Miraculous: Rewritten

By April_Lang

43 6 0

"To know others is wisdom, to know yourself is enlightenment." - 他人を知り、己を知れば明瞭 (Tanin o shiri, onore o shir... More

A pack of Blondes
Dupont College!

The New Girl in Paris

13 2 0
By April_Lang

"Don't be bemused it's just the news.It's another beautiful day in Paris thanks to our protectors." Said Nadia.

"Lady Bug and Chat Noir have once again saved Paris from an akumatised villain Volpina. Paris is safe once more."

A girl switched off her phone and turned to face her father.

"Why do I have to move to Paris, father?" She asked.

"I got a stable job here my dear, you do know that right. I have to take over as Mayor since Andrè has been deemed as incompetent by the Parisians." He said

My father had long since gained recidency in Paris and even became a councillor. By some luck and effort of his, he got a promotion, as he puts it.

"But father Paris is not safe. The people here become villains, somehow almost everyday. Shanghai would have been better that this!" She said.

"Your sister has her hands tied so you can't live in Shanghai anymore, please understand this." He said patting her head.

"I would have preferred Tokyo."She mumbled while sloutching back onto her seat.

The ride through the city was amazing, though she would never admit it out loud to her father. The monuments were captivating as well as the scenery.

One of her dreams was to visit Paris' main attraction, The Effiel Tower. Though that dream was to share the view with someone special to her. Unfortunately that special someone had been taken away from her.

She remained silent for the rest of the way. Her silence was not unnoticed though. Naturally her father knew why she was sulking.

"Dear, I know you would rather go to Tokyo but remember your mother says its best if you got away for a while."He said. "We both love you, but Tokyo has too much memories of pain and hurt. You need to heal."

She kept silent, tears forming in her eyes. Clearly she is not ready to talk about her past pains. It's way too much to bare and the wound is still fresh.

Seeing her teary eyes, her father stopped in front of a bakery. 'Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie'. Maybe getting her something sweet would lighten up her mood.

"Why don't we stop here and get you something, I know you don't like sweets but. . . Paris has the best pastries. Please let's try it."He said.

Her father's efforts moved her heart. At least she still had him. So she agreed to catch a bite. So they walked out of the car and walked into the bakery. The bell rang and a woman with navy blue hair walked to them.

"Hello, welcome to Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie how may I help you?"

"Hello, my name is Isaac Miller, this is my daughter Shikagaru Nina. She is new here so we thought to visit your bakery for some famous Parisian pastries. " he said

"Oh yes you have come to the right place. And welcome to Paris Shigaraku." She turned to talk to somebody. "Tom, we have a new Parisian come meet them."

A tall man with short brown hair came from the back to meet the guests.

"Mr Miller, this is such a wonderful surprise. Who would have thought the future Mayor of Paris would be standing in my bakery."He said giving a hearty laugh.

Isaac scratched the back of his neck bashfully. Clearly amused by the compliment.

"It's not official yet, but I'm honoured kind sir." Said Isaac.

"Please Sir call me Tom. Welcome to Paris once more, please take anything you like on the house." He said

To Tom's wishes, Isaac picked a couple of croissants. After thanking Tom they then decided to leave the bakery and reach their destination, the Grand Hotel.

"Please do visit again when you get the chance." Tom excitedly yelled while waving them off.

Isaac and Nina made their way to the car and went on their way. While Nina ate her share of pastries, her father watched her fondly as she awed at the taste.

"Paris has good people,yes? I see that you are enjoying that biscuit as well." He said pointing to the pastry she was currently nibbling on.

"The 'biscuit' is called a macaroon. It is just okay I guess. Figured you would know that much since you've been living here for years. Eyes on the road please." She said.

After a thirty minute drive they arrived at the Grand Hotel. The butler welcomed the father and daughter while leading them to the dining area.

"The mayor will join you shortly Mr Miller." He said

"Of course no problem." Said Isaac.

Isaac and Nina sat in each other's company until Andrè came in with his daughter Chloè.

Nina's POV

"Good day Mr Miller, I hope your trip here was not too troubling." Said Mr Bourgeois as he took a seat.

He looks rather happy for someone who is going to be stripped off his power. But I see his daughter is not amused by this change.

"Daddy! This is not fair . He can't become the mayor. You are the mayor." She screamed. "And you white haired freak, your dad is not fit for Mayor." She said pointing at me.

I stared at her with a bored look on my face. She strikes me as the senseless screaming type. I do not react friendly to such people, so I kept my composure.

I paid her no mind as waited for the waiter to prepare the table with our main course. Once he was done laying the l'entrèe which was a salad and soup, I began eating.

"The food is getting cold, I propose we be done with it. " I said and from the corner of my eyes I could see that my father was preparing for a storm.

"Don't ignore me snowball.You are ridiculous, utterly ridiculous." She yelled banging her hands on the table. The Mayor tried to calm her down but to no avail.

"Mr Bourgeois, please let your daughter express herself. It's quite enjoyable seeing such explosive emotions. It's quite artistic."I said."But I guess the daughter of a soon to be movie director should display such a behaviour. It's quite befitting."

Though my tone was calm and void of any malice, everyone present caught on to the hidden message. 'Know your place and behave.'

"Oh would you look at that, its time for dessert."my father blurted in attempt to alleviate the tense situation. Quite a futal attempt since it was mostly one sided.

I stared at my dad for his almost dump excuse considering we haven't even eaten the the main course yet. A mere soup and salad, though delicious wasn't enough of a meal to write home about.

"They are yet to serve Steak tartare, our appetizer Mr. Miller, unless you are in a hurry to discuss other matters?" Mayor Bourgeois suggested while placing down his cutlery, which was just a soup spoon.

On cue, the waiters and waitresses came to our table and placed dishes on the dining table. The dish was nothing short of immaculate. From the well grounded beef to its well cooked egg and garnish of mushroom, onion and capers.

"Your meal is served, please enjoy." Said a waiter.

The meal was mostly silent, with exchange of pleasantries between my father and Mayor Bourgeois, until it was time for dessert. Not even the blonde made a peep, clearly fuming in anger.

Our desserts came in and as I had requested, plain vanilla in a little bowl. I began eating the ice cream paying no mind to the people around me until loud mouth decided to spout nonsense.

"Even your taste is plain. Huh! Just like your little get up." She said referring to my clothes. I wore a long sleeved black designer shirt. A denim blue denim jacket, black jeans and yellow Nikes streaked with red.

"Audrey Bourgeois, the queen of fashion, is your mother,yes?" I asked.

"Yeah and I can tell that you are way off season! Ridiculous." She said

"Oh you have an eye for fashion. I see I can tell from your outfit that you are . . . "I said as my eyes travelled to her head, where her sunglasses were perched. ". . . Fashionable."

I said this in a monotone voice to mock her choice of clothing of course. She clearly got the message since she stormed out off the dining room.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous." She yelled stomping her way out.

Mr Bourgeois followed her daughter and left me with my father, who was not amused by Chloè of course.

"I hope you do not turn out to be like that when I become mayor?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"I do not have such a mindset of acting upon somebody else's authority. " I replied still with a solemn face while my father gave me a smile and gave me a pat on the head.

We finished our dinner and the butler led us to our suites. On the way my father explain that his inauguration will happen within a week. He continued to tell me that he plans on buying a house for us two, a fortress as he calls it.

One last thing he said is the reason why I was still up late though the lights in my room were switched off. 'We are going school hunting tomorrow.'

"School . . ." With that I dozed off.

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