Bring The Heat, Soulburner!

By kcuf_ad

523 19 21

What if Yusaku wasn't the main character? What if Ai wasn't the Ignis that escaped? What if a different chara... More

Enter, Theodore.
A Flame Was Born
Enter, Soulburner
Pain And Gain
A Shepherd's Hunt
Hanoi's Trick
A Storm Is Coming
A Duel In The Storms
Blaze The Circuit!

Bring The Heat!

47 3 0
By kcuf_ad

It is now Friday of the three people that are going to challenge the Knights of Hanoi, and school for the day is now finally finished so they had to go to a place to go to Link VRAINS since staying in school wouldn't be sensible in any shape.

Seigen didn't want them for them to go into his home since it really isn't comfortable since it is filled with energy drinks, which isn't a lie, but at the same time, isn't the whole truth, Theodore's grandparents weren't home, which you think would make them go to that place when they are battling against the Knights Of Hanoi, but unfortunately for them, they forgot to give their grandson a key for the house, so they decided to use Kiku's home which she does have a key with her, but at the same time had her grandmother at home helping her younger brother Kiki with homework.

"Hey, Kiki, long time no see!" said Theodore as he waved towards the younger Kamishirakawa sibling as Kiki looked at the source of the voice as he jumped towards the table, ignoring his grandma's HEY! and his older sister's face palm as he hugged the legs of the silver-red haired boy.

Theodore knelt down and hugged him too since he was one of the only people that he felt comfortable to hug.

"Teddy, I missed you! Much more than my stinking sister." said Kiki as Kiku looked at him.

"I heard that twerp!" said Kiku as Kiki looked at his older sister...and dragged down one of his eyelids with his pinkie with one hand and pulled down a tongue in the other. Seigen chuckled to see his best friend's nose twitch as she was this close to attacking this little troublemaker.

Kiku's grandmother, Kimika, placed her hands on her head as she could hear her grandchildren having an argument when they had guests, three since she didn't notice the Ignis, and said to herself, "Kids these days..."

"Seriously, why are you so annoying all the time?!" yelled Kiku.

"Well I don't know, maybe because you are the most boring sister in the whole world!"

"Well, I am sorry that I can't be interesting to a little brother who throws a fit every day!"

"With a sister like you Mrs-I-Can't-Tell-A-Boy-I-Like-Them-But-Can't-Since-I-Am-Clearly-Oblivious-That-He-Likes-Me-Back! how can't I with your boring talks about his silver and red hair!" he yelled back as Kiku blushed a crimson red.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" asked Theodore in slight jealousy as Seigen, and Flame even though he was currently an eyeball, face palmed.

"Are you kidding me, man?" asked Seigen as his best friend looked at him.

"About what?"

"Nevermind." he grumbled as Flame said under his breath, "So dense."

As the little argument went on and on, the grandma stood up, "Enough!" said the blue haired woman with the authority of a drill sergeant, "You two should know how to be when there are guests over, am I right!?"

"Yeah, grandma." said the two Kamishirakawas as they dropped their heads down. It was kinda funny to see the always nice and always to help out Kiku and the troublemaking Kiki, having arguments and being stopped by their usually nice, gentle and caring grandma.

"Good. Now, I expect you two to be respectful to each other and to the guests while they are here, am I clear?" asked Kimika as they nodded.

"Yes, grandma." said the two siblings as Kimika breathed in and out. Good. She can relax as her grandchildren won't fight again.

She then looked at the two guests, well two of the three since she couldn't see Flame from the silver-red haired boy. She walked towards the two with a smile.

"Theodore! Seigen! Oh how much I missed seeing you two!" she walked over to the two and gave them the biggest kisses on the cheek imaginable, with them being slightly uncomfortable with it.

"Yeah, we missed you too, ma'm."

"What he said." said Seigen and finished Theodore.

Kiku and Kiki had small smirks on their faces when they saw them trying to get the lipstick off of them, but failing in the process. Kiku then looked at how many plates of sweets Kiki ate, and his expression told her everything.

Oh she is both going to hate and enjoy this. She has a sweet tooth, but not that big.

When they got to Kiku's room, which was a normal room with a bed, a table, a chair, a TV, one Blue Angel poster and a closet, they got a whole plate of sweets, from Kimika herself and they knew it wouldn't be the last, and placed it on Kiku's table.

They placed their bags on her bed and took out their duel disks, Theodore's was already on him with Flame patiently waiting with him. Kiku's was one of the newer products from SOL Tech, but thanks to Seigen's hacker skills that won't be a problem. Seigen's was that of Theodore's, but the red colours were green instead and the yellow parts were blue.

Kiku locked the door...but then realized the implications, so she unlocked the door.

They all looked at each other and nodded, Flame ready to meet to fight against the people that tried to fight against them and kill him.

They all readied their duel disks and said at the same time, "It's Time To Link Into The VRAINS!" Their duel disks said, "INTO THE VRAINS!"


Three figures appeared on the top of a rooftop of a building. They all looked at the sky to reveal screens of The Gore ready to duel a fan in what looked like Paris while Blue Angel ready to duel a fan as well in a place that looked like Spain.

Theodore's avatar, or should we call him, Soulburner had the same exact height and weight as him in real life, but everything else is different. His hair was dark blue at the bottom, light blue on the top, orange on the front with light orange in the middle of it and in the other orange hair were highlights of the lighter orange. His eyebrows were dark blue. His pupils were red as the sun while around it was yellow.

He wore a long red scarf with his suit being skin tight. The top part of it was light gray around his torso with red shoulder pads and on his biceps was fire with light orange coloured with red gauntlets, on his right was longer than his left one with it reaching down to his hands that was a gray glove which was were his duel disk and Flame were, while the other was shorter with wearing a red fingerless gloves. On the gauntlets were green lining. There were orange lining from his neck to the start of his stomach, but in the middle of the torso was a triangle-like object like a heart that was light green.

Around the orange lining and around his hips were the yellow coloured parts of the skin suit and on the hips were red coloured parts of the skin suit. On his hips was a metal like belt buckle that contained his Deck, Extra Deck and banish zone. The lower part of his skin suit was gray with the occasional orange like fire on them as he wore gauntlets on his knees with green lining with red shoes, orange lining on the shoes and had gray pieces on the front.

Kiku's Avatar, or her name in Link VRAINS, Frostgirl is similar in a lot of ways to her in real life. Her hazel eyes have been turned into green eyes and her blue hair remained the same in colour, but it also had light blue highlights around her hair, and like in real life, it was on her left shoulder. She wore a scarf around her neck that was dark blue at the top and light blue at the bottom.

Underneath her jacket, she wore a light blue shirt that had no sleeves so it would be more comfortable, and onto her suit, she wore a long white jacket that went down to her stomach with red lining all around her that was with no sleeves, but on the inside it was dark pink. On the side of her torso it was black, but under it was dark blue, but on the side of her stomach was dark pink and on the end of her long jacket around her legs was dark blue lining. Around her hips was a belt that contained two deck boxes for her Deck, Extra Deck and banish zone.

