work of art โ€ข trent alexander...

By cryingpersonn

43.6K 582 446

โ ๐ฌ๐ก๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐›๐ž๐š๐ฎ๐ญ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ, ๐ฌ๐ก๐ž'๐ฌ ๐š ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐š๐ซ๐ญ โž | where trent has his eye... More



1.6K 25 15
By cryingpersonn


11:23 AM


3 new messages from trent 🤔

trent 🤔

happy birthday chlos!

ill be over at 6 after the game so be ready

also jude's coming too


2 new messages from mum ♥️

mum ♥️

happy birthday my love

come downstairs when you wake


3 new messages from sofie <3





2 new messages from Jude 👶

jude 👶

happy birthday chloe

see u later tonight

2 new messages from auntie lily

auntie lily

happy birthday chloe

me and gran have cooked you breakfast

when you wake up come down were all awake


new messages from father 🧑🏾‍🦲

father 🧑🏾‍🦲

morning chlos happy birthday

i dont understand why are we texting u when were in the same house 

but your mum told me to so ok

new messages from adam 💀

adam 💀

bloody hell chloe

get up ffs

they wont let me eat until u wake up

ur lucky mum told me not to wake u up bcuz i have an airhorn

also happy birthday 


i wake up quite late that day

i was staying with my parents, my aunt and my grandma for my birthday, and since sofie is considered family at this point she's also staying

i get up and brush my teeth and hair and then i change into a pair of brand new baggy trousers and a crop top which i put a jumper over since its still a bit chilly outside

i walk down the stairs and i can already hear everyone singing happy birthday

we eat lunch at the same time and considering i woke up so late i missed breakfast, but it doesn't stop me from absolutely devouring my grandma's cooking, which you can'y find any better

not long after, my grandma wheel's out her infamous chocolate cake and we all sing happy birthday

after having an absurd amount of chocolate cake, my mum brings out an envelope full of my baby photos

"mother please no mum"

"oh come on Chloe i won't show the embarrasing ones"


in the end they were mostly cute, though mum did lie about not showing the embarassing ones because there was one with me as a baby smeared in baby food which got passed around the room and its highly likely that Adam got a picture of it and will use it to blackmail me in the future


we stay out in the back yard watching the football game that my dad had to run off to earlier and as soon as it ended -which they won 3-0- i realised i needed to be home because trent said he'd be there at 6

i say goodbye to my family telling them i was quite tired and needed some new clothes which was actually true since i was in the same clothes as yesterday and it was getting itchy

i drive to my flat and when i arrive im lucky that trent is always late because its basicaly 6 o'clock

i quickly change into some new clothes and redo some of my makeup



we've won 3 nil

as we exit the tunnel into the dressing room i remember that i had to get to Chloe's flat for her birthday, i check my phone to see that its already 5:15

Andy who got a man of the match award for his goal and assist walks in and you can just see the serotonin in him just from the way he walks

"oi, come have a dance with me" he signals to me, Thiago, Bobby and Jude who were sitting on the same side of the dressing room

Thiago and Bobby being the absolute madmen they are obviously get up and dance with Robbo, but jude knows we need to go

as soon as the showers free up, i run in and quickly shower and change

i rumage through my gym bag to see that i can't find the jumper i brought with me to change into

i walk back into the changing room topless to ask any of the boys who are still there if they've seen it

"oi Andy, have you seen my jumper?"

"nah why?"

"what do you mean why" he laughs

"god trent you always forget your clothes" the gaffer says as he walks in

"ive got to be somewhere at 6 and i can't bloody find my jumper"

"just wear the shirt you've just played in or something, you've also reminded me that its Chloe's birthday and i should probably go home"

i nod cheekily knowing that Chloe is definitely not at her parent's house anymore

"oi Trent do you want me to go alone or what?" i can hear jude say

"mate just go, i can't bloody find my jumper so ill find something to wear and ill be on the way"

andy walks back in again

"where are yous so excited to go, ive never seen you so bothered about being late trent"

"chloe's birthday" i whisper just in case the gaffer is nearby

andy snorts "i wonder if coach would want to know yous are going on a night out together"

"its not exactly a night out, she don't drink"

"well have fun then i guess"

i give up on finding something to wear and put my jersey back on and my training jacket on top to help with the cold

i quickly grab the mini cake i brought that i kept in the cafeteria fridge and grab the presents from my locker and quickly order an uber from the street across the stadium to Chloe's

i run up to her flat and knock on the door



i hear the knocks on my door, and then the doorbell, knowing well its trent since he's the only person i know to date that knocks on the door and also rings the doorbell

"where are you guys, i thought you said six?" i ask in a joking tone because i knew they were going to be 100% late like they always are

"i couldn't find the jumper i brought with me to change in"

"that explains why you reek of sweat"

"gosh i sprayed a shitton on my perfume on it and it didnt work, sorry"

"your a joke trent"


"nah its fine i knew you was going to be late like always"

"i swear jude left before me, how's he not here yet"

"jude's even worse on timings than you to be fair"

"true, true"

"wait i think you left a hoodie the last time you was here"

"don't tell me its the one jude threw up on when we fed him mustard"

"that was quality content we should have filmed it"

"god i love forfeit fifa"

 "it is that hoodie that he threw up on, but i washed it" i say as i find it in my laundry room

"chloe you are an absolute lifesaver"

"trent you've also left a beanie here i think"


"is it from m&s?"


