Villainous Quirk | Scarecrow...

By Not_EmDub

73.6K 1.8K 948

There are no "Villainous" and "Heroic" quirks, at least... that was Y/n's ideology, despite having the opposi... More

Chapter 1: Dreams (Updated)
Chapter 2: Big 'ol Ball of Sludge (Updated)
Chapter 3: Training with the big man (Updated)
Chapter 4: Entrance Exam (Updated)
Chapter 5: The Results (Updated)
Chapter 6: Quirk Assessment Test (Updated)
New Book Cover
Chapter 7: Aizawa Does a little bit of trolling (Updated)
Chapter 8: Combat Training (Updated)
A/n: Happy 5k reads!
Chapter 9: The Battle (Updated)
Chapter 10: Class President (Updated)
Chapter 12: USJ Invasion: Part 2
A/n: Happy 20K Reads!
Chapter 13: Echoes of a Sports Festival
Chapter 14: Obstacle Race (Happy 50k!)

Chapter 11: USJ Invasion: Part 1

3K 88 61
By Not_EmDub

A day had passed since the media had invaded and subsequently ejected the premises.

Right now it was business as usual in class, at least we thought it was.

Aizawa: "For today's basic hero training All Might, myself and one other will supervise."

This got a few murmurs from the class.

Sero: "Um, what're we doing exactly?"

Aizawa reached into his pocket and pulls out a card similar to the one All Might had before our battle training, though this time it had the word "Rescue" on the front.

Aizawa: "Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods."

The Class: "Rescue Training!"

Everyone was extremely excited for this aspect of our education.

Kaminari: "Sounds like another rough day..."

Ashido: "Right!"

Kirishima: "C'mon! This is what being a hero is all about!"

Tsuyu: "I'll be right at home in a flood."

Aizawa: "Oi, I'm not done."

Aizawa pressed a button, revealing the costume compartment in the wall.

Aizawa: "It's up to you whether or not you wear your costumes as some of them are ill-suited to this sort of activity. The training facility is a bit remote so we're taking a bus, that is all."

Even after Aizawa's words, everyone decided to wear their costumes, even I did. Though Midoriya's was destroyed during his fight with Bakugou in Battle Training so he had a mix of his gym uniform and his costume.

We made it outside and found the bus waiting for us.

Iida: "Line up according to your ID numbers and fill up seats in a orderly fashion!"

Iida was blowing a whistle and directing classmates toward the bus.

Y/n: "He's taking his job extremely seriously." I thought

Though it was for naught as when we entered it was a different layout to what he had planned out.

Iida: "Darn! It was a different type of bus!"

Ashido patted him on the back.

I sat to the right of Midoriya, Tsuyu sat on his left, infront of us sat Iida, Ashido and Kirishima.

Tsuyu: "I generally speak my mind Midoriya"

Midoriya: "Oh, what is it Asui?"

Tsuyu: "Call me Tsuyu."

Tsuyu turned to face Midoriya.

Tsuyu: "Your quirk resembles All Might's."

This took Midoriya completely off guard as he stuttered to try and make up a response, leading me to cover for him.

Y/n: "On a surface glance you could say that they have similar strength-enhancing quirks, but All Might's doesn't injure him when he uses his, unlike Midoriya's."

Midoriya gave me a quick 'thank you' face as Kirishima joined in.

Kirishima: "Yeah, that's true, but even ignoring their differences, having a pure strength-enhancing quirk allows you to do some really cool stuff. Unlike my hardening, it's good in a fight but other than that it's pretty boring."

Midoriya chimed in.

Midoriya: "I think that it's really neat, and more than enough if you wanna go pro."

Aoyama spoke up from his seat.

Aoyama: "Pro! Don't forget that Pros also have to think about the popular appeal, my naval laser is both stylish and powerful, perfect for a pro."

Ashido: "As long as your stomach doesn't explode!"

Aoyama shot her a death glare.

Tsuyu: "If you want to talk about powerful and stylish, that's Todoroki and Bakugo, but I doubt Bakugo will popular with that attitude of his."


Tsuyu remained unfazed, pointing at the angry Bakugo.

Tsuyu: "See."

Kaminari: "We've only just started socializing and you've already made it abundantly clear to us your steaming turd of a personality."


Bakugo continued to argue with Kaminari as Uraraka laughed in the background.

Tsuyu: "If we're still talking about popularity, and I mean this with no offense, then I'd say that Y/n wouldn't have much of a fanbase."

This took me off guard but only those close to us heard Tsuyu's comment over Bakugo's yelling.

