Kagari's Sekirei Life

Por JaeZInsane

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Kagari in Sekirei: Pure Engagement Más

Sekirei #88 Musubi
Becoming an Ashikabi
The Sekirei Plan
Former Sekirei #7 Akitsu
Kagari or Minato
Izumo Inn
Save Hibiki and Hikari, Kagari vs Sekirei #105, Benitsubasa
More Sekireis
Kagari Song
13 Sekireis
Pure Chad Energy
Do you like the story?
Winging The Lightning Twins, Sekirei #11 and 12, Hibiki and Hikari
4 Spots Remaining
When I Was Making This Story
Introduction and Past Revealed
Favorite Harem Member
Save The Green Girl, Sekirei #108, Kusano
Ignited Resolve
Working at Miya's Inn
Sekirei #2, Matsu
What Else Would You Like To See In The Story
Searching for The Water Sekirei
Current Status (Allies/Events)
Water vs Ice, Akitsu vs Sekirei #9, Tsukumi
What's your opinion of Sekirei as an Anime?
Kagari vs Karasuba?
Sekirei #4, Karasuba, The Black Sekirei
I'm Thinking.....
A Heavy Promise
The Sekirei Harem is Complete....
Who is your favorite Ashikabi?
Crimson, Fury, and Maverick
Who do you like more? Kagari or Minato
A New Darkness Approaches
Akitsu's Resolve
The Ones Who Want To Escape
The Escape Plan
A Dream Before the Battle....
The Battle Against The Discipline Squad
Kagari's and Musubi's Power Unleashed! The Sekirei of Fate!
Who is your favorite in The Sekirei Harem?
Here's a Deal
Who do you think is Stronger, Kagari or Musubi?
What would you like to see in the story?
What do you think of the story?
The 2nd Season of Sekirei
The First Sekirei of The 2nd Season
OVA: Sekirei Diagnosis and Kagari's Training
(Season 2) Plans and Arrivals
(Season 2) Kagari's Younger Sister, Yui Sanashi
(Season 2) Winging The Sekirei of the Wind, Kazehana
(Season 2) Saving a Life, Sekirei #84, Yashima
Is Kagari a Good Ashikabi
Sun Breathing
Kagari vs Benitsubasa
What would you like me to do with Kagari and Benitsubasa?
(Season 2) An Evil Behind The Scenes
(Season 2) The Sekireis of The East
(Season 2) All Out Brawl, Sekirei #16 and 101, Toyotama and Oriha
Karasuba In The Harem?
(Season 2) Aftermath
(Season 2) A Competition of Strength, Kagari vs Toyotama
Replacing Mitsuha, One Spot is Available.
Uzume Arc
(Season 2) Hikari and Hibiki

(Season 2) Rematch from The Discipline Squad

652 21 7
Por JaeZInsane

Shinto Tower, M.B.I. Headquarters

Back at Shinto Tower, which is the headquarters for M.B.I., Sekirei #105, Benitsubasa can be seen in her room laying on a couch. She was still recovering from her injuries during the battle on the bridge.

After she was defeated by Kagari, she fell into the waters of the Shinto Teito River. She was later found on the shore by M.B.I. soldiers, who brought her back for recovery since she managed to survive the battle.

She was now incredibly angry. Not only did she fail to stop Haruka and Kuno's escape, but she also lost to the same person twice and it was an Ashikabi who beat her, not even a Sekirei. Which made her look bad as a member of The Discipline Squad. Ever since, she's sworn vengeance on The Black Ashikabi of the North.

Benitsubasa: Tch, damn it.

"There is only one reason you lost today, You pissed me off."

Benitsubasa: I'll do more than just piss you off next time you son of a bitch, I'll kill you.

Just then, the door opened and Benitsubasa's comrade, Sekirei #104, Haihane entered the room.

Benitsubasa: What is it, Haihane?

Haihane: The Intelligence Division contacted us. We've got escapees.

