Force of Nature: Book 2 - App...


264 68 36

Lady of the Sith: Darth Viveza wanders the Outer Rim. Trying to carry on the legacy of her beloved friend Egl... Еще

Book 2 - Apprentices of the Abyss
Fortune (.1)
Judgement (.3)
Tower (.4)
Death (.5)
High Priestess (.6)
Magician (.7)
Empress (Final)

Temperance (.2)

24 7 15

This was it. She couldn't take it anymore.

Little did Melinoe know that while the ship wasn't able to make a landing, it was able to send out an emergency signal that made it to a nearby island settlement.

The settlement had been built on the edge of a landmass. The tower-like structure reached from the bottom of the seafloor to nearly 100 metres above the water's surface. All over the tower were twisting balconies and outdoor walkways. Making the whole place look like a huge piece of bismuth from a distance.

A young mirialan and a human woman made their way across one of the many pathways to an apartment door which they opened and entered without knocking.

"Karaay," The mirialan man waved. "Karaay, we've got a salvage job."

"Okay?" The older man said as he looked up from his desk.

"We thought you could come with us," the woman smiled. "It would be like when we were kids."

"You two don't need me for a salvage job," Karaay told them.

"Come on! It's not very far!" The lad pushed. "You need to get out of this apartment!"

The woman elbowed him in the shoulder. "Mak!" she hissed at him.

"What, Ruta? It's true!"

"Don't say it like that,"

"Enough, okay!" Karaay sighed. "I'll go, but we'll have to be back before sundown."

"Can't leave Baby Jaks waiting," Ruta nodded.

The three made their way out of the upper living levels and to the lower-level moonpools. As they made their way, Mak and Ruta explained the situation to Karaay, saying how an unidentified ship had crashed into a nearby biome. One life form was identified, but they had no idea if they were still alive.

"They'll likely have been eaten by leviathans by the time we get there," Karaay said as the three climbed into one of the Holtite class submarines.

"That's so grim," Ruta pouted as she moved to the Holtite's scanners.

"It's realistic," Karaay said as he passed Mak a rebreather.

As they got closer to the crash site, Mak made his way over to Ruta. "He doesn't seem to be getting any better," Mak whispered to her.

"He needs more time," Ruta hushed.

"We're reaching the crash," Karaay called out to them.

"Got it!" Mak called back.

"Still picking up that life sign," Ruta said as she passed the scanner goggles to Mak.

"Alright, in and out," Karaay said sternly. "We can worry about salvaging the ship later."

Mak put his rebreather on and then made an okay sign with his hand.

The two men exited the sub via one of the lower hatches. Quickly spotting the wreck and finding a way inside the ship, they swam up to the front of the vessel. Guessing that it hadn't completely flooded yet. Karaay stopped Maks when he saw the blocked entrance shake. Maks nodded in understanding. Moving to the side so Karaay could cut the door open.

After a minute of slicing through the metal, the door fell open. They expected some debris to fall through and sink to the bottom of the ship but were surprised to see an astromech droid that must have gotten caught between the door and a large piece of durasteel.

The still-active droid spun around in a panic. Mak motioned to Karaay, pointing to the droid and then up to their own ship. The older man gave him an affirmative hand signal.

While Mak got the droid out of the ship, Karaay swam through the door, expecting to find the owner of the life sign. He popped his head out of the water and found a woman hunched over a broken beam just above the water. Karaay made his water over to the unconscious woman, quickly checking for broken bones and other injuries.

Once he found it safe to move her, Karaay placed a spare rebreather over her face. He carefully lifted her off the beam and wrapped an arm around her, swimming out of the wreck and back to the Holtite. Trying to focus on getting inside and ignoring a sizable hungry-looking creature heading towards them.

Once he was inside, Karaay heard Mak make a distressed noise. "Gigantic leviathan heading right for us!"

"What?! I shot a beacon to distract it!" Ruta shouted as she helped the now-waking woman sit up.

"Just go!" Karaay rushed over to the controls. "We've got who we were looking for."

Mak put the sub into motion. Trying not to show how much he panicked over how close the aquatic beast was to them. Meanwhile, Ruta checked over their new guest.

