Y/n Lupin

By HPandMarvelstorys

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This story is about Y/n Lupin, the daughter of Remus Lupin. It is a story with music titles in it. I didn't w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

74 1 0
By HPandMarvelstorys

Soon the year ended and we went home. Dad quit because the school found out that he was a werewolf. During the break, we visited the Weasleys and later also Sirius. He was so happy to see us and we talked a lot.
Then the break ended and I went back to Hogwarts. It was already Cedric's last year so we wanted to do a lot together.
We sat in the great hall and then Dumbledore told us about the tournament. A little later the other schools walked in and I didn't know what to think. I mean every boy looked at the ass of the Beauxbatons and every girl was fascinated by the Durmstrangs. Not me tho. I rolled my eyes and Luna and Cho then tapped me.
„What?!" I asked. „Oh, sorry. Didn't want to sound mean. What is it?"
„Just wanted to tell you that Cedric is watching you the whole time," Cho said. I looked up and he looked away so fast that it was suspicious. I chuckled and slightly shook my head.
Later we were also told about the yule ball and from then on everyone only talked about that. I was asked by a few boys this evening mostly Durmstrangs but I didn't even know if I wanted to go at all. I'm not a fan of big crowds.
After my first class the next day I ran into Cedric.
„Oh, hey. Didn't see you coming. Wanna hang out later?" He said and smiled.
„Uh, sure. At the lake?" I suggested and he nodded. Then I went to my next class. After that, I met with Cedric and we went for a walk. Suddenly he stopped walking and looked into my eyes. He seemed a little nervous.
„Uhm, Y/n? I'm sure you already have a date for the yule ball but if not...Would you go with me?" He asked.
„I actually didn't plan to go there, so I don't have a date. So yeah, I'd go with you. Way better than one of these dumb Durmstrangs," I said.
„Wow, uh great." He smiled and we continued our walk.
After a few hours, we walked back to our common rooms and there Cho, Hermione and Luna waited for me. They looked at me and I looked at them in confusion.
„Did I miss something?" I asked.
„Uh, yeah. We wanted to buy dresses on the weekend and wanted to know if you'd join even though you don't have a date..." Hermione explained.
„First of all: Of course, I'll join and second: I have a date," I said.
„Who is it?" Cho asked.
„Cedric," I said like it was the most normal thing on earth. He was one of my closest friends but I always forgot how popular he actually was. So they looked at me in shock.
„Cedric Diggory asked you to be his date?" Cho finally asked.
„Yeah, more as friends but yeah."
„I think you're the only girl who isn't interested in him," Luna said laughing. She didn't know she wasn't that right. I wasn't sure but sometimes it feels different with him and I just feel safe. I didn't want to explain it to them so I just laughed with them.
It was Wednesday and one by one put their name into the goblet. Even Cedric, and I was worried about that. I read a lot about the tournament and it was pretty dangerous. The twins tried to put their names in there too but it didn't work. Only Hermione and I knew that it wouldn't work and we were completely right. They had to go to the hospital wing.
One day later Dumbledore wanted to announce the champions. It were Fleur, Viktor, Cedric and Harry. When I heard Harry's name I was shocked. I squeezed the hand of George and almost cried. I didn't want to lose Harry too. I already lost Lily and James. But I couldn't do anything about it. The decision was made. Harry would be one of the champions. When the shock got better I stood up and left. I went to the secret room and wrote a song there. I called it "Mercy" and I was able just to let my feelings out. I played a few other songs and then slowly walked back to my common room. On my way there I met Cedric.
„Hey, there you are I looked everywhere for you. Are you okay?" He seemed worried.
„I'm okay, it's just... I know how dangerous this tournament was the last time. You know, you're seventeen and a really good student but Harry is only fourteen. I'm worried," I explained and he just hugged me.
„That must be hard for you. Do you want to be alone?"
„Yeah, could you stay with me?" I asked.
„Of course. Where do you wanna go?"
„I want to show you something but don't tell anyone about it."
„Okay, I promise." I led him to my secret room and we walked in.
„I go here when I want to be alone," I told him.
