Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1)...

By Noige22

422K 10.5K 767

Isabella had never really fit into the mold that her family was forcing her in. Luckily, she finds a place th... More

Note - Welcome
PROLOGUE - Mental failure
ONE - Easy peasy
TWO - Running into trouble
THREE - Forbidden fruit
FOUR - Precious
FIVE - Onions & tomatoes
SIX - Below zero
SEVEN - Double shit
EIGHT - Tan Hulk
NINE - We can't change our pasts
TEN - Intervention
ELEVEN - Bringing her home
TWELVE - Church
THIRTEEN - Appropriate
FOURTEEN - Boogieman
FIFTEEN - Guilty secrets
SIXTEEN - Good girl
EIGHTEEN - Christmas present
NINETEEN - Little hands
TWENTY - Ying and yang
TWENTYONE - Unchartered mine field
TWENTYTHREE - Be the change
TWENTYFOUR - It's just college
TWENTYFIVE - Nasal fracture
TWENTYSIX - Plan of action
TWENTYSEVEN - Not impressed
TWENTYNINE - Tough little thing
THIRTY - Nugget
THIRTYONE - Kneel and wait
THIRTYTHREE - Boom boom boom
THIRTYFOUR - Liar, liar, pants on fire
THIRTYFIVE - Play pretend
THIRTYSIX - A rare find
THIRTYSEVEN - Two hearts
FORTY - Borrowed time
FORTYONE - Bad movie
EPILOGUE - Long shot
Note - To be continued

TWENTYTWO - Not there

7.2K 201 32
By Noige22

Author's note: someone has been asking about people's age. Most people in the club are in their late twenties or thirties and a few quite a bit older e.g. Duke, Cougar or Hannibal. As for Isabella, I guess it's clear and I thought Knux's age was also mentioned before but I added it to this chapter. Yes, the age gap is rather big but it is how it is. :) In my opinion this story wouldn't work with Knux being much younger.


Isabella's day was effectively ruined after the rude awakening. She had wanted to have a nice, relaxing Sunday with Knux and the others. 

Knux had even gotten her her own helmet. It was mint green, retro and with some flowers printed on the side. She loved the helmet and it had been incredibly sweet of him to get something that fit her personality better than a standard black one. But her mind was full of worries after the early morning call from Roman and she had burst into tears when she had wanted to thank Knux for the gift. While he seemed to understand that her emotions were once again all over the place, she felt terrible for ruining such a moment. 

They hadn't talked much after the call and after an hour of cuddling, they had gotten up and started the day. Knux had disappeared to the weekly club officer meeting after breakfast and Isabella had helped gather things for the club ride, as they were heading out once the officers finished.

Her melancholic mood prevailed for the next hours and she couldn't enjoy the club ride that she had been looking forward to participate in. She couldn't relax at any point, not even when they stopped at the beach after an hour-long ride. Knux found them a shady spot from where they watched the others go swim and engage in wild and loud water fights. A lot of the women were sunbathing but from time to time their tanning would be interrupted by some of the guys, who just picked them up and under loud shrieking from the women threw them into the lake. People were carefree and relaxed and Isabella hated herself for being so gloomy. Knux was also quiet next to her and she told him a few times that he could join the others, especially when the guys tried to rope him into a game of beach volley ball. She didn't want to drag him down with her sadness. But Knux didn't leave her side. Like a silent guardian he offered her a shoulder to lean on - literally and figuratively. At some point she fell asleep on top of him while he scratched her head.

When she woke up again, Knux was still hold her with one arm, while he had a book in his other hand. Isabella turned her face to look at him and was surprised to see him wear glasses.

"Hey precious," he gave her a lopsided smile.


She swallowed to get rid of the dryness in her mouth.

"How was your nap?" 

He placed the book down and then adjusted her a bit better on his side.

"Good," Isabella replied.

She felt much better now, her heart wasn't as heavy as it had been earlier.

"How long was I out?"

"About a hour." 

Knux took off his glasses and stored them in a small case.

"I didn't know you had glasses," she said nodding to the case.

"Yeah. I need them for reading. That's how it is when you get old." 

He winked at her.

"You're not old," she protested. 

Of course he was quite a bit older than her but to her, 36 wasn't old.

