Fighting Through Changes ( On...

De Germancandylover1

459 14 16

Poor Poor Adrian she had to go move in with her Auntie Z. Leaving her friends Nina, Alec, and Gloria with thi... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

32 1 0
De Germancandylover1

Chapter 4



What do I have to do?

“So I told her ‘Nuh uh’ and she was like ‘Girl get out of my face’ and then I was like ‘It was mine I found it first’ but she was like ‘Girl please go buy yourself a ladder’ and then I was like ‘Oh please naw’ and then I said …… ummm what was it again? Hehe I guess I for-oh yea I was like ‘oh please naw go get a botox treatment’ then she said ‘when you get…..”


KILL                                            ME                                       NOW!!!

What did I do? I mean if it was about that chiwawa and the broken glass, I am sorry it was a purposeful accident. It was too dangerously close, staring at me with its beady little eyes. You know what I was thinking …..we just take care of this problem at hand……JUST WIPE THEM FROM THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH!!!!! Brilliant I know.

“So the sales clerk said that that was the last pair and it was in a size 5 1/2. So of course she tries to………umm honey you know that you could kill yourself if you hit your head the wrong way.”

“Oh you don’t say?” I instantly started hitting my head every which way against the glass causing random people look at me with confusion and worry. I couldn’t care less right now. KILL ME NOW!!! This was all I was chanting to myself during the 2 hour and 30 minute ride that felt like 12 hours because of the lady that is right next to me. She droned on and on about her fashion “adventures” and how crazy they are.  No they weren’t crazy they were murderous. RUN RUN AWAY!!!

“I always thought that there was something the matter with you when they accidently drop-OH!!! We are here; oh honey you’re going to love it.” She squealed while I jumped out of the car and hugged the ground while screaming “FINALLY!!!!” there was air that has not been tainted by the horror filled catastrophes she calls stories.

“Well I will just go fetch your brother.” She walked up the stairs and looked at her watch almost fainting. Did I mention she was overly dramatic? “OH MY GOODNESS, look at the time. I have to be on a flight in 3 hours. Come come, here are your keys and I will get Patrick to get your stuff. PATRICK!!!!” he appeared at once. He was quite young. He had dirty blond hair that was tousled and was well toned, from what I guess dear Auntie over here was responsible for. His eyes were a liquid gray. His expression made me laugh though. He was busy watering orchids, one of my favorite flowers, and had an apron on from probably cooking lunch or whatever. His eyebrows were scrunched up, as if it was the hardest task in the world and lips in a thin line. His cheeks were slightly flushed but were burning red as soon as he laid eyes on me.

 “Patrick, darling. Please come and get Adrian’s bags and hurry I have less than 3 hours to get to the air port.” She turned towards me and kissed my cheek. “I am sorry I am not able to make sure you have a warm welcome. But I am sure your brother and Patrick will do it for me. I love you Adrian.” She held my cheek in her palm and then quickly turned away, rushing to her car and waving like she was having spasms. I waved back and then turned back to the man or teenager named Patrick.

“Hi how are you?” he asked quickly recovering from the previous encounter, though he still looked like he just walked up a mountain and back.

“Well, I guess I am good. How about you? Are you okay, because you don’t look like it?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I am fine and I just took and placed all of your suitcases in your room. Which, might I add, you had a total of 9 and they all weighed a ton except the first one.” He said while a smirk appeared across his face.

“Oh and I am sorry about that the first one was full of feathers.” He gave me a weird look and then dismissed it quickly, as if he expected it. “For emergencies” we said in unison. We looked at each other then busted out laughing. “How did you know?” I asked as soon as my laughing subsided.

“You just look like the type.” He stated matter-of-factly.

I raised an eyebrow. “So I look like the type to pack a suitcase full of feathers?”

“Yup.” He said popping the p while opening the front door.

“Wow……I live here now?”


“OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! IT’S AWESOME.” I ran around the front area touching and gasping at everything. It was freaking awesome. It was so spacious. The theme was mostly modern royalty, as expected from Aunt Z. But still the place was great. The floors were a grayish marble and the walls were a mix warm and cold colors and guess what….. Like all awesome homes it had a grand staircase! Like the ones with 2 on each side.  I stood there just staring at it with awe. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s not like I lived under a rock for all of my life, I haven’t seen one of these before  in person.

“Patrick! What is all that noise? Don’t you know that I am busy doing business.” Said a very familiar voice as it was getting closer from down the top hall.

