Magnetic Shock (Season 2)

By dromerosonic777

311 17 19

Magnetic Shock's second season comes supercharged with new, dangerous metahuman menaces, an array of special... More

Power Play
Brother-Sister Act
Lightning Bolt
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
Frozen Out
Pop's Girlfriend

The Big Leagues

71 5 0
By dromerosonic777

Hi, everybody, I'm back and ready for more adventures for Static and Magnetta. I was happy to see that a lot of people loved the first season of my version of Static Shock. This season will have some episodes that will be emotional and heartbreaking for some of you. It'll also reveal what new powers Magnetta will develop. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first episode of Season 2. This episode will have a few surprises that you probably didn't expect. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Static Shock and its characters. They belong to DC and Dwayne McDuffie. I only own Ruby Hawkins/Magnetta and my Bang Baby OCs.

The Big Leagues

There was a Farmer's Market with people walking around and picking some fruits or vegetables and flowers. There was a couple with a baby strapped on the woman's chest as the woman was going through a box of oranges.

"Uh, yes, we are like, totally organic." The man said as his wife grabbed an orange and looked at him while the baby was trying to grab the orange from the woman's hand.

A middle-aged woman was looking at a bunch of flowers with an African American man standing next to her.

"I want begonias, uh, some orchids and..." The woman said with a smile as she pointed at some of the flowers.

"(Gasp) Oh, what are those?" The woman asked as she pointed her finger at a bouquet of flowers.

An old man grabbed a pink box and held it at an African American woman.

"There you go, fresh blinces." The man said as the woman was about to grab it.

However, Ferret reached his arms through the tent, ripping a hole, and grabbed the box.

"Blinces? I love blinces." Ferret said with a smile as he jumped off the tent and landed on the ground.

Ferret ran around the Farmer's Market grabbing a woman's bag, an orange from a box, and a jar from an old woman as everyone screamed in fear.

"It's a Bang Baby!" A man screamed.

Ferret stopped and sniffed the air.

"Sport-scent deodorant. (Sniffle) Mint toothpaste. (Sniffle) A hint of ionized oxygen." Ferret said.

"And there's another one." Ferret said as he sniffed the air again.

"Strawberry perfume. (Sniffle) Also mint toothpaste. (Sniffle) And the perfume coming from the person's neck." Ferret said.

He gasped in fear as he could tell who they were.

"Static and Magnetta!" Ferret yelled in fear as he looked up to see Static and Magnetta flying toward him.

"Guess I better stay downwind next time." Static said with a smirk.

"And I guess I better take it easy on the perfume next time." Magnetta said with a smirk as they flew down and chased Ferret.

Ferret dropped the stuff he stole and ran away in fear as he went through a tent, ripping a hole in the tent, and spilling some boxes of oranges. Scaring an African American man who dropped a box in fear as he saw Ferret running away with Static and Magnetta flying through the hole.

"Sorry, sir!" Magnetta said to the man as she and Static kept chasing Ferret through the Farmer's Market.

"Uch. Uh, roger that, air command. We are in pursuit of the bogey and closing in." Static said to his fist, pretending to be a pilot.

Ferret looked behind him and saw Static and Magnetta catching up to him as he got on all fours and ran faster. Ferret screeched to a stop at a bag of fruits. He grabbed two apples and two pears as he tried to throw them at Static and Magnetta. The two Bang Baby heroes stopped when they saw a couple of fruits being thrown at them. Static lifted his legs up and used his Static Saucer as a shield to avoid getting hit by two apples. While Magnetta surrounded herself in a magnetic field that repelled two pears thrown at her.

"Man, we're being jacked by produce." Static said as he dodged two oranges.

"And people say that fruits are supposed to be good for you." Magnetta said as she dodged two lemons.

Ferret stopped as he ran out of the Farmer's Market with Static and Magnetta flying after him. Ferret was on all fours as he walked down the hill and onto the sidewalk and ran away with Static and Magnetta following him. Ferret got back on his feet and ran toward an alley until he ran into a dead end. He turned around in fear to see Static and Magnetta levitating a few feet away from him.

"Let's see, so far, we got you down for robbery, vandalism, and excessive cruelty to healthy produce." Magnetta said with her hand on her hip while holding out her other hand with three fingers sticking out.

"Anything else you wanna add?" Static asked as Magnetta looked at him with her other hand on her hip now.

However, they heard a sound as they turned around to see a manhole lid open with a bunch of balloons flying out. When Static and Magnetta saw them, they saw that the balloons had cruel smiles.

'Balloons with cruel smiles? Hmm...wait a minute.' Magnetta thought.

Static flew toward the balloons as Magnetta looked at him in fear.

"No, Static, don't!" Magnetta yelled in fear as she flew after him.

"What is with..." Static said but was interrupted when the balloons exploded.

The explosion pushed Static and Magnetta into a dumpster as the lid closed on them. A purple-gloved hand opened the manhole lid as a giant cane came out. Ferret sniffed the air to figure out who it was. However, the giant cane grabbed him and pulled him into the hole. The purple-gloved hand grabbed the manhole lid and closed the hole while laughing evilly.

Ferret was blindfolded as he was feeling scared after being dragged into the sewers.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Ferret asked in fear as someone took off the blindfold to reveal none other than Shiv, Talon, and Four Arms.

Shiv had the blindfold in his hands while Four Arms had his upper arms crossed with his lower arms hanging down.

"You guys!" Ferret said.

"Stay cool, man." Someone said in a Jamaican accent.

"They're not gonna hurt you." Another person said as Ferret turned around to see none other than Kangor, Ice-Screamer, Seaswift, Copy Cat, and Hotstreak.

Seaswift had his arms crossed while Copy Cat had her hand on her hip.

"Kangor! Ice-Screamer! Seaswift! Copy Cat!" Ferret yelled as they stepped out of the shadows while Hotstreak lit his thumb with his fire powers.

"Hotshot!" Ferret yelled as Hotstreak walked toward him.

"Hotstreak, jerk!" Hotstreak yelled angrily as he got into Ferret's face.

"Now, now, we can't blame Ferret for being a bit disoriented." A clown said as the Meta-Breed, the Ruffpack, Hotstreak, Seaswift, and Copy Cat turned around.

The clown walked toward Ferret with the Bang Babys standing behind him. Ferret gasped in shock as the clown was revealed to be none other than...

"The Joker!" Ferret yelled in shock as he backed away in fear.

Joker is Batman's arch-nemesis from Gotham City. A lot of people outside of Gotham City have heard about Joker and seen him on the news. Especially when he was in Metropolis a few times.

"(Cackle) So formal? Call me Uncle J." Joker said with Shiv, Seaswift, Copy Cat, and Hotstreak standing next to him.

Shiv was smiling while Seaswift, Hotstreak, and Copy Cat were frowning.

"Everyone does." Joker said as he turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Ferret asked with a scared expression.

"Such a sad story. You see, things got a bit uncomfortable for me back home." Joker explained with Ferret, Hotstreak, and Copy Cat looking at him.

"Thanks to a cranky Bat, my cadre of cronies were cast in the clink." Joker said angrily as he turned back.

"Suddenly, I was set adrift. Not a friend in the world." Joker said dramatically.

"Then I realized Dakota is just lousy with fun, young people. Like you." Joker continued as he side-hugged Shiv, Talon, and Four Arms.

Talon and Four Arms had nervous smiles as they looked at Joker.

"Yep, we're definitely fun, young people all right." Four Arms said nervously.

"So, I decided to pop in and scare up some new recruits." Joker finished.

"Look, Joker, uh, Uncle J. I appreciate you saving me and all but I...I-I don't think I'm what you're looking for. Thanks, anyway." Ferret said nervously.

"Don't be stupid, man." Kangor said as he walked next to Shiv and Seaswift.

"How could you possibly want to refuse an opportunity like this?" Ice-Screamer asked as he walked next to Kangor.

"The Joker is Batman's arch-nemesis. One of the greatest heroes in Gotham City. He also fought against Superman and Lex Luthor when he was in Metropolis. With him on our side, we'll be able to take down Static and Magnetta for good!" Seaswift explained with a smile.

"Oh, yeah, this is The Big Leagues!" Shiv yelled with excitement.

"I don't care, this guy is totally creeping me out." Ferret said in fear as he recoiled in fear with his arms around his face.

"I knew you wouldn't want to join us. You're too much of a coward to even have the guts to join this clown that will give us our only chance to get rid of those pathetic electromagnetic and magnetic punks!" Copy Cat explained angrily as she walked toward Ferret and got into his face.

