The Vampire Diaries Saga: My...

By PindellT

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Werewolves, witches, warlocks, vampires, humans, hybrids and tribrids More

*Season 1: The Vampire Diaries: Chapter 1: Hello Brother*
*Chapter 2: The Night of The Comet*
*Chapter 3: Friday Night Bites*
*Chapter 4: Family Ties*
*Chapter 5: You're Undead to Me*
*Chapter 6: Lost Girls*
*Chapter 7: Haunted*
*Chapter 8: 162 Candles*
*Chapter 9: History Repeating*
*Chapter 10: The Turning Point*
*Chapter 11: Bloodlines*
*Chapter 12: Unpleasantville*
*Chapter 13: The Children of The Damned*
*Chapter 14: Fool me Once, Shame on You?!*
*Chapter 15: A Few Good Men*
*Chapter 16: There Goes The Neighborhood?*
*Chapter 17: Let The Right One In?*
*Chapter 18: Under Control*
*Chapter 19: The Miss Mystic Falls Beauty Pageant*
*Chapter 20: The Blood Brothers*
*Chapter 21: Isobel's Arrival and Return*
*Chapter 22: It's Founder's Day!!!*
*Season 2: Chapter 1: The Arrival and Return of Katherine Pierce*
*Chapter 2: A Brave New World for Caroline Beula Forbes*
*Chapter 3: A Bad Full Moon Rising*
*Chapter 4: Memory Lanes*
*Chapter 5: Kill or Be Killed?!*
*Chapter 6: Katherine's Plan B*
*Chapter 7: The Masquerade Ball*
*Chapter 8: Rose-Marie*
*Chapter 9: Katherina Petrova*
*Chapter 10: The Sacrifice*
*Chapter 11: By the Light of the Full Moons*
*Chapter 12: The Descent*
*Chapter 13: Daddy Issues*
*Chapter 15: The Dinner Party*
*Chapter 16: The House Guest*
*Chapter 17: Know thy Enemies*
*Chapter 18: The Last Dance*
*Chapter 19: Niklaus Mikaelson*
*Chapter 20: The Last Day and Night*
*Chapter 21: The Full Moon Fades, The Sun Also Rises*
*Chapter 22: As I Lay Here Dying*
*Season 3: Chapter 1: The Birthday Party*
*Chapter 2: The Original Hybrid*
*Chapter 3: The End of The Affair*
*Chapter 4: Disturbing Behaviors*
*Chapter 5: The Reckoning of Senior Prank Night*
*Chapter 6: Smells Like Teen Spirit*
*Chapter 7: Ghost Worlds*
*Chapter 8: The History of The Originals/Ordinary People*
*Chapter 9: The Homecoming Dance and Homecoming Night*
*Chapter 10: The New Deal*
*Chapter 11: Our Town: Mystic Falls, Virginia*
*Chapter 12: The Family Ties That Bind Us*
*Chapter 13: Bringing Out the Dead/Stories of The Originals*
*Chapter 14: Dangerous Liaisons/A Family Reunion*
*Chapter 15: All of My Children*
*Chapter 16: The 1912's*
*Chapter 17: Break on Through*
*Chapter 18: The Murder of One Original*
*Chapter 19: A Heart of Darkness*
*Chapter 20: Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night*
*Chapter 21: Before Sunset and Before Sunrise*
*Chapter 22: The Dearly Deeply Departed*
*Season 4: Chapter 1: Growing Pains*
*Chapter 2: The Memorials and The Funerals of Mystic Falls*
*Chapter 3: The Rager*
*Chapter 4: The History of The Brotherhood of The Five*
*Chapter 5: The Killer*
*Chapter 6: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes?*
*Chapter 7: My Brother's Keeper?*
*Chapter 8: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street?*
*Chapter 9: 'O Come, All Ye Faithful?!'*
*Chapter 10: The After School Special*
*Chapter 11: Catch Me, If You Can?*
*Chapter 12: A View to a Kill!*
*Chapter 13: Into the Wild, We Go*
*Chapter 14: Down the Rabbit Hole, We Are*
*Chapter 15: Stand By Me, Stand By Us*
*Chapter 16: Bring It On?/The Klaroline Diaries*
*Chapter 17: Because of That Night in New York?/New York, I Love You!*
*Chapter 18: American Gothic*
*Chapter 19: Pictures of You*
*Chapter 20: The Originals and Their Extended Family Line*
*Chapter 21: She's Come Undone*
*Chapter 22: The Walking Dead*
*Chapter 23: It's Graduation Day!!!*
*Season 5: Chapter 1: I Know What You Did Last Summer?!*
*Chapter 2: True Lies and Revelations*
*Chapter 3: Original Sins*
*Chapter 4: For Whom the Bell Tolls? Remembrance Day!!!*
*Chapter 5: The Monster's Ball*
*Chapter 6: Handle Everything with Care and Consideration?*

*Chapter 14: Crying Wolves*

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By PindellT

*Mystic Falls, Virginia, Morning- The Woods/Brady's Trailer- A Meeting*

Brady is wearing, a black jacket, light brown shirt and a grey t-shirt and black jeans and black boots on. He's collecting, all of the dead bodies and lays them in a pile and sets a match and lights the bodies on fire. Jules is wearing, a black jacket, grey vest with a black tank top, underneath and black jeans and black boots on. A guy with short, dark brown hair, is there, too and he's wearing, a black cap on, a navy-blue coat, a cream scarf, a grey t-shirt and black jeans and black boots on. They're watching from a far, sad. Then, they walk away, from the bodies and over to the trailer and they talk. Brady speaks and says sternly, "Go ahead, tell her!" Jules looks over to Stevie confused as Brady continues and says sternly, "What you told me?!" Stevie sighs sad, nods and admits ashamed and pleads sternly, "K, let me just preference this, with a big display, that screams, I should've, known better!" She nods and asks still at loss and concerned now, "What is it, Stevie?" He sighs and admits sternly, now, "When Brady told me, bout what that Tyler kid, said bout Mason being here, for the Moonstone, something clicked?" She says nothing surprised and looks back to Brady as Stevie, continues and recalls sadly, "There was this moment, back in Florida at my bar, when I suspected, Mason was up to something, cause he was banging, that hot vampire chick, Katherine and he didn't want anyone, to know." Jules cuts him off and says tired and serious, "Just get to the damn point, Stevie!" Stevie nods and continues and reveals serious, "That is my damn point, Jules! Its, The Sun and The Moon Curse." She looks astonished now and then, over to Brady, who's angry. She holds his hand and he removes it upset and says sternly, "Not, now, Babe!" She nods hurt, sighs sad and says nothing and Stevie continues and reveals sternly and recalls sadly again, "Mason was asking me, all kinds of questions about it, if it could, be broken? When that, evil man-witch showed up, last night, double click..." Jules and Brady, say nothing as he continues and admits sternly, now, "Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, the Moonstone? They're putting everything, in place to break, the curse!" Brady looks over to her and says serious, "We can't let them, do that!" She looks at him worried and scared now as he continues and admits tired, "Even if, we have to kill, every last vampire, in this town?!" Stevie nods in agreement. Jules looks away and says nothing, sad and still upset, with him.

*Back at The Forbes House- Caroline and Claire's Bedroom- An Ambush/A Meeting*

Elena is laying, on a pillow, on the right side, of the bed. She's wearing, a purple tank top and purple and white plaid shorts on. Caroline is laying asleep, in the middle, of the bed, now. She's wearing, a burgundy red tank top and white shorts on. Claire is asleep, next to her, in the bed. She's wearing, a black tank top and black shorts on. Bonnie is asleep, on the left side, of the bed. She's wearing, a brown tank top and brown shorts on. Elena's phone rings and it wakes Caroline up and she puts her hand out, shoves Elena away, by accidently, using her magic and activating, her newfound powers, and says sternly, "Get away!" Elena falls, on the floor, on a pillow, awake and upset now. She groans, in, pain and then grabs her cell and answers, the call and says still sleepy, "Hello?" Claire and Bonnie, stir awake, too. Claire comments tired and says upset, "Elena, take that elsewhere!" Bonnie nods in agreement, "Yea." Stefan is on the other line, in his room and he comments and asks with a smile, "How's the slumber party?" Elena nods, sighs, crawls over, to the doorway and remarks with a smile, "Good, just wounded. Please, take me, out of town?" He nods, paces in his room, wearing, a white tank top and black jeans on and he comments and retorts with a smile, "Well, that can be arranged. She nods and retorts with a smile, "K, now. Today, someplace, far away?" He looks at her astonished, now and recalls sternly, "With everything, going on?" She nods and admits sadly, now, "Because of, everything, that's going on?" He nods and recalls with a smile, now, "And, this doesn't have, anything, to do, with dodging, your creep, of a father, who just, got back, into town?" She nods and retorts with a smile, "Um, this has everything, to do with him!" He nods and then asks curious, "K, in that case, so, where, would you, like to go?" She smiles and says nothing, happy.

