Touch Of Death || Park Jay

By kisseskawaii

47.1K 2.7K 3.5K

"Damn Mira, it's not that hard now! I'm tired of pretending that I don't love you." He growled and the next m... More

1 ¦ Welcome To My Enemies
2 ¦ Praise Nightmares
3 ¦ Fighting Back
4 ¦ Testing 1-2-3
5 ¦ Things Girls Like
6 ¦ No Diggity
7¦ Truth you lied
8 ¦ Not Believing My Eyes
9 ¦ New Enemies Unlocked
10 ¦ Lollipops & Cookies
11 ¦ New Roomie
12 ¦ Secrets?
13 ¦ Midnight Talks
14 ¦ If I Can't
15 ¦ Lost In The Maze
16 ¦ Inferiors "Friendly" Visit
17 ¦ If Looks Could Kill
18 ¦ Hurtful Actions
19 ¦ Pretty Roses
20 ¦ Stupid Situation
21 ¦ It's Time
22 ¦ Friendzoned
23 ¦ He's gone
24 ¦ Are you vampires?
25 ¦ Get Her Away
27 ¦ The "Sun King" from France
28 ¦ Nights Out
29 ¦ Boyfriend??
30 ¦ Embarassing Conversations
31 ¦ Unexpected Date
32 ¦ Guess who's back
33 ¦ TimeOut
34 ¦ Plush Penguin
35 ¦ Free The Maid
36 ¦ Good Old Days
37 ¦ Hot Chocolate
38 ¦ F-r-i-e-n-d-s
39 ¦ Showtime
40 ¦ Caught In 4K
41 ¦ Cupid Itself
42 ¦ We back Haha
43 ¦ Blessed-Cursed
44 ¦ Ex In The House
45 ¦ Bad Mood
46 ¦ Stalking
47 ¦ Stalking pt.2
48 ¦ Siblings?
49 ¦ Romeo & Juliet
50 ¦ Sweet Jealousy
51 ¦ Here too?
52 ¦ As long as I'm breathing
53 ¦ Time For A Confession
54 ¦ The Story
55 ¦ Endgame
56¦ Game Over, Jack Frost
57 ¦ Is it over?
58 ¦ Epilouge

26 ¦ "sweetie"

754 42 24
By kisseskawaii

2nd month without JayFebruary:

Bored, I rolled on my green sheets and stared at the wall. Uncover by Zara Larsson was playing softly in my room while I thought about how I would spend my weekend. 

All of a sudden it came to me. I quickly reached for my cell phone and called Lily. After I cleared everything with her, I called Sara. Luckily it suited her as well. So we arranged to spend the night at Lily's place. As boarding school visitors we were not allowed to spend the night away from home. She also lived in the boarding school, in house no. 2 of our level, so right next door in this Bordeaux red villa with the white shutters. Ours was kept in a somewhat more discreet color, namely golden-beige. 

I had to be over there in an hour with my sleeping clothes. I was curious to see what their villa looked like from the inside. Usually boarding school houses always looked the same from the inside, but our boarding school was special, after all we had villas

I hopped in front of the mirror and changed from my sweatpants to a short skirt, under which I put on a pair of patterned tights that matched the winter. Over it I wore then a cozy, black oversize sweater. To the whole then still my silver wristwatch and my cross chain. My dark hair I simply left open. I applied some eyeliner and my new dark, brown-red lipstick. It looked really good

I packed myself a pair of long sweatpants, a simple top and my toilet bag. After that, I disconnected my phone from my stereo and left my room. In the hallway, I spotted Heeseung pressing his ear against Joshua's door. What was that all about?

"Ayo, what's this Sherlock?" I whispered curiously. He pressed his index finger to his lip to signal me to be quiet. He then beckoned me over to him. 

I approached him and he whispered softly in my ear: "Josh has been in his room for exactly 20 hours now, without even showing up for yesterday's dinner or today's breakfast! This is getting really weird." 

Confused, I looked at him and replied, "Well what are you waiting for? Maybe something happened to him, just go in!" 

Heeseung shrugged his shoulders and said, "I would, but he somehow managed to barricade the door, and he shouldn't have a key for it." That was extremely strange. What was he doing in there? Oh, maybe he just wanted his privacy.

"Then I guess he wants to be alone. He'll be out soon enough." I said and looked at my watch. I still had 15 minutes to go. I said goodbye to Heeseung and went downstairs to the entrance hall. From there, I briefly went into the dining hall to get an apple. 

At the table, Riki was sitting and sleeping with his head resting peacefully on the table. Next to him was some homework and an open pen. Grinning, I looked at him and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. When I tried to pull my arm back, Riki suddenly grabbed it. 

I flinched in shock and hissed: "Woah, do you have to scare me like that?" He sleepily opened one eye and looked me up and down. 

"Where are you going, little one?" He asked curiously. 

At that moment, Jungwon and Jake came into the room and I replied, "I'm spending the night with Lily and Sara." 

