Bird Of Prey (ChainsawManXMal...

By Lotus_Horizon

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Haw far are you willing to go, for the sake of what you desire? And who are you willing to please, as long as... More

Chapter 0: Unkindness
Chapter 1: Blood, Birds, and Chainsaws
Chapter 2: A Team of Fiends
Chapter 3: Dream Battle
Chapter 5: Rescue
Chapter 6: Kill Denji
Chapter 7: Sweet Victory
Extra: Raven Devil
Chapter 8: Omen of Gunfire
Chapter 9: Crossfire
Chapter 10: So Many Girls
Art Chapter
Chapter 11: Banquette
Chapter 12: Mission Start
Chapter 13: Easy Revenge
Chapter 14: Rainfall
Chapter 15: Love at First Sight
Art Chapter: Happy Holidays
Chapter 16: Alone Together

Chapter 4: The 8th Floor

4.4K 174 79
By Lotus_Horizon

  Some time passes as you stand next to Power outside of Denji's hospital room, watching over her with her hands cuffed.

Power: Servant. Release me from my bonds! I am clearly innocent!

Y/N: I cannot master Power. But I am sure you shall be released soon. I mainly want to see Denji before the day ends.

  Power pouts her cheeks as Aki exits the room.

Aki: I'm done with him, you can goin now.

  You smile as you go into Denji's room. You see him eating some sliced apples as he notices you.

Denji: Oh, hey (Y/N).

Y/N: I am so happy to see that you're alright.

Denji: Well yeah. Guess that's the perks of being a devil.

  You take a seat by his bedside as you just stare at him. He notices you staring with a smiling face as he gets a little creeped out.

Denji: Are you okay? Your staring is creeping me the hell out.

Y/N: Oh, s-sorry. I was just thinking about some things.

  You lightly wipe your eyes before you look at Denji again.

Y/N: Denji. What do you think about me?

Denji: Hmm? What do I think about you?

Y/N: Like, what am I to you? What do you see me as?

  Denji recalls the fight you both had with the Leech Devil, and the dream battle you both had with it.

Denji: Well, as Makima told me before. You're like a supervisor. But, to me personally I am not really sure.

  You frown a bit but look out the window.

Y/N: Denji, I know you probably don't care, but when I was 14, my parents were killed by a devil, and my sister was hospitalized by that devil. She is in the hospital, but she refuses to speak to me. I'm not sure why, after her ignoring me for years, I just felt lonely for a while. I still watch over her with my ravens, but as her brother I just want to see her happy. And in all honesty, when we fought I saw how happy you were, and it made me feel, well, good. I've never had friends before, and never knew what that felt like.

  You look back at Denji with a more somber expression.

Y/N: I know this sound very soft of me, but I really like seeing you happy. Makima told me before about how your life was before, so I guess, I would like to make anyone I see as a friend happy. And I don't know if you care, but I see you as a very close friend. So, any dream of your that you have, I'll help you do it.

  Denji looks a little surprised at you. He thinks in his mind how no one would have ever even came close to thinking of him like that, but he grinned a bit.

Denji: Then if you want, we can be friends.

  You smile a bit as you stand from the seat.

Y/N: One day I wanna go out with you, Power, and Aki. I feel like the four of us would have a lot to talk about. Hope you feel better.

  You wave at Denji as you exit the hospital for the day as well. Resting for the night as you fall asleep letting yourself succumb to your slumber.

*The Next Day*

  You and some members of Division 4 were sent to a Hotel where a devil was sighted, one that may have a piece of the gun devil within it. On this mission they sent Denji, Power, Aki, Arai, Himeno, Kobeni, and probably one of the best current devil hunter, you of course. You turn back to see the group you were with.

Aki: Seems like we may not be dealing with the usual small fry since it ate a piece of the gun devil.

Denji: What if it's like the actual gun devil?

Aki: The pulls too small, if it was the actual gun devil then the pull would be even greater.

Denji: Gah, lowkey sucks.

Power: Relinquish the flesh! It amuses me!

Aki: Thought I told you both to work on your manners.

Denji & Power: Huh?

Denji: Who the hell are you my mom?