„Wow, it's amazing."
We talked for hours. At the weekend we went shopping and searched for dresses. Finally, I found a dress that I liked. It was dark blue and floor-length. Also, it was tight at the top and became more open at the bottom. After we all found our dresses we paid and went back to the castle.
Soon the first task started and I was really nervous. Before it started I went to the tent to see how Cedric and Harry were.
„Hey, can I come in?" I asked shyly. All four looked at me and nodded. Cedric came to me.
„Hey, what's up?" Cedric asked.
„I wanted to see how you are," I explained.
„A little nervous but I think I'll manage it."
„Don't you dare to die. You neither, Harry," I said.
„Don't worry." He pulled me into a hug right at that moment I saw a flash. I looked up and saw a blonde woman.
„Young love," she said grinning. „Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter. Nice to meet you all."
„We're not in a relationship Miss Skeeter," Cedric told her but she didn't care. Then Krum said that this tent was only for champions and their friends and she finally left us alone. I thanked him and went back to Hermione, Luna, Cho and the twins.
Luckily nobody was hurt and I ran to Cedric. I hugged him tightly and then Harry.
„You did great," I said to both. „Lily and James would be proud," I then said to Harry. They both smiled and we went to the others. Soon the yule ball would take place.
The day after the task Cedric and I went for a walk and he had an idea.
„Why don't you play at the yule ball?" He asked.
„No! You know how shy I am about that."
„C'mon, please. You sound so good..." He begged.
„Sorry, but no."
„Fine... bring at least your guitar. Then we can sit outside and maybe you play just for me."
Then the day of the ball came. Hermione, Cho and I got ready. Luna was too young to go. I wore my dress, silver earrings, a silver necklace, silver bracelets, black High Heels and of course my bag. Together we walked down the stairs and our boys were stunned.
„Wow, you look amazing," He said smiling.
„Thanks, you too," We waited in front of the gate because we had to open the dance floor. Then it started. We walked to the floor and opened it. One by one we were joined by the others. It was actually pretty fun and after like nine dances we sat down. Cedric said he wanted to get us a drink and when he arrived Dumbledore walked up the stage. The hall went silent.
„Good evening. As I see everyone enjoyed. Now I want to present you with a wonderful musician from Hogwarts who needs a little help. I was told she didn't like to play in front of many people, today she hopefully gets over it. Welcome with me Y/n Lupin." He held his speech and I was speechless. Everyone looked at me and then I took my guitar out. I walked up on the stage and started playing a few chords. Then I started playing "Love story". I started writing that when Cedric asked me to be his date and I finished it yesterday. At first, I was nervous but then I sunk into the music and closed my eyes. When I ended I looked at all the students and teachers. They applauded and flipped out. I just smiled and played a few more songs. Maybe I played for one or two hours and then I ended. I walked off the stage and everyone came to me. Everyone seemed to love my music and Cedric just looked at me laughing. Finally, I was able to get away from all these people and walked up to him.
„Are you kidding me?! You just enrolled me and didn't even tell me."
„It worked," He said smiling.
„Huh, right. But now I'm as popular as you and we'll never have any privacy again."
„Wow, now you kinda ruined it..."
„I know."
Even Krum and Delacour came to me and told me how good I was. Wow. I was charmed by all of them. It felt good. I never knew that affection felt so good.
After some time Cedric and I went outside to get a little air. We stood at the lake and looked at the stars. He put his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head against his shoulder.
„I have to say it wasn't that bad," I said smiling.
„See, I knew it." He grinned. „Uh, I meant to tell you something..."
„What is it?" I asked.
„Uhm, I don't know how to say. I-I think I'm in love with you..."
„Wow...Uhm, I think I like you too." I smiled and he pulled me closer. Together we walked back into the hall. We danced till midnight and it was wonderful. He wanted to bring me to my common room but I saw Hermione crying on the stairs.
„See you tomorrow Ced. Hermione needs someone right now," I said.
„Of course, see you tomorrow." He gave me a little kiss on the forehead and left. Then I walked to Hermione and sat next to her. I just held her in my arms.