Then he appeared. He looked older but still him. But the way he held himself like he was too good for the world. This was not the Blaine I used to know. The Blaine I knew was nicer, polite, slightly confident but still unsure. He was caring not as arrogant. When he laid his on me his whole façade crumbled and his face fixed itself into pure joy and happiness. He bolted down the stairs 2 at a time and squeezed the life out of me. I would have enjoyed this more if 1. His shirt was on and 2. He wasn’t all sweaty, which brought a conclusion to what his business was.

“Ugh ok no huggy right now until you take a shower and get the business client out of here.” I said as I shrank away from his hold. That was disgusting. It was bad enough to be sweaty but to know the reason for it was just plain old vomit inducing.

“I missed you too sis.” He said as he picked me up again and twirled me around. He was rubbing it on me.

“Ugh ok hi too. I missed you too.  Get off of me NOW.” He dropped me and I landed on my butt. Right after that I heard clicking of heels coming down the same hall way as my brother came through. Low and behold there was a girl, half way dressed in 4 inch heels that she was teetering in, from what I guess because of the liquor she couldn’t hold. All that I could think of was how he could get away with all of this.

As if he read my mind, Patrick said “We or shall I say I have her schedule. So I know when she is coming or leaving. I just notify Blaine when she is coming so he can make plans ahead of time. This he didn’t need to worry because we knew she had a flight and wouldn’t have enough time to come in and well interrupt business *cough*”  the whole time he was saying that, the drunkette was trying to glare at me but it looked as if she was confused.

“Who-who ar- are you bit*hiccup*ccchhhh?” she said as she tried to point at me but instead she pointed at 6 different things.

“Your mother.” I told her

“NO” she gasped “Not my mother. I well …..umm” she studdered trying to cover herself with  nonexistent clothes. Gosh is that how everybody is out here.

“Yea that’s right. Now I want you to get your sorry ass out of this house and explain all of this when you get home. Now don’t go blaming anyone else. WHY AREN’T YOU MOVING? Get in the car now!!” I exclaimed. She rushed out of the door without a second glance. Blaine and Patrick just stared at me in shock.

“What someone had to do it and neither of you were moving.” I shrugged. “But wait do I look that old to be a mother???” I started pulling my cheeks and looking for those spots on my skins.

Blaine was the first to answer. “No she was too drunk out of her mind to even recognize you weren’t her mother. She didn’t even remember my name. Haha and I am very known around here.” Blaine chuckled.

“But if she is drunk why would she be in her car driving?”I asked frantically.

“Ahh don’t get your knickers in a twist. We got a Charlie on that. Come on; let’s go to your room.” Patrick said nonchalantly.

“And I suppose that Charlie is the chauffeur?” asked as we climbed up the awesome stairs. Patrick nodded and we continued down the hall. “Spoiled bastards.” I muttered. I think he heard that because he smirked and looked away, from my guess to keep from laughing. I sighed. Am I just a big joke around here?

Finally for what seems like eternity we stopped at a door the end of the hall. To be honest the thought of doors at the end of halls creeped me out. I mean wasn’t there always something bad there. Despite my thoughts Patrick opened the door. I, who was shielding my eyes with my hands, was surprised to see there wasn’t a fat man in a Barney suit trying to give me some pedafilish candy. I was quite surprising. I mean it was more than I recently had, it didn’t have two bunk beds against each wall and toys scattered everywhere. It was very spacious, I mean you fit two fat elephants in here and still have room. But the down side the walls were covered in frilly pink things. I mean don’t get me wrong pink is pink but when it’s all over everything that is when it is overdone. To make it better, there where pictures of me all over the place on the walls, desk, chair, closet….. There even was a blanket of me when falling face first off the swing. I heard chuckling behind me and saw Blaine with a grin on his face. Of course he was responsible for this. Only he could think of something like this. Tsk tsk. This means war Blaine Nisbett.

“I hope you like my dedication to you. It took forever for me to find all of these pictures. But luckily mom and dad were willing to help so I hope that you would share the love with everyone once you’re done with me.” He smiled. I was currently trying to annihilate him with my eyes but since 1. It never works and 2. It would deprive me of the fun I was going to have while getting revenge. So I stopped. He walked over to the bed and glided his hands along the blanket, looking at it admiringly. “This one was my favorite. Of course it is my pride and joy of this collection. This is the main piece and all of the others revolve around it.” I looked around and sure enough on the entire mouse pads, rugs, and pictures where either of me falling, getting pied in the face, or being disappointed (which meant I cried…I have not the prettiest face when doing that). I really hated that my parents took pictures of every freaking moment when we were kids.