She also wore dark blue arm tights, dark blue fingerless gloves and blue cuffs that reach to her the middle of her forearms, and on the top of her wrist was a bracelet that acted exactly like a duel disk should. She wore dark blue leggings with light blue lining on them. Her boots were a combination of blue, light blue and white straps.

Seigen, or now known as Stormrider, is like the others. Taller than both of them. His hair was dark green at the top, light green on the bottom, but around his hair were dark blue highlights, with a few red highlights. He wore green goggles to protect his now brown eyes and green eyebrows. He wore a dark green scarf around his neck.

He wore a long black onesie that reached down to his knees as they were green gauntlets like the others, but this time it had blue lining. On the side of his stomach, it was red, on the side of his torso it was yellow, and in the middle was a bright red chest piece that was similar to one of Soulburner. Unlike his friends, his onesie actually had sleeves which reached down to his wrist while wearing blue fingerless sleeves and with dark red stars on each knuckle. His shoes were a combination of red, yellow, dark green, dark blue and tiny pieces of black.

"Woah!" yelled Soulburner as he looked at his hands and gripped them hard which he actually felt. It was so strange that something so digital, but so real was possible. "I look awesome!"

Flame appeared from his duel disk with the body that remained as he crossed his arms and nodded, "Indeed you do, Soulburner. I have to say that it is quite eye-catching from the normal avatars." he said as he observed the other avatars, not Frostgirl and Stormrider's.

Stormrider and Frostgirl also looked at their avatars and couldn't help, but look at themselves as it looked really cool and awesome. They turned around and saw every detail and they were impressed by the attention and detail of their design.

While Stormrider did hack into Link VRAINS so his, and his friends', ID won't be revealed, he didn't have the time for Link VRAINS due to school and spending time with his friends, or hacking something. Both of them can get used to this.

"I look fantastic!" said Stormrider as he looked at everything around him as then he stopped for a second, "I wonder if I can add a cape." he said to himself as Frostgirl, Soulburner and Flame looked at him for a second.

"Don't judge me."

"I don't know about you guys, but I think I look great in this!" Frostgirl said with pride with a small grin on her face.

"Yeah! I think you look better than great, Kik- erm, Frostgirl!" said Soulburner with a toothy smile on his face, a blush on his face and with a thumbs up.

And just like that all of the pride in Kiku's body left as she turned around with a crimson red face. She placed her hands under chin, "Bette-better? Aww, thanks." she kinda droned for a while.

Soulburner titled his head, "Hey, what happened? Why is your face so red? Are you sick?" He asked for her well-being and didn't quite understand why she was acting like this.

"No, no, no, I am fine. I just feel something hot."

"Really? Well I do hope you get better."

Stormrider and Flame looked at each other and with only looks they had a whole conversation that went like this: "Can you believe this guy?" "I am afraid that I can not believe that he is that oblivious to her feelings for him. Even I, with almost no emotions, can tell about their feelings to each other." "You try being around them for more than 75% of your life." "I am so sorry for you." "Don't be and before you ask, no you do not get used to it." "Well this is going to be a nightmare for us because of these two dolts." "True that, Flame. I just hope that they can just get in on with each other early." "Same."

As they finished their inner dialogue with each other, Stormrider decided to ask something about his best friend, the one with no Ignis, "Why is it so blue?"

Frostgirl got out of her mini love strike as she looked at Stormrider, "Oh! Well...I...based it around Blue Angel's design." she said, rubbing the back of her head with her arm at the back.

All three of them nodded at the same time, it wasn't a big deal, not in the slightest, to best the design of someone you look up to, it's just the lengths to go through.

But it was just some inspiration so it was fine.

She then looked at Soulburner, and then turned around with a blush on her face.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I am fine!"

"Are you sure because you kept turning around whenever you look at me? Do you not like it?"

"No! Of course not! It's just..." she thought about an excuse and a lightbulb appeared on her head, "...I need to get used to it!"

"Oh. Well, okay then, I have to agree with yours also. You look fantastic." and like that she almost fell down.

Stormrider and Flame looked at each other again and had a small conversation once again that went like this: "We need to set them up on a date. Fast." "Agreed."

After a few minutes of Frostgirl trying not to fall unconscious after looking at Soulburner, they looked up in the sky to show two sets of TVs, one revealing Gore and the other revealing Blue Angel.

An announcer with a red suit and a black tie that was outside of Link VRAINS began his announcement, "Greetings dueling fans! Today we are bringing you a twofer with the two most famous Celebrity duelists for a dueling special!"

"In one zone is the Number 1 Celebrity Duelist, The Gore, or Gore for short! His dueling is redefined like his muscles that are as puffed as his dueling fans!" the zone revealed Gore hitting his chest with one hand as he could hear the excitement from his fans and the person he was dueling.

"And in the other zone is the Number 2 Celebrity duelist known as Blue Angel!" the other zone revealed Blue Angel as she waved at her fan and in the cameras as she could actually hear from Link VRAINS, and in her real life home, the cheers from her fans, "Listen to that! The True Blue Crew is out and forced today! Do these duelists have what it takes to climb the Link VRAINS championship ladder? Well let's find out right here and right now! As they begin their duel!"

They all stared at the screen for a couple of seconds to see the duel, kinda getting distracted to see how well they can see their duels.

Soulburner kept hearing about some storms so he decided to look around with Flame not saying a word as he thought he felt like it was familiar. He took a peek and his eyes widened as Flame's widened much bigger.

"Woah, what is this thing?!" yelled out in shock Soulburner as he got Frostgirl and Stormrider's attention. They quickly walked towards him and looked down, but they weren't shocked as he was.

"Uhm, you do know about-

"You guys have Data Storms in Link VRAINS?" asked Flame in shock as they looked at each other.

"Wait, how do you know about them?" asked Stormrider.

"What is a Data Storm?" asked Soulburner.

"Well to answer both of your questions, Data Storms are storms that can only be Accessed in the Cyberse and in Link VRAINS which give them free Access to a new Cyberse monster, which explains how I made the Salamangreat." Stormrider, Frostgirl and Soulburner nodded as they understood that Data Storms were powerful enough to go through several networks and in the second largest Network System.

Flame looked at the small Data from the Data Storm, "Although, in here it isn't as strong as from the Cyberse, but in no way is it weak. It could still knock out any duelist from Link VRAINS from the System for a while."

Frostgirl clicked her tongue, "No wonder we must use hoverboards to surf on them. They could hurt you both here and probably in real life."

"Wait, what?"

"What do you not understand about that?" asked Stormrider as Soulburner looked at him.

"I don't understand how and why hoverboards are used in this situation. Can anyone explain to me?" he asked as Stormrider nodded.

"Okay, in simple terms, they are spawn as soon as you jump from a building and if you could fall from a building so you don't have to spawn with them and they are the only way to Speed Duel on them." he explained to his best friend as Soulburner nodded slowly, understanding what he meant.

However he didn't know about one part of his sentence, in more simpler words, the last part, "Wait Speed Dueling? Isn't that just normal Master Dueling?"