„Do you want to tell me why you're crying?" I asked calmly.
„Ron is such an idiot!" She cried.
„There you are not wrong. Why this time?"
„The way he tried to ask me. I would have said yes if he did it earlier and was more formal. Now he's pissed because I went here with 'the enemy'."
„Don't let him ruin this. Come on, let's go a little outside. You'll feel better." I helped her up and we went outside. There were no clouds in the sky and we just walked around. After a while, Hermione felt better and even laughed sometimes.
„So, are you and Cedric together now?" She asked out of nowhere.
„Uh...Umm, not yet. We just both confessed our feelings..." I said and blushed.
„It was about time. Everyone knew that would happen. You two really are a great couple."
„Thanks and don't worry about Ron. He isn't that emotional but someday he'll figure it out."
„Should we go in again? It's freezing out here."
„Good idea. Maybe we should go to bed in a while."
„Yeah. Thanks for listening."
„No problem."
I walked to my dorm and went to bed. I fell asleep and dreamed about Cedric.
The next day everyone woke up late. I went with Luna to get breakfast. Cho was still asleep. Cedric was also awake and came to our table.
„Good morning," He said.
„Good morning," I answered happily.
„Want to go for a walk later?" He asked and I nodded.
„Of course, let's say two pm at the lake?" I answered.
„Perfect, see you there." He walked back to his table.
„Are you in a relationship?" Luna asked.
„We're dating, so not now but maybe soon," I answered. We ate up and then I walked to my secret room. There I played one of my first songs 'Don't you worry child'. Dad used to say that everything is going to be all right. Now I felt better than ever. I had Sirius back, great friends and I dated Cedric. Just amazing. Of course, I wanted to write Charlie a letter about everything but I remembered the dragons. Could he be here? I ran to Hagrid.
„Hey, Hagrid," I said after he opened the door.
„Y/n, perfect timing." He smiled.
„Yeah, Charlie is here." He got aside and I hugged Charlie tightly.
„Nice to see you again," He said.
„Nice to see you too."
I came in and we talked a lot. I told him about Cedric and the yule ball. At two pm I stood at the lake and waited for Cedric. A few minutes later he tapped my shoulder and I turned around.
„Ready?" He asked.
„Sure, let's go," I answered. We walked for hours and talked about everything. It felt really good and I got it. I was in love with him. In the end, we sat in the secret room.
„You know what?" He asked.
„What?" I looked at him.
„I love you."
„I love you too."
„Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I smiled. „And I got you something."
„Oh, what?" I asked and he took out a bracelet. „Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you so much."
„No problem, I knew you'd like it."
I smiled and put it on next to Charlie's. It was silver with a little heart.
„You said you know a little about music, right?" I asked then.
„Yeah, why?"
„I wrote a duet. Do you want to sing it with me?"
„Uh, I'll give it a shot."
„Nice, it's called ‚Dark horse' and you'd have a rap part," I explained. I gave him the lyrics and started playing them on my keyboard. Together we sang it and it sounded pretty good. It was fun to sing with him. We smiled at each other the whole time.
„You should perform more often," He said after we ended.
„Maybe but only if you sing this with me."
As it got night he brought me to my common room. I solved the riddle and walked in.
„Good night Ced."
„Good night Y/n."
I went to bed and thought about the day. Finally, I fell asleep.
The next day I woke up late and went to breakfast. I sat next to Luna and started eating.
„Good morning Y/n." I heard the twins say.
„Morning you two."
„We didn't find you yesterday but..." Fred started.
„...we wanted to say that you are an amazing singer." George ended.
„Also we organised you a new gig."
„Really? When?"
„The day before the other schools leave."
„Wow, thanks, guys."
„No problem. Maybe you should try to become a singer."
„Do you think that I'm good enough?"
„Definitely!" Both said immediately.
I hugged both and smiled. Since that day, my music became more important, and I played for a few hours every day. Of course, I met often with my friends and went on more dates with Ced. He figured the task with the egg out when he let me hear it. He opened it and it was terrible. He closed it again.
„I think I know what it is..." I said.
