Y/n Lupin

By HPandMarvelstorys

1.3K 31 4

This story is about Y/n Lupin, the daughter of Remus Lupin. It is a story with music titles in it. I didn't w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

61 1 0
By HPandMarvelstorys

Then the summer break started and I went home. At the train station, I hugged Dad tightly and he hugged me back. I saw a black dog next to him and hugged him too.
„Hey Padfoot," I whispered to him. Together we went home and I told them about Cedric. They listened and tried to comfort me.
„Dad, Sirius. I have to tell you something," I then said.
„What is it?" Dad asked and Sirius looked at me.
„I know what I want to do after school."
„That's great. What do you want to become?" Sirius said.
„I want to be a musician."
„Wow, that's amazing. Just remember to invite us sometimes," Dad said and smiled.
„I'll start playing a few gigs sometimes."
„That sounds good. I'll inform everybody at the order for when they need a singer for an event."
„Thanks, Dad."
„No problem."
„We have your back," Sirius said smiling.
„You're the best," I said and we talked the whole day about my career.
„I have to tell you something too," Dad suddenly said.
„What is it?" I asked.
„I started dating again..." He confessed.
„Finally, you deserved that after mum's death. What's her name?" I was really happy.
„Uh, her name is Nymphadora Tonks. Are you sure it's okay with you?"
„Of course. But I want to meet her soon," I said.
„I invited her for next week and if you want you can come to the order meeting too."
Soon the next week started and the bell rang. I opened the door and there stood a woman.
„Hello, I'm Tonks." She introduced herself.
„Oh, I'm Y/n. Dad is in the kitchen, come in."
„Thank you." We walked to the kitchen.
„Hey Dad, your girlfriend is here," I said smiling.
„Oh, hey Dora. I'm ready in a sec. Maybe you two could go to the living room," He said and I saw that he was nervous. So I led Tonks to our living room. There we sat down and talked a little till Dad came. I told her about my music and she about her work.
„When I was young I accidentally scared Dad and his friends. I changed my eye colour while I sneezed," I told her laughing.
„You're a metamorphmagus?" She asked.
„Me too."
„Yeah." She changed her hair colour and then I changed mine. At this moment Dad came in with a cake. He looked at us and we just grinned at him.
„I see you two get along very well." He chuckled and we nodded. Then we ate the cake and talked a lot. The next week Dad and I went to the order meeting and when I saw Dora I hugged her. We were like best friends. Of course, I hugged Sirius too and shook the other's hands. It was a nice meeting and I liked everyone there.
I played a few gigs at birthdays and even a few small clubs in the last weeks. Dad, Sirius and Dora supported me and came to every possible gig. I loved standing on the stage and consumed the applause after every song. I played ‚In the stars' at one of my gigs, I played it for Cedric. I missed him every day. Dad and Dora were at the order meeting the last week but I didn't want to go. I stayed at home and wrote songs.
When my last year started I was really popular and almost everyone wanted my autograph. It felt nice but sometimes it was too much. We also got a new teacher for dada and nobody liked her. Not even me and I liked every teacher. She was completely pink and seemed not as friendly as she acted.
In our first lesson, we were forbidden to use our wands and I couldn't believe that she thought that Cedric's death was an accident. I tried to stay calm but when she said that, a tear ran down my cheek. So I looked down and wiped it away.
„What is it dear?" Professor Umbridge asked in her sweet voice.
„Cedric Diggory was her boyfriend," Someone answered her. Now I couldn't hold my tears anymore and ran outside. I ran and ran. I just wanted to be alone but I didn't see someone coming and ran into this person. I fell and when I looked up I saw the twins.
„Hey, Y/n. Are you okay?" George asked while both helped me up.
„Not really..." I said.
„What happened?" Fred asked and both hugged me.
„Umbridge said that Cedric's death was a tragic accident," I explained and they pulled me closer.
„Come, we'll help you to feel better." They took me with them and we walked to their common room. There they showed me their newest inventions. I was stunned.
The next weeks weren't better and I tried to avoid conversations with Umbridge. When I heard about the DA I joined immediately and was able to help them. They used the secret room which was found by Neville. I was older than most of them and taught them some other spells. We learned Stupify and I should show it to them. My partner was Harry.
„You sure 'bout this, Harry?" I asked him.
„Yeah, do it," He answered and in the background, I saw Fred and George betting.
