A Wild West Night at the Smit...

By randomreader000000

6.2K 65 11

Nicky's step-sister Anna, a college freshman and aspiring museum curator, joins Larry on his rescue mission t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

237 3 0
By randomreader000000

Chapter 11


"Thank you gentlemen." 23 year old Anna thanked the Civil War troops as they finished their battle reenactment. Since finishing college two years ago Anna immediately started working at the Museum of Natural History. They still had Rebecca's old position open and after a recommendation from Larry, McPhee had given the job to Anna. It only helped that she'd been interning there throughout her time at the university.

Leading her group of twelve year olds forward she exited the circular room and headed for the alcove lined hallway.

"And that concluded the Civil War. Post Civil War America only survived because of the West. The "Land of Opportunity" as it was marketed by the government. It distracted from the war's brother versus brother, neighbor versus neighbor mentality that threatened to still tear the country apart. The West was unknown and full of possibilities, in a time before cell phones, facial recognition software, even birth certificates and ID, a person could travel west, choose a new name and create a brand new life for themselves. A freedom lost in our modern world and unlike any other freedom. It was in this harsh yet romanticized free world that we arrive at – my personal favorite part of history –"

"Billy!" one of the kids shouted when they spotted him climbing down from his horse at the last alcove in the hallway before they turned the next corner.

He was grinning, like always, as the group circled him and like the other exhibits he began to talk about his story and answer questions.

"Were you really born in New York?"

"How'd you hide from the sheriff for so long?"

"Can you really speak Spanish?"

"Did you teach yourself how to shoot so good?"

Anna watched from the back smiling to herself. Billy was crouched down to be eye level with the kids and they clung to his every word with wide immersed eyes. She had to remind herself not to linger here too long so she could finish the tour before the museum closed for the night. They usually were open much later but with Larry's Showcase beginning at nine the museum was closing at six to accommodate and prep.

Although, she'd love nothing more than to keep the group here. In her opinion Billy's history was the most fascinating out of everyone else's – not that she'd tell her friends that. And she thought it was a shame more history classes didn't study him outside of New Mexico.

She cleared her throat after Billy finished with the last question and she ushered the children away heading into the 1900's. Many of them waved and bid Billy goodbye as he stood up again, tipping his hat. He caught Anna by her elbow and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Will I see you later?"

She smiled, "This is my last group before I have to help Larry get the others ready for tonight."

He nodded still smiling, "I'll see you then." He snuck in a quick peck to her temple before she headed off to follow the children and continued the tour.

Since they started with Rexy and the caveman that meant they'd already gone through Ancient Egypt, the Huns, Easter Island and Sacagawea. Anna gestured to the alcoves they passed as they rounded back around to the main hall and she explained the late 1800's and touched on the early 1900's before it was taken over by Teddy who spoke to the children about his time as the republican candidate for president, his victory on election night in 1901 and his reelection four years later. Since New York was a mainly democratic state many of the kids asked how a republican president could possibly be a good thing. Anna rolled her eyes knowing Teddy and his answer before he even gave it. With a wide smile under his moustache he took the opportunity to give his "Some men are born great, others, have greatness thrust upon them." speech that he adored so much.

As he did Anna found her mind drifting. She was looking forward to tonight. She always looked forward to the night, especially now that Billy was here. Although because of the event they wouldn't be going out this time. They decided to stay in just in case Larry needed any extra help.

She remembered the first time she took Billy outside the museum. He had wanted to see where she lived, so she brought him to her apartment. Her dad and stepmom were out for a date night, or date weekend rather, so Anna and Nicky had the place to themselves. Her step brother of course spent his time down at the museum which left the place just to Anna and Billy.

She smiled at the memory of showing him television for the first time, and a radio, and cell phones.

She'd found an old movie based on a book he'd read way back when and they'd laid on the couch eating popcorn like a normal couple. Billy even stealing kisses during the slow boring scenes.

Anna brought her fingertips to her lips remembering how much time they'd actually spent kissing over their five year relationship. She was brought back to the present when Teddy's horse Tex whinnied at the kids. She let them ask another half a dozen questions before she checked the time and wrapped up the tour.

It was, of course, already well past sunset when they locked the doors and began the busy process of readying the event hall for a plethora of VIP's.



The Grand reopening of the newly renovated Hayden Planetarium had been the headline of most local papers, and even a few national ones. Larry had told her more then once that he was feeling more pressure now then when he'd had scored that pitch meeting with WalMart.

Once all the tables and chairs were set, tableclothed and had their sparkling plates and utensils down Anna went to find Larry. She giggled when she saw him in his tux fixing his tie. She was very glad she wasn't attending this event, Larry looked nervous enough for two people as it was.

"Need a hand?" she called and he turned to her.

"Yeah, thanks." He dropped his shaking hands and she fixed the bowtie for him before folding the collar and making sure it was crisp. "You know you should really come too."