"Now, now, calm down, kitty. We don't want Ferret here to feel uncomfortable." Joker said as he kneeled at Ferret with Copy Cat walking away.

"Though it will be a shame to lose you. And your power." Joker said to Ferret as he put his hand on the flower on his jacket.

Joker sprayed some pink gas from his flower and fan the gas toward Ferret as he sniffed the gas while Joker got up and walked away.

'Uh-oh. That's not good.' Four Arms thought.

Four Arms has watched Joker on the news for a long time, even before he became a Bang Baby. So, he knows everything about the Joker and what he can do.

"An acute sense of smell, isn't it?" Joker asked.

"Yeah, I...Hey, hey..." Ferret tried to say something but started laughing.

Then, he fell out of his chair and started laughing uncontrollably. Hotstreak, Talon, Shiv, and Seaswift looked at Ferret in shock, especially Four Arms. Except for Copy Cat as she had her arms crossed and a monotone expression on her face.

"What's happening to him?" Talon asked in concern.

"Joker used his gas on Ferret. Anyone who inhales it will laugh nonstop until they suffocate and die." Four Arms explained in fear.

"Is there a cure?" Seaswift asked.

"Yes. But, only Batman has it." Four Arms said.

"Looks like someone has been doing their homework. However, I'm seeing to it that he leaves us on a happy note." Joker said as he walked toward Ferret with an evil smile.

"Well, good riddance. He was just going to slow us down anyway." Copy Cat said with a monotone expression as she and Joker watched Ferret laughing while Copy Cat was feeling no regrets.

The next day, Virgil and Ruby were in the kitchen watching the news on a small retro tv as Richie and Allie walked toward them and sat down next to them.

'Although the police sealed off the area, the metahuman Ferret managed to escape.' Shelly Sandoval said as the tv showed her at the Farmer's Market.

"You're both not eating?" Richie asked Virgil and Ruby as their eyes were glued to the tv.

"Na-uh." Virgil said.

"Too busy." Ruby said.

"Good. More for me." Richie said as he grabbed a box of noodles and chopsticks while laughing like the Joker.

'That laugh reminds me of the Joker.' Ruby thought.

"It doesn't make sense. Why would anybody help Ferret? And what made all those balloons explode?" Virgil asked.

"Mm, too much hot air?" Richie guessed with his mouth full while eating Virgil's food.

'I think I know where those balloons came from.' Ruby said telepathically in Allie's head.

'Let me guess, the Joker?' Allie guessed telepathically.

'Bingo! Balloons that explode like that and with smiling faces could only mean that Joker was the one who took Ferret.' Ruby explained telepathically.

'But why would the Joker be in Dakota and take Ferret with him?' Allie asked telepathically.

'I don't know. But, we'll get to the bottom of this.' Ruby said telepathically.

'And the police are still investigating today's bizarre hijacking at the East Side Fire Station.' Shelly Sandoval said as Virgil, Richie, Ruby, and Allie looked at the tv with shocked expressions.

The screen showed two firefighters looking at the two broken garage doors.

'By the time we got downstairs, they had taken two of our biggest rigs.' A firefighter said.

"Why would anyone steal a fire truck?" Richie asked.

"I'm not sure. But whatever it is, it doesn't look good." Allie said.

"Then we better get out there and stop those people who took those trucks." Ruby said.

On the streets of Dakota, a traffic light went from green, to yellow, and then red as a bunch of people were crossing the street. The people looked at the street and gasped as they ran away with two fire trucks driving down the street with horns blaring and a blue blur speeding down after the fire trucks. The blur was revealed to be Seaswift running next to the first fire truck. Joker, Hotstreak, Copy Cat, Shiv, Kangor, Ice-Screamer, and Seaswift were wearing firefighter attire and a firefighter hat. However, Kangor, Ice-Screamer, Copy Cat, and Seaswift weren't wearing firefighter boots. Joker was driving the first fire truck while Shiv was driving the second fire truck.

"The heat is on, gang." Joker said as Hotstreak sat behind him while Copy Cat sat on the passenger seat with Joker pulling the horn.

"(Laughing) 'Heat is on.' Oh, this guy kills me." Shiv said in excitement with Kangor sitting behind him while Ice-Screamer sat on the passenger seat.

"Only if you don't do what he says." Kangor said with a stern expression.

"Man, I could sure go for some strawberry ice cream right about now." Ice-Screamer said as he rubbed his stomach.

"We can eat later, right now we've got a job to do." Seaswift said as he ran next to the passenger seat where Ice-Screamer saw him through the window.

The fire trucks stopped as they were at the Dakota Merchants Bank with Joker walking toward the Dakota Merchants Bank before he stopped.

"Okay, boys and girl, make papa proud." Joker said as Seaswift, Copy Cat, Hotstreak, Shiv, and Ice-Screamer ran toward the door with Kangor jumping with them while purple smoke came out of Hotstreak's eyes.

Ice-Screamer fired a sonic blast from his horns at the doors, causing the doors to burst off, and made a big hole as he and the Bang Babys got inside the bank.

"Where's the fire?" A male security guard asked.

"Right here, old man." Hotstreak said with his eyes glowing purple as he and Copy Cat held out their hands to fire a fire blast over the people's heads as they ducked.

Hotstreak and Copy Cat lowered their hands as smoke came out of their fists.

"Hit the floor! Now!" Hotstreak yelled as Shiv, Kangor, and Ice-Screamer ran away.

"Or else we'll give you all some serious third-degree sunburns!" Copy Cat yelled as the people ducked and hit the floor.

"Perfect." Seaswift said as he ran toward the people that ducked and kneeled on the ground.

"If any of you try to fight back, you're gonna get hurt real bad." Seaswift warned.

Seaswift grabbed everyone's wallets while he used his tail to grab a wallet from a person behind him. He took all the money out of their wallets and positioned his tail in front of him, which was wrapped around a wallet. He unrolled his tail and the wallet fell into his hands as he took the money out of the wallet.

"Hey, Copy Cat, can you give me a bag so I can put all of this money away?" Seaswift asked as he turned his head to look at Copy Cat.

"Of course." Copy Cat said as she held out her hand and used Magnetta's magnetic powers.

Her hand glowed white along with a bag and gave it to Seaswift as he grabbed the bag while Copy Cat's hand stopped glowing white along with the bag.

"Thanks." Seaswift said as he started to put the money inside the bag.

Shiv used his sword hands to slice the hinges off the safe door as Kangor kicked the door off. Kangor, Shiv, and Ice-Screamer ran inside the safe and started to steal the money. Seaswift got all the money inside the bag as he wrapped his tail around the bag and stood up. A bell rang loudly as Hotstreak looked at it a blew a fire blast at the bell, causing it to melt.

"Loud noises get on my nerves." Hotstreak said as Kangor landed in front of the hole that Ice-Screamer created.

"Everything gets on your nerves, man." Kangor said.

"Hey, I've got issues!" Hotstreak yelled as he pointed his finger at Kangor as he, Shiv, and Ice-Screamer ran outside while carrying bags of money with Ice-Screamer's ice cream scoop hands turned into regular hands with fingers.

"Yeah, anger issues." Seaswift said to Hotstreak as he ran outside.

"(Sigh) Let's get this over with." Copy Cat said with an annoyed tone.

Meanwhile, Talon and Four Arms were standing on top of two gargoyles on a building, looking through binoculars. Four Arms was holding onto the binoculars with his upper arms while his lower arms were on the gargoyle. After looking around, Four Arms saw something and gasped.

"Talon, look! There they are!" Four Arms said as he tapped Talon's shoulder with his right lower arm and pointed at something.

Talon looked where her boyfriend was pointing and saw Static and Magnetta flying.

"Static, I'm sensing some magnetic fields at the Dakota Merchant Bank. It's a bunch of Bang Babys." Magnetta said as she and Static flew off.

"Fly Boy and Fly Girl at 2 o'clock." Talon said in her earpiece.

'And coming up fast.' Four Arms said through Joker's earpiece as Joker was in the fire truck.

"You heard them, kiddies. Let's not be greedy." Joker said as Kangor, Shiv, Ice-Screamer, Seaswift, Copy Cat, and Hotstreak ran toward the fire trucks with bags of money.

"Looks like the fire department better rethink its hiring policy." Static said as Shiv turned his arms into extendable claws and pulled himself on top of the fire truck.

