Bocchi the Love Story!

By Kawaii_Lumine

200K 7.8K 5.3K

Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wante... More

1. Prayers
2. Sandwich
3. Mission Impossible!
4. Lethal Hugs
5. Answer
6. Experiences
7. Boy hogging
8. His side of life
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 1 )
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )
10. Bitter
11. Rain, Rain, go away~
12. Please don't be a rental, please don't be a rental, please don't be rental-
13. Asachin! ( 1 )
13. Asachin! ( 2 )
13. Asachin! ( 3 )
Special Chapter: Special Feelings
14. Kessoku Band
15. Last Will
16. Mayafumi Akemi
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 2 )
Omake: Short Stories
19. Resolve
20. Lie
21. Gifts
22. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 1 )
23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )
24. Costume Hunt! ( 1 )
25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )
26. Mothers can't help but be worried!
27. Halloween! [ 1 ]
28. Halloween! [ 2 ]
29. Halloween ( 3 )
Omake the Sequel: More Short Stories!
30. Icepops
31. Alleviate
32. Fornication ( this is a joke please-- )
33. " Gotou-san, I love you."
33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )
34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!
35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...
36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."
37. Sent and Sent Back
38. We're Bocchin' Now!

17. The Realm

3.4K 171 116
By Kawaii_Lumine

Today was Tuesday, the day after I've decided to break the truth to Mayafumi once and for all. I silently hyped myself up in my seat, reminding myself of my conversation with Akihiko-kun-- minus the suggestive bit at the end.

You can do it, Hitori!

" You're a lot more likable than you think, y'know?"

" Never before have I liked a person this much till' I met you."



Another truth about that day, was that I couldn't seem to get those words out of my head. Why does Akihiko-kun have to go and put certain ideas in my head when I know it's anything but. Agh! Okay, just calm down and remember the goal for today, and that is to clear up a misunderstanding between myself and Mayafumi-san.

Wait a minute.

W-What if she doesn't approach me first?!

I was suddenly hit with a backfist of realization from my own arrogance. I went into this, hyping myself up, thinking that Mayafumi-san would be the one approaching me. I completely disregarded the possibility in which she doesn't.

Does that mean I have to approach first?

I can't do that!

Class loners don't just approach popular girls like her! It's always the other way around!

I can already imagine how it'd go...


" U-Um...e-excuse me, Mayafumi-san..." I called out to her as she was talking to her friends.

" Hm?" She turns to me with a rather disgusted look, the look was shared with those in her circle as they eyed me with scrutiny.

I began shivering under their gaze.

" C-Can we talk for a moment--"

" Hah? Who does this peasant think she is?" One of her friends laughed amusingly. " Did she lose track of her place or something?"

" Lol! What a loser!"

" Ugh, the fact she approached us disgusts me!"

" Her pink hair and fashion sense is so trashy! "

" Akemi-chan, send away this friendless introvert back to where she belongs!" One of them says to Mayafumi.

Mayafumi glares at me.

" Who said you can talk to me out of your own volition? Scram! Don't ever talk to me again you waste of space!"



[ She couldn't have been any more wrong. ]

I'm sorry Akihiko-kun, but if she doesn't approach me first, then I'll have to keep up the lie. I can't do this.  Please forgive me for being such a failure!

I shut my eyes, embracing defeat.

" You can do it, Gotou-san!" A small voice said.


I opened my eyes and I saw a small miniature version of Akihiko-kun sitting atop my desk. His emerald eyes, comforting smile, and smooth brown hair-- an exact copy?!

" You're braver than you think you are!" He encourages.

" N-No...I'm not..." I whispered my self-deprecation.

" Yes you are!" He says, standing up and giving me that same look he always does when I'm unsure.

" Remember all the character development you've gone through. Remember all the friends you've made thus far."


" You wanted to make another friend out of Mayafumi-san, right? You can do it!"

" Yeah you can do it, Hitori-chan!" Kita's miniature figure pops out from thin air and rests on my arm.

" Bocchi-chan, have faith!" I hear Nijika's voice. She was resting happily on my shoulder.

" Bocchi, it's okay to be scared but don't give up." Ryo pops into existence onto my other shoulder. " Approach it just like how you made your lyrical debut in our band-- go about it your own way."

" See? You're not alone. Everyone is here to support you." Akihiko-kun says.

You're right.....

What was I thinking? I can't give up, I've got to at least try or I'll regret it forever and hurt Mayafumi-san's feelings!

" Y-You're right!" I said.

" You can do it, Bocchi-chan!"






" S-She's doing it!" Nijika gasps.

" Go, Bocchi!" Ryou voices her support. " Reach the power that I never could!"

