Under the Starlight

By Gamer-sama

32 1 1

A young girl who dream big sets off in her new journey, not knowing were to go or who to meet. But she was ce... More

Morning Dawn's battle

31 1 1
By Gamer-sama

"Today the day!!" A young blue-headed spoke and she got get bags. It was the middle if the night, the moon at their highest peak and star glow brightly. "Goodbye father.." She spoke as she place a note and open her window, quickly getting out and carefully landing on the roof. "Careful... Careful..." She slowly walks and manage to get on the ground, with a smile in her face, she ran. "Freedom.. At last! Now time to find him.." She kept running, passing into tall grass that smelling of a midnight spring and stepping in small puddles that made loud noises, but that didn't mind her. After running for a good hour, she enter into the village were it was quiet and emtpy. " is so different in the dark.." The blue-headed still walk carefully until she stop. Turning back and seeing dark figures. "Hey.. Why you out here so late?" A voice that spoke that sounded familiar to her. "Oh uh.. I'm looking for a guild to join.. Fairy tail?" She timidly spoke and the other spoke.

"Ohhhh so out wanna join this guild?" The moon somehow correctly shine on the people to reveal teens as well. One with a black and red checker shirt and a white shirt, he has a golden dog tag with him and he softly smiling. The other look more serious with wearing a white shirt and black pants, he also has animal ears on him. The one with animal ears went to the side and his shoulder had the mark. "You guys are from fairy tail!" The bluenette spoke with suprise. It shape as a fairy that is leaping and it was the color red. "Please, I wish to join!" "Got any powers then?" The checker boy spoke, the girl nodded. "Cool, battle me and if you win, we will show you fairy tail place" checker spoke once more. "No fair mitch! I want to battle to newbie!" The hybrid spoke, "too bad jerome" mitch spoke with a smile. "Mitch... Your name is familiar.... But dosent matter, promise if I win you will show me?" The bluenette spoke "promise, now think fast" he said and couple seconds he quickly ran to her.

The battle begin. "Requip! Samurai!" Mitch yelled and in thin air he change into a japan battle form with a katana in his hand, the girl dodge "ice eagles!" And eagles were form into ice and attack mitch. "A ice maker? Nice" jerome spoke while watching the battle. Mitch just smirk "requip! Flight armor!" He yelled and he change Into a cheetah style outfit and quickly attack. "Shit" the bluenette spoke and made the floor cover in ice "come on! Show the true power! Beat a S class!" S class?!?!? She thought in her head I have too..."Roar of-" "SHE A DRAGON SLAYER?!?" Both guys yell out, "the ice dragon!" She spoke and a blizzard like shoot from her mouth and attacks mitch. Mitch quickly jumps back and smiles while changing back I to normal outfit

"congrats. You win. Follow me to fairy tail" "that quick buggums???" "Yeah why not?" He gives a bright smile. "So newbie, before you follow me and my buddy, what your name?" As the wind slowly blew and the sun was a but rising up. The girl had tears in her eyes since she couldn't believe herself. "Lisanna... Lisanna the ice dragon slayer.." She softly smile. "I'm jerome and beast take over is my thing" the hybrid grin with joy. "Mitch and a fighter requip"
Ok hope you enjoy this cross over with YouTube and fairy tail, and for people who thought I was crazy. It a cross over. Deal with it. It not my best work so far (oh who am I kidding? I'm a awful writer so none you guys won't read this) but I will try and write more and write down any yotubers with there power and maybe write your own fairy tail oc and I might add them in ^-^

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