*Back at The Salvatore Boarding House- A Meeting*

Andie walks, down, the steps, wearing, a white top, and black skirt and black boots on and she admits sadly, "I'm late, this is such, a crazy day." She stops at a mirror and puts a black jacket on and buttons it. Damon comes, down, the steps, wearing, a black shirt and black jeans and black boots on. He's holding her scarf, in his hand as she continues and admits sternly, "I'm covering, a historical society, tea party." He nods and comments with a smile, "Nice, how thrilling." She nods. They walk, over, to, the door and she continues and admits with a smile, "Yea, its for some visiting writer, who's writing a book, on small town, Virginia. He's a big snooze writer." Andie stops at another mirror and fixes her bandage on the left side of her neck as Damon responds and asks curious, "What's his name?" She responds and says sternly, "Elijah Smith." He nods, comments in disbelief and remarks with a smile, "Smith? He's using Smith, ugh..." She laughs and he puts the scarf on her and asks sternly, "K, you, have the story, straight in your mind, rite?" She nods and retorts with a smile, "I can't say that, you... bit me or dranked my blood, because you'll hurt me, if I do. Just that, we hit it off and I really like, you." He nods and smiles as she continues and says with a smile, "You're awfully terrific, though? You're sweet, you're funny, honest and you're so good to me..." He nods, cups her face with his hands and compels her and says with a smile now, 'And you're falling hard?' She nods and retorts sternly, 'You might, be the one.' He nods, stops his compulsion and says with a smile, "Perfect." He opens the door for her, and Alaric is standing outside, on the porch and he looks away as she grabs her black pocketbook and puts it, on her right shoulder and says with a smile, "K, rite." He nods and retorts with a smile, "Have a great day, honey." He kisses her and she responds to the kiss and then she walks past Alaric and says with a smile, "Oh, hey, Ric." He nods and smiles, and she looks back to Damon and she says with a smile, "Later." He waves goodbye to her and smiles.

She leaves and Alaric sighs upset as Damon comments with a smile, "My new girlfriend, Andie Starr. Action news." He shakes his head and admits with a smile, "Yea, its not called that." Damon nods and admits with a smile, "Yea, I know. I just like saying it. Come on, in?" Alaric does and goes in the living room and Damon shuts the door and follows after him and they talk. He shows them vial, of White Oak Ash and daggers, wrapped, in a cloth and he admits with a smile, "John Gilbert, gave this to me, to kill Elijah..." Alaric walks over to him and then sits, in a chair, now and says nothing surprised and shocked as he continues and says sternly, "He said you had to dip the dagger, in the remains of, an old white oak ash tree, that dates back to the Originals. If there's any, damn truth in that?" He hands him a dagger and Alaric nods, takes it and retorts with a smile, "You think, its a setup?" Damon nods and remarks with a smile, "It could be, the guy's a weasel! I wouldn't put anything, past him." Damon walks away, from him, and over to the fireplace and then faces him and asks curious, "What are you up to, today, Ric?" Alaric stands, walks over to the dresser, puts the dagger down, on the cloth and admits sadly, "Jenna and I, were going to go, to her old families lake house, but somehow, we both got roped, into doing this, Historical Society thing, at The Lockwood's Mansion." Damon nods and admits with a clever smile, "Where Elijah, is the guest of honor." Alaric sighs sad, shakes his head and pleads sternly, "Please, tell me, you're not, going to kill him, at the tea party?!" Damon shakes his head and admits with a smile, "No, that'd be stupid! I want to know, his endgame, before, I kill him. But I do think, its time Elijah and I, officially met." Alaric says nothing.

*Back at The Mystic Grill- A Meeting*

Bonnie is wearing, a purple jacket vest, with a black design, to it, black tank top underneath and, purple jeans and black boots on. Caroline is carrying, a black purse, on her left shoulder. She's, wearing, a black V-neck jacket vest, navy-blue jeggings and black boots on. They're sitting, at a table, across, from each other and they talk. Caroline speaks and says curious and asks with a smile, "K, so tell me, bout this, big witchy plan, you've been, cooking up?" She nods and admits sadly, "We still don't know, the extinct of what, Elijah is up to?" Caroline shakes her head and admits with a smile, "No. We don't." Bonnie continues and reveals with a smile, "So, I'm going to, ask Luka, to tell me, what, he knows!" She nods and remarks with a smile, "He's not gonna, to tell you!" Bonnie nods, retorts with a smile and retorts serious, "I didn't say that, he was going, to have, a choice?" Caroline smiles. Matt is working and Caroline sees him and waves to him, with a smile and Matt looks away, from her, still upset and angry and Bonnie comments to her surprised and asks with a smile, "What is that bout?" Caroline shakes her head and admits sad, "Idk, I thought, that we were idk, Bon." Bonnie looks at, her sad now and says sternly, "Just talk to him and see, what's going on. K, Care?" She nods.

*Back in The Woods/Brady's Trailer- Evening- A Meeting*

Jules is, standing, by herself, near the trailer, sad and looking at, the lit bonfire. Tyler walks over to her, wearing, a black jacket, a grey t-shirt and black jeans and black boots on and Jules faces him and says with a smile, "Tyler, Hi." He nods, takes a step, forward to her and comments upset, "You're still here?" She looks at him hurt and sad now, nods and asks sternly, "Is that alright, with you?" Tyler nods and recalls with a smile, "That guy, last night, made it very clear, that you, Brady and my sister, needs to go?!" She nods and says sternly, "Brady and I, will. How's your sister doing?" Tyler sighs and admits with a smile, "She's fine, but she said, she's not, going with you and neither is Luke." She nods and then asks curious, "What about you?" Tyler shakes his head and admits sternly, "I'm not sure yet."

She nods in understanding. Brady and Stevie, join them, and she comments to them and informs Tyler serious, "Listen, we kinda need, your help with something?" Tyler looks confused and over to Brady, and Stevie. Brady responds and admits sternly, "We need you, to help us, find the Moonstone!" Tyler looks shocked, now and retorts tired and admits confused, "Somebody, here, needs to explain to me, what the big deal, is about a rock?!" Stevie nods and reveals sternly, now, "That rock, helps breaks the curse, of The Sun and The Moon." Tyler nods and says serious, "Idk, what that means?" Stevie opens his mouth to say something, but Jules speaks and reveals sadly, "Its an old curse." Tyler looks over to her confused and surprised now as she continues, "Placed both, on vampires and werewolves." Stevie responds and continues and admits upset, "If the vampires, break the curse, they're free to walk, in the sunlight, without daylight rings on? But we're stuck, only turning, on the full moon. A.K.A.: Werewolf Armageddon!" Tyler looks still surprised and says nothing. Brady responds and admits sternly, "But if we break it, they're stuck, as nightwalkers and we can turn, whenever, we want!" Stevie nods and retorts with a smile, "A.K.A.: Werewolf Domination!" Tyler sighs annoyed and shakes his head. Jules comments and reveals with a smile, "Ty, if we can turn at will, like your sister, that means, we won't have, to turn at all!" Tyler looks at her astonished and shocked now and says nothing as she continues and says sternly, "Not if, we don't want too?!" Tyler nods and retorts considering this now and retorts sternly, "I'd never have to turn, again?" Brady nods and he admits sternly, "There's more..." Tyler looks surprised and says nothing as he continues and says sternly, "Stevie?" Stevie nods and he explains and says sternly, "If the vampires, are gearing up, to break the curse, that means, they also, must have found, the Doppelgänger?" Tyler nods and retorts at loss now, "The Doppelgänger?" Stevie nods and retorts with a smile, now, "Evil twin, shadowed person. We're betting, Mason's hot, vampire chick, Kathy, knows all about it, so we need you, to help us, find Katherine?" Tyler sighs and shakes his head and Stevie takes out his phone and admits with a smile, "I have a picture, Mason brought her, to my bar, once. Nobody like her, she was vampire and bad news!" He finds the picture and shows it to Tyler and says sternly, "The girl, next to Mason?" Tyler looks at the picture and says shocked, "That's Elena Gilbert." Jules comments shocked and says surprised, "You know her?" Tyler nods and admits with a smile, "I've known her, my whole life." Jules looks over to Brady, who says nothing and glares, at him.

*Back at The Mystic Grill- An Ambush*

Matt is cleaning off, a table and holds a grey tray of dishes, in his hands, as Caroline approaches him, and says with a smile, "Hi." He shakes his head and admits not in the mood, "Not now, I'm working!" He walks away, from her and she nods upset, walks after him and comments hurt now, "Yea, I can see that! But can you work and talk?" He nods, sighs upset, faces her and asks tired, "What do you want, Caroline?" She looks at him surprised and retorts with a smile, "I want to talk about, what we, were supposed to, have talked about, last night, before, I had to cancel, on you?" He nods and says nothing as she continues and admits sternly, "I want us, to clear up, the awkwardness, I just want us, to talk, about us?" She smiles and he shakes his head and admits sadly, "Now, you're just making this worse!" Caroline sighs and admits sadly and retorts still at a loss, with a smile, "God, Matt, I don't know, what's going on?" He nods and asks pissed off now, "Where, were you, last night, when you were, supposed, to, be with me?!" She looks at him shocked now and opens her mouth, to say something, but he cuts, her off and says serious, "And don't say, you were with Bonnie, because Bon was here, Caroline! I saw her, with Jeremy, on a date." Caroline looks at him sad now and retorts in shock, "Oh." He nods and retorts with a smile, "Yea." He leaves and gets back to work. She yells sternly and tries to apologize, "Matt, I..." She sighs and then Tyler rushes, over to her and says sternly, "Caroline?!" She shakes her head and says upset, "You stay the hell, away from me?!" She walks past him and he grabs her by the arm and says serious, "Its important, Care?!" Her purse falls on the floor and she kneels and grabs her stuff, at a fast pace and he helps and steals her phone and puts it, in his back pants pocket, as she, shakes her head and says pissed off now, "Just stop it, Tyler! K, you're just, you're just, making it, worse." She puts her stuff back, in her purse and he grabs her wrists and pleads sad, "Please, Care... I'm so sorry, about what, Jules boyfriend, did to you! I'm sorry about everything, that happened. It wasn't supposed to, go down like that. But there's, so much, we need to, talk about!" She shakes her head, removes her arms, from him, falls on her butt, in pain and then stands and she says serious and admits done now, "I said just leave me, alone!" She leaves upset and sad and he sighs sad and gets up and stands. Matt approaches him and comments upset and admits sadly, now, "The two of you, want to get together, fine! There ain't nothing, I can do about it, but the both of you, do me, a favor, and stop lying about it?!" Matt starts to walk away. Tyler grabs him, by the arm and admits sternly, "Matt, there's nothing, going on?!" Matt grabs him, by the collar of jacket and yells pissed off now and says serious, "Hey, I said stop lying!" Tyler sighs and says nothing else and he releases him, walks past him and get back to work.

