By jiaqisushi

1.1K 50 162

Lavender Envelope: Of Coffees, Long Drives and Confessions by JungkookAmore On Ao3 Summary: Chaeyoung doesn't... More


1.1K 50 162
By jiaqisushi

happy birthday, rosie! 🎉


Morning traffic,

everyone tries to avoid it but are always caught up together anyways. Chaeyoung leaves her house on time however still stuck in the loud, humid traffic.

Entering the transparent doors she head straight for the elevator and wait along side everyone else. Her bored expression or as other people may call it 'the resting bitch face' is on point. She lets out a quiet sigh as the person beside her shifted an inches away from her. She knows the reason why more people are even more intimidated by her the past few days - it's because she had her hair freshly cut. From the long wavy ponytail to the short straight cut, she leaves everyone in awe but no one dares to approach her unless it's necessary.

From her work attire, people she pass by in the lobby usual take her for the directors or someone with a huge title. When the truth is that she is just a regular employee; a good one at that, from the sales department.

Chaeyoung has never turn a report late, always gives excellent results and is never tardy. She shows up on time and leave on time. Although her colleagues can't say they have gotten closer with her in the span of her working in the sales department for almost two years now, everyone sings praises with how good and talented she is when getting the job done.

When entering the room Chaeyoung quickly notice the change in the atmosphere. Most of her colleagues aren't sitting on their respective tables but are gathering around in groups.

She went to her designated table and puts her bag down. She raised her brows at the small commotion in the room but dismissed it and started to look through her work for the day.

"Good morning Chaeyoung," her table neighbor greets her with her usual sunshine voice.

"Morning Lisa," Chaeyoung said back.

"Have you receive your coffee and cupcakes?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh right ~" Lisa exclaimed loudly and moved closer to Chaeyoung with her revolving chair. "Yesterday when you were out to meet the client, the manager made an announcement."

Chaeyoung nodded. "And?"

"Mr Chen got a promotion and is going to be placed in Hong Kong. He listed out two people who he thought would fit the role of the new chief sales manager," Lisa says.

Chaeyoung nodded once more. After being desk neighbors for a year Chaeyoung knows Lisa waits for reactions and will always pause dramatically while she says something and see how the other person is reacting to the news.

"To be fair all of the people in our department are allowed to vote for which ever person we preferred. The voting will take place in the first week of next month," Lisa explained. "I already know who you're going to vote for, " she adds cheekily.


"Irene of course. Cause you hate Jennie," Lisa says tilting her head and grins.

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. Of course those two would be the candidates.

"I don't hate Jennie Kim," Chaeyoung repeated the same words she had been telling Lisa for a long time.

"You're making it harder and harder to believe you when you always call her by her full name," Lisa states. "Some of the people here even call her by her nickname."

Chaeyoung shrug. "Her nickname is stupid. And I can't believe everyone is making such commotion over this as if the voting is not going to take place right away."

"That's because Jennie bought coffees and cupcakes for everyone. That reminds me you haven't got one. Jennie! Jen-"

"No no. I don't want it," Chaeyoung desperately tries to stop Lisa .

"What do you mean. Even if you don't like her it's still free food. Jennie! Over here," Lisa successfully gained the said girl's attention.

Chaeyoung winces looking down at her table and can sense the brunette haired-girl approaching her desk. Starting her day like this, she guesses today won't be her lucky day.

"What is it Lisa?" A soft voice asks.

"Chaeyoung hasn't received her coffee and cupcakes, that's all," Lisa Informed.

Chaeyoung looks up at the wrong time, making eye contact with Jennie. The girl before her is beautiful indeed however Chaeyoung hold a huge grudge against her.

She thought Jennie will definitely disagree or make an excuse since she knows the latter also doesn't like her but a miracle happened in front of her eyes as Jennie nodded and went back to her table and comes back with a cup of coffee and some blueberry cupcakes.

"Here you go Chaeyoung," Jennie says with a smile.

Chaeyoung furrowed her brows and didn't say a single word back; just processing what the hell just happened.

She can understand the part where Jennie got her the coffee and cupcakes because Lisa was the one asking for her but Jennie Kim was smiling at her, and it wasn't the mocking or fake smile, but a real smile. Chaeyoung felt like she entered a parallel universe where things happen in the opposite way.

With no response from Chaeyoung, Jennie puts on a bigger smile and asks, "Aren't you gonna eat it?"

It was then that the former confirm she is still living in the same world as she catch the small twitch on Jennie's lips.

She lets out a fake cough and leans back on her chair.

"Maybe later, I already ate," she said as nonchalantly as possible.

"Oh here we go again," Lisa sighs softly and rolls away from them. Already expecting the bickering that's gonna follow.

"It will get cold by that time. I'm sure you can squeeze in the coffee and cupcakes, it's not even that much," Jennie insist.

"Maybe you like over eating yourself but I'm a person who knows my limits. That coffee and cupcakes will only make me feel nauseous if I eat it now," Chaeyoung says back.

Jennie turns the other way and Chaeyoung hears the huge exhales that comes after. She knows it's the older habit by now, she does it whenever she gets frustrated when she and Chaeyoung can't come to terms together.

Chaeyoung thought Jennie would mutter something under her breath and leave like she always does but to her surprise for the second time in one day, Jennie turns back to her with a smile still plaster on her face.

"Okay then, if you can't have it now then I'll treat you to something else. Tell me when and what you wanna eat," she said nicely.

Chaeyoung feels goosebumps all over her arms. This Jennie is way scarier than the one she use to know.

"Well I won't keep you from working. Let's catch up later, have a nice day," Jennie said smiling and went back to her own station.

"What the fuck just happened?"

She wasn't expecting an answer and nearly jumped when Lisa's voice suddenly came from beside her.

"Jennie must really want that promotion, she didn't even sass back at you."

Chaeyoung caresses her arms voraciously to make the goosebumps go away. "I would prefer if she went back to her usual ways of glaring at me from a distance. She is scaring me when she is nice."

"Jennie is always nice. The problem is both of you, " Lisa said as a matter of fact. "Also now I know you also have some fear."

The day went on and Chaeyoung work like she does every day. When lunch time rolled around she met up with her friend from the IT department and both of them head over to the cafeteria.

Chaeyoung told Jisoo about the incident that happened earlier in the morning and the latter cracked up.

"So your notice me unnie moment is finally coming, " Jisoo teased.

"Shut up. I can't believe she is going on as far as giving out free coffees just to get votes. Isn't it humiliating?"

Jisoo shrugged ready to devour her lunch. "Maybe she's really in need of the promotion. Who knows?"

"But to stand that low, really? I mean she's even voluntarily talking to me because of this," Chaeyoung shook her head. "She must be really desperate huh."

Jisoo's eyes turn wide abruptly and her mouth is filled with food making her look like a snowball.

"Hnn - inhhh!"

"The voting isn't even till next month. If she keeps this up, she'll be broke by the time she gets promoted," Chaeyoung goes on. "Well that is' if '. But I think Irene will win, don't you think? She has more of a leader vibe than Kim Jennie that's for sure."


"Oh my - can't you just swallow it and tell me," Chaeyoung raises her voice in annoyance because Jisoo is having a stupid expression on and isn't making sense with what she is saying.

Seeing Jisoo tilted head, Chaeyoung raises one brow and faces behind her.

She lets out a yelp when she see's the topic of their conversation behind her, with a deadly smile.

Chaeyoung quickly pulled a cool facial expression, already regretting the small yelp that she let out, and said, "Why are you standing there?"

"I was hoping to eat with you two," Jennie said with a smile still on her lips.

"No," Chaeyoung replied bluntly.

"What do you mean no?" Jisoo is quick to say "Come sit. Sit."

With Jisoo's approval Jennie sat down in front of the two. Chaeyoung openly glares at her friend and goes as far as kicking her legs. However, Jisoo being the good or evil friend that she is, smiles through the pain and faces Jennie.

"How was your morning?"

"Oh, I had a wonderful morning thanks for asking. As you may have already heard I gave out free coffees and cupcakes as today marks the fifth year since I started working here," Jennie said smiling directly at Chaeyoung. "Also yesterday our manager told me that I would qualify to take his role if my colleagues agree. Feels good to be appreciated. "

Jisoo nodded with a smirk, "Is that so." Now it's her turn to kick Chaeyoung's leg.

Chaeyoung too takes in the pain without a single flinch. She feels extreme embarrassment to her bones. But some part of her is still irritated at the girl in front because she's sure Jennie only came to guilt trip her.

"Yes. It's a coincidence that something like this happened at the same time. I honestly wasn't expecting it."

"I'm sure your manager find the potential in you. You'll get the job for sure, " Jisoo assures.

"I'm not too confident since I lack leadership vibes."

Jisoo lets out a snigger.

Chaeyoung curse in her head and by this time she absolutely positive that Kim Jennie came all the way here just to make her feel bad. Also she had enough of Jisoo nudging her with her knee under the table.

"Don't take what Chaeyoung said too seriously," Jisoo said, waving her hand.

"Yeah, when have you ever take my words seriously," Chaeyoung states.

"I take your words seriously. Just last week you said there is something wrong with the budget for the new product and I personally look into it," Jennie defend herself.

"Tch. Not before having an argument with me that lasted fifteen minutes," Chaeyoung said back.

"That's because you could have done it yourself but let me - who was packing up to go home, do it."

Their voices are getting louder and louder.

"You came in late that day so you were the most suitable person to do it. You think you can just come in late and leave early," it wasn't even a question the way Chaeyoung said it.

Jennie let out a big sigh. "My nephews were sick and nobody was free to take care of them."

"You're just full of excuses aren't you. Do you think - never mind," Chaeyoung realizes she is getting too worked up in the middle of the cafeteria. "Jisoo let's go. I've lost my appetite. "

"Where are you going. Finish what you have to say," Jennie said her voice being a little strained but Chaeyoung got up and leave the table without saying a single word.

She felt Jisoo's presence a few seconds later beside her.

"Real smooth Chaeyoung. Real smooth."

When she got back to her table after, Chaeyoung whispered to Lisa.

"The coffee and cupcakes this morning were for celebrating Jennie's fifth year working here, idiot. "

"I know. They told me after," Lisa simply said. "Good thing we didn't told anybody else."

Chaeyoung may call Lisa an idiot but she knows she's the actual idiot.

Over the next few days Chaeyoung thought Jennie would avoid her or at least have the usual scowl on her face but she thought wrong. Jennie continues to force herself to eat with her and Jisoo and also starts stopping by her desk to say hello or a friendly quick chat. Every time, Chaeyoung will find it super weird and downright awkward sometimes. But she has to give it to Jennie for her persistency.

"You called me Mr Chen?"

"Ahh yes Chaeyoung come in, come in," Mr Chen said.

Chaeyoung walked in his office and sit when he gestured her to sit.

"I want you to attend dinner with Mr Wang tonight to finalize our contract. You are the most fit person for this."

Chaeyoung nodded. "Yes Mr Chen."

"Maybe take someone with you. Preferably Jaehyun or Mark. It's best to tak -"

"I'll go with her."

Mr Chen words gets interrupted by non other than Jennie from the door.

"Sorry, the door wasn't close properly and I happen to pass by," Jennie quickly explained.

Chaeyoung grimace unbelievably while Mr Chen nodded.

"It's fine. But I think Chaeyoung should go with a guy Jennie."

"Let me go along with Chaeyoung Mr Chen. I'm not new in finalizing contracts plus both Jaehyun and Mark are busy. Luckily I don't have much work to do," Jennie said eagerly.

Chaeyoung thought Mr Chen was going to oppose some more but then he became quiet as if he's thinking so she swiftly steps in.

"I don't want you there," Chaeyoung states.

She catches the little pout Jennie puts on before it's quickly erased. "Come on Chaeyoung, it's better to go with a partner. "

"Anyone but you," Chaeyoung still argues.

"If the other's are not available then I think it's fine for both of you to go," Mr Chen stops them before they start another fight.

Jennie lets out a happy squeal and on the other hand Chaeyoung looks at her boss with betrayal. "We'll come back with good news," Jennie exclaimed before leaving the office.

"Really? Her?" Chaeyoung asked in disbelief.

Mr Chen shrug. "What can I do if other's are busy with their works."

"You know you just made more work for me right."

Later in the evening Chaeyoung waited for Jennie by her car. When the latter comes out from the elevator Chaeyoung scowls her way.

"I know you don't want me to come with you but can you at least put on a more pleasant face. You'll scare them away," she said walking towards Chaeyoung.

"Do you have anything other the skirt you're wearing?" Chaeyoung ask.

"All my clothes are at home. Why are you asking?"

Chaeyoung roll her eyes. "Why do you have to wear that skirt today," she groan instead. She unlocks the car and goes inside.

"What's wrong with my skirt?" Jennie questions and enters the car as well.

When they reach the restaurant where the meeting was to be held, Chaeyoung told Jennie to pull down her skirt as much as possible.

"This type of fabric doesn't stretch," Jennie hissed after being push by Chaeyoung the whole way.

