Lover (MikeyWay x Reader)

By snuckoutofheaven

720 8 46


• Frank Iero
•Text Messages
Jumping Austin!
Dates n Posters
Slumber Party
Mikeys Party


98 1 21
By snuckoutofheaven

Thanks for 57 reads, and happy new year!

Christa, Frank, and I walked into my house, and I go upstairs to get our outfits from my closet. I give them to everyone and we get dressed

"Aww Franklin, and Christa you look so cuteee!" I say after we all finished.

"So do you!" They say.

Frank does Christa's makeup, which he was surprisingly good at, while I curled her hair. She ended up looking like a pretty princess. After she was finished, she straightened my hair, while Frank did my makeup. When I was finished I loved the way I looked. Frank wanted us to change up his hair a lot. Good thing we had time. I grab the hair scissors from the bathroom while Christa runs to the store around the corner to get some hair bleach. I cut off one side of his hair, but not fully. I then sit down and open my laptop to MySpace. "Hey Frank do you got a MySpace?" I ask out of boredom

Before he can reply Christa comes in. She is speedy!

"I got it!" She says.

"Ok we gotta hurry up, Frank sit." I say.

She puts the bleach on the side of his hair I cut off, then we wrap his hair in plastic wrap, so it sets in quicker. We pass time by doing random things around my room. Christa was going through my closet looking for something to do. Before I could stop him, Frank pulled the bedsheet off my drum set that I haven't used in about two years.

"I didn't know you could play drums." He says sounding surprised.

"Yea.." I reply.

"Play something." He says.

Truth is, after my parents divorced, I haven't had any motivation to play. Maybe I should start again. It made me so happy. My dream career is to be a musician and I basically gave up all because of one disappointment. After coming back from my thoughts I decide that I don't want to explain my sob story of why I don't play anymore, so I sit down and grab my sticks.

"Sorry if it's bad, I haven't played in a while." I say.

I decide to play a beat I created a few years ago that I loved. It was kind of complicated but it sounded so cool to me. I hit the drums and cymbals with my sticks and the music takes over me. I missed this feeling. I wish I never gave up on it. It's  what makes me the happiest. I finished the 'song' and put my sticks back in their case.
I look back up at Frank and see his mouth almost hanging open.

"What?!" I ask.

"You- "
"That was so fuckin rad Y/N!" He says

"Awh thanks Frank." I say with a smile.

"You've got so much talent. If Pencey Prep doesn't work out, you have to be in a band with me." He says

"Okay.... If you give me 20 dollars." I say jokingly. To my surprise he actually hands it over.

The timer goes off so we head to my bathtub and rinse out the bleach. It wasn't yellow at all, it was already platinum blonde. We quickly dried his hair, then helped him do some makeup. After a few minutes of waiting, we heard Rays car pull up, so we grab our gifts and go get in his car. Christa sits up front with Ray, while Gerard and Frank sit in the middle row, and Mikey and I in the trunk. Good thing it was pretty big.

"You look so gorgeous." I say to him.

"You look even more gorgeous." He says.

"We're here guys." Ray announces. Everyone gets out and now I can fully see everyone's outfit.

Ray and Christa's black and white theme was so cute. They are so perfect together.

Gerard and Frank both looked great as well. I look back over at Mikey and fall in love all over again. He looks so FINE in a suit.

Im in love my dress. The back was so fluffy, and the front had dark red lace

The six of us walk into the hall and are greeted with 3!oh3's DONTTRUSTME

I gotta admit, it's my favorite dance song. Our group suddenly disappears, so Mikey and I walk towards the snack area. This was probably gonna be boring, but I'm glad I have my friends with me to make it somewhat more interesting. After getting a few snacks we go to a table where all our friends are and sit down beside each other. Stacy notices us and comes over. She starts up a conversation with us and acts like we've known each other our whole life. It's really strange, but maybe she's trying to change. After a while, she walks away and Mikey and I join the conversation. Ray and Frank are talking about their future careers and wanting to make music full time. Frank then mentions how I play the drums and I shoot him a death stare. He notices and changes the topic away from me. The conversation continues until a chaperone comes up to us.