*Back at The Gilbert's House- A Meeting/The Woods- Brady's Trailer- An Ambush*

Stefan is wearing, a red burgundy jacket and navy-blue jeans and black boots on and Elena is wearing, a black sweater, a white tank top underneath, and black pre-ripped jeggings and brown knee-high boots on. He's holding his cream bag, in his hands, speaks and asks with a smile, "Are you ready, for our romantic weekend?" She nods, puts her brown bag, on her left shoulder and says with a smile, "I'm beyond, ready. Lets go, before, John shows up, and pretends to be concerned father?" He nods, laughs and retorts with a smile, "I'm gonna go, put this in the car." She nods and he opens the door and then faces back to her and sees her on her phone, looking through, her messages and she gets one, from Caroline and it says, 'Need to talk. Where are you?' Stefan comments sadly and asks sternly, "Oh, no, please, tell me, there's nothing, wrong?" She replies to the text and says sternly, 'Headed to, lake-house, w Stef. U, ok?' Tyler replies posing as Caroline and says sternly, 'All good, never mind. Have fun!' Elena smiles and says sternly, "Nothing's wrong." Stefan nods, sighs in relief now and says with a smile, "Good." She replies to the text and it says, 'XoXo.' She looks back over to Stefan and says with a smile, "Its just, Care. Come on, lets go." He smiles and she walks past him out. He shuts, the door, and they go to the car and leave.

Back Outside, Brady's Trailer. Tyler responds and informs Brady with a smile, "She's going to Denham Lake. Her family, has a house, up there." Brady nods and retorts with a smile, impressed, "Nice, lets go, get our Doppelgänger!" He leaves and Tyler sighs and follows after him.

*Outside, Mystic Falls, Denham Lake- Afternoon, The Gilbert's Family Lake House/Inside, The Kitchen- A Meeting*

Stefan pulls up, in his red Porsche and he stops, the car, in front, of the house and Elena looks at the house sad and Stefan notices, holds her hand and asks concerned, "You alright?" She nods and admits sternly and reveals sad, "I'm good. Its just, I just, haven't been, back since, before..." He figures it out sad, shakes his head and says in shock, "Oh, my God, Elena. Idk?" He wraps his arm, around her and says sternly, "Elena, listen to me, just say the word and we'll get back on, that highway and we'll go anywhere else?" She smiles, shakes her head and admits sternly, "No, I've always loved here. I want it to stay, that way, I was just... Just having a moment." He nods and says with a smile, "K." She nods and smiles.

Then, they get out and he grabs, their bags and she opens, the door, to the house and walks in, she looks around, their surroundings, and sees nothing, has changed. She faces back to Stefan, who's still, standing, at the threshold, of the doorway and she lays her purse on the table and comments and she retorts with a smile, now, "You don't have to wait out there, I'm all good." He nods and remarks with a smile, "Um, that's great. Cause I'm stuck!" She looks astonished now and says in shock, "Oh my God, you cant get in?" He nods and admits sadly, "Its not going to be, a very romantic weekend, unless, you, um, invite me, inside?" She sighs, shakes her head and reveals sadly, "Stefan, I can't." He looks at her, astonished, now and retorts in shock, "What?!" She continues, takes a step forward and admits sadly, "Stefan, my parents, left this place, to John Gilbert." He looks at her surprised and shocked as she continues and says sternly, now, "He's the only one, who can invite you, in, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. He nods and asks in disbelief, "Are you, kidding me, right now?!" She nods, smiles and says cheery now, "Stefan Salvatore, I hereby invite you, into this home?" She laughs and he shakes his head and admits with a smile, "You're, such a little liar!" He drops the bags and picks her up and she giggles in surprisement and in shock and then kisses him and he responds to the kiss and sits her down, on the table and she wraps her legs, around his waist and cups his face, with her hands and continues, kissing him and he cups her face, with his hands and responds, to the kisses, happy.

*Back in Mystic Falls, Virginia, Afternoon- The Lockwood Mansion, The Living Room- The Historical Society Tea Party, Starts- A Meeting*

Elijah is now, wearing, a black suit, grey shirt and matching black pants and grey dress shoes on. Carol Lockwood is wearing, a black white plaid jacket, black tank top and are white and black matching skirt and black heels on. They talk about his research on Mystic Falls, Virginia. She speaks and asks curious, "Have you, spent much time, in Richmond, for your book? Its such a wealth, in this town." Elijah, now, shakes his head, admits with a smile and says sternly, "No. I'm focusing, more on, the small regions, of Virginia." She nods in understanding as he continues and retorts with a smile, "A lot, of the research, is strictly academic." She nods and retorts with a smile, intrigued now, "Fascinating." He smiles.

Jenna is wearing, a black sweater, black top and navy-blue jeans and black boots, on. Her and Alaric, are talking, chatting, near a table, from a far. Damon arrives there and Jenna walks over to him and comments confused, "Damon. What are you, doing here?" Before he, can say, something, Andie, now, approaches them and says with a smile, flattered, "Hey, you came?" He nods and says with a smile, "Hi." She nods and says cheery, "Hi." They kiss. Jenna looks astonished and shocked now and they look over to her and smile. Damon speaks and says with a smile, grateful, "Thanks for introducing us, Jenna." Jenna nods, looks upset now and still surprised by this. He walks past them and over to Carol Lockwood and Elijah. Andie stands near Jenna and she comments to her, bout Damon, with a smile, "Wow."

Damon walks, over, to Carol and she sees him and says with a smile, Damon, "Hi." He nods and says with a smile, "Carol, Hi." He kisses her cheek and she smiles and he pulls back and smiles and Elijah looks annoyed and irritated now. She speaks and says with a smile and comments to Elijah, "Elijah, I want you, to meet, Damon Salvatore. His family is one, of Mystic Falls, Founding Families." Damon nods and smiles and Elijah glares at him upset and Damon comments with a smile, now, "Its such, a pleasure, to meet you." He puts his hand out and Elijah shakes his head and retorts with a smile, "No, the pleasure, is mine." He shakes his hand and Damon nods and smiles.

*Back at The Mystic Grill- An Ambush*

Luka is wearing, a black jacket, a green t-shirt and black jeans and black boots on. He's playing, at the pool table, by himself. Then, Bonnie walks, over to him, with a smile, carrying coffees, in her hands and he looks at her surprised and shocked now and she comments and says sternly, now, "I come bearing, coffee gifts." He nods, puts the stick down, walks over to her, takes one and retorts with a smile, "Oh. So, you're, talking, to me, now?" She nods and admits, with a smile, grateful, "Yea, I found out, what, your dad did. Saving my friends, from the wolf pack." He nods and remarks with a smile, flattered, now, Wow, well, if I, had known, thats all, it took?" She smiles.

At a table, from afar, Caroline is watching, whilst playing spades, by herself and then, Jeremy walks in, wearing, a brown jacket, a brown t-shirt and black jeans and black boots on and he joins her and he comments with a smile, "Hey. How's it, going?" She responds and admits with a smile, "I'm good. What are you, doing here?" He nods and admits with a smile, "Bon, called me and I wanted to help." He looks over to Bonnie and Luka and sees them, still talking and he comments curious, "How is that, going?" She responds and admits with a smile, "She's selling it and he's buying it. She's giving him, the sex glare." Jeremy shakes his head and comments upset now, "Yea, alright. Caroline, I get it!" She smiles and says nothing else. He looks back to them, upset.

Luka takes, two sips, of his drink and then he, asks with a smile, now, "Do you, want to play a game?" Bonnie nods and says with a smile, "Yea." He nods and comments with a smile, "Yea?" She nods and says cheery now, "Yea." He nods and says with a smile, "Alright." He turns away from her and sits the drink down and starts feeling, lightheaded and off now. Bonnie notices and smiles. Luka comments and says in shock and confused, "What's happening to me?" Bonnie nods to Jeremy and Caroline. Jeremy nods and Caroline packs, her cards up and puts it, in her purse and they walk away, from the table. Bonnie looks back to Luka and says sternly, "You're k." He starts to lose, his balance and he falls, and she catches him, and comments, with, a smile and helps him, walk, now, "Ooh, why don't we, go over here." Jeremy responds and says with a smile, "I got him..." He helps him walk and looks over to Bonnie and asks curious, with a smile, "What kinda, witch-roofie was that?" Bonnie smiles and admits impressed, herself, "A strong one." They leave and go back to Caroline's house.