Chaeyoung grit her teeth to help her calm down. The waitress stop walking and gestures that they have reach the private booth. The younger thank her and told them that they'll be entering themselves. After the waitress leave Chaeyoung, as quietly as possible, slides the door to peek in the small room. There was Mr Wang inside and beside him sat another man, probably his assistant.

"When we go in I'll sit in the chair beside Mr Wang and you sit in my right understand," Chaeyoung tells Jennie softly. "Don't move else where."


"Just do as I say."

They open the door and greet the guests inside.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Mr Wang smiles and said, "It's fine. It's never a bore waiting for two beautiful women."

Jennie cringe at the greasy line and although Chaeyoung hasn't answer her question she follows along to what the younger said.

"How are you Chaeyoung? And who is this pretty lady you bring with you," Mr Wang said with a glimmer in his eyes.

"I'm doing well, Mr Wang. And this is my colleague Miss Jennie Kim," Chaeyoung answered politely. "Let's not beat around and talk about the contract. "

"Always in a rush aren't you Chaeyoung," Mr Wang chuckles. "Fine, I've ordered food let's start before it arrives. "

Chaeyoung starts briefing about the contract and Mr Wang nodded listening carefully. The man sitting beside Mr Wang tells them about their side of the deal too, and in no time they came to an agreement.

"Looks like we cover up everything. I looked forward to working with your company."

"So are we Mr Wang."

"Let's not wait until the food is cold. Dig in."

As they started eating Mr Wang continuously keeps on making conversations with Jennie. Some even getting too private. Jennie finds the conversations awkard and some comments the older man said are extremely inappropriate because she saw the wedding band on his finger but didn't say anything about it as she didn't want to create problems that would cause problems for her work.

"Jennie come sit here and pour me another glass hmm."

The said girl raises her brows but before she can say anything Chaeyoung speaks up.

"Allow me Mr Wang, I'm sitting closer to you."

"You already pour me a drink Chaeyoung, now it's Jennie's turn. We're business partners now, aren't we. It's given to pour alcohol for each other."

Jennie stops Chaeyoung before she starts to quarrel with the old man.

She gets up and sit on the spot Mr Wang has ask her too. She then picks up the porcelain pot and pours the content for him.

Jennie feels goosebumps all over her body as she feels the man beside him staring at her. And when she felt a hand on her bare thighs she yelps out loud, also leading her to spill the entire alcohol on the table.

"Mr Wang, just what do you think you're doing!" Chaeyoung yells.

"My hands accidentally slip," is all Mr Wang said.

"I'm so sorry I've made a mess," Jennie says apologetically and tries her best to clean up using the tissue on the table.

Mr Wang however looks to delighted as he says, "It's alright. Mr Lee why don't you and Chaeyoung get another drink and ask for some more tissues."

"We would just call somebody to clean this up," Chaeyoung said.

"Let's go, they'll take too long," Mr Lee insisted.

Chaeyoung sigh and gets up along with Mr Lee.

"Chaeyoung please hurry up, the table is all wet," Jennie says.

Chaeyoung knows the other girl is conveying another message and is telling her to come back soon as she doesn't want to stay alone with the man for too long.

Chaeyoung left the room with an uneasy feeling and follows Mr Lee. By the time they take the third turn Chaeyoung finds it suspicious why they haven't met a single staff.

And it hit her.

"That fucking bastard," she shouts and turns around.

Mr Lee tries to stop her but Chaeyoung sends a flying punch in his face.

She runs as fast as she can to where she came from and almost missed her booth. Chaeyoung can already hear cries coming from the booth and when she slams open the door, the sight wasn't what she expected.

Mr Wang is on the floor with his hand on his head and Jennie stands a little further from him holding the flower vase.

Seeing Chaeyoung, Jennie tears harder.

"Chaeyoung - I - I swear I didn't mean to hurt him but he was touching me - "

Chaeyoung doesn't let her finish as she lungs forward and kick the lying men on the floor.

"You disgusting piece of shit!"

Mr Wang shouts in pain and that's when the staff and Mr Lee rushed in. They pull Chaeyoung away and ask what was going on. After they explain the situation the manager said she will report it to the police but Mr Lee beg them not too.

"You can kiss the contract goodbye. I'll never work with a bastard like you," Chaeyoung spits before she grabs Jennie's hand and drags her out of the room. When they step outside only did they realize it has been raining. Jennie internally chuckles at the irony of the setting.

The moment they got in the car, Chaeyoung started yelling.

"How can you be so stupid?! Right from the moment that we sat down - no even from just seeing his face, how can you not know he was a pervert. Didn't it even came across you when he started talking to you. Are you stupidly naive or just ignorant."

It wasn't even a question so Jennie doesn't bother to talk back and choose to stare at the raindrop on the glass.

"Also why the fuck did you sit closer to him. I clearly told you not to move from your seat before we enter. Didn't that went through your small brain. You know what, this won't have happened if you haven't volunteered to come from the start. Mind your own business Kim Jennie, if you hadn't mingle at the office things wouldn't have turn out like this. Why are you always so annoying and desperate. You've worked for five years and you still can't even do your job right. No wonder you haven't gotten a step up."

"Stop the car."


"I said, stop the car," Jennie repeats.

Chaeyoung is startled but stops the car on the sidewalk.

Jennie grabs her bag, undid her seatbelt and steps out into the rain.

"Are you fucking retarded. What are you doing?" Chaeyoung shouts.

"I can't spend another second with you looking down on me," Jennie said and close the door.

Chaeyoung scoffs. "Suit yourself. Hope you catch a cold," and without looking back Chaeyoung drives away.

Chaeyoung curse under her breath but of course can't stop thinking back to Jennie. She had a war going in her mind on whether to turn back or to move on. And after weighting on her options Chaeyoung stops once more on the side ways and wait for Jennie looking through the mirror. But when the latter doesn't show up Chaeyoung being to really worry.

She starts the engine and drives the opposite direction.

She then spots Jennie in the same position she left her. Chaeyoung stops in front of her once more and the older looked surprise when she rolls the window down.

"Get in - "

"He could have done it to any other girl," Jennie said abruptly. "He - Mr Wang could have done that to any other girl. It's not because I'm naive nor stupid it's because he is not a good person. So why are you scolding me when I'm the victim and you clearly know that he is a pervert. I want the meeting to went well too."

Her voice is hoarse and it struck right through Chaeyoung. Seeing Jennie soaking wet from head to toe, with crestfallen shoulders and strained voice, Chaeyoung couldn't feel more guilty.

"Please get inside the car," she said opening the door for her.

"I'm not retarded either," Jennie said with a snuffy nose.

Chaeyoung takes off her blazer and undid her seatbelt. She walks around the hood of the car and stand in front of Jennie. The latter looks from her wet lashes and Chaeyoung's heart isn't still at all.

"I'm sorry for what I said," Chaeyoung apologize as they stood under the rain. "It was inconsiderate of me and you're right, he could've done that to anyone. "

And they stood still like that. The only sounds coming from the rain hitting the ground and the engine of the car.

Jennie is still staring at Chaeyoung with blank expression and Chaeyoung is waiting for any kind of reaction from the older.

"I accept your apology, " Jennie said finally.

"Good. Let's get in the car."

Chaeyoung help Jennie get in and puts on the dry blazer to cover her. She then close the door, walk around the hood once more and enter the car.

"You'll be cold," Jennie said as Chaeyoung has gotten completely wet too.

"I didn't stand under the rain that long like someone."

The drive back wasn't as chaotic anymore and they safely reach Chaeyoung's apartment. Both the girls are freezing with the air conditioner hitting their soaking bodies. They let out a relief exhale when the elevator stops.

"Nice apartment you got here." Jennie is completely in awe as they enter Chaeyoung's apartment

"Thanks. The bathroom is that way. Go take a shower before you catch a cold," Chaeyoung said.

Jennie hesitates. "You could just drop me off. I feel like I've burdened you too much."

"It would have been more of a burden if I had to drive any further with my clothes sticking to my body," Chaeyoung said nonchalantly but in the inside she's slapping herself. She could have just said it's fine but here she is saying it so conceitedly.

"I don't even have a change of clothes."

"I'll find something for you to wear. A set of towels are on the shelves. Hurry."

Jennie nods and head in the direction Chaeyoung pointed.

While she shower Chaeyoung takes off her wet clothes and start looking for Jennie to wear. She picks out an oversized sweater and sweatpants. She place everything on the floor near the bathroom door and head to the kitchen to make some warm drinks for them.


Chaeyoung swiftly leaves everything she is doing and hurried to the direction of the bathroom. She didn't expect Jennie coming out of the bathroom the exact moment making them almost collide against each her other.

"What is it?"

"I - I just wanted to say the bathroom is free," Jennie stutter.

Chaeyoung lets out a sigh. She ran for nothing. Jennie however is blushing and is looking away which leaves Chaeyoung confused. That is until she looks at herself and realizes she only has a single towel covering her naked body.

But it wasn't a big deal as they're both girls. Chaeyoung suppresses her smile as the girl in front of her is looking anywhere other than her.

"Thanks for the information. There is chamomile tea in the kitchen if you want some," Chaeyoung says.

Jennie nodded. "Okay... I'll uh - go then."

Chaeyoung watch her awkwardly heading for the kitchen and then entered the bathroom. When she spot herself in the mirror, smiling widely she quickly stops.

"What the fuck was that?"

As she washes herself she finds herself rushing. At first she didn't even notice but for some reason her heart is beating a little faster and the long relaxing bath she takes is cut short. After putting on some clothes and checking if her hair is all over the place or not, she goes to the kitchen.

Chaeyoung finds Jennie there, looking through her kitchen cabinets as if a rat at night. She fakes a cough to get Jennie attention and the latter turn around like a deer caugh in headlights.

"I was bored. My phone died," Jennie explains herself.

Chaeyoung chuckles. "I didn't ask for an explanation. If you want something to eat it's in the cabinet, "Chaeyoung points out for her.

"No the tea is enough thank you."

"Why haven't you drank your tea?" Chaeyoung ask when she takes a seat at the counter stool.

"It would be rude if I start alone," Jennie replies.

"Tch. You're already rude to me, why bother now, " Chaeyoung retorted. She pours the tea for herself and cued Jennie, "I'm here now so drink up."

They quietly take sips of their tea and the kitchen falls into a comfortable silence. That is until Chaeyoung notice the not so subtle peeks she gets from Jennie.

She tires to control herself and not give into the curious eyes of the other girl however she didn't hold on for long.

"Why are you staring?"

"I wasn't," Jennie denies in a beat.

"Do you think I'm blind."

Jennie sighs loudly. "Okay fine. I just find it a bit weird seeing you like this. I only ever see you in your work clothes and now seeing you like this; wearing casual clothes, with your unkempt hair and being all homely is such a strange sight to me."

Chaeyoung scoff in an amuse manner at what Jennie said. "Well it is my house. How do you expect me to act?"

"I always thought you would wear those expensive robes or silk pajamas. You give the rich CEO vibes you know."

Chaeyoung couldn't help herself and laughs out in the soundless room. She laugh so heartedly that Jennie chuckles along.


"Rich CEO vibes," Chaeyoung repeats as she tries to calm down from laughing. "What a way to put it. What makes you think that anyways?"

Jennie shrugged. "I don't know, maybe because you always dress nicely for work and the way you held yourself," she answered.

"I want to leave a good impression when I meet people so I try my best to dress the part too. But when I'm at home this is me, lose tee's and sweatpants. Sorry to disappoint you."

"I'm not disappointed at all," Jennie shook her head. "It's a nice change. You look so young and...."


"And..... warm."

Chaeyoung looks back at Jennie. The latter with a fresh face, loose strands framing her face and to top it all, she is wearing her clothes. Which almost looks like the clothes is wearing Jennie instead. Chaeyoung can see what Jennie is trying to say.

"You don't look so bad yourself. Also I'm taking what you said as a compliment," Chaeyoung said smirking.

"Please that's the only praise you're ever going to get from people from the company," Jennie mirrors the smirk. "I think Mr Chen is also scared of you at some point."

"I think it's better than being trampled on. "

"Is that why you're always so aloof and distant?"

"Not entirely. I'm there to do my job and frankly speaking; eventhough it's already been a year, being the latest one to join the company I find it hard joining in the conversation. Not to mention I don't know what to talk about and I wait for other's to talk to me first. Then there is the fact that I'm the youngest. "

Chaeyoung doesn't understand why she is confessing this to Jennie, out of all the people at work. It just comes out naturally before she knows it. She only ever talk about it to Jisoo and her work neighbor Lisa is well aware of her problem and always initiate the greetings and fill her in on what's going around their department.

Chaeyoung thinks on how Jennie would react to what she said but the latter snorting and pushing her on the shoulder wasn't what she imagine.

"You! You have problems starting up a conversation with others while you make it a job to argue and bicker with me every chance you get," Jennie said but there is no anger in her voice. She even laughs in disbelief.