Kirishima: "Hey Tsuyu, don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

Y/n: "No, don't worry about it Kirishima, I took no offense. Though your comment is correct, the adoration of the public isn't what I'm striving for."

I pulled my hood down and took my mask off and stared at it, the ragged stitching giving it a ghostly grin.

Y/n: "As long as I'm helping people, then I'm happy..."

I heard faint sniffles to my right and saw Kirishima tearing up.

Kirishima: "That's so manly *sniff* PURSUE YOUR DREAM Y/N!"

Aizawa: "Quiet down and look sharp, we're here."

The class quieted down and noticed the massive building we'd pulled up to, huge doors separated us from what lay on the inside though I could make out a glass dome somewhere in the middle.

Once we made it in, we were struck by the pure awe that the training facility emanated.

From what I could see, there was a flood zone, a landslide zone and a conflagration zone, with what I'm assuming is more hidden.

???: "Every disaster you could imagine, I built this facility myself, I call it..."

The unseen voice stepped out into the light, revealing itself to be the Space Hero: Thirteen!

Thirteen: "The 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint!' Or just USJ."

Uraraka and Midoriya proceeded to fanboy/girl over Thirteen, though they've never been a personal favorite of mine, I won't deny their feats in rescue missions.

Aizawa went up to Thirteen to ask them something but I couldn't make you what they were saying.

Eventually, Aizawa let Thirteen go and they started to talk.

Thirteen: "Before we start, I'd like to go over one or two things... or three... or four..."

The Class: "So many points..."

Thirteen: "As most of you are aware, my quirk is Black Hole, it can suck and tear apart anything"

Midoriya: "And you've used it to save people in all sorts of disasters."

Thirteen: "Indeed, but it could very easily be used to kill. I've no doubt that some of you have similar abilities. In our superpowered society,  quirks are heavily regulated and monitored. It may seem that our system is a stable one, but all it takes is one uncontrollable quirk that can lead to people dying. During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you discovered your untapped potential. In All Might's Battle Training, you experienced the danger your respective quirks could pose to others. This class will show you a new perspective, you will learn how to utilize your quirks to save lives!"

I look down at my syringe-strapped hand, thinking of what would happen if someone in took a huge amount of my toxin, would they go insane? Have a stroke? Be restricted to a wheelchair?

I pushed these thoughts out of my mind and looked forward toward the disaster zones.

Y/n: "We're learning to save people, we won't need to use it today..."

Thirteen: "That is all, thank you for listening!"

Thirteen bowed as the class clapped

Aizawa: "Great, first off..."

Aizawa didn't finish his sentence as his attention was directed to the floor below us, a dark swirl of particles slowly began to grow as a hand reached out from the void.

Fingers gripped the edge of the portal and opened it further, revealing a face of pure malice.


The portal opened fully, allowing others to step out, the numbers grew more and more and people continued to step out of the portal.

Kirishima stepped toward the railing and looked down.

Kirishima: "Is this another logical ruse? like the physical exam?"

Aizawa: "Stay back! Those are villains!"

A shiver traveled down my spine as the final villain stepped out of the portal.

Void Villain: "Thirteen and Eraserhead is it?...  according to the staff schedule we received, All Might is supposed to be here."

The villain covered in hands grumbled, his voice like a rusty axe against the grindstone.

Hand Villain: "Where is he?... We've come all this way and brought so many playmates... I wonder if some dead kids will bring him out..."

Kaminari: "Villains?! No way! What villains would be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes!?"

Yaoyorozu: "Sensei, aren't there intruder alarms?"

Thirteen: "Yes, of course, there are."

Y/n: "They must have a quirk that's blocking it... we're far from the campus and we're a small group of people... this is a carefully planned assault... They want something..."

Aizawa: "What they want is none of our concern! Thirteen, begin evacuation and try to contact the school! Kaminari you try too!"

Kaminari: "G-got it!"

Aizawa steps onto the railing, preparing to jump down and face the villains.

Midoriya: "S-sensei! You can't face them all by yourself! Your quirk isn't suited to fighting large groups!"

Aizawa turned to face us.

Aizawa: "A hero can't be restricted to being a one trick pony... Take care of them Thirteen!"

Thirteen nods as Aizawa jumps down to face the villains.

Midoriya: "Wow, he can hold his own against so many villains."

I grab Midoriya by his shoulder.

Y/n: "You can analyze later, We need to go!"

Thirteen directs the class as we run toward the exit.