Knux chuckled.
"That's sweet of you to say but don't you know it's all downhill after you turn 30?" 

He grinned like he wasn't fully serious.
"Suddenly you have all these little issues like not being able to read the fine print anymore. Or needing a whole day to recover from a night of drinking."

"Oh," she said surprised. "But you're usually not drinking much." 

She hadn't seen him drink more than a few beers or a couple of whiskeys per night.

Now Knux was really chuckling.
"Don't worry, babe, I do know how to get hammered. I just don't do it very often. Also it wouldn't be fair for you to have to deal with my sorry ass. I sometimes do stupid things when I'm drunk."


Isabella wasn't sure what to reply. This was another thing she didn't know about him. 

"Like what?"

Knux gave her a look like he didn't want to talk about it.
"Just stupid shit." He shrugged. "But as I said, you don't need to worry about that. Also I haven't felt like drinking much recently."

Isabella wondered if he meant that he got into fights when he was drunk or did he hook up with random women at the bar? Both thoughts bothered her for different reasons. She had somehow wrapped her head around Knux fighting and that he had slept with half of the club girls. She didn't want to have to factor an undefined amount of strange women or random bar fights into the equation as well.

"You're worrying again, precious." Knux's remark was calm and sincere.

"Sorry," she said almost automatically.

"It's fine," he shook his head slightly. "I just don't know how to help you when you get stuck in your head."

There was her sweet Knux again, trying to help her when she didn't understand her own self.

"It helps already that you're here with me. I'm not alone anymore with my thoughts," she replied her voice heavy with emotions. 

Knux gave her a sad smile.
"I won't leave you alone, precious," he said firmly and then captured her in a long, slow kiss that soothed her troubled heart and head. 


A few hours later Isabella was waiting in the parking lot of the club house. Roman was about to arrive any moment, as his plane had landed about an hour ago and he had taken a rental car from the airport, forgoing stopping at their parents' place to pick up his own fancy sports car that he had gotten when finishing his undergrad studies a few years back. Isabella was glad that Roman wanted to hear her out first before their parents made him believe that Isabella had gone off the deep end and the Steel Rebels were the ones to blame for it.

Knux was standing beside her keeping her tucked into his side. They had been waiting already for some time and slowly others were joining them outside out of curiosity. Knux had informed the rest of the officers that her brother was coming by this evening, so there wouldn't be any confusion about the visitor.

Isabella was quiet and kept twisting her hands nervously. She really hoped that she could convince Roman that she was better off here. She knew if he went back to her parents saying that she was in danger, it would put the whole club into a very difficult spot. Her parents would most likely take this to the public and involve the authorities, not because they worried about her but because it would give them a lever for getting the revenge they wanted for the mess that she had created. In worst case scenario, her father would use his influence and money to ruin the club and probably put some of the people behind jail bars - all foremost Knux. She couldn't let that happen.

"Shh, relax, sweet girl," Knux said pressing his nose into her hair. 

It was wild and wavey after the day at the beach, but she didn't care. Knux had said that it smelled like sunshine, though Isabella thought he probably meant sunscreen. He had also said that he liked her hair open, thus she kept it open. 

"It will be fine."

She really wanted to believe him but he didn't know her family the way she did. She couldn't reply because a moment later a black, sleek sedan pulled through the gate. 

Roman had arrived.

"I wonder if he's trying to compensate for something," she heard Hazzard comment behind them, but she didn't pay much attention. 

The car stopped a reasonable distance away and she saw Roman take off his sunglasses, before opening the door and getting out of the car in a fluid motion. 

Seeing her brother after so many months brought memories back - it usually did. Like her brain wanted to remind her of all the little details she knew about the only person that had cared about her until Knux and the Steel Rebels had come along. 

She remembered tailing after Roman since she could crawl. He was six years older than her, but had never made her feel like she was bothering him. Not even in his teenage years, when she had come knocking on his bedroom door almost daily asking if he had time to play with her. She knew now how annoying it must have been for him but he never sent her away. If he didn't have time, because he had to study or something else to do, he still let her sit on his bed, where she would play quietly for hours drawing or making puzzles that were meant for older children. He tried his best to protect her from the harsh treatment that she received from her parents but of course, he couldn't stop it all and he also never knew the full extent. 