"You started it," Chaeyoung state.


They were interrupted when a loud thunder struck.

Jennie stare at the windows to see the heavy rain outside. It hasn't calmed down at all.

"I should be heading home soon, why is it still pouring so heavily?" Jennie thinks out loud.

"You can spend the night here. Doesn't seem like the rain is stopping soon,'' said Chaeyoung.

And she can't figure out why she just said that. She'll definitely look at the content of the chamomile tea because it's really doing a strange job. It's starting to work like an alcohol because Chaeyoung can't seem to shut her mouth.

Jennie on the other hand look hesitant. "I feel like I'm imposing too much already," she says unsured.

"You've been imposing too much since day one. It has never stop you before."

Jennie roll her eyes and thought things through before agreeing.

"I'll sleep on the couch then," says Jennie.

The bed was definitely big enough for both of them but Chaeyoung zip her mouth shut because for a mere second she thought of sharing the bed with Jennie. She couldn't even stand the thought of being in the same room as Jennie few hours ago and now offering to share a bed with the same girl is too quick to her liking.

She takes out an extra pillow and blanket and takes it over the sitting room.

"Thanks," Jennie said as she takes the blanket and pillow from Chaeyoung.

"Sure. I'll be in my room if you need anything," Chaeyoung tells her. After a moment of silence Chaeyoung continues. "Goodnight then."

Jennie looks up at Chaeyoung from the couch with big eyes and opens her mouth to say something. She hesitates after and end up only saying "Good night," to Chaeyoung as well. However the younger wasn't having that.

"What is it that you wanna tell me?"

"I know I'm asking you too much but can I please keep the lights on?" Jennie asks unsure. "I'm spending the night in an unfamiliar place and the storm outside isn't helping."

Chaeyoung almost gave in the moment Jennie's mouth leaves those words. Seeing the older's big round eyes staring up at her looking so vulnerable and not to mention, how cuddly she look with her big clothes and blanket around her. It was really surprising how Jennie could lower her defense so much in just one night. Chaeyoung shook her head to wake herself up and tell herself to go to her room soon because she is clearly losing her mind.

"Do whatever you want," she said as coolly as she can master.

Jennie simply smiles. "Thank you."

As Chaeyoung step into her room she couldn't help but think of the girl back in the sitting room. She tries her best to push out the thoughts but it was of no use.

As she pace back and forth in her room her mind was in a battle. She didn't want to hurt her pride and go to the sitting room and sleep on the other couch but then again she can't ease her mind just letting the older sleep like that. So Chaeyoung made a decision that clearly represented her well. She opens the door enough for her to get the view of the sitting room and then pull the sofa in her room closer to her bedroom door.

Great, now it'll be like I'm with her without being really with her, Chaeyoung chuckles in her head.

Her phone rings with a familiar sound and Chaeyoung wakes up to turn off her alarm. She may be worried about Jennie the night before but she'll be dead if she is caught like that. She gets up and quickly push her sofa back in place.

She wash up and head over to the kitchen to make someone for them. As she pass by the sitting room, she take the time to look at the still sleeping girl.

Jennie looks so angelic with her clear skin and dark hair. Chaeyoung finds herself scrunching down to take a closer look. Is this really the same girl she fights with nearly everyday. But her thoughts are interrupted as Jennie stirs and Chaeyoung bolts away at the speed of lightning. Calming her poor heart she gets up from the floor and walks in the kitchen, no more detours.

Jennie wakes up later at the smell of stew all over the room. She swiftly sat up straight on the couch and scolds herself for sleeping this long when she is an uninviting guest, that too at the house of Chaeyoung.

She rubs her eyes and gets up to fold the blanket and goes to peek at the kitchen. Chaeyoung is standing by the kitchen counter reading something from her tablet. Jennie became flabbergasted early in the morning by seeing Chaeyoung wearing a black apron. She wish she could take a picture of it and show it to her colleagues because they will never believe her if she told them Chaeyoung cooks for herself.


Chaeyoung shouts in fright as she look up from her tablet to see Jennie - half her body hidden by the door frame.


"It's fine," said Chaeyoung getting her composure back. "Would you like coffee or tea, right I have some juice too."

Jennie lets out a "uhmmmm..." as she still has a hard time believing the girl before her. Is this Chaeyoung the real Chaeyoung or does she treat all her house guest this way.

"Can I use the bathroom before that?"

"Sure," Chaeyoung replied.

As she washed up Jennie thought how the day is going to go. Will it be completely awkward between Chaeyoung and her. Are things going to change between them. Or is she going to lose her job after everything that went down the night before. No doubt the company will already hear about this.

Jennie shook her head and try to swat away any negative thoughts. She can't lose her job - no, not when she is this close to getting promoted.

First, I'll have to think of a way to thank Chaeyoung, she thought to herself.

She gets out of the bathroom and head back to the kitchen.

"Good, you're here. The food is ready," Chaeyoung tells her.

"I didn't even have a chance to help with anything," Jennie said.

"It's fine. You're the guest."

"Let me at least help set the table."

Suddenly the door bell rings.

Chaeyoung raises her brows at who it might be so early in the morning. She turned to her tablet which is connected to the camera in front of her apartment door to see who it was, and then stood motionless. 

The doorbell rings once more which makes Jennie turn to Chaeyoung as well.

"Aren't you going to get that ?"

"You need to hide first," Chaeyoung blurts out. Then she goes to remove the tableware she had set up with Jennie. Showing no sign of two people who are about to eat breakfast together

"Excuse me?"

"Just do as I say."

"Who is it anyway?"

"My parents, " Chaeyoung answered. She look all over her apartment to find a good place for Jennie to hide.

Jennie scoffs. "It's not like we're even dating. Why should I hide from your parents? Or is the person behind the door really your parents? "

"Just go hide in the bathroom Jennie Kim. I swear I don't have time for this," Chaeyoung raise her voice in annoyance.

Jennie gasp in disbelief. "I rather just go home," she state.

"You can walk straight home after they leave. Now get in the bathroom," Chaeyoung says rolling her eyes.

Jennie glares at Chaeyoung before she turns around and get back in the bathroom.

She can't believe the younger is treating her like she is some kind of mistress that she is afraid people will know of. So what if it's the younger's parents. She isn't a person that should be embarrassed about. Its not like they even slept together. Or could it be that 'the' person is Chaeyoung's lover or partner in other ways. It would make sense. But still to be told to hide like this -

The more Jennie entertained her thoughts, the more she grew angry.

She finds her outfit from yesterday, which is dried now and quickly puts it on so she'll be able to leave the moment Chaeyoung opens the door. Which happened sooner then she expected. When Chaeyoung opened the door she looked surprise, not expecting Jennie to be all dressed up.

"I'm leaving," Jennie mutters.

"Let's eat first," Chaeyoung said.

"No, I want to go home as soon as possible." Jennie knows she is being petty about this but she couldn't help it.

"I made breakfast for two people Kim Jennie. Just eat it, I'll drop you off after we're done."

"Too bad. Maybe you should have ask your 'parents' to eat with you," Jennie emphasizes.

Now it's Chaeyoung's turn to scoff. "Why are you being like this? Just when I thought we were getting along," said Chaeyoung.

"People who get along don't shove each other in their bathrooms to hide," Jennie retorts.

"You're offended by that?" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes which didn't sit well with Jennie. "They suddenly showed up and I had no choice. "

"Good to know how lowly you think of me that I can't be in the same room with people like you." She takes her bag from the couch and walks to the door.

"You're impossible," Jennie hears Chaeyoung say. "I wonder how you grew up to have such a narrow mind. You're pathetic. "

Jennie stops and looks back at Chaeyoung with a glare. The latter surprised expression is back but she didn't say anything. Jennie felt like giving her a piece of her mind but the sting in her eyes stops her. She turn the other way, puts on her shoes and left without a word.

"You don't know anything," she said as she got in the taxi.

Chaeyoung doesn't recognize it at first. She has always been quick to read in to things and get a swift grasp of any situation. But this particular action is so subtle that she didn't realize it sooner.

It first started the day after Jennie stormed out of her apartment. Chaeyoung had went to their department little kitchen to make herself a cup of tea where she bump into Irene. Irene has always been a helping hand to Chaeyoung whenever the latter is too petty to ask questions to Jennie. So it's not like she haven't talk to her but they don't talk to each other unless Chaeyoung needs guidance or Irene relays messages from their boss.

Chaeyoung says her greetings like she usually did but what she didn't expect was Irene coming closer and saying, "Chaeyoung I heard you read the series of 'Elasgar'."

All to excitedly.

Chaeyoung eyes widen is shock. She love the book.

"Yeah. I have a whole collection of it. I've been a fan since the second book came out," she told Irene. Chaeyoung hold the mug tightly to hide her excitement because there haven't been that many people she could talk about it with.

"Ah really. I'm had to read it in my phone because the hardcovers are too expensive. But I'm sure reading the actual book might be a whole different experience."

"It is." Chaeyoung exclaimed, finally showing her grin. "You can borrow it if you want. I have a big map of Elasgar which is one of a kind. The adventure is a lot more interesting using the map."

Irene mirrors her grin. "Can you lend me that too."

Chaeyoung brought the whole six books and a gigantic map the next day and enthusiastically showed the fourth book which she got it sighed by the author. And each day she and Irene would spare a moment to talk about the adventures of the heroes in the book.

Another two figures Chaeyoung had notably interacted with the past couple of days are Nayeon and Seulgi. They both are from the HR department but they connect after they found out they all went to the same university. The two girls started eating with her and Jisoo whenever they could and would talk about their lives back then and now.

Chaeyoung faced many more incidents like that. More friendly wishes in the morning and some of her colleagues who she never even talk with started approaching her for help. Chaeyoung happily complies and would help them in any ways she can. Even Lisa mentions it, saying that she wasn't happy that she had to share Chaeyoung with everyone now. Chaeyoung laughs at her and said that her role as Lisa's little desk mate will always be her first role.

Chaeyoung realized all these changes as she chats with Joy about Gong Yoo - both the girls favorite actor. It has only been the third time they talked but somehow Chaeyoung is already agreeing to have a movie marathon of Gong Yoo's movies with Joy and some other friends.

For the past couple of days she had friendly conversations with more people than she ever had over the year. She wasn't acting out of herself or going above her ways to talk to them - it just comes to her naturally.

That is, until she saw Jennie on their way out to have lunch at a near by restaurant.

It was Jisoo who saw her first.

"Isn't that Jennie?" She ask as they spot the said girl rushing towards the main road. "It has been a long time since she last join us."

Jisoo gives Chaeyoung a look, however, Chaeyoung shrugged nonchalantly in return. So what.

"Let's invite her," Nayeon says. "Jennie! Hey, Jennie!"

Her loud voice catch Jennie's attention as well as other people around them.

Jennie turns towards their way and her whole appearance look dishevelled. Her tired face morphed into a smile but even then Chaeyoung can detect the exhaustion in Jennie eyes.


"We're all going for lunch at the Thai restaurant. Care to join?" Nayeon asks.

Jennie smile still stays as she shook her head. "Maybe another time. Jihoon has a dentist appointment at 1 o'clock and mom's having a day shift at the hospital so I have to take him."

"Aww~  too bad. You better make up for it, I'm counting on that," Jisoo says.

Jennie winks back at her. "Look for a good hotpot place and it might be earlier than you think." Her eyes shifted to Chaeyoung, who is staring back at her with a blank expression.

Chaeyoung can't figure out why Jennie is smiling when in truth she looked like she might collapse and lose consciousness any time soon.

"Well I better get going. Eat some for me too," said Jennie and continue on her way.

"Say hi to the little guys for me!" Seulgi yells which earns an 'OK' sign from Jennie.

"Did you know that Jennie goes to the same university as us, Chaeyoung?" Seulgi asked.

Both Chaeyoung and Jisoo stop walking completely and look beyond bewildered. No way.

"What did you say?" Jisoo's jaw dropped.

"You didn't know. We all graduated from the same university. Well she was our senior."

Chaeyoung furrowed her brows because this is an entire new information to her. Not once has Jennie brought this up to her.

"You really didn't know?" Jisoo now has a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Of course not. I transferred in the middle of the year from the states plus there were so many people, it's hard to recognize anyone," Chaeyoung replied. She really has no clue.

Nayeon nodded. "That's true. But we thought you knew since Jennie was the one who mentioned about you in the first place," She stated.

During the whole meal Chaeyoung couldn't let the thought go. If she and Jennie went to the same university why haven't they cross paths before. It was a pretty big campus and yes you could easily miss each other but Chaeyoung still found it strange. And if Jennie Kim know's about it - why haven't she said anything to her but talk about it with Nayeon and Seulgi.



Chaeyoung awoke from her thoughts. She face Jisoo who is giving her a concern look.


"Are you okay?" Jisoo ask.

"Ah - of course, " Chaeyoung said blowing raspberries. "I just remembers the dinner plans I have with my family tonight."