"Okay, no, Tedd- Soulburner, this is going to take some time to get used to," Frostgirl said under her breath as she looked at her not so subtle crush, "Master and Speed Dueling are different from each other. Master Dueling is the one that we used to play with, but Speed Dueling is supposed to be faster, as it is in its name."

"I understand, but what are the differences?" he asked as Flame looked at him from his duel disk.

"Well to be quick, it has no Main Phase 2, your starting hand is 4, unlike 5, your monster and Spell and Trap zones are now limited to 3 slots, but the Extra Monster zones stay the same." explained Flame as Soulburner finally understood everything about what he needs to do to fight against the Knights Of Hanoi.

"Okay, so I have to jump directly on these storms and then a hoverboard will come and save me so I can have a Speed Duel with someone?" he said as everyone nodded.

"Pretty much."

"Great. Well, let's go then!" he said as he jumped from the building as then a red with the mix with blue, yellow and green hoverboard appeared under his feet as he surfed on the Data Storms.

"Now you are speaking my language!" said Stormrider as he also jumped from the building and under his feet appeared a hoverboard with the combination of dark green, light green, red, blue and black. He then surfed with his best friend.

"Hey! Wait up!" yelled Frostgirl as she also jumped from the building and under her feet appeared a hoverboard to support her that has the combination of dark blue, light blue, light yellow, dark orange, some green linings and some parts are black.

Flame was with them the entire time and was quiet the entire time as he enjoyed the ride.

"So, I need to sharpen my skills to fight against the Hanoi, so who should duel me first?" Soulburner asked as his two best friends looked at each other.

"Dibs." said Stormrider as he went towards his best friend.

"Di- damn it." Frostgirl snapped her fingers in frustration as she wanted to duel him, but hey, she gets to duel him after they are done.

"So, are you ready? Because I am not going easy on you." said Stormrider as Soulburner smirked.

"Like that will scare me. I need to perfect this deck for me, you two and Flame." he could tell that Flame smiled what he said, "So you two need to go all on against me."

Stormrider smirked, "Well, I tried to warn you." They both looked at each other as then they yelled at the same time "DUEL!"

Soulburner: 4000 lp

Stormrider: 4000 lp

Speed Duel!

Turn 1.

Both duelists drew their 4 cards as Frostgirl was behind them, closely watching the duel.

"I'll go first!" yelled Soulburner as then he grabbed the top card in his deck, "I draw!" he yelled as he then drew his top card. He looked at Flame, whose arms were crossed.

"I believe that you should start the way that you think it is more appropriate." that's all that he could say as Soulburner nodded on what his best friend meant by that.

He looked at his hand, trying to find the best type of first opening field, so he decided to pick one with a great effect and decent stats for that type of monster. "Okay, I will being by summoning by Salamangreat Jack Jaguar!"

Directly on his side of the field appeared a jaguar who had 6 spikes, 3 on each side, which were made on what looked like from coal with molten magma in it as if it was on fire. It had blue eyes as it had a small blue orb in the middle. It had a small black coal type of material. Its skin was brown, dark blue and black. It roared when summoned.

(Salamangreat Jack Jaguar: Level 4 - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 1800. Defense: 1200.)

At SOL Tech

Zaizen stood in a room as the security manager, looking over any and all problems in Link VRAINS as he looked over the massive TV with Blue Angel and Gore dueling most of their fans in one place, feeling guilty that he is using the former for SOL Tech, but had a small smile on his face as he could see how much the former is having fun.

"Zaizen! Sir! We have noticed something that should be seen!" said one of the employees as they had a notification about Soulburner and Stormrider's duel against each other.

"Tell me right now." said Zaizen as he looked at the employee who yelled.

"It's a type of monster that no one has ever seen before. It's called something like Cyberse." said one of the employees as Zaizen's eyes widened, but nodded.

"I understand. Show it to me." said Zaizen.

"Got it." said the employee as they did some inputs on their keyboard and on the massive TV was shown of Soulburner having a Link-3 Salamangreat monster with a set card while Stormrider had 2 Ritual Monsters on his side of the field.

He narrowed his eyes as he knew that the higher ups had seen this as well as him.

"So, this is one of the Cyberse monsters." said Rook as he was in a room with the other chess pieces as Bishop, Knight, Queen and King as they watched the footage of the duel.

"It looks different from other monsters. I wonder what those monsters could do." said Bishop as he wondered how powerful it had to be that the person they considered as their biggest enemy wanted to destroy it.

"Most likely something that could damage the other duelist." said Knight as he wanted to see them continue on with their duel because he was the one that liked watching duels over the other higher ups.

"Forget about him and those monsters, what about that tiny being one of their duel disks, that has to be an Ignis." said Queen as she looked over and saw that tiny being on Soulburner's duel disk with his arms crossed as he looked over his partner's duel against his best friend.

"It is indeed an Ignis. It is tinier than I imagined." said Rook as said his thoughts about how tiny Flame was.

"I have to agree. If Varis wanted to destroy the Cyberse, I thought they would be massive beings as the same size as us, but like that, I don't think anyone could have seen that." said Knight as he said Varis' name in spite due to him being related to the person that almost destroy the Cyberse.

"Well enough about that, all we have to look at their IDs and their location and we have to steal the Ignis away from them so we can have access to the Cyberse." said Queen in confidence as she thought how easy it would get the Cyberse World in only an afternoon.

"Unfortunately for all of us," they all turned to King, "I have tried to search for the one with Ignis and his ID, but all I can see is his duel record and how long he has been in Link VRAINS. In other words, his location is unknown to us." he said to everyone as it shocked them that someone like this could hack their System so he couldn't be traced.

"What?!" yelled Queen, Knight and Rook at the same time.

"Are you sure, King? You didn't double check, right?" asked Bishop as he was the second most calm higher up in SOL Tech, the first one is King.

"I am sorry to tell you, Bishop, but I have tried my hardest to hack into his ID, but I found nothing." said King in an angered, but calm voice at the same time.

"So what do we do then to get that Ignis?" asked Queen as she was the one to quickly to be angered even with a superiority complex. She wanted to get that Ignis as quickly as possible so her headache could go away.

"Well we either have to let the Knights Of Hanoi, or even Varis, get it before us, we go there and get it ourselves, or we should get Akira to get the best duelists he could find and hire them to get the duelist's Ignis. Either way, this wouldn't be easy for us." said King as the others sighed.

"I think we should wait and see how this could go." Bishop gave out his opinion of this matter since he thought it would be the best way to see how the duelist can go.

"I agree with Bishop as it would be more interesting for us." said Knight as he agreed with him and his interesting idea.

"I concur. All we know about the duelist with the Ignis is that he has an Ignis and nothing more, we should know his playing style and how he acts during the duel." Rook gave his thoughts on the matter since he was right that they only know about Soulburner is that Flame is with him.

"Fine! I just hope this will end in us getting the Ignis and making our Ultimate AI." said Queen impatiently as she looked at them dueling in interest.

"Alright, since it has the majority of the vote, let's continue observing the duelist with the Ignis." said King in the issue as they continued to watch Soulburner and Stormrider's duel with Frostgirl behind them the entire way.

