form was uncontrollable, which made them a formidable threat to others. As a result, many werewolves feared them. Despite their dangerous nature, the mystery surrounding Lycans has only added to their allure.

"So the stories about your dad..." I carefully probed.

"It's half true," he admitted with a sigh. "My father was in love with my mother and killed her mate to be with her. She was the daughter of an alpha, and so he took over her pack." Gabriel rubbed his jaw, lost in thought. "Lycans don't have packs, we're lone wolves, who only follow the moon, that's why they were so easily defeated by the Seven; most of the population was wiped out."

"The Seven see Lycans as a threat because they're the original wolves." Gabriel drew in a deep breath. "Werewolves were born from a witch and a lycan." He said. "But lycans are the original wolves, and during full moons we turn into monsters, ten times stronger than an Alpha werewolf."

"That's why the Seven wanna kill me, they see me as a threat to werewolf kind." His voice was filled with venom as he spoke, his countenance shifting into something fierce and dark, as though he had flipped a switch."That's why they killed my Father," he continued, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "He was able to take over an entire pack like it was nothing; they saw him a as threat to their power."

My head bobbed in a weak nod as my mind spun trying to process everything. Lycans, full moons, witches - my brain scrambled to put all the pieces together. After a while of silence, a thought popped into my mind, and I blurted out the question. "Are there any more Lycans out there?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"There's not many Lycans out there anymore; there never was anyway since we don't have packs, we just stay in hiding, especially after the Seven tried to kill us all." Gabriel had closed his eyes, the muscles jumping in his jaw as his teeth ground in an audible rumble.

A silence fell on us, as I was not sure where to go from there. Gabriel was so obviously struggling with his past and his emotions and I was so out of character I did not know what to do in that moment. It was clear that he had been living with this secret for a long time, and that it had taken a great deal of courage for him to share it with me.

"What did you mean before, about Lycans not having mates?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly. I tried to push aside my emotions and confusion by focusing on something new.

I watched as Gabriel's lips pursed, his private thoughts evident in the furrowed lines of his brow. "Lycan's don't have mates. They're bound to the moon and its cycles. They can feel love, but they're lone wolves by nature, and can't stay in relationships for too long, not when the moon is always calling to them." The discomfort on Gabriel's face was palpable as he spoke, his eyes betraying a hidden pain. "It's in their nature to only be devoted to the moon. My father left my mother eventually because he never really loved her, not when the moon was always calling to him." Gabriel's voice was tense, and his jaw clenched tightly. "My Mother took her own life when I was old enough to walk. They said she missed her real mate too much."

"After my Mother died, my Father started taking over neighbouring packs. The Seven didn't like that so they lured him by kidnapping me and they killed him." Gabriel sucked in a breath. "After my Father was killed, I grew up alone; kicked out of the pack."

"I remember my father telling me that Lycans don't have mates, and we are bound to serve the moon for the rest of our lives." Gabriel locked his eyes with mine, his gaze was intense, and his expression was grave. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air as he continued, "That's why I never expected to find a mate. I never wanted to force anyone to be with me like my Father did." Gabriel's voice choked stiffly, and his eyes turned misty. "But when I saw you for the first time, I felt something that I never expected to find."

"A mate." I finished for him.

"But even if you're my mate, you're never really safe with me." Gabriel's voice was nothing but a rasp and my eyes met his dark scowl. "You might get hurt if you choose to stay with me." His voice grew harder, more difficult to listen to.

"This is serious, Harper," Gabriel breathed. "And you gotta think about it." He paused for a moment, his eyes flickering over my face as if searching for something. Then he let out a long, heavy sigh.

"I mean, I have a lot of enemies and sometimes when there's a full moon I don't have control of my wolf, that's why I'm gone for a while, so if you choose to..." His words trailed off, and his lips stuttered uncharacteristically. "If you choose to be my mate," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "you're always gonna be in danger too."

As I listened to his words, a sudden weariness overtook me. It was as if a heavy weight had been placed on my shoulders. I involuntarily shuddered at the implications of his words. They were loaded with meaning, and I couldn't help but feel a strange tingling sensation in my stomach as they sank in. It was an odd feeling, not entirely unpleasant, but certainly not something I was used to.

"You've been protecting me all this time," I said, attempting a little smile. "And you've never failed once."

Gabriel closed his eyes with a dismissive scoff. "I can never be good enough," he said softly. His voice was tinged with sadness, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him.