It was a lie but at least it wasn't a complete lie as she did have plans with her family that night. Jisoo looked unconvinced but decided not to question Chaeyoung further.

Later that night, while having dinner with her family Chaeyoung curses as she remembers the documents she left on her table which needs to be finalized by tonight.

"I'll just go back and get them," Chaeyoung said to her family when they asked her about it.

"No problem. I'll drive you there," her brother offered.

So after the dinner the siblings said bye to their parents and head back to the company building. On the way they catch up with each other as Chaeyoung's brother follows in her footsteps and is currently studying abroad as well. The short vacation was the only time he could come home and Chaeyoung hardly ever saw him.

"Wait for me here. I'll be back in no time."

Her brother cued her and Chaeyoung step inside the building.

The place wasn't completely empty - few staff going off work and then there are the people cleaning the whole place.

Chaeyoung steps quickly out of the elevator not wanting to make her brother wait too long.

She stop her tracks when she saw the lights in her department floor still turned on. Chaeyoung find it odd because she was one of the last person to leave and now someone is still here.

She quietly walks in - not wanting to startle anyone inside.

Chaeyoung nearly jumps out in fright when she see's the sleeping figure on one of the tables. She pats her chest a few times to calm herself and then head over to the figure. From the table itself Chaeyoung knows the sleeping person.

As she stood near the chair Chaeyoung's eyes watch over Jennie's sleeping face and the mess of sheets under her arms.

She look around to see if anybody is still there but the entire floor is quiet except for their breathing sounds. Chaeyoung then turns back to Jennie who is peacefully sleeping in an uncomfortable position. She feels compelled to move the strand of hair covering the latter's face and before she can stop her herself, Chaeyoung's hand move on it's own and did just that.

'She's pretty even when she is fast asleep' Chaeyoung thought however she didn't miss the dark circles under Jennie's eyes.

It was already getting late so Chaeyoung decided to wake her up. She gently shook Jennie's shoulder and in a few seconds Jennie woke up looking alarmed.

Jennie's eyes are wide as she stares at Chaeyoung; for a few seconds she thought she was still dreaming. Realizing that she had fallen asleep while working she groaned.

"It's getting late you should head home for today," Chaeyoung said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I forgot something so I came back," Chaeyoung replied.

"Then grab your things and go. I'm still not done," said Jennie as she sits up straight and takes a look at the papers on her desk.

Chaeyoung resist the urge to roll her eyes. Stubborn Jennie is back. "Just go home Jennie. You won't get anything done in that state."

"Leave me alone." Jennie on the other hand didn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. "And aren't you the one who said I can't leave early."

Chaeyoung scoff. "Don't try to use my words against me, this is a totally different thing." She then looks at the content of words written on the papers. "Products for Gra - this shit isn't even due next Friday."

Jennie place her arms on top of the papers like a child hiding her test papers. "So what. I want to get it done quickly."

"This is plain stupid. You're tired and I'm sure you'll fall asleep again if you keep this up, just pack up and go," Chaeyoung said but Jennie sit firm and stares at the papers, ignoring her words.

It drove Chaeyoung crazy how stubborn the girl in front of her is. Since Jennie won't listen to her, Chaeyoung came up with another approach.

"Do you know that the people who are cleaning can't go home until all the staff leave," she lied.

But somehow Jennie still falls for it as she looks up at Chaeyoung looking surprised, "Really?"

"Yes. Since you are still here, they can't come in and clean the place. So they can only go home after you go and they finish cleaning everything."

Chaeyoung finds it hard to keep her smile at bay as Jennie is totally buying her lies and can see her head spinning.

"Can't they come in and clean it while I'm here. I don't mind," said Jennie.

"Then they'll get scolded by their boss. You won't want that would you."

Jennie abruptly stare at Chaeyoung with a skeptical look that for a moment Chaeyoung thought she figure her out.

But instead Jennie asks, "How come you know all of this?"

"It happened to Lisa once," Chaeyoung said swiftly. Sorry Lisa.

"Really? Lisa? Doesn't she always pack up early and rush out when the day is over. She is usually the first one to leave."

"She had a deadline that time. And had to get it done fast," Chaeyoung covers with another lie.

Jennie still believes everything and sits quietly until she finally gives up and agrees to go home."I guess it can't be helped," she said, sighing.

"Pack your stuff. Let's head down together."

"Aren't you here to collect your stuff."

Chaeyoung nearly forgot what she came for. She walk to her table, grabs the document from her drawer and then head down the elevator with Jennie. Alone in the elevator she can't help but notice how unstable Jennie stands. If the wind blew it might take her away. She's holding herself and look as though she can fall back asleep right then and there.

"Are you sick?"

Her voice startled Jennie.

"Sorry what did you say? I was spacing out."

"Your hair is getting longer," Chaeyoung lets out instead.

"Oh. I've been tying my hair these days. Haven't realize how long it has gotten," Jennie replies.

"It suits you," Chaeyoung said without thinking.

But Jennie took it lightheartedly. "Anything suits this face," she smiles.

Although Chaeyoung couldn't ask the question she wanted to ask she felt please at herself that she at least made Jennie smile.

As they walk out front Chaeyoung's brother stands straight from leaning on the car.

"Finally. I was about to call you. You took so long," he said.

"I forgot where I placed the documents. You're just impatient," Chaeyoung says. But her brother wasn't listening to her anymore. Solely focusing on the girl beside her.

"Noona, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Chaeyoung and Jennie look at each other before Chaeyoung says. "This is Jennie, my colleague."

"Hi," Jennie greets.

"Hi! If I had known Chaeyoung Noona has a pretty friend like you, I would have come back sooner," he said with a big smile.

Chaeyoung smacks her brother with how shameless he is. "Is this behavior all you learned in America? She's older than you brat, show some respect. "

"Ahh Noona~ you're embarrassing me," her brother whines back.

"Jennie, this is my attention loving and troublesome brother, Park Woojin."

And although her introduction was anything but nice Jennie can detect the pride and adoration in Chaeyoung's tone.

"A handsome fellow you are Woojin," Jennie said with a sly smile. The siblings in front of her have entirely different expressions. The younger one is smiling widely with all teeth while his elder sister has raised eyebrows.

"I will totally chase after you," Jennie continues to tease. Stopping midway to keep them anticipating. "If! I was straight and not into girls"

She laughs heartily as Woojin lets out another whine.

"I swear it's always the pretty ones who aren't straight anymore," Woojin retorts but smiles in the end.

"Don't give up kid, there are lots of beautiful straight girls," Jennie says. "I better get going now."

"Do you want a lift?" Chaeyoung asked.

Jennie declined shooking her head. "I'm sure the bus is still servicing."

"No way. Come on, get in. We'll drop you till your house," Woojin insisted.

"It's fine. The bus stand isn't far from here."

"You can reject my feelings but you can't reject this."

Jennie chuckles at that. The Park Siblings really have their ways of charming her.

Sighing she agreed. "Fine. I'll accept the proposal for the ride home."

"Yes!" Woojin rolls his fist. He then proceeds to open the door for Jennie.  He wiggles his eyebrows at his sister as he enters the driver seat.

Chaeyoung stand dumbfounded at what happened.

"What the heck Jennie Kim! You always put up a fight when I ask you anything."

She grumbles along as she gets inside the car.

A few days later Mr Chen gather everyone for a short meeting in the room.

"We have secured a new sponsorer for our newest product after cutting ties with the previous one due to some unfortunate events. We have come in terms now and all that needs to be done is signing the contract to finalize it," Mr Chen informed everyone.

"I, myself would have gone to get things done but I've been suddenly called this morning and need to fly to Hong Kong by tonight so I won't be able to go," he continues. "Our new partners have personally requested to finalize the contract in their headquarters which is about five hours drive from here. It'll be a two days trip. Personally I think Chaeyoung should go as she is already familiar with the whole thing. So can anyone of you volunteer to go with her. Irene perhaps?"

The attention of the whole room shifted on the small woman. Irene then smiles apologetically and says, "I'm sorry Mr Chen. You might have forgotten but the day after tomorrow is my cousin's wedding and you've also granted me leave from tomorrow. "

Mr Chen nodded. "Right. I'm sorry it slip through my head. Then anyone else."

Chaeyoung gaze around the room looking at the other's discussing with each other.

"Do you want to go with me?" She hears Lisa say from beside her.

Chaeyoung turn to her. "Sure. If you're up for it," she said.

"I have to make regular restroom stops though."

Chaeyoung chuckles. "I won't mind."

But the room suddenly became quiet as someone raise their arm.

"I'll go with Chaeyoung, Mr Chen," Jennie says from her place.

Chaeyoung grimaces immediately and beside her Lisa snickers. "So the love car it is," she states.

"Jennie?" Mr Chen says, surprised. "Didn't you have a task that needs to be done ?"

"I almost done Mr Chen. The trip won't affect anything," Jennie answered. "Also I have a sense of responsibility after what happened."

Mr Chen thought about it for a minute before he nodded and agreed. "Alright. Then it's settled. Chaeyoung, you can take the company car or your car it's up to you."

"We'll use my car Mr Chen," Chaeyoung replies.

"Good. That settles then," Mr Chen smiles. "I'll be flying to Hong Kong tonight but I'll return soon. Everyone do your best. Jennie follow me in my office."

Everyone returned to their respective tables and Chaeyoung watch Jennie obediently follow Mr Chen into his office.

"- you're betting too much Irene."

The small commotion beside her alarmed Chaeyoung and looked over to see Lisa, Irene and Momo hovering over a piece of paper.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're gambling," Lisa said excitedly.

"Gambling? What gambling?"

"Ohhh you'll know it after two days," Irene said with a smug look. "Care to join?"

"She plays the lead role here Irene," says Momo dismissing the idea. "She can't participate."

Chaeyoung became more and more confused. "What are you even saying?"

"We should ask others to join us."

They have completely ignored her.

From Kim Jennie work :

Chaeyoung about the trip tomorrow.

Can we please leave after 10 am in the morning ?

( 22 : 05 pm )

To Kim Jennie work :

The meeting will be on the next day so we can go at any time. As long as it's not too late.

( 22 : 17 pm )

From Kim Jennie work :

Any time after 10 works for me.

Should we meet up at the company or ?

( 22 : 18 pm )

To Kim Jennie work :

I know your place so I'll just pick you up from there.

( 22 : 20 pm )

From Kim Jennie work :

That be great. Thanks.

See you tomorrow.

( 22 : 23 pm )

After a series of unanswered phone calls Chaeyoung gets out of her car and head over to the buildings in front of her. She checks the names of the residents in the building and quickly spots the floor where Jennie stays at. She contemplate whether she should knock at her door or not and ended going upstairs after Jennie couldn't pick up the phone again.

She knocks on the door several times before a kid - no older than age nine, opens the door for her.

"Um hi?"

The little kid stares up at Chaeyoung without blinking which was starting to creep her out.

"Who is it Jihoon?"

Hearing Jennie's voice, Chaeyoung lets out a sigh of relief. For a moment she thought she went to the wrong apartment.

"A pretty noona," said the little boy.

And instantly Jennie shows up at the door.

"Chaeyoung, you're here." Her voice sounded startled.

"You didn't pick up my calls so I came up," Chaeyoung says.

Jennie facepalmed. "Jeong-woo is playing with my phone. I guess he rejected the calls again. Sorry about that."

"It's fine."

"Please come in."

Chaeyoung pondered if it was a good idea but decided to step inside anyways; she didn't want to look rude.

The place wasn't what Chaeyoung had expected at all. Everything in the house is clean and messy at the same time. An anime show is playing in the TV, toys are on the floor, the smell of bubblegum shampoo is all over the apartment. And on the couch, sits another kid who looks exactly like the boy who opened the door for her.

"I'm really sorry that I'm making us late. The nanny is running a bit late."

"It's okay. It's still early," Chaeyoung assured Jennie.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"I'm fine."

Jennie nodded. "Ummm these are my nephews. Jihoon and Jeong-woo," Jennie introduces. The twin who opened the door for Chaeyoung turns away from the TV to nod at her while the twin on the couch continues to ignore everyone and play with Jennie's phone.

Chaeyoung somehow find that amusing.

"Jeong-woo isn't too happy that I'm not coming home tonight. Even though I told him clearly that I'll be back by tomorrow," Jennie seems to tell Jeong-woo rather than Chaeyoung.

The little boy still keeps quiet which earns a sigh from Jennie.

"If you don't mind I'll finish my chores. I don't want to leave work for the nanny. She'll be here anytime soon, promise," Jennie said apologetically.

"Tsk. Jennie Kim I told you it's fine. We can leave at the afternoon if you want."

Now Chaeyoung regrets not waiting in the car because Jennie is running around the house cleaning and drying the laundry. There really isn't a rush at all to get there and she wishes she had come a few hours later because Jennie is setting a timer for herself and is racing with herself.

"You need help?" Chaeyoung asked at one point. She rather help Jennie than sitting awkardly on the couch but Jennie refuses, tremendously shaking her head.

"I got this. Just relax."