While Ice-Screamer used his whipped cream jetpack to fly on top of the fire truck and landed next to Shiv, Seaswift climbed a ladder on the side of the fire truck and stood next to Shiv and Ice-Screamer. Copy Cat used Magnetta's magnetic powers to surround herself in a white magnetic aura and flew onto the second fire truck before her body stopped glowing white as she stood next to Kangor and Hotstreak. Shiv and Kangor then started firing water out of the water cannons and tried to hit Static and Magnetta. However, Static and Magnetta dodged the water blasts and flew passed Joker as he saw them fly by.

"Ah, this is almost too easy." Joker said as he held out a handheld red and yellow striped bazooka and fired three balls of light.

Static and Magnetta were too busy dodging the water blasts as they flew toward the three balls of light that exploded when they got close to them. The explosion caused them to lose control and fall to the ground.

"Fire's out, kids. Time to go home." Joker said as the fire truck drove away with Seaswift running next to the truck, Ice-Screamer using his whipped cream jetpack to follow the fire truck, and Copy Cat flying next to the truck by turning her legs into a purple gas tail.

While Talon flew after the fire truck with Four Arms holding onto her legs as they left behind the second fire truck.

Static groaned as he got up and rubbed the back of his head, while Magnetta got up without feeling as much pain as her cousin.

"Not your best moment." Static said.

"Definitely not." Magnetta said as they heard laughing.

"What's so funny?" Static asked.

Magnetta could sense a person's magnetic field as it came from a fire truck that Joker and the Bang Babys left behind.

"The laughing's coming from over there." Magnetta said as she pointed her finger at the fire truck they left behind.

They walked toward the back of the fire truck and saw that someone was laughing over the tarp. Magnetta ripped the tarp off and saw Ferret laughing with his arms and legs wrapped around in restraints.

"It's Ferret." Magnetta said as Static grabbed a tag off of the restraint around Ferret's arms that said 'Missing You!'

"Missing you? What does that mean?" Static asked.

"I don't know, but we better get Ferret to the hospital fast." Magnetta said in concern.

'This has gotta be Joker's doing. Anyone who laughs nonstop like that always leads to him.' Magnetta thought.

That night, two male doctors and a nurse were in front of a room where Ferret was as he was still laughing.

"He seems to be stabilizing. But call me if his condition worsens." The African American doctor said to the nurse as the doctors and nurse walked away.

Static and Magnetta walked into Ferret's room and opened the door to see him laying in bed, laughing non-stop. They walked inside and toward Ferret and saw him still laughing with lightning crashing from outside. Static was wondering what happened to him while Magnetta knew who did this.

"What did this to you?" Static wondered.

"Not what..." A male voice said as Static jumped in fear while he and Magnetta looked up.

They saw three silhouettes standing in front of them in the shadows. The one on the left was a man, the one in the middle was a young woman, and the one on the right was a teenage boy.

"Who." The male voice said as lightning flashed in the room, revealing their identities.

The figures were revealed to be none other than Batman, Robin, and Batgirl. The protectors of Gotham City. This surprised Static and Magnetta as they couldn't believe that they were in Dakota.

"Batman!" Static yelled.

"I can't believe you're here in Dakota!" Magnetta yelled with a surprised expression as Batman walked toward Ferret to see him still laughing with a smile and was now sweating.

While Batman was looking at Ferret's condition, Static and Magnetta turned around to see Robin and Batgirl.

"Hi, it's Static isn't it?" Robin asked as he held out his hand.

"And you must be Magnetta, right?" Batgirl asked as she held out her hand.

"Uh, yeah." Static asked nervously.

"Yep, that's me." Magnetta said calmly.

"Oh, man! I cannot believe I'm shaking hands with Robin The Boy Wonder." Static said with a surprised expression as he shook Robin's hand.

"And I can't believe I'm meeting Batgirl in person." Magnetta said with excitement as she shook Batgirl's hand.

"Let's skip The Boy Wonder stuff, huh? I'm getting kinda old for it." Robin said.

"Yeah, the Boy Wonder thing is getting old to me, too." Batgirl said.

"See any clothing?" Batman asked.

"Just his shoes. A lot of grease. And some metal shavings too." Batgirl said as she kneeled next to Ferret's shoes and touched them.

"On the top or the bottom?" Batman asked as he held out what looked like a gun.

"Top." Batgirl answered.

"Which means?" Static asked as he and Magnetta kneeled next to Batgirl.

"He wasn't walking, they dragged him." Robin answered as he kneeled next to Batgirl.

"Oh, yeah. Obviously." Static said.

"You really do have detective skills like Batman." Magnetta said to Batgirl.

"Thanks. It's what I do." Batgirl said.

"This'll help him recover from The Joker's gas." Batman said as he injected the gun into Ferret's arm.

Ferret stopped laughing and was now sleeping. While Robin, Batgirl, Static, and Magnetta stood up.

"The Joker?!" Static asked with a shocked expression.

"I knew it! If there's one person that would make Ferret laugh like that, it's him." Magnetta said.

"So, you've heard about Joker?" Batgirl asked with her hands on her hips.

"Absolutely. Along with Batman's other villains like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Penguin, and even Scarecrow." Magnetta explained to Batgirl.

"That's good to know." Robin said with his arms crossed.

"Anyway, why did he hogtie Ferret? And what's with that note? 'Missing you!'" Static asked.

"Yeah, why is he in Dakota with those Bang Babys instead of Gotham City?" Magnetta asked.

"He's bored. He needs an opponent who can measure up." Batman said as he walked past Static and Magnetta.

"Hey, I can measure up." Static said angrily.

"Don't take it personally. Batman and Joker go way back." Robin said.

"Tell me about it. He's basically Batman's arch-nemesis." Magnetta said as Batman walked toward an open window.

"Can we help?" Static asked.

"Probably not." Batman said as he took out his grappling hook and swung out the window.

"Is he always this friendly?" Static asked angrily as he and Magnetta watched Batman.

While Robin and Batgirl took out their grappling hooks.

"Hey, he didn't say no." Robin said as he held out his grappling hook and fired it.

"You'll get used to it. He's like this all the time." Batgirl said as she held out her grappling hook and fired it.

Robin and Batgirl swung out of the window with Static and Magnetta flying after them. Batman landed on the ground and walked away.

"So after we busted his old gang..." Robin explained as he, Batgirl, Static, and Magnetta landed on the ground while Static folded his Static Saucer and put it in his pocket.

"...we got a tip he was coming here to form a new one." Robin finished as he, Batgirl, Static, and Magnetta followed Batman.

"That's why he had all those metahumans with him." Static said as Batman stopped and kneeled on the ground as he looked at a manhole.

"I'm surprised he didn't bring Harley Quinn with her to Dakota." Magnetta said.

"Me too, actually." Batgirl said.

"I hope she's not crying for her Puddin leaving her all alone in Gotham and leaving her to rot in jail." Magnetta said dramatically as she clasped her hands together and raised them onto her cheek.

Batgirl laughed.

"Yep, classic Joker. Always leaving her behind whenever Batman shows up...usually." Batgirl said as she, Robin, Static, and Magnetta stopped.

"Is this where Ferret disappeared?" Batman asked as he grabbed a piece of one of Joker's balloons that popped.

"Yes, Batman." Magnetta answered.

"Would you mind?" Batman asked as he stood up and held his hand at the manhole.

"Of course. At least you respect the lady's first saying." Magnetta said as she held out her hand.

Her hand glowed white along with the manhole lid as the lid flew up into the air with Magnetta setting it down to the side. Once she got the lid off the manhole, her hand and the lid stopped glowing white.

"Thank you." Batman said as he, Robin, Batgirl, Static, and Magnetta looked inside the manhole.

"You're welcome." Magnetta said until she heard a beeping sound as Static took out a device from his pocket and saw that Robert was calling.

"(Sigh) It's my pops." Static said with an annoyed tone.

"Here, use this." Robin said as he gave Static a flip phone while Batman took out a flashlight and jumped inside the manhole.

"It has better reception, so you can call someone when you're underground." Batgirl said as she jumped inside the manhole.

Batman landed inside and onto a stream of water as he turned on the flashlight with Batgirl landing behind him. Magnetta landed next to Batgirl as she held out her hand and used her magnetic powers to project a beam of white light from her hand by surrounding it with white magnetic energy. While the two girls followed Batman, Robin landed behind them and followed Batman and the girls. However, Static climbed down the ladder while carrying the flip phone Robin gave him.

