Series of Eden

By ShujaoEra7

281 4 2

In the dawn of the 11th millennium, or the 3rd Millennium/21st Century for our Earth, since its foundation, t... More

Nation: Asahi Celestial Empire (1)

281 4 2
By ShujaoEra7

The Asahi Empire, or the Asahi Celestial Empire referred to by its full name, is a country located in the entire eastern part of the globe. It is the strongest nation ever since its great expansion 8,000 years ago and still remains to this day. It is the sole hyperpower of Alterra with having the largest area size in both sea and land, the most populous nation, and the most technological advanced nation along with its widespread culture and traditions. While it doesn't share any land borders with any nations, the opposite can't be said the same when it comes to maritime borders as it shares 37 nations including 3 superpowers. Its Capital City is Ascent where the Emperor, the Lords, and the Councils resided.

Population: 28.8 Billion
GDP per Capita: 182,748 credits
GDP: 5.26 Quadrillion credits
Conversion: 1 credit = 96 dollars
Military Budget: 73.64 Trillion credits (1.4% of the total budget)
Age: 10,000
Current Year: 10,000 AF (2,000 AD)

Total Area Size: 1.77 Billion sq. km
Landmass size: 511.82 Million sq. km
Continents owned: 5
-Savera Continent (172.88 Million sq. km)
-Calvisa Continent (92.74 Million sq. km)
-Hatanage Continent (86.43 Million sq. km)
-Avase Continent (85.45 Million sq. km)
-Estera Continent (74.32 Million sq. km)

Ocean size: 1,258.5 Million sq. km
Oceans owned: 5
-Great Ocean of Uvisa (382.33 Million sq. km)
-Castigor Great Ocean (364.22 Million sq. km)
-Altanata Ocean (188.34 Million sq. km)
-Oliker Ocean (167.61 Million sq. km)
-Aktuxavia Ocean (156.4 Million sq. km)

At its current height, the empire spanned more than half of the entire world of Alterra. Owning 1 Supercontinent and 4 continents along with a total dominance of 2 Great Ocean and 3 Oceans. This already makes the oldest empire to also have an achievement of being the largest empire in the world, and ever since its entire history, no nation, other than the Asahi Empire, has ever broken such a record of being the largest in terms of size.

The Empire is ruled by the Emperor, and unlike any other emperors in other countries in any history, their Emperor is a powerful immortal and has ruled the empire ever since its foundation. However, while the Emperor still ruled such a vast land, it was the Lords and Councils that were responsible for managing a massive nation. Only in the times of severe crises and war would the Emperor use its authority. In other words, the Lords and Councils are in charge of the nation during peacetime and the Emperor in times of severe crises and war. It's a win-win situation, especially for the Emperor as he took it as a vacation from his thousand years of ruling.

In the hierarchy, the Emperor is in the absolute top, the Primarchs on the second (Even though he's been a virgin for ten thousand years resulting from him having no sons and daughters), the Lords being the third and the Councils being the fourth, the Duke being the fifth, the Nobles being the sixth, and lastly the Elites being the seventh. Unlike some other nations, these titles have to be rightfully earned so even if they are the sons and daughters of the Elites and even the Emperor himself, they have to start from the bottom as being Rookies. If they fail, they'll have to wait for four years before trying again. Arrogance, corruption, greed, and many more factors that can negatively affect their career are not tolerated.

Dukes serves as the mayor of the cities they are assigned to. They were responsible for improving the city and deals with a city wide problems.

The Councils are the higher ranks of the Dukes and act as the local government of the region they are assigned to. They are mainly tasked to deal with things that the Dukes can't deal with.

The Lords are the highest of what people of the Asahi Empire can achieve in authority, they govern entire continents and are tasked with dealing large scale and complex politics and diplomacy.

Calling it gigantic in terms of the size of the Asahinese economy would be an understatement, it's a titanic of epic proportions. Over 98% of the world's economy is owned by the Asahi Empire with its GDP reaching 5.26 Quadrillion Credits, or 504.96 Quadrillion dollars. It's average annual growth is around 1-3% and in only a mere 3 decades its growth reached 36% the largest growth within the 11th founding millennium. The country has the largest GDP and GDP per Capita and has been the largest since the 3rd Millennium.

Credits was the main currency of the empire and has been the international currency of the world for thousands of years.

During the Cold War, the Asahi Empire only had its Trading partner from the Far Eastern nations along with the Southern part of the nation. Trading with the North and West are barred due to a potential espionage.

Its biggest source of all its resources is located in Vultrum Region, just bordering the northern part of the Asherum Capital Region. The special anomaly about this region is the fact that the anomalous soils and rocks are capable of generating an infinite number of resources as long as any type of resources is put into the soil or rock. This was the most vital secret of the Asahi Empire and when the Big 3 became aware of the anomalous cheat resources, they didn't take it likely.