Chaeyoung learns another version of Jennie which surprises her. Chaeyoung is use to seeing the cool, well kept together and calm Jennie that seeing the latter now, doing minimal house chores, somehow ruined that image. But Chaeyoung unexpectedly finds herself liking this side better. The more human Jennie Kim.

The nanny finally arrived and Jennie quickly fills her in on what to do and what not then goes to dress herself.

"My mother will be back by seven, so you don't have to cook dinner. Just make them a snack so they won't get too hungry but not too much or they won't eat their dinner."

"I don't mind cooking. Especially with my two little helpers," says the nanny. "We'll be fine Jennie. Just focus on your work and leave the rest to me."

"Easier said than done," Jennie mutters before scrunching down to the twins. "Play nice and be good to Auntie okay. Eat your meals properly and listen to your grandmother. I'll be back before you know it. What gifts should I bring home?"

"I want..... candy!" Jihoon yells.

Chaeyoung fawns over their innocence.

"Candy?" Jennie also laughs. "Okay. I'll bring home different candies. Jeong-woo?"

The little kid with no more phone to be distracted with looks at Jennie with a big pout on his face. Chaeyoung thought he resembled Jennie like that.

"Just don't get more sick than you already are," Jeong-woo murmurs.

His words startled Jennie but she recovers from it quickly.

"Of course not. Look at me, when have you ever noticed me getting sick."

Jeong-woo let's out a snort.

Jennie pulls them close and hugs them for the last time before she and Chaeyoung left the door.

They began their five hours long journey. They made small chats along the way, Chaeyoung asked about the kids and Jennie entertained her with funny stories about them. Fortunately they had the same music taste and enjoyed listening to some music until Chaeyoung notice Jennie turning a bit pale.

Jennie quickly dismisses the thought saying it's probably motion sickness. Chaeyoung had a feeling that  it wasn't quite it but didn't want to bicker with her over it. So in the end she told Jennie to try and get some sleep which the other happily complies.

It was when they had stop for lunch along the way did Chaeyoung feelings prove to be true. She became uneasy when Jennie took too long using the restroom.

"Excuse me."

Chaeyoung looks up at the stranger.

"Your friend has been throwing up in the toilet for a long time now. Is everything- "

Chaeyoung doesn't let her finish before she ran towards the restroom.

She becomes scared and worries washes over her as she finds Jennie on the floor near the toilet.

"What happened?"

"I'll be fine. Just give me a minute, " Jennie said between dry heaves.

Chaeyoung placed her hand over Jennie's forehead and became even more furious. "Fuck! What do you mean you'll be fine. You're burning up."

"It's just a little fever."

"A little - that's it. We're going to the hospital. Come on."

Jennie pushes Chaeyoung's hands away when she tries to help her get up.

"No. We continue on the road. The fever will subside on its own," Jennie argues.

"Do you even hear yourself. It will get worse if we don't get you treated."

Jennie was about to talk back when the sudden urge hits her once more and she vomits in the toilet. Chaeyoung holds her hair for her and caress her back. Chaeyoung beats herself for not noticing this sooner.

"I'm not moving until you promise me that we're not going to the hospital," Jennie said.

Chaeyoung groan frustratedly. "Out of all the times to be stubborn Kim Jennie. "

In the end she sighs and give in again to the other girl. Which happens a lot the past few weeks, Chaeyoung noticed. She helped Jennie from the floor and didn't let go until she carefully placed her in the car.

Chaeyoung then went back to the restaurant, paid for their meals and ask for a nearby pharmacy store. Luckily there was one just down the road and Chaeyoung ran as fast as she could. She quickly dials her family doctor and got everything he prescribes then runs back to the car.

Jennie has started to shiver and could barely keep her eyes open.

"Take this." Chaeyoung helps Jennie take her medicines before getting the jacket from her bag and covers Jennie as much as she can.

Just as she promised she continues towards their destination but this time she slows down the speed so Jennie wouldn't get more headaches.

On the other head Jennie feels helpless and guilty, sitting beside Chaeyoung. The latter had been talking to her before now she won't even look at her and is looking ahead with a big frown on her face. She won't be surprised if the glass breaks with how much Chaeyoung is glaring at it.

She knew she was sick from yesterday but usually she takes a nap and it goes away. She never imagine it would get worse.


No answer.


"Chaeyoung I'm sorry."

"Just go to sleep."

"I can't. You're upset at me and I can't sleep with the feeling of knowing that."

Chaeyoung lets out a disbelief scoff. "Well how the fuck do you expect me to react. You knew you were sick. Even Jeong-woo, a little child, knows that you're sick. Yet you chose to go, putting your health at risk here."

Chaeyoung finally breaks.

"It's not like there is anything I can do. I already told Mr Chen, that I'll go with you," Jennie defends herself.

"Please, anyone could have gone instead. You just wanted to take this job because you want to make yourself look better since the d-day is getting closer and closer."

Jennie look hurt from what Chaeyoung said. "It's not like that. Why do you always make it sound that way." There is anguish in her voice.

It stung Chaeyoung's heart but she is just as stubborn as Jennie. "Is it not? You're that desperate enough to risk your own health for it. I'm not even surprised with you anymore. I'll never see you stand lower than this."

That was the last straw for Jennie.

"You know what, Fine. Yes. Yes. I'm that desperate! I want that position so I can get a higher raise. Is that what you wanted to hear?!"

Chaeyoung got so startled that she nearly miss the red light. She turns to Jennie and is shocked to see her crying.

"You. Why are you crying?"

"You always judge me, without knowing anything that is going on in my life. Do you even know how hard it is to have a sister  - who ran away from home leaving her two sons with you. And my mother who has lost her favorite child is now turning all the blame on me," Jennie shouts were broken. Maybe it's due to her headaches and raising temperature, Chaeyoung being mad at her, or her mind back at home with Jihoon and Jeong-woo and the workload - Jennie couldn't take it anymore.

Chaeyoung is left completely silent. It's hard to process the fact that Jennie is shouting at her.

"Do you think I like sucking up to people. That I enjoy taking on multiple task. Hell no, I'm so tired.  But I can't stop when I am this close. So put it as you will Chaeyoung, you've never cared anyways."

Jennie wipes her tears and snot then turn to face up front, competing with Chaeyoung on who can glare at the window shield till it breaks.

The amount of times Chaeyoung is left speechless on the day alone is it self surprising to Chaeyoung. The horns blaring from the back pulls her out of her thoughts and she continues to drive.

The car is completely silent as both the girls are busy with their own thoughts. Jennie fell asleep at some point again and Chaeyoung kind of felt relief as the atmosphere of the car became too suffocating for her. She was beyond tired when they reach the hotel. The long drive and the fight between them wasn't a help at all. Still she didn't have the heart to wake up Jennie so she ended up carrying her till their room.

By the time Jennie woke up the sky is completely dark.

She looks around the unfamiliar room and began to get anxious until she hears Chaeyoung voice from the balcony. The clock on the wall shows nine thirty. Jennie rub her eyes because the last time she was awake they were still in the car. So that must have meant Chaeyoung carried her to the bed.

Jennie slaps herself and would gladly take a shot on the head because today just wasn't her day and she couldn't stop embarrassing herself from Chaeyoung.

The door slid open abruptly and Jennie almost didn't have time to compose herself.

"You're awake."

"Yeah. What time did we reach this place?"

"Just before six pm," Chaeyoung replied.

Jennie nodded. She then thinks on how to apologize to Chaeyoung because they have to spend the night and the whole day tomorrow and this atmosphere is just too awkard.

"Eat this." Chaeyoung puts the portable table on the bed which has porridge and some side dishes.

Jennie looked stunned. "Did you make this?"

"What? Of course not. I ordered it obviously. Eat it before it's cold."

"Oh. Thanks for the food."

As she takes the first bite of the food Jennie realize how hungry she was. She quickly shoves it down her throat, barely chewing the food.

"Eat it slowly or else you'll choke."

"Have you eat your dinner?"

"Yeah. I got hungry and ate without you. You have to take the medicines after you finish your food. I don't think the fever is completely gone."

Chaeyoung placed her hand on Jennie's forehead that made the latter choke on her food.

"I told you to eat it slowly." Chaeyoung hands her a glass of water and Jennie drank it up

"I'm fine."

1, 2, 3 -

"I apologize -"

"I'm sorry -"

Both say in unison.

"I'll go first. I'm so sorry I let out my anger on you Chaeyoung," Jennie starts. "That was stupid of me and I'm really embarrassed at myself and I'll probably be really happy if you forget everything I said. It has nothing to do with you and I should have been more mature about it."

Chaeyoung listens attentively and nods at the end.

"I understand but I won't accept your apology."

Jennie puts her spoon in the bowl and unknowingly pouts at Chaeyoung. Yes she looks exactly like Jeong-woo like that, Chaeyoung thinks.

"But why?"

"Because there is nothing to apologize for," Chaeyoung said smiles with a shrug. "I've been thinking about it over while you were sleeping and I realized I was kind of mean to you. When I saw you puking your guts out and turning white I panicked, which I know wasn't an excuse for the things I said. I was really worried. "

Chaeyoung words were something Jennie didn't expect to hear at all. She lost her appetite and thought if she is still dreaming or if there are some side effects on the medicines she took.

"Hey say something?" Chaeyoung whines childishly. She feels as she pours herself out and Jennie continues to sit like a doll.

"What can I say? I'm sorry that I'm always carrying such baggage."

"Why are you still apologizing," Chaeyoung says. "Just please don't take too much task on your hands anymore. There is no point if you get sick because of it."

Jennie sighed with a small smile on her face. "To be honest this time I didn't volunteer because I actually wanted to go with you." Chaeyoung raised her brows. "Not in an offensive way. I feel responsible for what happened with the last sponsor, that's it. Maybe if I didn't barge in the office that day, we won't be here right now "

"Tsk don't take all the credit Kim Jennie. I would have beaten up that bastard even if you didn't hit him yourself," Chaeyoung feels her anger boiling just from the thought alone. "Our company is better not working with perverts like him."

The other girl gasps in disbelief. "Who are you? Where is the real Chaeyoung?" Jennie joked because this is too much for her to handle.

Chaeyoung chuckles. "I'm really nice. You just make it impossible for me to be nice to you."

Jennie lets out yet another gasp; dramatically this time.

"Me?! It was you. You've been giving me sneers and a hard time whenever I propose something. Like everything I did wasn't enough. If anything, you're the one who started it."

"That's total bullshit," Chaeyoung denies. She doesn't know why she's smiling this big when she's having a bicker with the other girl. "You're the one who hated me first and gave me the cold shoulder for no reason. "

"I was the one who hated you first?" Jennie repeats cause that was furthest from the truth.

"Yes. On my first week of working I brought coffee and snacks and you threw it away afterwards," Chaeyoung spills the bean. She can't believe after all this time she is really saying that to Jennie. "Why did you accept it if you were just going to throw those away? You wound me Kim Jennie. "

There was a moment of silence before Jennie let's out the loudest laugh Chaeyoung has ever heard from her. Jennie nearly spills the food from the portable table with how much she is laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Ahh my head hurts, " Jennie tries to control her laughter. Her giggle won't die down and Chaeyoung waits with a smile on her lips. "I'm laughing because both of us are so stupid."

Chaeyoung scoff. "Speak for yourself."

"No really. You thought I threw the food away because I didn't like you right?" Chaeyoung nodded. "I didn't do that because I didn't like you Chaeyoung. It's because the coffee you brought has cinnamon in it and I'm allergic to it. And I took the snacks home because Jihoon and Jeong-woo love those kinds of snacks."

Chaeyoung jaw drops.

Jennie understands what she must be feeling because even she can't get over how foolish they were.

"I'm killing myself," Chaeyoung let's out.

They spend the next hours talking through what went down between each other. The misunderstandings as well as intentional fights they had. Both of them felt like complete morons with how long they have been holding a grudge against each other.

"I have to ask, if you know Nayeon and Seulgi went to the same university as us. How come you never brought that up with me?"

Jennie wince because she didn't want to admit what she was about to say. "For starters when you transferred I was already about to graduate. I think Nayeon and Seulgi were my juniors but they didn't take the same course as us. And I was really embarrassed when you started working with us and you were so good at everything. Being your senior it hurt my pride so I never mention anything. But who was I kidding, you didn't even recognize me." She played with the pillow, unable to look at Chaeyoung.

"You should have. Do you know how much I wish to have a familiar someone with me back then. It was so lonely," Chaeyoung sulks. Now she wished there was a time machine because she'll definitely try harder with Jennie and she's sure the other won't feel like she wasn't enough.

"It's all in the past," Jennie said. Then her smiles turns sly. "Aren't you the star at the office these days, not that you weren't popular before. You're making friends left and right."

Chaeyoung scoffs amusingly. "Yeah. It was a strange phenomenon. I told you about my problem talking with the others and the next minute everyone is sharing the same interest as me. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"What?" Jennie drags her word making a fake surprise face but does nothing to hide her giggles. "I don't have that kind of power to make them have the same interest as you. Maybe they wanted to be friends with you since the start but didn't know how."