"Come on, pops, just another half hour, please." Static said as he got down and followed Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Magnetta with his finger glowing into a ball of purple electricity.

"We're hanging with the guys, that's all." Static said as he, Magnetta, Batman, Robin, and Batgirl walked through the sewers.

"Not far. We're right under thirt..." Static said as he stopped at some writing on the wall that said 34th Main.

"I mean, right at 34th and Main." Static said as he looked at the writing.

"Just walking around, yeah." Static said as he walked away.

"I know it's late. Uh! Okay, alright!" Static said as he and Magnetta stopped.

Magnetta turned around and saw Static talking with Robert on the phone.

"We'll be there." Static said as he and Magnetta turned off their powers.

"Dang!" Static yelled with an annoyed tone.

"Did Uncle Robert say that we gotta get home?" Magnetta said as she walked toward her cousin.

"Yes." Static answered as Robin and Batgirl turned around and looked at Static and Magnetta.

"Sorry, guys. But we have to go." Magnetta said as Static gave the flip phone to Robin.

"So we gathered." Batman said as he kept walking.

"It's okay. I know what it's like to cut missions short because of that." Batgirl said as she remembered the times she had to cut her missions short because of her dad calling her to be back home.

Especially since her dad is the Police Commissioner of Gotham City.

Batman walked to the end of the sewer tunnel as Robin, Batgirl, Static, and Magnetta followed him and looked outside.

"Where are we?" Batman asked.

"The old industrial district. It goes on for miles along the river." Static said as they looked at the industrial district and a river that went under a couple of bridges.

"He could be anywhere if we keep this up. We're gonna have to find another lead in order to find out where Joker is." Batgirl said.

"Then we better get started." Batman said as he grabbed a remote and held it in the air.

He pressed a red button on the remote as the Batwing landed on the ground and the windshield opened.

Batman, Robin, and Batgirl ran toward the Batwing as Static held out his hand.

"Wait. What about tomorrow? Where can we meet?" Static asked.

"Don't worry, we'll call you." Batgirl said as he and Robin got in their seats.

"Yeah, b-but what if we find out something? How do we contact you?" Static asked.

Batman grabbed a batarang with a red button out of his belt.

"Use this, but only if it's important. Understand?" Batman said as he threw the batarang at Static.

"We understand." Magnetta said as Static caught the batarang.

"Right, Static?" Magnetta asked as she looked at her cousin.

"Important. Yeah." Static said.

"See ya." Robin said as the windshield closed.

"Bye." Magnetta said as she waved goodbye.

"Uh-huh. Nice working with you." Static said as he waved goodbye.

The Batwing stormed off and flew away. Static took out his Static Saucer and flew away as Magnetta flew after him with her body glowing white.

"Nice working with you? How lame is that?" Static asked in frustration as he and Magnetta were now flying over the city.

"I thought it was good." Magnetta said.

"Big-time superhero has to go home to daddy." Static said.

"Oh, stop complaining. I'm sure it happens to Batgirl too." Magnetta said as they flew past a gargoyle from a building.

However, they were unaware that Talon and Four Arms were hiding behind the gargoyle. They walked out of their hiding place as Talon flew off with Four Arms holding onto her legs.

Talon and Four Arms flew toward an abandoned auto plant as they flew inside from a sunroof and landed on the balcony as they walked toward the office where Joker was. Shiv turned his hand into a flamethrower and fired a flame at a bar on the front of the fire truck with Kangor holding onto the bar. While Seaswift ran toward the back of the fire truck where Ice-Screamer was kneeling in front of the bar. Seaswift was carrying two welding helmets with both his arms and a handheld flamethrower wrapped around his tail. Ice-Screamer turned his ice cream scoop hands into fingers as he and Seaswift put on the welding helmets. Seaswift grabbed the flamethrower in his hand and fired the flamethrower at the bar as Ice-Screamer held the bar in place. Hotstreak was firing a fire blast from his finger at a cannon while Copy Cat held out her hand and fired a purple electric bolt at a wrench as it was pulled toward her. Copy Cat grabbed the wrench and twisted it around a bolt at another cannon. Seaswift turned off the flamethrower as Ice-Screamer removed the bar off the fire truck while taking off their welding helmets and putting the flamethrower on the floor. Ice-Screamer and Seaswift stood up as they walked away with Ice-Screamer holding the bar in his hands.

"What's your beef, Kangor? The guy's smarter than Ebon and Hyde put together." Shiv said as he undid his flamethrower and took off his goggles while Kangor stood up and grabbed the bar.

"(Chuckle) I'm almost glad Ebon's in jail." Shiv said as he and Kangor walked away until they stopped with Shiv turning his flamethrower back to his hand.

"I still don't trust him. Look what he did to Ferret, man." Kangor said.

"Kangor's right. He could be dead by now thanks to that Joker Gas." Ice-Screamer said as he and Seaswift stopped and stood next to Kangor and Shiv.

Kangor and Ice-Screamer threw the bars away. Kangor's bar landed next to Hotstreak while Ice-Screamer's bar landed next to Copy Cat as they screamed and moved out of the way with Copy Cat dropping the wrench.

"Yo, Bigfoot! You almost hit me." Hotstreak yelled angrily as his eyes glowed red and purple smoke came out of his body.

"Watch where you're throwing, Ice Cream Truck!" Copy Cat yelled angrily.

"Maybe next time you'll move." Kangor said as he pointed his finger at Hotstreak, who was walking toward him with an angry expression.

"It was an accident, I swear." Ice-Screamer said nervously as he held his hands up with Copy Cat walking toward him with an angry expression.

"Maybe next time, I'll boil me some kangaroo meat." Hotstreak said angrily as he got close to Kangor's face with flames forming in his eyes.

"And if you ever do that again, I'll use Hotstreak's powers to melt you into nothing but a puddle of ice cream with flames that are so hot, you won't be able to scream!" Copy Cat yelled as she got close to Ice-Screamer's face with a fireball in her hand.

"Yes, ma'am." Ice-Screamer said nervously.

"Come on you guys, calm down. Getting mad at each other isn't going to help us." Seaswift said as he held out his hands between Copy Cat and Ice-Screamer, pushing them away from each other with the fireball in Copy Cat's hand disappearing.

While Shiv held out his sword hands between Kangor and Hotstreak as he pushed them away from each other with the purple smoke and the flame in his eyes disappearing.

"Fish Boy is right. Boss man wants us to get this done." Shiv said as he changed his sword hands back to normal.

"You don't wanna make him mad, do ya?" Shiv asked.

Until they heard Joker yelling angrily as they looked up to see a water jug thrown out of the window, breaking the glass, and smashed onto the floor. The water jug broke, creating a big hole, and splashed the Bang Babys with water.

"You may have spoken too soon." Seaswift said to Shiv.

Talon had her jaw dropped while Four Arms had a scared expression with his upper hands close to his mouth as he twiddled his lower fingers in fear. Joker was sitting at a desk with a photo of Harley Quinn and a mug that says '#1 BOSS.'

"How could he have tracked me here so soon?!" Joker asked angrily as he pounded his fist on the desk and grabbed the mug.

"How?!" Joker asked angrily as he threw the mug.

Shiv, Kangor, Hotstreak, Seaswift, and Ice-Screamer walked inside as the mug hit the wall and shattered.

"Who, Uncle J?" Shiv asked nervously.

"The Bat, that's who. Here in Dakota. With his little bird boy and so-called Batgirl." Joker said.

"So what? It's nine of us against five of them." Hotstreak said.

"Five? Oh, oh, yes. Including those drippy dry selves, Static and Magnetta." Joker said.

"Tell me about it. We should be able to easily overpower them without breaking a sweat." Seaswift said.

"Maybe we should hit him first." Shiv said with a smirk.

"Shiv, old boy, you may have stumbled onto something. They don't know that we know they're here. And that is all the advantage we may need." Joker said.

'Magnetta's right. Shiv is like the Joker of Dakota.' Four Arms thought.

At sunset, Virgil, Richie, Ruby, and Allie were in Dakota Union High.

"Batman, Robin, and Batgirl?! How cool is that?" Richie asked with an excited tone as he, Virgil, Ruby, and Allie opened the doors and walked outside.

"Well, it would've been cooler if me and Ruby had done at least one thing right last night." Virgil said with a frown.

"Cheer up, Virgil. We've got them to the industrial district. Which was pretty helpful, since they didn't know Dakota as well as we did." Ruby said.

