Dahyunism || K.Dhyn (gxg)

By Shing_aling

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This is a bunch of gxg dahyun imagines hohohoho Requesting is opened chingudul!!!! More

Good Girl Gone Bad
She Yelled At You
I Guess I'm In Love With You
You Came Home Late

A Taste Of Love

152 5 0
By Shing_aling

"Thank you so much jin i enjoyed the food" you said as you went out of his car he smiled and closed the door and caress your face a little then pinch it, "glad you enjoyed" he put his hand on his pocket and look at your eyes.

"y/n about the thing that I've told you" he sigh and bit his lower lip " i really mean it, i really really like you and i want to be with you" he pulled out his hand from his pocket and held up your face " I really want you to be mine you don't know how I'm stopping my self to kiss you" he said with a low voice.

At this point you should feel the butterfly in your stomach and your heart should be beating so fast, you should be happy kim seok jin is in front of you the world wide handsome the perfect husband material, the man of every woman's dream, the oldest member of the most famous kpop group bts, he's just freaking in front of you confessing his love for you and asking you out on to date him officially.

But you don't feel any special feeling inside you, you must be so stupid because even if your with him you can't still stop thinking on one particular person, you know its wrong but you can't help it the more you try make the things right the more it becomes wrong.

You stare at him and look at his lips maybe if you kiss him your start to feel something special towards him maybe your heart will beat, thinking those thoughts you start to held his cheeks and slowly pulled his lips to yours.


You stop midway and almost jump on your position as you both heard the loud horn, you look where it came from, your brows furrowed as you saw a unfamiliar car in a white parking near your house, its new to your eyes so your not sure who owns it and why does it have to be rude.

" what's his problem" jin said with a very visible annoyed voice. You look at his face and sigh maybe its a sign.

You don't like jin and you'll never like him because there's someone else who owned your heart, maybe the heaven are giving you a sign to stop being stupid and leave jin alone and his pure heart, you shouldn't give him hope in the first place.

"so where were we?" jin face you and was about to pulled you but you stop him "jin this is wrong" you push him a litte and shake your head "you're amazing and there's nothing i Could ask for is jut that.... I--i... I" you look down and bit your lip.

He chuckled bitterly and held your chin up to met his eyes " You already love someone" he nod and let go of your chin "i know i feel it i saw it how you look at her i just hope that maybe we'll work cause you know girl should be for boy" he sigh and smiles at you sincerely " but i understand i could never make you happy the way she do"

"I'm sorry" he shook his head and pinch your nose " you don't have to i understand, friends?" he offered his hand, you smiled and nod "friends" you muttered before you accept his hand.

He pulled you closer for a hug, you flinch a little and blink your eyes in shock. "i just wanna hug you for the last time please" he whispered on your ears you sigh and just tap his back, you stayed that for a minute before he finally let go of you.

" so see you when i see you?" he said then kisses your forehead, " see you mr worl wide handsome" he smirked at you and laugh " yeah that's me" you rolled your eyes and push him a little that makes him laugh even more, he messes your head before he went back on his car.

You wave your hand as he drove away from you, you closed your eyes and smiled, at least your heart felt good a little, you sigh as you hold onto your bag and was about to go inside your house when the white car, beep the horn once again.


You stop and look at the car, you tried to look through it but its tinted so you cant see who's that person is. You sigh in defeat as you start marching on the car, whoever the driver is he or she'll going to earn a slap from you.

"yah!" you raised your hand was about to knock on the window when it suddenly slide down revealing the driver.

You raised your left eyebrows when you saw dahyun with an unknown expression on her face.

You don't know how she was here because the last time you know she was outside the country for some event, plus she's driving an unfamiliar car and you don't even know how long she was just here take note that its almost midnight.

"w-what are you?-"

"get in" she cut you

You felt your heart beat so fast as you heard her voice, its been a while since you've talk to her since she was so busy, now your really happy seing her finally, "y/n!!!" you blink your eyes
"y-yes? What?"

She rolled her eyes "GET IN!!" you flinch and jump a little before you hold the door open and went inside the car, you look at her as she closed the window and locked the door.

You saw her took off her seat belt and
Turn to face you, you don't know if you should be scared because she's damn serious right now and she's hella scary when she's mad, you saw her got mad a few Times and she surely can turn the earth upside-down but that's exaggeration of course, but seriously mad dahyun is much scarier than your greatest fear.

You can't also help your self when she's mad because she's hella hot and sexy, mad dahyun is a rare at sight its scary but you'll never stop your self to feel blessed, because your lucky to saw that in flesh.

You snapped your self out of your crazy mind as you mentally slap your self, here you are again with your freaking fantasy over your sunbae and friend KIM DAHYUN

The woman who constantly taking your last sanity out of your self, the reason why you can't sleep at night and the woman you've been trying to forget.

That woman kim dahyun who owns your heart and lives rent free in your mind.

"Why are you here?"
"where did you and jin go?"

You both uttered in unison, you look on her eyes and shook your head "why and when are you here?" you ask her as she shut her mouth "i thought you were outside of the country?"