With The Knights Of Hanoi

Varis looked at the duel against the two best friends dueling against each other with interest on his part. The only thing that was in his line of sight was the thing he promised himself that he would destroy: The Fire Ignis.

He heard 4 figures appearing behind him. He didn't even turn around as he knew it was his right hand man and the 3 commanders of the Knights of Hanoi.

"Master Varis, I am sure that you know about the duelist with the Fire Ignis has appeared in Link VRAINS. The one thing that we want is your thoughts on what we should do." asked Specter, interested in the leader of the Knights Of Hanoi's opinion about this.

"Should one of us go there and duel him?" asked the only female commander of the Knights Of Hanoi. She had gray eyes and on her lips she had pink lipstick. Her hair was red coloured, but it also had orange highlights in them. On the left side of her face was a gray mask with golden parts around it with a green gem in it so it could stick on her forehead. She wore a bracelet for a duel disk. She wore white leggings, white boots, white dress and a white jacket with purple linings. Her name was Baira.

"I agree with Baira on this, Master Varis. Any one of us could go against him and get the Ignis for you." said the commander with blue hair. His eyes were dark gray as he had a small mustache and a blue goatee. His hair was dark blue on the top, and around his ears was light blue. He also wore a mask on his left side of his face with a green gem also like Baira. He wore a white shirt, white pants, a white jacket, white boots with brown lining on him. He also wore a bracelet for a duel disk. His name was Faust.

"I say, I should go first! I would use his DNA wonderfully." said the green haired commander. His pupils were much smaller than the others as they were dark orange. His hair was that like a bush. His hair was green on the top, but on the bottom was dark green. He also wore a mask, with the pupil smaller than the others with a much bigger green gem than Baira and Faust. He wore a white shirt, white pants, white boots and a white jacket with dark blue lining on them. His name was Genome.

"No, none of you should go right now," said Varis as they all looked at him.

"So I should go, or you Master Varis? I am fine with either one." said Specter as Varis shook his head.

"What I am saying is that even though I think any of you could do it, I don't think you should go right now, in a later time sure, but now, no." said Varis as they all looked at him.

"But Master Varis, why?" asked Faust in a respectful tone.

"Because of 3 reasons." He said as he turned around and showed his index finger, "One: We don't know anything about this duelist, so it would be wise of us not to rush in." he said as he showed his index and middle finger "Two: If we continue watching him duel, we can get to know how his deck works and we could create the perfect counter against him." he then lifted his ring finger, "Three: We need to know at what ballpark he is, he could be on my level, which I highly doubt, or he could be at the lowest part of the Knights of Hanoi so we should get a proximation of his dueling capabilities."

They all understood what he meant as they nodded at their leader.

"Understood, Master Varis." all of them said at the same time.

"So, if I understood it perfectly, we should send one of the weaker Knights of Hanoi?" asked Specter as Varis nodded.

"Precisely. Number 10, come here," he snapped his fingers as a person in white cloak and a mask that covered most of his face appeared on his knees kneeling in front of everyone.

"I am here to do any of your wishes, Master Varis." said the Knight Of Hanoi.

"Good. I want you to find this person," he pointed at the Fire Cyberse user behind him, "And I want you to get the Ignis from him. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Master Varis." said the Knight Of Hanoi.

"But before you go, I want you to use this." Varis as he threw a card at the Knight of Hanoi.

The Knight caught it and he smirked as he saw it was Cracking Dragon. "I will not disappoint you Master Varis." he disappeared.

The leader of the Knights of Hanoi looked at the commanders, "You are all dismissed."

They all nodded as they disappeared, but only Specter remained.

"I want to watch this duel with you as well." said Specter as he went to Varis, to which he nodded.

"That's fine by me." he said as they looked around to see the duel.

Meanwhile with the Knight Of Hanoi, he stood there on top of a building near where The Gore was dueling someone. He looked around and smirked, pulling out the very card given from Master Varis.

"This world will know the power of the Knights Of Hanoi! Go, Cracking Dragon! I Summon Thye to destroy the Ignis!" he jumped as he then summoned the Godzilla-like monster, revealing his and the monster's identity as they could see him standing on top of the Cracking Dragon.

"What the?!" Gore looked around to see a massive monster coming towards him and his fan. The fan looked behind him to see the massive monster behind him and coming towards him.

"Oh no you don't!" yelled The Gore as he ran towards his fan and jumped at him, saving him and himself from the dragoon as it came down near the ground. He looked over and he saw the dragon destroying everything around him.

The buildings, the lamps, everything as it went towards a straight path, but not before creating massive fire from the mouth of the dragon, melting everything around it with the Knight Of Hanoi standing on top of the building, arms crossed with a massive smirk on his face.

Creating what once was a fun field place where everyone could have fun and enjoy the scenery, was turned into a destroyed city where no one could ever play again until it was safe from harm's way again.

Gore gripped his hand and gritted his teeth, "How could those pesky Knights do this." he said under his breath, growling with every word and hating the fact that he had to see this destruction. He stopped to think about someone else.

"Wait, what about Blue Angel and the others!?" he yelled, dropping his fan on the ground, as gently as possible, as his brown, gold, black and red hoverboard appeared beneath his feet as he went towards the Knight Of Hanoi.

In real life, a certain blue, purple haired boy from Den City stood up as he saw the destruction going on from the Knights Of Hanoi. "Kolter! Start up the machine! I have to fight the Knights Of Hanoi right now!"

The man with a purple goatee named Kolter nodded, "I already did, bud! Now go and kick some butt!"

The blue haired boy nodded as he took his blue duel disk as he went into the machine inside of the hot dog truck.

Meanwhile as Blue Angel began running away from the destruction and mayhem caused by the Knight Of Hanoi and Cracking Dragon, not wanting to turn into dragon food and crushed bones.

She saw from the corner of her eyes a man with purple, yellow and red hair appear in Link VRAINS, but she ignored it as she tried to get away from Cracking Dragon as fast as possible.

Unfortunately she couldn't run fast enough as she was in direct way of a fireball of the Cracking Dragon, but she was then saved in just the last minute by the same guy she ignored that appeared a couple of seconds ago.

The man stood up, the person that saved her life, well digital life, as he raised his duel disk, but the Knight Of Hanoi ignored him as he went straight towards Soulburner. "Huh?" He looked over and saw that he wasn't going towards him. He looked at his duel disk, "Kolter did you see that?" the man asked his duel disk as Kolter responded.

"I did, bud, and it looks you aren't the target, but I might have a decent approximation on who exactly they are after." said Kolter as the man nodded.

"Alright, I will go offli-"

"Hey," the man turned around to see Blue Angel standing up with a smile on her face and a small blush on her face, "Thanks for saving my butt from that dragon."

The man blushed as well, but not a very visible one as he turned around and said "It's the least I can do." he said logging off.

"Hey! Quit your flirting with the guy that logged off. Did you not see the destruction that has happened here!?" yelled Gore as Blue Angel turned around to see him.

"For the record I was only thanking him and of course, you nimrod!" she yelled at the person who was on a hoverboard, "I was in the crossfire of the fire from that dragon and he saved me before I turned into BBQ!"