"And we know that wherever Joker's hiding, there's grease and metal shavings." Richie said.

"Well, that narrows it down." Allie said sarcastically.

"Relax. Let me do some research on the internet." Richie said as two shadows of Talon and Four Arms passed Virgil, Richie, Ruby, and Allie.

"You do that." Virgil said as two shadows of Talon and Four Arms passed him, Richie, Ruby, and Allie.

Talon and Four Arms also appeared from a window at a nearby building that Virgil, Richie, Ruby, and Allie were standing next to.

"Meanwhile, I think I just found the best clue of all." Virgil said as he jerked his thumb into the air.

"Come on, Ruby." Virgil said as he and Ruby ran inside an alleyway.

Richie and Allie looked up and saw Talon flying around in the sky with Four Arms holding onto her legs. Static and Magnetta flew out of the alleyway, flew high into the air, and followed Talon and Four Arms. Talon and Four Arms turned around to see Static and Magnetta following them.

"Talented Joker. They're taking the bait." Talon said as she flew down with Static and Magnetta flying after her.

"Like a moth to a flame." Four Arms said.

Talon and Four Arms flew inside an old abandoned sewer tunnel as Static and Magnetta stopped and levitated in the air.

"Time to call in the troops." Static said as he looked through his pocket.

However, his pocket had a hole in it as he felt the hole.

"Oh no, the Bat-gizmo's gone." Static said.

"It must've fallen out of your pocket." Magnetta said.

"This is not happening." Static said with a panicked tone as he put his hand on the side of his head.

"Okay, okay, chill out. There's gotta be a way to signal 'em." Static said.

"Hmm, a spotlight with Batman's bat logo shining in the sky always brings them to the scene. Can you make an electric construct of Batman's bat logo?" Magnetta said.

"I think so. I just hope it works." Static said as he put his hands close to each other to form a purple electric ball and threw it into the night sky as the ball exploded and turned into Batman's bat logo.

"Good job, Static. Now, all we have to do is wait for them to come." Magnetta said with a smile as she and Static looked at the bat logo.

Meanwhile, at a skyscraper, Bruce was doing one-arm pushups, Tim was on a laptop, and Barbara was doing sit-ups next to Bruce. Bruce was wearing a white sleeveless shirt, grey pants, and black shoes with a towel around his neck. Tim was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, grey shorts, and black shoes. Barbara was wearing a white sleeveless shirt that revealed her midriff, grey shorts, and black shoes with a water bottle next to her. Tim caught his eyes at something shining as he turned around to look at something from the window.

"Uh, Bruce. Barbara." Tim said as he turned around to look at Bruce and Barbara.

"There's something you should see." Tim said as he got off his chair and looked at the purple electric bat logo in the sky with Bruce and Barbara walking toward the window with Barbara carrying her water bottle.

"I guess we should be grateful he didn't use a loudspeaker." Bruce said.

"I have to say, he's pretty smart to come up with something like that." Barbara said with her hand on her hip as she drank out of her water bottle.

Static and Magnetta were standing on the ground as Static had her head down and eyes closed while Magnetta looked at him with her hand on his shoulder. However, they heard a sound as they looked up to see the Batwing floating above them. A door under the Batwing opened as Batman, Robin, and Batgirl jumped out and landed on the ground, in front of Static and Magnetta.

"Where's the signal device I gave you?" Batman asked.

"The uh, uh, battery must've gone..." Static lied as he tried to think of an excuse but ended up stammering.

"Actually, I kinda misplaced it." Static confessed as he lowered his head and looked down.

"So what do you have?" Batman asked.

"We saw Talon and Four Arms fly in this abandoned sewer tunnel." Magnetta said as she pointed her finger at the entrance.

"You two stay out here." Batman said as Robin and Batgirl ran past Static and Magnetta while Batman walked past the two Bang Baby heroes.

"Huh?" Static wondered.

"In case anyone shows up." Batman said as he looked at Static and Magnetta and walked away.

"Oh, sure. Whatever you say." Static said as he and Magnetta watch Batman, Robin, and Batgirl run inside the tunnel.

"Static and Magnetta's big Batman adventure. Waiting by the door." Static said as he sat down with his chin laying on his hand.

"Don't worry, Static. Our moment will come soon." Magnetta said as she sat down with Static.

Batman kicked off a wooden wall as he, Robin, and Batgirl turned on their flashlights and walked through the tunnel while looking around. Four Arms was on the wall by pushing his fingers into the wall to make them hand holds. He crawled away just before Batgirl turned around and pointed her flashlight at the spot Four Arms was at. However, she saw nothing. Meanwhile, Talon was perched on the wall, looking at the trio walking by.

"You hear anything?" Batman asked as Talon flew away just before Robin turned around and pointed his flashlight at the spot where Talon was at.

However, just like Batgirl, he saw nothing.

"No." Robin said.

"I don't see anything." Batgirl said.

"My point exactly." Batman said as a light energy sword formed behind them with Seaswift's tail moving around next to the sword.

Suddenly, Kangor and Four Arms landed in front of Batman, Robin, and Batgirl.

"It's an ambush!" Batman yelled as he, Robin, and Batgirl turned around to see Talon flying toward them.

They dodged Talon's attack before Shiv ran toward Robin and tried to slice him with his energy swords as Robin backflipped and landed on his hands multiple times to dodge Shiv's attacks. While Seaswift ran toward Batgirl and tried to punch her. But she backed away at a fast pace to dodge Seaswift's punches.

"Hold still." Shiv said as he ran toward Robin and tried to slice him.

"Stay still so I can punch you." Seaswift said as he ran toward Batgirl and tried to punch her.

Shiv tried to slice Robin, but he jumped away from Shiv as Robin threw two bat bolos around Shiv's energy swords and caused him to be thrown a few feet back. Batgirl and Seaswift stopped as he tried to swipe his tail to trip Batgirl. But she front-flipped over Seaswift and landed on her feet. She turned around, took out a gun, and fired a batarang at Seaswift as he was thrown a few feet back. However, a purple electric bolt was fired at the gun as Batgirl let go with a shocked expression. She saw the electric bolt pulling the gun as she turned around to see Copy Cat grabbing it.

"Looks like you won't be needing this anymore." Copy Cat said as her eyes glowed purple and used Dwayne's powers to turn the gun into a bunch of bubbles.

Ice-Screamer walked out of the shadows with a big scoop of ice cream in his ice cream scoop hand.

"Hope you like Rocky Road ice cream because this is gonna make you scream in pain." Ice-Screamer said as he threw the rocky road ice cream scoop toward Batgirl with Copy Cat breathing an ice flame out of her mouth.

Batgirl backflipped to dodge the ice scream scoop and ice flame as the spot where Copy Cat's flame hit turned it into ice. Batgirl landed on her hands as she jumped back up and landed on her feet. However, Four Arms was standing behind her as he grabbed Batgirl with all four of his arms as Batgirl struggled to break free.

"Ha, I got you now." Four Arms said with a smirk.

However, Batgirl grabbed a smoke pellet from her belt and threw it at Four Arms' eyes.

"Ah, my eyes!" Four Arms yelled in pain as he covered his eyes, causing her to let go of Batgirl.

Batgirl landed on the ground as she took out her grappling hook and fired it to wrap the rope around Four Arms.

"Nice move." Four Arms said with a smirk as he raised his arms to the side to burst the rope off of him with Batgirl backing away a few inches.

"Let me give you a big round of applause." Four Arms said with a smirk as he clapped all four of his hands together to release a strong shockwave that pushed Batgirl a few feet toward the ground.

After she hit the ground, she got back up and looked at Four Arms.

"Cool, huh? I can now create huge shockwaves that can knock down my enemies. I call it my Thunder Clap." Four Arms said.

"And now for the big finale." Four Arms said as he backed away to the side.

Copy Cat curled into a ball and rolled toward Batgirl.

She hit Batgirl as she flew toward the wall and hit it with her back and ended up falling down to the ground.

Batman tried to throw a batarang but was destroyed by a fireball as he turned around to see Hotstreak standing a few feet in front of him with a fireball in his hand and two purple streams of smoke coming out of his body. Batman turned around to see Kangor jump into the air and land on the ground, creating a shockwave that pushed Batman and Robin a few feet away as they landed on the ground, next to Batgirl.

"Hm, sweet dreams, Batboy." Talon said as she flew toward Batman, Robin, and Batgirl and threw balls with smiley faces at them.