" Amazing!!!" Kita claps. " Dig deeper! There's still more in there! "

" Heh. I knew you could reach it-- the realm of extroverts." Akihiko grins like a proud sensei. " Unlock it all, Gotou-san. The social skills necessary to overcome your trial!"



[ One transformation sequence later... ]

I'm ready.


Mayafumi was chatting the latest trends with her friends. But soon, the entire atmosphere changed after a single step.

" Huh? What's this feeling..." A friend of hers said.

" Y-You feel it too?"

Another loud step.

" I-I'm scared!" One of them cried.

Mayafumi was confused, she's feeling it too. But where is it coming from? She looks around, trying to find the source until her eyes landed upon the person she'd least expect to release this type of energy.

" G....Gotou-san...?" She mumbled in shock.

Gotou Hitori approached their circle of friendship-- that couldn't be compared to her own energy of friendship granted by the encouragement of her friends. Each step Bocchi took, a tidal wave of unspoken power was felt throughout the classroom.

Everyone was stunned.

And Mayafumi-san's friends were horrified.

" G-Gotou-san?! Is that really her?!"

" W-what's with her aura!"

" T-That look in her eyes-- it's something entirely different from her usual look!"


Mayafumi-san's friends cried the closer Bocchi approached them. Lightning sparkled around Bocchi, her blue eyes matching a minecraft diamond but 20x more epic.

The absolute peak form of Bocchi the Rock.

Mayafumi stood up from her chair, winding up the courage to face this familiar power.

" G-Gotou-san!" She calls out to her.

Bocchi stops right in front of her. Mayafumi gulped from her gaze, feeling small under this powerful existence. But she mustn't cower here! As Class President-- it's her duty to calm down the atmosphere of the class.

" W...What do you want, Gotou-san?" Mayafumi said, trying to keep her smile.

" Mayafumi-san...." Bocchi spoke, her voice caused the windows to break. Something was very much unusual about her voice, it felt as though a thousand were speaking at once!

That's when Mayafumi was hit with an epiphany.

Yesterday, when she rambled constantly to Bocchi about this possibly the aftermath of her abuse?!

The truth is...

Mayafumi knew that Bocchi wasn't well-versed in anime than she'd initially thought. But she ran her motor mouth anyways, unable to stop, and hoping to maybe just maybe convince Bocchi into checking it out for herself.

But unknowingly, by neglecting Bocchi's potential, and backing her into a social corner....


Created a God.

Mayafumi, upon being faced with the product of her actions, trembled hard. Her hands couldn't stop shaking, and her fear was endlessly seeping the longer she stood there. The being in front of her had the potential to topple the entire nation if she so wished-- one who could bring life, and cause destruction in its wake.

Mayafumi briefly wondered, this must've been a plot to a manga somewhere that she hasn't read yet.

Bocchi places a hand on Mayafumi-shoulder.

She flinches.

" W-What are you doing--?!"

But the two of them vanished.

The atmosphere returned to normal.

The  windows don't appear to be damaged at all.

All that's left....was a burn mark on the ground, where the two of them once stood.


And everyone else, was in heavy disbelief as to what just happened-- unsure if that was a dream or an illusion created by their brain due to their lack of sleep.


Mayafumi opened her eyes to a familiar area. I looked around and quickly realized where we are, the place she brought her to.....was the unused area of the school. The same place Mayafumi brought her yesterday to make sure she wouldn't spill her otaku side.

She stood there, with all her power and glory.

" Talk.....we.....need to talk...." The being spoke.

" I-I'm sorry, Gotou-san!!!"

Mayafumi got on her knees. She's realized that the only way to appease this god's anger, is to beg for her pardon. There's no other way out.

The being went silent.

Mayafumi saw this as the chance to keep going.

" I' sorry!" She cries. " I must've been so annoying to you, right? I kept talking and talking-- but I couldn't stop! Even though I knew you weren't as knowledgeable as me, I couldn't help but keep talking!"

" I beg you, Gotou-san! Please....please forgive me!" Tears seeped out from her golden eyes. " I w-won't bother you again! I swear!"

Bocchi's power faltered upon seeing Mayafumi's face wet with tears.

" N-No...wait....this isn't... " the being began nervously reached her hand out.

" Mayafumi-san....I d-didn't mean to..."

Bocchi's eyes widened as she felt the extrovert power leaving her. For a moment, she thought that she was growing weaker again, and wanted to fight and keep that power-- but quickly realized one thing.

The power gifted to her temporarily, saw that there was no need to stay much longer.

Bocchi understood and lets it go completely.

Mayafumi-san is crying, and that's not something the godly power can fix. No, it saw that only Bocchi can comfort her now-- nothing else.