While being a militarist country, the empire did not slack on establishing megaprojects for commercial purposes. It has the largest high speed train network, the largest building in the world, the only nation to have aerial cities, floating cities, underwater cities, underground cities, and orbital cities.

It also holds the largest research facilities, academy, dam, and powerplants of any type. It had the tallest buildings in the form of space elevators, the longest bridge that connects the Savera Continent and Calvisa Continent, and the deepest tunnel that goes all the way to the mantle. That's not even counting the fact they had the largest and most numerous airports, seaports, and even space ports at the same time.

For tourism, it also had the largest and most beautiful park in the world and each one of them are seen in the skies, water, underwater, land, and even underground and space, with each reaching the size of 10km. The best part about it is that it is free to enter and literally anything inside the park is free even staying with limited days as long as they follow the rules.

In the entire history of the Asahi Empire, they abide by the simple yet effective approach.

Conventional tactics are to be used in the early stages of the war, but during the middle part and on the war they are winning they are to be interwoven with the Unconventional tactics as the emperor does not want someone slacking even in the case of their victory within their grasp.

Espionage and preparation for preemptive strikes are to be used before the war had begun, and during the middle and final stages of the war Conventional Warfare and Asymmetrical Warfare are to be used in tandem.

However, should the empire find itself fighting an overwhelming force or losing slowly against their opponent, defensive and asymmetrical tactics are to be taken in priority.

Weapons of Mass Destruction should only be activated when an opponent initiated a first strike of its weapon on its homeland. The darker alternative for its use is when the tide of war is going against them.

The oldest branch of the military, the Asahi Imperial Army is the land service branch of the Asahi Imperial Armed Forces. It was formed during the Savera Continental War around 2,500 AF when a large-scale conflict had occurred between the Kingdoms. The Imperial Army had participated in more than a hundred conflicts since its foundation and only lost 13 conflicts in all its history.

Currently the Imperial Army has a force of 120 million active soldiers and 190 million soldiers in reserve. It also has a total of 63 million ground units from unmanned ground vehicles, to ground vehicles, to tanks and artillery, to mechs, up until the massive land battleships.

Active Manpower: 120,000,000
Reserve Manpower: 190,000,000
Land Warships: 10,000
Mechs: 570,000
Tanks: 1,140,000
Armoured Vehicles: 4,280,000
Fighting Vehicles: 20,000,000
Artilleries: 1,730,000
UGV: 1,500,000
Logistics: 28,500,000
Supports: 4,480,000
Helicopters: 800,000

Total Ground Units: 63,000,000
Number of Soldiers: 310,000,000

The Asahi Imperial Sky Force is the aerial branch of the military and also the second youngest of the military branch. It was officially established two centuries ago during the Modernization Era.

Currently, the Sky Force has established its key roles and those are to establish Air Supremacy, make Surveillance and Reconnaissance and gather intelligence, perform Global Strike and achieve asset denial, provide fast and long range aerial support, perform airborne missions and airborne supplies, and lastly perform interception of vital assets on the battlefield.

As of today, the Sky Force had an astounding number of 1,360,000 aircraft along with the newly developed 700 aerial warships supported 1,400 aerial auxiliary support ships with 6,800,000 personnel in service. This makes the Sky Force having the largest Air Force in the world with the Imperial Army coming second and the Imperial Navy coming third.

20 Aerial Battlecarrier
20 Aerial Battleship
40 Aerial Battlecruiser
240 Aerial Cruiser
380 Aerial Destroyer

Total Warships: 700
Personnel: 11,000,000

Fighters/Interceptors: 348,600
Attack/Strike Aircraft: 140,000
Bomber Aircrafts: 14,000
Transport Aircraft: 93,300
Specialist Aircraft: 71,100
Aerial Tankers: 55,000
Gunships: 160,000
Dropships: 478,000

Total Aircraft: 1,360,000
Personnel: 6,800,000

When owning such a vast ocean, it would come as no surprise that the Asahi Empire has the largest navy in the world with 15,000 large hybrid warships, and that's not even counting the auxiliary support ships, amphibious ships, mobile fortresses and outposts, and small attack crafts in their arsenal. This also counts the fact that it was the second oldest branch of the military and was formed during its Age of Conquest.

The navy has a formation of 10 Ocean Armadas, each comprising thousands of military ships of any given type, 2 Leviathans and a single Floating Island Fortress.

Unlike the navies used by every other nation, the ships of the Asahi Empire are hybrids meaning they can go on land, sea, and underwater at the same time. Each of the ships from commercial yachts to massive leviathans are capable of going underwater and hovering above water for longer periods of time. There are also three types of shapes of their hulls that the Imperial Navy has; The Line Shape, the Y Shape, and the Star Shape.

The line shaped hull is the most common hull seen outside the Asahinese borders, it's basically a standard hull. The Y shaped hull is a vessel where three hulls are formed in a Y shape if looked from the top. The star shaped hull is basically the same as the Y shaped hull, but its main difference is more than 3 hulls are merged into 1, forming a star shaped hull if seen from above.