Chaeyoung can read the truth just from Jennie's expression alone. She wanted to thank her because the fact was that she sincerely enjoy going to work now but since Jennie is pretending not to have any influence on it, Chaeyoung decided to play along.

"A coincidence it is then," she concludes with a smile. Jennie followed and they both look like idiots smiling at each other. "It's late now. Let's go to sleep I don't want to wear you out too much."

They clock already tick past one am without them knowing how fast it went. Jennie agreed and they both tucked themselves into their respective beds.

"I may be sick but I never felt this relief and light before. Like nothing can pull me down." Chaeyoung heard Jennie whisper before she falls into slumber.

The following day Jennie woke up with her fever gone and only with a minor headache. Although Chaeyoung insisted on going to the headquarters alone Jennie puts up a fight until Chaeyoung let's her go with her.

The meeting went well and in no time the job was done and they were free to go back home.

"Do you want to go to the market for a bit? I need to buy something for the twins. "

Chaeyoung said yes and then both of them head straight to the busy market. Chaeyoung has never liked shopping physically; be it for herself or for others, she is always on team online shopping. But she admits shopping with Jennie isn't so bad. She should be hating this, walking down the small street filled with people and different stuff and objects lined up on each side of the road. And most of all the shouting from the shopkeepers. However Chaeyoung wasn't annoyed -  excluding that one time a man stepped on her shoes. Maybe it's because she has been more focused on her and Jennie's joined hands - the latter had held on to her as she didn't want them to split up. Chaeyoung can't believe she is actually enjoying herself at the moment, she laughs when she watches Jennie bargain with every shopkeeper and gives her full concentration when Jennie let's her choose clothes for the twins.

"You haven't buy anything. It's like I'm forcing you to come. You should have just stay at the hotel," Jennie said later on.

"It's fine. I like sightseeing. Also, to be fair even you didn't buy anything for yourself. You bought clothes for the twins and a bag for your mother but nothing for yourself," Chaeyoung points out.

"Hmm," Jennie hummed. She then spots a small stall which sells jewelry and other accessories and pulls Chaeyoung to it.

"Pick anything. I'll buy it for you; like a souvenir. I'll pick something  too," Jennie said excitedly. "Should we get the earings ?"

"Please have a look, everything is affordable and pretty," the shopkeeper says.

Chaeyoung lets out an apologetically chuckle. "I don't need anything. Get something for yourself."

"No. You have to pick something," Jennie insisted.

Chaeyoung sighs and pull Jennie closer so she can whisper in her ear. She didn't want to say it but it can't be helped. "Everything here is made of metal and dyed. If it's not real silver or gold, it burns my skin," she whispers.

Jennie turns red from embarrassment or being so close to Chaeyoung or it can be both. She slaps herself in her head and softly says sorry to Chaeyoung. The latter shook her head saying it was nothing.

"But I really wanted to get you something. At least let me buy this scented sachet bag for you."

Chaeyoung thought of how she doesn't have any use of it but finds herself unable to refuse. So she gives in at the end and smiles automatically when Jennie cheers happily and buys two sachet bags. She gives the pink one to Chaeyoung and takes the blue one for herself.

"I'm getting hungry let's grab some food before we go back to the hotel," Chaeyoung suggests after they conclude their shopping.

They entered the first restaurant they came across and Jennie regrets not picking another place because everything is too expensive.

"Is everything okay?" Chaeyoung asked when she took too long to decide.

"Huh? Everything is fine. Everything looks so good it's hard to choose," Jennie lied.

"Can I propose something?" Chaeyoung ask and Jennie puts the menu down to listen. "We play a game for each food. Appetizers, drinks and dessert. One game for each dish. Loser pays for the food. "

Jennie didn't want to participate at all considering the fact that she is going to be so broke after this. But she didn't want to look lame in front of Chaeyoung so she accepted the challenge. She will just have to skip two massage sessions.

They then started to play a game they both installed in their phones. Jennie wins the first round and feels more motivated than before. She sends a prayer as they start another round for the drinks and she won again. She cheers happily which earns a chuckle from Chaeyoung.

"I'm starting to think you're going easy on me," Jennie said suspiciously.

"I'm not. I downloaded the game not long ago. So I'm still new at this."

"Oh, then I'll go easy on you then."

"No need. Give it your best shot."

In the end Jennie also wins the last round. She couldn't believe her luck, she might as well win a lottery with her current luck.

"Let's not order too much. This place is overpriced," Jennie says with a hush voice eyeing the waiters doing their work.

Chaeyoung shook her head. "No, go ahead and order anything you want. I lost so I'll pay for everything. "

Still Jennie ordered carefully and the two ended up having a lovely meal.

The drive home was much pleasant then the first. They talked throughout the road and got to know each other better.

People at work couldn't believe their eyes when they heard laughter coming from Chaeyoung's desk because for starters she rarely ever laughs but mostly because the source of it was Jennie. 

It was the hot topic of the whole office when they saw them working together and going to the bar together after work. It even reached the ears of Mr Chen who claims it was his greatest achievement ever made. He was so glad as there was hardly a department meeting where Chaeyoung and Jennie didn't bicker. If it took a trip to mend the two together he regretted not sending them sooner.

"Momo~ Irene~ my money~~" Lisa sings.

The said girls sigh and handed over the cash to Lisa who eagerly takes it.

"Thank you Chaeyoung~~"

"What did I do?" Chaeyoung asked, confused.

"We made a bet to the outcome of the trip you had with Jennie," Irene tells her.

"Irene and Nayeon bet that the sexual frustration between you and Jennie will be finally over and you will come back as a couple. While Momo, Seulgi and Joy bet that won't happen because as they quote 'those two together in an enclosed space, a war is bound to happen'." Chaeyoung couldn't believe her so-called friends. "While me and Jisoo, being the smart one's," Lisa smirks, "Bet that - with how stubborn the two of you are, will probably need more time to admit you like each other." Lisa elaborates.

Momo places a hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder and says, "You've let me down brother."

"Now I can afford the shoes I want," Lisa cheers.

"I need new friends," Chaeyoung murmured and let them promise to not say a word about the bet to Jennie.

In the end however their words still affected her in some ways. Does she really like Jennie? Does the other like her back too because Lisa said Jennie didn't admit her feelings either. 

Chaeyoung have always find Jennie beautiful. No matter how much she disliked the latter in the past she knows that she finds Jennie attractive. Maybe that's why she had to try so hard to hate Jennie because Chaeyoung finds her so alluring.

It was annoying but Chaeyoung couldn't let the thoughts out of her head anymore. She curses Lisa and the other's because now she can't help but read the lines when she spends time with Jennie.

The other night they had the Gong Yoo movie marathon with Joy and the others and Chaeyoung had invited Jennie to join because the latter hadn't watched most of his movies. That was unacceptable. Jennie has chosen to sit with her on the floor, while the rest sat on the huge L - shape couch and the loveseat. She would point out the flaws and joke at inappropriate times about the movie which leads to Lisa and Seulgi scolding her every time because she is ruining the movie for them. Chaeyoung should find it irritating too because that's her favorite actor Jennie is making fun of but she doesn't. Instead her heart beats  faster whenever Jennie laughs and will fling her body at Chaeyoung.

Then there is the new tradition where each morning there is a cup of coffee and a sticky note with short quotes on her table which Chaeyoung is starting to get addicted to. She had told Jennie it wasn't necessary but the latter stood her ground saying it was what she can do for Chaeyoung who drives her home everyday.

Chaeyoung used to hate the Seoul traffic. But now she finds herself silently loving the traffic jams as they make the trip towards Jennie's house longer.

Time pass in the blink of an eye and the day to choosing the new chief manager came. Everyone wrote down the names of the person they wanted and put it inside a box. The results were to be announced at Mr Chen's farewell dinner party the next day.

Chaeyoung invited Jennie to the bar to help her in case she feels nervous about the result but to her surprise Jennie looked way too calm.

"I don't really care anymore," Jennie said.


"Yeah. I mean, I'll still be happy if I get the role but I don't mind if I lose either. It doesn't matter to me anymore."

Chaeyoung furrowed her brows. "What happened?"

Jennie shrugged. "I realized I was too hard on myself. These days I've come to be content with what I have and I never felt so weightless. I don't need the chief manager role anymore."

"You deserve it. Cheers to that," Chaeyoung said and they raised their glasses.

"So this new found contentment. Does it have anything to do with me?" Chaeyoung tease.

Jennie chuckles. "I'm worried with how much involved you are in my decisions now," She retort.

"Any complaints?"

"None at all. Rather, you are more than welcome to help me make life decisions," Jennie smirks.

"I'll stay as long as you like me to," Chaeyoung says back.

That moment Chaeyoung thinks that Jennie might like her back too. And if she is reading this right she is ready to take the next level with her.

"So today, I even voted for Irene."

"You're too much Kim Jennie."

For Mr Chen's farwell party they rented a rooftop restaurant. Everyone was having mixed feeling being excited as well as sad that it was their last day working with Mr Chen.

Chaeyoung says her regards to Mr Chen and apologized as something came up and she couldn't make it to the dinner party. She wishes Jennie ' good luck ' and tells her that they'll celebrate together the next day.

The party went smoothly with good company and good food. Jennie felt a little lonely with Chaeyoung not being there but her other friends kept her company.

"Chaeyoung asked me not to leave your side," Lisa says.

"Sure Lisa. But you don't have to cling on to me," Jennie replied with a chuckle. Her left arm is starting to get numb as Lisa won't let go.

The scene suddenly change in a matter of seconds when there is a loud "no way" coming from somewhere in the room.

"Guys check that out!"

The notification sounds can be heard all over and everyone goes to check their phone.

"What the heck!" Lisa exclaimed.

"What is it?" Jennie asks and takes a look at Lisa's phone.

It was a picture of the Chairman of their company, the CEO and his wife, Chaeyoung and Woojin standing beside the President of the country and the first lady.

'The Park Family attending the  President's birthday celebration' 

the title reads.

"Does this mean Chaeyoung is actually the granddaughter of the Chairman?" Lisa let out in a timorous voice. "To think I made fun of the Chairman's bald forehead in front of her."

"To have a meal with the president and take pictures.... just wow."

"Can't believe she's actually the CEO's daughter. Our departure is in danger."

"Hope none of you said anything offensive to her."

"How are we going to act at work from now on?"

"Yeah it's going to be so awkward. "

Lisa shook her head abruptly which startled Jennie.

"She's still the same Chaeyoung. This doesn't change a thing. She is still the dorky and caring Chaeyoung, right Jennie?" Lisa asks her with a big pout. How is Jennie supposed to say no after that.

"Sure," but Jennie's voice was anything but sure.

When Chaeyoung walked into the office the next day, she was already anticipating the stares and the hush murmurs. She held her head and tried to look composed as possible. This kind of thing doesn't matter to her, it was bound to happen one day or another. There was only one person whose reaction she cared about.

When she reach her desk, Chaeyoung was surprised to find no cup of coffee or a sticky note on her desk. It saddens her as she could use the coffee and encouraging qoutes particularly today. She tries not to ponder on it  for too long and can't wait to see Jennie soon.

"Ahh Chaeyoung," Lisa greets her but her lively voice is replace with a nervous tone. "H - hi."

Chaeyoung groans. "Not you too Lalisa. I expect better from you."

"I can't help it. I bad mouthed the Chairman so many times in front of you," Lisa cries.

"It's fine. It's true that grandpa has a grumpy cat face. It is passed down in the family," Chaeyoung jokes along and chuckles. "I don't mind,  just don't change your attitude towards me."

"Course not, " Lisa did a 180 degree turn. "You're still confused and dorky, Chaeyoung."

"Yes, so don't treat me differently. And have you seen Jennie?"

"She's still not here. She is usually very early. "

"Isn't it a bad start for the chief manager to be late," Chaeyoung quip with a wink.

"Right, you don't know. Last night they announced the results and Irene got the role. She is our new chief manager."


"It was a close call. She won by two votes."

Chaeyoung calls Jennie immediately but the latter didn't pick up. And when an hour passed by and Jennie still didn't show up, Chaeyoung knew she wasn't coming for the day.

Or the day after.

When Chaeyoung ask Irene about it the shorter had told her that Jennie asked for a few days leave and didn't state her reason.

Chaeyoung can't help but worry.

Did something happen to her family? Are the twins sick? Or is Jennie trying to avoid her? But that can't be the case. So what if she is the daughter of the CEO. It's not like she chose to be born like this or lie about it. She is still the same person. And above all, Chaeyoung thinks that Jennie is the one who should understand her the most. Or maybe she is trying to convince herself that way.

The fifth day Jennie was absent from work Chaeyoung couldn't take the anxiousness and the longing to see Jennie anymore so she sets out to the latter's house after work.

She prepares herself in her car before heading over. Preparing for any sort of surprise that might be thrown in her way and tells herself not to lose her temper if she doesn't like the outcome.