And so, Bocchi slowly reverted back to the person she was......

" M-Mayafumi-san please don't cry!" She stammered.

" H-Huh?" Mayafumi slowly looked up through blurry eyes, and they widened upon seeing Bocchi. Not the god. Just Bocchi.

The Gotou Hitori, who was currently raising her hands in worry.

" I...I didn't mean to make you cry!" She says.

" G-Gotou-sannn!!" Mayafumi hops back onto her feet, runs straight to Bocchi, and hugs her tightly.

" You're backkkk!!" She cried tears of joy.

Bocchi was stunned, but she felt happy from the hug. She awkwardly hugged back.

[ Bocchi notes that Mayafumi smelled nice. ]


" I that's how you felt..." Mayafumi-san said. I nodded.

She was silent for a moment before giving me a guilty smile.

" Gotou-san....I'm so sorry......I already knew you probably felt that way. But I just--"

" I understand your feelings." I interrupted her. " I know what it's feel like you found someone that likes the same thing you do.... it's normal to want to keep talking because of that."

" But still, I knew what I was doing." She frowned. " It was terrible of me to continue doing it anyway."

" I think even Akihiko-kun found it annoying when I did it to him that day..."

" He didn't!" I quickly rose to defend. She looks at me with suprise, and I blushed after realizing how confident I was to just say that.

" H...He loves your art! " I started, " I was talking to him...about this yesterday. I wanted his advice and he immediately knew it was about you, but there was no resentment or anything..."

" He found you interesting, Mayafumi-san. Even if he couldn't understand most of the things you were saying. And he loves your art, even if he wasn't familiar with the characters." I smiled a bit.

" I've known Akihiko-kun for quite a while.....and I can confidently say-- that he loves people that exhibits their passion." I recall to all the times  he'd talk about soccer and about Kessoku band.

" And you have a ton of passion for your drawings! Please show me them sometime!" I bowed my head. " H-He says they're incredible...but I want to see them myself as well..."

" So please.....don't think otherwise of Akihiko-kun's or my feelings in the matter....we both appreciate your otaku side, Mayafumi-san."

I heard a few sobs and sniffling. I immediately looked up to see Mayafumi-san with tears in her eyes and a happy smile.

" Gotou-san.......thank you..." She hugs me again for a moment before releasing me again.

" You...You really are a kind person..."

Kind person...

" R-Really~? Ehehe....."

" It's nothing really~ I just said what I said y'know~?"

[ Again, her ego has been aroused. ]

( Mayafumi chuckles as she watched Bocchi swaying left to right in what seems to be her own spiral of happiness after receiving a compliment. )

" Mayafumi-san....I want to be friends with you." I said after a while.

She looks at me in suprise-- with an expression I couldn't tell. I was scared for a moment, thinking that she was going to reject me, and I was willing to accept that.

But then a smile broke out on her face.

" I'll be more than happy with that!" She  laughs happily. " Okay, let's be friends!"

I couldn't help but smile myself, as I gained another friend to fill in my social life.


" Bocchi looks like she's glowing again..." Ryou comments upon seeing Bocchi wiping the tables with a gleeful expression.

" You're right!" Nijika nods before turning to Kita. " Did something good happen to her?"

Kita shaked her head. " I don't know what happened.  But I do have a feeling that she's made a new friend, with this being the result."

" Hm...that sounds about right, honestly." Nijika accepts that.

" Oh. I thought Akihiko-kun kissed her or something." Ryou says after sipping her iced tea. " She has the look of a girl whose gone through her first kiss and on the way to s--"

Nijika covers Ryou's mouth.

Kita had a thinking expression before she smacked her fist onto her hand in realization.

" Oh! Come to think of it. I didn't see Akihiko-kun at all today! " She said. " So he wasn't at school..."

" Is he okay?" Nijika asked, curiously.

" Maybe Hitori-chan knows since I don't have his number." Kita says. " So we should ask her."

" That's not going to happen anytime soon." Ryou says.

" Huh? Why?" Both girls asked, and they were answered upon Ryou pointing to Bocchi.

" She's singing and dancing on the table." She says in amusement.

" HAH?!"

" B-Bocchi get down from there! You just cleaned the tables! Don't dirty it again!" Nijika ran to her with haste.

" Get her down or else manager will kill us!" Kita also goes.

Ryou silently sips her iced tea.

~~~ End ~~~

Super Bocchi has made her debut. The power she held was unfathomable!

Next chapter will be a fun one!

And since I released this chapter a bit early, then it's possible I will update two chapters today! Fingers crossed though.

Hope you enjoyed this one and look forward to the next one! See ya~

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