Batman, Robin, and Batgirl used their capes to protect themselves as the balls exploded and released a bunch of green gas as they started coughing. They fell unconscious as Joker's shadow was revealed.

"You'll have to excuse my kids. They're so rambunctious lately." Joker said as he walked through the gas before it faded away.

A few minutes later, Static was floating on his Static Saucer, feeling bored as he was playing tic-tac-toe with Magnetta watching him play.

"Should've brought a crossword puzzle or something." Static said.

However, Magnetta's eyes widened as she sensed some magnetic fields coming their way.

"Static, we need to move out of the way, now!" Magnetta yelled.

"Why?" Static asked as he looked up to see something shining.

He stood up and heard a horn blaring.

"That's why!" Magnetta yelled as the fire truck came closer.

Static and Magnetta jumped out of the way as they landed on the ground.

They saw a fire truck driving away as they saw Batman, Robin, and Batgirl unconscious and restrained at the back of the truck.

However, when they got up and were about to go after them, Kangor kicked Static inside the tunnel. While Ice-Screamer hovered in front of Magnetta and fired a sonic blast from his horns, causing her to land inside the tunnel with Static. Copy Cat walked toward Kangor and Ice-Screamer as she stood between them.

"Time to bring down the house." Copy Cat said with a smirk as she held out her hands and released sonic blasts from her hands at the bridge, causing pieces of the bridge to fall off.

"Hey!" Static and Magnetta yelled as they ran toward the end of the tunnel.

But it was too late as huge pieces of the bridge blocked off the entrance. Copy Cat surrounded herself in a white magnetic aura and flew away with Ice-Screamer following her as he used his whipped cream jetpack to fly after her. While Kangor jumped after them.

Magnetta used her Magnet Burst to burst off all the tunnel pieces as white magnetic energy came out of the entrance with smoke coming out. Static and Magnetta coughed as they walked outside of the tunnel. Once they got past all the rubble, Static and Magnetta sat down as Static took out his Shock Vox.

"Richie. Come in." Static said in his Shock Vox.

Meanwhile, Richie was in his room looking through his computer.

'Rich? You having any luck?' Static asked through Richie's Shock Vox.

"(Sigh) Still searching, bro. We just don't have enough info to zero in on the hideout." Richie said in his Shock Vox.

"Well, now we gotta find it. Joker just grabbed Batman, Robin, and Batgirl." Magnetta said in Static's Shock Vox as she and Static got up with Static taking out his Static Saucer.

"Oh, no. How did you two get away?" Richie asked in his Shock Vox.

"We didn't get away. They trapped us in a tunnel. We weren't even worth capturing." Static said in his Shock Vox with a frustrated tone as he threw his Static Saucer in the air, landed on it, and flew away with Magnetta flying after him.

"However, they did manage to mortally wound your ego. At least Ruby doesn't have an ego like you." Richie said in his Shock Vox.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I wanted to...I don't know. Measure up." Static said in his Shock Vox.

"Oh, wait, wait, wait. Batman, Robin, and Batgirl must have a communication system, right? Like our Shock Voxes and Magnetta and Allie's Solar Poles." Richie said in his Shock Vox as he walked outside the balcony.

"Sure. So, if there's a way to send a radio signal, there's a way to track it." Static said as he and Magnetta stopped and levitated into the air.

"And I think I know just how to do it." Magnetta said as she and Static looked up.

Static and Magnetta flew over the clouds as they turned around to see the Batwing hovering over the clouds. They flew toward the Batwing as the windshield opened. Static and Magnetta landed inside the Batwing as Static put away his Static Saucer and grabbed his Shock Vox.

"Okay, we're inside." Static said in his Shock Vox as he put it away.

"Shouldn't be too hard to figure out this thing." Static said as he and Magnetta each sat in a chair.

However, two rollercoaster seat harnesses restrained them in their seats as the windshield closed. They screamed when the Batwing took off at high speed. They screamed in panic as the Batwing made a steep nose dive and pulled up when it got close to the road. They kept screaming as the Batwing flew through the city. When they got close to two skyscrapers, they screamed as the Batwing spun around a few times. Static panicked as he looked at the buttons and pushed a few with his hand.

"How do you make this thing stop?" Static asked in a panicked tone.

As soon as he finished his sentence, the Batwing stopped as Static and Magnetta jolted back a little.

"Phew. That was a wild ride." Magnetta said as she laid back in her seat, feeling relaxed after their crazy rollercoaster ride.

"Okay. Plan B." Static said as Magnetta sat up straight.

'You see anything that looks like a tracking system?' Richie asked through Static's Shock Vox.

"I can't even find a steering wheel." Static said.

However, as soon as he finished his sentence, the steering wheel popped out.

"(Gasp) Richie, I think it heard me." Static said.

"Looks like the Batwing is voice-activated." Magnetta said as she looked at the steering wheel.

"Hoo-hoo! Major coolness." Richie said in his Shock Vox.

"Okay, uh, try this. Computer, engage tracking device." Richie said in his Shock Vox as the computer revealed a tracking device on the screen.

"How did you know how to do that?" Static asked in shock.

"I watch a lot of sci-fi." Richie said in his Shock Vox.

'Figures.' Magnetta said through Richie's Shock Vox.

"Your turn." Richie said in his Shock Vox.

"Computer, engage auto-pilot." Static said.

"Find Batman, Robin, and Batgirl." Magnetta said as the Batwing flew off.

"Whoa!" Static yelled in excitement.

"This is so fun!" Magnetta cheered as the Batwing flew away.

Back at the hideout, Joker walked toward a crate that had Harley Quinn's photo on it as he threw Batman, Robin, and Batgirl's belts on the crate, causing the photo to fall off.

"It appears you've lost the home-field advantage, Batsy boy." Joker said as he turned around to look at Batman, Robin, and Batgirl hanging on three pulleys with their hands tied in chains.

Batman was on the left, Robin was on the right, and Batgirl was in the middle.

"Whereas I had the foresight to hire the local all-star team." Joker said as he turned around to see the Bang Babys standing on the balcony.

Four Arms and Ice-Screamer stood next to Talon and Kangor. While Seaswift and Copy Cat stood next to Shiv and Hotstreak. Four Arms and Seaswift had their arms crossed while Copy Cat had her hands on her hips. Shiv was looking through the camera and positioned it to where Batman was hanging.

"What's with the camera, Joker?" Batman asked as he looked at Joker.

"I'm preserving fond memories of your demise, Batso. Something for me and the kids to watch when this green hair has turned to grey." Joker explained.

"You don't really think you're actually going to pull this off, do you?" Batgirl asked.

"Yeah, I mean, considering your batting average. Pardon the expression." Robin said as Joker laughed evilly.

"How droll. But since we're all anxious to get this over with...Let's get this over with." Joker said as he walked inside the fire truck.

"This video is gonna be off the charts." Copy Cat said with a smirk.

"You got that right. It'll be a killer once this goes viral." Shiv said with excitement.

"You know how I love toys, Batman. Here's how this one works." Joker said as he pulled a lever that was close to the steering wheel.

The engine started as the ladder launched a metal spike ball toward the car that was chained to a pulley and destroyed it.

"Oh! Ha-ha-ha! You won't see that at the auto show." Joker said as he pushed a red button.

Three spike balls rolled down to the ladder as Joker pulled up the hand lever.

"Let's go for a triple-header, shall we?" Joker asked as he moved the ladder to aim at Batman, Robin, and Batgirl.

"Bye-bye, birdies." Joker said as he pushed the red button and launched the three spike balls at Batman, Robin, and Batgirl.

However, Static and Magnetta flew inside from the open roof as Static held out his hands and fired purple electric bolts at two of the spike balls. While Magnetta held out her hand as it glowed white along with the last spike ball as she and Static both repelled the spike balls away from Batman, Robin, and Joker. Magnetta sent the first spike ball toward the Bang Babys as they avoided getting hit. Copy Cat used Teleportra's teleportation to teleport from the balcony to the ground. Four Arms and Seaswift jumped out of the balcony and landed on the ground with Kangor, Shiv, and Hotstreak. While Ice-Screamer flew out of the way with Talon by using his whipped cream jetpack. The second spike ball that Static repelled hit the wall on the right while the last spike ball that Static repelled hit the front of the fire truck as Joker covered his face with his arms before the airbag popped out of the steering wheel. Static surrounded his fist with purple electricity as he punched the chains off of Batman and Robin. While Magnetta surrounded her fist with white magnetic energy and punched the chains off Batgirl as she, Batman, and Robin landed on the ground.

