Shounen Hero Book 8!!!!!!!!

By Math4523

36.8K 1.4K 1.3K

Yo! (Y/N) is back! And we're ready to kick off the Summer!! Man, I can't believe what's in store! I was updat... More

The Start of Summer!/Plans for Marriage Again?!/Grey!
The Hunter's Camp!/Legion and Model A!
Sage Trinity!/The Four Mega Men!
To Legion!/The True Mastermind!
Mission: Save the World!
The Hunt Continues!
Reunion with Aile!!
Finding out More!
The Truth of Prometheus and Pandora!!
Ouroboros and the Mega Man King!
Wedding Plans ... Again!!
Anya Studies!
Beach Day with Lum!
My Best Friend's Birthday!
Aquarium Rumble!!
Coup D'etat!!
Darkseid's Return!!
Detention!! (Part 1!)
Detention!! (Part 2!!)
More Dragon Adventures!!
The League of Assassins and the Foot Clan?!
Mutant Throwdown!!
Heroes in a Half Shell!!
On the Move!!
Attack on the Technodrome!/Turtle Power!
Fighting Two Maniacs!
Back to Japan!!
Back to my Love Life!!
Sailor Senshi Sleepover!!
Meet the Doom Patrol!
Ongoing Brotherhood Threat!!
Titans Assemble!
Titans Together!!
Titans Go!
More Teen Heroes to the Harem!!
Super Date!!
A New Adventure is About to Begin!
A Plea from the Stars!!
Setting off with the Girls!!
Storming the Koopa Bros. Fotress!
Storming the Koopa Bros' Fortress (Part 2!!)
The Secret of Dry Dry Ruins!
The Secret of Dry Dry Ruins (Part 2!!)
The Invincible Tubba Blubba!
The Invincible Tubbla Blubba (Part 2!!)
The Invincible Tubba Blubba (Part 3!!!)
Trials in the Toy Box!
Trials in the Toy Box (Part 2!!)
Hot Times on Lavalava Island!
Hot Times on Lavalava Island (Part 2!!)
Hot Times on Lavalava Island (Part 3!!!)
Dark Days in Flower Fields!!
Dark Days in Flower Fields (Part 2!!)
Dark Days in Flower Fields (Part 3!!!)
A Star Spirit on Ice!
A Star Spirit on Ice (Part 2!!)
A Star Spirit on Ice (Part 3!!!)
A Star Powered Showdown!!
A Star Powered Showdown (Part 2!!)
Back Home at Last!!
A Magical Princess from Another Dimension!
Party with a Pony!
Blood Moon Ball!
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses!
Storm the Castle!!
Atlas Arc Opening!!
Towards Atlas!!
War is Brewing!!
Fanning the Flames of War!!
Scar Returns!!
The Downfall of Envy!!/More Reinforcements!!
Such a Pain!!
Such a Pain (Part 2!!)
Such a Pain (Part 3!!!)
Mustang vs. Ironwood!!
End of the Homunculi!!
Azad, the Ultimate Alchemist!
Once Again, Back Home!!
Meeting with Madara!!
Huntress Date!!
Memories of Nobody!!
Memories of Nobody (Part 2!!)
Memories of Nobody (Part 4!!!!)
Memories of Nobody (Part 5!!!!!)
Memories of Nobody (Final Part!!)
Soul Reaper Snuggles!!
A Drunk and Sexy Hokage!
Summer Pool!!
Project Cadmus!
Attack of the Clones!!
Chainsaw Man Opening!!
Public Safety Devil Hunters!!
An Uneasy Partnership!
Fighting Devils!!
(Y/N) and Makima!
Welcome to the (L/N) Family!!
Even More Tales of (L/N) Manor
The I-Expo!
Party Crashed!!
Fight Back!
The Two Heroes!!
Heading back Home!!
Slime Girls!!
The Runaway Alien Girls!!
Attack of the Living Weapons!!
Battle with Cadmus and the Yato!!
Cadmus Keeps Plotting!!
An Old Master!!
Meet Suzuno!!
(Y/N) and Suzuno!!
Enter the Spiderverse!!
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 2!!)
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 3!!!)
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 4!!!!)
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 5!!!!!)
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 6!!!!!!)
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 7!!!!!!!)
Enter the Spiderverse (Part 8!!!!!!!!)
Jack in!
Turning the Heat Up!
Lessons with Numberman!
Stoneman's Blockade!
Poisoned Water!?
Traffic Jams!!
Party Power Outage!!
The Search for WWW!!
Endgame (Part 2!!)
Headed back Home!!
Family Time!!!
(Y/N) on Themyscira!!
Themyscira Aftermath!!
Himeno and Kobeni!!
Return of the Monkey!!
Rubies, Snow, Kitty, and Bombshell!!
Love is War!!
Mind Games at an End!!
Welcome to the Family Kaguya!!
New Venture!!
A Dinosaur Kingdom!!
A Machine Labrinyth!!
Captain Whisker!/The Return of Blaze!!
Picking up Electromagnetics!
The Ship Graveyard!
Blizzard Escapades!!
To Sky Babylon!!!
Looking for Clues!!
Raid the Hideout!!
Let's Scramble those Eggmen!!
Farewells aren't Forever!!
Magician in Training!
New York City Auction!!
The Chain User!
The Return of Hisoka!!
Night of the Auction!
Attack at the Auction!!
Heroes vs. Mafia vs. Phantom Troupe!!
One Final Warning!
Rolling back in Dough!!
The Cult of Azad!!
Attack of Power Girl!!
The Broken Seal!!
Thieves in Vault!!/Meet Ivan!
Mia the Mercury Mage!/Mercury Lighthouse!
Over the River and Through Woods to Tret we Go!
The Dangers of Mogall Forest!!
The Drowned Town!!
The Wise Master Hama!!
The Great Colosso!
Town of Kalay!/To Tolbi!
Venus Lighthouse!/The End of Saturos and Menardi!!
New Party, Same Journey!!
Onward to Osenia!!
Briggs the Pirate!!
A Village with Werewolves!!
Welcome to the Team, Piers!!
Saving a Village!!/Not Again Briggs!!
Innards of a Statue!/Karst!
Forging a Trident!
Lemuria at Last!!
Reunion with Friends!/Battle with Agatio and Karst!
Towards Prox!!
A Journey's End!! (Part 1!)
A Journey's End (Part 2!!)
Utopia's Newest Member!!
A Guild of Wives!!
A Game of Death!!
Titanic Sister Ship?!
How Far will You Go?
Next Line of Choices!!
Sweet Victory!!
By the Book!
Ludo's Revenge!!
Book 9 Trailer!!