"Oh. I am sorry. I didn't know"

"Ah it's fine." she sighed as she looked over to The Gore, "Hey, do you know the person that saved me?"

"I am not fully sure, but I think it was Playmaker that kept fighting the Knights Of Hanoi, but then again I could be wrong." said Gore as he scratched his chin.

"Good to know." she said nodding.

"Okay if you are done planning your future dates with that guy, we have to go and see where that Knight is going!" he said as he flew upwards.

"Oh...about that..."

"What? Do you not know how to fly in these?" asked Gore.

"No, I do, it's because of..." she couldn't tell him the real reason why she doesn't have a hoverboard with her, she didn't want to get stalked by her fans due to public knowledge of the security managers at SOL Tech, "...I pissed off the security manager and he banned me from using hoverboards. I can't do it even if I wanted to." she said.

"I have so many questions about that, but I'll ignore them. I'll go and see what is the big deal about the Knight Of Hanoi." he said flying off while doing a small hand wave at them.

Meanwhile with Soulburner, Stormrider and Frostgirl

"Since I destroyed your Salamangreat Heatleo and you have no more monsters left on your side of the field," began Stormrider as his two Ritual monsters and his Sacred Phoenix were behind him with Soulburner having no monsters on his side of the field and Flame standing on his duel disk with arms crossed, with Frostgirl behind them, "I can attack you directly with Devotee and Conductor Of Nephthys! Go!"

He yelled as his two Ritual monsters started flames from their hands with chants. When they were done, they shot the flames directly towards Soulburner.

Soulburner: 2500 - 500 - 0 life points

Stormrider: 1600 lp


"Dang it, I was so close to winning." said Soulburner as he looked at his best friend. "Well, I guess you win some you lose some."

"Come on, don't beat yourself up, you did made me use most of my deck to get over your Link-3 monster, so be proud of that." said Stormrider as he got closer to give his thoughts on the matter.

"Yeah, Ted- Soulburner, I really have to get used to that," Frostgirl said to herself, "You did a good job for your first Link VRAINS duel."

"I have to agree with everyone else here. While you did lose the duel, for your first time here, you did a decent job. I can see it in you that you have potential that couldn't be matched with anyone." said Flame as Soulburner rubbed the back of his head.

"Come on you three, you are making me blush." he said as he then eyed at Frostgirl who did the same. "I hope you are ready since I am not going easy on you."

"Neither am I." she readied her duel disk as he did at the same time, but then they heard a voice.

"HEY! YOU WITH THE IGNIS!" yelled the Knight Of Hanoi as they all looked at him with Cracking Dragon with him.

"I am never getting my chance to duel you, am I?" said Frostgirl in sadness as she went to the sidelines as did Stormrider.

"Yeah! What about me!?" yelled Soulburner as he raised his duel disk to reveal Flame on the duel disk, glaring at the Knight.

"You have the Ignis, and me and my Master want that! So how about a little duel?" he asked in a commanding tone.

"What is it?" said Soulburner as he already knew what was about to happen.

The Knight grinned, "We have a duel, if you win, you can have anything from me, but if I win, I'll get that Ignis with me!" he yelled.

Soulburner looked at his partner, "Are you ready to show our stuff?"

"Affirmative, Soulburner!" said Flame as they both turned to the Knight. They nodded.

"That's fine by us!"

"Great! Then I should get my board!" he jumped from Cracking Dragon as a hoverboard with a white, yellow and green colouring appeared on his feet and his Dark Machine disappeared.

Gore went close to see what is going on and unknown to him and the rest, they are being filmed by two drones, so Zaizen, the higher ups, the two people from earlier, one of them being Kolter, and the Knights of Hanoi are watching the duel as well, with an audience without an announcer because he fled as soon as he saw Cracking Dragon destroy cities.

The two looked at each other and yelled at the same time, "DUEL!"

Knight Of Hanoi: 4000 lp

Soulburner: 4000 lp

Speed Duel!

Turn 1.

"Alright, I'll make the first move!" yelled the Knight as he swiped his arm to reveal 4 cards in his hand. He picked one of the cards in his hand, "Since you control no monsters on your side of the field, I get to special summon my Hack Worm!"

He yelled as then a small serpent-like dragon appeared on his side of the field. Inside of it was purple, while outside it was brown with green lining on the skin, with yellow spikes on its neck, tail and on the back of the monster.

(Hack Worm: Level 1 - Dark Machine - Attack: 400. Defense: 0.)

"And that's not all since I have a second copy in my hand, I get to special summon it again! So appear, a second copy of Hack Worm!" said the Knight Of Hanoi as then a second copy of Hack Worm appeared on his side of the field.

(Hack Worm: Level 1 - Dark Machine - Attack: 400. Defense: 0.)

"Two monsters on his side of the field already?" Soulburner bit his lip.

"It appears so. With that he has options for either an XYZ summon, Link Summon, or judging by the monster he was riding on," Flame's eyes narrowed as he remembered the reason why he doesn't have his full memory, "A Tribute Summon."

"Oh, how right you are Ignis! I tribute my two Hack Worms on my side of the field, so I can Tribute Summon your defeat!" his two Dark Machine monsters disappeared from his field as he grabbed one card from his hand as he announced his next move.

"So appear! The very monster given to me by the leader of Hanoi!" the Knight yelled as everyone either gasped, widened their eyes or in Varis' case, smirked, "The dangerous being known as Cracking Dragon!"

On the Knight Of Hanoi's side of the field appeared a massive dragon that was almost the same size as an entire building. Its skin was made out the toughest material and it was coloured like the deep space and the abyss. Its eyes and the other glass was coloured bright neon green from its head to its back. Around the dragon there were several spikes around the dangerous dragon, sharp enough to cut down a building. It cackled when summoned.

(Cracking Dragon: Level 8 - Dark Machine - Attack: 3000. Defense: 0.)

"Woah! Look at the size of that thing!" yelled Frostgirl in shock as Stormrider nodded.

"It's as massive as an entire building!" he yelled.

"I've seen bigger." said Gore as he saw dragons that were bigger and tougher to fight against in his time, but he would be lying if he wasn't impressed at the shere look at it.

The Knight then took a card from his hand, "I'll then end my turn with one card set." a card was set vertically. When he did, he smirked, "That fool doesn't know it, but my Cracking Dragon can not be destroyed by battle with a monster with a lower level. Even if he somehow has one monster, my Trap, Storming MIrror Force, will just return the monster back to his hand and he wouldn't have a single way to return to his field."

Turn 2. Soulburner - 4000 lp - 4 cards

"A strong monster with 3000 attack points. It isn't bad for a first turn." commented Flame as he looked at Soulburner's current hand, nodding as he saw a decent combo with it.

"Yeah, it's hard for me to even think of a way to destroy that thing." said Soulburner as Flame noticed something on where it was placed.



"Take a look at the monster zone he placed his monster in," said Flame as his partner looked at it, confused.

"Okay?" he looked for a second until he understood why. His Cracking Dragon was on a zone where one of his Link monsters points to, "...oh. OH! I have a great combo to take that thing down!"