“GRRR…… I don’t like you. But don’t worry I have a very nice way of showing that my dear Blaine. So when do we start school?” I asked already thinking of a nice way of getting back at him.

“Well we start school tomorrow, but I will not see you. Patrick here will be your tour guide since he needs a friend and you don’t know where to go. Perfect match. My work here is done.” Blaine turned around and walked out of the room down the hall to his room which was the 3rd from the stairs. I turned to Patrick.

“Ok we have some shopping to do my buddy. Let’s go.” With that I slapped his shoulder and went down the awesome stairs slowly. I would never get over them. They were just too awesome.

“Umm where are we going?” he asked while trying to follow.

“Well I thought it was self explanatory. We are going to Target to shop. And I thought that girl was slow.” I mumbled the last part.

“I know. I know. But why? What are we going to get there.” He asked while getting his things from I am guessing the coat closet. He handed me a wallet. I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged and said “Your set of credit cards. She treats everyone like that. So why are doing this?”

“How does Blaine treat you?” I asked

“Blaine is Blaine. He is ok, but can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. But my job is to serve the house hold and he is a part of it. I do what I am told to do. Why do you ask?” 

“Do you feel like having Panera?”

“Umm I guess. Why aren’t answering my questions and acting weird?” he asked with a worried look.

“Now how do you know if I am acting weird? This may be me just acting normal.”

“Hmmm…. Good point. Well I will drive since Charlie is currently busy.” He got one of the many keys on the hook and headed to the garage. Once we were inside there were 5 different cars. My mouth must have been open because Patrick slapped my jaw shut and headed towards the gray Mercedes Benz.

“We wouldn’t want you to attract flies, choke, be sent to the hospital, and possibly died do you?” he asked with a smirk on his face.

“Oh god forbid you explaining every single detail of my possible death thoroughly.” I sighed while rubbing my jaw.

“Oh watch me be thorough. A swarm of flies come flying towards your mouth. I try to grab the fly swatter but remember my vow of unharming insects and drop the fly swatter. Mean while you are on the floor trying to escape them and succeed by running into the house and shutting the door. You take a big yawn and a random fly goes down your throat. You start choking and waving your arms around like a windmill. I bust through the door. I start to-“

“Wait woah woah. First of all why did you take a vow of unharming insects?”I asked

“Because they do nothing but try to survive.” He said while shrugging his shoulders like it was obvious and making a left.

“Weirdo. And 2nd why aren’t the flies following you in the house?”

“Because my breath doesn’t sink.  And you thought I was dumb.” He said while shaking his head.

“And mine does?”

“I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. Ahh maybe I would. I don’t know.” he said trying to hide his smile.

“Well I think you would. Also for your information, my breath does not stink. If you should say anything  it would be about your own.” I said confidently, holding my head up high.

“Mine does not stink. Yours does.” He said while parking the car, taking his seat belt off and turning towards me.

“Nuh uh. Yours does.” I said

“Nuh uh. Yours does.” He says

“Nuh uh. Yours does.”

“Nuh uh. Yours does.”

“Prove it buster.” With that he opened his mouth and I came over to smell. But then  his door suddenly opened and he fell out. All of a sudden he was getting hit with a cane and old lady purse.

“YOU-hit- YOUNG-hit- WHIPERSNAPPERS-hit- THESE-hit- DAYS. ALWAYS-hit- TRYING-hit- TO-hit- DO-hit- SOMETHING-hit- NASTY. NOW-hit- YOU’RE-hit-TRYING-hit- TO-hit- STUFF-hit- YOUR-hit- TONGUES-hit- DOWN-hit- SOMEONES-hit- THROAT-hit- WHILE-hit- THERE-hit- MOUTHES-hit- ARE-hit OPEN-hit-, SHAME.” The old lady said while hitting Patrick.

Then as if things couldn’t get any crazier, a police officer came over and pushed the old lady up against the car and hand cuffed her making her drop her New England clam chowder and peanut butter & jelly sandwich on the police. It must of really been hot because he screamed and started jumping up and down.





The police took his walkie talkie and yelled “WE NEED BACK UP!!!” and tasered the lady.

I was just there in my seat staring as this all went down. I quickly went inside and got an orange and wild berry scone, Greek salad, Cuban chicken Panini and 2 strawberry smoothies. I came back outside and found Patrick in the car staring at the wheel and breathing deeply.

“Well that was one hell of an incident. HAHA that topped all of my awkward situations.” I laughed.

“Never” gasp “Again” he gasped and sat back against the car seat.

“ Look on the bright side. I found out your breath doesn’t stink and I got you your food. Happy ending.”

