New Beginnings

By Bella_Nay

170K 9.9K 4.7K

Triology to Love Me For Me More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

11.2K 618 332
By Bella_Nay

Nasier POV

"Nasi time to get up for school hun. Stop being lazy." My mom came in waking me up for the second time.

"I'm getting up." I muffled into the pillow.

"You said that ten minutes ago. I'm serious. Get up."

I banged my head softly against the mattress. Even though I hated to get up early in the morning I still had to listen to my mom and get ready for school. If anybody knew how much I hated getting up in the morning it will be God himself.

I wiped the front of my face as I sat up as if that was going to help me wake up any better. I walked in my bathroom to use it and started to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I was done I walked into my closet to get out my clothes.

Not feeling like doing so much today, I just decided on some cream colored joggers and a plain black tee to match along with my Oreo Jordans.

While getting dress I immediately heard my phone blowing up with texts which I automatically knew that they were good morning texts from different girls.

Not trying to be rude and not say anything I sent out a good morning back to all of those who sent me one. Finally being done with that I shot one to my boy Kyren to see if he was up yet.

"Aye you up?"


"Yeah I'm up right now waiting for this lil brat to finish getting ready."

I chuckled knowing that he was referring to Lauren. So I decided to mess with him.

"Yo hop off my shorty's back. She'll be ready in a minute, damn."

I wondered what he was gonna say back. He always did get annoyed whenever I talked about her in that way.

"My nigga I don't see no Nicki around here so who the fuck are you talking about?"

"Who else am I talking about...leave my baby alone. Lol."

I knew he was mad but this was kinda funny to me.

"Yo chill out Nas, Im about to head out right now. Yo "girl" finally ready. I'll see you at school."


I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I headed to the kitchen to see my mom cooking and my dad sitting down on the phone.

"Im about to leave right now. I'll see yall later."

"You don't want nothing to eat before you go?" My mom came up to me trying to fix my clothes and my hair. It was something she made a habit out of because she didn't want her baby to be looking any kind of way in phblic.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Here take a pop tart or something." She grabbed one steadily trying to feed me.

"Ma I'm good plus it's football season and I aint trying to gain no weight. Besides I'm not trying to get out of shape like dad." I joked catching his attention.

"Oh you aint gonna be joking the next time you ask me to line you up back there and I fuck it up on purpose. HA!" He laughed at his own joke.

I gave him a straight face. I don't play when it comes to my edge up.

"Ronnie please be quite." My mom try not to laugh but failed.

"Nah that's okay ma. I see how it is." I said walking out.

"But baby he influenced me." She yelled walking behind me.

I shook my head and close the door on my way out.


"Hey baby." Nicki snuck up from behind me giving me a hug.

"Oh wassup." I halfway hugged her back.

She leaned back and stared at me. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I threw my bag in my locker.

" 'Oh wassup.' That." She mocked me.

"You said 'hey' and I said 'oh wassup'." I said simply trying to avoid an argument.

"Wow after all the shit I do for you all I get is a wassup. Wow Nas." She shook her head laughing.

"What exactly it is that you do for me Nicki?" I wanted to know exactly what the hell she was talking about because I get nothing from her besides a head ache.

"Whatever. Anyways what was up with Kyren's sister yesterday im first block. What, is she just popping off on people now because if that's the case than she could pop off on this one and get popped. You know I'm not playing either. She lucky I had Samantha go handle that."

"You talking like that about a 16 yr old?"

"So what. What was her problem with you?"

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't stand when she talk like this because it just wasn't cute to me. Like what are you trying to fight for? It always seem like when she would do it, it would seem like it was to impress me and I didn't want that. Pluse she had good talk but couldn't back it up.

"I didn't notice." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh really? Why does she have an attitude with you for? What does the little bitch got agaisnt you. You messing with her or something."

I looked at her like she had two heads.

"First of all don't call her a bitch."

"Why because that's your girlfriend-"

I cut her off. "Nah because thats's my boy's little sister and I ain't bout to let you disrespect her like that when she not even here to defend herself."

"Okay Nas. You really need to stay away from her."

I lauhed. "I dont understand where all of this jealousy is coming from anyway and we're not even dating."

"Well we talk, so I have a right to ask you these questions."

I rolled my eyes walking into first block. My eyes drifted to where Lauren would always sit at with her friend. I smiled when I watched her laugh at what her friend said.

Im not going to lie it was cute and I did enjoy hearing it since it was something I barely ever got to see her do. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Nicki tapped my arm.

"Baby are you taking me home after school today?"

"Why would you even ask me that when you know I have football practice at that time."

"But it'll be real quick." She pouted.

"No Nick, Im not about to risk being worked to death even more because I have to take you home."

She rolled her eyes and got up and walked to a different seat.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

Lauren POV

"If I was to ever meet Trey Songz in real life I would go crazy. I'm talking mad. Maybe even pass out, hell." I laughed with the rest of the girls at the lunch table.

It was only four of us sitting there. Amanda, Jasmine, KrystaLee, and myself. They wasn't close friends like how me and Amanda was but we only sat with them because we all had next block that was after lunch.
"Girl who is you telling. Forget passing out Ima be trying to get with him like, yeah Ima be 17 in two more months Trey wait on it." KrystaLee said making us crack up.