She scoffed and shook her head straightening the bow and stepping back.

"Seriously, the whole renovation was your idea –"

"I can't take all the credit. I got my inspiration from the Air and Space planetarium." She shrugged, "Besides, crowds aren't really my thing. It'd only be worse if I was the center of attention."

She glanced over Larry's shoulder and saw Billy round the corner with Sacagawea. "I've got a much better night planned."

Larry smiled, "Well if you change your mind, you know where we'll be."

"Thanks." She whispered as they turned to the approaching pair.

"Tonight gonna be fun-fun!" the Mori head called as they passed by, "Here come Dum Dum!"

"How we doing Sac?"

"Rexy is waxed and buffed." She listed, "Teddy is grooming his moustache. Everything is in order and everyone accounted for." She glanced to Billy, "Not bad for someone who's people were once called savages."

"I said I was sorry!" he defended looking genuinely guilty, "It was a slip of the tongue and it only happened once!"

"He did apologize profusely Sac." Anna spoke up but saw the smirk on the woman's face. She'd let Anna know a while back that she had no hard feelings about it, she just liked to tease Billy. It was very big sister of her in a way.

Billy stuck his hands into his pockets, "But you want to talk about people who are savages, you should have seen what the neanderthal men tried to do in the Hall of African Mammals last week."

"What happened last week?" Larry asked turning from his cufflink to look at them, his eyes wide in alarm.

"Nothing." Anna shrugged.

"Yeah nothing." Billy replied before leaning towards Sacagawea and lowering his voice, "The charging rhino put a stop to their plan pretty quick."

She giggled then a lightbulb went off, "Oh, speaking of, I reviewed fire safety procedures with the primordial men. Have you seen them lately? The museum has added a new one."

"What? No. Oh and make sure the centurions stretch all right? They really went for it in the dress rehearsal and they're just not used to those kinds of dance moves."

Sacagawea nodded and made a note of it on her clipboard as the foursome entered the main lobby.

"Okay, everybody! Everybody listen up." Larry called trying to get attention. "I don't want to make anybody nervous but the mayor and the governor are both out there."

Anna let out a single laugh, "Really good then that I'm not going." Larry turned to her, "I didn't vote for either of 'em last election."

He smiled before turning back to the others, "And, uh, I'm not one hundred percent sure but I think Regis Philbin too."

Attila, who was standing by the main desk with his men, gasped, "Reeju Philbo?"

"Yeah Reeju Philbo."

Larry replied and Anna laughed as Billy wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Rexy, do me a favor. Watch the tail okay? There's gonna be open flame."

The dinosaur turned to his tail looking as concerned as something without eyes could appear.

"It's okay big guy." Anna said approaching him and he ducked his head down so she could stroke his nose, similar to what Billy did to his horse. But Anna had a soft spot for Rexy. She was very jealous that Nick had a chance to ride the T-rex years ago.

"Larry." Ahkmenrah called entering the lobby, with a grim expression on his face "You better come see this."

Larry headed off with the Pharoah as Anna watched them go. She couldn't hear what Ahkmenrah was saying with the crowd of people in the lobby. But she didn't have much time to dwell on it. Billy pulled her by the hand making her turn to him as he walked backwards down another hall tugging her with him. He had a mischievous smile and it contagiously made Anna grin back.

"We're staying in tonight right?" he asked as they made it to the hall of miniatures where it was much quieter and more private.

She nodded, "Mmm hmm. Have to. Larry might need me."

Most nights Anna and Billy ducked out soon after closing and spent the early hours of the morning exploring New York. Although she'd lived there her whole life Anna never felt too comfortable in a city. Too many crowds of people. But there was something about having the best shooter in history armed and by your side that made walking around New York at night feel much safer. It reminded her of that scene in Crocodile Dundee. Besides, she liked seeing New York's avid social spots through the eyes of someone as positive and fun loving as Billy. He got her to open up, like the time he'd convinced her to dance with him in the middle of Time Square.

Billy grinned, not seeming let down by staying at the museum that night. He pulled on her arm making her close the distance between them. She craned her neck slightly knowing what he was up to and the next second their mouths connected and she didn't care about anything else going on around her. Billy's free hand carded through her hair and both her hands cupped his face. He gave a little moan in the back of his throat as he pulled her to sit on a bench in the center of the room. She was able to wrap her arms around his neck as he leaned back against the long bench.

"Ow." He pulled away rubbing the back of his neck. Turning to the back of the bench revealed Jedediah, standing there with his gun raised.

"Now I've thought long and hard on this boy." He started, "And every night you skedaddle outta here with your gal 'fore I can corner ya but not tonight! This museum ain't big enough for the two of us. And we're long overdue to sort this out like men."

Behind him Octavius climbed up and approached.