"then it probably is"

he runs into the laundry room

"OH MY DAYS- ive been looking for it for weeks now" he says as he picks it up

"trent calm down its just a beanie"


i hand him the hoodie and he takes his jacket and jersey off revealing his muscly chest, and replacing them with the blue hoodie

"i can wash these if you like" i say pointing at the jacket and jersey in his hands

"nah its fine"

"no actually, ill even put it on the dryer, so you can take it on your way home tonight"

"sure then"

i quickly shove them into the washer and put a bit of detergent into the tray and turn it on

i walk outside where trent is holding a small styrofoam box

"i made you a little cake" he shrugs opening the box

"wait you made this"

"my mum helped... a lot"

"wow trent i never knew you could make such detailed cakes" i joke

"well this is the limit of my artistic ability"

"no but genuinely thank you"

"i didn't make it that big since you probably have had a lot of cake already

"thank god my grandma only made one cake this year" i say as i find a kife and some plates and forks to slice the cake

"what?" he says confused

"when i turned 22 every other person who came to the party brought a cake, there was maybe 6 cakes?"

"damn thats a lot of cake, how'd you eat it all

"we just gave the guests a lot of cake to take home with them"


we sit down with our cake

"where the fuck is Jude" Trent asks

"god knows"

and just as i say that the doorbell rings

"How the fuck are you this late Jude, its 7pm"

"my uber driver crashed into a guy on a bike"

"thats such a jude thing to happen" trent laughs

"was the guy okay?"

"yeah but his bike wasn't"

"okay then its all good, do you want cake?"


i hand him the third slice of cake and we sit down and finish our cake

"so i had a reservation at a club but well it was at 7" Trent says

"thank fuck you came late Jude" i say

"oh come on you don't even drink on your birthday?" Jude says

"i guess its time to explain"

i stand up and lift my jumper to show a scar on the side of my belly

"guess what that is"

"a scar" Jude says

"no shit sherlock" i joke as i sit back down "essentialy when your heartbroken you drink a lot, especially when its bad, and i drank so much i needed a bloody liver transplant"

"oh im so sorry-" they start apologising

"there's no need to apologise, you didn't know" i smile

"i have a better idea, we go to alton towers"

"you know me too well Trent"

Alton Towers is by far the best theme park in the UK, its only a 20 minute drive away from my house, so i go quite a bit, and me and Trent and Jude went to it not so long ago

we all get into my car and we drive there

"oi trent guess what city were in" i laugh as we pass through stoke-on-trent

"stoke-on-trent ha ha ha so funny"

"why is there a stoke on you trent" Jude jokes

"thats even worse"


eventually we get to alton towers

"i don't think ive been at night before" i say as we look at all the rollercoasters lit up in the night sky

"me neither actually"

"alright so do we work our way up to the smiler?" i say

the smiler is the biggest and the scariest ride here, and Jude is absolutely terrified of it

"no were not going on the smiler"Jude exclaims

"last time we came you said we'd go the next time we came, remember?"

"no i never said that" he lies

i open my voice notes knowing that im pretty sure i got him to record a voice note

 "you sure about that Jude" i say as i press play

'next time we come we'll all go on the smiler'

"oh no"


we go on a couple random rides first to build up our confidence, or actually Jude's confidence because if it was up to me and Trent we'd be on only the smiler all night long


"Smiler time!" Trent says rubbing his hands together in excitement

"im bricking it" Jude mumbles

"its not that bad Jude"

"look how fucking tall this shit is"

"come on, you'll be fine"

"can we just get some cotton candy and some slushies before" he says since he's been begging us to buy some cotton candy buckets from the stalls

"alright" we say having had enough of his constant nagging

we sit down on the pavement and munch our cotton candy and slurp our slushies

"come on smiler now" Trent says to Jude as he forces him up from the pavement

we stand in the line for a while, but eventually we get on

"3... 2... 1... GO" the countdown ends and we blast off on the rollercoaster


as soon as we get off the rollercoasters we run towards a nearby wheelie bin and all three of us begin to throw up

"this is your fault Jude, you made us drink slushies before we went on it"

he shrugs knowing he's guilty

we decide between us that its time to go home

i drop Jude off at his flat and i look at trent who's in the seat next to me

"oi you look dead"

"i won't lie, im knackered after the smiler"

"just stay with me then, you can walk home in the morning"

"are you sure?"

"of course










update to 24 x

liked by trentarnold66 and 12,273 others

sofiebrian oi when did u go to a theme park?

trentarnold66 me and jude took her 🤫


judebellingham PLEASE NO DON'T

trentarnold66 happy birthday!

chloestephens you've told me that a million times today trent

trentarnold66 happy birthday!

chloestephens ur jarring

trentarnold66 happy birthday!

judebellingham happy birthday!

chloestephens omfg

adamstephens the worse sibling x

chloestephens shush im 7 years older than you x

adamstephens my birthday is next month your only 6 years older x


the next morning...

i wake up to the smell of food in my house

i walk outside to see trent in my house eating some kind of sandwich

"i was going to make breakfast so i decided to stay and make you some as well"

"what sandwich is that?"

"cheese, lettuce, hotdog in a baguette, also nandos sauce"

"on god i have none of that in my fridge"

"i know, i went to tescos"

"thats not healthy trent"

"cheat day"

"then what do you call yesterday? slushies, cake, cotton candy"

"the nutritionist doesn't have to know chloe"

i pick up the sandwich which looks absolutely foul but im starving so i eat it and it isnt that bad actually

"it tastes better than it looks" i say

"what do you mean? it looks delicious" 

"trent you microwaved the hotdog, thats what i mean"

he shrugs and continues on with eating his baguette



happy new year besties <3

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