Astonished, he raised an eyebrow and said, "I see." 

Jungwon murmured with a thoughtful expression, "You're staying over with a Lily, you said?" I nodded in confirmation and followed up, "Yeah, why?" He shook his head and waved his hand away. Well, don't then. 

Jake settled down on one of the chairs and sighed, "Why is everyone having hot slumber parties without me lately?" He pushed out his bottom lip in a huff, while we just frowned at him.

"You're out of your mind, Jakey." Said Jungwon calmly as he flipped through today's newspaper. 

Jake replied thoughtfully, "That's true. But I could still have them all. And if I have them, I'm sure they'll invite me back to their slumber parties!" Wow. That even hurt my brain now. 

Ni-ki laughed softly while Jungwon lowered his newspaper and said, "Uhm, I think we're talking past each other. I wasn't talking about women." Jake realized what a mistake he had made and laughed out. 

"Hey, but I wasn't that wrong." He said with a grin. 

"I'm afraid I don't have time for pointless conversations like that today, guys. I'll just be at Lily's." I said and walked towards the door. 

Jungwon looked at me and said, "Hmm, take care!" 

Laughing, I replied, "Yes, Dad." and quickly went to Levi. I signed off to him that I was staying at Lily's house tonight and then put on my black boots. Then I rushed off outside. 

Somehow my mood suddenly went totally up. I could finally talk to the girls again a round about everything. I was so happy

I walked through the cool February air and enjoyed the fresh breeze. I approached Lily's villa and walked through the black, metal garden gate. In her front garden there were only rose bushes, which were not in bloom at the moment. I now stood in front of the large white door and rang the bell. 

Immediately a brown-haired guy with gray eyes opened the door for me and called: "Ey, Han! Another one of your chicks, I think." 

What had the guy just called me? Chick? And since when was Lily's last name Han? Her name was Lily Choi, right? 

Before I could babble a whole paragraph of info to the guy, another one stepped up to the door and a pair of brown eyes eyed me. OH NO. Please don't- 

You're kidding, right? Lily's roommate was actually Blondie after all. Han Jisung... 

Annoyed, I rolled my eyes and the smirk on Blondie's face disappeared as well. "What are you doing here, please?" He asked coldly. A red fuzzy head squeezed between his arm and the wall and wrapped me in his arms. 

Lily replied in my place, "She's looking for me, Ji. Now get out of the way! Because she's spending the night here tonight." I would have loved to go back over to my villa. 

Blondie walked into the hallway and muttered, "I would have expected you to have more sophisticated friends, Choi." Lily angrily boxed him against the arm and stuck her tongue out at him. I couldn't help but comment. 

"At least with Lily, you still think she has some. With you, I kept thinking at first that you lived alone in a cave somewhere with no social contacts whatsoever, as shitty as you are."

Lily's jaw dropped and then she grinned silently to herself. By now I had kicked off my shoes and was standing in a red-carpeted entry hall. Jisung's friends were all staring at me as if I had killed someone, and he himself was glaring at me hatefully. Aww... someone couldn't handle the truth. 

The look on his face was hilarious. 

Lily broke the charged silence, "Okay, okay, everyone knows you don't like each other, but just try to stay out of each other's way for tonight. Okay?" 

Blondie looked at her disapprovingly and said ironically, "Yes, we can all go for a coffee together for good measure, so that we behave as we should. Fuck you! Why pretend that everything is fine when it's not? With all due respect, if you don't like each other, you don't like each other. And then you just have to somehow see how you get along, even if there's bad blood." I agreed with him completely.

At the word blood, he smiled at me in a playfully friendly way and briefly showed me his vampire biters. That jerk... Like he could do anything to me. 

In the last few weeks of training, I have once again become quite a bit faster and stronger. He better not underestimate me. 

I added condescendingly, "I agree, even if it means hitting people or knocking them out with a Tazer." Warningly, I tapped my pants pocket, in which the good piece was always ready for use. 

Jisung laughed softly and then said to his friends, "Let's get out of here. I'm extremely bored with these weird persons, even if one of them has a vivid imagination." 

With that, the guys warped off, down the hallway with a thousand oil paintings from the 'too-old-to-be-of-interest' years. 

After they left Lily said, "Come quickly, Sara is already waiting upstairs in my room." She pulled me by my arm up several flights of stairs before we finally reached her room.

As we stood in front of it I said, quite out of breath, "Usain Bolt would be proud of us for keeping up this pace, Lily." 

The redhead rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah yeah, Miri you can complain later! Come on in for now!" 

She opened the white door to reveal a lavender, fluffy sea of carpet, with Sara sitting in the middle. She was wearing dark blue, jeans and a tight, thin, black turtleneck. She had her hair cut again, but this time it was more layered. It now looked more peppy than before. She looked so incredibly great. 

I rushed up to her and gave her a stormy hug, "SARA!" She returned my hug, however, after a few seconds, she was printing, "I-I can't breathe, Miri." 