There are two types of warships in the Empire, the Standard Variant and the Elite Variant. The Standard Variant is the mainstay of the navy with standard armament and capability. The Elite Variant is the more powerful version, 1 Elite Variant is capable of defeating a small group of 5 Standard Variant warships.

Fleet Composition (Elite)
80 Aircraft Carriers
150 Battleships
210 Battlecruisers
840 Cruisers
1,730 Destroyers

Total Elite Warships: 3,000
Personnel: 3,000,000
Naval Aircraft: 80,000
Naval Dropship: 15,000

Fleet Composition (Modern)
170 Aircraft Carriers
290 Battleships
360 Battlecruisers
1,920 Cruisers
9,260 Destroyers

Total Standard Warships: 12,000
Personnel: 12,000,000
Naval Aircraft: 70,000
Naval Dropship: 20,000

The Imperial Stellar Force was the newest addition to the military branch and it represents the entirety of the Stellar based military. It is the only nation that had established a full fledged military for space as it is the only one who owned a full fledged Starship. Out of all the military branch of the Asahi Empire, the Stellar Force has the most budget with 60% of the defense budget goes through the future space navy.

Currently, the Stellar Force fields 200 Stellar Warships, 800 Orbital War Satellites, and 3,000 Stellarcrafts with 2,000,000 personnel serving the Stellar Force.

It began 8 decades ago when the Imperial Government had successfully landed the first man to the moon and established the very first settlement outside of Alterra. The military branch had proposed to the Emperor for a creation of a new branch for space, which he agreed as long as progress will be made, he gave them a goal that the new Stellar Force will have its first starship before the 11th millennium, which is 50 years from now.

Scientists from around the Asahi lands gathered around and took the challenge seriously as this came directly from the legendary Emperor himself. With bloods and tears and 3 decades of progress, they finally achieved it and was rewarded by the Emperor their own Aerial Yatch along with all the equipments needed for each and every scientist and a Trillion credits for such daunting task to the scientist that gave their life to achieve the Emperor's goals.

5 Stellar Carriers
5 Stellar Battleships
20 Stellar Battlecruisers
60 Stellar Cruisers
110 Stellar Destroyers

Total Stellar Warships: 200
Orbital Combat Satellites: 800
Stellarcraft: 3,000
Personnel: 2,000,000

When being the biggest and wealthiest guy in the game, it should come as no surprise that the 3 superpowers didn't like the old and prosperous empire. These three superpowers, the Federation of Omisai, the Socialist Union of Serrus, and the Great Empire of Yukima, all want everything the Asahi Empire had. These range from resources to territories to technologies. With their influence taking the entirety of North and West, it would come to no surprise that the nations within that sphere of influence would become hostile to the Hyperpower.

This led to a very intense cold war. With the 3 superpowers trying their very best to reduce its influence, fracture the empire from the inside, and damage their image through smearing campaigns and propaganda.

However, this didn't mean that the Empire is on its own and that the world hates it. Their nations from the East are mostly cordial to the empire, the nations from the South are at least friendly with the Empire, while lastly, the nations from the southeast are at best neutral but cooperative.

The Asahi Empire prided themselves as the most advanced nation in the world, which is to be expected from a nation with a status of a hyperpower.

The government encouraged the educational systems to focus more on Science and Technology while still keeping its usual military training. And with the rising cold war, the Emperor had increased the budget for more than 50 Trillion credits and numerous breakthroughs were made, in which some of them scared the big 3.

Currently they are in the lead of every technological development including Artificial Intelligence, Genetics, Antimatter, Electricity, Kinetics, Energy, Computers, Medicals, Aerospace, Chemicals, Robotics and many more.

In the medical field, they are able to eliminate nearly all types of disease and virus known to man. In the field of genetics, they are able to drastically increase the lifespan of average people to 500 years, an incredible feat for the empire.

It also had been in the lead of development of technology that is not even developed outside the Empire, including the Big 3. Example of this is the use of Anti-Gravity, Mechashifting, Cloaking, Nanotechnology, Quantum technology, Cloning, Wave Force Energy, Chrono Teleportation, Prism Technology, Proton Technology, Molecular Technology, Mind Control, Magnetic Technology and even Time Manipulation and Psionics.

-The technologies of the Asahi Empire is comparable and more superior to the RA3 universe, with all the factions technologies combined into one.

-However, the technologies of the Alterran World outside the Empire are comparable or slightly weaker to the Command and Conquer Generals Universe with Contra and RotR added to the mix and a bit of Ace Combat tech.

-An example of a 5 star shaped hull is the Giga Fortress from the Empire of the Rising Sun in RA3 uprising.

-Obviously inspired by Japan Summons and literally all the fanfics I've read related to it.

Possible edits in the future

More Information to come about their military units, stay tuned!

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