What If I Never Wanted To Lea...

Firemuziclover tarafından

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Marinette was a prisoner. Damian wasn't supposed to be drawn to her. ...But he couldn't imagine her without... Daha Fazla

Story Version

What If I Never Wanted To Leave Your Side?

455 26 17
Firemuziclover tarafından


(What If I Never Wanted To Leave Your Side?

...Would You Make Me Leave?)


Damian didn't know why he was going there. He wasn't supposed to be going to the dungeons. 

Yet, here he was, walking and walking, down long cold pathways to the long rows of barred rooms. 

His wrist jerked forward, an invisible hand pulling him along. 

It was tethered quite insistently to him, pulling and pulling no matter where he was. When he was sleeping it weighed heavily on him, like a shackle had been locked on it. When he was training it burned through his skin, leaving marks his mind could only conjure. 

He stopped. The door was thick, 6 solid inches of reinforced iron. Still, Damian gripped the handle and turned.

Water drips was the first thing he heard. Decisive plinks against the stone. Each breath was torture, hot stale air that couldn't rush out of his lungs fast enough. It was dark, the only light coming from the open doorway that let out a long rectangle of light. 

It didn't even reach 7 ft from the door. 

Damian closed the door with a resounding thud, turning toward the two rows of cells. 

Skeletons stared at him, some covered in leathery skin, others bare and cracked, and a few fresh and rotting.

He looked away and continued walking, letting his wrist lead him. It was tugging more insistently now, burning but not like the way it had been before. Excitement, maybe?

Damian came to a stop and stared. It was a cell, but why would he be looking at it? It was empty. Confused and irritated, he growled and took a step back. 

Just before he could turn, he saw. 

His breath caught. 

They were blue; they were blue like the sea; blue like sapphires; blue like iris in full bloom; blue like a dark bruise; blue like the sky; blue like none of those things because they were the purest form of blue that Damian could think of and they stole his breath-

"Who are you?" 

Blue - so blue - was staring at him and he forced his mind to reboot. 


"Al ghul?" 

He hesitated before nodding. "Yes. How do you kn-" 

"Because your mother was the one that killed my parents. Your family is why I'm here." 

She was a prisoner. Spoils from a mission. 

Damian recoiled in disgust. 

"Why are you here?" He shook off her question. 

"It doesn't matter." 

She didn't matter. 


Damian found himself in front of her cell again, a little over a week later. 

"What did you do to me?" It was a demand.

Blue looked at him again. "Nothing; what is it you are under the assumption of?" 

"You cursed me! Did some witchcraft or something! Why else would I continue to feel the pull to come here?"

Blue burned brighter; Damian resisted the urge to shrink away in fear. 

"I did nothing- perhaps it is the curse that was cast onto my family. Maybe you have been wrapped into that... though, rest assured, it is not I who did anything. You will have to blame some stupid ancestor of mine from 4 centuries ago. Do let me know if you decide to take your revenge on them? I could use some entertainment." 

Damian left again, feeling humiliated and hurt. 


"What was the curse?" 

"How should I know?" 

"It's your family!" 

"That is true... but I still don't know... so do not ask me. Besides, even if I could tell you, I wouldn't be able to I suspect." 

Damian gave a frustrated huff. 


"Curse, remember? I think my family specializes in those. But I don't know how that would help with anything." 

"Maybe you could find a reverse?" 

Blue looked at him; they looked very disappointed in him. "Yes... in a cell, held against my will in a place with the wrong books I would suspect... unless they chose to not burn my home down and plunge the library of its secrets." 

Damian flushed, he had forgotten about that. "Right..." 

There was a sigh. "Don't think about it anymore; you'll hurt your head...You don't seem like the type to think so much..." 

Damian sputtered in indignation.


Overtime, Damian came to stop to see Blue whenever he could, with the insistent tugging on his wrist. Though sometimes, it was very faint as he slowly got to know Blue. 

Blue had a sharp tongue, Damian knew that. Slowly, though, he found himself feeling amused by her witty jokes and poisonous barbs. Somedays, after a harsh training, she would hum to him and Damian was sure that he wasn't imagining the cuts stitching together loosely or the bruises on his side would fade to the barest discoloration of skin. 