"Then let's go and defeat that monster!" said Flame as Soulburner nodded and placed his fingers on his deck.

"Right! I draw!" he yelled as he drew his card. He put the card in his hand as he took another from it. "I'll start by summoning my Salamangreat Wolvie!" On his side of the field appeared a wolf that had flames on its back. It had yellow eyes. Its skin was dark red and beige at some parts of its skin.

(Salamangreat Wolvie: Level 4 - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 1700. Defense: 1000.)

"So there it is..."

"...a Cyberse monster." began Varis and finished King.

"Kolter," said the younger man as Kolter looked at him, "Do you know anything about the type of monster?"

"Sorry, bud, but I have no idea what that is in any way." he said as the younger man sighed.

Zaizen looked at it with narrowed eyes. Gore looked at the monster like it grew a couple of heads. The audience all gasped as they have never seen a monster with that type.

"A Cyberse monster?"

"What is that?"

"I don't know, man."

"It looks awesome!"

"I want one!"

"Same here!"

The Knight however smirked, "There it is, my target." he said under his breath as he began shouting the next sentence, "I activate my Cracking Dragon's effect! When you summon a monster, it loses 200 attack points for every level and you take damage equal to the lost attack point gain!"

"Sure, that would happen, but I can still summon a monster during your card's effect!" he said as he took one card from his hand, "When I summon a Salamangreat monster, I get to special summon it from my hand! So appear, Salamangreat Fowl!"

On his side of the field appeared a peacock where the flames were on the back of its body where the feathers should be, and also on the side. Its feathers that weren't on fire, were a variety of different shades of blue, raging from dark blue to turquoise.

(Salamangreat Fowl: Level 4 - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 1800. Defense: 200.)

The Knight gritted his teeth since he can't activate his monster's effect since it could use it when exactly one monster, and due to him special summoning it when he already activated the monster's effect, his Dark Machine's effect isn't implied to that monster's summon.

"Still, my monster's effect still goes through! Go, Crack Fall!" yelled the Knight Of Hanoi as both Wolvie and Soulburner glew blue for a little bit.

Salamangreat Wolvie: 1700 - 900 attack points

Knight: 4000 lp

Soulburner: 4000 - 3200 life points

"I am not done yet! I activate my Salamangreat Spinny's effect from my hand! I discard it," said Soulburner as he placed his Fire Cyberse monster in his graveyard as his Wolvie glew red for a little bit, "So my monster gains 500 attack points!"

Salamangreat Wolvie: 900 - 1400 attack points

"That doesn't change a thing. Your monster is still weaker than mine, and even if it were stronger, my monster can not be destroyed by monsters with a lower level!" yelled the Knight.

"Good thing we won't use a monster with a level." said Flame, shocking the Knight.

"That's right since I activate Spinny's graveyard effect! If I control a Salamangreat monster, I can special summon it onto my field, but it gets banished when it leaves the field." Soulburner took a card from his graveyard to which he took it and slammed it on his duel disk, "So come out, Salamangreat Spinny!"

On his side of the field appeared an armadillo lizard which was in a ball by its tail, which was on fire. Its spikes were golden and black as obsidian. The colouring scheme was brown, gold and black. It also covered Soulburner's last remaining monster zone that wasn't the Extra Monster zone.

(Salamangreat Spinny: Level 3 - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1500.)

"Did you forget my Cracking Dragon's effect?! Go, Crack Fall!" yelled the Knight as Soulburner and his monster glew blue for a bit.

Salamangreat Spinny: 1000 - 400 attack points

Knight: 4000 lp

Soulburner: 3200 - 2600 life points

Everyone noticed the number of monsters on the field, with Frostgirl and Stormrider smirking the whole time.

"It's time for one of his monsters."

"I can't wait!" said Stormrider and Frostgirl at the same time.

Soulburner looked at Flame, "Ready?" he asked his Ignis partner.

Flame nodded, "Ready." Soulburner grinned.

"Good, because now I blaze the circuit!" Soulburner sent tiny pieces of fire in the sky as a circuit with 8 arrows appeared on his side of the field as everyone waited in anticipation, "The Summoning conditions are at least 2 Fire monsters, so I set my Salamangreat Spinny, Wolvie and Fowl in the Link Arrows!"

His three monsters all went into 3 arrows, one at the top and two at the bottom, "I Link Summon! Link-3, Salamangreat Heatleo!" he yelled as a monster appeared from the circuit. The monster was a purple skinned lion. It had orange gold like wings on the back of its body and it had two heads on its hands. Around his knees, chest, torso, head, wings, arms and hands was a golden skin. On his head-like claws appeared fire so hot it could burn anything in his way.

(Salamangreat Heatleo: Link - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 2300. Link-3. Link Arrows: Top, Bottom-Left and Bottom-Right)

Flame pushed his hand forward, "Allow me to explain his effect! When he is Link Summoned, one card in your Spell and Trap zone is shuffled into your deck!" The Knight's eyes widened, but it wasn't visible.

Salamangreat Heatleo shot flames from its mouths that was so hard it propelled the set card on the Knight's Spell and Trap zone back into his deck.

"Whatever! Your monster is still weaker than mine, so you can't get over it!" yelled the Knight in defiance, but Soulburner grinned.

"Really? Then how about I change it! I activate the Equip Spell, Salamangreat Spirit!" he yelled using almost his entire hand, "This card can only be equipped to Salamangreat Link Monsters, which it protects from any type of battle!"

"Not only that, it gains attack points equal to the monster it points to, and if I am seeing correctly, your Cracking Dragon is one of them!" yelled Flame as the Knight took a step backwards as Varis narrowed his eyes.

Salamangreat Heatleo: 2300 - 5300 attack pointsž

"Since Heatleo is a Link Monster, your monster can be destroyed by him." said Soulburner as he closed his eyes, but a second later he reopened it with fire coming out of it, "Battle! Salamangreat Heatleo attack Cracking Dragon! Heat Soul!"

Salamangreat Heatleo went towards the Cracking Dragon and destroyed it with a single strike from one of his fists covered with immense fire.

Salamangreat Heatleo: 5300 - 2300 attack points

Knight: 4000 - 1700 life points

Soulburner: 2600 lp

"He just destroyed a powerful monster and cleared his board with one turn." said Gore under his breath, as he then went faster, not wanting him to get all of the spotlight.

"With that, I end my turn." said Soulburner as he had no Main Phase 2.

Turn 3 Knight Of Hanoi - 1700 lp - 0 cards

"Don't think that you best a Knight like me! I activate my Skill!" yelled the Knight as all of the lining of his body glew.

"Wait...Skill?" asked Soulburner as he never heard about that part.

"Crap! We forgot to tell him about that part!" yelled Stormrider.

"How could we forget!?" Frostgirl slapped herself on the forehead.

"I...kinda forgot to tell you this, but worry not! I can give you a quick explanation." Soulburner looked at Flame, "Skills are part of Speed Duel when you can activate only once in a duel. You can add cards, draw, get monsters, get Spells and Traps, gain life points and everything similar. I will explain your Skill because we can only activate it during your turn." he said as Soulburner nodded.

