DXD ultimate power

By 098765432112309m

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OC get reincarnated into High School DxD dies again More

The Entity

chapter 1 Resurrection

18 0 0
By 098765432112309m

No one's POV

Jason then ask the question. Wait why did you bring me here. vendel then replied. Simple I have grown bored of the Multiverse the same factions fight over the same worlds it's grown boring over the billions of years upon trillions of years I've been alive.

Jason was confused he didn't answer his question. Don't worry little one I will tell you why I brought you here. Jason was socked for a couple of seconds and then remembered he could see what he was thinking still made no sense that worked but fuck it.

You see little one I have grown bored like I said and now I want to go seek out a new form of somewhat entertainment at the same time run a little experiment of mine. You see I have grown interested in your universe in particular you have these people called gods a lot of them are arrogant fools some of them aren't that bad. Sooooo I've grown a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Jason felt curious about the plan and how I evolved him. This is how it evolves you little one you see I'm going to make you a... avatar of some sorts kind of a how can I explain this oh a host of some sorts. Jason even felt more Curious now what does he mean by Avatar does he mean it in the Avatar The Last Airbender type of way. Or Avatar the movie type of way. I mean it in the Avatar The Last Airbender type of way vindel added.

I'm going to give you a um.... secret gear you could kind of say won't be a sacred gear technically or it would be I don't know. You will figure out once I resurrect you. Jason was confused on what a sacred gear was but to be honest he didn't care. All he wanted to do was go back home and go right back to fucking bed today was a long day he got stabbed in the gut talked to a cosmic size entity and now he's apparently getting fucking stupid powers. A lot of this still doesn't make sense but who's going to say no to a cosmic size being so I'm sure as hell not.

So what kind of power is am I going to get laser beams. flight super strength super speed. Jason asked. Nope you were getting a power of my making I'm not going to tell you it we'll ruin the surprise. Jason didn't ask one more question. So when are you going to send me back to my world or you going to send me back to my original Universe before I got reincarnated. Oh no no no I will not send you back to your original universe. It was boring there. I'm going to send you back to the world uses came from so bye-bye.

Jason was about to ask one more question before a giant portal opened right behind him sucking anything in that was around it and luckily or unlucky Jason was the only thing around it Jason felt his body get violently pulled in he looked back at the cosmic entity. to see him waving one of his six hands before the portal snap set.

A away of colors passed by him blue green purple black yellow white gold piss yellow. Before.


Jason's POV

Jason shot up before shouting. I'M ALIVE. Jason then look around his bedroom he was back in his bedroom. Jason's side. Looks like it was a dream. Jason looked down into his bed before hearing a sound it sounded like a Discord notification sound somewhat he looked up and saw a screen in front of him saying congratulations you have gained Cosmo system. Jason then said under his breath shit.


Author's note.

I'm sorry my grammar is so bad I just suck.

So hopefully chapter 2 will come out tomorrow or maybe today depends on how I feel. So if you guys could I guess Sarah the story or something like that I hope you guys have a good day Tom 21 out

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