Damian would come, after lessons of Mandarin, and speak to her. She would answer flawlessly, as she always did, and then correct his speech with the knowingness of a native speaker. 

'My mother was born in China.'

Then, on Damian's tenth birthday, he sat at the door of her cell with a thick wrapping across his abdomen. Blue had glowed brighter than ever, and Damian tried to hide his flinch. 

"Who did this?" 

"My new teacher- I didn't move fast enough away from her blade." 

Blue stared at him and Damian looked away. Don't be angry at me please; I know I should've been quicker- stronger. I'm sorry I disappointed you.


He looked up at her. 

"..The curse, was made in the form of a blessing at first.." Blue dulled, and there was the sound of someone shifting. "It was made by two holders, they held the miraculi. Miraculi are special pieces of jewelry with a bonding to supernatural beings called kwamis. They grant powers to whomever wears them. There are two miraculi, creation and destruction, they are the most powerful.

What it does is... they give you powers and you fight for the cause you were pulled to. However... there are born holders, someone born specifically for the one miraculi. They say that once they meet their counterpart-s... you feel the pull. It's a sharp tug on  your wrist that pulls you to your counterpart."

There were bones using his ribs as a drum, making a rhythmical beat in his chest. It did not feel or sound good. 

"Once you meet your counterpart, you are drawn for life. And.. you feel it.. in the depths of your soul... When I was born, I was told I was creation's born holder... my counterpart would be the born holder for destruction... you echo with it, Damian..." 

Damian fled the room. 


"Why are you back?" 

There was a hard edge to Blue's voice. 

Damian took a breath. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I ran like a coward. I shouldn't have." 

Blue stared. "I accept and forgive." 

"Thank you.." 

There was silence then a sound of shifting a grunt... Damian stared as Blue disappeared and then watched as a girl appeared from the shadowed corners. 

"I'm Marinette..." 

Marinette - to rise

A worthy name for her; For a girl with eyes that only know life. 

She scooted closer and pale fingers reached out. Damian took in a sharp breath as they brushed his cheek. "I like your eyes. They're toxic. Destructive... It's beautiful..." 

Damian hummed and closed his eyes as her hand slid to cup his cheek. 

"Counterparts are bound... bound by our souls but you don't have to listen... I can break it for you." Damian look at her, feeling confused and hurt. 

"Why would you do that? Why would you even offer to do that?"

"That's is what you wanted, yes? After you claimed bewitchment?" 

"I don't want you to. I want you stay by me." 

Blu- Marinette- looked at him wide eyes. They flickered over his face as though searching for lies. Damian kept his face blank. 

Marinette sucked in a breath and bit her lip. She looked nervous. It was cute. 

"You shouldn't say things like that... What if I never wanted to leave your side? ...Would you make me leave?"


She smiled. 

Damian breath was taken once more. 


Damian stared at his bedroom, feeling the itching need to change it. The vanity was too close to the bed, providing far too little space for him to escape if an attacker came into his room- His bed wasn't flush against the wall which meant that harmful substances could be put in there- and a few other discrepancies that bothered him beyond belief. 

So he shoved his bed against the wall, pushed his vanity to the other wall, turned his sofa around, readjusted his nightstand and coffee table, and then nodded. It would have to do. 

He placed his messenger's bag on the bed and began taking out his few garments. 3 shirts, 3 pants, 4 sock pairs, 5 undergarments, and a pair of boots. He tucked his clothes away in the dresser and nodded. 

Reverently, he took out a little strap of leather with 4 beads on the end. His name was carved in all capitals. Damian pressed it against his chest, taking a deep breath and closed his eyes. He put the little charm into his pocket. 

A creak caught his attention and he turned. The door was open and his... father was standing there. 

"Come. I want to introduce you to everyone else." 

Damian nodded. "Very well." 

He took a deep breath. He would make his hayat proud. 


(Are You Going To Make Me Leave Now?)



She was here, Damian knew it. 

He'd seen her eyes. Glinting like only they could, even shrouded in shadows. And they had looked at him, and they shone in the most decisive manner. There was something on her mind. 