"So I say all that's left is to walk ten paces and draw!"

"Jed your guns don't even work." Anna reminded him.

"A man's more then his iron!" Jedediah shouted throwing down the gun then raising both his fists, "Come on! Put 'em up if you're a man!"

Billy looked to her like 'Really? Should I?'

Anna shook her head and turned to the cowboy, "Jed he'll win."

"I don't think so! I'm pretty scrappy!" the blonde said swinging a fist to emphasize his point.

Behind him Octavius had his arms folded but brought one hand up to his temple like he was embarrassed for Jed.

"I told him not to do this." He said looking up at them but not moving his head.

Anna giggled at Octavius' comment as she stood, taking Billy's hand and pulling him up with her.

"I dunno Jed. Wouldn't say I'm man enough to go toe to toe with a fella of your caliber." Billy said, excusing himself from the potential duel.

"Dang right!" Jed cried from behind them seeming pleased at Billy's admission.

They turned and left, smiling once Jed couldn't see their faces and headed for Larry's old night guard room to be alone.



"Have you ever seen it like this before?" Larry asked Ahkmenrah as they examined the tablet. The bottom left corner was green with some kind of rust or corrosion.

"Never. This corrosion has never happened before. It's always been exactly the same."

"I wonder what's up with it." Larry muttered using his flashlight to look at the corrosion better.

"I have no idea. And to be honest, my father knew the secrets of the tablet better than I did. Unfortunately, he swore he'd never reveal them. He never did. . . "

Then the green crept along the bottom of the tablet, like the life was being sucked out of it. Ahkmenrah's skin turned sickly and he wobbled on his feet.

"Whoa!" Larry exclaimed as he caught him and held Ahkmenrah upright. "You okay?"

"Yes. Yes, I'm fine."

"Just take it easy out there tonight, all right? You got fifteen minutes til showtime." Larry clicked off his flashlight and turned, "We're gonna figure this out tomorrow."

"All right." Ahkmenrah agreed as he followed Larry out.

The pair parted ways at the next hall, Ahkmenrah went to join the others while Larry looked for Anna. He'd been preoccupied with organizing this event for weeks and if anything weird had been going on she'd know more about it then he would. He doubted she knew anything, otherwise she would have already mentioned it. But it wouldn't hurt to get her detail oriented mind working on whatever was going on here.

Thankfully with everyone gathering in the lobby it wasn't hard to find Anna. She was with Billy of course, walking down an empty hall. They were holding hands and talking, occasionally she'd giggle at something he said or how he said it. Larry hated breaking up their moment.

"Anna." He called and she turned as they stopped walking. She let go of Billy's hand and headed over to Larry. The Kid didn't seem to mind and took out his gun spinning it around his fingers as he patiently waited.

"What's up?" she asked seeing the worry on his face. "Is it Ahkmenrah?" she guessed having seen him walk off with the Pharaoh.

"His tablet. Something's going on with it, some kind of corrosion. He got all off balance and out of it for a second. You haven't noticed anything odd going on with the others have you?"

"No nothing out of the ordinary–"

There was a loud thunk and they both turned. Billy was standing oddly still, the expression on his face made it seem like he was fighting off some sort of discomfort. But the most shocking thing was his gun had dropped from his hand and was lying on the floor by his boot. Billy never dropped his gun. Never.

"Except that." Anna finished before she jogged back over to Billy. Immediately she cupped his face in her hands and tried to get him to look at her.

"Hey, you alright?"

He shook his head before taking a breath and turning to her with a smile, "Yeah, fine."

He picked up his gun and slid it back into its holster then turned to Larry, "Have you seen the neanderthal's yet?"

The change of subject was obvious but that didn't stop Larry from rolling his eyes.

"Not yet." He replied heading back for the lobby to make sure everything was in order. He checked his watch and made sure he had enough time before the show.

Meanwhile behind him Anna was still looking over Billy. He watched Larry go knowing when the former night guard wasn't there he'd have nothing to distract from his girl's concern. So he beat her to the punch.

"I'm fine Anna." He told her looking back to her. Her hands had lowered to his neck resting on the curve of his shoulders. "Really."

"You're not lying to me are you?" She asked just above a whisper.

He took her hand and brought it to his face kissing the back of her fingers, "Never."

She angled her wrist, turning her hand so she could weave her fingers through his. Then Billy smirked another mischievous grin as his eyes lit up.

"C'mon." he said with a tilt of his head before leading her back the way they'd came.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm not missing Larry see that caveman." he said with a chuckle.

They hurried off in the direction Larry had gone, only taking a few minor detours to try and get there before he did.

They rounded the Mori statue just as Larry was walking up to the hollering cavemen.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?"

When the neanderthal men saw Larry they all began to grunt excitedly and pointed at him with their clubs and sticks. Then they turned to the one in the center and when the fourth turned around Larry's face dropped.