She nod and shrugged it off "yeah i was, i just came back today i went straight here to see you but you were OUT" she sigh "now answer me why are you with him? Are you dating him already?"

You look away and shrugged your shoulders as you comfortably lean on your seat, " He ask me out, i said why not since its free food" you let out a fake laugh with a little bit of a nervous " you know he also confessed to me today" you stated as you try to glance at her to see her reaction to that, you'd hope she'll be jealous but no she just stayed composed.

Who you are kidding its kim dahyun and she'll never like you she's freaking straight for God's sake,

"what did you said?"

You look at her and smirk " why so curious dahyunie?" you cooed at her trying to change the topic at least, she rolled her eyes and slaps your arm, "Stop being a bitch y/n and tell me!! What did you said?!" she sound a little irritated and annoyed at the same time.

You laugh a little because she's so cute and you can't help but to feel your heart beat run wild again.

" well i was about to kiss him but you interrupted us " she tss-ed at you and clenched her jaw "yeah you'd kiss him on the street not minding the paparazzi around what a nice move" she said sarcastically " so your dating him? HUH!! Good luck I heard he's a jerk and a playboy lets not hope that he wont do that to you" she said sounds like really annoyed.

You laugh at her which earn an glared from her, " what the hell are you laughing at? Making fun at your friend who's fucking concerns on you? Great y/n!!" now she sounds really really mad at you.

You closed your mouth and shake your hands on her face, "no dahyun you got it wrong I'm not making fun of you" she stare at you blankly you sigh and scratch your head " well maybe a little because your exaggerating jin was not like that you know he's nice you did mc with him a few times right?"

She rolled her eyes " every person has a bone on their closet y/n you'd never know, and its work how would i know" you shake it off unbelievably and just rolled your eyes at her.

"whatever dahyun and fyi i turn him down okay?" she blink a few times before
"wait what?? Really?why? " she ask 4 question in one breath

You nodded your head "yeah i did well because i don't like him as more than friends" you scratch your nape and bit your lower lip "and because i already like someone else's" you said in a low voice.

You look down on your hands and play with it. Dahyun on the other hands froze as she heard what you said, she fake a caugh.

"y-you already like someone?" she gulped as she wants to make sure she surely heard right, "r-really? Uhm do i know him?"

You bit your lip as you nod at her question
"yeah you know HER" you stated emphasising the 'HER' you smiled as you look up to meet her eyes.

She was shocked for a second as she laugh sarcastically, " wow i didn't know you were a gay" she sounds like annoyed for a second. Your heart begun the pump a little faster as the nervous start to rise up on you.

This is the reason why you'd rather keep your feelings than confess to her, because you were so afraid that she wont accept you and ruined your friendship instead,
Dahyun is straight you knew that, you were there everytime she had a crush, you knew her liking you back is just a dream and only a dream it'll be far away from reality we're the two of you are in.

"don't judge me" you look down once again as you were trying to pinch your self to stop your tears from falling down, "it's just that she's a great person, she's very beautiful and she makes me happy i did tried to stop this but i can't stop my self"
You closed your eyes.

Dahyun take a deep breath as she starts to pulled you closer to her, "look I'm not judging you im sorry if i sound that way I'm just shock I'd just never thought you'd be... Umm you'd be" you opened your eyes and nod "that i will be gay?" you laugh feeling annoyed as you rolled your eyes "i know, we feel the same, I'd never thought so too"

Both of you felt silent, you don't know what to say so as dahyun. There are hundreds of thoughts running through your brain, you were silently fighting over your self wether to tell her or not.

Well if you tell her maybe you'll finally had a courage to let go of your feelings and just move on from her, maybe then you could open your heart for another person. You'd be surely hurt, it'll give you sleepless night crying over your broken hearts and you will probably never talk to her or see her for a months as you'll try to move on but maybe you'll feel better after that, your not just entirely sure if you could ever forget such a wonderful person like dahyun, you'll surely never met a person like her. You laugh at your self thinking just this idea makes you hurt so much, what if your in the actual moment right? But its now or never you'd be hurt anyways there's no easier way.


You both utter at the same time, you two look at each other and laugh, you shake your head and tell her to go first.

Scratching her eyebrows she met your eyes
" Uhm about her, you said i know her is she in jyp too? Or is she in twice?" shrugging her shoulders as she sigh "i was curious you know are you dating her? Does she know how you feel?" there some strange in her voice as she said that, but you decide to shrugged it off maybe she was just tired.

You laugh at her question out of nervousness, you nod as you start to open your mouth "Yes she's in jyp too, yes she's in twice but no were not dating i mean i hope so but its too impossible she's straight and no she doesn't know that she's the one i like " you sigh you were almost giving her the idea that it was her and its so close.

"wow" she utter in shock " i can't believe this, but why didn't you tell her?" you shrugged " i don't know dahyun she's straight and I'm so sure she doesn't like me"

"come on you'll never know unless you try right? I'll help you who is it? Is it sana unnie?" you shake your head as a sign of no.

