Songs of the heart

By Lover2212

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This is a one-shot book. Each one is based on/inspired by a song. I do take song requests. This book will be... More

Damn you're such a...
My type
If you love her
We own the night


625 28 9
By Lover2212

Song: Colour by MNEK ft Hailee Steinfeld

In a world where you see the entire world in black and white until the day you have eye contact with your soul mate. You are Enid's twin sister and Wednesday doesn't like eye contact, so you never knew you were soul mates until now.

It was a normal day at Nevermore. Enid and I were sitting in the quad, her telling me about every colour around us. She met her soul mate a while ago, and it has become a tradition that every day she tells you what colours are around us. She says she feels sorry for me because I don't have what she has, but I don't mind. I've never really been big on relationships, and I don't care for colour.

Now you see, Enid and I are quite opposite, she's so colourful because she can actually see it, and I usually wear dark clothes because they are easier to match. She's always happy and is so outgoing, on the other hand, I love being alone. People are too noisy, and I suck at conversations. Everything was going amazingly in my life until she showed up.

Wednesday Addams.

The dark and brooding girl, who hates people as much as I do, and her love of the darkness always fascinates me. Since she came to Nevermore, my wolf has been fascinated with her, and I can't seem to find out why. Before she came here, my life felt so heavy and I felt like giving up, but then she came into my life and now I feel as light as a feather. She makes me feel incredible, sensational, and free.

Her dark comments brighten up my day, and Enid just doesn't understand how her death threats make me smile. It's just something that happens. I don't know how, but she makes me feel different. She makes me feel like a new person. She keeps trying to push everyone away and I understand why. She's like me. She doesn't want to rely on anyone but herself. Although, I did notice she cares. Any time Enid's mate does something to upset her, Wednesday threatens them.

After all this time, we've never made eye contact. Yoko keeps telling me that she thinks Wednesday might be my soul mate, but I don't know if that's true or not. It's hard to even try and make eye contact with her. She doesn't really look at me when she talks to me, which is a rare occasion on its own. She does seem more fascinated with my sister than with me, which is unfair because Enid already has a soul mate.

"Oh hey, Wednesday, what are you doing here? I thought you hated having lunch in the quad." Enid's words snap me out of my thoughts about the raven-haired girl.

"Hello Enid, Y/N" she greets us, but again doesn't look at me. I just wave at her and look down at my plate. I've given up trying to talk to her by now. She doesn't care about me, and she probably never will.

After I finish my food, I say goodbye to everyone and make my way to class. I'm early, but I don't want to sit there and see Wednesday. That girl makes me feel like I've been poisoned, and I like it. I shouldn't like it. I've never cared about relationships before, why should she be anything different?


It's late one night when Enid comes knocking on my door. Tears ran down her cheeks. I quickly let her in and ask her what happened. She tells me about how she tried to make Wednesday's birthday better after our little surprise earlier, but it backfires and how the Hyde came to attack them in the Gates manor.

This made my blood boil. She can be as selfish as she wants to be, but she doesn't dare put my sister in danger. I am out of my dorm room, ignoring Enid calling for me. I don't even bother knocking on her dorm room, I just open the door. This caused Wednesday who was sitting on her bed, to look up at me. She doesn't get a word out before I start going off on her.

"You're really selfish you know that. You don't care about anyone but yourself. I don't care what you do, go and get yourself killed, but don't you dare ever put my sister's life in danger again. You can threaten me all you want and whatever you do. But Addams I swear if anything happens to my sister I will bury you so deep you wish I showed you mercy." In my rant, Wednesday stood up and walked forward, my back is now turned to Enid's colourful side of the room.

"You're right. I shouldn't have taken Enid with me, but now I have valuable information about the monster." She tells me. I scoff at her.

"Of course, that's all you care about! Now you listen to me." I say, looking her in the eyes, causing them to widen.

"You need to sort out your shit. Enid cares about you for some weird reason. If she comes to me one more time crying about something you did, I will end you, Addams." Once I finish my rant, I notice it. Her eyes are brown.

She blinks at me. Not a single word comes from either of us. It clicks in my mind. I can see that her eyes are brown. I can see colour. It's her. She's my soul mate. Without another word, I turn and leave the room. My brain trying to process everything going on. So much makes sense now. It makes sense why my wolf has been going crazy around Wednesday.

Walking into my dorm, I see Enid sitting on my bed. She looks up when I enter, jumping up and running to me.

"Omg, you're alive. I thought she would've killed you. What did you say to her?" Enid rushes out, looking me over for any injuries. I study her face. Green eyes, blue and pink in her hair, her overly colourful clothes. My mind still trying to wrap around the fact that Wednesday Addams of all people is actually my soul mate.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Enid asks me as we sit down on the bed.

"Blue and pink really suit you." That is all I can say. I look around my room. Noticing all the colours. I'll need to fix that, it's too bright. I've been use to so much black and white that I can't stand all these bright colours.

"Oh, you really think so, thank you... Wait. You can see colour? OMG! Who is it? Wait what happened with Wednesday? OH... is it her?" Enid turns to me when it all clicks, and all I can do is nod my head.

"What happened when you went to talk to her?" She asks, sitting down next to me. Just as I'm about to open my mouth and start explaining, there is a knock on my door. It's her. She's behind the door when I open it. She moves past me, not noticing Enid on my bed, and just starts rambling.

"Look. I never thought that I would meet anybody, who knows me as you know me. You make me feel like every fibre in my body is on fire. I knew you were my soul mate, and that's why I never looked you in the eye because I was scared. I'm not friend material, never mind more than friend material. But I can't deny this, I can't deny us. Before you came into my life everything was black and white and that's how I loved it, but now I see colour, and you make it better. I can now see your beautiful blue eyes, I can see the sky, and I can see your smile. I can see colour, you brought that into my life, and as much as I hate it. You brighten up my day; you make me wish all the grey clouds would disappear. You make me feel like a brand new shade of black. You make everything change, you bring colour." She rambled, not blinking or breathing in between.

"Are you done?" is all I ask her. She nods her head. I move closer to her, placing my hand on her cheek.

"I want to kiss you, but there is something you need to do first," I tell her. She looks up at me, damn her eyes are beautiful. I nearly forget everything and just kiss her then and there. I take a deep breath.

"Apologize to Enid." I take a step away and look at my sister. Only then does Wednesday notice her. She turns to Enid and takes a deep breath.

"Enid, I'm sorry that I put your life in danger. It was really selfish of me. I'll think twice next time." Just as she finishes her apology, Enid places a hand on her shoulder and gives her a smile.

"Thank you, Wednesday. You're forgiven. I'm going to leave you two alone now. Don't hurt my sister." Enid says before making her way to the door.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Is all Wednesday says, before stepping closer to me.

I smile at her, and a small smile makes its way onto her lips. She places a hand on my chest, and my hands find her waist. I pull her close, kissing her with so much passion. Her arms wrap around my neck, and she pulls herself more into the kiss. Her lips are surprisingly warm, and her hands are cold on my neck. The sensation of both sends shivers down my spine.

As much as we hate colour. It's her. She is my colour.

Wednesday Addams is my COLOUR.

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