"What took you so long?" Batman asked as he, Robin, and Batgirl ran toward their belts and strapped them around their waists with Static and Magnetta lowering a few feet above the ground.

"It's a long story. But, at least we got here just in time." Magnetta said.

Joker ripped the airbag off his face and pressed the red button to launch all the spike balls toward Static and Magnetta.

Static dodged the first spike ball while Magnetta surrounded her body in a magnetic field to repel the second and third spike balls. Static then dodged the fourth spike ball.

"Oh, miss again." Static said.

"Whoa!" Static yelled as he dodged the last spike ball.

"You are getting closer." Static said as he held out his hand and fired a purple electric bolt.

While Magnetta held out her hand and fired a white magnetic ray as the electric bolt and magnetic ray hit the ladder. Joker kicked the door off the fire truck and ran out as the truck exploded. Joker rolled around the ground and kneeled when he landed.

"Oh, children! Uncle Joker needs you." Joker yelled dramatically.

Shiv turned his arms into energy swords and swiped them at Static as he dodged Shiv's attacks. Static wobbled on his Static Saucer for trying to dodge Shiv's energy swords as he flew a few feet above the ground. He flew backwards as he pushed a lever that started the conveyor belt that was behind him. He turned around to look at the lever before looking back and jumped out of the way to avoid getting sliced by Shiv's energy sword and stood on the ground. Static held out his hands and formed a purple electric shield that protected him from Shiv's attacks. Static deactivated the shield as Shiv raised his arm and was about to slash Static. However, Static ran out of the way as Shiv missed and got his energy sword stuck to the conveyor belt. Shiv tried to get his arm out, but couldn't as he was pulled into the conveyor belt and got electrocuted. Static turned away with his eyes closed and held his hand out to cover his face.

"Ooh, spot welding is not good for complexion." Static said as he grabbed his Static Saucer and threw it into the air.

Static hopped onto his Static Saucer and flew away as Shiv fell on the ground with smoke coming out of her hands and fell unconscious. Talon flew toward Robin and tried to strike him with her foot as Robin moved out of the way and front-flipped on top of a stack of crates. Talon unleashed a sonic scream at Robin but missed as he jumped out of the way and front-flipped on top of the hood of a car.

"Too bad it has to end this way, Robin. You and I are birds of a feather." Talon said as she hovered in the air by flapping her wings.

She fired her sonic scream at Robin, but he jumped up in the air as the sonic scream ended up hitting the car and causing it to explode. In mid-air, Robin threw some bolos at Talon as it wrapped around Talon's wings and restrained her. She fell into a puddle of oil on the ground as she struggled to break free.

"I cannot tell you how many times I've heard that joke." Robin said as he walked toward Talon.

However, Four Arms clapped his hands together and created a shockwave that pushed Robin away as he fell to the ground.

"Jokes on you, Bird Brain." Four Arms said as he walked next to Talon.

"Hey!" Batgirl's voice yelled as Four Arms looked up.

"Leave him alone!" Batgirl yelled as she swung on her grappling hook and toward Four Arms with her legs sticking out.

Batgirl let go of her grappling hook and kicked Four Arms in the chest. However, he didn't even flinch as Batgirl landed on the ground. Batgirl tried to punch him, but Four Arms caught her fist. She tried to use her other hand to punch Four Arms, but he also caught Batgirl's fist.

"Oh boy." Batgirl said nervously as he saw that Four Arms had two more hands with a smirk on his face.

"Nice try." Four Arms as he punched Batgirl to the ground.

"Hey, Seaswift, how about taking this girl for a spin?" Four Arms said as he turned around to see Seaswift standing in front of him.

"With pleasure." Seaswift said as he ran toward Batgirl.

Seaswift ran around Batgirl and created a tornado that lifted Batgirl off the ground. However, Batgirl's body glowed white as Four Arms turned around to see Magnetta levitating behind him while holding out her hand as it glowed white. She lowered her hand and put Batgirl back to the ground as Batgirl landed on her feet and Seaswift stopped running, causing the tornado to disappear.

"Thanks for the save." Batgirl said as Magnetta landed next to her.

"Anytime." Magnetta said as they turned around and looked at Four Arms and Seaswift.

Magnetta and Batgirl got into fighting stances along with Four Arms and Seaswift.

"I'll take Four Arms while you take Seaswift. Think you can handle Seaswift's super speed?" Magnetta said as she looked at Batgirl with a smirk.

"I think I can manage." Batgirl said with a smirk.

"Then let's go." Magnetta said with a smirk as they charged at Four Arms and Seaswift.

Magnetta tried punching and kicking Four Arms. But he kept dodging her attacks as he tried to punch Magnetta. However, she also dodged Four Arms' punches. Four Arms tried to punch Magnetta, but she caught his fist. He tried to punch Magnetta with his other fist, but she also caught it. Four Arms pushed his arms forward as Magnetta leaned back to try and hold back Four Arms, but he was too strong. However, Magnetta started to channel the magnetic energy in the Earth's magnetic field through her body, granting her superhuman strength as she pushed back. This caught Four Arms by surprise as she became as strong as him. He tried to punch her with his other two arms. But Magnetta surrounded herself in a magnetic field and repelled Four Arms' punches. Her magnetic field also repelled Four Arms' fists that Magnetta was grabbing.

"Not this time." Magnetta said with a smirk as she deactivated her magnetic field and used her Magnetic Strike to punch him toward a bunch of tires, causing Four Arms to fall unconscious.

As Magnetta looked at Four Arms laying on the pile of tires, Copy Cat stretched her arm to try and punch Magnetta. But she leaned back and avoided Copy Cat's fist as Copy Cat retracted her arm.

"Lucky move. Let's see you dodge this." Copy Cat said as she clapped her hands together and used Four Arms' Thunder Clap at Magnetta.

However, Magnetta jumped out of the way and dodged the shockwave. Copy Cat used Talon's sonic scream and fired it at Magnetta as she held out her hands and created a white magnetic force field that protected her from the sonic scream. When she undid her magnetic force field and lowered her hands, Copy Cat jumped into the air and recoiled her legs as she stomped on the ground to create a shockwave by using Kangor's stomps. The shockwave traveled through the floor and hit Magnetta as it pushed her back and caused her to fall to the ground. When she sat up, she saw Copy Cat walk a few inches toward her and formed a purple ionic energy ball in her hand. However, when Copy Cat threw the ionic energy ball, Magnetta flew up into the air and avoided the ionic energy ball.

Copy Cat held out her hands and fired a fire blast at Magnetta but she flew out of the way as Copy Cat swayed her hands from side to side to try and hit Magnetta, but couldn't. Copy Cat stopped as she kneeled down and dug her hands into the floor and ripped a huge piece off the floor. She lifted it over her head and threw it toward Magnetta. However, Magnetta held out her hands and surrounded herself in a white magnetic force field as the huge piece of the floor broke into pieces when it hit the force field before she undid her force field and lowered her hands.

"I hope you'll have room for dessert!" Copy Cat yelled as she formed three scoops of ice cream in her hands.

One vanilla, one chocolate, and one strawberry.

Copy Cat threw the ice cream scoops toward Magnetta as the ice cream scoops hit her. Magnetta landed on the ground and was trapped inside the three scoops of ice cream. The strawberry ice cream scoop encased Magnetta's legs, the chocolate ice cream scoop encased Magnetta's body as her arms were sticking out, and the vanilla ice cream scoop encased her head with her eyes, nose, and mouth sticking out. Copy Cat's eyes turned purple as she looked at a wrench and turned it into a black stove-piped hat. Copy Cat held out her hand as it glowed white along with the hat and placed it over Magnetta's head.

"I used to dream about an ice cream snowman, but this is ridiculous." Magnetta said with a frown.

"You got that right. I've just turned your childhood dream into your worst nightmare." Copy Cat said with an evil smirk.

However, Magnetta looked at her childhood bully and used her Magnet Burst to blast all the ice cream off her and the hat as she flew up into the air.

"It's going to take a lot more than ice cream to defeat me, Copy Cat." Magnetta said as she held out her hand and fired a white magnetic ray at Copy Cat.

However, Copy Cat used Seaswift's speed to dodge Magnetta's magnetic ray. Magnetta tried firing multiple magnetic rays at Copy Cat, but she kept using Seaswift's speed to dodge them.

"You'll have to do better than that, Magnetta." Copy Cat said with a smirk as she leaned her hand on the wall.