*Back Outside, Mystic Falls, Denham Lake- The Gilbert's Family Lake House- The Dock- A Meeting*

Elena is standing, on the dock, covered, in a brown blanket and she's looking at the view of the blue lake and the forest of green, purple and orange trees from a far. Stefan walks, over to her and stands behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and comments with a smile, "Having another, moment?" She nods, clasps his arm and reveals with a smile, "Jeremy broke his arm, diving off this dock. He was six. My dad taught me, how to fish, right off the edge, of there." He smiles. She continues and admits with a smile, "So many, memories." He says nothing and she continues and asks curious and says with a smile, "Do you, ever, think, about us? What our future, what be like, our memories?" He nods and admits sadly, "Yea, but there's a lot of conversations, that need to be, had about our future?" She looks sad and he continues and retorts sternly, "Bout the kinda life, we could have together?" She nods and then admits sternly, "Um, there's a box, that we shouldn't open?" She laughs nervously and he shakes his head and retorts with a smile, now, "Nah, we can open it. Whenever, you're ready?" She shakes her head and admits with a smile, "No. I rather, just be here. Now." He nods and retorts with a smile, "You know, this is our future, Elena. Its with, your boyfriend. A good husband to you, who loves you." She smiles and he kisses her cheek and she blushes and giggles, happy.

*Back in Mystic Falls, Virginia- The Lockwood Mansion- The Living Room- A Meeting/Richard's Office- An Ambush*

Damon opens, the door, to Richard's office and Elijah walks in and then Damon, smirks and follows after him inside, shuts the door and Alaric notices, from the dinner room and sighs upset and John walks over to Alaric, wearing, a black jacket, a royal blue shirt and black jeans and black boots on. He notices too and asks pissed off to him, "What's Damon, doing with Elijah?!" Alaric sighs, shakes his head and retorts in disbelief, "How, would I, know?" John responds and retorts annoyed and remarks with a smile, "Because, you're his little helper." He glares at him. Alaric nods and retorts with a smile, "If you say so, John." He takes a step forward to him and asks curious and admits with a smile, "Does Jenna, know, about, your extracurricular activities?" Alaric glares at him and says nothing as he now, continues and retorts with a smile, "Maybe, its time, we tell her? I mean, she can't stay, in the dark, forever!" Alaric nods and retorts pissed off now, "You're a dick!" John nods and admits with a smile and says serious, "I don't think, you should sleep over, anymore." Alaric nods, glares at him, smiles and says nothing in shock as he continues and admits sternly, "Its inappropriate, with children, in the house!" Alaric sighs and retorts with a smile, "Unfortunately, that's not up to you, and my daughter and her brother, are cool with it!" John nods, and retorts upset and admits pissed off, "Well, I'm not. Elena's not, your daughter! She's mine and that ring, Isobel... gave you? That's also mine and I'm going to, want that back!" Alaric nods, smiles and says nothing, unfazed by this. John nods, smiles, and leaves.

Back in Richard's Office. Elijah and Damon, talk. Elijah speaks and asks sternly, "What can I do, for you, Damon?" He's standing behind, a couch and Damon is near another couch and he faces him and he admits with a smile, "I was hoping, we could have a word?" Elijah responds and asks serious, "Where's Elena?" Damon responds and admits sternly, "Safe, with Stefan. They're laying low and we've been having a bit, of a werewolf problem?" He nods and retorts with a smile and admits sternly, "Oh yea, I heard about that." Damon nods and remarks with a smile, "I'm sure, you did. Seeing as, it was your witch, who saved the day!" Elijah nods and retorts with a smile, "You are welcome." Damon nods, sits on the desk and retorts confused, "Which adds up, to my confusion up, as to why, you are here?" Elijah nods and admits sternly and informs him serious, "Why, don't you, just stay focused in, keeping Elena, safe? Leave the rest, to me!" He smiles and starts to leave, but Damon smirks and flashes, in front of him, blocking his way and says serious, "Not good, enough!" Elijah glares at him, pissed off and angry now and grabs him, by the throat and puts him up, against the wall, behind the desk and Damon looks surprised and grabs him, by the throat and Elijah looks unfazed by it, glares at him and removes, his hand, with a smile. Damon groans in pain, sad and looks shocked and astonished now, "Ahhh." Elijah sighs sadly and bends his wrist and comments upset and remarks with a smile, "You, young vampires, so arrogant!" Damon groans in pain, again, "Ahhh." He roughly, releases his wrist and continues pissed off now, "How dare you, come in here and challenge me?!" Damon smirks and recalls sternly, "You can't kill me, man, you know? That's not part of the deal!" Elijah nods and says tired, now, "Silence!" He grabs a pencil, from off the desk and stabs him, in the left side, of his throat and Damon gasps in shock and groans in pain, "Ahhhhh!" He holds onto the edge, of it, upset as Elijah releases him and glares at him as he pulls it out, blood, spills out, onto the desk and he holds his sore neck and continues gasping in pain, "Ahh, ahh..." Elijah takes out his handkerchief and admits with a smile, "I'm an Original, show a little respect!" He holds it, out to him, and Damon continues gasping and winces in pain, "Ahh... Ahh. Ugh!" He looks at the handkerchief and snatches it from him, hurt and upset and places it, on his still bloody and sore neck and Elijah smiles at his handiwork and says sternly, "The moment, you cease to be, any of use to me? You're dead! So, you should do, what I say." He smiles and Damon glares at him as he continues and says done, "Keep Elena safe." Damon says nothing and Elijah leaves, cheery.

*Back Outside, Mystic Falls, Denham Lake, Nighttime- The Gilbert's Family Lake House- The Kitchen- The Living Room/Miranda and Grayson's Bedroom- A Weapons Room*

Elena is wearing, a black V-neck jacket, with a hood, to it and gold buttons, down the middle and some, black shorts on. She's sitting, on a brown couch, holding a glass, of champagne, in her right hand and shes watching, Stefan cook, with a smile. He's wearing, a grey t-shirt and black jeans and black boots on. He's standing, behind the counter, chopping food up, for dinner. He notices her, watching him and he smiles at her and she reveals with a smile, "My dad did, all the cooking, too." He nods and asks sternly, "And your mom?" She shakes her head and admits with a smile, now, "She sat right here and watched." He nods, laughs and continues chopping, the food and she smiles, laughs and she admits sternly, now, "She couldn't cook, either." He says nothing and she faces towards, the fireplace and sees it gone, down and comments with a smile, "The fire is dying?" She puts the glass down, on the dresser and he looks over to it, nods and says sternly, "Oh, yea, I'll go get, more wood." He puts the knife, down and starts to walk, past her and she shakes her head, she removes her cream blanket and says with a smile, "No, I got it." She stands and blocks his way and he shakes his head and admits with a smile, "Hey, its cold, outside!" She nods and retorts with a smile, "So, I'll grab, a coat."

She smiles and goes into, her parents room and then she, looks around, her surroundings and sees, nothing's changed, either. Then, she looks, over, to the dresser and goes over, to it and sees, a old collection, of her mom's perfume there and she takes the cap off one and sniffs it and smiles and Stefan notices, standing in, the doorway and she comments and admits with a smile, "My mom's perfume?" He nods with a smile and says nothing, his arms crossed. She puts it, back down, in the collection, again and then, she walks, further, in the room and comments, bout the stuff, brown dressers, portraits hung on, the burgundy pink walls, the brown and gold pillows and covers on the bed and says sadly, "Jenna was supposed, to pack this stuff up, but she kept, putting it off. I don't, blame her!" She then, goes over to the closet and opens it, turn on the light and says with a smile, "Another moment..." He says nothing as she sighs, grabs an orange and brown plaid jacket and then faces him, tosses to him and says sternly, "Here, bundle up?" He nods, catches it, and smiles, puts it, on and she admits with a smile, "It was my Great-Grand-Dad's." He smiles and she comments with a smile, "And you, look very hot in it." He nods and retorts in disbelief, "I look hot, in your dead, Great-Grand-Dad's jacket?" He walks over to her, with a smirk and she nods and admits with a smile, now, "Beyond hot." He nods, pulls her body, into him and kisses her and she looks surprised now and she responds to the kiss and grabs him, by the collar of his jacket as he moves them, into the closet and puts her up, against the wall and she cups his face, with her hands and comments in disbelief and remarks with a smile, "Stef! This is my parents bedroom..." He nods and retorts with a smile, now, "I know." She sighs and retorts with a smile, "Bad Boy." He nods, laughs and she kisses him and rest her arms, around his neck, as he lifts her up and she wraps her legs, around his waist and runs her hands, through his hair, as he kisses her again and she bumps her head, into the wall, behind her twice and it makes a sound and he lets her, down and looks surprised, now and she comments confused, with a smile, "What?" He bangs on the wall and it makes, the same sound and he comments in shock now, "Huh?" She comments and asks still at a loss, "What?" He sighs and admits sternly, "This is hollow, inside." She looks surprised now and she stands behind him, as he moves, the boards aside and it reveals, a brown wooden door, with a black lock, on it. She comments confused and asks curious, "What is it?" He sighs, grabs onto the lock and admits sternly, "A very good, hiding place!" He breaks the lock off and drops it, onto the floor and he opens the door, turns a light on and they see, a bunch of weapons, hung on the wall. Knifes, wooden stakes, guns, rifles, pocket knives, wooden bullets, crossbows and arrows, axes, swords and blades. She gasps in shock and comments surprised, now, "Oh, my God?!" Stefan nods, says nothing surprised and in shock now, too.

