Y/n Lupin

By HPandMarvelstorys

1.6K 31 8

This story is about Y/n Lupin, the daughter of Remus Lupin. It is a story with music titles in it. I didn't w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

102 2 0
By HPandMarvelstorys

„So what's the big news?" I asked.
„I'm gonna be your dada teacher," He answered.
„Wow, that's so cool."
„You like it?"
„Yeah, you'll be a great teacher," I said smiling.
„Thanks, princess."
A few weeks later, we heard that Sirius broke out of Askaban. I wasn't sure if I should be happy or worried. Everyone thought he was coming for Harry, but maybe he was innocent. Dad taught me the Patronus charm because he was sure that we'd meet Dementors.
The year started and this time Dad came with me. We sat together and he fell asleep. I went for a walk on the train and suddenly everything felt cold. Dementors. I took my wand out and walked back to Dad. He was still asleep, but not alone. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat with him.
„Hey, you three," I said.
„Hey, Y/n."
I sat down and looked at the door. Then everything got colder and I knew they were coming. A Dementor opened the door and I stood up. I pointed my wand at him and said 'expecto patronum' in my mind. Then a fox came out of my wand and the Dementors left. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. Harry even fainted.
„Are you okay?" I asked Ron and Hermione and they nodded slightly. Dad woke up too.
„Everyone all right?" He asked and everyone nodded. After some time Harry woke up and Dad gave him a piece of chocolate. Harry was confused and a little mistrusting, but after I nodded he ate it. Then Dad left to speak to the train driver.
„Who was that?" Hermione asked after he left.
„My Dad," I answered.
„Why does he come to Hogwarts?" Harry asked.
„He's the new Professor in dada," I said.
„Oh, and what was this thing?" Ron asked.
„A Dementor, they're looking for Sirius," I explained.
„You mean Sirius Black, the mass murderer?" Harry asked.
„Please don't call him like that..." I said quietly.
„Why?" Ron asked.
„Nevermind, I'll see if someone needs help with the Dementors." I said and left. They were gone but I also didn't want to go back. I walked through the train and then saw Cedric. He waved at me and I walked toward him.
„Hey," I said.
„Hey. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.
„Yeah, do you ask because of the Dementors?"
„Don't worry, I know the Patronus charm."
„Yeah, my dad taught it to me."
„Wow. Do you want to sit with us?"
„I'd love to but we just arrived." I said.
„Oh, yeah. I didn't notice. See you later, I guess."
„Yep, See you later." I got off the train and looked for dad. I found him and walked next to him.
„There you are." He said smiling. We walked in and he walked to the teacher's table. I sat down next to a blonde girl.
„Hey, can I sit here?" I asked.
„Sure." She said in a dreamy voice. Then my father was introduced and I smiled at him.
„Do you know the new Professor?" The girl asked.
„He's my father."
„Oh. I'm Luna, by the way, Luna Lovegood."
„I'm Y/n Lupin." We talked a little and I liked her a lot. After dinner Professor Dumbledore stopped me and asked me to come to his office.
„What is it, Professor?" I asked.
„Nothing bad, I'm sure you know about your father's disease."
„Yeah, why do you ask?"
„I meant to ask if you could do the substitute for your father while full moon."
„Uh, I think that'll work."
„Wonderful. You can go with him for the first times, so the students get used to you."
„Okay, thanks for your trust."
„Thank you for helping out, you can go."
I went to the lake and played there.
You can say what you like don't say I wouldn't die for you. I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my guard, be my help, be a saviour who can unbreak the broken, unsay these reckless words, find hope in the hopeless, pull me out train wreck." That was a song Sirius and I wrote and I sang it every time I missed him. It was called 'Train wreck'. I sang in tears and suddenly someone sang with me.
Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions now. Not ready to die. Not yet! Pull me out train wreck. Pull me out..." Someone sang with me and I recognised the voice. I turned around and saw Sirius.
„Sirius..." I whispered and hugged him tightly. I didn't care that he could be dangerous.