He hadn't been there during the daily lectures in lady etiquette that her mother gave Isabella and her sisters. He hadn't been there during most dinners because he was at some sports training or other events with their father, so he hadn't heard her mother's and sisters' constant commenting about her weight or seen their mother portioning her food or sometimes even withholding it completely. 

He hadn't been there during the uncountable dance lessons where the teacher and also her mother, who had always attended her daughters' extra curricular activities like a dark, looming shadow, and told Isabella that she danced like a walrus. He hadn't heard the other children in class laugh at her for being embarrassed by her own mother and when she had dared to cry about it, her mother had gotten angry at her for making scene. 

He hadn't been there, just like he hadn't been there for the last six years. She didn't blame him but she thought that maybe she wouldn't as messed up mentally as she was now, if she hadn't have been so utterly alone since he move away to study.

Roman looked like she remembered him. He was tall like their father with slim muscles and short blonde hair. He wore his standard outfit of a formfitting dark button-down shirt, black slacks and polished Oxfords. He did look the part of being the heir to one of the wealthiest business men in the country, but Isabella knew it was partly fake. Just like so many things in their parents' world. He let his stoic gaze wander over everyone standing next to the door of the club house, before settling on Isabella. He remained standing next to the rental car like he was assessing the situation and she didn't know what to do. She wanted to go and hug him but their argument this morning had left her weary. There was a distance between them that hadn't been there before.

However, he opened his arms in a small inviting gesture and it was all the encouragement she needed to dash across the parking lot and engulfing her big brother in a bone-crushing hug.

"Isa," Roman said kindly as he hugged her back. "I've missed you, little sis."

"Roman," she sobbed as tears of happiness and relief spilled over quickly and soaked his shirt.

Iron Knuckles

Knux knew that he shouldn't be jealous because Isabella hugged her brother like a long-lost friend but after a full day of him watching her being weighted down by emotions and him being unable to do something about it, it was difficult to ignore the stabs of envy in his heart.

"Her family sure got money and good looks in spades," Hellcat commented with a little envy in her voice. 

Her and Kitty had come out to see Isabella's brother live. At first Knux had wanted to send all the onlookers back in but after a moment of thought decided that maybe it was good to have some support. In case he was about to loose his cool.

"Yeah, he is a pretty boy," Kitty added and some of the people snorted. 

Roman Franklin-Gutsburry sure was a young man that could also work for modelling agencies, if he wanted to. He looked strikingly like a young version of is father, but lacked the cold aura. He was obviously a much kinder person, that was forced to play a role - just like Isabella had. He was polished and refined and very easy on the eyes.

"Has anyone ever wondered why Babydoll looks so different from the rest of her family?" Hellcat continued thoughtfully. 

"What do you mean?" Knux asked sharply. 

He wondered how Hellcat knew about Isabella's family. The officers had tried to keep quiet about it. The less knew the better. Had Isabella told them something?

"I mean, Kitty and I looked at some pictures the other day. Her whole family is tall and very light blonde. Both of her parents are rather slim and her mother has less ass than our dear Kitty. And also her grandparents are tall and slim. I mean, I'm not a biology expert but it looks strange. You know?" Hellcat shrugged like there was nothing to it, but Knux could see her and Kitty's indifference being faked.

"Hmm, you're right about that," Keep agreed thoughtfully, while the rest of the men looked at the women like they had grown a second head.

"No, Cat, just - no," Knux groaned. 

He understood very well what the brunette woman tried to say. Knux didn't want to have to deal with the chaos that would come with uncovering that Isabella's parentage might be partially or fully untrue. They didn't need that as well. His girl needed time to settle in, adjust and then start going to therapy.

"But Knux, think about it," Kitty replied. "Wouldn't it make sense?"

"No, Kitty, please. Not right now," Knux said. 

He needed to focus on Isabella, who had now released her brother and wiped her eyes. She had been crying.

"But Knux," Kitty tried again.

"Kitty - not now," Hazzard said sharply and stepped next to the red-haired woman. 