Even now, as he listened to the ramblings of his brothers, he could see her long-blue sheened hair. Mussed and swept aggravatedly from her face, shadowing her eyes and covering pale silvery skin. 

Damian stood. He walked out of the room, ignoring the sudden silence of his brothers. 

On the most primal level he could feel it, etched into his very soul. It was the same soft lingering power that balanced out the destruction inside Damian. 

Standing on the balcony of their hotel room, he stared out at the lights of Paris. It wasn't hot, nor was it too cold, but a very nice area of cool. He leaned on the bannister, resting his forearms over the other. 

A movement happened in the corner of his eyes. 

Blue stared at him. Then disappeared. 


"It's Damian Wayne-!" 

"-rich and hot-" 

"-look at his bone structure! He could cut diamonds with that jaw-!" 

Damian scowled as he walked through the crowded hallways of the French school, listening as girls and boys alike fawned over him. Not that he had anything against the boy, seeing as his friend Jon swung that way, but he was not interested in being pestered by the lot. 

He entered his first class and sat in the bench at the back. Students slowly entered and Damian felt amusement and disdain in equal measures as they did a double take when they saw him. One girl, with ombre hair and glasses, was particularly brave and tried to walk over to him to ask him some questions no doubt, only to be quelled when he shot her a glare. 

The teacher walked in, red hair and teal eyes, only for the door to slam open again. 

Damian smirked as his hayat walked in, with mussed blue hair. A loose black rock shirt, skinny jeans, and a leather jacket made up her ensemble. She stared at him for a moment before rolling her eyes. 

She flopped next to him and he brushed his fingers over hers. 

He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Surprise. Miss me?" 

"Of course. I have a little present for you." 

Damian smirked. 


"Shhh. It's okay, don't cry please. It'll be alright. NO, don't close your eyes." 

Damian held her close to him, pressing his hand futilely over her wound. Blood stained his hands and nails. 

The silver ring on his middle finger gleamed, mocking him for all his power and yet he can't save her. 

Destruction cannot save. Only wreak. 

He pressed his forehead against hers and felt tears bubbling in his eyes. He hadn't cried since he was 8 years old. 

Glassy blue eyes stared at him. They were wide with fear and apprehension. Everything dulled and swayed as he was locked under that terrible gaze. 

Tears sliped down her face. Blue was no longer filled with life. "No... Are- Are you going to make me leave?" She swallowed. "D-don't make me -leave.." She gasped for breath. "P-ple-please... don- don't wan' ta l-leave you?"

"Never." Damian gripped her harder. "Never, love. You'd never leave me. You know that. You'll always be by my side. You know this."

She smiled weakly. Her lips were trembling. "I-I'm scared." 

Wet slipped down his face and salt touched his lips. He was crying. "Don't be. Th-there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm right here. I won't leave. I promise." 

She took a raspy breath and her eyes fluttered. His ribs were kicked by frightened people inside his chest. "K-kiss me? Pl-please?" 

Damian nodded. He swallowed and nodded again, reaffirming himself. "Okay..." He leaned down and touched her cheek. It was chaste, the kiss, but her lips were dry and cracked from exhaustion and dehydration. There was less blood on her lips and Damian knew it was now on his. 

"L-love you, Dami. Lo-love you so m'ch." 

She let out a rattling exhale. She didn't take a raspy inhale. 

Damian choked on his sobs and clutched her more. It was a desperate noise, the one that he made, a raw animal that was clawing from the broken pits inside of him. It howled with fury and vengence, demanding blood from the one who killed her. 

He stared down and then drifted silently in the danger that was creeping up inside of him. Black studs adorned her ears. He took the off of her and stared at them in his palm. 

He shouldn't do it. 

But what else was he to do?

They took her from him and expected him to continue on. He couldn't. There was no longer someone to keep him there. 

His hayat was taken from him, leaving only death and destruction inside of him. 

A/N - What do we think?

I'd say I out did myself with this but I'm biased I think. 

Comments make my day and I hope I've done you guys proud with this one!

Hayat - Life


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