„Hello Y/n, long time no see. By the way nice to know that you don't think that I'm a mass murderer," He said softly.
„That wouldn't fit you..." I looked around and then transformed into a fox.
„You're an Animagus?!" He asked and then transformed too. Now we could talk without Sirius being in danger.
„So, you didn't betray Lily and James but who was it then?" I asked him.
„Our dear friend Peter Pettigrew." He said and I was shocked.
„But isn't Peter dead?"
„No, he cut his finger and then transformed. Also, the explosion came from him. He's an animagus."
„Wow, sick. I'm glad that you're innocent," I said and he smiled.
„Yeah?" Then he saw my necklace which turns into a collar but the pendant stayed the same. „You still wear it?" He asked.
„Of course, you're like a second father," I said.
„Wow, that's...you said that beautiful."
„Okay, now back to Business. What is Peters' animagus?"
„A rat."
„Fits. Do you have a place to hide?"
„Yeah, come. I'll show it to you," He said and guided me to the whipping willow. We ran to it and came to a tunnel. We walked through it and arrived at the howling hut.
„Wow, I didn't know about that tunnel." I said.
„Just a few do. Dumbledore organised it, so Remus could go to Hogwarts."
„That's nice of him."
„By the way, how is Remus?"
„Good, I think. He is now our dada teacher and smiles again."
„That's nice."
I hope we'll find Peter and prove that you're innocent."
„That would be nice."
We talked for some hours and then I had to go.
„I'll visit you." I said.
„That would be nice, I missed you."
„I missed you too."
Then I left and walked to my common room. Luna sat there and looked at me.
„Are you okay?" She asked. I looked down and I really seemed not okay.
„Yeah, I just tripped."
„I'm gonna head to bed, see you tomorrow."
„Okay, good night."
I got changed and then went to bed. The next day I went with dad to his first class. Third graders Gryffindor and Slytherin. Our topic would be Boggarts. We walked into the class and everyone looked at me.
„Are you here for detention?" A Slytherin asked and his friends laughed.
„I'm gonna be your substitute teacher when Professor Lupin is prevented. What's your name?" I answered chilled.
„Draco Malfoy," He answered.
„Okay, I'm sure you can tell me what's in that closet," I said and he just looked at me.
„No..." He said bitterly.
„Okay, anyone else?" I asked and then someone talked in.
„It's a Boggart," He said.
„Correct, who can tell me what they look like?"
„No one knows. Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so..." Hermione started.
„So terrifying. Yes. Yes, yes, yes." Dad finished her sentence. „Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now. Uh, without wands, please. After me: Riddikulus!"
„Riddikulus!" The whole class repeated.
„Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen. Riddikulus." He told them.
„Riddikulus." The class said, now louder.
„Very good. Well, so much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Uh, Y/n. Will, you join me, please?" He explained to the class what I was about to do and then opened the closet. My greatest fear was to lose the ones I love the most. So my Boggart was the death of Dad and Sirius.
„Riddikulus!" I said and the dead bodies stood up and started dancing Macarena. The whole class laughed and they formed a line. Everyone wanted to try it. Then Harry was on and Dad did the right thing. He went between Harry and the Boggart and it transformed into the full moon. Then he dismissed the class.
Later I heard that Sirius attacked the fat Lady and ran to the howling hut.
„Sirius! I told you to stay here! Now everyone is panicking," I said mad.
„Sorry, I overreacted when I saw Peter. I chased him, but the fat Lady wouldn't let me pass."
„Don't do that again, I'll tell dad and we'll find a way. Till then you stay here. Please, I don't wanna lose you."
„I'm sorry, I'll stay here and if I go out then not far and as a dog."
„Good, I gotta go. See you soon."
„See you."
I walked back to the castle and this time I made sure that my clothes aren't dirty. We had to sleep in the great hall and the next day I looked for my father. Then I realised that it was a full moon and I took the stuff for the lesson.
Professor Snape had the fifth graders from Gryffindor and Slytherin in the first lesson and I had the second graders from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor in the third lesson. I walked into the class.