I frowned as I noticed that expression of self-hatred on his face. In that moment, I realized how blindly I had believed everything I was told about him, without ever bothering to question or verify the facts. I had held hatred in my heart for him based solely on the rumours and gossip that circulated about him.

I felt ashamed and embarrassed at my ignorance and naivete. It was then that I began to feel a pang of empathy for him. I could sense that he was carrying a heavy burden on his broad shoulders, one that was not entirely of his own making.

Gabriel weighed the world resting on his broad shoulders, and if he didn't accept some help soon, it was only a matter of time before it broke that strong back of his. I knew that I needed to be more understanding and compassionate towards him, even if it meant setting aside my own biases and preconceptions.

"Here's what I think," I spoke with conviction, my words carrying a weight that made his eyes snap open to meet mine. "I think you're being too hard on yourself," I said firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument. "My mom always told me that finding a mate is not a weakness but a strength. Maybe you should start seeing it that way too."

"I trust you," I vowed passionately, my hand reaching up to rest on Gabriel's broad shoulder. My heart raced as I watched his face carefully, knowing that my decision would change everything from that moment on. "Your best is good enough for me, and I've decided that I want to stay with you."

Gabriel's dark eyes, as intense as the night sky, trembled with emotion. His gaze held mine captive as he whispered, "So you really wanna be with me?"

The weight of his question hung heavy in the air between us, and my breath caught in my throat. 

After a moment of silence, I summoned my courage and spoke my truth. "Yeah, I do," I whispered, my voice barely audible. The words hung in the air, charged with raw emotion.

"Harper?" he whispered, his voice hoarse and uncertain. There was an unspoken question hanging in the air between us. "Can I..." he trailed off, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

Without a word, I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, feeling the soft warmth of his mouth as it yielded to mine. At that moment, there was no need for words. All I could think was that I needed him. I needed his arms around me, needed him to hold me, and whisper that everything would work out in the end.

There had been enough second-guessing and hesitation, at least from my end. I finally decided to take the plunge. Even though I knew I might end up regretting it later. I needed to kiss him again.

Gabriel seemed surprised for a few seconds, and then he was all in, kissing me back like his life depended on it.

His lips crashed onto mine with an intensity that stole my breath away, igniting a wildfire of desire that consumed every inch of my being. There was nothing soft or gentle about the kiss; it was raw, primal, and utterly intoxicating. As our lips melded together, every thought in my mind dissolved into a haze of pure ecstasy, leaving me drowning in a sea of sensations.

A low, guttural groan escaped from deep within his chest, sending shivers racing down my spine and setting my skin ablaze with desire. I could feel the hunger in his touch, the urgency in his movements, as if he couldn't bear to be apart from me for even a moment longer.

My hands traced the contours of Gabriel's shoulders, feeling the hard, sinewy muscles beneath his skin, before trailing down his chest in a fevered exploration. It was as if I couldn't get enough of him, couldn't quench the insatiable thirst that consumed me whenever he was near.

In the next heartbeat, Gabriel had me pinned down on the bed, his body pressed against mine in a deliciously possessive embrace. Our mouths moved together in a dance of passion and desire, each movement orchestrated with a precision that bordered on perfection. It was as if we were creating our symphony, our melody of love that reverberated through the very air around us.

At that moment, as his lips caressed mine with an intensity that left me breathless, I realized that I never wanted it to end. I never wanted to stop feeling his touch, tasting his lips, inhaling his scent. He was my addiction, my obsession, and I knew that I would never be able to get enough of him.


Hey babe!

How have you been?

How's 2024 treating you?

Sorry I've been MIA for a while, I was kidnapped by an Alpha who claimed I was his mate, but then another Alpha said I was his mate too, and then I had a bunch of Alphas fighting over me and it was a whole mess. 

In the end I decided to stay single so I can write you guys another chapter. 

Anyways, you probably know the drill by now, vote and comment bitches!

Your favourite side piece,


P.S. If you don't comment and vote I will turn Gabriel into Kim Jong Un. 

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1M 43.8K 40
[ COMPLETED ] An unexplainable spark ignites within Gabriel when he meets his brother's best friend, Alexander, the perfect example of a walking sex...
476K 12K 60
"You're in my territory now, princess, and you'll abide by my rules. Is that clear?" he whispered in my ear as he backed me against the wall, his han...
1.3K 95 48
β™‘Book 1 of 'The Kingdom of Sacrificed Hearts' seriesβ™‘ "Lucilla told me that Sabrina wrote many love songs. It was her favorite genre to write. She ha...