Power: Humans are such arrogant fools!

  Aki then presented two pieces of gum which immediately set both of them straight.

Denji: Hayakawa sir.

Power: Sir

  Aki gives them the gum as Arai clearly has his suspicions about the two.

Arai: Mr. Hayakawa, are you sure we can trust the two of them? As people who are supposed to fight devils, should we really be trusting them to watch our backs? One's a fiend, and the other is some punk.

Aki: We aren't trusting them to watch our backs. They'll take point during extermination missions. If either tries to run then we kill them on the spot.

Power: Booo, you're treating us like livestock.

Aki: Because you don't get human rights.

  Denji and Power lean next to each other to whisper.

Denji: You think he's still mad about this morning?

Power: In hindsight that prank did probably go too far.

Aki: That wasn't a prank! I'll fucking kill you!

Y/N: Damn, what did they do?

Himeno: Yeah, besides you can't be strict with them all the time.

Denji: Yeah, me and (Y/N) risked our lives with the Bat Devil and helped take down the Leech devil, I want a reward, right (Y/N)?

Y/N: Huh? Oh. Yeah, I would like a reward Hayakawa sir.

  Aki looks at you with a sigh as Himeno smiles at this little interaction.

Himeno: Then if you want an award, I'll take one for the team. Whoever takes out this devil gets a sweet kiss from me.

  You, Arai, and Denji stare at her in disbelief at the insinuation of the gift. You stared at Himeno examining her figure.

Y/N: 'A kiss from an adult woman with a mature body? That's something I would love to have.'

  Your eyes then got drawn to the smaller dark haired girl with the moles. She was cute looking as well, so you decided to keep not of her as well. Then you started thinking to yourself.

Y/N: 'Who would I want my first kiss to be with?'

Raven: You want my honest opinion, I'd go with Himeno or the little one. Power may chew your face off to get your blood. At least the other two are human and trust worthy.

Y/N: This coming from a devil? I thought all of you hated humans?

Raven: Not all, just some. I actually like your kind, I just happen to be there when the bad stuff happens, like wars or death, or other bad events. I'm just a messenger for those devils.

Y/N: Hmm, you seem to get more interesting by the day. If there is a war devil out there, I wonder what they would be like, or if I'd ever meet them.

  Before Raven could say anything, you feel someone wrap their arms around you, pressing their chest against your back.

Himeno: Aww (Y/N), who are you talking to? You feeling distracted? Or do you not wanna kiss me?

Y/N: What? Oh, umm. Sorry it's not that I don't want to kiss you. I'm sure you'd be a good person to kiss.

Himeno: Then how's about it. You do good in this mission, I may even add tongue.

  After hearing that, Denji decides to rush into the hotel with Arai chasing after. You also followed suit but it was mostly just to hide your blushed face from what Himeno said, and she was pretty satisfied with the results.

Himeno: Teasing boys is the best.

  As you followed after Arai while in your own thoughts, you stopped as you noticed him pinning Denji against the wall, clearly not trying to let him get to kiss Himeno.

Arai: Himeno was nice enough to train me fore half a year and I'm in her debt. If some ruffian from who knows where is going to steal her lips, then I'll take that kiss on the cheek!

  Power rushes over to instigate the fight further, as Kobeni rushes to try and calm the situation. You mostly knew that no blood would be spilled so you kept to yourself, especially since your face was red so just slowly walked forward.

Raven: Man, so your type is older women it seems. I am so proud, now I don't have to worry about you falling for Power.

Y/N: Do you hate Power or something? I notice whenever I talk about her you get all defensive like she's gonna do something bad to me.

Raven: I just don't want my vessel to be locked in an eternal contract of matrimony with the blood devil. Especially when she acts like a spoiled child.

Y/N: What? You'd rather me end up with war or death if they were a hot fiend?

Raven: At the end of the day, any choice is better than Makima. But why not search for other possible girlfriends, like the one coming up behind you right now.  

Y/N: What if I fell in love with another devil then?

Raven: What, like another being that incapsulates your fears? You think you could handle that?

Y/N: Of course.

Raven: Even if it were a spider devil? No way even you would be that down bad.