„Really? How?"
„I'm a really good student."
„So what is it?"
„We have to go for a bath for that," I said.
„What? Why?"
„That are Merpeople, they live underwater. So they speak another language you can only understand if you're underwater," I explained.
„Wow, we could go to the prefect's bathroom," He suggested.
„I'll ask Percy."
„He won't let us go in there. It's just for prefects. We have to sneak in."
„Ugh, I hate to break rules."
„No one will notice and you don't have to go."
„I'll come. It was my idea after all," I said and he smiled.
„Let's say this evening at 6 pm."
At 6 pm we met at the prefect's bathroom and I opened the door with 'Alohomora'. We walked in and turned the water on. Then we got changed and went into the huge bathtub. He put the egg underwater and opened it. At the same moment, we dived under and listened. I was right, it was a song from Merpeople. When the song ended we got up.
„You were right," Cedric said.
„I know." I laughed.
We got out and dried ourselves. Then we got changed into our normal clothes. We sneaked out and walked to the lake. There we sat down but suddenly someone disturbed us.
„Ey, Cedric. We have some badges, see." A guy said and grinned.
„Potter stinks, support Cedric Diggory." Cedric read and said. „Put that away, that's disrespecting!"
Right at this moment, we saw Harry. Cedric walked up to him and I followed him.
„Potter," Cedric said but Harry didn't stop. He tried it again.
„Harry James Potter we are talking to you," I said and he stopped and turned around.
„What is it?" He asked. Cedric then said that Harry should go to the prefect's bathroom and take the egg with him. Also that he thinks that the badges are stupid. Then we walked back to the lake. There I played him a few songs. He loved all of them and more and more people came and listened. This time it didn't bother me. It was a small concert. After I ended everyone applauded and I smiled.
In the evening before the second task, I was called to Professor Dumbledore. Hermione, Ron and one other girl were there too. Dumbledore explained why we were called to him and that nothing would happen to us. Then he put a spell on us and the next thing I remember is being wet and cold. Cedric saved me and helped me to the platform. There I got towels and blankets. It got warmer and we waited for the others. Harry was the last one and saved two people. So he got second instead of third place. Fleur didn't make the task and was in fourth place. Cedric had his arm around me and it warmed me.
The next weeks were wonderful and Cedric and I were finally a couple. I was really happy and told Dad and Sirius about him in a letter. They wanted to meet him during the summer break. When I told him that, he was excited too. We planned our break and I told him the story with Sirius. He was shocked but understood it.
So time went by and the third task started. I was really nervous and scared when I saw a red light the whole time. Hopefully, Cedric was well. George, Fred and Luna tried to comfort me. It helped a little and after like two hours Harry and Cedric landed at the start. I ran to them and then I saw that Cedric was dead. I screamed and fell to my knees next to him. I screamed and cried and a man came to us. In that way, I met his father. I hugged Harry tightly and before Moody took him with him he whispered:" Wormtail..."
That didn't help. The next days I sat almost the whole day in my secret room and wrote songs. It helped to distract me. Dumbledore held a speech and I cried almost the whole time. Then the evening came and I decided to play the gig. It would distract us all and Cedric would've wanted it that way. I walked on the stage.
„Hey, so I hope this distracts us all a little. The last time, I wrote a lot of songs to distract myself and now I want to play some of these." I said and everyone applauded. I started playing "The nights" and then "Numb little bug". I played for one or two hours.
„The last song for today is called 'Dark horse' and normally Cedric would sing it with me. I decided to give you all his part." I swung my wand and the lyrics which they had to sing appeared behind me. I started singing and more and more sang with me. Then the song ended and I thanked them for coming. I spotted Charlie in the crowd and walked to him after I ended. He hugged me tightly. He didn't say anything and just held me. He knew that I needed that at this moment. We just stood there and then he pushed me a little away to look at me.
„You did amazing. That was brave," He said smiling.
„Thanks, he would've wanted it this way."
Together we walked a little around Hogwarts and talked. I even laughed. It felt good to be with him and I didn't want him to leave. Sadly he left the next day like the other schools.

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