"Wow like that made a difference my nigga." Amanda added and I agreed.

Jasmine eyes started to wonder and I followed to where she was looking wondering who it was she was looking at.

"Girl you keep looking at him your eyes gonna fall out ya head." Krysta nudge her arm.

"I can't help it. He's just so fine. Like I would so don't even know." She moaned out. I looked down at the table top as they talked about him.

Amanda looked at me like she wanted to know what I had to say next. Being the person I am I decided to disagree on their thoughts.

"What do you guys see in him. He's not even cute to be honest."

Jasmine smacked her lips. " Why do you always act like you don't like nobody. I mean to you EVERYONE is out of your preference."

"Not everyone just him." I nodded towards Nas.

"I don't even see why you have one. If anything you should be greatful someone wants to take you out." She mumbled it but I heard her anyways.

"How about you chill on what you say to my girl. Watch your mouth." Amanda jumped in.

I tapped her arm to let her know that everything was cool.

"Nah we good Amanda. Bitches better be lucky I don't resort to violence in school."

"Who are you calling a bitch?" She got loud catching some peoples attention.

"You hoe." I looked her up and down.

She jumped up and started to take off her earrings. Is she really this stupid to start some shit with me.

"You must not know. I'll slap a bitch real quick."

I looked at Amanda and laughed with her as she made a fool of herself.

"Girl cut it out and sit down before I get up and beat ya ass." Amanda said laughing.

"Alright girls break it up." An administrator came over and grabbed Jasmine.

No wonder why I wasn't as close to her as I was with Krysta.

I looked back over at the person who started all of this in the first place. He was looking my way watching what was going on.

I rolled my eyes walking out the cafeteria with Amanda by my side.

"Listen don't even worry about what she said in there. You don't need no nigga and we all know that if you wanted to you can get with Nas." Amanda told me pushing her shoulder into mine.

" Im good Manda. Im not even worried about, just ready to leave." I gave her a half smile. She returned it back.

"Alright well let's just go in this class and after this you'll only have two left." She grabbed my arm pulling me into the room.


"Call me when you get home okay."

"Alright, see ya." I waved bye to her and leaned against the stairs.

I was waiting for Kyren to show up and pick me up before he went football practice. It was getting to hot out here to be wearing a jacket so I took it off revealing my sleevless tank top.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket calling him to see where he was at. I was getting no reply at all. It's been about twenty minutes and he still haven't showed up.

I started to walk home until I seen Nas running my way shirtless with nothing but some shorts on and the shoes on his feet.

"Hey your brother had to finish a test in our math class. He asked if I could take you home." He dangled his keys in front of me.

"Well I'll just wait until he's finish."

"Okay but after that he has football practice, which Im already late to, so can we hurry up and make this quick."

I looked at him for a minute before giving in and walking with him to his car. Looking around waiting for him to unlock his door I spotted Samantha looking our way not caring that she was spotted. She mouth something to me but I couldn't make it out before I jumped in ignoring her.

When I got in my nose filled with the smell of his cologne going all through the car. He started the car but I realise that we didn't go anywhere yet.

"Are we waiting on something."

"Yeah, I need you to put your seat belt on so I can get you home safe."

I let out a loud sigh doing what I was asked.

I thought about how they say that if a man doesn't tell you he love all the time but he tells you to put on your seatbelt than that was his way of showing it because he didn't want you to die. But than again I know for sure that he's not in love with me.

I looked out the window not paying attention to what he was doing. I didn't realize what he was doing until I heard the starting beat to Trey Songz- Good girls vs Bad girls.

I smiled singing the lyrics in my head. It didn't bother me until the ending where he started to sing the outro.

Ridin' on this dick like that

Movin' that ass

You do it so good

That it gotta be bad

Tell me where you learn that at

I don't wanna know

Do it fast, do it slow

Got a good girl waitin' at home

Stead I'm spendin' time with a freak

If she see me in the streets, don't speak

Bad girl, she just love to creep

No flickin', no pictures,

I don't need them shits deleted

I don't need them shits deleted,

I don't even skip a beat

Even if it's Halloween

I don't need to trick or treat

So you a good girl, or you a bad bitch

Whichever one, girl, don't you be average

I clutched my book bag onto my body as if I was trying to hide myself. I was silently praying that this ride could go by any faster. I kept quiet due to how awkward it gotten for me.

I looked over to see him driving smooth as ever with the same permanent grin he kept on his face. My eyes ran down his shirtless torso and down to his area.

There my eyes laid on the very first imprint I have ever saw in my life and his hand was just laying over it like he knew it was there. I bit my lip.

That right there was enough to let me know that I needed to be out this car within the next minute.

As if my guardian angel who was watching over me heard my cry and we pulled up to my house.

"Alright see you later-"

I cut him off with a thanks and quickly ran into the house. I got on my phone immediately calling someone who I know would give me some good advice.

I scrolled down finding their name within a second.....


Lauren and Nas in the M/M

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