Surprisingly, Kitty backed down but gave Hazzard an angry look for being told off. The VP didn't care much about it and pulled a sulking Kitty into his side. The other stayed quiet as they now all watched the siblings talk quietly at the other side of the parking lot. Now that the women had mentioned the differences, Knux couldn't unsee them anymore. How had he never noticed? Could it be true? And what would it mean for Isabella?

"So, what's the plan?" Wrecker asked after a minute of silence. He had been uncharacteristically quiet.

"I don't know, pres," Knux replied. Because he really didn't have a plan. "Her brother called in the morning. Apparently, nobody has kept him in the loop and he flipped when she told him."

"Hmm, so he was the fucker that she was screaming at the crack of dawn?" 

Of course, the president had heard Isabella shout at Roman. The walls weren't overly thick in the club house and also Wrecker's room was rather close to Knux's.

"Yeah. He was being a dick," Knux said.

"Can't be too much of a dick, if she is still happy to see him," Hazzard said.

"Well, she is also nice to you and most of the time you're a cocky asshole," Keep replied dryly and normally Knux would have smirked at the banter, but now his focus was on his girl. What was she talking with her brother?

"So, do we need to teach pretty boy a lesson?" Wrecker asked, also ignoring the comments.

Knux shook his head.
"I don't think so. He's worried about his sister but I don't think he'll make problems. He just wants to make sure she's alright."

"Ahh, so we need his stamp of approval. Should have said that earlier. We could have arranged a tea party for him."

Knux gave Wrecker a sharp look. The president was smirking tauntingly.

"We can still throw him an adhoc party. Maybe not with tea and cookies, but I'm sure the girls would love to help out - he is very pretty after all," Hazzard added from the other side and Knux wondered why his friends didn't take the situation more seriously.

"Well, I wouldn't mind taking a closer look at him," Hellcat said grinningly like she had very indecent thoughts in her head. "I'm sure his hands are really soft and he probably has not a single piece of chest hair."

"I thought you liked rough hands, Cat?" Wrecker challenged. 

Hellcat shrugged.
"Maybe I like variety," she replied.

"I think you will have to share with Cougar," Kitty said also with a grin. 

That made several people laugh. Roman Franklin-Gutsburry was definitely someone the oldest club girl would go after, if she got the chance. Knux tried to ignore the jabs and comments and focus on Isabella, who was now turning back to them. She started walking back with her brother in tow.

"Uhoh, they're coming back. Act normally," Hazzard snorted and Knux wondered if he had accidentally ended up in some bad soap opera.


Isabella's nervousness increased with every step she took towards Knux and the others. Roman had been worried about her tears but she could convince him that they were mostly happy tears. She could also convince him to come and say hello to Knux and the rest of the welcoming committee.

"So, which one is your boyfriend?" Roman asked quietly while they crossed the parking lot.

"The big, tall one in the middle. That looks like Hulk," she replied. 

Hadn't he seen Knux having his arm around her shoulder before?

"You're kidding, right?" Roman said in shock.

"No, he's really nice."

"He looks like he eats baby elephants for breakfast."

"What?" Isabella stopped halfway across the parking lot and turned to her brother.

"I mean, he could crush you with his left arm alone." Roman had also stopped.

"He would never hurt me. None of the guys here would ever hurt a woman, Roman. They are a little rough but they are good people," she defended her new friends.

"I'm not saying they aren't but you can't deny that your boyfriend is gigantic compared to you. He could hurt you without meaning to, simply because he's so large. Couldn't you have chosen someone closer to your size? Like the guy with the red shirt?"

Isabella knew her brother was referring to Keep, who was the only one wearing a red shirt and was like twenty centimeters shorter than Knux and also not built like a tank.

"Is that what you're worried about? That Knux is too big for me? You can't choose whom you fall in love with, Roman," she told her brother seriously. 

She really wanted her brother to get along with Knux. Why did he have to make this so difficult?

"Isa, really? You're talking about love? You've been together for a week. You hardly know the guy. You probably don't even know if he has a middle name or if he rather likes cats or dogs. I get that you like him and the obvious freedom you have here and I want to support you in any way I can. But talking about love after a week? I think you're in love with the idea of being in love and having someone that actually cares about you."

Isabella stumbled as if her brother had slapped her face. But before she could fall on her butt, she bumped into a hard chest and big arms kept her steady - arms that she could probably identify even when blind.