"Are you breathing alright?" She asked, and the woman just nodded. "Is it okay if we check for injuries?" The woman nodded again.

Karaay went about looking for bruises while Ruta asked the odd question to the mystery woman. His eyes landed on a pendant hanging around the woman's neck. He could have sworn he had seen it somewhere before.

Without even thinking, he reached out to look closer, only for the woman to snap her hand around his wrist, causing him to let out a yelp of pain.

"Sorry!" Karaay apologised. "That was out of line."

The woman gave him a look of warning before dropping his wrist. Karaay moved his wrist around, trying to ease the sting.

The ride back was thankfully uneventful. The whole time Karaay was thinking about where he had seen that pedant.

"Welcome to the Enarsa Sept," Ruta smiled as she led the woman down the halls. She didn't respond, just looked around the place like something was about to jump out at her.

Melinoe had yet to see the outside, but inside, the foundation was made of dark silvery material, with glowing green power lines built into the wall. Designed to blend in and pass for patterns. It reminded Melinoe of a colourful metal she once saw but couldn't place the name at that moment.

"I need to go tell Cordelia about your 'guest'. You okay with helping her check into the med department?" Karaay asked Ruta, who moved to answer but noticed something.

"We have an audience," Ruta pointed to the next floor up, where several beings were looking down at them with curiosity.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you about lulking?!" Karaay shouted up to them. They all screamed in surprise and scattered.

All except one small boy who hadn't been able to see through the group of teens moments ago. "Pa! Did you find anything cool?"

Karaay made an indecisive huff to his son as Ruta led the woman up the walkway. "I'll tell you about it later. I've got to sort something out."

Melinoe looked up at the boy curiously. There was some kind of familiar energy coming from him.

If she remembered correctly, the human woman was called Ruta. She led Melinoe to another area where they reset her arm and applied several bacta patches to bruises and cuts on her body. After a few hours, Melinoe was lying in a hospital cot with the 20-something girl by her side.

"So, do you want me to get your droid?" Ruta asked.

The Sith didn't register what Ruta said for a moment. "He's his own droid. He can do what he wants."

Melinoe looked over her arms. She was surprised by the lack of pain in her arm. Or the lack of pain at all.

Ruta and Melinoe looked around, not quite sure what to say to each other. While Melinoe looked, she spotted a small pair of blue eyes staring at her.

"Jaks!" Ruta called. "What did your pa just say about lulking?"

"I wasn't lulking," The boy squeaked.

"Really?" Ruta smiled as she motioned the boy over. Ruta messed with the boy's jet-black hair as he stared at Melinoe.

"Can I help you?" Melinoe asked the boy with a frown.

"You're grumpy," The boy said. "Like my pa."

"I got that impression," Melinoe sighed.

"What's an impression, again?" Jaks asked Ruta.

"It's how you feel about something when you see it for the first time," Ruta answered with a smile.

"Right," Jaks nodded.

"How old are you?" Jaks asked another question. "I just turned 7."

"Wow," Melinoe deadpanned and thought for a moment. "I think I'm 29."

The three of them talked for a while, exchanging basic questions. Melinoe had some suspicions about 'Baby Jaks', as Ruta called him. She had a feeling he might have had similar suspicions about her.

As twin moons raised in the sky, the trio was greeted by two figures. The familiar face of Karaay and a woman Melinoe had yet to meet.

"What are you doing in here?" Karaay asked Jaks.

"I wasn't lulking! I swear!" Jaks panicked.

"Let's get you to bed, kiddo," Ruta said as she lifted Jaks into her arms. "I think pa and Cordelia need to talk to your new friend."

Jaks waved goodbye to Melinoe. She gave him a small wave back.

Melinoe turned her head to the boy's father and 'Cordelia'. If Melinoe had to guess, this woman was some kind of higher official around the place. She held herself like an ambassador or senator.

"We're sorry to bother you," Cordelia nodded her head in greeting. "But my friend here was just telling me about that necklace you're wearing."

Melinoe gripped the amulet in her hand like a lifeline.