„Good morning everyone, I'm Y/n Lupin and I'll substitute for Professor Lupin. Are there any questions?" I introduced myself.
„Yeah, where is Professor Lupin?" A student asked.
„He is not available at present," I said.
„Let's get started." I taught the lesson and it was pretty good. Everyone understood what to do and if not they asked for help.
After the lesson, I went to my lesson to learn something too. Later I visited Dad and looked at how he felt.
„Hey, dad."
„Hey, how was the lesson?"
„Pretty good."
„That's nice."
„I have to talk to you about Padfoot," I then said.
„What is with him? Did you see him?"
„Yeah, and he told me the whole story. He didn't betray anyone, it was Wormtail. Padfoot is after Wormtail. It's Scabbers, Ron's rat," I explained.
„Wow, that was a lot of information. Can you show me where he is?"
„Yeah, come on."
We walked to the entrance and walked through. Sirius was happy to see us both and they talked a little. The next day was a quidditch match but I was in my common room. After the game, Harry was in the hospital wing. The twins told me everything and later Harry and Dad went for a walk.
Then the winter break started and dad and I didn't go home. We stayed with Sirius so that he wasn't that alone.
The break ended and soon the Hogsmeade weekend came. I loved it when everyone left, it was so quiet and peaceful. Suddenly the twins and Harry came toward me.
„Hey, guys," I said.
„Hey Y/n, do you have the map with you?" Fred asked.
„Why do you want to know?" I asked back.
„Uh, because Harry wants to go to Hogsmeade and we want to show the best way," George explained.
„Ugh, fine. You won't leave me alone, will you?"
„You know us too well." They grinned. I took out the map and we showed Harry the best way to get to Hogsmeade and then I got it back. He was stunned.
„Wow, what was that?" He asked.
„Marauder's map." I answered.
„Who are Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs?" He asked.
„I'll tell you that someday but not today," I said and then I left.
For the next few days, I visited Sirius every day and played songs for him. He was always happy when I came and sometimes he even sang with me.
Then one day we were in our animagus form we saw Ron, Harry and Hermione. Ron seemed to search for Scabbers or better Peter and then he seemed like he found him. Suddenly Sirius and I recognised where he was and ran to him. When the three saw us they seemed terrified.
„Harry, Hermione behind you!" Ron screamed and when they turned to us we got faster. Sirius pulled Ron through the tunnel and except for the bite marks he wasn't hurt. Just Sirius transformed back and then we waited for Harry and Hermione. I heard them walking up the stairs and looked at Sirius. He knew what I wanted to say. We waited and they came in.
„Ron!" Harry said.
„Ron, you're okay?" Hermione asked.
„The dog and the fox...where are they?" Harry asked him.
„Harry, it's a trap! He's the dog! He is an Animagus!" Ron said and pointed at Sirius. Both turned around and Hermione put herself before Harry.
„If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too," She said.
„No. Only one will die tonight," Sirius said calmly.
„Then it'll be you!" Harry said and tried to choke him. He put Sirius down and put his wand out.
„Are you going to kill me, Harry?" He asked chuckling. Then the door busted open and Dad walked in.
„Expelliarmus," He said and signed Harry to go aside. „Sirius, looking rather ragged, aren't we?" He asked and helped him up. They talked about ‚killing him' and Hermione misunderstood it.
„No! I trusted you! And all this time y-you've been his friend," She said and also told Harry and Ron that he's a werewolf. Remus talked a little with Hermione about it and then Sirius started to get impatient. He told about his waiting in Azkaban and that he had been waiting long enough. Dad gave him his wand but wanted to explain it to Harry. Harry thought he knew what Dad was going to say but he had the wrong truth. Remus explained that with Peter and then Sirius wanted him to come out. Suddenly Professor Snape walks in and threatened Sirius. After a while, I had enough. I got up and bit Snape, and a little later Harry disarmed him. Snape flew into the bed and it broke down. Harry wanted to know the whole story and Remus and Sirius explained it. They told everything and when Sirius walked toward Peter, Peter bit Ron and tried to run away. But I was faster. As a fox, I was really good at catching mice or rats. I brought him to Sirius and Dad and they forced him to transform back with a spell. He looked awful and like a rat. He tried to escape and acted as if he missed them. When he tried to come near them I growled at him.