She exhales and inhales as she steps in the elevator and questions herself why she was so nervous when she wasn't even going to confess. That's for another day.

But what meets her behind the door was something she entirely didn't prepare for.

"Can I help you?" The lady asked.

"Uhhh…" Chaeyoung gets tongue tight. She checks the apartment number once more and it's the right apartment. "Is this the Kim family's apartment?"

There is no way they moved without her knowing.

"Yes. I'm the daughter. Is there something wrong?" The lady ask again.

Chaeyoung mentally sigh. "Is Kim Jennie home?"

The lady look surprised by the question. "No, actually she's not home at the moment."

"Where is she? Is she alright?"

"She's fine. May I know who you are?" The lady looked more suspicious of her than before.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chaeyoung, I work with Jennie."

The lady nods. "Okay. As you can see she's not home right now. But I'll tell her you stop by."

"Please do," Chaeyoung said. "And tell her that whenever she is ready I'm just a call away. Tell her to take her time and think things through. I'll wait patiently." Chaeyoung doesn't know if she can trust this person to relay the message but it is worth the shot.

The sincerity in her eyes must have reach the lady in front of her as the latter smile and nodded. "I'll tell her just that."

"Thank you. Have a good night."

In the end even though the meeting didn't go as she planned Chaeyoung felt a small relief in her chest knowing that Jennie is fine. She goes back into her car crestfallen. But just as she was about to start her engine her phone lit up.

Chaeyoung took a look at it and accidentally blew the horns because she couldn't believe the text.

From Jennie♡ :

I heard you went to our house.

Sorry I disappeared without a word. Things came up and I needed time to think.

Let's meet at the usual place at 8pm tomorrow.

Don't be late.

The lady she spoke to passed on the message quicker than she had imagined. The grin on her face is starting to hurt but she didn't care at the least; rereading the messages over and over again.

It's safe to say Chaeyoung could hardly get a wink of sleep that night. And when the day rose she found it particularly long.

When she pointed it out to Jisoo, the latter simply said, "Maybe because it's June."

When the sun had set, Chaeyoung was already at the bar at 7 pm sharp. Jennie told me not to be late, she tells herself. The wait is excruciatingly long as Chaeyoung checks her watch every five minutes. The bartender who usually serves her and Jennie laughs at her, asking if she got stood up to which Chaeyoung merely sneers at him. Too nervous to have a witty comeback.

When the clock strikes exactly eight pm the doors of the bar opens and in walk Jennie with all her glory. Maybe it was the reason that Chaeyoung hadn't seen her in five days, in her eyes Jennie even looked more ethereal.

Jennie gives Chaeyoung a small smile as she goes to sit beside her.

"Hi," Jennie says.

The bartender beats her to it before Chaeyoung could reply.

"So Chaeyoung didn't get stood up. I was about to give her a complimentary drink since I felt sorry," he jokes but only Jennie laughs along.

"Then you can give me a complimentary drink instead. Make it a strong one, I need it. "

"Coming right up. "

"So," Chaeyoung starts, feeling the fast pounding from her heart. "What's going on with you that you need a strong alcohol in the middle of the week day?" She mentally pat herself for not stuttering her words.

Jennie smiles tiredly and Chaeyoung brace herself. "Where do I even start? It's been a rollercoaster these few days."

"Why don't you start by telling me why you've been missing from work ? And why you've been avoiding me?"

Jennie raises her right brows. "Avoiding you? I was avoiding everyone in general," she said. "The person you saw yesterday is my sister. She showed up out of nowhere and of course we weren't prepared. Especially the twins," Jennie apprised Chaeyoung of what had happened.

Chaeyoung's eyes went big at what she heard. "Wait, that lady from yesterday is your sister?" She exclaims, bewildered.

Jennie raises her brows. "It didn't occur to you that she is my sister? Everyone tells us we look akin."

"To be honest I was solely focusing on you, nothing could intervene," Chaeyoung said as a matter of fact to which Jennie let out a disbelief chuckle at her. "So what goes after that?"

"Well our little house was chaotic for over an hour. I was too shocked to even feel anything, mom was crying rivers and hugging my sister and the twins locked themselves in their room cause they didn't want to see their mother," Jennie continues.


Jennie nodded in understanding. "I know it's hard to paint the picture in your head. Long story short, I'm not too happy about my sister coming back like everything is okay and the twins still won't talk to their mother. And my mother is angry at us for not welcoming her so we've been staying at my aunt's house."

They both keep quiet for a few minutes, taking sips of their drinks and watching the bartender making some cocktails. Chaeyoung can empathize with Jennie at some point but it's hard to fully understand her when she wasn't going through it herself. She can't consider how much she must be going through; no wonder her dark circles are back.

"Wow Jennie, I don't even know what to say. I can't imagine what you are going through. All the frustration and unsettling emotions you had to go through, and not to mention, you being you will properly act strong in front of Jihoon and Jeong-woo," Chaeyoung says gently caressing Jennie's cheek. Jennie smiles but her eyes were watering, trying to hold back her tears. Chaeyoung regrets not reaching out to her sooner.

"You're so strong Jennie. More than anyone I ever know. You dealt with so many shits that you don't deserve. I'm sorry I didn't realize this sooner and had caused you more headaches."

Jennie takes Chaeyoung hand from her cheek and holds it tightly. "No, you did help me in some ways. Even though my life was hectic and I feel like I could burst any moment, the small fights and staring competitions keeps me from losing my mind. I remember thinking, as long as I can face Chaeyoung I can face anything," Jennie laughs at the end.

Chaeyoung scoffs humorously. "I'll take that as a compliment then. But please let me know if there is anything I can help with. Anything, it pains me seeing you so pale and skinny."

Jennie nodded. "Just be there. That's more than enough."

Chaeyoung feels all tingly inside as Jennie said that. The butterflies which she never knew existed inside of her are fluttering around. Her endorphins are high as the ceiling.

"The same goes for you too. Don't disappear on me like that anymore."

"It's a promise," Jennie pledges in a joking manner. "And I'll come to the office the day after tomorrow. We're moving back to our house tomorrow. "

"Jihoon and Jeong-woo agreed to talk to their mother ?"

"Kinda. It took a long time convincing them to even agree to go home. My sister has been trying from her side as well. In the end she is their mother, sooner or later they have to talk things through. I feel so sad that they have to go through this at such a young age."

"What about you? How do you plan on handling the situation?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Me? Well she is my sister. " Jennie blew raspberries. "And I want Jihoon and Jeong-woo to grow up with a mother. I'll be giving her a piece of my mind that's for sure. It's hard to get through that thick head of hers when mom is always siding with her," She groans.

Chaeyoung laughs at the big puppy in front of her and pat her head. "If it helps I'm on your side. Whatever you do."

Jennie giggles and lets out a big exhale. The heavy burden on her shoulders seems to have been lifted. The alcohol plus hearing Chaeyoung's voice or just seeing Chaeyoung in general is enough to let her lift her spirit. It's truly fascinating how much things change between them because during the days of being absent from work, Chaeyoung was the only person Jennie wanted to pour herself into.

"It feels nice to hear that," Jennie said. "I should have talked to you sooner."

Chaeyoung scoff. "Of course you should have, dummy. You made me go through hell because I thought you avoided me because of the news that I'm the CEO's daughter."


"What? You didn't know?" Chaeyoung asked dumbfounded.

"No - wait hold on," Jennie turns her body to face Chaeyoung because she finds the situation too amusing. 

"You thought I avoided you because you are the daughter of the CEO?" Chaeyoung nodded which made Jennie laugh. "You're too cute sometimes. Chaeyoung I already know that you're the CEO's daughter. Like years ago."

Her confession made Chaeyoung jaw drop. "What the - really?"

Jennie nodded. "Yeah. Back then when you first stepped on the campus. I had a friend who knows everything that goes around the Uni. Like every rumor and gossip, trust me you don't want to get on her bad side. She told me things about you, so I knew all along" Jennie says smirking.

"Should I be worried?" Chaeyoung raises her brows.

"You weren't the hot topic of her's for too long, it's fine. However I gotta say it was fun watching you acting oblivious about your family and the people from our department letting you do minimalistic works like printing and running their errands." They both chuckle as they recall the earlier months when Chaeyoung joined the company. "None of them are aware that they will be working for you one day."

Chaeyoung purses her lips touching the rim of her wine glass. "I wanted to start like everyone else did and not take the easier road. I think it will help me understand what's going on inside the company more than just abruptly being put on the top," Chaeyoung said quietly.

"And I respect you for that. I'm sure you'll make a great leader one day," Jennie assures her with a pat on both sides of Chaeyoung shoulders. The latter however laughs out suddenly which startled her.

"Respect? You knew who I was all along and you are so dauntless Kim Jennie," Chaeyoung says as she guffaws. "You should have seen their faces the next day after that big revelation."

Jennie laughs along. "I'm sure it was priceless. And why should I be scared of you? There is no way you can fire me just yet." Jennie said with her nose held high. "Also that's one of the reasons why I said I didn't want the manager job anymore."

Chaeyoung then remembers that they haven't talked about that situation yet. "Oh right. I'm sorry I wasn't there that night. What happened? So many people were rooting for you. I was so sure you were going to get the position."

"Irene was going to win even if I didn't vote for her. And I'm happy how things work out that way because - '' Jennie takes a breather. Chaeyoung didn't understand why her expression suddenly became guilty. "To tell you the truth I did approach you and force myself on to you because I wanted to use you Chaeyoung. I thought if I somehow get us to be on good terms then others will see that I'm a capable and reasonable person. And I can take the role as Chief manager. But when I get to know you more things changed."

"What? What changed?" Chaeyoung interrupts, barely holding her breath.

"You are so good to me. Even hough I provoke you so much you never stop looking out for me," Jennie replied. "Like that time with Mr Wang. There was no way the company didn't hear about that incident but I was let go without a single word. I'm sure you had something to do with it."

And Chaeyoung is guilty and has nothing to say against that as she did talk to her parents about it. But it wasn't entirely for Jennie, she really didn't want to join hands with that scumbag.

Jennie never thought that her revelation would come this way. She can't read Chaeyoung's expression at all and doesn't know what she is thinking but she continues to talk.

"I've been nothing but a bother in your way but you've done so many things for me. So knowing that I approach you with the intention of using you I can't take that role as the chief manager," Jennie concludes with a bitter smile which quickly morphed into a remorseful one.

It's silent. No one is saying a word; Jennie didn't dare to look at the girl beside her and Chaeyoung looked deep in thought. The air between them turned heavy. The bartender came back to refill their glasses and even he could sense that something was going on. Usually ever since the two started hanging out at his bar, the scene is normally hush whispers or laughing without a care in the world.

"Everything okay?"

He sounded so awkward that Jennie felt pity and sent him a small smile and nods. The bartender eyes them one more time before nodding back and attends the others.

Jennie is about to apologize to Chaeyoung but is interrupted as Chaeyoung turns fully her way.

"Look at me Kim Jennie," Chaeyoung said and somehow it sounded so authoritative that Jennie was instantly compelled to do so. The former is looking straight into her eyes and Jennie feels trapped by it as she unknowingly holds her breath.

"I want you to stop feeling guilty or regretful or whatever, over what you've done. If it's you, it's okay if I'm being used."

Jennie's eyes turn even wider than before. For a moment she thought her ears tricked her but the look on Chaeyoung didn't change - her eyes were sincere and warm.

"Wh - what?" Jennie stutter

Chaeyoung licks her lips looking nervous all of a sudden and shifts around her chair. She downs all of her drink for alcohol bravery.

"I know it's abrupt and you deserve more than just a half sober confession but I don't know, it just comes to me now. After not seeing you for days I realized how much - well it was really quiet without you. Not that I'm saying you're loud - I sit next to Lisa so I would know. What I meant to say is I miss your presence and since I see you five days and sometimes more in a week I didn't realize how much I got used to you being with me. And when you suddenly stop showing up in front of me I was so lost, like something wasn't complete. What I meant to say is - "

Jennie's sudden laugh interrupts Chaeyoung. "Can you say what you meant to say and not beat around the bushes?" Jennie knows it can come off rude but she just can't help it. The cool and blunt Chaeyoung that she knows is completely gone and is replaced by this cute jumpy Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung thought to herself how this was so much easier in her imagination. She fakes a cough to stop Jennie from laughing and tries to control her jitters. She struggles to bring back her indifferent self.

"What I meant to say is I like you," Chaeyoung said coolly or so she thought.

There was a moment of silence once more.

And then Jennie burst out laughing again.

"What now?!" Chaeyoung whines loudly, swinging her upper body.

It made Jennie even laugh harder.

"What I meant to say is I like you," Jennie mimics and then continues laughing.

Chaeyoung smiles and pokes her cheeks with her tongue. She sighs fondly as she watch the girl beside her.

"You done ?" She ask as Jennie's laughter dies down to a smile.

Jennie nods. "That is the most handsome confession I ever received," she said.

"Tsk. As if you get a lot."