„Okay. Stupify!" I said and he flew against the wall while I just stood there. I was good at this subject and Dad and I trained often. Also, I was allowed to use my wand at home because I'm seventeen now. „You okay?" I asked and he stood up slowly.
„Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Well done," He said and I walked to the twins.
„So, who won the bet?" I asked.
„I did," George said proudly and I laughed.
„You two are impossible," I said.
Soon the winter break started and this time we all came to the house of Sirius. I hugged him tightly when we arrived and I also greeted the others. Christmas was great and we had a lot of fun.
The next year started and we met in the secret room and Harry wanted to teach the Patronus charm. All over the place, I heard them saying the spell. I just thought of the spell and a fox came out of my wand. Neville saw it and dropped his wand.
„How'd you do that?" He asked and a lot turned to us.
„My father taught me the spell two years ago and I don't need to say the words loudly," I explained. Everyone was impressed. Suddenly a hole in the wall appeared and Harry went there to look what it was. He stumbled back and the wall exploded. Umbridge and some Slytherins came in and everyone tried to flee. I stayed with Harry and we got detention.
I had detention the next day and hummed the whole time. It helped to keep my pain down. After a long time, I was dismissed and walked back to my common room or better I tried. On my way, I broke down. I just laid there and closed my eyes. After some time I heard someone but didn't have the energy to stay up.
„Y/N!!" I heard Fred screaming and they ran to me.
„What happened?" George asked but I was too weak to answer. They took me to the hospital wing and I fainted.
The next day I woke up and looked around. I tried to get up but Madam Pomfrey came and put me back down. She gave me something to drink.
„Here are some guests for you," She said and Fred and George came in.
„Y/n, you're awake," They said happily.
„What happened yesterday?" Fred asked.
„Umbridge," I said and showed them my hand.
„Argh, this..." George started and I knew what he wanted to say.
„I'm fine guys. It was just my circulation."
„You sure?" Fred asked and I nodded.
„What time is it?" I asked.
„It's 6 pm," George answered and then I fell back asleep. I woke up when I heard somebody saying my name.
„...be all right? What did Umbridge do to her I never saw her this weak," The person said and I decided to listen a little longer. I found out that it was Charlie. What was he doing here?
„She just needs rest. She's gonna be fine. Just look a little after her and don't let her say anything to Umbridge that could get her in trouble," Madam Pomfrey answered.
Then he sat next to me and took my hand. I wanted to open my eyes but suddenly I wasn't able to do that. I started to panic but no one seemed to notice. Then he started talking:" I know you're sleeping but if not then I want you to know that I'm always here for you. You are one of the most important or the most important people in my life. Please get well soon..."
I tried to smile but still, I wasn't able to move anything. What was wrong with me?! After some time trying I realised that I just couldn't move. So I lay there and thought about a new song text. I called it 'If depression gets the best of me' and sang it the whole day in my head. So it wasn't that boring the whole time. Charlie visited every day and one day I heard Dad. What was he doing here? He started talking to me: "Hello sweetie, please wake up... We all miss you... Maybe you hear me if you do please give us a sign..." He said with a shaky voice and I heard him crying after that. I tried to open my eyes but it still wouldn't work. On the inside, I freaked out but no one saw it. Then someone else walked in.
„Albus, I don't know what to do..." Madam Pomfrey said and that scared me. „She's slightly breathing but in a coma, so I don't know how long she can do it by herself."
„I understand..." Dumbledore answered. „We have to hope that she awakes soon. We'll take care of her Remus. Of course, you can stay here," He said to Dad.
„Thank you," He said still shaky. Slowly I drifted into a deep sleep.
I tried to show that I'm awake for the next weeks, but I got weaker. My only good time was when someone talked to me like I was listening even though they didn't know that I was. Mostly Dad and Charlie visited me and told me about the day. The twins told me what we did in school and about their pranks. Sometimes Charlie took my hand and it felt amazing. Normally my heart would've beaten faster or I'd blushed but it was all in my head. I slowly recognised that I fell in love with him. I knew that I was way too young for him.