*Back in Mystic Falls, Virginia, Nighttime- The Forbes House- The Living Room- A Meeting*

Luka is laying on a rug, still unconscious and asleep. Bonnie is on the floor near him and Caroline now, walks in carrying, 6 candles in her hands and admits with a smile and informs them sternly, "We have like an hour or two, before my mom, gets home and Claire has gone, to talk to Luke, so she won't, be back here, for another hour or two." Jeremy stands and grabs a few candles as she continues, "This is all I could find." Bonnie nods and says sternly, "Place them, evenly, around the room?" Caroline gives her two and Bonnie takes it, and puts one, behind her and one, near Luka. Jeremy nods, places the others and asks curious, "How does, this work?" Bonnie responds and admits with a smile, "I'll put him, in a trance and then ask him questions. Its kinda like Hypnosis." He nods, places the last candle and asks concerned now, "Are you sure, you're strong enough, for this?" She nods and reveals with a smile, "That's what, the candles, are for. I'll draw power, from the flames." He nods and then Caroline comments and says sternly, "I'll go get, the matches?" She turns to leave, but Bonnie shakes her head and retorts with a smile, "I've got it!" She lights, the candles, with her mind, now. Caroline nods and smiles. Jeremy comments in shock and retorts with a smile, "I'm never, going to, get used, to that." Caroline nods and retorts with a smile, "Oh c'mon, that's pretty hot and you know it?" He nods and smiles, in agreement. Bonnie looks over to him and asks with a smile, "I need, a bowl, of water?" He nods and says sternly, "Yea, I'll go get it."

He leaves and goes to the kitchen and Bonnie smiles and then looks over to Caroline and comments confused now and recalls with a smile, "Wait, what was that?" 'Its hot?' She nods and admits with a smile, "Girl, he is so crushing on you!" She kneels and Bonnie nods and retorts with a smile, "So?" Caroline sighs, comments, about Luka and remarks with a smile, "So, you'd rather be, with traitor warlock, over here?" Bonnie shakes her head and reveals with a smile, "I'm not into Luka!" Caroline glares at her unconvinced as she continues and admits with a smile, "I had a crush on him, we had, a connection. But nothing, ever happened. Its just... he understood me, and he was new. Different and special." She looks sad now and Caroline nods in understanding and comments about Jeremy and retorts with a smile, "And, you've known, Jeremy, since forever and you've only seen him, as one way? As Elena's little brother." Bonnie nods and Caroline continues and admits with a smile, "Look you're, a witch and I'm a Tribrid, of three different creatures. You know, its not like, we're in, any position?" Bonnie cuts her off and retorts with a smile, "To be picky?" Caroline shakes her head and continues, "No." They laugh, and she continues and retorts with a smile, "To Judge." Bonnie smiles and so does Caroline as Jeremy, walks back in and they look over to him and he smiles at Bonnie and hands her, the pink bowl of water and she takes it and says with a smile, "Thank you." He nods and she puts the bowl beside Luka's forehead and Jeremy comments and says sternly, "It looks like, he's waking up?" Luka's awake and looks around, his surroundings, confused and then Bonnie, kneels behind him and puts her fingers, in the water and then touches, his temples and the flames, to the candles light higher as she starts the spell.

*Back at The Salvatore Boarding House- The Ballroom- An Ambush*

Damon is sitting, in a chair, holding, a glass of whiskey, in his hand and Alaric is sitting, on a couch, holding, a glass of whiskey, in his hand, too and they talk. Damon speaks and admits sadly, "Today was a bust." Alaric nods and remarks with a smile, "Yea, how's the throat?" Damon sighs and admits still hurt, "Sore." Alaric sighs and admits with a smile, "Yea, Elijah is one scary dude, but with nice hair." Damon sighs annoyed and Alaric gets up and comments about, their drinks, "Do you, want another one?" Damon nods and gives it, to him and Alaric takes it and pours the alcohol, in their glasses and Damon sighs, shakes his head and admits pissed off, "He's going to be, hard to kill!" Alaric nods and retorts with a smile, "Yea, I'd think, twice, before trusting, that dagger and some White Oak Ashes to do, the trick? You're going, to need more info!" Damon sighs in frustration and remarks with a smile, "I'm out of sources." Alaric nods, walks back over to him and asks curious, "Wassup, with you and this news chick?" Damon nods, takes his glass and admits with a smile, "Ooh, she's got spunk, huh? Alaric sighs, sits back down and pleads serious, "Just don't bruise her up, too badly and please don't kill her, either?!" Damon nods and remarks with a smile, "If I did, who'd report her death?" He laughs and Alaric sighs sadly, shakes his head and admits tired, "Just drop it, Damon!" Damon sighs and looks away from him as he continues and admits sternly, "She's friends with Jenna, and its bad enough, I'm lying to her, bout everything else? I can't... I hate the damn lies!" Damon nods, smiles and he says nothing, getting comfortable now, and puts his feet on the table. Alaric looks at his watch and he comments sadly, "I gotta go, I gotta pick Jenna, up. Don't worry, I'll see myself, out?" Damon nods, and retorts with a smile, sleepy now, "Good luck."

Alaric nods, sits his drink, down and then, leaves the room and goes down, the hall and then he gets stabbed in the spleen by Stevie and Damon hears, a rustling sound and flashes up and goes in, the hall and sees Alaric hurt and Alaric groans in pain and looks over to Damon upset and then falls on his knees and back dying. Damon looks behind him and sees Stevie jump down, from the balcony and onto the floor and he flashes over to him and Damon fights against him and flips him onto the floor and then Stevie jumps onto his back and takes out a syringe needle full of Vervain and stabs him in the right side of his neck and Damon flashes trying to budge him off of him and hits into the walls, three times and then the Vervain starts to take affect and he falls, on his stomach, on the floor and Stevie jumps off of him and takes the needle out and remarks with a smile, impressed, "Damn, you're strong! Took the whole syringe." Two guys, werewolves come in and Damon sees and looks shocked and sad now. Stevie comments to Alaric, who's asleep and says sternly, "Grab that one, he's dead!" They nod, and then men drags his body away, with no remorse. Jules walks in, with a rifle and smiles and comments sternly, "Hi, Damon. Nice to see you, again!" He sighs upset now and glares at her.

*Back Outside, Mystic Falls, Denham Lake- The Gilbert's Family Lake House- Miranda and Grayson's Bedroom/The Weapons Room*

Elena is, still looking, through the room, still in shock and surprised, by what, they've found. Stefan stands, in the doorway and watches as she grabs journal, from off of a bookshelf and she opens it, and comments astonished and reveals sadly, "These must be, the other, Johnathan Gilbert Journals? I mean, Jeremy had the one, but John said there, were others." He says nothing and she flips through the pages and says in surprise and in shock now, "Johnathan Gilbert..." Then, she looks around their surroundings again and comments, "How, fascinating and mysterious?" He sighs and says sternly, "I'm gonna go, get the firewood, I'll let you, have, a moment." She nods and says nothing. He leaves and then she sits the book down on the floor and then finds wooden bullets, behind a barrel and holds it in her hands, contemplating now.

*Back in Mystic Falls, Virginia- Brady's Trailer- A Meeting*

Brady gets a text from, Jules and says sternly and informs Tyler, "We're good to go!" He looks over to Tyler, who's sitting, at the table and he says nothing, nervous and sad. Brady starts for the door and Tyler is still sitting, on the couch, behind the table and looks worried and scared. Brady notices and asks sternly, "Are you, up for this?" Tyler opens, his mouth, to say something, but doesn't and Brady nods, smiles, walks over to the table and sits across from him and says sternly, "These people, have done nothing, but lie to you..." Tyler glares at him upset now as he continues and remarks with a smile, "This girl, you've known, since birth, she's with the vampires now. The ones, who killed Mason!" Tyler says nothing and glares at him as he continues and admits tired, "They're the enemy and if they break, that curse? All of us, are as good, as dead!" Tyler says nothing and Brady continues and asks serious, "Are you, up for this?!" Tyler sighs, nods and says sternly, "Yes." Brady nods and says with a smile, "Good. Good Boy!" Tyler glares at him as he continues and admits serious and informs him pissed off, "Because, if you, whisk out, you're, going, to have me, to deal, with! Got it?" Brady glares, at, him and Tyler nods and says nothing, scared.

*Back at The Gilbert's House- The Kitchen- An Ambush*

John is standing, behind the counter and he pours himself, a glass of red wine. Jenna walks in, with a smile and he looks over to her, upset and sits the bottle down and then asks curious and upset, now, "Where's my daughter?!" Jenna nods and admits with a smile, "At the lake-house, for the weekend." He nods and retorts sadly, With Stefan? She nods and admits with a smile, "Yes, with Stefan." He nods and comments pissed off and asks in disbelief, "Who gave her permission, for that?!" He glares at her and she responds and admits sternly, "I did. Until, you get a lawyer to file, for guardianship? Its my call and there's nothing, you can f-ing do about it!" She smiles and he nods and remarks with a smile and admits tired, now, "I always knew, you were Lacksadaisical, but I didn't think, you were Negligent!" She glares at him pissed off and hurt now and she reveals annoyed and admits revolted, "She wanted, to get away from you, k?" She smiles and continues and informs him sternly, "So do I, so I'm staying, at Ric's." She turns to leave, and he nods and remarks with a smile, "Yea, because, he's such a great guy? Rite!" She looks upset now, faces him, walks over to him and says pissed off now, "Watch it, you are on dangerous territory, now?!" He sighs and reveals with a smile, "He's a liar, Jenna." She shakes her head and comments confused, "What?" John nods, walks over to her and asks sternly, "Did he, ever tell you, what happened, to his wife?" She nods and admits sternly, "She died, what are you, getting at?!" He nods, laughs and retorts with a smile, "Really? So, they found, her body?" She laughs and she scoffs with a smile, "Are you, implying, that she's still alive?" He nods and retorts with a smile, "Why, don't you ask Ric, I love to hear his answer?? Have a goodnight, now?!" She looks shocked and sad, now and he smiles and walks past her.