"Jeongyeon unnie ?" once again you shake your head. " sana, mina momo jihyo unnie?" she scratch her face a litte as you shake your head again "still no? Oh its probably on maknae line! Right?"

You laugh at her cuteness as you nod your head she clasp her hand, "oh who is it chaeyoung? Or tzuyu?" she ask as her brows rose a little bit, waiting for name and for your answer, but she frowned as you shake your head once again.

"still no? Come one stop playing on me y/n?
Tell me who is it!!!" a little bit annoyed she glare at you and frowned a little bit more, "you said its on maknae line then who is it?!! Aish tell me i wont tell her!!"

You laugh seeing her antics, the more annoyed she is the more beautiful she is.

"dahyun there's three maknae in twice right? Who's the other one?" she tss-ed at you then rolled her eyes, "of course its me kim dahyun duhhh" you nodded at her as you hear her said her name, basically telling her that's the name of the person you like.

She just stare at you still annoyed
"SO?! Aigoo still your not telling who is it!! Y/n!!" she still not get it being dense as ever,
"i already gave you the answer dahyun straight from your mouth" you said then rolled your eyes at her, you don't know what will happened if she still didn't get it.

"you didn't! You just ask me!! About..... Wait" her small eyes slowly became big as her mouth fall open "i-is.... Is it me? Y-you like me?" she ask you with a visible shock on her face, she can't entirely believe it she must be going crazy.

You nod your head as you met her eyes
"yes i like you no actually i love you kim dahyun i don't know when or how but one day i just realised i like you and then i wasn't able to stop it cause you were such a great person and I love you" you look away and breath out " I'm sorry that I'm not sorry because i love you it's maybe wrong but i don't know now i understand if you'll go away from me and stop being my friend but I'll just let you know that i will always be here with you" you said while looking down.

Dahyun chuckles " stop being so dramatic bitch" she said and laugh.

You just confess to her while she was laughing at you damn this girl!! Why didn't she just say it straight that she's disgusted by you?

Your tears start to trickle down onto your cheeks, why does love has to he so hard!!! You breath out and hold the car door you tried to push it but it was lock.

"open the door" you said in a very low voice, Dahyun stops laughing and turn her head on you, her eyes widen as she saw you crying " aish!" she grabbed a tissue box from somewhere in the car and take a few.

She pulled you closer to her
Making you blinks in surprise.
"shhh stop crying I'm sorry" she mumbled while carefully whipping down those tears.

She breath out heavily she held your face up and force you to look at her
" believe me this is the best thing happen to me" she said smiling widely at you
"you don't know how I'm crazy for you" she lean her forehead onto yours.

Your now face to face with her, you could feel her breath into your face so does she.

But what surprise you more is the she just said what the heck she mean by that??

"since you confess I'll tell you my crush is" she closed her eyes "i don't know how it started but i like her no scratch that i love her more than i though i could" she opened her eyes and look at you she smile as she caress your face, "I didn't expect that i would also fall in love with you, we shared everything like sisters we saw each others body even take a bath together naked so I'd never thought i will love you more than a friend and a sister"

Your mouth fall open as you slowly trying to grasp what she just said, you heard it RIGHT??? KIM DAHYUN IS ALSO IN LOVE WITG YOU?!!!!! She also feel the same with you, your tears started to fell down again but this time you knew its a because of happiness.

"y-y-your straight dahyun right?"

She shrugged her shoulder and smirk at you "maybe I'm not that straight as i think I am and I'm not complaining because you love me too and now your mine" she cupped your face "now this is my reward" she mumbled as she pulled you closer to her.

Your lips met hers, it was a soft passionate and full of loving kiss
It might not be your first kiss but this is the best kiss of your life.

You have been waiting for this moment your whole life and now it finally came who would have thought that she loves you too for freaking out loud your not the best option actually your the least.

Dahyun pulled away giving you her cute smirk " damn good thing i stop you from kissing that man!" she suddenly frowned and glare at you " I have been waiting for you since i arrived at 7 you make me wait for so many hours and you came flirting with that guy" she pout her lips and folded her arms.

You stare at her and laugh now it make sense she's jealous of him that's why she's mad as hell damn jealous dahyun is so cute too how lucky of you too see this right at her front seat.

You reaches for her cheeks and pinch it slightly "I'm sorry you could have message me you know, but he knows i love you I'll be cooking us some dinner since I'm also famished right now"

She nod her head adorably
" i like it my girlfriend is going to cook for me" she said making you blush
Did she just said GIRLFRIEND?

She looks at you and noticed your reaction she laughs a little and pull you closer for a hug " your my girlfriend now whether you like it or you like it you because you only have two choices and baby that's yes or yes" she whispered right into your ears.

You laugh and hug her back "sure dahyun" you pulled away and cupped her face "i love you" you mumbled as she lean her face closer to you locking you with her kisses.

All your worries turns out nothing you over think to much and now it just a funny thing to remember, damn how lucky of you, dahyun Is now your official girlfriend.

Your the luckiest person chosen for her
Only you and no one else.


Congratulations because we all reached 2023 may we all have a blessed year.


Thank you for reading my stories

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