Before we could make it to the doors, the void villain blocks our exit, appearing from nowhere.

Void Villain: "I won't allow that... Greetings, we are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity but today we've come to UA today for one purpose... to end the life of All Might, The Symbol of Peace."

The info shocks the class, except Bakugo and Kirishima who jump out to attack the Void Villain.

An explosion from Bakugo obscures our view of the villain.

Bakugo: "Not if we end you first!"

Kirishima: "Betcha' didn't see that coming!"

The smoke dies down and reveals the villain unharmed, reforming his ethereal form.

Void Villain: "Yes... Students you may be you're the best of the best..."

Thirteen: "No, move you two!"

Before Thirteen could activate their quirk, the void villain expanded himself, absorbing the class as my vision is blocked, the villains' words echoing through my head.

Void Villain: "Begone. Writhe in torment. Until you breathe your last..."

The voice leaves as the rushing of air filled my ears as my vision clears, I find myself falling from the sky, I could barely scream as I hit the solid ground.

I gasp for air I get a grasp of my surroundings, I had landed in the conflagration zone, the heat causing me to sweat instantly.

I groan and stand to my feet, trying to spot anyone but find that I'm alone.

Y/n: "I need to find someone." I think to myself, walking forward before hearing some kind of thruster activate somewhere in the smoke.

???: "Bout' time that ghost bastard split up you kids."

Before I could make a move, a line of flame bursts through the smoke, barely catching my arm.

A loud grunt of pain escaped my mouth as the villain chuckles.

???: "When I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but a charred stump!"

I clutch my burnt arm and dodge as another line of flame torches my previous position.

???: "Aww, no hits? Shame..."

I spin around and think about using my quirk before thinking about how I'll most likely blow up.

???: "C'MERE!"

The thruster noise returns as I'm slammed and picked up by a flying force.

I try to stab the villain with my syringe hand but he drops me.

I skid across the ground, definitely taking off some skin.

I look up and finally get a good look at the villain.

Firefly: "Damn kid, you basically a stick figure, don't work out much d'ya?"

He points his flamethrower directly at me and my eyes widen.

Before he could pull the trigger, the smoke from the conflagration zone separated us, allowing me to dodge the line of flame.

Firefly: "Stupid smoke..."

I hear his jetpack activate again as I spot him hovering above the smoke.

Firefly: "The hell're you supposed to be?... A scarecrow?"

He points his flamethrower at me once again.

Firefly: "Straw burns the easiest y'know!"

I run off before he was able to pull the trigger.

I need to think, how can I take him down, I can't run as he'll catch up with his jetpack, I can't get too close as he'll torch me.

I hear his jetpack get louder as he grows closer.

Without thinking I grab my compressed scythe which is hanging on my belt.

I press the button and fully extend it, allowing the steel to shine off of the sun.

Firefly: "Gotcha now!"

I lay the scythe on the ground and hide in a plume of smoke, hearing him torching my scythe.

I hear him land and kick my scythe.

Firefly: "The hell?... Where are you!"

I leap towards his silhouette, bursting through the smoke and landing on his back.

Firefly: "GET OFF!"

He activates his jetpack and we fly up, he swats at me and spins midair, trying to make me fall off.

I grab a tube on his jetpack and tear it off.

A dark smoke erupts from the jetpack as we begin to fall, I manage to turn our trajectory and so I'm on top and move my legs between us.

We land with a crash, him cushioning my fall and the impact causing my feet to severely kick his gut.

I step off of him and begin to limp away, clutching my burnt forearm, before stopping in my tracks as the villain begins to laugh.

Firefly: "You think this is my first fall?!"

He stands to his full height, his mask cracked and flamethrower missing.

Firefly: "C'mon, let's finish this Scarecrow!"

I let go of my burnt arm and face the villain.

Y/n: "Fine, let's finish this, you agent of chaos..."

I spotted the villain grin under his broken mask and run toward me.

I stand still, not moving till he's right in front of me, he reels his fist back, before thrusting it forward.

I duck under the attack and thrust my own hand towards him, not in a fist but an open palm, I grab his face and use my quirk, the gas inhaled straight from the source.

The villain backed up coughing, before falling back on his butt.

Firefly: "No... NO!!"

I run forward and kick him directly in the face, knocking the villain out.

I pant as the adrenaline wears off, and the pain returns in my burnt arm.

I clutch my burnt arm and hear loud cracking from a close source, I limp towards the noise, realizing that Firefly dropped us close to the area below the area the void villain separated us.

I make it over a small bump and almost puked.

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