*Back at The Salvatore Boarding House- The Ballroom- A Meeting*

Alaric is still laying, on the ground, asleep. Damon groans in pain and wakes up, strapped down, in a brown chair, with chains. There's a metal collar, with wooden nails, around his neck and he notices, and looks surprised and shocked now and then down to the floor and sees Alaric, still dead and sighs, looks at his hand and sees him, wearing, his ring and sighs in relief, now. Then, he looks around, his surroundings and sees Stevie, holding chains, to the collar and he comments and remarks with a, smile, "Morning, Sunshine." Damon sighs sad and looks away, now and Stevie, admits with a smile, and now, comments about the collar, "You know, I saw this movie, once?" He stands in front of him and he continues sternly, "Some, tortured, porn flick and anyways, they'd have, this collar device, that was very cool. So, I just modified it, some, with some wooden nails and when, I pull?" Damon groans in pain as the nails scratches his neck up, "Ahhhh!" Stevie stops, as Jules and the others, appears, in the room and comments with a smile, "So, I hear you, have the moonstone?!" Damon sighs, laughs and shakes his head and retorts with a smile, "Oh, I'm enjoying, the irony, of this moment, we're in, right now?" She nods, walks over to him, as he continues and says sternly, "Let me, tell you, how this is going to go? You're, going to, torture me, I don't talk, someone, loses a heart!" She glares at him as he nods, continues and admits with a smile, now, "Last time, it was your boy, Mason?" Stevie grabs the chains again, prepared, upset now and Jules nods, takes a step forward to him and admits with a smile, "This time, it'll be you!" She smiles and then nods to Stevie and he pulls on the chains, again and Damon glares at him upset and groans in pain again, "Ahhhh."

*Back at The Forbes House- The Living Room- A Session*

Caroline comments and asks sternly, "How long is this, gonna to take?" Bonnie sighs and admits sadly, now, "Idk, but he's fighting me!" Luka shakes his head and begs sad, "Please stop?! Please?" Jeremy and Caroline say nothing and looks at him sad. Bonnie concentrates and puts him, in the trance and his eyes, turn grey, under her control, now and Bonnie comments and says sternly, "Alright, why are you, working, with Elijah?" Luka sighs and reveals sternly, "Klaus. We both want him dead!" They look surprised and she continues and comments in shock, "You want to kill Klaus too. Why?" He responds and admits sad, "Because he has her. We have to get her, away from him!" Bonnie responds and says confused now, "Wait, who are you, talking about??" He responds and admits sad, "My sister, Greta." Jeremy looks surprised and comments in shock, "Your sister?" Luka says nothing and Bonnie nods, comments surprised too and asks curious, "Why, does he, have her?" Luka responds and reveals sternly, now, "He's searching, for a way, to undo the curse, without the Doppelgänger. He's forced generations, of witches and warlocks, to help him, for centuries." Bonnie looks sad now and then asks sternly, "What did Elijah, promise to you?" Luka responds and reveals with a smile, "If we help Elijah, kill Klaus, he's promised, to return her, to us?!" Bonnie nods and asks curious, "How, do you, kill Klaus? How, do you, kill an Original Vampire?!" Luka breaks out, of her trance, his eyes back, to black, now and he shakes his head and admits sad, "He'll kill me, if tell you? Don't make me, please?!" Jeremy sighs and admits sadly, "Its k, Bon, we can, find, another way?" Bonnie shakes her head and says sternly, "No!" She puts him back, in the trance, his eyes, go back, to grey, under her control, again, and she asks again serious, "How, do you, kill Klaus?!" Luka responds and reveals sternly, "After the sacrifice, Klaus will be vulnerable, weakened. Its our only chance!" Caroline looks astonished now and comments in disbelief and says in shock, "After, the sacrifice?" She looks over to Jeremy sad and Bonnie comments confused too and asks sternly, "What do you mean, 'after?'" Luka responds and admits with a smile, "Klaus will be vulnerable..." Bonnie sighs and admits sad, "But Elena, would be dead." Jeremy shakes his sad as Luka nods and admits with a smile, "Yes, Elena has to die!" Bonnie releases him and sighs upset now and Jeremy shakes his head and says sad, "No, No. No, that's not, going to happen!" Caroline and Bonnie sigh and says nothing, still in shock and surprised by this.

*Luke's House- The Living Room/The Porch- An Ambush*

Luke is wearing, a black leather jacket, a grey shirt and black jeans and black boots on. Then, there's a knock, on the front door and he looks surprised and gets up and goes over to the door and opens it and sees Claire, standing, on the porch. She's wearing, a white jacket vest with nothing, underneath and black pre-ripped jeggings and black boots on. He speaks and comments with a smile, now, "For a second, "I thought, you had forgotten and that you weren't, coming to talk?" She shakes her head and admits with a smile, "Well, you were wrong! I got held up, consoling my sister, earlier. But I'm here, now, as you requested, so lets talk?" He nods and says sternly, "Come on in?"

She walks past him and he closes the door and faces her, and comments, and asks concerned, "How is, Care, anyways?" She shakes her head and admits sadly, "She's putting up, a good façade, but she's still hurt and sad. I don't blame her, I am too. By you, your sister and your brother's actions." He nods and apologizes sad, "I'm sorry, Claire. Brady was, never, supposed, to physically, hurt her, and Jules, wasn't supposed, to kill her, either..." She nods and says nothing as he continues and admits sternly, "I know, you think, I betrayed you? But I didn't. I love you and I wouldn't hurt you, like that!" She nods, and asks sternly and curious now, "I love you too and why didn't you, call me or text me, what was happening?" He sighs, runs his hands through, his dark brown hair and admits sadly, "Because the timing, was late and plus, we only helped, Jules and Brady, take Care, because we needed, to get, Stefan, away from Tyler?" She nods in understanding, but then reveals with a smile, "He wasn't, going hurt, your brother!" Luke looks at her surprised now and retorts in shock, "What?" She nods, takes a step forward and admits with a smile, "Care and I, told him, to speak with him, after ambushing, my sister, earlier, bout Mason." He nods, sighs and admits with a smile, "Oh. I didn't... I had, no idea, Claire. I'm sorry."

She nods and then asks confused, "How, did you know, that Stefan, was talking, to Tyler, Luke?" He sighs, shakes his head and admits sternly, "Its not important, Claire." She shakes her head and says upset now, "Luke, please?" He nods and reveals with a smile, "It was Victoria. She found out, by using a new skill and ability!" She nods, looks surprised and astonished now and asks curious now, "What, was it?" He responds and reveals with a smile, "Eolas." She looks at him shocked now, shakes her head and comments serious, "Luke, Eolas is very dangerous and addictive. Its not something, to be trifled with! Why, would you, let her, use that?" He nods and says sternly, "Jules, told me and Ty, the risks and I wasn't k, with it. But before, I could even protest, Vicki had already, said she wanted to try it!" She looks at him sad now and he asks curious now, "How do you know, bout Eolas and Ansion?" She responds and admits sternly and reveals sad, "Lets just say, when Care and I were younger and before, we were sent away and adopted. Since, I was the oldest, I notice some things and watched our father, use Eolas and he became addicted, to it and lost control, of the power and Eolas took over him!" He looks at her shocked and surprised by that and asks curious, "Did he, ever find a way, to stop it?" She nods and admits with a smile, "Yes. He stopped, using it all together and he was better off, over the years, and eventually, he lost the ability, to use it and became a Morwal wolf." He looks at her now, surprised and asks confused, "What does that mean?" She nods and admits sadly, "Its a disease, like condition, that happens, to a wolf, when they have suffered, a great loss and/or in pain, usually, from recent events. The wolf, will become, highly aggressive, for the following, full moon. Basically, a whole other wolf, has taken over, and that wolf, you used to know, will not be able, to control it. Their trans-formation." He nods and then asks curious, "How long, did that last, and did your dad get better?" She nods and admits with a smile, "Yes and it only lasted, for 24 hours and the next day, he was back to himself." He nods, sighs in relief and then admits with a smile, "I'll have Vicki, stop using it." She nods and says with a smile, "Good."

He nods and then, cups her face, with his hands and kisses her and she looks surprised by that and then she, gives in, cups his face, with her hands and responds to the kiss, happy. He breaks it and smiles at her and she comments confused, "What?" He sighs and asks sternly and comments with a smile, "So, does this mean, you forgive me?" She nods and admits with a smile, "I do, and I'll spend, the night, if you want me, too?" He nods, picks her up and she giggles, in surprisement and in shock as he retorts with a smile, "Of course, I've missed you." She nods and admits with a smile, "I've missed you, too." They kiss again and he carries her upstairs, to his room and he kicks the door shut and sits her, on the edge, of the bed and she wraps her legs, around his waist and runs her fingers, through his hair and kisses him and he pulls her body, into him and responds to the kiss, happy.

*A Few Hours Later- Luke's Bedroom- A Meeting*

Claire and Luke, are laying down, in bed, under the covers and he wraps his arm around her waist and she turns to him, cups his face, with her hand and asks curious, "Why, did your sister, come at me? I didn't do, anything, to her! She almost, killed me, last night." She looks at him sad and he notices, cups her face, with his hands and reveals sad and admits trying not, to make her feel, any worse, in the process too, "Baby, I'm not sure. Except, for the fact, that Vik's never liked you." She looks at him surprised and shocked now and asks still confused and sad, "Why, doesn't she? I mean, I've never done, anything wrong, I don't think?" She sighs and he shakes his head and admits with a smile, now, "You haven't and its nothing personal. She just thinks, that you're going, to cheat on me or break my heart." She looks at him astonished, shakes her head and admits sternly, "I'd never do that, I love you." He nods and retorts with a smile, "I know. I love you, too." She smiles and kisses him and he responds to the kiss and then she breaks it and admits with a smile, "I have to go? I told Caroline, that I'd sleep over." He nods and says sternly, "K." She nods, grabs her clothes and puts it on and he puts his pants on as she starts for the door, but he grabs her, by the arm and pulls her back, into him and kisses her and she responds to kiss and then breaks it, rest her hands, on his chest and admits with a smile, "I forgive you, but you're going, to have to earn, the overnighter, now?" He nods and says with a smile, "K, I'll take that, as a challenge. Tell your sister, that I said hi and that, I'm sorry." She nods and retorts with a smile, "I will, k. Goodnight." He releases her and says sternly, "Goodnight." She grabs her boots and leaves.