Memories of Nobody (Part 3!!!)

127 4 6
By Math4523

(Y/N): Okay, where can we find Senna? 

Ichigo: I don't know. This is like finding a needle in a haystack. 

Onlooker: Look! What's that girl doing on those lights? 

Onlooker: She's going to get herself hurt! 

Jack: Huh? 

Senna was up on a string of lights and she was tightrope walking it. 

(Y/N): Oh brother. 

Senna: Ah, this feels so nice. 

And then after a few more steps, she tipped herself off and just disappeared. 

Guys: WHAT THE? 

Senna: Ta Da! 

She appeared right next to you guys. 

Ichigo: Huh? Oh, yeah. Hope you enjoyed the show! 

(Y/N): We could do this all night! Okay, let's just go. 

You grabbed Senna by the hand and dragged her out. 

And so... 

Senna: Oh, I didn't know you guys were going to buy me food! 

You had boughten her a sandwich. 

(Y/N): Look, do you know anything about those Blanks, or a Shinnenju? What about any guys in strange armor? 

Senna: Okay, how about one at a time please? 


Jack whacks Ichigo on the head. 

Jack: Woah, you can't just forcibly interrogate her like that. 

Senna: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! What do you know, dinner and a show. 

Guys: OH SHUT UP!!

Senna: Okay, but seriously. Do you know what this Shinkojo looks like? 

(Y/N): It's Shinnenju. And we don't know. 

Senna: Well that's hard. Okay, I'll help you guys out, but- 

Ichigo: But what. 

Senna: You got to take me on that Ferris Wheel nearby. 

Ichigo: Can you please take this seriously? 

Senna: I'll have you know, I love being high in the sky. 

(Y/N): Okay, a- Why do you have a different colored ribbon? Last time we saw you, you had a yellow one. 

Senna: Oh, I was trying it on in a store, and I guess I forgot to take it off. Red suits me better. 

(Y/N): ..... Right. 

You get up and drag her off. 

Ichigo: Hey, (Y/N), where are you- 

(Y/N): I'm going to buy this for her. 

Jack: Why? 

(Y/N): Because she likes it. 


Senna had to use the bathroom after you paid for her hair ribbon, and well she got a flash of a memory in her. 

It seemed that she was eating dinner with her family. 

Senna: Was that- 

She left the bathroom, and well you hadn't noticed her go out. 


Senna arrived at a cemetery, where she saw a grave, and then got another flash. 

Senna: Am I buried here? 

But then she noticed the Blanks appear. 

Senna: Not now, I- WAGH! 

She dodged an attack from a mysterious man. 

Senna: Who are you? 

Mysterious Man: You're a lot sharper than you look. 

She exited her Gigai and prepped her Zanpakuto. 

Senna: Why are you here? 

Mysterious Man: Lord Ganryu has tasked me to bring you to him. 

Senna: Who is he? 

Mysterious Man: Sorry, but I can't establish anything e- 

???: Oi, Jai! Hurry it up will ya? 

Jai: Shut it Riyan, I got this!

???: Yeah, like mentioning our plans to her? 


Jai: Give me a second!

Senna: Okay, Big Guy, you want a fight? Bring it! 

She released Mirokumaru and began to clash with the mysterious man. 

But Jai had moved around and threw his weapons, two chakrams right into her back, allowing him to grab her by the throat. 

Jai: Is that all you got? You better be lucky, I- 

But then he felt pain as his choking arm was cut off! 

Jai: ARGH!! 

(Y/N): Hey, you mind getting lost, dickhead? 

Jai: WHY YOU! I- 

Riyan: Idiot, that kid looks really strong! We have to retreat and plan now! 

Jai: Tch! Fine! This isn't over! 

They all leave. 

(Y/N): Why did you run off like that? 

Senna: Hey, I could have had him, I just- My ... family is buried here. 

(Y/N): Your family? Can Soul Reapers have memories of when they were still alive? Listen, you need a place to sleep. Maybe we can continue tomorrow. Though, now I have to tell the guys the bad news. Just who are those people? 

Senna: Hey, thanks. You're not such a bad guy after all. 

(Y/N): Just don't start trying to annoy me again. 

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