"That's a strong opinion to have for someone, who doesn't seem to be very involved in his sister's life," Knux said calmly but she could hear the hidden anger in his voice and feel it in the grip he had on her. 

He was gentle but it was strained. Isabella hadn't noticed him come over. Roman pursed his lips, like he also had been caught unaware.

"You can't deny that whatever is going on between the two of you is rather rushed," Roman said stoically and sounded very much like a pampered prince rather than the caring man Isabella knew her brother was.

"Sure it's going fast but I've seen people get married faster and still be together happily. If it feels right for your sister and me, then personally I don't know what business you have in it. But if it eases your mind, let me answer your questions: I prefer dogs, because cats make me sneeze. And my middle name is Roland. Full name is Isaac Roland Carter. But around here people know me as Iron Knuckles, though most call me just Knuckles or Knux. And I'll spare you the details of what Isabella is calling me in bedroom. That's a bit too private." 

Knux stuck out his hand to Roman like he wanted him to shake it. Isabella's face was turning fire-red. She hadn't know her boyfriend's real name, her brother had been right about that. Or that he liked dogs. 

Roman stared between her and Knux like he couldn't believe this was happening.
"Is he for real?" He finally asked Isabella and if she wasn't so embarrassed and upset with him, she would have found his shock comical.

"Yes," she nodded finally. "This is Knux, my boyfriend."

Roman eyed Knux's outstretched hand suspiciously but then shook it cautiously.
"Roman Edward Franklin-Gutsburry. I'm not yet sure, if it's nice to meet you."

"Roman!" Isabella shrieked at her brother - he wasn't usually this rude.

"It's fine, babe," Knux said from above her head, "can't say that I have a very good impression of your brother either." 

Isabella turned her head to look at him. He gave her a tight smile, like he was keeping his emotions in check. She felt her heart dropping. She had wanted them to get along.

"Aaalright," a heavily tattooed hand dropped on Knux's shoulder and Wrecker stepped beside them, he looked slightly annoyed and then rolled his eyes. 

"Princess, why is it that guys start having pissing contests around you?" The club president asked Isabella with an exasperated look.

"Princess? Jesus Christ, Isa, I thought you were together with this guy?" 

Roman made a waving hand motion towards Knux, who growled clearly displeased by the younger man's dismissiveness.

"Relax, man," Wrecker said firmly and Isabella wondered if he meant Knux or Roman or both.

The others stepped also next to them, surrounding them like a little swarm.

"Roman, your sister is very much together with our big man. Like it or not. Those two are two peas in a pot or ying and yang or whatever you wanna call it. I wouldn't try to go between them. Me calling her princess doesn't change anything. She's a sweet person and I like her, but that's all. The name fits. I'm not the only one that has a pet name for her and as long as she's fine with it, it's alright in my books. She's old enough to make her own decisions," Wrecker said seriously. "I'm Wrecker, by the way, president of the Steel Rebels." 

He also held his hand out for Isabella's brother to shake.

Roman looked like he wanted to start another argument but pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"Man, here I thought that your brother was just as proper as you are, Freckles," Hazzard commented snidely, when Roman didn't take the outstretched hand. 

Isabella wanted to sink into the ground.
"Roman, please," she said, hoping that he could at least be civil. 

Roman gave her an angry look, but then shook Wrecker's hand curtly.

"Now that wasn't so difficult," Hazzard jested and that earned him a jab to the ribs from Kitty.

"Behave," the red head whisper shouted.

"Come on, KitKat, I'm just being my usual self. Not my fault Freckles' brother has even less manners than I do," Hazzard shrugged and Isabella could see the fury rise in Roman's eyes. 

Her brother was rather easy going but also he had his pride and the other men showing him up like that was not helping in getting him on her side.

"Can't we all just be nice for a little while?" She asked quietly. "Please. My brother didn't know that I was staying here until our call this morning. He isn't aware of a lot of things and this situation is probably quite shocking for him. Cut him some slack at least until I can explain things." 

She looked at the other club members pleadingly and then faced her brother.

"Roman, please just let me try to explain. There are things that have happened that you don't know about."

"There is more, Isa?" Worry was mixing into her brother's anger.

"There is always more, Roman," Isabella replied sadly.

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