*Back Outside, Mystic Falls, Denham Lake- The Gilbert's Family Lake House- A Shed- An Ambush*

Stefan is gathering the firewood and throws it, in a pile and then leaves and goes to the shed and turns the light on and walks in and over, to grab something else, important and then he, senses, somebody, behind him and he stands, faces to, who it is, in shock, and, its Brady and he shoots, Stefan, in the left side, of his chest, with a metal bullet and Stefan gasps in shock, falls on his knees and groans in pain, "Ahhh." He rolls on his back, the bullet puncturing, his heart now and he's trying, to get it, out and he struggles and Brady smiles and then Tyler, walks in, stands near him and Stefan, looks at him surprised and shocked and Brady comments and says serious, now, "Keep him down, if he moves, kill him?!" Tyler nods, takes the gun and stake. Brady leaves to go fetch Elena and Stefan groans in pain again, "Ahhhh."

*A Few Minutes Later- Back in The Shed- An Ambush/Back Inside- An Ambush*

Stefan is still on, the ground, gasping in pain and looks up, at Tyler and Tyler speaks and yells sternly and says serious, "Don't move!" Stefan sighs and pleads with him, "Just help me, get the bullet, its puncturing, my heart? I have to get it out and I'm not going, to hurt you, Tyler!" Tyler looks back to the doorway, making sure, Brady hasn't come back yet, doesn't see him and then goes back over to Stefan and says sternly, "I don't think so!" Stefan sighs, looks over to him and asks confused, "Why, are you, helping, that bastard? He raped Caroline! Does that... not mean, anything to you." Tyler shakes his head and admits serious, "I can't, let you, break the curse!" Stefan sighs sad and comments in shock, now, "You know, bout the curse?" Tyler nods and says upset, "You're liars, all of you!" Stefan shakes his head and pleads with him and admits serious, "No. I swear to you, we don't want, to break the curse, Tyler! We don't, want to, do that." Tyler nods and admits with a smile, "Yea, but I do!" He shoots him in the right leg and Stefan groans in pain, "Ahhh." Stefan coughs and gasps in shock and Tyler yells sternly and admits sad, "I can't be like this, forever!" Stefan shakes his head, crawls over to him and admits serious, "I'm just trying, to save Elena!" Tyler shakes, his head and yells sternly, "Elena will be fine!" Stefan looks at him astonished now, remarks and he comments with a smile, "They didn't tell you, that part, did they? Who's the liars, now?!" Tyler looks confused and asks sternly, "Tell me, what?" Stefan responds and admits sad, "In order, to break the curse, Elena has to die!" Tyler looks surprised and shocked now and helps him.

Back Inside, The House, Elena walks in, the living room and over to the door and sees it, wide open, and yells in disbelief, to Stefan and remarks with a smile, "Are you, growing the trees, out there?!" She gets no response and looks worried and scared, now and slowly, walks over, to the doorway and she continues and asks sternly, "Stefan?" She still gets no response and Brady is hiding, behind the door and against the wall as she continues and grabs a knife now, prepared and walks out and onto the porch and yells serious and concerned now, "Stefan, what are you, doing out there?!" She still gets no response and then, Brady comes up from behind her and she stabs him, in the stomach in shock and surprisement and he falls on his knees in pain and she runs back in the house, scared and locks the door. Back Outside, He pulls the blade out and groans in pain, "Ahh." Back Inside, Elena runs up the stairs, fast. Back Outside, Brady barges in and looks around his surroundings and back upstairs, Elena hides in the family room. Downstairs, Brady walks in and admits with a smile, "I can smell you." Elena sighs, contemplating, now and then takes off, her jacket vest and lays it on the bed, transmitting her scent, now and then leaves the room and goes to hers, shuts the door now as Brady walks over to the staircase and goes up the steps with the knife, in his hand and down the hall and tries to find her and he goes in the family room and sees her jacket there and he grabs it and sniffs it and then he looks around his surroundings for her and she leaves her room and sneaks downstairs and over to the front door and slams it shut and he hears and back downstairs, she runs her parents room and then, she contemplates what to do next and back upstairs, Brady walks back down the steps and down the hall and looks around for her and goes to her parents room, holding the knife in his hand, prepared and he looks around and sees the closet door, opened a little and goes in and doesn't find her and she comes up behind him and stabs him in right collarbone and he falls on his knees again and gasps in pain, "Ahhh." She picks up, the blade, from before and leaves fast and runs to the door of the house as he takes it out, stands and rushes after her, out the house and Stefan plunges his hand, in his chest and rips his heart out and Brady falls on the ground, dead. Elena turns back to Stefan, shocked and in surprisement and he comments and says sternly, "You, k?" She nods, drops the knife and rushes over to him and hugs him sad and he hugs her and says with a smile, "You're k. Its k." She nods and then sees Tyler there and looks surprised and shocked now, comments upset and says sternly, "Tyler?" Tyler nods, shakes his head and admits sternly, now, "I didn't know, what they, were going to do, to you! I didn't..." She looks back to Stefan, who glares at him upset and she looks back Tyler as he continues and admits sad, "I-I just, I don't want to be, like this, anymore!" She sighs, walks over to him and looks at him sad and hugs him and he hugs her back and apologizes, "I'm sorry, Elena." She nods and says sternly, "Its k."

*Back in Mystic Falls, Virginia- The Salvatore Boarding House- The Ballroom- An Ambush*

Damon is still, chained and strapped, in the chair and the collar is still wrapped around his neck too. Jules speaks and comments about her gun, in her hand and admits with a smile, "Do you know, the greatest thing, bout Buckshot is? It staggers through the body, maximum damage." He nods and he smirks and she points the gun at him and asks sternly, "Where's the Moonstone?!" He shakes his head and comments tired and remarks with a smile, "Get it, over it, Honey? You're never going to get it!" He smiles and she glares at him, upset now and then Elijah, appears standing, in the doorway and retorts with a smile, holding the moonstone in his hand and comments sternly, "You, looking for this?" She turns to him, so does the others, in shock and Elijah comes down, the steps and puts it down, on a book, with a smirk and comments and remarks with a smile, "Go ahead, take it?" One guy rushes over to it and Elijah plunges his hand, in his chest and rips his heart, out and the guys body, falls dead, in the chair and Elijah drops his heart on the floor and then, two other guys, tries to take it and Elijah kills them two, effortlessly and their bodies, drop on the floor dead and Damon nods, laughs and smiles, impressed. Jules flashes out of there, fast and then Elijah, walks over to Stevie, who's scared, nervous and hiding now and Elijah comments with a smile, remarks and asks sternly, now, "What about you, Sweetheart? Huh?" He grabs him, by the jacket, and he stands, as Elijah continues, "Do you, want to, take the stone? No, yes? No..." Stevie shakes his head and says nothing and Elijah now, comments to Damon and asks curious about Jules now, "Where's the girl, the Alpha of this circle of fools?!" Damon sighs, sees her gone and admits with a smile, "Don't know. She left." Elijah nods, sighs, looks back to Stevie and admits with a smile, "It doesn't, really matter, we'll get her, another time!" Stevie looks at him sad and worried and Elijah elbows him, in the face, knocking him out and sparing him and then pulls, on the chains, breaking it and releasing it, from the collar, now and the straps on, Damon's arms and legs and then, takes a step back, from him and comments with a smile, tired and admits bored, "Do you, realize, that this, is the third time, I've saved, your life, now?!" Damon nods, smiles glad and says nothing. Elijah glares at him and then, takes the stone back and leaves.

*A Few Hours Later- Back at The Forbes House- The Living Room/The Ballroom/Back at The Gilbert's House- The Kitchen*

Damon is removing, the collar and chains and lays it, on the floor and then moves the chair out, the way and off, the bloody rug, as Damon speaks and says surprised on the phone with Bonnie, who's still at Caroline's. "So, he planned to kill her, all along?"

Back at The Forbes House, The Living Room, Bonnie is sitting, in a couch and Jeremy is sitting, across from her, in a chair, contemplating. She speaks and admits sadly, "Yea, the sacrifice, is a part of Elijah's plan." Damon nods and admits sternly, now, "Got it, loud and clear!" He hangs up and so does she.

Then, Alaric, gasps in pain and in shock, holding his bloody spleen and Damon rolls the rug up and comments and admits with a smile, "Finally! You, missed, all of the fun?" Alaric sighs, sits up, gets up and then sits in the couch and calls Jenna.

Back at The Gilbert's House, in The Kitchen. Jenna is sitting, at the table, wearing, a black dress, with silver buttons, down the middle and black heels on and she's drinking, a glass of red wine, whilst waiting, for Alaric to show and she's working on, her thesis. He calls her and she looks at the I.D. number and then, answers the call and says upset, "There, you are? Are you, k?" He nods, and, lies, and says sadly, "Yea, I'm sorry. Just, been grading papers, honestly, I fell asleep!" He groans in pain, as Damon accidentally, hits him, with the rug, in his hands, leaving and he silently apologizes and leaves as he continues to Jenna sad, now, "I'm sorry. Jenna, I'm a jerk." He sighs and she shakes her head and admits with a smile, now, "No, its fine! I'm just glad, you're k." He nods and admits with a smile, now, "Tomorrow, I'm all yours. K?" She nods and says sternly, now, "Sure. Sounds great." She smiles and he responds and says, with a smile, "Goodnight, Jenna." She nods and says sternly, now, "Goodnight, Ric." She hangs up and so does he, sad. Back at The Gilbert's House. She sighs, contemplating now.