Y/N: . . . . . Well, it all depends on her personality at the end of the day, and how scary they are.

  As Raven says this, you feel a tug on the back of your sleeve, turning to see the sheepish girl Kobeni.

Kobeni: Umm, a-are you alright? Y-You walks pretty far ahead and were talking to yourself.

  She asked in a very small tone of voice. Almost like a hushed whisper. You examine her features a bit further.

Y/N: 'Damn, she is so fucking cute.' Oh, I'm fine Miss Kobeni, you don't need to worry about me. But are you alright, you look like you've seen a ghost?

Kobeni: I-I'm fine. D-Don't worry about m-me.

  As the other caught up, Himeno smiles at your little interaction.

Himeno: Aw, looks like our little pups are getting along.

Aki: I wish they'd focus on the mission.

  As you made your way down the hall, standing by Kobeni the entire walk, Himeno stops the group as senses that something may be on it's way.

Himeno: Stay sharp. It's coming.

  A few seconds later, the door further down the halls opens. You summon a raven and turn it into a dagger as you prepare for the worst. Though all that comes out is some weird creature.

Y/N: What the hell?

  The creature grins as it leaps at Kobeni who immediately backs up into you, though Himeno holds her hand out and clenches, making the devil float in midair.

Denji: It's floating?!

  Power then takes the point and slices the creature in half.

Power: Praise me! That devil was frozen in fear at the mere sight of me! HAHAHAHAAA!!!

Himeno: No no, that was me.

Power: . . . How so?

Himeno: Not to brag but I made a contract with the Ghost Devil. After giving it my right eye, I have access to using one of its hands. And since it's the Ghost Devil the hand is invisible.

Power: You sure it's smart to boast about your powers in my presence oh so confident one?

Himeno: Just thought it would be best if we each knew what we all were capable of since it would make us all work better together. Besides I've got some tricks up my sleeve.

Power: Really, then what trick would you pull if I aimed to kill this one?

  Power makes a dagger out of blood and aims it at Kobeni, but she is immediately stopped as an unseen force begins to strangle her.

Himeno: Put away your pointy little toy. I'd rather not strangle you because you can't behave.

Y/N: Come on, let's just get the job done. The sooner the better.

  Himeno releases Power as you ruffle Power's hair passing her going up the stairs. You release some Ravens from your arms sending them forward. As you make your way down the halls, Arai goes with you as you try to notice any signs of the devil, though as you make your way, you and Arai notice the splatter of blood that happened when Power killed the devil.

Y/N: . . . Am I crazy, or is that the same blood as the floor below.

Arai: But we went to the 9th floor right?

  You and Arai look at one another before rushing back to the stairs to see the sign.

Aki: Is there a problem?

Arai: We went up to the 9th floor right?

Aki: Yeah.

Denji: Sure you guys didn't just read it wrong?

Y/N: Hold on, let me try something.

  You run down the stairs and try to go to the floor beneath you, but you stand at the top of the stairs as you look at the floor beneath you, only to see all of the others looking at you.

Himeno: (Y/N), didn't you go downstairs?

Arai: . . .

Kobeni: Eh? Ehehehehe!?!

Himeno: Kobeni, (Y/N, do me a favor and hold up double peace signs.

  You and Kobeni do as your told as Himeno rushes down the stairs, only to be met with you and Kobeni on the 8th floor holding up double peace signs.

Y/N: This ain't good.

  You feel Kobeni shaking next to you as you move to her to keep her calm, resting her head on your chest and lightly stroking her hair.

Aki: You two stay right there and don't move.

  You see Aki go into the hotel room in front of you and Kobeni as you just watch as the door closes. A short moment later you hear the door behind you open as you and Kobeni turn to look and see Aki on the other side.


Y/N: Ow my ears!

  Denji busts out of one of the hotel rooms to report his findings.

Denji: The windows are all a bust. All of them just lead to the hotel room across the hall.

Himeno: So your telling me.

Aki: We're stuck on the 8th floor.

  You feel Kobeni shaking in your grasp as you lightly brush her hair.

Y/N: Kobeni? Kobeni! Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out.

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