„Oh, did you train a fox?" He asked innocently. That was enough, I transformed back and everyone except Dad and Sirius were shocked.
„I'm not a trained animal Peter. Let's see if you recognise me..." I said.
„Y/n? You're so grown up," He said.
„Oh c'mon, don't be like that. Because of you I lost my best friend for fucking twelve years and did you care? No, of course not! You are a wuss and a traitor. Lily, James, Sirius and Dad trusted you. Lily and James trusted you with their life. You are the reason that this boy grew up without parents, you are the reason I lost my best friend and you will pay for that!" I was furious. Everyone looked at me in shock and fear. We decided to bring Peter to the Dementors. Sirius, Ron, Hermione and Harry walked outside and Dad took Peter with him. I sat a little while there and tried to calm down. After a while, I wanted to go outside too when I saw Professor Snape waking up. He didn't know the truth, so I tried to explain it to him.
„Professor, I know that the marauders did a lot of mean things and that you were their victim but please don't be led by your anger. It wasn't Sirius who betrayed James and Lily, it was Peter. Please don't let an innocent man get hurt. Punish the right one," I said and then left. Outside I saw Dad as a werewolf and Sirius, as a dog, fighting. He didn't take his potion. Then Snape came out too and wanted us to go to the castle, but I couldn't move. I just stood there and saw how they injured each other. Tears ran down my face, that was too much. I transformed and distracted Dad. Suddenly we heard the sound of another werewolf and dad ran away. Harry ran to Sirius while I looked for Peter. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him.
Later I heard that Sirius was caught and was going to be kissed. I visited Ron in the hospital wing to see how he was. Suddenly Professor Dumbledore walked in and said something about three turns to Hermione and saving two lives. Then she put a time turner out and asked me to come with them. I agreed. We managed to save Buckbeak and then we ran to Sirius. He didn't even look up when we came.
„Sirius," I whispered.
„Y/n? No, not again. I'm going crazy again..." He said without looking up.
„Sirius, look at me!" I said now louder. He covered his ears.
„No, please. Not again..." He whispered scared and then I had enough.
„Bombarda!" I said and the gate exploded. Finally, he looked up and looked at us. „Finally, you're safe now." I said softly.
„Y/n, how'd you find me?"
„Dumbledore," I said and he hugged me tightly.
„What now?" He asked.
„Harry and Hermione are waiting with Buckbeak, you can fly away with him. I'll visit you as often as possible," I said.
„Wow, you're amazing. I'll miss you," We walked to Harry and Hermione. He flew away with Buckbeak and we walked back to Ron. Ron was confused but we acted as if nothing happened.
A few days later the mail came and Harry got a new broom. It was from Sirius. I got a letter from him. He told me where he lives now.
A few days later I went for a walk with Cedric and it felt good. I loved talking to him, he was a good listener. When I told him that I make music he wanted to hear a song. We walked to the lake and I took my guitar out. He looked quite confused and then he noticed that it was a spell. I started playing a song I wrote when I first came to Hogwarts it was called „Welcome to Wonderland". When I ended he looked at me.
„Wow, you sound amazing. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He praised me.
„Thanks, I'm kinda shy about it."
„You don't have to. Can you play one more?"
„I'm not so sure."
„Please, I beg you. Just one more." He begged.
„Fine..." I started playing „Jungle", one of my other songs. I don't even know how, one day I just knew it's gonna be one of my songs. After that Cedric was stunned.
„Wow, you can sing high and low keys. I'm impressed."
„You know something about music?" Now I was surprised.
„Yeah, a little."
We continued talking about music and sometimes I showed him songs of mine. He always said that I'm going to be a musician but I wasn't that sure. I mean I wanted to but if it would work?

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