-Charlie's view-

I sat again next to her and took her hand. I didn't even know why but maybe she would feel better if she felt someone next to her. Maybe she could even hear us talking so I talked to her every day and hoped she'd wake up soon. Also, I wanted to tell her why I actually came...
It was a coincidence that I came right at that time. She was now nearly half a year in a coma and soon the winter break would start. Dad was badly injured by a snake but he gets better. Sometimes I read something to her or tried to explain what she missed in class that day.
The winter break started and Remus came with his girlfriend and their dog ‚Padfoot'. I knew his girlfriend from school. We did our N.E.W.T.s in the same year. She was like my brothers, a prankster. At Christmas we all sat at her bed, sang, ate and unwrapped our presents. Dad was there too and I was happy that he got better. We put her presents next to the bed and told her that they were there. In the evening we all talked when suddenly her eyelid flickered. Everyone got quiet and looked at her. Remus took her one hand and I just looked at her.

-Normal view-

I heard them all talk and I tried again to open my eyes. This time I had some power I didn't have before. Everyone got quiet and I felt a hand in mine. At this point, I knew it worked so I tried again and for a short time I was able to open one eye.
„You're doing great sweetie. You're a fighter we knew you could make it," Dad said and I saw him smiling. Slowly I was able to look around. I saw Dad, Dora, the Weasleys, Hermione, Luna, Harry, Neville and a dog. When I looked at him he wagged his tail and I realised it was Sirius. I started smiling and crying at the same time. There were so many people here because of me.
„Y/n, it's okay. We're all here and we're happy to have you back," Charlie said.
„Thanks..." I said with a scratchy voice.
Dad hugged me tightly but I wasn't able to move my remaining body. He noticed that and looked at me.
„You did so much today. Try to get some rest I'll stay here," He said calmly.
„Could Charlie stay too?" I asked with my scratchy voice.
Dad looked at him and they nodded. Both sat next to me and the others went to bed. With them, by my side, I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up and saw that Charlie and Dad were still sleeping. I tried to move my fingers and this time it worked.
In the next few days, I had to learn to walk again. After some weeks I was finally able to walk by myself. I was proud of myself and so were my friends. I was worried when Umbridge took over the school but thanks to my friends and teachers we didn't meet for a long time.
My birthday was also wonderful and I was so happy the whole time.
When Harry and some of the others went to the ministry Dad and Sirius stayed with me. Luckily no one was badly injured just a few scratches.
I told them that I heard everything they said to me and so I was able to take my N.E.W.T. exams a few months later. For the next weeks, we had to write with these mean feathers but McGonagall knew that I probably wouldn't live that. So she sneaked me out and gave me a normal one every time. So I passed all of my N.E.W.T.s without a problem. I got in all of them an ‚Outstanding'.
I was the best even though I was in a coma. I got an award for ‚having the best exam even though I was in a coma'. I was really happy and thankful. I didn't take the apparating test because I wasn't strong enough by then. After the ceremony, I walked outside to have some peace. Someone walked up to me and I turned around.
„Hey, am I disturbing?" Charlie asked.
„Hey, no you can stay," I said.
„I meant to tell you something when I came here..." He started.
„Oh, what is it?" I asked.
„Umm I-I don't really know how to say it but I think I fell in love with you. I think of you the whole time and I compare any girl I see with you and none of them stands a chance. I just want to be near you for the rest of my life. I accept if you don't feel the same or think that I'm too old for you. I just couldn't hold it any longer..." He said and I kissed him quickly. He looked at me in confusion.
„I love you too." I said. His eyes got big and he smiled widely.
We looked at the stars for a long time and I leaned my head against his shoulder. He put his arm around my shoulder and I felt like I was home. I told him how much he helped me in my coma to not give up. After some time we walked back into the hall and he took my hand. Dad and Dora looked at us and smiled. We walked to them but couldn't stay for long.
„At the end of this year, I have a request for Y/n." Dumbledore said and looked at him in confusion. „Y/n, do you feel able to sing something for us since you're leaving Hogwarts?" He asked.
„Uh, I think. I just don't have anything prepared but I could try my newest song I wrote while I was in a coma," I said.
„Yes, please give our musician a warm applause," He said and I walked onto the stage. There I started singing my newest song and a few requests. While I sang someone suddenly walked up on stage. I kept singing and tried to ignore him. When the song ended I turned to him.
„Can I help you?" I asked friendly.
„Yes, are you Y/n Lupin?" He asked.
„Yeah, I am. How can I help you?"
„I'm Henry Jones from the WWN and I wanted to play some of your songs on our radio. Albus told me about your talent and I am stunned. You could be a great musician and I could help you there. For the details, I would like to meet you on Monday at 6 pm," He explained.
„Wow, I can't really believe it. Thank you so much. I'll be there," I said. The school started cheering and applauding. I shook his hand and when he left I ran to my family and friends. They hugged and congratulated me. Then I walked to Dumbledore.
„Thank you so much, Professor," I said to him.
„Your talent would be wasted in another job," He said and smiled.
I smiled and every other student, except the Slytherins, congratulated me too. I never thought I'd like it that much to stand in the spotlight. Next to my Dad I saw Sirius as a dog and hugged him too. I knew how proud he was.
„I'll go for a quick walk with Padfoot," I said to Dad and he nodded smiling. He knew that I just wanted to talk to Sirius. I walked outside and when it was safe Sirius transformed back into himself. He hugged me tightly and smiled.
„I knew you could do it. You're gonna be famous. I'm so proud of you," He said still smiling.
„Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you," I said. Suddenly we heard someone coming straight at us so Sirius transformed again. I turned around and it was Charlie.
„Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.
„Hey, I just wanted to look if you're okay...normally you just leave when you feel uncomfortable..." He said.
„Aww, that's sweet of you but everything is fine. I just wanted to go for a walk with Padfoot," I said calmly.
„Oh, I never knew you had a dog. I saw him the first time when you were in a coma."
„He's my best friend and if you promise to stay calm I'll tell you a secret."
„Okay, I promise."
„Please don't be shocked or worse tell anybody," I said and signed Sirius to transform back. Charlie was shocked at first moment but kept calm as he promised. "I think you recognised him but before you say anything. He's innocent and never hurt anybody."
„Uh, okay. So this is your best friend..." He started. „I have to introduce myself, I'm Charlie Weasley. I hope you don't mind that I date your best friend," He said to Sirius.
„I'm happy that she dates a Weasley. That's clearly the purest-hearted family I know," Sirius answered smiling. „Also we are related to each other. Your grandmother is a Black like me. She is my father's second cousin," He explained.
„Wow," Charlie and I said at the same time.
We talked a little and the next day we went home.

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