"It's just that someone very important to me once had a necklace like that."

Melinoe kept looking at the woman as she explained why she was there. The more she looked at her and how she acted, the way she talked, the words she said.

"You're Eglantine's sister," Melinoe realised.

"I knew it! You knew her?!" Cordelia shouted in surprise but quickly composed herself. "I'm sorry, it's just-" Cordelia trailed off.

"She called you Coral and was always hoping you were okay," Melinoe told her. Somewhat dazed.

"Do you know where she is?" Cordelia asked while she tried to stay calm.

Melinoe's breath got knocked out of her by that question. "I-I'm sorry...she-she's dead."

Cordelia turned away from Melinoe. Trying to hide the pain on her face. Karaay placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, whispering something to her.

Karaay seemed to be taken aback by the news, looking at his friend with sadness and sympathy in his eyes.

Melinoe felt a twisting pain in her gut. The guilt she was feeling back on the ship was coming back tenfold. She didn't know what to do. Should she comfort the woman? How was she meant to do that? Tell Cordelia her long lost sister died on a planet she hated without the burial she deserved?

Melinoe turned her head to the side, not wanting the two of them to see the tears in her eyes.

The woman took a deep breath and turned back to Melinoe. "Thank you for letting me know. Is it alright if I ask you some more questions later?"

Melinoe nodded her head.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your rest," Cordelia said with a sad glint in her eyes. "I haven't gotten your name yet?"

"... Melinoe," The Sith answered. "Melinoe Lanami."

Cordelia and Karaay gave her their goodbyes for the night, leaving Melinoe alone with her thoughts.

A small part of her wanted them to stay. Just so she could confess everything to them. Byss, the sith training, the fact that she and Eglantine had been assassins for most of their lives. It was all starting to make her head hurt. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. NOt there. People would start asking questions and she couldn't handle it at that moment.

Melinoe felt her mind going foggy, no doubt leading to a headache. She had no idea what to do from here. Her plan was just to make it to Marazi.

Perhaps it was a problem for the morning, Melinoe thought as she tried to relax into the cot's pillow.

The next month was spent on Melinoe's recovery. It was exhausting. Days spent doing exercises. Things like stretches to help with back and neck pain from the crash. Making sure her body was functioning exactly how it should.

The staff around Enarsa had also tried assigning her a therapist, but Melinoe never bothered to attend the appointments. She wasn't interested in telling a stranger her deepest regrets and secrets. No one needed to find out about any of that. Especially here.

After that, there was work. Finding ways to keep her mind distracted. Scouting, night patrol or deliveries. Anything to keep the dark thoughts in her mind at bay.

Somehow a whole year passed. The first year of her new life. She was content with what she had found, but a small part felt she could do more. Do something that was befitting of Eglantine. Of her legacy.

Melinoe shared this with Cordelia. The only person Melinoe felt she could tell without shame. Cordelia tried to reassure her that just by living, Melinoe would have made Eglantine proud, but Melinoe persisted. Cordelia relented and agreed to see what kind of work she could find for Melinoe.

Back in the present, Melinoe went about her new routine. With some minor interruptions from the younger Kaaray, who had grown fond of Melinoe over the year.

"You ever used the Force just for fun?" Jaks asked as he and Melinoe walked down the hall. "You know, a little jolt of the Force to trip up some jerk whose tricking you off?"

"I would never use the Force for something so petty." Melinoe huffed.

"Oh, come on. There's gonna be times when you think about it. You can tell me." the wain insisted. "I promise I won't tell anyone."

This was how most of Jaks' surprise visits went. For an hour or so, the boy asked Melinoe random questions until she walked him back to his father. At first, Melinoe was a bit unnerved but grew to enjoy the eccentric boy's company.

"There's no secret to tell, and even if I did, that would make me very childish," Melinoe stated as she shot Jaks a look.

"What are you trying to say? I'm not like I'm asking if you UCK-" Before Jaks could continue his speech, his foot suddenly got pulled forward. Causing him to fall back with a thud.

"Hey! That wasn't funny!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Jaks," Melinoe smiled as she continued walking. "Come along, we shouldn't keep your father waiting."