Laughing, I let go of her and said, "Your hair looks really great! I'm sure Eren thinks so too, right?" She nodded and shifted her glasses as she blushed slightly. 

Lily planted herself with us on the soft rug next to her white four-poster bed and pulled a small white coffee table towards us. On it were cookies, cake and cocoa. Dear heavens, she knew how to feed friends. 

We talked about all sorts of things all the time until, of course, at some point we got on the subject of boys.

"Oh, so you liked Heeseung and ended up rejecting him?" Lily hooked curiously and sipped her cocoa. I nodded

She grinned slyly and continued, "And because of who?" Confused, I looked at her and said, "What? W-what do you mean?" 

She sighed and said, "Oh come on, you thought he was cute. If you're going to turn someone down, it's only because you think someone else is even cuter." 

Lily stared at me hauntingly and suddenly sang, "Am I wrong?" I grinned and slapped her lightly on the upper arm. But then I thought. Was this really happening? The only one who had still made a pass at me was Riki. And he was too well... pushy was the wrong word for me, rather too set what he wanted. 

After all, he didn't really know me. For example, we had never done anything alone, let alone had a deep conversation. And yet he haunted my mind more often lately. And I didn't mean his creepy vampire ability. Somehow, he was already cute in his own way. 

"Um... actually, there's no one." 

Sara nibbled on a cookie and muttered, "Actually.... mhm." 

I stuck my tongue out at her and said, "Hmm, there's possibly someone I might find interesting." 

Lily groaned and clamored, "NOW SAY IT, ZAILA!" 

I yelled, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Furious, I glared at her and punished her with a tickle attack. She laughed out loud. 

But then, when she couldn't breathe, I let go of her and hissed, "No way, okay?" She nodded wistfully. 

After I told them that Riki already kind of interested me, they said as if out of one mouth, "You like younger guys?" 

I grinned and replied, "Remember, he's not really younger! And well he is interesting. Maybe there's something more behind his player facade. We'll see." 

We talked animatedly for another full three hours, during which I learned that Lily had just had a fight with Jimin and Eren still hadn't popped the question to Sara. Seriously slowly Eren could really ask her out. I mean were we still living in the 50's where he would have to marry her right away or what? 

After we decided to watch Jujutsu Kaisen, we wanted to have dinner. Before we went downstairs, we all went to the bathroom together, just like girls did. Then we went downstairs and ate, fortunately alone, since the boys had already eaten a few hours ago. 

Meanwhile, we philosophized about why Jisung and his buddies always acted so stupid and antisocial. When we were done, we cleared the table. I volunteered to take out the trash while Sara and Lily washed the dishes.

I walked once across the house to the backyard and headed for the big tin garbage cans. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a couple of figures. Thanks to the dusk, it took me a few seconds to realize that it was Jisung and his friends. 

They were playing around with fireworks like little kids, and then they thought it was funny to throw a firework right into the trash can I had just opened. 

That could not be true! How unreasonable were they? Such a thing was more than dangerous! I dropped the garbage bag and jumped back. There was a loud bang and the garbage can fell over. The boys started laughing loudly. I stumbled backwards and found myself on the stone floor. I rubbed my slightly scraped wrist and quickly got back up. 

Angrily, I yelled, "You half-monkeys are doing too well, aren't you?" Their laughter died away and Blondie approached me. In his right hand he held a half-full beer bottle. Well, nice! He wasn't drunk now, too, was he? 

Furious, he smashed the beer bottle next to me against the white wall of the backyard. He roared: "You as a normal weak person have absolutely nothing to report here, is that clear? If I were you, I wouldn't talk to vampires with such disrespect, or you'll end up as a snack between meals, you stupid bitch!" 

I replied unemotional: "I talk with whom I want, how I want, is that clear you redneck! You have to earn my respect first! And now leave me obligingly in peace, before I forget me!" His eyes turned blood red and he glared at me angrily. 

The last thing I heard from him was, "Suit yourself! You've been such a pissant to me all along anyway, you limited woman!" 

After that he rushed at me and tried to thunder my head against the wall. Grinning, I dodged, grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall. Quick as a flash, I followed up with two more kicks to the stomach, where upon one of his buddies yanked me off of him. 

"Take it easy, sweetie. You need to learn where you stand." Said this one. I kicked and kicked like a lunatic so that I could almost tear myself away from him. However, another one joined in and they both held me down, after which I couldn't move. Damn it

I just couldn't fight so many of them at once. They exerted so much force on me that I sank to the ground, onto my knees. Then they pulled my head up by the hair, where upon I could stare directly at Blondie. He grinned superiorly at me and reached out with his huge hand. Oh, oh!

The next moment I got a full force back slap. That drew perhaps. 

Tears formed in my eyes from the pain. I whispered, "You fuckers..." where upon Blondie squatted in front of me and asked, "Haven't you had enough, you bitch?" After he asked that, he was grabbed from behind and slammed to the ground. Who was that?

A/n: Who do you think it is?

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