"Thanks for the tip." Magnetta said as she held out her hand.

Her hand glowed white along with Copy Cat's hand as Copy Cat looked at her hand. She tried pulling it off the wall, but it was stuck.

"What did you just do?" Copy Cat asked as she tried to get her hand unstuck.

"I call it my Magnetic Stick." Magnetta said with a smirk as she landed on the ground.

Copy Cat kept pulling as she put her leg on the wall to try and get her hand unstuck, but it wouldn't budge.

"And here's where it gets interesting." Magnetta said as she kneeled, put her hands on the ground, and channeled her white magnetic energy through the ground.

The white magnetic energy slid through the ground and toward Copy Cat. When the magnetic energy hit Copy Cat, her body glowed white and caused her to scream in pain. After a few seconds, her body stopped glowing white and she fell unconscious with her hand demagnetized from the wall.

"Now that's what I call a shocking surprise." Magnetta said with a smirk as she stood back up.

Meanwhile, Batgirl was fighting against Seaswift. Batgirl tried punching and kicking Seaswift, but he was too fast and dodged all of her punches and kicks.

"HA, too slow!" Seaswift yelled as he ran away.

Suddenly, Seaswift appeared in a blue blur and punched Batgirl multiple times in straight lines as Batgirl kneeled on the ground with her hands on her knees and started panting. Seaswift started running around Batgirl.

"You know what they say! You can't hit what you can't see!" Seaswift yelled.

"We'll see about that, Seaswift!" Batgirl yelled as she stood up and got into a fighting stance.

Batgirl could see Seaswift running around her as she focused her eyes on where Seaswift will be. After a few seconds, Batgirl held out her hands and managed to grab Seaswift by his tail. Seaswift tried to run as fast as he could but only moved a few inches as Batgirl held on with all of her strength. After a few seconds, Seaswift stopped as he turned around to see Batgirl holding onto his tail with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, crud." Seaswift said as Batgirl threw him toward the wall.

He hit the wall with his back as he fell on the floor and was knocked unconscious.

"I've always hated sushi." Batgirl said as she looked at Seaswift with her arms crossed.

Kangor, Hotstreak, and Ice-Screamer were standing in front of Batman, ready to fight.

"I got dibs on the bat." Hotstreak said as he was about to walk toward Batman until Kangor held out his hand and stopped Hotstreak.

"Too late." Kangor said as he jumped into the air and tried to stomp on Batman.

Batman kicked Kangor away as he landed inside a barrel of oil. Hotstreak threw a fireball at Batman but missed as he jumped out of the way with the fireball hitting a stack of tires. Ice-Screamer held out his hands and unleashed his Chocolate Syrup Tsunami Shockwave as Batman ran away from the Tsunami of chocolate syrup and the multiple fireballs thrown at him. Batman jumped and threw two batarangs as they hit a flamethrower and a fire extinguisher. Hotsreak was holding a fireball in his hand while Ice-Screamer held a vanilla ice cream scoop in his ice scream scoop hand. The first batarang made a hole in the flamethrower and released a fire blast at Ice-Screamer while the second batarang made a hole in the fire extinguisher and sprayed Hotstreak with extinguisher foam. The flames consumed Ice-Screamer and caused his vanilla ice cream scoop to melt as he and Hotstreak fell to the ground.

Batman walked a few inches toward Ice-Screamer and Hotstreak as they were both unconscious with purple smoke coming out of Hotstreak's body. However, he heard Joker laughing evilly as he turned around to see Joker driving the fire truck toward him and jumped away. Batman landed on his feet and ran away as the fire truck got closer until Static flew in, grabbed Batman, and flew away. Joker saw them fly away until he went through two conveyer belts and smashed at the wall with smoke coming out of the hood as he fell down. Joker groaned as he sat up and gasped in shock when he saw Batman walking toward him through the rearview mirror. Static, Magnetta, and Batman walked toward the fire truck as Joker held out his hand with a hand buzzer.

"Please, Batman, help me." Joker said dramatically as he was laying on the bottom-row seats and grabbed Static's hand, thinking it was Batman.

"Got ya." Joker said with a smile as he laughed evilly with the hand buzzer surrounding his and Static's arm with electricity.

However, when he saw that nothing happened, he looked up to see Static standing next to Batman and Magnetta. Batman was standing on Static's right side and Magnetta was standing on Static's left side.

"That looks fun. Let me try." Static said with a smirk as he surrounded his and Joker's hand with purple electricity and electrocuted him.

Joker screamed in pain as Static stopped and let go of Joker's hand. Once he was done, Joker fell to the ground, unconscious as Batman walked toward Static and Magnetta.

"Not bad." Batman said with a smile as Static and Magnetta smiled.

At sunrise, the police arrived and arrested the Joker and the Bang Babys. Shiv, Talon, Four Arms, Kangor, Ice-Screamer, Seaswift, Copy Cat, and Hotstreak had their hands chained behind their backs as they walked away with the Dakota police officers. Shiv, Talon, Four Arms, and Ice-Screamer had their heads down with sad expressions while Shiv had his eyes closed. Kangor and Seaswift had frowns on their faces while Hotstreak and Copy Cat had angry expressions. Meanwhile, Harvey Bullock pushed Joker into the Gotham Police car with Commissioner Gordan following him. On top of a tall building, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Static, and Magnetta looked down to see Joker and the Bang Babys arrested. Robin had his hand on Static's arm while Batgirl stood next to Magnetta with her hand on her hip as she, Magnetta, Robin, and Static smiled that their work was done. Batman walked away as Robin and Batgirl turned around and looked at Static and Magnetta.

"Well, it's been a real slice." Robin said as he held out his fist.

"Thanks, man." Static said as he and Robin fist-bumped.

"Anytime you wanna hang together, I am there." Static said with a smile as Robin turned around and walked toward Batman.

"Deal." Robin said as he looked at Static with a thumbs up.

"I know this is goodbye. But, how about we keep in touch?" Magnetta asked.

"Sure, I'd like that." Batgirl said with a smile.

"Good. Here's my number." Magnetta said as she gave a small piece of paper to Batgirl.

"Thanks." Batgirl said as she grabbed the paper from Magnetta's hand, put the paper in her belt, and walked toward Batman and Robin.

Batman, Robin, and Batgirl jumped out of the roof and landed inside the Batwing with three rollercoaster seat harnesses restraining them in their seats. However, before they could take off, Static and Magnetta levitated over the three Gotham City heroes.

"Batman, I don't know what to say except it was a thrill working with you." Static said as Batman looked at him and Magnetta.

"Yeah, it was an honor fighting with you." Magnetta said with a smile.

"Any chance we could, you know, team up again?" Static asked.

"We'll see." Batman said with a smile.

"Oh, and Batgirl. Is there any chance we could visit each other and maybe have a, you know, Girls' Night Out?" Magnetta asked.

"I'll think about it." Batgirl said with a smile as the windshield closed.

Static and Magnetta watched the Batwing fly away, all the way to Gotham City.

"Yes!" Static and Magnetta cheered as they flew higher into the air and held out their fists with Static's fist surrounded in purple electricity while Magnetta's fist was surrounded in white magnetic energy.

Static and Magnetta flew away with smiles as the screen zoomed in on their logos before everything went all black.

So, what did you think? You must've been surprised to see Batgirl. I've been planning on adding Batgirl with Batman and Robin for a long time. I also have a lot of plans for Magnetta and Batgirl to spend time together and have a Girls' Night Out. Especially with Supergirl and Allie. In case you were wondering, yes, Batgirl and Magnetta will know each other's secret identities. Batman, Robin, and Batgirl's appearances are the same as from The New Batman Adventures series. Anyway, what did you think about seeing Copy Cat, Seaswift, and Ice-Screamer returning? It's obvious that Four Arms will return since he's part of the Meta-Breed and is always with Talon. If Kangor and Ferret returned, Ice-Screamer should too. Since he's part of the Ruffpack. I wanted to give Copy Cat another appearance after Shock to the System and my OC episode, Copy Cat. Especially Seaswift, since he only made one appearance in Magnetic Shock Season 1. As you can see, Hyde was mentioned in this chapter. It wouldn't make sense to have Static Shaq in Season 2 since their appearances were different and Hyde was mentioned in the first episode of Season 2. It just wouldn't work to have an episode in Season 2 with the character's appearances the same as they looked in Season 1. I sure hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Magnetic Shock Season 2. Please Review.

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