"You never know," Jennie smirks.

"So... you're just going to leave me hanging here."

"Uhmmm," Jennie purses her lips. "Thank you for the confession. Would it be selfish if I take time to give a reply?"

Chaeyoung looked taken aback at first but quickly shook her head. "Take as long as you need. I can wait for you. I'll ask you everyday until you say yes," she stated. And when Chaeyoung sees the frown forming on Jennie's lips she messes up the latter's hair. "It's okay, you're always slow on everything anyways."

"I just don't want to rush things."

"I understand. But I have to say, if you're going to let me down, let me down slowly." Chaeyoung placed both her hands on her chest. It made Jennie chuckle happily, the frown completely erasing which was the former's intentions.

"If that happens I will sugarcoat it so much it will rot your tooth," Jennie teases. They cheered and both let out sighs after.

After spending a few more minutes talking they decided to go home.

"I'll drop you off," Chaeyoung offered motioning her car parked down the road.

"Actually my cousin is picking me up. He texted, said he will get here soon," Jennie retorted.

Now it's Chaeyoung's turn to frown a big one at that. "What the hell Kim Jennie. That's our thing," she whines once more.

Jennie finds it completely cute and amusing how upset Chaeyoung is over not being able to drive her home.

"We are going to the same house, it's more convenient that way. And I'll see you at the office the day after tomorrow. You big baby," Jennie says, pinching both Chaeyoung's cheeks and the latter just letting her be.

"Okay but afterwards I'm taking you to dinner and I'm not taking no for an answer." There was no room for discussion and Jennie agreed nodding her head. "I'll wait with you."

"You don't have to. He won't take long."

"I didn't ask for permission. I have time so let's wait together."

Chaeyoung shifted closer to Jennie so that there is no space between them. She moves her hand to Jennie's and gently intertwines their hands. She feels her heart racing and a blush forming on her ears but it was worth how completed she feels - like this is how it's supposed to be. Chaeyoung almost flinches when Jennie leans her head on her shoulder. She bites her lower lips from smiling too much and wishes the moment would last longer.

But it ended soon as they heard a honk and Jennie's name being called.

Jennie moves from the comfortable positions and stands in front of Chaeyoung.

"Wah ~ tonight is really something else. I found out that ice queen Chaeyoung actually has feelings and blood running in her veins. I should save the date," Jennie says. "Thanks for coming to see me. "

"Don't mention it. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You bet. Goodnight Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung takes time to say it back because if she does Jennie will have to go. But it's not like they can stand there forever.  They will see each other soon so Chaeyoung doesn't understand why she is so reluctant to let Jennie go. She kept her eyes on their joint hands and started to play with Jennie's fingers.

"Tell you what, I'll tell you a secret that might make you feel a lot at ease," Jennie said as she felt Chaeyoung's hesitation.

"What? That you like me back. That was fast." Chaeyoung snorted.

"Nope that's not it. But it's related in some way."

"Okay, fine. We can't let your cousin wait any longer. But before that - " Chaeyoung pulls Jennie closer and kisses her on the crown of her head. "Okay, now tell me."

Jennie was startled by the sudden kiss so she momentarily forgot what she was supposed to do. "Right. Lean closer," she tells Chaeyoung.

And the latter leans her ears beside Jennie's lips.

"I used to have a crush on you back at the Uni."

After whispering that Jennie swiftly walks away from Chaeyoung.

The latter was so shocked that she didn't move for a few seconds and when she realized what had just happened Jennie is already about to get in the car.

"The fuck Kim Jennie! You can't just leave after saying something like that!"

But all she got was a laugh in return.

Chaeyoung couldn't stop thinking about that one sentence however she did sleep the night way better than the night before.


Chaeyoung planned.

She makes plans for the perfect date with Jennie.

But every time something happened. Both Jennie and her were too busy with work and their families. After the new product they launched was a success their department became busier than before which made Jennie and her hardly getting any free time. Also Jennie and her sister have made amends and are trying to build a better relationship within their small family. As for Chaeyoung since her identity as the CEO's daughter is no longer held a secret she openly helps her father and indulge in more serious works for the company.

After so many last minute cancellations and procrastination Chaeyoung has had enough.

So when a holiday falls on friday, she invites her friends for a quick getaway at their family's villa in a small village. Everyone had agreed instantly - all of them eager to leave the busy city. And when Chaeyoung informed them about her little plan there were mixed reactions. Some were excited, throwing their own ideas on how Chaeyoung should do it, whilst some were reluctant to join but when being threatened by not going to the vacation, they also accepted their task.

The hardest thing was planning everything behind Jennie's back. The girl was already finding the sudden vacation suspicious as it is. And maybe it is due to the fact that they like each other now because Chaeyoung finds it hard to lie in front of Jennie.

But in the end when Friday came all nine of them left for the village without any problems. Jennie rides with Chaeyoung and the fun already started in the car. Seulgi, Irene and Lisa shared a car. And behind them Joy, Jisoo and Nayeon in one car. And behind them Momo drove alone with their stuff.

When they reached their destination they all were amazed by the beautiful scenery. The villa is a two story house big enough for all of them. It's surrounded by greenery such as flowers and vegetables and there are mountains at the back. They could hear the stream from the villa which got them even more excited.

When picking roommates Chaeyoung obviously picks Jennie.

"It's been so long since I shared a room with anyone other than the twins," Jennie had said.

To which Jisoo happily replied, "Oh I promise you, by tonight you won't be feeling shy at all." Which earns a painful nudge from Chaeyoung.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jennie asked as the others laughed and she was the only one confused.

They decided to have a picnic in the backyard where there are pretty flowers and the perfect place to watch the sunset.

"Chaeyoung, is the villa always this beautiful ?" Jennie asks as she and Nayeon make the sandwiches. "I mean the fairy lights and flowers on these vases are still so fresh. Everything is so.... decorated."

And once again everyone who heard Jennie burst off in giggles.

"It's maintained by a family who lives down the road. They must have done all this since I told them we will be staying for a few days," Chaeyoung said.

When the food is prepared and everything is set, the girls except Jennie signal each other to set the plan in motion. They send Jennie back into the house to do something and then get into formation.

As Jennie comes back to the backyard she was surprised to see her friends standing all together under the open shed.

"What's going on? And where is Chaeyoung?"

"Jennie," Joy speaks up. "Pick these letters in order."

"What for?"

"Just do it," they all say in unison.

"Okay," Jennie said, taken aback. "Okay, the pink one first, then the purple and the yellow and since I love color blue, I'll save the blue envelope for the last."

"Smart girl," Joy retorts and then goes on to hand out the letters to the others.

"I'm so lost right now with what's going on," Jennie said looking around.

"You'll see," Lisa says.

"Okay we'll go first then," Jisoo said, getting Jennie's attention. "I'll read the first part and Joy will read the second part."

She opened the pink letter and started reading.

"Kim Jennie,

Confession is hard. I should have left this job to you instead. In my head, the proposal to be your girlfriend has already worked out at the bar. You have gladly accepted my confession and we left the bar as girlfriends, and you let me drive you home instead of your cousin. Bracket - like I've told you, long drive is our thing and I don't like sharing, close bracket."

Joy took over the letter and continued. "We would have been here on this short vacation as a couple. Then we will live happily ever after, if that shit is true, and on our way to adopt two dogs. However you deserve everything in this world and that includes a grand proposal and not my half sober one at the bar. So this is me confessing my feelings for you once again. 

Be my girlfriend, Kim Jennie

From yours sincerely, Chaeyoung."

As Joy finished reading Jennie could hardly contain her smile and tame her heart.

"Can I see the letter?"

Joy gives her so. "There is more from where that came from."

Jennie looks at the paper and finds that it's actually hand written.

"I'll go next," Seulgi says, opening the purple envelope. Jennie tears her eyes away from the paper in her hand and focuses on Seulgi.

"Kim Jennie,

Ever since that night after you told me; you had a crush on me back in Uni, I've been thinking back to that place. I thought about how you see me back then and how I acted to gain your attention and of course what actually made you have a crush on me. I seriously regret not meeting you back then because I know I would have fallen for you all over again. Even if that means we will have just a short campus romance." Nayeon then takes the paper from Seulgi  "Never imagine Chaeyoung to be a romantic."

"In the end I guess fate has its own ways as it leads me to you at the office once more. Now I will never miss a chance to be with you. We may have never experienced the campus romance but we can make up for that and have an office romance instead, like those rom-coms you like so much. You're stuck with me for this lifetime after you told me you had a crush on me. 

So be my girlfriend, Kim Jennie. 

From yours faithfully, Chaeyoung."

Nayeon handed over the letter to Jennie and said, "No funny business where we work guys."

Jennie however didn't pay a mind to it.

"Guess it's our turn now," Irene said. "I'm nervous all of a sudden." She laughs at herself.

"We got the longest one," Momo says as she watches Irene take out the letter from the yellow envelope.

Lisa snatched the letter from Irene and said, "I'm going to read the first paragraph, because there is no way I can handle the last paragraph."

"Second!" Irene yells before Momo even gets a chance.

"Just great," the latter murmurs.

"Come on Lisa, we're waiting," Jisoo says from the other end of the line.

"Okay, here I go. Ahem

Kim Jennie,

First I'd like to say, I'm sorry for bringing the cinnamon flavored coffee to work on my first day. If I have a chance to redo anything in my life it will be that exact moment. Because I think we've wasted so many moments to be together because of that misunderstanding. You've never given yourself enough credit and always question your work but you should know that you're doing a fantastic job and I'll keep reminding you that until you are confident enough to share your ideas without checking them over a hundred times."

"DJ Irene, will proceed," Irene jokes.

"There are so many people who like you at work which is something I've always admire and be jealous off about you. You always keep your job and others before you which have made you a strong person you are now. And I cannot help but mention the love you have for your family. It is what make me see how much of a beautiful person you are; inside and out. But for me, I just wish you to be vulnerable to me so I can at least shoulder some of your troubles."

Momo takes the letter and reads what's left.

"I don't exactly know when I started falling for you. It comes so naturally that I didn't even realize how deep I already am. Maybe it was when I saw you for the first time, I recall thinking how pretty and beautiful you are. Or maybe it's when we bicker and fight. You always know how to get under my skin and make me feel alive. Maybe it's that time I got to know you better and learn how selfless and funny and charming you are.

I became excited to see you every day. You make my life happier.

So, be my - be my girlfriend, Kim Jennie.

Yours truly, Chaeyoung."

Jennie's eyes started to water by the time Momo finished reading. She ran over to the latter and took the letter from her. The three letters in her hand means so much to her.

"Where is that stupid girl anyway. She's making you read all this and hid herself, " Jennie said with no anger in her voice. "I'm going to read this over and over again."

"We're not done yet ~" Irene singsongs.


"It's four letters Jennie, remember, '' Joy said with a smile holding out the blue envelope.

"Turn around," Jennie hears a familiar voice as she turns around so quickly.

Chaeyoung stand holding a single blue rose flower. With her baggy all white shirt and pants she look out of place but somehow still belongs with all beauty that surrounded her.

"For you," Chaeyoung say and give Jennie the flower.

"A blue rose?" Jennie says with a surprised voice. "I briefly mention it because I never saw one, you remembered. "

Chaeyoung shrugged. "Of course I did. Its you, I pay attention to what you say."

Just when Jennie thought her heart couldn't take more.

"Jennie, I like you for a while now but right now I'm sure I love you. I don't want to mess up my words again so that is why I wrote the letters. I promise to be faithful to you and I'll never let you sleep at night with an empty stomach. So be my girlfriend Kim Jennie," Chaeyoung said and let a big exhale at the end.

Joy then gives the blue envelope to Jennie.

Chaeyoung tells her to open it.

And when Jennie opened it there are two pieces of paper inside. One paper with the word 'YES' on it and the other has 'NO'.

Jennie lets out a teary chuckle at the childishness of it.

She takes out the 'YES' and shows it to Chaeyoung.

"I love you too, Chaeyoung. You're the best thing that ever happened to me," she says and hugs the said girl.

Chaeyoung hug her back and then they leans in and kiss after what left like an eternity. The girls behind them cheered loudly.

"That was disgustingly cute," Jisoo says.

"She really went all out for asking Jennie out," Nayeon said. "I wonder how the real wedding proposal will be. "

"I just hope it doesn't involve me anymore," Momo states.

After enjoying the picnic and playing board games the girls leave Jennie and Chaeyoung alone to enjoy their first sunset as a couple.

"How did you know I'll pick the letters in that order. It could have been a mess if I pick the blue one first."

"I know you too well Kim Jennie," Chaeyoung says through eskimo kisses.

 The End.


"Chaeyoung! That's five times in a row! Let me win at least once!" Jisoo shouts as she throws the controller on the floor.

Jennie having witness the video game that has been going on for almost an hour look unimpressed at Chaeyoung.

"You soooooo let me win at the restaurant back then," she said.

Chaeyoung only smirks back. "I did. But you eat well so it's a win-win situation. "

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