"Y/N Hale?? Please let me see your bag." She says.

"Umm, why?" I ask.

"I've been informed that you're offering alcohol to students. If it's not true you will have no problem with letting me have a look." She explains.

Weird.. "Uhhh alright." I say kind of annoyed and hand over my bag. She looks around in it for a second and then pulls out a flask.

"What the fuck??" I say in a shocked tone. "I swear that's not mine." I add.

"Then why was it in your bag?" She asks.

"Oh my god bro she doesn't even drink." Frank says.

"Is this yours then, sir?" She questions him.

"It's none of ours. I don't fuckin' know how that got in there." I explain. I knew she wouldn't believe me but what else could I say?

"Right.. Please come with me Y/N. I'm afraid I have to call your parents." She says. Great. I stand up and follow her, then I notice Stacy and a few of her friends giggling and staring at me. I should've known. Stupid bitch. Since I'm in trouble anyways, I walk up to her and kick the back of her knee. She falls foward and crashes into a table with the jocks sitting at it. She looked so silly. It goes silent and everyones staring at her. I just walk away and continue to follow the lady. She sits me down and calls my mom. She's gonna be pissed. I get a notification from our group chat from Frank. I open the message and see a video of Stacy falling in slow motion.

jacketslut: LMFAOOO

me: i'm so glad u got it on video LMFO

I put my phone down and hear my moms voice on the other side of the phone.

"Please let me speak to my daughter." She says. The lady hands the phone to me and I hear my mom waiting for an explanation. "Mom! It was Stacy. She distracted me and had one of her bitch ass friends put that in my bag. I swear I never had a drop of alcohol before." I explain.

"Watch your language, Y/N. I know it wasn't you. I don't think the adults will believe you though. Just go somewhere else with your friends and have fun. I miss you so much I'll see you in a few days." She says.

"I miss you too mom." I say and then the lady takes the phone back.

"I'm sorry, but you have to go home." She says.

"Okay, can I say bye to my friends first?" I ask.

"Sure." She says.

I walk back into the party and see all my friends faces light up.

"Don't get too excited I still have to leave." I say.

"Ugggh." They say in sync.

"Bye guys." Mikey says while standing up.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask.

"I'm going with you." He says smiling.

"Noo you need to have fun." I reply.

"It won't be fun without you." He says with a frown.

"This party is ass." Frank says. "Let's go to taco bell." He adds.

They all agree with the idea and we get back into Rays car. Mikey closes the trunk on both of us and lays his head on my lap. I felt butterflies in my stomach. We stay like this for the rest of the drive. I was almost asleep when the trunk opened and I saw a bright light flash in my eyes and notice someone opened the trunk. Mikey and I get out of the car and follow everyone into taco bell.  Frank orders a ton of food, more than enough for all of us. After receiving it, we find a table and laugh at the fact that we were at taco bell instead of the prom we waited on for weeks. We were talking about how funny Stacy looked as she fell, when I felt something on my shoulder. It was Mikeys head. I sneakily take a photo from under the table, then kiss his forehead. I love how touchy he is. When we all finish eating we get back in the car.

"Can we have another sleepover?" Mikey asks in a tired voice.

"Of course." I reply.

Ray drops us off and I open the door. I help a half asleep Mikey inside and upstairs to my bedroom. He lies on my bed, then I get my pajamas and go to the bathroom. I change into them, then brush my teeth. I go back to my room and shut the light off. Then, I get in bed and open my phone since I wasn't super tired yet.

me: mikey is so cute

i send frank out of boredom. mikey sits up and opens his phone.

littledude: thanks, love but why are you texting me this while i'm right beside you

" I meant to text frank." i explain quickly and let out a nervous laugh.

He laughs and holds me closer. He was so warm and cozy.

"Y/N?" He asks.

"Yea?.." i reply tiredly.

"Do you....

would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asks shyly.

i look up at him and smile.

"i would love to." I say happily.

He smiles and kisses me softly, then we both fall asleep

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