The boy jumped back up. Quickly following Melinoe with a slight hint of a smile on his face.

Jaks grew fascinated with Melinoe after meeting her. Melinoe realised that was because he sensed that Melinoe was force sensitive. She chastened herself for not realising Jaks was force sensitive as well. He was practically a beacon half the time.

Melinoe had tried asking Karaay about it and wondered if he had been approached about his son's force sensitivity. By the Jedi, perhaps. She was surprised when Karaay started getting nervous. She dropped the subject. At least for that moment.

Right on time, Melinoe opened the door to the Karaay apartment. "You! What have I told you?!"

Jaks ran over to his father. "Auntie Ruta knew I was with her!"

"That's not the point, and you know it," Karaay told him as he lifted Jaks into his arms. "I'm sorry he keeps doing this."

"It's okay; he wasn't that much of a bother," Melinoe joked.

"Hey! I'm a delight!" Jaks cried as she tried in vain to wiggle out of his father's arms.

"Say goodbye," Karaay told him.

"Night, Lady Vi."

"Good night, Jaks," Melinoe said back.

Melinoe returned to her apartment later that night. Only to see a message from Cordelia on her PDA. It said something about coming to a meeting in about a week. Was this about their conversation? What was Cordelia doing?

The day rolled around, and Melinoe found herself standing in one of the many large halls of the home of the Enarsa Sept. When Melinoe asked, Cordelia explained that she had organised to discuss a new role for Melinoe with the other Overseers. It seemed they were having a hard time deciding what needed to be done with Melinoe.

The Overseers had decided enough was enough and that Melinoe needed to be given actual duties and responsibilities if she stayed on Marazi for good.

Melinoe would never admit it out loud, but she was anxious. The last couple of months had been hazy for her. She didn't need to be on edge for the first time since she was eleven. These people meant no harm and wanted to help her. That just wasn't normal for Melinoe.

The only people who ever treated her with genuine kindness were her mother, Eglantine and Ke-

"Stop that thought right now," she told herself.

The point was that Melinoe was used to being mistreated. Having all these people being cornered about her health and well-being was strange in so many ways.

Melinoe was nervously tracing the patterns along the lightsaber that was once Eglantine's with her finger when she heard the sound of fast footprints approaching.

She turned her head to see a familiar boy slipping around the corner into the hall. Jaks looked up at her and rushed over.

"Vi! Hide me, please!?" The boy asked. Clutching his little hands around Melinoe's arm.

"What?" Melinoe deadpanned.

"Just for a little?" Jaks whispered. Looking around frantically.

Melinoe heard another pair of footprints heading towards them. Jaks gave her one more sad look, which caused Melinoe to roll her eyes. She lifted her hand, causing Jaks to start floating towards the ceiling.

The child let out a small noise of surprise. Once he could reach the roof, Jaks grabbed hold of the rafters right as another woman rounded the corner. Melinoe recognised her as Jaks' aunt, Antonella. Her shoulder appeared to be covered in some kind of blue slime.

"You, Lanami!" The woman shouted.

Melinoe let out a hum of acknowledgement, turning back to stare at the door she had been waiting in front of for the moment.

"Have you seen Karaay's boy around here?"


"Are you sure?" Antonella pressed.

Melinoe didn't say anything. Instead, she just gave Antonella a sideways glance.

"He jumped out at me again. Little brat thinks he's funny." Antonella continued.

"Rather sad that a grown woman could get so easily surprised by such a small thing." Melinoe pointed out.

This caused Antonella's face to go a bit red with embarrassment. She mumbled something under a breath about Melinoe being a 'no good Force-Wielder' and turned to leave. Flicking off some of the slime that had dripped down to her arm.

Once Antonella was out of sight, Melinoe turned her head back towards the ceiling. She looked up at Jaks, who was still hanging off the support beams.

"You can let go now," Melinoe told him.

"You won't let me fall?"

"Of course not."

"You promise?"

"I swear on my lightsabers."

That seemed to be good enough for him. Jaks slowly unwrapped his arms, and Melinoe started floating him back to the ground.