"Got it."

"My Skill, Double Draw, allows me to draw twice per Draw Phase!" two cards appeared on his duel disk to which he took them. He smirked when he saw them.

"First I will activate my Spell, Mystical Space Typhoon!"

"Oh Byte!"

"This card destroys one Spell or Trap on your side of the field, and I will choose your Salamangreat Spirit!" a large gust of wind appeared on his side of the field and went towards it, destroying his Equip Spell.

The Knight then swiped his arm to reveal one card left in his hand to which he activated it, "I will then activate my Spell, Monster Reborn! This card revives one card from either of our graveyards, so I will special summon back my Cracking Dragon!" he yelled as then on his side of the field was revived one mechanical dragon with black skin and black fins.

(Cracking Dragon: Level 8 - Dark Machine - Attack: 3000. Defense: 0.)

"Oh crap."

The Knight smirked, "Battle! Cracking Dragon attacks your Heatleo with Traffic Blast!" he yelled as from the mouth of the Dark Machine monster was then shot fire from it, able to destroy and overwhelm the Link monster.

Knight: 1700 lp

Soulburner: 2600 - 1900 life points

"That will do it for now. I end my turn." he said, finishing his turn.

Turn 4. Soulburner - 1900 lp - 1 card

"I must say Number 10 is doing a decent job." said Specter, "Summoning out a monster with 3000 attack points and being able to destroy almost all of his cards on his turn even with starting with a low life points counter and an empty hand."

"Yes, but you know as good as I, that isn't good enough. Faust, Genome and Baira could've beaten him the same turn, you would have made it so he wouldn't use his Extra Deck and me? I would have destroyed him on my first turn." said Varis as everyone in the Knights Of Hanoi knew that wasn't him being cocky, he was being factual.

No one in Link VRAINS could even match him in a duel, even if the commanders and Specter were somehow to rebel against him, he would still beat all of them with his many strategies and his ace monster. He was even rumoured to master all Summoning methods which almost no one has ever done before.

He wasn't a leader for nothing.

Back to the duel, "Well, I have to give it to him, he somehow managed to destroy my monster in one turn." He shook his head, placing his fingers on his deck. "I draw!" he yelled as he drew his card, but sadly, it wasn't enough.

"What's wrong?" asked Flame as Soulburner looked at him.

"Well, it's my hand. I have nothing in it to win the duel in it, and something tells me that he has something even more in his deck." he said while looking at the Fire Ignis.

"I understand your troubles at this, but I have a question. Do you remember when I said I will explain to you what your Skill is?" Soulburner nodded, "Good, because I have a Skill that could turn the tides in this duel and I feel like it's better to show you then to tell you what it does." said Flame as a screen popped up, revealing the effect of his Skill.

Soulburner read it and his eyes widened when he read it. It was one of the best effects he ever read!

He looked at the Knight of Hanoi, "I activate my Skill! Burning Draw!" fire appeared in his hand as he began to explain the effect, "This card allows me to lower my life points to a 100!"

Knight: 1700 lp

Soulburner: 1900 - 100 life points

"What?!/What?!" yelled Gore, the audience, the two people watching the duel, Zaizen, the higher ups, Stormrider, Frostgirl and even the Knight Of Hanoi. Only Varis and Specter were quiet about this effect.

"Why would you do that!?"

"Because of every 1000 life points he lost, he can draw a card!" Flame turned around to his partner as then fire appeared on him, "Bring The Heat, Soulburner!"

"Right on, Flame! I..." he smacked his chest plate and put his hand on his deck, "...Burning...DRAW!" he yelled as if a flame appeared on his card when he drew the card.

He looked at it and smiled. "It's time for this charade to end, I activate the Field Spell, Salamangreat Sanctuary!" One of the down sides to Speed Dueling is that the terrain doesn't change when you activate a Field Spell.

"And here is something special that only the Salamangreat's can have, it's called Reincarnation!" Many raised an eyebrow to that, "It will take me time to explain what it is, so how about I show it to everyone! But first, I activate the Equip Spell, Rising Fire!"

A card materialized in front of him as he began his move, "With this, if I have no monsters on my field, I can special summon a Fire monster in my graveyard with an added boost of 500 attack points, so come out! Salamangreat Heatleo!" His Heatleo appeared on his field once again.

(Salamangreat Heatleo: Link - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 2300 (- 2800). Link-3. Link Arrows: Top, Bottom-Left and Bottom-Right)

He then turned his hand into a ball as then a circuit appeared on his side of the field, "Thanks to my field Spell, I can now Reincarnate my Salamangreat Link monster by using it as the ENTIRE Link Material for a monster with the same name in my Extra Deck!"

"Say what?!" yelled the Knight of Hanoi as mostly everyone gasped hearing that.

"Interesting." said Varis, placing a hand under his chin.

"So I will blaze the circuit once more so I can reincarnate my Heatleo!" yelled Soulburner as Heatleo went towards the circuit with the might of a fire coming out of a mighty beast as he began to chant, "Reincarnation Link Summon! Rise again, from the valley of flames! Salamangreat Heatleo!"

From the circuit appeared Heatleo, but this time it felt much more powerful than the other version.

(Salamangreat Heatleo: Link - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 2300. Link-3. Link Arrows: Top, Bottom-Left and Bottom-Right)

"Here is the final effect of my Salamangreat Heatleo when it is Reincarnated! I can target one Salamangreat monster in my graveyard, like my Wolvie," he pointed at Cracking Dragon, "so a monster on your side of the field's attack point become the same!"

"Damn it!" yelled the Knight as Frostgirl and Stormrider cheered.

Cracking Dragon: 3000 - 1700 attack points

"Battle! Salamangreat Heatleo attacks your Cracking Dragon!" yelled Soulburner as like before, his Link Monster went and covered his fist into a burning sensation, and uppercutted the dragon, destroying it into pieces as everyone else cheered, that is the ones that are either the two people watching, the higher ups, Zaizen, Gore and the rest of the Knights Of Hanoi.

Knight: 1700 - 1100 life points

Soulburner: 100 lp

"Hah! Fool! You haven't defeated me yet! I still have life points, and during my next turn, I will revive Cracking Dragon to destroy you and I can get that Ignis!" the Knight Of Hanoi said in confidence.

"What!? Oh no," Flame said dramatically, "That is horrible! Oh the horror! I can't believe this!" he dropped what was remaining of his body as he turned to Soulburner, "It was a fun ride, Soulburner, and it was your pleasure to be my partner." he wiped a tear from his eye.

Soulburner was quiet for a second as he looked at his partner, "Why are you acting like I am going to lose?"

The Fire Ignis turned to him, "For drama."

"Yeah and that's what I thought! Since this duel ain't over!" he said as he took the final card from his hand, "Since I activate my Quick-Play Spell card, Salamangreat Transcendence!" he said as the Knight took a step back.


"Oh yes! With this card, I can use my Salamangreat Heatleo for a Link Summon once more! So I will blaze the circuit again!" a circuit appeared on his field as everyone knew what was about to happen, "I use Heatleo for the summoning condition!" Heatleo went to the circuit and filled the Link Arrows.