Benitsubasa: Stay here, Haihane. I'll go.

Benitsubasa left to go deal with the Sekirei and Ashikabi attempting to escape. Even though she stopped them, Benitsubasa was still not satisfied as it didn't stop her from remembering her two previous defeats.


Maison Izumo

It was now morning at Maison Izumo, Kazehana can be seen walking around in the hallways as she was tying her hair.

Kazehana: I think I drank too much last night. Man, my head hurts.

Kazehana turned her head and saw Kagari again, who was out picking the vegetables in the garden. As she looked at him, Kazehana began to blush.

Kazehana: (What to do...?)

Kazehana: (The longer I look at him, the cuter he seems to get. Oh no, my body's getting hot all over.....)

Kagari: Oh. Good Morning, Kazehana.

Kazehana: Hey there, Kagari....

Kagari: Did Miya give you the okay on staying here at Maison Izumo?

Kazehana: Yeah, after some pleading she decided to let me stay.

Kagari: That's good to hear. Well, since I work here from time to time helping around, you can always come to me if you need anything.

Kazehana: Thanks. I'll take you up on that sometime.

Kagari: About that, can I ask you something...?

Kazehana: Sure, what is it?

Kagari: I know it's not my business, but why is it that you haven't emerged yet? Are you not participating in The Sekirei Plan?

Kazehana: Well, you see. I cared for someone once. But, then I got dumped...

Kagari: Yeah, I can understand how that feels. You care for someone, think that they feel the same way, and you're crushed to find out they don't. It sucks...

Kazehana: I don't have any interests in The Sekirei Plan. Not without someone to care for.

Kazehana turned back to look at Kagari.

Kazehana: Can I ask you something, too?

Kagari: Yes, I'm listening.

Kazehana: Do you think you could ever want me...?

Kagari: Well, there is not denying that you are an attractive woman, Kazehana, and Musubi along with Matsu both like you. But.....

Kagari: Do you want me as your Ashikabi, Kazehana...?

Kazehana: Honestly, I'm not sure yet. But when I both come to a decision, I will let you know. Is that okay with you?

Kagari: I understand.


Kagari was now in the living room with Uzume and his Sekireis as they were eating breakfast. He was thinking of his conversation with Kazehana but was distracted after looking at Tsukiumi.

Kagari: -_-....She lost again, didn't see..?

Musubi: Uh huh!

Tsukiumi: Thou vile wench, beating me here in yet another shopping race. By what means may I overcome thee.....?

Musubi: You didn't know, running is kind of my thing.

Tsukiumi: I swear to thee upon my good name. I will defeat thee and earn my rightful seat!

Uzume: Hey uh, wouldn't it be better to compete in something else?

Tsukiumi: Twould be admitting defeat. That will see if Kagari's real wife can win this contest!

Matsu: Well, enjoy the luxury of getting worked up over stupid things while you still can.

Tsukiumi: How dare thee! Surely thou did not call me stupid!

Kagari: That's enough you two. Matsu tell me, has anything happened since yesterday.

Matsu: Another Sekirei attempted to escape, but The Discipline Squad got them and their Ashikabi.

Everyone in the room fell silent.

Matsu: The rumor about a Sekirei and their Ashikabi successfully escaping the city. It's inspired others to try and do the same.

Kagari: But other than Haruka and Kuno, everyone else has failed. Am I right.

Matsu: Yes, for the Sekireis and Ashikabis who don't wish to fight, this has given them the hope that they can escape too. However just as you said, no one succeeded in doing so lately. No one. All that does is cause them despair instead. As a direct result of this lack of success, more and more of these pacifists have been driven to fight against their will.

Kagari: Well, damn.

Tsukiumi: Tis tragic, but aren't we to count every Sekirei we meet as our mortal foes. Twould suit me.

Uzume: Thanks for the food.

Uzume leaves.

Matsu: Basically, I want you to be careful. You have to be on alert when you go outside.