*Back at The Salvatore Boarding House- Damon's Bedroom/Back Outside, Mystic Falls, Denham Lake- The Gilbert's Family Lake House- The Living Room- An Ambush*

Damon is sitting, on his bed, on the phone, with Stefan, now and informs him, bout Elijah and the day he's had. "Its come, straight from the witches mouth, he was going to go, with the sacrifice, all along. You should probably, keep Elena there, longer." Back at The Gilbert's Family Lake House, Stefan is, standing, near the patio doors, inside and he looks at the view, outside and nods and retorts sternly, "Yea and try not, to get, yourself killed?" Damon sighs and admits with a smile, "Yea, its been a day, for that."

Stefan hangs up and then, faces towards Elena, as she buttons her, jacket vest, back up. He faces her, and admits sternly, "That was, Damon, we need, to talk?" She looks at him surprised, she finishes up, buttoning her vest and retorts confused and asks concerned now, "What is it?" He sighs and admits sadly, "We've learned, of Elijah's plan, for you to die, in the sacrifice." She nods and looks unfazed by this and looks down sadly as he continues, "For the sacrificial ritual." She nods, takes a step forward and reveals sternly, "I know the deal, that I made, Stefan." He looks at her confused as she continues and admits with a smile, "Elijah is very careful, with his words. He promised, to protect my friends, but he never, said a word, about me!" He looks at her astonished now, takes a step forward, crosses his arms, upset and comments in disbelief, "You knew, that you were going to, survive this?" She nods and admits sadly, "If it comes down, to the people, that I love, getting killed, then me? I know, what my choice, is going to be!" He scoffs, with a smile, and comments about earlier, in shock and asks hurt, Elena, "How... How could you, stand out there, earlier with me, talking about, making plans, for our future, when, you don't even, expect to have one?!" She sighs sad, shakes her head and admits with a smile, "I'm sorry, Stefan. I'm just trying, to keep the people, that I love safe, you safe!" He shakes his head and yells pissed off, now and comments serious, now, "No, what, you're, doing, is being, a damn Martyr?!" She looks at him hurt and recalls upset now and asks in disbelief, "How is that, any different, when, you'd say, that you'd die, to keep me, safe?!" He nods and admits sternly and comments sad, now, "Because, I've, already, lived. A hundred and sixty-two years, I have, lived, and you've, barely, begun. And now, you wanna, let yourself, get killed?" She says nothing and looks at him sad as he continues and admits done and tired, "That's not heroic. It's tragic. Its Suicide and a Tragedy!" He walks past her upset and she sighs.

*Back in Mystic Falls, Virginia- The Forbes House- The Living Room- A Meeting*

Jeremy holds his jacket, in his hand, as him and Bonnie start down the hall, and to the door and they talk. He speaks and asks curious, "So, will Luka, remember anything?" She smiles, shakes her head and reveals sternly, "No. He'll lost consciousness, thats all." He nods and then asks sternly, "So, should we wait, for Caroline?" She shakes her head and admits with a smile, "She was just going to drop Luka, back at the Grill. Said she'd, lock the door, on her way out!" He nods and remarks with a smile, "Yea, well. I hope, she drops him hard!" She laughs and he walks over to the door and opens it and she stops and says sternly, "Jer, wait?" He does and faces her as she continues and recalls with a smile, "You're, Elena's little brother." He looks at her confused as she continues and admits with a smile, "I've known you, forever. You're, that punk kid. I remember, your awkward phase..." She laughs and then, continues with a smile, "Then, your emo phase, your druggie and drinking phase..." He smiles at her... as she continues and admits with a smile, "And overnight, you turn, into, this super, hot guy, who's really sweet and..." He cuts her off and comments in shock now and retorts with a smile, "You think, I'm hot?" She sighs, shakes her head and retorts with a smile, "Well..." He walks over to her as she continues, "With everything, that's going on? You know, Curses and Sacrifices..." He nods and retorts with a smile, "Enough, already!" He kisses her and pulls her body, into him and she responds to the kiss and cups his face, with her hands as they continue making out and then he breaks it and looks at her, with a smile and she comments impressed, with his experience and says in shock, "Wow." He nods, laughs, moves a lock of her hair, behind her left ear and says with a smile, "Yea." He cups her face, with his hands and kisses her, again and she responds to the kiss, happy.

*Back at The Lockwood Mansion- The Historical Society Tea Party is Over/Back at The Mystic Grill- A Meeting*

Carol Lockwood is going upstairs, getting ready for bed and she turns the light off and then she hears a whoosh sound, downstairs, in the living room and comments sternly and asks curious, "Hello?" She gets no response and then, she goes back down the steps and back in the room and over to the table and sees a letter left by Tyler, it says, 'Mom.' and she grabs it and looks surprised and shocked now.

Back at The Mystic Grill, Tyler walks in, carrying, a black duffle bag, on his right shoulder. He's wearing, a brown jacket and a white t-shirt and black pants and black jeans and black boots on. Matt is still there and working and he's cleaning off a table and Tyler sees him and says sternly, "Matt?" He sighs, looks over to him, takes a step forward and admits pissed off, "I'm not, in the mood, man!" He nods and admits sadly, "I need, to tell you, something?" Matt nods and says sternly, "Go ahead, say it?" Tyler nods and reveals sternly, "Look, I've been going, through a rough time, with something, I can't really, talk about. But Caroline's, been, helping me, through it... My siblings and Claire, too!" He nods, in understanding as he continues and admits with a smile, "Care, has been, there, for me, more than anyone, has ever been, there for me, my entire life. I kinda, fell for her and we kissed!" Matt looks at him astonished and shocked, but says nothing upset, as he continues and retorts in disbelief, "Idk, how anyone, wouldn't. Cause she's pretty incredible. She loves you and she needs you. To be honest, she kinda, deserves, someone, like you? So, you, be good to her, k?" Matt nods and says sternly, "Yea, man. Of course." Tyler nods and says sternly now, "See you, around, man." Matt nods and says sternly, "Yea." Tyler leaves.

*Back at The Forbes House- Caroline and Claire's Bedroom- A Meeting/Downstairs- The Porch- An Ambush*

Caroline is wearing, a peach t-shirt, with a peach, purple and white plaid shorts, on. She's sitting, on, her bed and Claire is sitting, across from her. They talk. Claire speaks and asks concerned and worried about her, "How, are you, doing? Do you, feel better, since earlier?" Caroline nods and admits with a smile, "I'm fine and yes. Did you, talk to Luke and how, did that, go?" Claire nods and admits with a smile, "I did, and it went fine. He apologized, for what happened, to you and to me and I forgive him." Caroline nods and says sternly, "Great and I forgive him, too, but not Tyler. So, does this mean you and Luke, are still together, sis?" She nods and admits with a smile, "Yes, it does. I'm glad." Caroline nods and admits with a smile, "So am I, sis." Claire nods and says with a smile, now, "Thanks, Care. Is there, anything else, I should know?" Caroline nods and reveals with a smile, "I think my magic, has come?" Claire looks at her surprised and shocked now as she continues and admits sadly, now, "This morning, in my sleep, I accidentally, used my power and I shoved Elena, roughly onto, the floor. I didn't mean to and she's fine." Claire nods, grabs her hands and admits with a smile, "That's great. This is good news and I'll help you, with this, k?" Caroline nods and says with a smile, "K, sis. Thanks." Claire nods and retorts with a smile, "Of course, sis. You're welcome. You're going to be just fine; I promise." Caroline nods and hugs her. Claire hugs her back and then she lets go and gets inside the covers of the bed and lays her head, down on her pillow and then Caroline, hears the doorbell ring, and Claire now, comments with a smile, "Somebody's downstairs." Caroline nods and says sternly, "I'll get it. I'll be back." Claire nods. Caroline goes downstairs, to the living room, down the hall and to the door and asks sternly, "Mom?" She gets no response and sees no one, there and she looks surprised and shocked now and then, she locks the door. Tyler sees outside and then he leaves. Back Inside, she goes back upstairs to her room and walks in, closes the door and gets inside the bed near Claire and Claire speaks and asks curious, "Who was it?" Caroline shakes her head and admits sternly, "Idk, I didn't see anyone." Claire nods and comments surprised now and retorts with a smile, "Weird." Caroline nods, laughs and smiles. Then they, go to sleep.

*Outside, The Lockwood Mansion/On The Road- A Meeting*

Jules is sitting, outside, in her jeep waiting for Tyler. Tyler gets in, closes the door shut and looks over to her and sighs sad. He speaks and apologizes sad, "I'm sorry about Brady and your friends." She nods sad and retorts sternly, "Yea, me, too." He continues and says serious and admits tired, "But if, I'm going to go with you, no more lies?!" She nods and says sternly, "No more lies. You're doing the right thing, you know?" He nods and admits sadly, "I know, I can't stay here, not like this." Jules nods in understanding as he continues and admits sternly, "Luke and Vik, may hate me, for leaving and my mom, will miss me. But she'll, still have Luke and Victoria, but I know, she'll be k." Jules now, nods in understanding and says nothing and then drives the car and they leave.

*The End*

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