"Okay. All right very funny." He muttered. "That's hilarious."

Anna covered her mouth with her hand while Billy chuckled openly, not a care in the world if he got caught.

The caveman took a step forward and Larry stepped back, "No, that's alright you don't have to come down."

But he did anyway with a single leap.

"Hi, how are ya? I'm Larry." He introduced himself unenthusiastically.

"I am. . .Laaaaaa."

"You're Laa?" Larry asked. "Laa, okay. Well nice to meet you Laa. Welcome aboard, and –"

Anna's laugh broke free and Billy's echoed off the walls as Laa raised a hand and caught Larry's nose between two fingers. Then he pulled that same hand back and touched his own forehead.

"Yes, we look similar." Larry exhaled in a sigh, "Yeah, we look like each other, I know. It's a joke that somebody played."

Larry looked down the hall to Anna who shook her head rapidly not wanting the blame for this but at the same time wishing she'd thought of it.

"Dr. McPhee." Larry determined by Anna's head shaking, "Had you made to look like me."

"I don't know Larry." Anna piped up, "I think he looks more like Tom Cruise."

Larry rolled his eyes, "It's just a – " Laa raised his hand to Larry's face again and Larry slapped it away, "Stop it. Stop, okay?"




"No, not Dada."

Off to the left an ostrich skidded to a halt from another hall. The bird looked at the exchange between Larry and Laa before it began tip toeing backwards like it was creeped out at the moment.


"No stop."


"Dada!" All the other cavemen shouted jumping and raising their clubs.

"No, I'm not his – I'm not your Dada." Larry repeated only for Laa to grab him in a strong hug.

"Dum Dum got a new son-son!" the Mori chuckled from behind Billy and Anna who were having a hard time containing their laughing fit.

"No he doesn't." Larry said shaking Laa off and heading back to the others while behind him Laa and his friends jumped and hollered happily.





extra scene: Jedidiah for the past 5 years:

The shouting of a cowboy's war cry was the first thing that reached Octavius' ears. Sighing he made his way to the edge of the display of Rome. Sure enough charging down the hall on a small horse was Jedidiah, trying to catch the outlaw that had been added to their museum. It didn't take long for his shout to fade away. The only reason Octavius had heard it to begin with was because of how often this occurrence had been happening. As Jedidiah rode away not making a sound the Roman General considered for a moment if his own cry at the noble House of White in D.C. had been so unintelligible.

Meanwhile Jed was shouting while riding his horse at a full gallop.

Octavius rested his hands on his hips thoughtfully in silence.

"AHHHHH!" Jed continued to shout.

Octavius scratched his head in the midst of nothing but quiet.

"Yah! Yahhhhh!" Jed shouted pushing his horse's stampeding hooves to move faster.

Octavius sighed, breaking the peaceful tranquility, "I suppose I should go after him."

He turned and took a few steps toward the nearest group of his men.

"Fetch me my steed!" he commanded regally.

A trumpeter blasted his horn calling his ride forth.

"Come on boy!" Jed shouted to his horse as they were just about at the door to the hallway. This was going to be his night. He could feel it in his bones. The adrenaline surging through his body, his fingers twitching and trigger happy, the feel of the wind in his hair as his horse rode faster than anyone could ever catch hi-


Oh come on.

On his left Octavius appeared riding his fuzzy mount. The squirrel kept pace with Jed's horse easily, making bounds at a slow pace.

"Jedidiah use sense! Better men then you have gone after William Bonney, none succeeded."

But Jedidiah ignored him and kept shouting at his horse to go faster.

Octavius sighed and pushed his squirrel faster. In a few bounds she overtook Jed and spun on the waxed floor to block his path.

"Come now Jedidiah." Octavius tried to reason from his perch, his head poking between the squirrel's ears, "Let us not forget when once you sought quarrel with Larry."

The reminder of being man handled by someone bigger then him brought Jedidiah to a halt. He sat in his saddle looking off to the side avoiding Octavius' eyes. He dismounted. Pleased, Octavius did the same. His squirrel proceeded to sniff at the smaller horse as the Roman approached the frontiersman. But as he held out his hand in truce Jed slapped it like a high five and took off running down the hall.

"Snooze you lose amigo!" he shouted holding onto his hat so it wouldn't blow off his head.

"Jedidiah!" Octavius shouted as he took off after him on foot.

The chase continued until Jedidiah made it to the main lobby but just as he skidded to a halt on the tile floor they were able to see his target with Anna outside the glass door heading down the steps.

"Oh for cryin' out loud!" Jed complained, taking his hat and slapping his knee with it.

Octavius caught up to him and with a small grin turned to his friend.

"Come." He clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Let us adjourn to the Desk of Information and drown our troubles in hours of electronic theater on the Tube of You."

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