Finding Utopia

By Humanning

903 75 6

A strange dream takes Luz to a distant planet where everyone and everything is seemingly perfect, she meets A... More

Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 2: What's Going On?
Chapter 3: Back To Reality?
Chapter 4: An Uncanny Contact
Chapter 5: Past Lives
Chapter 6: A Friendly Neighbor
Chapter 7: Good/Bad Intentions
Chapter 8: Conflicting Priorities
Chapter 9: A Turn of Events
Chapter 10: Intriguing perspectives
Chapter 11: Hurtful words
Chapter 12: A Hidden Pathway
Chapter 13: Unexpected Coincidences?
Chapter 14: Awaited Confrontations
Chapter 15: How It Happened
Chapter 16: Emotional Serendipity
Chapter 17: Finding Utopia
Chapter 18: A Draining Paradise
Chapter 19: The Wishes
Chapter 20: A Leap Of Faith
Chapter 21: Stronger Together
Chapter 22: Consequences!
Chapter 23: Good Riddance!
Chapter 24: The Simpler the Better!
Chapter 25: Unprecedented Situations
Chapter 26: Knowing When To Stop
Chapter 27: A Break To Think
Chapter 28: Subconscious Mind
Chapter 29: The Last Wishes

Chapter 30: Fin

42 2 0
By Humanning

Luz woke up with pain in her lower abdomen her mind still remembered the trauma, so she decided to see a doctor and after running some tests, they found out her uterus was damaged and that she could never have children. She contacted her friends and told them the bad news, her friends feigning ignorance, tried to console her, so Maya decided to give her the money, diamonds, and gold that Aliaan left her so they gave her a box written upon it "To Luz Gil" that the Hawks left her, the box was real and there was a sum of money in it left by the Hawks but what Aliaan left was added on it so Luz had nothing to worry about financially for the rest of her life.

Luz decided to use some of her new fortunes to help multiple orphanages that she chose to oversee herself in order to make sure the orphans got what she donated and used it. After some time Luz came to terms with her inability to have kids and decided to be a mother to many orphans instead. as she told her friends: " I can't be a biological mother to kids can't choose, but I can be a mother figure to kids I choose, I'm gonna be the mother I always wished for when I was in an orphanage."

Aliaan went back and forth from Aaraa to Earth to study the differences between the Earthen and the Aaraan brains and it became his new passion, he and Luz met again but for her, he was a mere stranger whom she has a quirky crush on but nothing too serious.

Aliaan decided to visit other planets with humans or creatures that have a lot in common with humans and study their brains as well, he met new people from different worlds who were fascinated by this study to whom he introduced to Maanaa's traveling device and became a colossal hit intergalactically, so much so, that new rules were set in many planets about the use of the devices Maanaa makes.

Maanaa and Xeelai travel together through space introducing Maanaa's products as well as Xeelai's memoirs about his experiences with communicating with several misunderstood creatures. He enjoys his new power and now acts as a peacemaker/connoisseur.

The three Aaraans became intergalactic icons and took Aaraa and many other planets 100 years ahead, but not Earth, earthens needed a bit more time to adjust to the idea of alien life on other planets and galaxies and time travel.

Marco started writing songs depicting his adventures that were seen as brilliant and imaginative fictitious songs. His songs went viral and millions of people of all ages loved them. He then joined his close friend's podcast with a bunch of theorists, scholars, and astronomers to talk about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and space travel. He met a female astronomer and they started dating after a short time, she is his literal wish come true.

And his friend was non-other than Ziri, Ziri started funding a lot of researchers that studied potential alien life, and some others that were in the technological field, he wanted to pioneer the "first" extraterrestrial contact, basically, paving the way for when the Aaraans come. His podcast is very popular, hosting a new thinker every week, he has a lot of admirers but also a lot of haters. Ziri made sure to grow his new wealth and help his family and friends.

Thiyya got her dream house, so she took some time off her job to work on her farm and bought some animals. She decided to DIY her house to her liking, she made a magical library, some hidden chambers, and compartments in her furniture, she also decorated it in a magical/fantasy style. Walking into her home feels like walking into a fairy tale, even her house curtains were made like fairy wings, some exotic plants here and there, and the dining table's legs were tree branches that held the larger piece of wood that was polished in a way to make it look natural and unpolished.

Maya chose a lone path, she travels realms beyond Earth and Aaraa, after gaining so many powers, she has become unstoppable, misunderstood, and envied by every one of her earthen friends who resented her for being so ahead of them on every level despite their love for her, they couldn't understand her, she accepted she was meant for a lonely life and dedicated her time to learning about the cosmos and helping others.

Maya was seen as a mythical creature by the many creatures who heard of her, and an idol to those she helped, she was a goddess, someone others aspired to become like, others loved and revered and others simply envied or hated her. And for a long time, she accepted she will never be loved for who she was until she realized, she was all those things people admired or hated about her, she accepted that it was normal for her to lose some of her friends, and she never stopped overlooking over them whenever she visited, but she mainly joined the Aaraans in their quests from time to time, she was respected by the creatures that met her but always seen as unreachable.

Some of the friends grew apart but others bonded more over shared interests more importantly they all learned perfection is unachievable and that getting what they want didn't mean happiness. They learned happiness isn't something reachable if they base it on others or on material things or anything outside of themselves. What Utopia taught them is that everything comes at a price and that they need to be careful about what they wish for, and that it takes more work on oneself to be content and achieve peace within before one reaches anything one desire and is happy with it.

The love and abundance they all craved, the dreams, were already there, they just needed to imagine them and feel them come true from within before they materialize, it shouldn't take so much hard work, it shouldn't take heartbreak and sacrificing the most important things to them.


Thank you so much for reading my first attempt at writing spontaneously, I wanted to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone because I'm usually planning ahead and making sure everything is perfect, haha, ironically I've been learning this lesson with the characters, that perfection is unachievable and though my writing isn't the best, I'm still ok with it as a first, I got to interact with these characters in my mind like they were real people instead of characters I created myself, even when I talked about them with my cousin ( my number 1 fan haha) it felt like we were talking about someone else's story. I have always been fearful of publishing any of my stories because I thought they weren't good enough or that I'm not good enough but I think I'm okay with that now, some things are meant to be what they are instead of following the norm, and I'm going to keep doing this because the more I wrote, the more I came up with new ideas and the more I enjoyed this.

So this is the last of Finding Utopia, but I'm already writing my new story: Perspectives. It's quite different from this one, I'll try to publish the first part next Friday. "Perspectives" is about an incident that happened to a young woman, that was witnessed by a few people, and in the story, we get to see each character's perspective and how they all see similar but different things from their own perspective vs how they tell the story. I hope it's interesting for you, and again thank you so much.

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