"I didn't mean to!" Jaks said once his feet touched the ground.

"You always say that."

"It's true! I didn't mean it. I thought it was someone else!"

"Explain to me how that makes it better?" Melinoe asked. Jaks went silent. He clearly didn't know how to answer that. When Jaks remained quiet, Melinoe let out a sigh.

"I'm not that small," Jaks said. Referring to Melinoe's earlier statement.

"Yes, you are." A smile appeared on her face. "You're tiny. Now you should go before your aunt comes back."

"Okay." Jaks huffed. He then ran off right as the door opened.

"Lady Lanami, we're ready for you." Melinoe felt her heart jump at the voice. She turned to see Cordelia's face. Always somehow familiar yet somewhat unknown to her.

Melinoe followed Cordelia into the room. Inside was a sizable octagon-shaped table. Each side had either a hologram or a humanoid sitting at it.

"So this is the one you've spoken so highly of?" A Kaminoan woman asked. She looked at Melinoe with big eyes and a soft smile.

"She is indeed. Melinoe, this is Umil Pinu," Cordelia said as she guided Melinoe closer to the table. "The Overseer of the Tarasat Amata Sept."

"Pleased to meet you," Melinoe nodded her head respectfully.

Cordelia went around the table. She introduced Melinoe to each of the Overseers. Eight of them in total. After exchanging all the pleasantries, Cordelia and Melinoe made themselves comfortable at the table.

Everyone continued discussing the current issues—things like setting up meetings with the heads of Mandalore, trade routes, and gathering new resources.

"That brings us to you, Lady Lanami," Cordelia smiled.

Melinoe gave her a confused look. She had no idea where Cordelia was going with this.

"Are you aware of the Cold Step regions, my dear?" Pinu asked Melinoe.

"I've heard of it in passing," Melinoe answered.

From what she could tell, it was one of the few places on Marazi where it snowed consistently (hence the name). Most of the planet was made up of oceans and tropical forest islands, which was probably why it was abandoned the last time. A lot of Marazi were not prepared for the cold climate.

"Years ago, there was an attempt to establish an outpost in that region," Another Overseer explained. "But the mission was put on hold due to several incidents and a tough environment."

"That's a shame," Melinoe sympathised. "Having easy access to minerals and resources you can't find anywhere else on the planet could be an amazing asset."

"So you understand then?" Pinu nodded.

"Well, I'm not quite sure what this has to do with me?" Melinoe added.

"We've been discussing your skills and background with Cordelia," Pinu expressed. "She has proposed putting you on a team that will work to restore the Cold Septs facilities and make them inhabitable for others."

Melinoe looked at Cordelia in surprise. While Cordelia just looked on with a proud smile.

Thoughts flashed through Melinoe's mind. She felt a mix of shock and happiness that Cordelia had done this for her but was somewhat worried that she shouldn't be trusted with this mission as an outsider.

"Who else would be on this team?" Melinoe asked.

"Jaks Kaaray has agreed to it. As well as Teeseven," Cordelia said.

"Of course," Melinoe couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"And you would have support from any of the nearby Septs," Pinu added.

"Doesn't Kaaray have a family here?"

"It's a little complicated. He's decided that he and Jaks Jr need a new start," Cordelia mused. "They will be heading there in about a month. Everyone else will be free to visit when the grounds are in working order."

Melinoe continued asking questions, which the Overseers must have seen as a good sign. Finally, she agreed to join, but with the pretence that she would most likely be returning to Enarsa when it was done.

The Sith had no idea how this 'project' would end. She just knew that it would be something that she could focus on for a while.

It made her think of what Cordelia said about Kaaray. A new start. Maybe she needed the same thing.

Did any of you spot that KOTOR reference in there? Expect a lot of references from this story. It's a new year, and I do really feel like holding back when it comes to adding references to things I like.

Speaking of which, that Subnautica tag is definitely starting to apply here. I'll be name-dropping some creatures from here, so look out for that.

Last thing! It's currently 8 am Tuesday when posting this chapter. I'll be trying to post every other chapter on a Tuesday as well. So see you next week hopefully.

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