"Reincarnation Link Summon! Come, Salamangreat Heatleo!" he yelled as his Salamangreat Link monster appeared for the 4th time in this duel.

(Salamangreat Heatleo: Link - Fire Cyberse - Attack: 2300. Link-3. Link Arrows: Top, Bottom-Left and Bottom-Right)

"With this...

"...he won." started Frostgirl as Stormrider finished it, both with grins on their faces.

"Go! My monster attacks you directly! With Heat Soul!" Fire appeared from the Link Monster's faces and it shot directly towards the Knight Of Hanoi, making him fall to the nearest building.

Knight: 1100 - 0 life points

Soulburner: 100 lp


Everyone stared at the person that defeated the Knight Of Hanoi with respect, even the Gore did with a hint of jealousy.

"Looks like this wouldn't be easy to get to the Ignis after all." said Varis as Specter nodded.

"I have to agree, but when shall we strike?" he asked as Varis smirked.

"When the time is needed." That's all that he could say as both he and Specter logged off.

Kolter sighed as he watched the duel finish in Soulburner's favour, "Well, seems that the Knights Of Hanoi have a target to face and it isn't you, bud." he turned around to the younger boy.

"Yeah," the younger boy sighed. Despite him wanting to duel and defeat the Knights Of Hanoi by himself, he was kinda glad that someone is seen doing a much better job. Heck he might have been turn into a target. "Well, I do feel bad for Soulburner. He does have a massive target on his back after all of this."

"True that, bud." he looked at his watch and realized the time, "Anyway, you should go home and have some rest. It's getting late, you know?"

The younger male sighed as he stood up, "Fine."

"So this was the might of the Cyberse? How interesting." said Rook.

"Not to mention having an interesting idea for a summon method," said Knight.

"I want to see more of the power of the Cyberse to see its limit," said Bishop.

"All I know is that once we know everything about that little guy, our plan of creating the ultimate AI will be soon to be completed," said Queen.

"Indeed, Queen. We need to get to that Ignis faster than Varis could." said King.

"I will give an order to Zaizen to get as many duelists as possible to get that Ignis," said Rook as he disappeared.

Soulburner's popularity skyrocketed as everyone who saw the duel instantly became a fan of him and they wanted to get an interview, despite not wanting one. It's gonna be a chore to get to Link VRAINS after this duel for him.

Soulburner, Frostgirl and Stormrider landed on top of a building since Flame gave them an order to do so, not for any other reason other and to get some data from him, towards the defeated Knight of Hanoi.

He looked upwards, "You know that this means war."

They all looked at each other and then to the Knight, "Well pack your weapons." said Frostgirl.

"'Cause we aren't going down that easy." Stormrider said, determined.

"Understand?" asked Soulburner as he brought his head down too tired from his fight against the Fire Cyberse user.

"Now to get some data back!" said Flame as he brought himself up to reveal a body that was as smooth as liquid and it looked like water spilled as he went down and...ate the Knight of Hanoi.

Their jaws dropped when they saw that.

Flame looked at them, "You want a bite?" he asked them.

"No, no, no."

"Thank you, we are good."

"We do have some sweets after we log off."

Flame shrugged, "More for me." as he was then finished with eating the data from the Knight of Hanoi.

He went back down to his duel disk as everyone looked at him, scared for their lives. Flame took notice of that, "Don't worry, it was harmless. I only ate his data so I can regain my memories back, he is fine in the real world. I just ate his account." he assured them, but it didn't make it any better.

"Okay, so what do you remember now?" asked Frostgirl as they saw Flame growing a part of his stomach.

He placed his hand under his chin to think, but sadly it was only a minor part of it, "I only remember how my place at the Cyberse looked like. Take the picture for Salamangreat Sanctuary for example." he said as they looked at each other.

Soulburner took out a card from his deck and brought it to everyone to see the card. They all nodded.

"It is a beautiful place."

"I have to agree."

"Same here." Soulburner brought his card back to his deck. He sighed as he looked at his best friends and his partner, "I think that was it for today. Let's log off." he said as they all logged off for today.

Meanwhile with Zaizen, he stood there with one of the higher ups of SOL Tech, Rook, "I have made myself clear with the mission I have given you?" asked Rook as Zaizen nodded.

"I do. I have to hire as many duelists as I can so we can get the Ignis to us, which doesn't sound like a tough mission for me since I can think of two people that are suitable for the job." said Zaizen as he thought nicely about one of them while the same wasn't true for the other one. He did remember someone else, but he knew that she has stopped doing that long time ago.

"If I may ask, are they the two of the strongest Celebrity duelists?" asked Rook for information.

Zaizen shook his head, "You are half right, Rook. I think Gore would be a fantastic person to do our mission, however I can't say the same with Blue Angel as I think her dueling skills aren't up to par with the other person I want to hire." he lied on the last part. He thinks that Blue Angel is a fantastic duelist and one that he highly admires, but he knows her.

He wouldn't let her duel in those types of duels against Soulburner, not after she almost got hurt by the Knight's dragon if it weren't for...Playmaker was it? He didn't quite know his name, but he is grateful to him.

"Then who do you think should be Blue Angel's replacement?" asked Rook as Zaizen sighed.

"I know someone since I worked with him, and I think that the most successful bounty hunter, The Shepherd, would do the job better than anyone due to his experience." said Zaizen as Rook thought about it.

"The bounty hunter with a 101% capture rate? Despite it being mathematically impossible, he is the only one that doesn't have a single loss under his belt. I will allow this and remember that this must work for the success of this organization." said Rook as Zaizen bowed.

"I understand, Rook." said Zaizen as the room vanished into a normal room as Zaizen sighed.

He couldn't believe he would send bounty hunters to a literal child. At least he didn't send his sister to fight him.

Authors Note:

Done! And on New Years! Whew! That was fast! I am impressed with myself! A near 11k chapter in only like 5 days? That's impressive!

Alright time to go with the chapter and my thoughts on the episode. I quite liked it, despite it being fast paced for my action and the VAs for everyone has clearly improved the more the show goes along, except for Varis, I think. I liked the duel fine, and Storm Access is a neat Skill, but I still prefer Burning Draw since it felt more fair and more risky.

I hope you guys enjoyed the avatars for everyone. I based Kiku's of Blue Gal/Girl since she won't be used at all for Skye, only Blue Angel and Blue Maiden are gonna be used for her, while Seigen's is 100% original.

Once I get to the character's primary chapters, I will give my thoughts on them as characters like with Varis, Specter and more so look forward to that.

I decided to make the chess pieces more relevant than in canon since I do plan on making them villains later on, not in Season 1 or 2, and yes, The Shepherd, my fourth favourite character in Vrains, will be there soon enough, oh and that 101% capture rate? Dub thing.

I think that is about it so see ya!

Salamangreat Spirit: Equip Spell - Equip it only to a Salamangreat Link Monster. The monster equipped with this card can not be destroyed by battle. The equipped monster gains attack points equal to every monster it points to. The equipped monster is the only monster that can attack each Battle Phase. 

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