“Oh great , now everything is better knowing that my breath is smells good, which I already knew, and that I got my food. A really nice happy ending.” He sighed sarcastically.

“I know so stop whining and eat. I got your favorite.” I sang.

“How can you even know my favorite? I didn’t even tell you.”

“You just seemed like the type to like Greek salads. You know?” I laughed.

His faced was scrunched up while I handed him the salad. I took out the Panini and started to take a bite but it was ripped out of my hands.

“What the-“

“Now watch your language. It is not very becoming of a young lady.” He said while trying to take a bite out of the panini.

“Aye. That has chicken in it.”

“I said insects not animals.” He stuck his tonge out and took a bite.

“Hey get your own panini.” I said kind of angry.

“I cantrish. Itsh closhed.” He said with his mouth full of Cuban chicken goodness.

“Nice, just nice. Well I guess you will just need to split then.”

“Uh I can’t.”

“Oh you can and you will. Also you will at least eat some of the salad or we will go searching for a hungry homeless guy to give it to. Your choice.”

“Easy. I know just where to find a hungry homeless guy.”

I sighed. “At least someone is going to eat it. Ok hand it over.”

“Whatsh? whysh?”

“Because I want some too and I am good at fractions. So waha I win hand it over.


“Wow. I guess the rest is mine now, considering you ate half of the panini all ready. Hey don’t you like the word panini. Just say it. Panini panini. Haha panini.” I laughed.

“Panini. Umm I guess you’re right. Panini. Panini. Panini. Haha panini.”

“Paniiiiiinnnnniiiiiiii”I sang.

“Paniniiiiiiiiiii” he chuckled.

“Okay try saying Cuban chicken panini really fast. Cuban chicken panini. Cuban chicken papini. Cuban chicken papapini.” I said trying to get it.

“Haha you can’t get it. But I can. Wahahaha. Cuban Chicken Panini. Cuban chicken planini. Cuban chicken panini.”

“Ha ha ha you got it wrong.”

“Nuh uh. Only the second one. You got two out of the three wrong. Which means I win you lose and there is nothing to you can do about it.” He stuck his tongue out and laughed.

“You wanna bet.” With that said I took his smoothie and poured it on him. I want to say that the car seats didn’t get messes up but they did. So I soon felt sad for the seats. Patrick on the other hand sat there shocked with blobs of smoothie going down his shirt allowing us to see an imprint of his abs. Might I add where completely beyond satisfying to the eyes.

  He glared at me but quickly covered it with a grin. He came over a joined me in with a hug putting some of the smoothie on me too. I sighed while shaking my head. Just another person to get revenge on.

“So shall we go find that homeless person of yours so we can deliver his food?” I said with a smile. He he he has no idea what’s coming for him.


Okay I know I know

Know what???

That I took forever but I ha-

You say that just about everytime but why do you do it huh?

I was about to te-

No no you weren’t you were going to lie to us you you  liar

No no I was never going to lie I was goin to tell you but you cu-

It’s ok if you found another…..just just tell what its name

I-I don’t know what your talking about

Now don’t give me no bullshit tell me the name!!!

Okay ok his name it is is facebook

HIM!!!!! Oh my gosh him again why does this keep happening what is wrong with me

Oh no its its not you its me honey

No don’t honey me tell me what I did is it my colors or font oh it was the amazon thingy wasnt it......

Well um I don’t like the color orange as much as blue and the amazon thingy really did make me depressed but tha-

I knew I should of knew it darn amazon and its stupid server 

No no don’t do that its just I needed a break you some time off

Really well nice way to tell me huh having to find out once you finished your story

I am sorry though……..:(

Ok well yea it took me forever and yea I was on facebook when I could pf been doing this but to be honest I really don’t like this chapter. It seems idk but please tell me what you think about it because right now I just don’t know………….

Thx for reading this long lol and btw the ppl tlking in the convo up there is me and my bad mean side coming from the fan side…… ik her name is Betty and she is mean lol ok goodnight for me but technically morning since its supposed to be posted at 1:something in the morning……. I have a random question what side is better west side or east side………..and since I am being nice south side or north side ( I mean to be honest who really hears about those sides there kind of like well hello there where have you been well at least to me) yea so that’s that……. I need to go to sleep smh also please comment or if you really want to vote but u don’t have to that I mean its your choice you know I am sooo not going to pressure you you know…….

Psst. I was totally going crazy I dont know what i would have done if wattpad stayed down any longer..............i have no life because i was at the mall and shopping and all i wanted to do was get on here............. shame

4-22-11(supposed to be) >:(


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