Matsu: People are saying there's a Demon Ashikabi and a Reaper Sekirei out there wreaking havoc. I've heard they even attack Ashikabis without mercy.

Kagari: A Demon Ashikabi and a Reaper Sekirei, huh? I'll be sure to look out for them.


Kagari was now sitting with Kusano as Musubi and Tsukiumi were sweeping in the yard. Then, his phone began to ring and he was shocked to see who was calling him.

Kagari: (No way, it's Yui.)

Kagari answers the phone.

Kagari: Hey sis, been a while.

Yui: Yeah, I can say the same to you, big brother. You haven't called us in a while and mom was getting nervous.

Kagari: Yeah, sorry about that. I've been kind of busy.

Yui: Really, with what?

Kagari: Oh, you know....

Kagari: -_-....work.....

Yui: Well, you'll be happy to hear that I'm back in town. I got accepted to an all girl college back in the city.

Kagari: That's nice. Congrats. When do you start?

Yui: In a about 4-5 months. Hey, is it cool if I come over a hang out for a while?

Kagari: Sure. I'm not a home right now, but I'll let you know when I'm off work when you can swing by. Is that cool with you?

Yui: Sure. I actually have some errands I need to run, so I'll call you back. Later.

Kagari: Alright, later Yui.

Kagari hangs up his phone.

Tsukiumi: To whom were thou just speaking, Kagari. Tell us.

Kagari: Oh, just my little sister.

Tsukiumi: Sister?

Musubi: You never said you had a sister, Kagari.

Kagari: Yeah, she's been abroad for a while now and she's back in town. I'm planning on seeing her soon today.

Musubi: Aw, that's sweet.

Kagari: I should probably get myself ready.

Kagari left the Inn and got dressed for his meeting with Yui. He was surprised to see Tsukiumi standing outside, waiting for him.

Kagari: Tsukiumi...?


In town, Kagari and Tsukiumi were now walking down the street together.

Kagari: I appreciate the thought Tsukiumi, but is the bodyguard act really necessary?

Tsukiumi: If Matsu's warnings are to be believed, I cannot allow thee to walk these streets alone, Kagari. Also, since we are one, I shall take this opportunity to greet thy sister.

Kagari: -_-....Something tell me that's the real reason why you wanted to come. If you wanted to meet my sister all you had to do was ask and I---

Kagari's eyes glowed blue as he sensed something approaching them.

Kagari: Tsukiumi, get down now!

Kagari made Tsukiumi duck to the ground as a familiar Sekirei swung down upon them but missed.

Kagari: Great, The Discipline Squad...again.

Haihane: Number 104, Haihane.

Tsukiumi: A challenge?

Haihane: The Discipline Squad also participates in The Sekirei Plan.

Kagari: So it's a battle then... (Wait, I sense someone else hiding in the alley. It's more of an ambush than a battle.)

Tsukiumi: Ha! I was right to guard thee hence, was I not? Do hear this, I accept this match with pleasure!

Tsukiumi: I, Number 9, Tsukiumi! Fight! Water Arrows!!!

Tsukiumi shoots her Water Arrows at Haihane, who jumps away in retreat and Tsukiumi jumps after her.

Kagari: (Fine, while Tsukiumi deals with her, I'll deal with the one hiding in the shadows.)

Kagari: My Sekirei is gone. You can come out now so we can have our fight.

With that, Number 105, Benitsubasa came out of the alley.

Benitsubasa: Well, nothing gets you by surprise, huh?

Kagari: Didn't you learn your lesson from the last time we fought on the bridge?

Benitsubasa: Without your Sekireis, I can beat easily this time.

Kagari: You'll have to do better than that. Ready to get beat for ta 3rd time?

Benitsubasa: Heh, by the time I'm done with you, I'll send your Sekireis a box with your head in it.

Kagari: And by the time I'm done, you'll be crawling back to M.B.I broken and  in tears. Now let's go.

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